[Techno-Chat]: Article: NBN Co prepares to switch off copper network | ZDNet

2016-09-08 Thread Dane Trethowan
Its rather a sad day in my area today but its part of "Progress", our 
old copper Phone line network is being disconnected.
I now have a NBN Broad-Band connection and thus VOIP phone facilities 
but I still will miss those old telephone lines and I'm alreayd missing 
For example, the NBN Broad-Band facility went down for about an hour a 
few nights ago, don't ask me why but it did thus I was unable to call 
anyone, of course the Copper phone line network can go down too from 
time to time but this very rarely happened and I'm really surprised that 
the Copper network wasn't ketp as a backup resource, apparently not.
Yes, if the power goes out to my termination box for the BroadBand 
connection a UPS kicks in to keep the connection alive so I can use my 
"Fibre Phone" VOIP connection - plugs into a standard analogue phone - 
as I'm entitled to by law given I have a medical condition however most 
Broadband customers are not entitled to the UPS and must pay extra if 
htey want it thus no power, no phone.
Even with the UPS the battery can only last so long, around 8 to 11 
hours I'm told.
Anyway I have to admit that having a 100MBPS download speed and 10MBPS 
upload speed does have benefits, I'm now able to enjoy HD audio like 
never before, VOIP calls are just beautiful to participate in - even 
when the other end is a fixed PSTN line 8000 miles away -.


Re: [Techno-Chat]: Freedom Scientific Embarrassed by Elitech

2016-09-08 Thread Dane Trethowan
Another good reason I reckon to stick to mainstream devices wherever 

On 9/09/2016 9:15 AM, Gordon Smith wrote:

Hello Everybody

As you may be aware, Freedom Scientific and Russian developer, "Elitech" 
recently merged, so that the latter could use the Freedom Scientific facilities and 
market their ElBraille device.

This device was scheduled for release during the third quarter of 2016. 
However, dealers have had the device on order from Freedom since April, and 
have been constantly given different information as to availability.

It has now emerged that not only is the device not going to meet its scheduled 
release date, but even dealers have not been issued test units, and the device 
has not even gone into production yet.

UK dealership Sight And SOUND Ltd. today cancelled their order with Freedom for 
the units which customers have pre-ordered, and the device was removed from 
their website. It now look likely that the earliest release date for this 
device will be the second quarter of 2017.

Sight And Sound has had no option but to refund those customers, (including 
myself) who pre-ordered the device. There Head Of Operations today called me 
personally to apologise for the none-delivery of the device, and he explained 
that Freedom is now involved in a dispute with the Russian developers who have 
failed to meet the required standards of proficiency for a Freedom Scientific 

So now, we have absolutely no idea when or even ic this device will actually 
ever see the light of day.

For me personally, It isn't really a desaster. I'm going to look at other, more 
conventional and, of course, cheaper solutions which give me a small 
Windows-based machine which I can carry around with me to use as an 
ultra-portable device. I have a Focus 14 Blue, so I'm looking for a really 
small machine which packs a decent amount of power to boot. But I for sure will 
not be purchased an ElBraille, even if and when it does hit the streets.


My Compliments And Kindest Regards
Gordon Smith
'Accessibility And Information Technology Support Specialist

[Techno-Chat]: Re: [Techno-Chat]; Wireless Audio: A Couple Of Points

2016-09-08 Thread Dane Trethowan

Yes, an interesting discussion.

The situation you outlined with your Jambox is fair enough and no, for 
speech being played from Bluetooth the Jambox is acceptible.

The main problem with the Jambox is that its old thus it uses older 
technology for its Bluetooth, nothing can be done about that.

So why is this such a problem? Well its not a problem if you're doing 
what Gordon's doing, listening to speech but if you're making hands free 
phone calls then its a pain in the A for want of a better way of putting 
it and Mary summed it up earlier in this discussion when she described 
how SIRI works with it.

This isn't SIRI'S fault rather the standard of Bluetooth being used is 
not good for clarity or let's put it another way.

