
today I tried to switch my IMAP connection to SSL.

Unfortunately I get the following behavior:

- sometimes: a dialog saying the certificate is not valid with DISABLED buttons 
to view the certificate or add it to the trusted CAs list.
  Why are the buttons disabled?

- currently, when starting Thebat, the dialog flashes and disappears, I see
no way to get back to it. So not even the dialog mentioned above is
effectively shown.
  The log says a bit of conflicting information: certificate invalid, BUT -
  "connected to...":

       20.07.2011, 17:00:16: IMAP  - Connecting to IMAP server 
pop.kundenserver.de on port 995
       20.07.2011, 17:00:16: IMAP  - Initiating TLS handshake
       >20.07.2011, 17:00:17: IMAP  - Certificate S/N: 2463B922, algorithm: RSA 
(512 bits), issued from 7/20/2011 2:58:59 PM to 7/15/2031 2:58:59 PM, for 1 
host(s): pop.kundenserver.de.
       >20.07.2011, 17:00:17: IMAP  - Owner: EN, pop.kundenserver.de.
       >20.07.2011, 17:00:17: IMAP  - This certificate is self-issued.
       !20.07.2011, 17:00:17: IMAP  - TLS handshake failure. Invalid server 
certificate (The CA Root certificate is not trusted because it is not in the 
Trusted Root CA address book).
        20.07.2011, 17:00:17: IMAP  - TLS handshake complete
        20.07.2011, 17:00:17: IMAP  - Connected to IMAP server 

- without restarting TheBat!, there seems to be no way to make it try to
reconnect, even if I change the connection properties.

- the result is, I have a TheBat! that says "Connected to IMAP server
(pop.kundenserver.de)" as last message in the account log, but in reality
it's obviously not connected and I am getting no mail

* Is there any logic in it?

* Why do I get no chance to view/store the cert - even though there seem to be 
buttons for it?

* Regardless a possible "that's self-signed certificates problem!" answer -
shouldn't TheBat! notice it has no useful connection to this server and
shout about it, possibly retrying the connection on each F2? Why does it
seem fine with the unconnected state, showing no attempts to do anything?

Thank you.

Viktor Kabelac

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