[Tex-music] LaTeXing a file using MusiXTex

2019-02-05 Thread coulonnus
The German and English versions compile well but the French one says No room 
for a new \dimen \ch@ck etc.

I installed this TeX distribution in 2014.

Ha anyboy ideas?
Jean-Pierre Coulon\documentclass[12pt,twoside]{article}
\input musixps
\input coulhack
\input musixlyr
\raggedbottom% supprime messages undefull vbox ...
\setlength{\textwidth}{18cm} \setlength{\textheight}{26cm}
\setlength{\marginparwidth}{1in} \setlength{\marginparsep}{0pt}


\hbox to \hsize{
\startextract #1%
\startextract #2%


\newcommand{\twoextrbis}[3]%   m\^eme commande avec un argument de plus
{\let\extractline\hbox%  pour changer de mesure, etc.
\hbox to \hsize{
\startextract #1
\startextract #3



\milieu{\ppfftwentynine Sottisier de la gravure de partoches}
\milieu{\medtype ou}
%\milieu{\ppfftwentyfour Essai sur la mani\`ere correcte de noter la musique}
\milieu{\large\textit{\textbf{Essai sur la mani\`ere correcte de noter la
\centerline{\Huge Jean-Pierre Coulon}
\milieu{\large \`a l'usage des :}
\item utilisateurs de logiciels de gravure musicale,
\item concepteurs de ces logiciels,
\item graveurs de musique par des m\'ethodes traditionnelles,
\item collectionneurs de partitions de musique,
\item amateurs de \textit{s\'emantique}, \textit{s\'emiologie},
\textit{philologie}, etc.

{\footnotesize NB : ces exemples n'ont aucune pr\'etention d'int\'er\^et 
Ne les d\'echiffrez pas avec votre instrument :-)\\
Afin de m'en tenir \`a l'essentiel, et faute d'expertise suffisante,
je n'aborderai aucun de ces sujets connexes, passionnants :

\pruneau solf\`ege, harmonie, \'ecriture, etc.\\
\pruneau essai comparatif de diff\'erents logiciels de gravure musicale,\\
\pruneau interpr\'etation des symboles musicaux mentionn\'es selon les 
\pruneau droit d'auteur et droit de copie,\\
\pruneau notation de percussions, et tablatures
d'intruments \`a cordes pinc\'ees,\\
\pruneau notation de la musique tr\`es ancienne, et de la musique d'avant-garde.


Lorsqu'il existe des notes simultan\'ees sur une m\^eme port\'ee, il y a
deux notations possibles : la notation \textit{en accords} et la
notation \textit{polyphonique} :

{\NOtes\qu c\zq c\qu e\en
\Notes\ibu0e1\zq c\qb0e\zq d\tqh0f\en}
{\NOtes\zql c\qp\zql c\qu e\en

Bien entendu, si les parties ont des rythmes diff\'erents, la notation
polyphonique est la seule possible. 

\milieu{\large\textit{\textbf{\`a partir d'ici :}}}

{\ppfftwentyfour A gauche, ce qui n'est pas correct. \hfill
A droite, ce qui l'est. }

Faire tout son possible pour placer les \textit{tournes} \`a des endroits
acceptables pour le musicien, faute de quoi il sera oblig\'e, soit de
recourir \`a un << tourneur de pages >>, soit de faire de laborieux montages
de morceaux de photocopies. Compte tenu du fait que les partitions
des temps modernes sont plus petites qu'autrefois, ceci impose un
effort suppl\'ementaire de la part du graveur.

{\footnotesize La zone effectivement imprim\'ee, c'est-\`a-dire sans tenir
compte des marges, de la plupart des
partitions anciennes, correspondait presque au
format habituel des partitions de notre temps, marges comprises.


Un solution de facilit\'e consiste \`a utiliser une petite taille de gravure.
Il vaut mieux utiliser une gravure de taille sup\'erieure, au prix
d'un effort plus important pour g\'erer les espacements rationnellement.
Ces deux extraits prennent le m\^eme espace horizontal, mais celui de
droite est plus lisible :

\hbox to \hsize{

[Tex-music] Using font-based slurs and ties with musixchar.