Suppose you spoke to SIRI with your hand over your mouth, that's the 
sort of sound SIRI is hearing from the Microphone of the Jambox.

I use a Yamaha MPX100 for Bluetooth hands free speakerphone and the 
clarity of that Bluetooth connection s far better, its using Bluetooth 3 
and has far more band width to work with than the Jambox does using an 
earlier version of Bluetooth.

I wouldn't expect everyone to want to own a Bowers And Wilkins T7 as 
they're bigger than a Jambox or even a Yamaha MXP100 but the Bowers And 
Wilkins T7 are without a doubt some of the best sounding portable 
Bluetooth speakers one can purchase right now, the Lossless aptX format 
for transmission between Phone and Speaker plays a huge part in the 
great sound.

Now regarding eBay? well I don't know why Gordon brought this up but 
since it has been brought up - I may as well deal with it.

eBay is pretty much like Amazon these days, there are many well known 
shops and department stores on eBay selling their wares thus eBay is a 
convenient place to order whatever you're looking for and just because 
someone chooses to shop on eBay doesn't mean that they're buying any 
more or any less inferior products than someone who decides to walk down 
the High Street and buy ffrom the local discount store, local specialist 
Hi-Fi shop, local confectionary outlet and so on.

I not only buy from eBay but I also buy from a whole heap of other 
online facilities, specialist Hi-Fi and computer shops or any other 
places that suit my needs, I recently bought a watch from a Jewelery 
shop online for the Old Man's Birthday, I think the key point here is 
the simple "Research your needs" point.

before I buy something online from eBay I always look at the sellers 
feedback rating - the rating the seller receives from other buyers - and 
that's a good guide to start with, if a seller has less than a 99% 
rating then they're not worth bothering with and you can also read the 
feedback the seller has received if you need further explanation.

Have I had problems with eBay? Yes, I've had two problems in six years 
but in both cases I was able to get my money back through Paypal's buyer 
protection programme by simply submitting a claim online, another story 
for another time perhaps as it too is technical and makes itneresting 

On 9/09/2016 8:35 AM, Gordon Smith wrote:

Hello Everybodx

This discussion is very interesting actually. It is good to get 
different points of view. Let's keep in mind that everybody is an 
individual and just because they may or may not agree with us, that 
does not mean that they are wrong.

I have the small JanBox, but I still think that the audio which it 
produces is not at all bad. However, I certainly wouldnt suggest that 
it is for everybody.  I actually agree with Dane's comment about the 
T7 system.  I was playing with one a few days ago actually, as a 
friend has one.  We paired it with my Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ and all 
I could think of to say was "wow!" The audio is crisp, clear and 
the frequency responsiveness is nothing short of amazing. We played 
some of my very high quality FLAC audio files from a USB thumb drive 
which I hooked up to the phone, and, in order to do a very fair 
comparison, we then played exactly the same audio file via the same 
phone and media player software, and also with the phone at ing same 
volume levels.  The difference between my Jambox and the T7 was very 
very noticeableen

Now my reasons for not upgrading. Not through choice. But I had to 
take stock, and decide what exactky I would stand to gain by doing so. 
My little Jambox is used primarily as a book player, on my bedside 
table. I don't like high volume audio in that situation, of course, so 
that's one area where I stand to gain nothing. Given that I'm not even 
using it for music, again, I stand to gain nothing by upgrad-ing. Also 
I'm not the type of bloke who wheels and deals on Ebay or in the 
second-hand market in general. Therefore, I'd have had yet another 
device either sitting idle, or else it would have been thrown away. 
I'm pretty roothless these days about keeping things I don't use. I've 
just thrown away a box ful of old routers and range extenders, for 

