Re: [Tex-music] Dashed crescendo

2021-05-10 Thread Rainer Dunker via TeX-Music
Am 08.05.2021 um 09:41:25 schrieb Rodolfo Medina:
> [...]
> Rainer's example seems to be precise in placement, and besides has the
> advantage that in \setlyrics the items don't need to be equal to the number of
> notes they span.
> Two issues though: suppose I have a piano score i.e. two staves per one
> instrument; and suppose that I want to repeat the crescendo in another place 
> of
> the score: I get error as shown in test2.tex.

In this case, itʼs easier and more flexible to not set the "cresc." label 
within \setlyrics. Instead, leave the text in \setlyrics empty and post the 
"cresc." directly as part of the notes coding. That way, you can post 
arbitrarily many such markers (with individual text if necessary) without 
having to prepare them at a central place (i.e., \setlyrics). See the attaced 
example test2.1.

(I had expected that it works without the explicit \lyrruleend commands, but 
they seem to be necessary to continue the dash sequence across line breaks ...)



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Re: [Tex-music] Dashed crescendo (was: Dotted crescendo)

2021-05-07 Thread Rainer Dunker via TeX-Music
Am 07.05.2021 um 16:24:18 schrieb Rodolfo Medina:
> The following minimal attached example, to be processed with simply
> [...]
> seems to do quite a little what I want except that I don't manage to start the
> crescendo exactly where I want: suppose I want it to start in the middle of 
> the
> measure: I don't manage to do that.  It *will* start just at the beginning of
> measure.  Please help.

For me, this works best ...

Regards, Rainer

\input musixtex
\input musixlyr

% all preparations in the preamble
\setlyrics{cresc1}{cresc.-{}} % empty syllable "anchors" the hypenation end

\lyricsoff % no lyrics at every note automatically
\bar %2
\bar %3
\bar %4
\bar %5
\bar %6
\bar %7
\bar %8
\bar %9
\bar %10
\llyr\lyrrule\lyr % left-aligned "cresc." at following note
\bar %11
\bar %12
\bar %13
\bar %14
\bar %15
\bar %16
\bar %17
\znotes\lyrruleend\lyr\en % empty syllable finishes hyphens just at the barline
\bar %18
\bar %19
\bar %20
\bar %21

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Re: [Tex-music] musixlyr # musixtnt

2015-01-28 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hi Bob!

Am 27.01.2015 schrieb Bob Tennent:
 Hi all. I'm finding that musixtnt.tex (which provides a
 user-friendly macro \TransformNotes that re-defines \vnotes)
 is incompatible with musixlyr.tex.
 I don't have sufficient TeXpertise to follow what
 musixlyr.tex does (and the comments are in German, which I
 don't read). I've sent a message to Rainer Dunker but have
 had no reply.

Sorry for both the German comments and for not having replied yet. Only 
yesterday I had time to have a closer look at the problem.

In the TransformNotes manual, you say: It is essential that every 
\znotes, \notes, \Notes, \NOtes, etc. command in the score match the 
pattern of the first argument to \TransformNotes exactly. That's what 
leads to the incompatibility with musixlyr.tex. See this minimized 

\input musixtex \input musixtnt
\NOtes\qa g\qa h\en

Everything's fine here. But what about using macros for your notes 

\input musixtex \input musixtnt
\def\theNotes{\qa g\qa h}%

That no longer works because your redefinition of \vnotes in musixtnt.tex ...


... expects to find the ''s literally within the \NOtes...\en sequence.

The same happens if musixlyr is engaged. At the end of each staff 
system, musixlyr has to take care of pending hyphenations and word 
continuation underlines in case a multi-syllable word or a melisma spans 
across the system break, as in this example:

\input musixtex \input musixlyr
\setlyrics{S}{Mu-sic} \assignlyrics1{S}
\NOtes\qa g\en
\NOtes\qa g\en

musixlyr does so by silently adding a \znotesdo hyphens and underlines\en 
sequence right before MusiXTeX really finishes the system. The do 
hyphens and underlines loops over all existing instruments and staves;
the involved ''s are therefore buried deeply inside stacked macros (see 
\def\sysend@lyrics and the related definitions in musixlyr.tex).
The \TransformNotes-altered \vnotes would thus never see any '' in its 
argument stream and therefore quits with a runaway argument error.
(Precisely, musixlyr's \sysend@lyrics@instrum@loop macro doesn't even 
use '' but its alias \nextinstrument instead. This could be changed but 
wouldn't help to solve the problem.)

This really seems to be a dilemma. \TransformNotes can't simply ignore 
musixlyr's system ending activites, otherwise continued hyphens and 
underlines would appear at the wrong place or not at all. And musixlyr 
must use macros inside its \znotes...\en because it has to loop 
dynamically over the present instruments and staves.

I experimented a bit with a redefinition of \znotes involving 
\expandafter or \edef, hoping to help the ''s reach the surface of the 
token stream that \vnotes gets as its argument--like this ...


... but without success: \expandafter does just a single level of macro 
expansion which is insufficient to unwrap the ''s that musixlyr's 
\sysend@lyrics generates, and \edef gobbles them up long before \vnotes 
would see them in its argument.

I've no more ideas how to solve this incompatibility. But maybe this 
information is helpful for you somehow.

Oh, wait ... another thought just comes up: You could perhaps rescue the 
matter by replacing musixlyr's definition of the dynamic system-ending 
loop by a static one that's adapted to the current instrument 
configuration. This is the decisive definition in musixlyr.tex:


(Here you can see the problematic \sysend@lyrics macro calls within 
\znotes.) You could replace it by something like this (in this 
example, for 2 single-staff instruments):

  \znotes\sysend@lyrics@for@one@instrum %
 \sysend@lyrics@for@one@instrum \en

This is, of course, not yet ready-to-use and would have to be further 
developed. But it _should_ help because the necessary ''s occur 
literally in \znotes...\en. The major drawback would be, of course, that 
the user would have to make this definition in his score source file. 
That is ... unless we could find a smart way to assemble that macro 
definition programmatically within \TransformNotes, but that seems to be 
a real challenge (involving many \expandafters and \noexpands). Do you 
think that's the way to go?

Best regards,

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Re: [Tex-music] Wrong lyrics adjustments with hyphens

2011-08-18 Thread Rainer Dunker
Sorry--once again, now _with_ the promised attachment ...

