Am 13.03.2016 um 00:50 schrieb Rodolfo Medina:
Don Simons <> writes:

Rodolfo Medina wrote
I wish a way of transposing a note that would affect only that note
and not any note until next `\en' command, as ' and ` do instead.
Alternatively, a one- or two-digit, positive or negative integer can
always be used.

Thanks.  But in the next versions of MusiXTeX, I would hope that a new way
of `single note' transposition was introduced, so to affect, if desired,
only a
single note.  This for two reasons: the notation with digits is not good
the piece is to be entirely transposed, and second because, with such a
`single note affecting transposition', it would be enough for the user, to
notes, just to remember the seven letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g and their
correspondent: A, B, C, D, E, F, G.  So writing notes would be simpler.

I've been seeing the complicated negotiations that followed this, and
wondering all along "why?",

Because I hadn't thought of the simple solution to do 'p! and `p! and put
\zcharnote{}{} in parenthesis: {\zcharnote{}{}}.

until this morning when I looked up the start of
the thread. I still wonder why, given that PMX directly and simply addresses
both of the stated reasons --- full-score transposition and simple names for
notes. And furthermore, PMX implicitly handles another MusiXTeX
transposition issue: setting the default directions of beams.

Because, although I'm new to MusiXTeX, I'm an old plain TeX user so I'm
accustomed with plain TeX and its language and feel at ease and at home with
it, and MusiXTeX is written in plain TeX language.


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Hi Rodolfo,

why don't you give a try on PMX? I promise ( although you are an expert on TeX ) it will speed up your music typesetting tremendously.

And in the saved time you could try to improve PMX's abilities in keyboard fingering.

Regards, Dieter
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