[Techno-Chat]; Wireless Audio: A Couple Of Points

2016-09-08 Thread Gordon Smith
Hello Everybodx
This discussion is very interesting actually. It is good to get different points of view. Let's keep in mind that everybody is an individual and just because they may or may not agree with us, that does not mean that they are wrong.
I have the small JanBox, but I still think that the audio which it produces is not at all bad. However, I certainly wouldnt suggest that it is for everybody.  I actually agree with Dane's comment about the T7 system.  I was playing with one a few days ago actually, as a friend has one.  We paired it with my Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ and all I could think of to say was "wow!" The audio is crisp, clear and the frequency responsiveness is nothing short of amazing. We played some of my very high quality FLAC audio files from a USB thumb drive which I hooked up to the phone, and, in order to do a very fair comparison, we then played exactly the same audio file via the same phone and media player software, and also with the phone at ing same volume levels.  The difference between my Jambox and the T7 was very very noticeableen
Now my reasons for not upgrading. Not through choice. But I had to take stock, and decide what exactky I would stand to gain by doing so. My little Jambox is used primarily as a book player, on my bedside table. I don't like high volume audio in that situation, of course, so that's one area where I stand to gain nothing. Given that I'm not even using it for music, again, I stand to gain nothing by upgrad-ing. Also I'm not the type of bloke who wheels and deals on Ebay or in the second-hand market in general. Therefore, I'd have had yet another device either sitting idle, or else it would have been thrown away. I'm pretty roothless these days about keeping things I don't use. I've just thrown away a box ful of old routers and range extenders, for example.
So, given all this, I have so far resisted upgrading. I have a house to run on my own now, and must keep within strict budgets. So really, given that the speech is just as legible via the Jambox as it is via the T7, I opted not to bow to temptation this time.
I have some astonishing news actually, which I'd like to share with the group. So see my next message.
My Compliments And Kindest Regards
Gordon Smith
'Accessibility And Information Technology Support Specialist
On 8 Sep 2016 21:35, Dane Trethowan  wrote:
Again your point is taken however the Soundlink Mini is amongst
  the best Bose speakers around these days, how long since you heard
  some Bose speakers and what types did you hear?
The model of Bose Soundlink Mini before this one wasn't all that
  good and the latest one sounds so much better as well as having
  the hands free speaker phone facility which the previous model
  didn't have, its also far better built than the Jawbon Jambox
  which isn't all steel as some people think it is, remove the wire
  mesh and you'll find a plastic shell - or should I say the wire
  mesh in the case of my Jawbone came off and I felt what was
  underneath - but getting back to Bose.
The Bose Soundlink Bluetooth speaker itself - the bigger version
  than the Soundlink Mini - is a little disappointing, overpowering
  bass but still not too bad.
If course sound is a very personal thing and again, if you're
  happy with what you have then nothing can damn you for that
In my opinion if you want great Bluetooth sound then one of the
  speakers to look out for is the Bowers And Wolkins T7 but then
  again, perhaps its not worth even considering one of these
  speakers if you have an iPhone as the iPhone cant make use of the
  aptX technology the Bowers And Wilkins T7 uses.
That's not to say that the iPhone won't work with the T7, it
  works well but you won't get the best sound out of the T7.

On 9/09/2016 6:28 AM, Stores, Mary A.

I don’t understand the fascination
with Bose, and it seems like it’s particularly guys that say
everyone should have Bose. I’ve heard two different Bose
speakers now, and I am not all that impressed with their
I don’t understand why my description
of my Jabra Solemate is “telling.” Why is that? 
I could also say it only has 3
buttons, plus the on/off switch, plus it has a human voice
that tells you when the battery’s running low. 

From: Dane
Trethowan [mailto:grtd...@internode.on.net] 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 4:07 PM
To: techno-chat@techno-chat.net
Subject: Re: [Techno-Chat]; 

Re: [Techno-Chat]; Bluetooth speakers

2016-09-08 Thread Dane Trethowan
Again your point is taken however the Soundlink Mini is amongst the best 
Bose speakers around these days, how long since you heard some Bose 
speakers and what types did you hear?