Am 18.08.2011 schrieb Rainer Dunker:
 Hello Dirk!
 Am 16.08.2011 schrieb Dirk Laurie:
  On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 03:55:06PM +0200, Rainer Dunker wrote:
   \\\def\atnextline{\mtxLyricsAdjust{1}{-9}}\ a4 } a a a |
  Ouch!  This is definitely the sort of thing that M-Tx was designed
  to avoid.  Would it in other situations also be right to do that,
  or only in this one?
 I'd say it would be wrong to do that always. See the Winter ade 
 example in the musixlyr documentation: There, a double-line lyrics 
 section is continued with a single lyrics line in mid-system; you can't 
 delay the vertical shift up to the system end in this case.
  If not so, can one identify the situation 
  automatically so that M-Tx itself puts this in when needed?
 On the one hand, yes: If the vertical lyrics shift occurs after the last 
 note of the pending system, it should be synchonized with the system 
 break. But, as far as I unterstand, M-Tx doesn't know where the system 
 break will happen--PMX is the earliest processing stage where this 
 information is available. Therefore, the M-Tx processor itself has no 
 chance to detect the situation. (Right?)
 But maybe the \mtxLyricsAdjust command could be empowered to detect 
 its own calling context. This TeX macro, inserted by M-Tx into the 
 output literally, is executed by TeX _after_ PMX has decided about the 
 system breaks. Maybe, with a bit of luck, it could grasp this 
 information somehow and use it for a proper vertical lyrics shift.
 I had a look in the .tex file resulting from Simon's problem example and 
 noticed that both \mtxLyricsAdjust calls (generated by M-Tx) occur right 
 before the \alaligne calls (generated by PMX). Assumed that this is 
 always the case, \mtxLyricsAdjust could look ahead for the TeX command 
 directly following it (using TeX's \futurelet command), and if it finds 
 \alaligne, it knows that the lyrics shift occurs at a system break, 
 otherwise not.
 Although this appears to be a really dirty and fragile solution, at 
 least I managed to put it all together into a working example 
 (attached to this message). But I'm far from sure whether this would 
 work in every case and would not raise unwanted side effects 
 (especially due to the uncumulative use of \atnextline).
 Could you please have a look at it and evaluate whether it is generally 
 feasible? If you conclude that it's not, I may dig into musixlyr again 
 to see whether it can be made more aware of such vertical shifts and to 
 react properly itself, but I guess this would be so intricate that a 
 workaround for those rare problematic cases would still be more 
 Best regards,
Systems: 2
Style: Singer
%%  \def\mtxLyricsAdjustArgOne{#1}%
%%  \def\mtxLyricsAdjustArgTwo{#2}%
%%  \futurelet\mtxLyricsAdjustNextToken\mtxLyricsAdjustInternal
%%  \ifx\mtxLyricsAdjustNextToken\alaligne
%%  \mtxLyricsAdjustOrig\mtxLyricsAdjustArgOne\mtxLyricsAdjustArgTwo}%
%%  \else
%%  \fi

@-2 g g g g | g @+4 g g g | @-4 g g g g | g g g g
L: bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla-bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
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Re: [Tex-music] Wrong lyrics adjustments with hyphens

2011-08-16 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Simon!

Am 01.08.2011 schrieb Simon Dreher:
 I get a strange behavior of the lyrics placement when I adjust the 
 vertical position at a new line:
 The hyphens or melisma at the end of the old line already gets shifted 
 as if it were on the new line after the vertical shift. You can see this 
 in the example below at the end of the 4th and 5th system. How can I 
 correct this strange behavior?

This is due to a quite fundamental difficulty concerning the 
synchronization of lyrics layout changes at system breaks. Recently, 
Hermann Hinsch had similar problems with the same cause.

In every such case, this is the situation: You want to change the lyrics 
layout at the beginning of a new system. You thus place the respective 
command (e.g., \setsongraise) _after_ the last note of the pending 
system but _before_ the system break command (normally \alaligne). This 
seems correct only at the first glance; instead, musixlyr has to act on 
the lyrics of the pending system even _after_ the final note is 
processed. More precisely, it adds trailing hyphen sequences and lyrics 
extension underlines, and it does so during the processing of the 
\alaligne command. If the \setsongraise-or-whatever has occurred already 
before \alaligne, the hyphens or underlines appear at the new vertical 
position that is meant only for the next system.

Using plain MusiXTeX, the proper solution is easy: Wrap the lyrics 
layout change in \def\atnextline{...}--that way, the change is made 
effective at exactly the right processing stage.

But what to do using M-Tx? Since vertical lyrics shifting is a built-in 
language element, you can't influence its function directly. From my 
point of view, M-Tx itself should use \atnextline here (but that would 
be more complicated since such vertical shifting could also occur in the 
middle of a system; a distinction would thus be necessary). For you 
as the M-Tx user, the only workaround I can think of is: Instead of 
M-Tx's lyrics shifting command @+x, use PMX inline-TeX commands 
properly. For example, change your M-Tx input line

@-2 a4 } a a a |


\\\def\atnextline{\mtxLyricsAdjust{1}{-9}}\ a4 } a a a |

(This works for me, at least.) \mtxLyricsAdjust{1}{-9} is 
literally what M-Tx outputs for @-2, so it should do the right thing; 
putting it into \atnextline makes it perform at the right moment.

However, you do have to pay attention to the shifting amount. M-Tx's '@' 
command uses relative numbers and translates them to absolute 
positioning numbers for \mtxLyricsAdjust. In the example case, the 
absolute position was -7 before the change, and the relative change by 
-2 turns it into -9. Later in your input file, when shifting back by 
@+2, you have to specify absolute position -7 again.

Hope that works,

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Re: [Tex-music] Wrong lyrics adjustments with hyphens

2011-08-02 Thread rainer . dunker
Hello Simon!

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Simon Dreher
Gesendet: 01.08.11 00:47:44
An: Werner Icking Music Archive
Betreff: [Tex-music] Wrong lyrics adjustments with hyphens

 I get a strange behavior of the lyrics placement when I adjust the 
 vertical position at a new line:
 The hyphens or melisma at the end of the old line already gets shifted 
 as if it were on the new line after the vertical shift. [...]

I'm sure I can tell something meaningful about that, but since I'm on holiday 
for two weeks, please be patient a bit ...

Best regards,


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Re: [Tex-music] M-Tx, PMX change the number of staves per system

2011-02-04 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Don and Hermann!

Am 04.02.2011 schrieb
 Hermann Hinsch posted a problem with an M-Tx-originated PMX source. 
 I've discovered that the following simpler code duplicates the 
 problem. Just comment out \input musixlyr and the vertical spacing 
 between first 2 systems on p. 2 becomes much better, even though NONE 
 of the macros defined in musixlyr.tex is used. Can anyone (Rainer 
 Dunker where are you?) figure out what's going on??? And if so, maybe 
 devise inline tex to cancel the effect?

I'm still here, but am quite silent for a longer time now because I'm no 
longer actively using MusiXTeX and friends myself.

The problem in question here is really interesting. From my point of 
view, it is due to a bad synchronization of the instrument number change 
with the line break. I'll try to explain:

At each line ending, musixlyr has to perform some actions that must 
occur _after_ all notes of the line have been set; specifically, it has 
to typeset underscores and hyphen sequences at melismas that continue in 
the next line. To make these actions take place at the very end of the 
current line's processing, their function call is injected in MusiXTeX's 
\stoppiece macro (somehow ...).

Now, PMX obviously does instrument number changes by means of its 
\newnoi macro, which in turn wraps the number change in \atnextbar. But 
that's too early for musixlyr to function properly: \atnextbar is 
executed prior to \stoppiece - that is, when musixlyr starts its 
line-ending processing, the instrument number is already changed! That 
makes musixlyr believe that the current system has 5, not 2 instruments, 
thus it does some invisible typesetting (don't remember what exactly) 
for 5 instruments instead of 2, and the 2-instrument system takes as 
much vertical space as a 5-instrument system - and that's the reason for 
the effect we're seeing here.

