Re: TIC-Lobby: Cum vă va reprezenta ASRO inte resele în problema OOXML ?

2007-12-10 Fir de Conversatie Răzvan Sandu

Cristian Secar� wrote:

Ru�inos, neru�inos, cu ceva vreme �n urm� ASRO a cerut (�i a ob�inut) o
sponsorizare privat� pentru o deplasare la Frankfurt, la o reuniune a
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2 Coded character sets. Nu conteaz� cine a
sponsorizat �i foarte bine c� ASRO a putut s� participe, pentru castfel a putut fi prezent� �i Rom�nia, m�car cu numele.

ASRO este o companie privat�, trebuie s�-�i dr�muiasc� fiecare leu,
asta �i �n condi�iile �n care are un personal numeros �i venituri
c�tre ei discutabile. Nu sunt eu �n m�sur� s� judec a�a ceva, dar �tiu
c� sunt voci care critic� trecerea acestui organism din or�nduiala
statului �n cea privat�, tocmai pe motiv de lips� de perspective.


Bun� ziua,

Nu sunt nici eu �n m�sur� s� judec, dar mi se pare contraproductiv ca
o companie
privat� - care nu poate fi dec�t subiectiv�, partizan� - s� se ocupe de
elaborarea standardelor na�ionale, care ne privesc pe to�i...

De curiozitate, are cineva idee cum e pe la al�ii ? La englezi, la nem�i, la
francezi ?

Numai bine,

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Re: TIC-Lobby: Cum vă va reprezenta ASRO inte resele în problema OOXML ?

2007-12-07 Fir de Conversatie Răzvan Sandu

Dan Matei wrote:


In calitate de pianist (i.e. prezident al CT210) declar ca nu ma vad plecind 
la Geneva. Chiar daca mi-ar plati cineva deplasarea (nu stiu cine), ma tem ca
nu-s liber in perioada aia. Pe de alta parte, nu inteleg bine ce se va 
intimpla acolo. In mod normal, cred ca ar putea sa mearga oricine, din moment

ce trebuie sa voteze dupa cum a decis comitetul tehnic al tarii respective.
Ce decizie se poate lua acolo, pe loc ? La ce ar fi buni asistentii ?


Dan (prostovan, de dimineata)

Bună ziua, d-le Matei  all,

Încerc să vă răspund eu la întrebarea „ce să facem la Geneva ?”, forwardându-vă,
fără comentarii, o scrisoare pe care am primit-o, la rândul meu, din partea
OpenForum Europe.

Desigur, scrisoarea conţine punctul de vedere al „taberei pro-ODF, cu care,
probabil, nu sunteţi de acord, dar v-o forwardez doar ca „informaţie primară”.


Dear Razvan,


It has taken us some time to put together the latest information on
the matter and verify it. There were no official ISO rules or procedures as
regards the Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) in Geneva, in February 2008, so
there has been a lot conflicting information on who and under what condition
could participate in it and whether it is possible to change vote on OOXML.
Only very recently ISO Secretariat has published an informative guide to the
BRM process in the form of “Frequently Asked Questions” (in case you have not
seen it yet, here is the link: )

The cut the long story short: The Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) + 30 days
following (this is up to March 29, 2008) will decide whether OOXML becomes an
ISO standard or not. All 87 countries that voted in the Sept 2 OOXML ballot
can attend the BRM, but those who wish to attend must make their intention
clear before year end (likely deadline early December). All 87 countries can
change their vote – there will not be a re-vote however. National bodies
intending to change their vote on the basis of the new disposition will make
their intention clear to the Convenor at the BRM and will have 30 days within
which they confirm their change by petition. Countries may change their vote
via a petition regardless of whether they attend the BRM or not.

However, we in OpenForum Europe think, that it would be useful that NBs which
voted YES to OOXML send their delegates to Geneva. If such a delegate (or
maybe more then one) is present to the BRM, then they will learn more about
all the problems with OOXML. We believe that in some cases the people in the
NBs did not realise how important their decision on OOXML was. During the BRM
in Geneva, they will be faced with many more who voted against OOXML and all
the problems related to OOXML will be floated. I suppose that if these
delegates have their eyes and ears open (under th condition that they are not
only Microsoft partners), then when they go back to their NBs they may be
more willing to convince them to vote against OOXML in the end.

Below you will find more information concerning the BRM in Geneva and some
suggestions for people engaged in the campaign against OOXML when talking
with their NBs. This fact sheet has been produced by ODF Alliance, which has
been involved in the campaign against OOXML from the very beginning. Hope you
find it useful.

Should you have any news concerning OOXML in Romania, please let me know.


Dominik Olewinski on behalf of OpenForum Europe

*BRM Fact Sheet on DIS 29500/Office Open XML*

Office Open XML (OOXML) is the office file format derived from Microsoft
Corporation's Office 2007 program.  It is currently being fast-tracked
through ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee (JTC1) as DIS 29500, and will now
be considered at the Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) on February 25-29,
2008 in Geneva. There, participating national standards bodies (NBs) will
vote, if necessary, on individual /disposition of comments /that Ecma will
circulate in response to the comments that accompanied the national bodies'
votes during the ballot period that ended September 2. In the light of
these, NBs may opt to alter their original vote within 30 days of the end
of the BRM.

The rules governing the BRM are contained in the JTC Directives. The JTC1
Secretariat has published an informative guide to the BRM process in the
form of “Frequently Asked Questions”. While the guide should provide
answers to commonly-asked questions, for members of national standards
bodies, there are several important points to remember:

*NBs may change their vote in any way. *Voting is not one-directional. As
the guide makes clear, “those attending may change their position (as
already expressed in the five-month ballot) to any of 'approve',
'disapprove' or 'abstain' during the course of the BRM.”

*NBs should concern themselves with all the comments submitted on OOXML,
not just  their own. *This is because the new document that