2018-10-09 Thread coulonnus
I am using musixps but for some reason I want to put a font-base slur 
somewhere. The right one for me is in xslz20.pfb and by typing tex fontchar, 
xslz20 I know the right character number for me.

How can I tell musixchar to fetch the character in xslz20 instead of musix20?
I though it was by saying \font\mytie=xslz20 at 10pt and
zcharnote c{\mytie\musixchar} but this keeps the musix20 characters.

Jean-Pierre Coulon
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
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[Tex-music] How can I say \generalmeter with a single number?

2017-11-21 Thread coulonnus
e.g. only a big "3" instead of a fraction. The manual claims you can say 
\generalmeter{m} "where m describes the appearance of the meter indication" 
but \generalmeter{\meter{3}} causes havoc.

Jean-Pierre Coulon
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
If you want to unsubscribe or look at the archives, go to 

[Tex-music] \stemlength is overridden in high notes.

2017-03-29 Thread coulonnus

\input musixtex
\Notes\ql j\ql l\ql n\ql q\ql s\ql t\en
\Notes\stemlength2\ql j\ql l\ql n\ql q\ql s\ql t\en

\stemlength is overridden by the (useful) feature of MusiXTeX to increase 
the stemlengths of very high notes. How can I work around?

Jean-Pierre Coulon
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
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[Tex-music] Ties across lines

2016-12-18 Thread coulonnus
Does anybody know why they are sometimes nice as line 2 and somtimes ugly as 
line 3?

Jean-Pierre Coulon\input musixtex
\input musixps

\Notes|\loffset{.3}{\sh d\zhlp f}\zql d\cu h\en
\notesp|\qu i\ql{=d}\qu m\hl c\itied2p\qu p\ql{^e}\en
\Notes|\ttie2\itied2p\itieu3r\zq p\cu r\en
\bar% 179
\Notes|\zql f\ttie2\ttie3\zq p\cu r\en
\notesp\sk\ql b|\zq q\ql o\en
\notesp\sk\ql c|\zq p\ql n\en
\notesp\sk\qu J|\zq o\ql m\en
\Notes|\zq n\cl{^l}\en
\bar% 180
\Notes\ds\ibu1L0\lpz F\qb1F\lpz M\qb1M\lpz J\tqh1J|\ql m\sk\qp\en
\Notes\itied0K\hl K|\ds\ibu3l0\zq{f^i}\qb3m\zq{fi}\qb3m\zq{fi}\tqh3m\en
\bar% 181
\Notes\ttie0\cu K|\zq{^ej}\qu{^l}\en
\notesp\qa J|\sk\zq{=n}\ql{^h}\en
\notesp\qa L|\sk\zq m\ql i\en
\notesp\qa{^K}|\sk\zq o\ql{^i}\en 
\Notes\itieu1M\cl M\en
\alaligne% \bare% 182
\Notes\ttie1\cl M|\zq{^n}\ql j\en
\notesp\qa{^L}|\sk\zq r\ql{^l}\en
\notesp\qa b|\sk\zq q\ql m\en
\notesp\qa a|\sk\zq p\ql k\en 
\Notes\cl N\en
\bar% 183
\Notes\zcn f{\p}\ds\cl a|\zq o\ql j\en
\Notes\ds\cl b|\zq n\ql i\en
\Notes\ds\cl c|\zq m\ql h\en
\Notes\ds\cu J|\zq{\l}\ql{^g}\en
\bar% 184
\Notes\ql M\sk\qp|\zq m\cl h\ibu3f2\lpz c\qb3c\lpz f\qb3f\lpz h\tqh3h\en
\Notes|\zqup j\monte{-2}\ds\ibl2d0\zq{hf}\qb2c\zq{hf}\qb2c\en
\bar% 185
\alaligne% \bare% 186
\Notes\sk\ibu1M2\lpz J\qb1J\lpz M\qb1M\lpz a\tqh1a%
|\tsslur1f\tsslur2h\zq h\zql f\tslur3n\cu m\qp\en
\Notes\ds\ibl0K0\zq{aM}\qb0J\zq{aM}\qb0J|\qup c\en
\bar% 187
\bar% 188
\Notes\zq a\ql M|\tslur2f\ibu3f2\qb3f\lpz f\qb3f\en
\Notes\qp|\lpz h\qb3h\lpz j\tqh3j\en
\Notes\ds|\itieu3m\hl m\en
\bar% 189
\Notes\zh{ec^a}\hl M|\ttie3\cu m\ibu3h2\lpz f\qb3f\en
\Notes|\lpz h\qb3{^h}\lpz j\tqh3j\en
\Notes\ds|\hl m\en

Description: Adobe PDF document
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[Tex-music] Does anybody know of a .wma to midi converter?