So, how to solve this? From musixlyr's point of view, the most proper
way would be to make the instrument number change happen only _after_
the current system is really finished. My suggestion is: Let \newnoi
wrap the \def\nbinstruments call in \atnextline instead of \atnextbar -
as I understand, that's the proper place for such a system-affecting
change anyway.

But then there's still another issue: PMX's \newmovement macro - which 
is calles subsequently at the system break in question - replaces 
\contpiece by \startpiece to initiate the next system, but \startpiece 
does _not_ call \atnextline implicitly. To solve this, I suggest to 
insert an explicit \atnextline call into \newmovement, right before it 
calls \startpiece.

A test with your example shows that these two changes solve the current 
problem, but of course I don't know whether they would cause any 
unwanted side effects. Therefore I must leave it up to you to judge 
whether my suggestions are a real solution.

For your reference, I've put the described changes in a .mod file that
you can use along with your original example. I attach it here as a MIME
attachment to protect it from false line breaking.

Best regards,

% \newnoi changes the number of instruments. To make musixlyr's line-ending
% actions work properly, this should be done using \atnextline instead of
% \atnextbar.

% This is taken literally from pmx.tex and changed only by the insertion
% marked below.
   % INSERTION: Contrary to \contpiece, \startpiece does not execute
   % \atnextline; since \contpiece is replaced by \startpiece here,
   % \atnextline has to be called explicitly to execute the
   % instrument number change.
   % The \atnextline call and reset ist taken literally from musixtex.tex's
   % \piece@conta macro.
   \atnextline \let\atnextline\empty

% Some lyrics stuff to prove whether musixlyr works properly across
% the instrument number changes. It sets no reasonable lyrics but
% challenges musixlyr's line-ending actions by filling the whole piece
% with an long sequence of hyphens.
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Re: [TeX-Music] Line breaking (was: kein Betreff)

2008-07-31 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 03:40:00PM +0200, Stefan Stefinsky wrote:
 what's abaut using \alaligne instead of \bar whithin \startpiece...
 \endpiece, it should force a linebreak. 

Yeah, of course you're right - although, in this case, it should be 
\zalaligne, in order to avoid the barline at the line break. I don't 
remember why this obvious solution didn't come to my mind ...

Best regards,


  You mean, you want a linke break in the middle of that bar? Then say
  at the location where the break shall occur.
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] Song with two lines cause repeat and singel lines

2008-07-31 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Thomas!

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 11:31:35AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i have an song with an repeat sign. Infront of the repeat sign i should 
 have 2 text lines and after the repeat lines i need only one single 
 textline. How could i code this? Does somone have an simple code 

Using plain MusiXTeX instead of M-Tx, this is done simply by reassigning 
the lyrics lines at the repeat sign - as in this example:

\input musixtex
\input musixlyr


\setlyrics{repeat1}{Win-ter a-de,}
\setlyrics{repeat2}{schei-den tut weh,}
\setlyrics{follow}{a-ber dein Schei-den macht,}

\assignlyrics1{repeat1,repeat2} % we start with two lyrics lines

 \NOTesp\hup d\en\rightrepeat
 \assignlyrics1{follow}% continue with single follow-up lyrics line
 \NOtes\qa h\en
 \NOtes\qa g\en


The single lyrics line after the repeat sign is then vertically centered 
around the previous block of multiple lyrics lines. This is appropriate 
for chorus lyrics that follow a set of verses, but if all lyrics belong to 
a single verse only, you may rather wish to have the lyrics continuation 
bottom-aligned with the lower lyrics line before the repeat sign. There 
are several ways to achive this; for example:

\input musixtex
\input musixlyr


\setlyrics{line1}{Win-ter a-de,}
\setlyrics{line2}{schei-den tut weh, a-ber dein Schei-den_ macht,}

\assignlyrics1{line1,line2} % this assignment is in effect
% throughout the piece

 \NOTesp\hup d\en\rightrepeat
 \verses{\lyricsoff}% switch off the incomplete upper lyrics line;
% nevertheless, it still occupies vertical space,
% forcing bottom-alignment of the lower lyrics line
 \NOtes\qa h\en
 \NOtes\qa g\en


Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] Wie bekomme ich eine russische Sprachs pur eingefügt?

2008-07-31 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Thomas!

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 10:29:33PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hallo ich würde gerne wissen, was diese zwei Zeilen bedeuten.

Normally, musixlyr aligns lyrics vertically so that they are in the middle 
of the space between the surrounding staves - or in the middle of the 
bottom margin of a system, if the lyrics are below the bottommost staff of 
that system. \setsongraise adds an offset to this default alignment; in 
the example above, it lifts the lyrics attached to the first instrument by 
twice the distance between normal-sized staff lines (= 2\Interligne).

 Dann möchte ich unter dem Deutschen Liedtext die russische Übersetzung 
 schreiben, aber wie?
 Es soll dann auch genügend Platz zwischen den Liedzeilen sein.

Setting the verse in two languages is done like this:


(But don't ask me about using cyrillic letters in TeX/LaTeX!)

To make enough vertical room for multiple verses below the staff, you can 
use \staffbotmarg=10pt (for example). You'll probably have to experiment a 
bit with \setsongraise and \staffbotmarg in order to achive a neatly 
spaced result.

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-Music] Line breaking (was: kein Betreff)

2008-07-15 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 07:02:26PM +0200, Thomas Albrecht wrote:
 here I have a code of an song, but how i can split it into more lines?

Using \startextract...\endextract instead of \startpiece...\endpiece 
forces the whole piece into a single line; this is meant for short 
musical fragments (extracts) interspersed in normal text, as they
occur in musicological articles, for example. It also suppresses the 
musixflx spacing function and sets the notes as tight as specified by 
the \notes, \NOtes, etc. commands used. Therefore, to enable line 
breaking in your piece, simply use \startpiece...\endpiece instead of 

 % Here i want a new line but how??? \generalmeter{\meterfrac44} should 
 deactivated in the following
 %lines. But how could I deactivated it?

You mean, you want a linke break in the middle of that bar? Then say


at the location where the break shall occur.

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] musixtex -- making very short stems

2008-04-09 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello André!

On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 06:53:58AM +0200, Andre Van Ryckeghem wrote:
 This sounds a little bit silly, but i need short stems for some notes in for 
 a score of (gregorian) psalms.
 But for the lower notes, the stem reaches to the middle of the staff.
 1 1
 2 4 2 4
 0.0 0
 1 1 20 0.0
 \QU\ c84 da e fa | \QU\ g aa bu cua | \QU\ du eua fu gua /

\stdstemfalse seems to do that trick:

1 1
2 4 2 4
0.0 0
1 1 20 0.0

\QU\ c84 da e fa | \QU\ g aa bu cua | \QU\ du eua fu gua /

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] musixlyr: line breaks in a \setlyrics

2008-01-07 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello André and Jean-Pierre,

sorry for my late answer ... Nevertheless, best wishes for the new year!