The model of Bose Soundlink Mini before this one wasn't all that good 
and the latest one sounds so much better as well as having the hands 
free speaker phone facility which the previous model didn't have, its 
also far better built than the Jawbon Jambox which isn't all steel as 
some people think it is, remove the wire mesh and you'll find a plastic 
shell - or should I say the wire mesh in the case of my Jawbone came off 
and I felt what was underneath - but getting back to Bose.

The Bose Soundlink Bluetooth speaker itself - the bigger version than 
the Soundlink Mini - is a little disappointing, overpowering bass but 
still not too bad.

If course sound is a very personal thing and again, if you're happy with 
what you have then nothing can damn you for that .

In my opinion if you want great Bluetooth sound then one of the speakers 
to look out for is the Bowers And Wolkins T7 but then again, perhaps its 
not worth even considering one of these speakers if you have an iPhone 
as the iPhone cant make use of the aptX technology the Bowers And 
Wilkins T7 uses.

That's not to say that the iPhone won't work with the T7, it works well 
but you won't get the best sound out of the T7.

On 9/09/2016 6:28 AM, Stores, Mary A. wrote:

I don’t understand the fascination with Bose, and it seems like it’s 
particularly guys that say everyone should have Bose. I’ve heard two 
different Bose speakers now, and I am not all that impressed with 
their sound.

I don’t understand why my description of my Jabra Solemate is 
“telling.” Why is that?

I could also say it only has 3 buttons, plus the on/off switch, plus 
it has a human voice that tells you when the battery’s running low.


*From:*Dane Trethowan [mailto:grtd...@internode.on.net]
*Sent:* Thursday, September 08, 2016 4:07 PM
*To:* techno-chat@techno-chat.net
*Subject:* Re: [Techno-Chat]; Bluetooth speakers

I'm very glad to hear it was on sale .

I thinkl your description though is very telling, "SIRI understands me 
pretty well" and that's the point, there are a whole heap of devices 
out there now which SISI understands far better given they use better 
Bluetooth technology, the latest Bose Soundlink Mini is a case in 
point but there are others.

On 9/09/2016 5:45 AM, Stores, Mary A. wrote:

I got a Jabra Solemate Bluetooth speaker about a year ago and love
it. It was on sale, and it had really good reviews. I can listen
to music and talk on the phone with it, and Siri understands me
pretty well.


*From:* Dane Trethowan [mailto:grtd...@internode.on.net]
*Sent:* Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:36 PM
*To:* techno-chat@techno-chat.net 
*Subject:* Re: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced

I have to admit the boost in sound quality when I upgraded from
the 5S to the 6 was a huge plus and worth the upgrade for that
reason, Apple have - in my view with the 6 and 6S at least - some
of the best sounding internal speakers available on a mobile phone.

Its a real pity that Apple still won't embrace aptX with Bluetooth
as that would make Bluetooth from an IOS phone absolutely
fantastic and up there with most other manufacturers these days
including Samsung, Asus, LG, Bowers And Wilkins etc.

As far as the Jambox Jawbone goes? Well if you're happy with it
then fine but its a pity because you just don't know what you're
missing as there are other speakers out there the same size that
offer so much more, Jambox Jawbone stuff is nothing more than gimmik.

Yes, I've used one and I had the greatest pleasure in throwing the
unit into the recycle bin a couple of years ago I think it was.

Re: [Techno-Chat]; Bluetooth speakers

2016-09-08 Thread Dane Trethowan

I'm very glad to hear it was on sale .

I thinkl your description though is very telling, "SIRI understands me 
pretty well" and that's the point, there are a whole heap of devices out 
there now which SISI understands far better given they use better 
Bluetooth technology, the latest Bose Soundlink Mini is a case in point 
but there are others.

On 9/09/2016 5:45 AM, Stores, Mary A. wrote:

I got a Jabra Solemate Bluetooth speaker about a year ago and love it. 
It was on sale, and it had really good reviews. I can listen to music 
and talk on the phone with it, and Siri understands me pretty well.


