Den 20.01.2022 kl. 19.49 skrev
Wonder of wonders, the 6 files now appear to be publicly accessible. Somehow, the two tabs (“Scores” and “Parts”) have now been combined into one (“Scores and Parts”).

That's because IMSLP staff member Sallen112 has done his approval job and besides post-edited the work page

And the first main header under that one tab is misleading: it says “Complete” while all it contains is harpsichord parts (in facsimile). I suppose it is a complete set of harpsichord parts, but still…

In the context of a collection like this the IMSLP term 'Complete' denotes, that all the suites and concertos of the collection are included. The two next sections include convertos and suites only.

To be safe, I’ll try to wait a day or 2 before announcing the upload to all of my flute- and harpsichord-playing friends. I do feel pretty good about making these unusual pieces available.

As soon as the 'waiting for approval' IMSLP mark has been removed you may safely announce your contribution to your friends.

Best wishes
Christian Mondrup
WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive

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