On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 09:26:23AM +0100, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:
  Perhaps you want somthing like this? (I use the tilde for a 'blanc word')
 Almost :-) \setlyrics{cf}{~ con-fuoco- ~ senza-fuoco- ~ ~}

In fact, \setlyrics expects to find just something after each hyphen, 
whereas a blank space counts as really nothing. It may well be that 
musixlyr's behaviour on con-fuoco-  is useful for you, but that's 
rather good luck than a reliable feature ... Therefore, setting a '~' 
after the hyphen is much better than just a space, although I don't know 
exactly how this influences the horizontal alignment of the right edge 
of the  sequence. Thus, if you are fussy about spacing, saying 
con-fuoco-\empty{} is even more reliable than con-fuoco-~.

 But often my lng sections of .. or empty sections will force me to 
 count the '~' very carefully!

Um ... no, if you keep using \lyricsoff at the beginning and placing 
each anchor for the con fuoco statement manually by \lyr. See this 
rather silly example:

\input musixtex \input musixlyr

\setlyrics{cf}{con-fuoco-\empty{} senza-fuoco-\empty{}}
\assignlyrics1{cf} \def\lyrhyphenchar{.} \minmulthyphens1mm

\stoppiece \end

No matter how many notes are spanned by the text and the dots, you need 
only one \lyr per word and one extra \lyr at the note where the dots 
shall end.

By the way, you could make your coding even more readable by moving the 
con fuoco ... senza fuoco text definition into the notes section of 
your file - like this:

\input musixtex \input musixlyr

\setlyrics{cf}{} % empty here becaus text follows below
\assignlyrics1{cf} \def\lyrhyphenchar{.} \minmulthyphens1mm

  \lyric{}\qa{gcc}\en\bar % empty syllable terminates dots
\stoppiece \end

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] Typesetting guitar/vocal music

2007-11-27 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Don,

regarding your score of Last Thing on My Mind, let me please give you 
some hints that make using musixlyr more fun.

You've used \empty{} in the lyrics wherever the text should skip over a 
note. That's totally appropriate in the pickup bar since those notes are 
really skipped over. But within a verse, skipping over a note is not 
really what you do - instead, you span a syllable across multiple notes. 
In musixlyr terms, this is expressed more appropriately by appending an 
underscore to this syllable, e.g. sand,_. This way is better also
because it left-justifies the syllable and draws an extension 
underline to indicate the range of notes the syllable covers. To span 
over more than two notes, just add further underscores (e.g. mind__). 
If the syllable is not the last one of a word, put the underscore(s) 
in front of the hyphen (e.g. stead_-i-ly).

You've used \empty{} many times to make verses 2-4 silent at the
chorus.  It's much easier to reassign the lyrics to the music at the
point where the chorus begins, leaving only verse 1 active. This way,
the \setlyrics of verses 2-4 can simply end where the verses naturally
end.  Furthermore, the single remaining line of text is then vertically
centered in the space of the four verses. You do that with the command
\assignlyrics1{lesson1}% just before the first note of the chorus.

As soon as the chorus lyrics are vertically centered around the verses, 
you can even make the transition between them nicer by inserting a big 
right brace. (This is admittedly quite tricky; see the attached complete 
example for the code.)

On Mon, Nov 26, 2007 at 09:20:44PM +1100, Don Gingrich wrote:
 1) Same problem with needing to force the measures per line and
note to lyrics spacings more or less manually

That's a basic problem of musixlyr when the note spacing is generally
narrow and you have lots of text, i.e. few melismas. musixlyr has no
influence on MusiXTeX's spacing decisions - i.e. when the given notes
spacing is too tight for the lyrics to fit, everything is shifted
rightwards and looks more or less ugly. Your only chance to solve this
in a general way - i.e. without lots of manual corrections - is to
loosen the music spacing generously, utilizing the MusiXTeX commands
\mulooseness and/or \linegoal. If lyrics spacing is too narrow in a
certain portion of the piece only, you may also use \scale to widen up
the spacing only in that certain section. (Altering the spacing by 
replacing, e.g, \Notes by \NOTes is rather not reasonable because their 
effect is only relative to the spacing of the other notes.)

 3) It would have been nice if I could have worked out a way to
reduce the inter-staff spacing for the chorus -- the musixlyr
documentation seemed to suggest that using \rlap would fix this
but either it only worked with the example provided or I've
missed something. I did try \stoppiece - \contpiece but I
was trying to put the chorus in a new lyric set -- I think
I needed to use \resetlyrics, but I didn't realise this. I may
try going back and having another try.

Sorry, these are misconceptions - neither \rlap nor \resetlyrics have
anything to do with vertical spacing. What you need here is
\staffbotmarg and/or \stafftopmarg to alter the spacing between systems, 
maybe \lyrraise to raise or lower the chorus lyrics, and \atnextline to 
synchronize such changes with the next line break.

 Now, Last Thing... is OK except that I've got a BIG black line at
 the end. I guess I could live with that. The lyric spacing still is
 a bit big, though.

Well, the black line is simply due to those two lines in your .tex file:

  \NOTEs\Dsev\qu d\qu c\qu b\qu a\en\setvolta{1.-3}



Both of them should be terminated with a % sign to avoid spurious 
horizontal space.

To put most of that together, I've applied the mentioned changes to your 
example and attach the changed version here.

Best regards,


Description: TeX document
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] Separate bars with PMX

2007-08-22 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 07:45:20AM -0700, Don Simons wrote:
 It looks like \sepmultibarrule{n} in musixdbr will do what you want. The
 following mods to test.pmx work for me:
 \\input musixdbr\
 \\input curly\
 \segno {11}\ \roffset{24}{\lmidstaff{\medtype\it Mouvement de Sarabande}}\
 For some reason, if I don't \input curly, I get an error (Rainer?)

Hello Don,

same for me. If I remove the line \\input curly\ from the excerpt 
above, the TeX logging output does _not_ indicate that musixdbr.tex is 
read; instead, TeX stops processing, saying that \indivbarrules is 

From the example code without the \\input curly\, PMX produces a .tex 
file that contains these lines:

\input musixdbr%

Therefore I guess the problem is caused by the way the \input command 
determines the end of the name of the file to be input. Since the name 
musixdbr is immediately followed by '%', TeX apparently tries to 
interpret the control sequence \indivbarrules in order to see whether 
it is a macro whose expansion adds something to the filename. Since 
\indivbarrules is still undefined at that time, the mentioned error 

When I change \\input musixdbr\ to \\input musixdbr \, everything 
works well - the trailing space apparently terminates the filename 
cleanly and does not cause any unregistered space problem.

I've no clue, however, why \\input curly\ does not suffer from the 
same problem.