*From:*Dane Trethowan [mailto:grtd...@internode.on.net]
*Sent:* Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:36 PM
*To:* techno-chat@techno-chat.net
*Subject:* Re: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced

I have to admit the boost in sound quality when I upgraded from the 5S 
to the 6 was a huge plus and worth the upgrade for that reason, Apple 
have - in my view with the 6 and 6S at least - some of the best 
sounding internal speakers available on a mobile phone.

Its a real pity that Apple still won't embrace aptX with Bluetooth as 
that would make Bluetooth from an IOS phone absolutely fantastic and 
up there with most other manufacturers these days including Samsung, 
Asus, LG, Bowers And Wilkins etc.

As far as the Jambox Jawbone goes? Well if you're happy with it then 
fine but its a pity because you just don't know what you're missing as 
there are other speakers out there the same size that offer so much 
more, Jambox Jawbone stuff is nothing more than gimmik.

Yes, I've used one and I had the greatest pleasure in throwing the 
unit into the recycle bin a couple of years ago I think it was.

[Techno-Chat]; Bluetooth speakers

2016-09-08 Thread Stores, Mary A.
I got a Jabra Solemate Bluetooth speaker about a year ago and love it. It was 
on sale, and it had really good reviews. I can listen to music and talk on the 
phone with it, and Siri understands me pretty well.


From: Dane Trethowan [mailto:grtd...@internode.on.net]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 2:36 PM
To: techno-chat@techno-chat.net
Subject: Re: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced

I have to admit the boost in sound quality when I upgraded from the 5S to the 
6 was a huge plus and worth the upgrade for that reason, Apple have - in my 
view with the 6 and 6S at least - some of the best sounding internal speakers 
available on a mobile phone.

Its a real pity that Apple still won't embrace aptX with Bluetooth as that 
would make Bluetooth from an IOS phone absolutely fantastic and up there with 
most other manufacturers these days including Samsung, Asus, LG, Bowers And 
Wilkins etc.

As far as the Jambox Jawbone goes? Well if you're happy with it then fine but 
its a pity because you just don't know what you're missing as there are other 
speakers out there the same size that offer so much more, Jambox Jawbone stuff 
is nothing more than gimmik.

Yes, I've used one and I had the greatest pleasure in throwing the unit into 
the recycle bin a couple of years ago I think it was.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced

2016-09-08 Thread Dane Trethowan
I have to admit the boost in sound quality when I upgraded from the 5S 
to the 6 was a huge plus and worth the upgrade for that reason, Apple 
have - in my view with the 6 and 6S at least - some of the best sounding 
internal speakers available on a mobile phone.

Its a real pity that Apple still won't embrace aptX with Bluetooth as 
that would make Bluetooth from an IOS phone absolutely fantastic and up 
there with most other manufacturers these days including Samsung, Asus, 
LG, Bowers And Wilkins etc.

As far as the Jambox Jawbone goes? Well if you're happy with it then 
fine but its a pity because you just don't know what you're missing as 
there are other speakers out there the same size that offer so much 
more, Jambox Jawbone stuff is nothing more than gimmik.

Yes, I've used one and I had the greatest pleasure in throwing the unit 
into the recycle bin a couple of years ago I think it was.

On 9/09/2016 3:20 AM, Gordon Smith wrote:

Having given this a bit of thought, I doubt that I will be upgrading 
for a while either. I still cannot find fault with the audio I get 
from my 5S and the original (little) JanBox by Jawbone. I don't use 
the Jambox for phone calls, it's true. But it works exceedingly well 
with the Rogy Pen. If I want headphones, I'd just use bluetooth, so 
that isn't an issue for me. Some may not like this arrangement, But it 
works for me, so it works right.


My Compliments And Kindest Regards
Gordon Smith
'Accessibility And Information Technology Support Specialist

On 8 Sep 2016 14:52, "Stores, Mary A."  wrote:

Yeah, it will be nifty to see it when it comes out. However, since
I got my 6S in march, I’ll be hanging on to it for a while.