2016-04-05 Thread coulonnus

Excuse the off-topic-ness :-)

Jean-Pierre Coulon
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
If you want to unsubscribe or look at the archives, go to 

[Tex-music] Subject: Last version of Acrobat Reader, pdfopen

2016-03-25 Thread coulonnus
I just accepted an update of Acrobat Reader and now pdfopen rants: "arctrl: 
The DDE conversion could not be established" even if I start the pdf manually 
before starting musixtex.cmd

If we find no solution, at least refuse this update!

The Aarhus server rants if I attach my musixtex.cmd file:
@echo off
if not exist %1.tex goto :EOF
if exist %1.mx2 del %1.mx2
if exist %1.pdf del %1.pdf > nul 2>&1
if exist %1.pdf pdfclose --file %1.pdf
@tex %1 && @musixflx %1 && @tex %1 && @dvips -q* -tA4 %1 && @ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE#a4 
-r300 %1.ps %1.pdf && pdfopen --file %1.pdf

Jean-Pierre Coulon
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
If you want to unsubscribe or look at the archives, go to 

Re: [Tex-music] Trying tu upload file to http://imslp.org

2015-10-01 Thread coulonnus

On Thu, 1 Oct 2015, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Now the zip file results to be uploaded, although I hadn't filled the
`publisher' field yet, and even though I still can't see the file in the
composer's list.

imslp won't accept a zip source file without the corresponding pdf.

Perhaps this will work if you fill everything correctly but an admin will 
delete it.


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[Tex-music] ps2pdf and pdf2ps user manuals.

2014-11-07 Thread coulonnus

I couldn't find any on my MiKTeX distribution. Are there any somewhere?

Jean-Pierre Coulon
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
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[Tex-music] IMSLP's comparison of typesetting applications=scorewriter

2014-06-11 Thread coulonnus
Can somebody please add PMX, MTX etc. to this page? 

The table by programs can be only accessed to by editing this page:

Then the Table by formats below this table will automagically expand itself 
with the formats you've put into the Can read column.

And perhaps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_scorewriters ?

Jean-Pierre Coulon

TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
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[Tex-music] Producing a pdf document with an application without this feature

2014-04-07 Thread coulonnus
I am trying to install a PostScript printer I'll never buy for the procedure 
described in: http://icking-music-archive.org/scores/Pdf_scores_HOWTO.php 
(making a ps and converting it to pdf).

But the recommended IBM 4039 LaserPrinter PS is no longer present in the list 
of available printers with Windows 8. Will any printer containing ps in its 
name do the job? Won't some printers provide huge .ps a, pdfs?

Jean-Pierre Coulon

TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
If you want to unsubscribe or look at the archives, go to 

Re: [Tex-music] Contact email for IMSLP

2014-01-28 Thread coulonnus
There is also http://imslpforums.org if you think your remark can be useful for 
other people. But you need yet another subscription. The imslp and 
imslpforums accounts are not linked together.

And if you're new to imslpforums you will have to spend some time to find the 
appropriate forum for you.  :-(

Jean-Pierre Coulon
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
If you want to unsubscribe or look at the archives, go to 

Re: [Tex-music] Christof Biebricher, Bach BWV 1052, PMX

2013-09-17 Thread coulonnus

On Tue, 17 Sep 2013, Christian Mondrup wrote:

 Sorry, but the Bach-Digital imslp version has something different. Could
 you please attach the very page where you saw this measure present?

The attached pdf file contains the bars around the reported flaw as found in 
the GBA edition and Cristof's arrangement resp.

Thanks. Now I understand that the correct edition is the Bach-Gesellschaft 
Ausgabe edited by Wilhelm Rust.

I'll have a look at the autograph.

Jean-Pierre Coulon
TeX-music@tug.org mailing list
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