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-Music] pmx - problem with curly.tex

2007-07-23 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 06:12:15PM +0200, Cornelius C. Noack wrote:
  I have a piece where organ alternates wit a capella song.
  I want to use 2 instruments of 1 staff for the a capella song
  and 1 instrument with 2staves for the organ.
  I did not manage it to get a new movement (L2M...) from 2 instruments, 1
  staff to 1 instrument, 2 staves.
  So i use 2 instruments with 'curly.tex'
  - If using 'Av' in pmx the compilation crashes
  - omitting Av gives a result wher de accolade is not appropriate, see
 I just tried your piece. The result:
   (1) my PMX did NOT crash when I added Av (before the first
   line of notes, as should be)
   (2) with or without Av, the accolade (in the organ part)
   remained bad.

Same result for me.

I've noticed that PMX sets the \interstaff parameter in the resulting 
.tex file to a non-default value, and that curly.tex does not respect 
this parameter change. Thus I suggest the following patch to curly.tex:





With this change, the braces are set correctly in all my test examples, 
even if the size or the number of lines of the topmost braced staff 
are non-standard.

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Howto create Jazz table in Latex ?

2007-02-14 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 08:38:29PM +0100, Yo wrote:
 I'm a newbie in Latex and I'm looking for a latex package or a latex way 
 to create easily jazz table like this one for example:
 It doesn't seem to exist in google or google/linux... Do you have an 
 idea on an easy way to write such a thing?

Just as a starting point - the basic way to set up such a table in LaTeX 
would be:

\hline  D$^7$   C-$^6$ \\
\hline (F$^7$)\%   \\

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Creating Macros for Pitches in MusiXTeX

2006-12-18 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Doug!

On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 07:06:03PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can I write a set of macros to stand in for pitches?
 % Beamed pair: gracenoted, dotted eighth to gracenoted sixteenth
 Instead, I would like to define a macro for each the nine
 notes of the bagpipe, something like
 \def\G{{!g}}\def\A{{!'a}} \def\b{{!'b}}
 ...and so on up through...
 Then I could write the measure without so many braces, exclamation
 marks, and apostrophes, like this:
 No matter how I try defining
 \G \A \b \c etc.,  I get an error message.  Passing absolute
 style pitches like {!'a} and {!'b} works fine, but it is tedious.

Passing macro names (\G, \a, ...) as arguments to your \gAgb... macros 
is not easily possible just because TeX does not expand them to their 
definition before replacing the positional parameters #1, #2, ... with 
them. Thus, \gAgb{3}\d\e... gets expanded to ...\ibl\beaml{\d}{3}..., 
_not_ to ...\ibl\beaml{{!'b}}{3}... -- which makes the decisive 
difference for the note pitch parsing that happens later in the macro 
expansion process.

TeX offers the command \expandafter to change the order of macro 
expansion the way you need; see the example (beware of unwanted line 

\input musixtex



\def\G{{!g}} \def\g{{!'g}}


Unfortunately, using \expandafter is extremely situation-dependent and 
can easily lead to other errors if the macro arguments thus treated 
don't exactly match the expected format.

But maybe you could achieve your aim differently. Since you mention that 
the bagpipe pitch range is only 9 pitches, from g' to a, what about 
simply transposing the whole piece up 1 octave? Then you could use 
MusiXTeX's standard pitch letters Nabcdefgh, in that order:

\input musixtex

This way, you don't even need to precede each pitch letter with a 
backslash. As a drawback, however, you'd have to use the unintuitive 
letters N and h for lower g and upper a, respectively -- but maybe you  
could get used to this.

Nevertheless, it's still possible to use pitch letters GAbcdefga, even 
without backslashes, by changing the way MusiXTeX interprets those 
letters. As regards writing your music, this would be the most elegant 
solution; but since it's a MusiXTeX modification, it introduces MusiXTeX 
version dependence and may interfere with other MusiXTeX hacks. I've 
added an example as attachment to this email.

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Creating Macros for Pitches in MusiXTeX

2006-12-18 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 11:44:49AM +0100, Rainer Dunker wrote:
 Nevertheless, it's still possible to use pitch letters GAbcdefga, even 
 without backslashes, by changing the way MusiXTeX interprets those 
 letters. As regards writing your music, this would be the most elegant 
 solution; but since it's a MusiXTeX modification, it introduces MusiXTeX 
 version dependence and may interfere with other MusiXTeX hacks. I've 
 added an example as attachment to this email.

Oops, attachment lost (mailing list setting?) ... Doesn't matter, here's 
the code example as mail body text. Beware of unwanted line breaks; if 
your mail client can display 68 characters per line, everything should 
be fine.

Best regards,


\input musixtex

% redefinition of MusiXTeX's [EMAIL PROTECTED] macro
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@viii\z@ [EMAIL PROTECTED] % par defaut
%% pas lettre
%% ramener au E (position zero en clef de sol, [EMAIL PROTECTED])
% here's the original code for the usual pitch letter semantics
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@lxxxiii % ramener au S= E + 14
% and here's the code for GAbcdefga
% end of modification
%% cas active character dont chiffre
  \if [EMAIL PROTECTED] \transpose\normaltranspose [EMAIL PROTECTED] \fi
% end of [EMAIL PROTECTED] redefinition

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] (Ab)using MusiXTeX

2006-10-30 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 09:06:31AM +0100, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:
 While being a happy user of MusiXTeX ``regular'' output, I now have a use
 case to abuse MusiXTeX a bit: I need high quality pictures of notes only,
 i.e. without staffs and everything, just pictures of a quarter note, an
 eighth note, rests and so on.  Is this possible to achieve?
 Do you want to insert such pictures into a TeX ot LaTeX document? This
 example works in LaTeX:
 71 {\musixchar71} 50 {\musixchar50}
 7+40 {\musixchar7}{\musixchar40}{\musixchar16}

The opposite approach would be to set up a score containing just a 
single note (or other symbol) and remove all lines, bars, and clef, so 
that only the note itself remains visible. Example:



First line of paragraph \\
Abc \typenote{\qa g}
def \typenote{\ca g}\kern7pt
ghi \typenote{\ds}
jkl \typenote{\qp}
Last line of paragraph

That's definitely not perfect, but at least it relieves you of 
constructing a note from its graphical elements (head, stem, flag) 

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] key-signature layout

2006-05-04 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 10:20:56AM +0200, Bernhard Lang wrote:
 When setting a piece with soprano clef (C on first line) with one flat, 
 the flat is put to the
 space below the lowest line. To my feeling (and according to the type 
 setting conventions of the 17th) the flat should be put on the  4th 
 line (i.e. one octave higher). Is there a way to convince PMX/MusiXTeX 
 to do this?

This question has not yet been answered, or am I missing something? So 
here's my attempt:

The positions of the signature accidentals are defined in certain 
MusiXTeX macros; these have to be changed in order to manipulate the 
accidental placement. For me, the following hack works:

8(beware of unwanted line breaks)---
\input musixtex

  \chardef\thirt@@n=13 % musixtex.tex defines lots of names for
   % char numbers, but just this one is missing ...