*From:*Gordon Smith [mailto:gor...@mac-access.net]
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 07, 2016 7:01 PM
*To:* techno-chat@techno-chat.net
*Subject:* Re: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced

I still have my iPhone 5S. I opted not to ugrade, if you can call
it that, to the iPhone 6 or 6S.  However, I might just do the
upgrade when Apple unveils the iPhone 7S or 7S Plus. I know that
there's been much talk on our sister group about this. However, I
had to stop the speculation until Apple decided otherwise. What I
am disappointed about, yet again, is the fact that there is no
dual-SIM version of the iPhone 7. I know a couple of from who have
dual-SIM Samsung phones, and they tell me it is just so useful if,
for instance, you have both business and personal mobiles.


My Compliments And Kindest Regards
Gordon Smith
'Accessibility And Information Technology Support Specialist

RE: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced

2016-09-08 Thread Stores, Mary A.
What is a Rogy Pen?


From: Gordon Smith [mailto:gor...@mac-access.net]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 1:20 PM
To: techno-chat@techno-chat.net
Subject: RE: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced

Having given this a bit of thought, I doubt that I will be upgrading for a 
while either. I still cannot find fault with the audio I get from my 5S and 
the original (little) JanBox by Jawbone. I don't use the Jambox for phone 
calls, it's true. But it works exceedingly well with the Rogy Pen. If I want 
headphones, I'd just use bluetooth, so that isn't an issue for me. Some may 
not like this arrangement, But it works for me, so it works right.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

RE: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced

2016-09-08 Thread Gordon Smith
Having given this a bit of thought, I doubt that I will be upgrading for a while either. I still cannot find fault with the audio I get from my 5S and the original (little) JanBox by Jawbone. I don't use the Jambox for phone calls, it's true. But it works exceedingly well with the Rogy Pen. If I want headphones, I'd just use bluetooth, so that isn't an issue for me. Some may not like this arrangement, But it works for me, so it works right.
My Compliments And Kindest Regards
Gordon Smith
'Accessibility And Information Technology Support Specialist
On 8 Sep 2016 14:52, "Stores, Mary A."  wrote:Yeah, it will be nifty to see it when it comes out. However, since I got my 6S in march, I’ll be hanging on to it for a while. Mary  From: Gordon Smith [mailto:gor...@mac-access.net] Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 7:01 PMTo: techno-chat@techno-chat.netSubject: Re: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced I still have my iPhone 5S. I opted not to ugrade, if you can call it that, to the iPhone 6 or 6S.  However, I might just do the upgrade when Apple unveils the iPhone 7S or 7S Plus. I know that there's been much talk on our sister group about this. However, I had to stop the speculation until Apple decided otherwise. What I am disappointed about, yet again, is the fact that there is no dual-SIM version of the iPhone 7. I know a couple of from who have dual-SIM Samsung phones, and they tell me it is just so useful if, for instance, you have both business and personal mobiles.==My Compliments And Kindest RegardsGordon Smith'Accessibility And Information Technology Support Specialist 

RE: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced

2016-09-08 Thread Stores, Mary A.
Yeah, it will be nifty to see it when it comes out. However, since I got my 6S 
in march, I’ll be hanging on to it for a while.





From: Gordon Smith [mailto:gor...@mac-access.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 7:01 PM
To: techno-chat@techno-chat.net
Subject: Re: [Techno-Chat]; So the new iPhone 7 has been announced


I still have my iPhone 5S. I opted not to ugrade, if you can call it that, to 
the iPhone 6 or 6S.  However, I might just do the upgrade when Apple unveils 
the iPhone 7S or 7S Plus. I know that there's been much talk on our sister 
group about this. However, I had to stop the speculation until Apple decided 
otherwise. What I am disappointed about, yet again, is the fact that there is 
no dual-SIM version of the iPhone 7. I know a couple of from who have dual-SIM 
Samsung phones, and they tell me it is just so useful if, for instance, you 
have both business and personal mobiles.


My Compliments And Kindest Regards
Gordon Smith
'Accessibility And Information Technology Support Specialist


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature