I've been meaning to take a look also, I know of most of the common
OL+IE pitfalls. (trailing commas in class definitions is a nasty one

2009/10/29 Chris Hill <o...@raggedred.net>:
>>> Sadly the NOVAM doesn't seem to load in IE yet.
>> Yes, that really needs to be sorted out. It is just so much less
>> interesting than adding new features. If you want to, you can give it a
>> try. I can send you the source code. It is just javascript which should
>> run locally without a webserver. The bus stops can simply be queried
>> from the mappa-mercia server. At the moment IE8 is complaining about an
>> error in OpenLayers when initialising NOVAM. This, stops it from
>> working. Perhaps this can be fixed relatively easily.
> I'll gladly take a look, maybe my creaky JavaScript would benefit from a
> workout.  If you send it to me or let me know the code to download I'll
> take a look. I do need to run it on an old machine, I've just zapped
> Vista so no IE on my usual laptop (blog <http://chris-osm.blogspot.com/>)
> Cheers, Chris
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Thomas Wood

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