  % this macro determines which signature accidentals
  % are placed on which scale step:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@s=\z@ \else
  %  change of original starts here
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ % normal  placement of first flat (step six)
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@@n % changed placement of first flat (step thirteen)
  %  change of original ends here
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@\thr@@\fi

% a sample score

8(beware of unwanted line breaks)---

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] Non-spacing rests

2006-02-13 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 10:13:27AM +0100, Hermann Hinsch wrote:
 Is there a possibility to use non-spacing rests analogue non-spacing notes by 
 inserting TeX commands within pmx?

What about, e.g., \qp\bsk\ ?


TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Gregorian chant and musixlyr

2006-02-10 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 11:12:25AM +0100, Antonio González Fernández wrote:
 I'm working with OpusTeX from some years (v. 0.93 now) and I made some
 modifications on opusgre like some corrected or new neumes. Now I'm
 attempting to separate lyrics from neumes as musixlyr does (using lines
 from musixlyr too). I think it will be useful specially editing hymns.

I'd be interested in enhancing musixlyr so that it could typeset 
Gregorian chant lyrics properly. What additional features would 
be needed for this? I can see these topics:

- Centering the vowel of a syllable under the (first) head of a neume. 
  This shouldn't be difficult, as it's just an additional horizontal 
  alignment scheme.

- Omitting extension rules and hyphen sequences at melismas. This is 
  easy and in fact possible already now.

- Controlling the horizontal placement of the notes/neumes according to 
  the lyrics flow; i.e., horizontal spacing is no longer determined by 
  the note values (which are absent in chant) but by the space 
  consumption of the written words/syllables, as in a normal paragraph 
  (except for long melismas where of course the melismatic neumes 
  sequence must get the space it requires).
  This should be quite hard to realize - but is it really necessary for 
  proper chant typesetting?

Have I forgotten anything?

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Re: only beams without chord notes? 2

2006-02-02 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hi Andreas!

On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 12:53:28PM +0100, Andreas Plank wrote:
 Is there any way to get chord notes only with beams and without notes.
 In example below (Flameco Sevillianas) I want to get a simplified
 note-facing for guitar players:
 first chord normal and followed chords: no notes untill chord change:
 in ASCII like this:
  ---===  ---===   ---===  ---===
  |  | |  |  | |   |  | |  |  | |  
 @|  | |  |  | |  @|  | |  |  | |  
 @|   @|

If I understand your description correctly, this should do the job (\NH
here shall mean no head):

8---(beware of unwanted line breaks)---
Style: Singer
Meter: m3434
Systems: 1
Size: 16
Indent: 0
%%  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@symbol

[+4 g8 \NH\ g1 \NH\ g1 ] [+4 \NH\ g8 \NH\ g1 \NH\ g1 ] [+4  \NH\ g8 \NH\ g ]
C: e-e+be+be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
8---(beware of unwanted line breaks)---

A similar solution with an on and off switch - so that you don't 
need to repeat the \NH command at every headless note - should also be

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] filling a gap with dots (hyphens), linebreak

2006-01-19 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Jean-Pierre!

On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 11:25:37AM +0100, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:
 1: These dots or hyphens don't continue accross line breaks (see third 
 line of my example). Is is a bug or a feature? I worked around by putting a 
 simple space at bar 9 (see second line).

That's a bug. Thanks for discovering it! I shall soon publish a fixed 
musixlyr.tex version. Meanwhile, you can work around it by patching 
musixlyr.tex: Replace the 3 occurrences of

  \expandafter\ifnum\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]@name\endcsname=2


  \expandafter\ifnum\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED]@name\endcsname1

 2: When the same short portion of lyrics shows up several times, is there
 a method more elegant than repeating this portion in \setlyrics as I did?

You can avoid this repetition, but it's a matter of taste which solution 
is the most elegant one. First, you can use musixlyr's goto feature:


Pretty much the same is achieved by putting \setlyrics itself into a 
macro and calling it repeatedly:


The drawback of both variants is that you have to restart the repeated 
lyrics pattern explicitly within the music coding. This can be avoided 
by a rather TeXy solution:

\def\mylyrics{a-b-c} % the single definition of the repeated pattern
\edef\repeatlyr{\mylyrics\mylyrics\mylyrics} % the pattern repetition
% pouring the collected lyrics into \setlyrics:
  \NOtes\qa{ggg}\en\bar  % the music code without any
  \NOtes\qa{gg}\en   % lyrics repetition commands

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Re: \setmeter is voracious of braces!

2006-01-11 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 09:29:23AM +0100, Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:
 Does anybody know why \setmeter works only with *two* opening and closing
 braces only?

That's not totally true; for example, \setmeter1{\meterC} works as 
expected, and you can even use \setmeter1\meterC.

The musixdoc manual gives a hint why this is so: The second argument to
\setmeter may be a list of up to four meter specifications, in case you
want to specify different meters on different staves within a
multi-staff instrument. List is meant here in the sense of TeX macro
argument lists: If unbraced, every input token counts as a separate list
item; to specify a list item consisting of more than a single token, you
have to enclose it in braces. Thus, MusiXTeX interprets
\setmeter1{\meterfrac34} as if \meterfrac is the meter of staff 1, 3
is the meter of staff 2, and 4 the meter of staff 3. (You can see this
by TeXing your example with \tracingmacros enabled and looking into the
log file:

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] #1#2#3#4-\ifcase \noport@@ \hbox {#1}\or \hbox {#2}\or 
   \hbox {#3} \or \hbox {#4}\fi 

You can see here how \meterfrac34 is torn apart into the first three
arguments of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Within just this [EMAIL PROTECTED] call, 
\hbox{#1} becomes \hbox{\meterfrac}, and here TeX correctly complains 
that \meterfrac has lost its arguments.)

For this reason - to enable specifying up to four meters at the same 
time - the \setmeter call has been designed this peculiar way.

Best regards,


 \input musixtex
 %\setmeter1{\meterfrac34}% try this
 \notesp\ql f\ibl1j1\qb1{jm}\tqb1l\en
 \notesp\ql g\ibl1j1\qb1{jm}\tqb1l\en
 \notesp\ql f\ibl1j1\qb1{jm}\tqb1l\en
TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] normalsized cautionary accidentals in musixtex

2005-08-08 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 02:31:30PM -0400, Bob Tennent wrote:
 The commands \cna, \cfl, \csh, etc. in musixtex produce parenthesized
 *small* accidentals. [...]
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] \smallna}
 Where do the parentheses come from?

It seems that this question has not yet been answered; so, just for 
the fun to see how MusiXTeX works ... :-)

The following macros are involved in a \cna call, in the order given:


That is: \cna sets [EMAIL PROTECTED] to \maxdimen. This is used just as a switch
that is later queried by [EMAIL PROTECTED]; if the switch is set, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] is called
which in turn typesets character number [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the music symbol
font. [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been set to 5 by macro [EMAIL PROTECTED] before, 
and the music
character with that number happens to be just the pair of parentheses.

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] installation problem

2005-05-12 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 01:59:34PM +0200, Quinten wrote:
 I get the error:
 LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
 ! Undefined control sequence.
 l.316 \rm

Your example file is a TeX input file, not to be run through LaTeX.
Processing it with plain TeX should solve this problem.

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Re: Thick ledger lines

2004-12-17 Thread Rainer Dunker
Jean-Pierre Coulon [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 17.12.04 09:32:08:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@v\internote
 Thanks. I obtain the thickness I like with \def\myhlthick{\lthick}
 But since I want my source file to be usable for others, I have pasted this 
 new definition of [EMAIL PROTECTED] into it, instead of modifying the 
 file. Then the modification is ignored. Do you know why ? I stuck the new 
 definition *after* the \input musixtex line. Does TeX forbid redifining 
 something ?

In a way, yes. By convention, the special character '@' is often used by macro 
packages to hide internal definitions from the user's influence. This is 
accomplished using TeX's category code mechanism: Simplified, this means that 
the '@' character has a different meaning in musixtex.tex than in your .tex 
file so that [EMAIL PROTECTED] has actually two different meanings depending on 
where it appears. (For the whole catcode story, The TeXbook is a splendid 
lecture! :-))

Fortunately, this definition hiding is easy to overcome: Just enclose the 
redefinition block in \makeatletter...\makeatother and it should do the desired 

Best regards,

Mit WEB.DE FreePhone mit hoechster Qualitaet ab 0 Ct./Min.
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TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] \llyr has no effect at 1st note

2004-12-17 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Simon!

On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 12:26:37AM +0100, Simon Dreher wrote:
 why do the \llyr\ -commands take no effect when placed before the first 
 note when there is a verse number?

That's because M-Tx inserts a \mtxVerse macro call immediately before the 
first note; this call catches the effect of \llyr and applies it to the 
verse numbers preceding the first syllables. If you really want to 
left-align the first syllables, the following, commonly applied 
redefinition trick should help:

\myllyr\ e4 g | c.g g c | e d c b  | c a c a |

 And what about the strange behaviour 
 when verse numbers are placed only in some of the verses?

You mean that the first syllable of a numberless verse appears in the
verse number column? That's simply because M-Tx's \mtxVerse macro expects
the first syllable of a lyrics line to be the verse number. Whatsoever, it
takes the first syllable and arranges it as the verse number ... If you
want a verse to have no number, then give it a number placeholder:

L:\empty{} In das Won-ne-meer ...

 When I coded the following example (for older versions of m-tx and pmx) 
 I had placed \llyr\lyroffset{-3}\ before the first note - I don't know 
 which standard behaviour the old versions had. Why did it change? 

As far as musixlyr is concerned: Earlier versions had a hard limit how 
far syllables could extend into the left page margin (MusixTeX's zero 
position); nowadays, musixlyr allows syllables to extend into the left 
margin as far as necessary for natural alignment with their notes. I 
don't know how M-Tx makes use of this new freedom, though.

 \lyroffset also seems to have an effect only on the numbers and no more 
 on the first syllable, so you can't put the lyrics of the first notes to 
 the left any more if they are a bit too long.

If you want to shift numbers and first syllables left a bit, you should 
first move the numbers away by saying, for example,


(default is 3), then apply the trick mentioned above in a slight 

\myllyr\ e4 g | c.g g c | e d c b  | c a c a |

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Re: M-Tx/MusiXLYR long words centered at melisma?

2004-11-03 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hi Bodo!

On Sun, Oct 31, 2004 at 09:21:47PM +, Bodo Meissner wrote:
 If I understand it correct, this means at the start of a melisma  
 musixlyr does not know the position of the ending note of this melisma.


 Avoiding or reducing collision was not my primary intention, although  
 the left justification leads to more collisions.
 IMHO it does not look good if long syllables are left justified at a  
 melisma while normally syllables are centered at single notes, even  
 without collisions.

Well, this is apparently a matter of taste; my model for musixlyr's 
behaviour was engraved music where I've never seen anything else than 
left-justified melisma syllables. But I agree that this becomes a problem 
where the syllable is wider than the melismatic note sequence, as in the 
Gscheit example; centering the syllable under the whole melisma phrase 
seems to be a reasonable alternative.

  You may either resort to a generally wider music spacing (e.g. by  
  requesting a greater \linegoal) or, if that's not feasible, by manual  
  corrections to the lyrics or notes spacing.
 I think I will use manual corrections if necessary, because I have to  
 fulfill two somewhat contradictory requirements: Use as little pages as  
 possible to avoid turning over the pages while singing and use large  
 text and notes size because several choir members' eyesight is not so  

I know; I often had the same target conflict when preparing choir music ...
Manual tweaking is hardly avoidable here.

 Would it be possible to implement the placing of a syllable below a  
 group of notes as follows?
 At the start of a melisma save the current position and the syllable.
 If the end of the melisma is reached and the syllable is not yet  
 placed, try to center it below the group of notes.

Objection: Consider long melismas, like baroque 'Koloraturen' (don't know
the English word) which may easily span more than one line. Centering the
syllable unter the melisma would place it too far away from the melisma
beginning, i.e. when you start singing the phrase, you haven't seen the
syllable yet. Therefore, IMO centering should be restricted to a certain
(configurable) melisma phrase width which should normally apply to 2-notes
melismas only.

 If a line break is reached and the syllable is not yet placed, try to  
 center it below the notes from the start of the melisma up to the last  
 note before the line break. Start a line or hyphens (lyrrule) at the  
 first note after the line break until end of melisma.
 If the note spacing up to the current note is wider then the space  
 needed for the syllable, left justify the syllable at the saved  
 position of the first note. Continue with line or hyphens (lyrrule)  
 until end of melisma.
 (If there is a collision on the left side, the syllable must be shifted  
 to the right as usual.)

I see what you're aiming at. I agree it should be feasible to delay the
syllable placement until the ending position of the melisma phrase is
known, but I keep insisting that making the syllable placement dependent
on subsequent syllables is too complicated.

I'll put your suggestion on the wish list, but please don't ask when it 
will be implemented ... :-) Should you become impatient, please feel free 
to go ahead yourself!

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Re: M-Tx/MusiXLYR long words centered at melisma?

2004-10-30 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Bodo!

On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 09:19:29AM +, Bodo Meissner wrote:
 Suggested change for MusiXLYR:
 The syllable or word at a melisma should be centered if it's longer  
 than the space for the notes and if there is space to the left.
 If the space is to small for centering, it should be left shifted as  
 much as possible.

I'm sorry, but that's definitely not possible: musixlyr has no idea about
the notes spacing surrounding the attachment of a specific syllable. All
it knows is the horizontal position of the related note, the width of the
current syllable and the available space to the previous syllable. It's
therefore possible to right-shift lyrics to avoid collisions on the left,
but unfortunately impossible to anticipate collisions that will take place
on the right side of the current syllable. To enable such a behaviour,
MusiXTeX's notes placement algorithm itself would have to take lyrics
space consumtion into account, which is is currently not implemented at

Generally, I can see two solutions in space-critical lyrics situations: 
You may either resort to a generally wider music spacing (e.g. by 
requesting a greater \linegoal) or, if that's not feasible, by manual 
corrections to the lyrics or notes spacing. I hope that this doesn't 
occur too frequently.

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

[TeX-music] Re: Gregorian chant: MusiXTeX?

2004-10-30 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 01:12:01AM +0200, Guido Milanese wrote:
 Thanks a lot for this suggestion! I'll try this package and see what I can do.
 But it's really impossibile to write texts with Gregorian chant using MusiXTeX?

You can combine musixgre and musixlyr to post lyrics to Gregorian chant,
but this yields a poor man's Gregorian typesetting only. AFAIK OpusTeX is
far more sophisticated in the respect; for example, it subordinates the 
notes spacing to the lyrics spacing (since the lyrics are leading the 
music) and it horizontally aligns the note to the vowel of the syllable 
(or does something similar, I don't remember exactly).

Nevertheless, I've tried MusiXTeX/musixgre/musixlyr and found that
musixgre has a strange notion of where the horizontal center of a
multi-note ligature is. I could only achieve a somewhat acceptable result
by switching automatic lyrics setting off and posting all syllables
explicitly; see this sandbox example:

\input musixtex \input musixgre \input musixlyr

\setlines14 \setclef1{3000}

\setlyrics1{Dies ist Gre-go-ri-a-nisch} \assignlyrics11

   \lyr\bivirga ab%
   \llyr\lyr\trivirga abc%
   \lyr\clivis ab%
   \lyr\quilismapes af%
   \lyr\Porrectus geg%
   \lyr\climacus gfa%
   \lyr\salicusflexus abfe%

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

Re: [TeX-music] MusixTeX issues with LaTeX

2004-08-03 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Mon, Aug 02, 2004 at 04:07:08PM +0200, Don Camillo wrote:
 2. I had a score to be typeset with M-Tx in SATB style. If I place the 
 lyrics under the Bass voice, everything is OK but placing the lyrics 
 under the Alt voice works only in plain TeX. The _same_ score in LaTeX 
 (placed in the Score environment of mtxlatex.sty) appear with ???s under 
 the Bass voice.

Could you provide your piece for analysis? If possible, please send all 
involved files (including logfiles) to me privately.

Best regards,

TeX-music mailing list

[Tex-music] Re: Mail list archive retrieval problem

2004-03-03 Thread Rainer Dunker
On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 08:07:35AM +0200, Dirk Laurie wrote:
 When trying to access this item, the following happens:
 1. I am asked for my e-mail address and password.  I type them in.
 2. The item asked for does not appear, instead, the screen for the URL
 3. I select January 2004, and since there is no facility for entering
the post number, I click the field marked author.
 4. A beautiful index appears.  I have no difficulty in finding the item 
I need, and click it.
 5. I am asked for my e-mail address and password.  I type them in.

You're right, I'm experiencing the same phenomenon with Lynx and Opera,
*not* with Internet Explorer, though. But this seems to indicate the 
reason and the solution:

5. I am asked for my e-mail address and password (again).

6. I let the browser refresh the page -- and the requested item appears!

Like you, I first assumed this to be a bug in the login cookie handling. 
But now it seems that this is just the result of the browsers' page 
caching: The first time the browser accesses the given URL to the 
article, the list server responds with the login page, and logging in 
does not immediately deliver the very article but the archive index 
(this seems to be a Mailman property -- it is apparently no good idea to 
refer to article URLs of private Mailman archives directly, but I didn't 
know this). When you visit the article URL the second time, the browser 
displays the cached page it first got via this URL -- which is the login 
page. Refreshing it makes the server now (when the login cookie 
is set) respond with the wanted article.

Best regards,

Tex-music mailing list

Re: [Tex-music] Vertical spacing

2004-01-20 Thread Rainer Dunker
Hello Dirk,

the fact that I respond to your question does not imply that I really 
understand the vertical spacing mechanics better than you do :-), but 
nevertheless I've got some thoughts about that. Please object on each of 
them if they turn out to be wrong.

As far as I can see, there are two fundamentally separate factors 
influencing the vertical spacing:

(1) PMX distributes the available vspace of a page evenly between all 
present staves, between systems as well as within systems. You can 
influence this with AI and Ai, but I don't know a way to enforce
really fixed interstaff/interinstrument distances. I've therefore no 
idea how to implement your mentioned Space: 2 4 function through PMX.

(2) Vertical layout differences between TeX and LaTeX may be caused by 
the ways how both programs calculate the net vertical room available for 
the page content. Beyond \textheight, vertical room in LaTeX depends 
on parameters \headheight, \headsep, \footskip, and probably still more; 
how is this mapped to TeX's vertical spacing rules? I don't know 
exactly. But I believe that, once you manage to control the vertical 
layout parameters of TeX and LaTeX coherently to each other, you'll 
obtain the same layout results in both systems.

Maybe you can set a challenge by giving an example score with annoyingly 
different spacing results in TeX and LaTeX?

Best regards,


On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 01:12:00PM +0200, Dirk Laurie wrote:
 This e-mail is addressed mainly to people that understand MusiXTeX,
 especially the brand of it that comes out of PMX, and LaTeX, better
 than I do.  That's quite a lot of people, I hope.
 I spend maybe half my music typesetting time trying to tweak vertical
 spacing with the aid of commands that all seem to conflict in practice.
 What I want is simple: full control over the exact distance between staves
 in a system, but with the distance between systems adjusted automatically
 to fill the page.
 Thus, the M-Tx command (for a system with two staves)
   Space: 2 4
 should mean: make the staves exactly 2\Interligne further apart than some 
 fixed default, one that does not change depending on how full the page is;
 and separate each system from the next by at least 4\Interligne more
 than some other fixed default.
 The Space command translates (via intermediate macros \mtxInterInstrument
 and \mtxStaffBottom in mtx.tex) to
   \staffbotmarg 4\Interligne
 Both these macros could be improved: I think that the first only
 works properly for single-staff instruments (not a problem because the
 piano is usually at the bottom) and the second maybe should rather be
   \def\atnextline{\stafftopmarg 4\Interligne}
 (or should that \def be \gdef?).  Maybe neither macro says what I mean.
 And maybe one could fiddle with redefining \alaligne.  I'm getting 
 a little out of my depth here.
 Now I can usually (having had some experience) get things to come
 out OK with plain MusiXTeX, by fiddling with the numbers in Space.
 Unfortunately, if I fiddle with those numbers I also have to change
 the position of the lyrics.  There is not too much predictability in
 the process, unless the score happens to have exactly the same layout,
 including number of lyrics lines, as another one that already is debugged.
 But the moment that the score goes into LaTeX things no longer look the same.
 My current technique for LaTeX is to use an environment score defined 
 this way (simplified from mtxlatex.sty):
 \textwidth 193mm\textheight 270mm
 \oddsidemargin -15mm\evensidemargin -15mm\topmargin -20mm
 Inside \begin{score}...\end{score} I then input the files produced by PMX.
 I am doubtful about several things here: how effective are attempts
 to change page layout parameters inside an environment, should I have
 \musicparskip or not, etc.  And mainly: why does the LaTeX vertical
 spacing come out so very different from the plain TeX spacing, and
 how can I avoid that?
Tex-music mailing list