Re: [Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on Linux with Java 1.5.0

2005-10-27 Thread Patrick Bielen

Pete Helgren schreef:

 We should probably tidy it all up.There are 32 open bugs that go all 
 the way back to 2002.
 Kenneth is the Admin so I think only he can close them.

Nope, i can close bugs also, at least i should be able to.

 If we could figure out what is still open we might be able to assign 
 a few to each of the programmers on the list to get them fixed.

Yeah that should be nice.

 It would be nice to finish the project with a nice clean release. 
 We are at the .6 release level so I am not sure of what all is still 
 missing that would make this a 1.0 release.

In one word... bug-hunting :-)

 I wish Kenneth would check in so we'd know what is up with him. Hope 
 he is OK.

I'm sure he's okay, but he does not work at his old company anymore and 
is taking various
steps to release new companies all over the world, so he's very busy. 
But so now and
then i think he really takes a look at the mailing list, so when he'll 
track activity again he'll
join very soon imho. At least that is how i know him :-)

Best Regards,


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Re: [Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on linux with java 1.5.0

2005-10-27 Thread Patrick Bielen

Kenneth Pouncey schreef:

 This should be fixed in CVS.Richard had that problem.

Yeah, gonna compile again in a few minutes :-)

 Not sure about this.Jump into the code and see what the problem is. 
 Am sure it will be a java 1.5 on linux problem or someone would have 
 already posted the problem.

Yeah, that's what i thought too, but which codes of the keymaps are used ?
Cause i used xdev to get the codes, but they vary from the ones used in 
keymap-file ?

 Yes but then again being a programmer yourself that frustration level 
 can be reduced by figuring out the problem and making the change to 
 fix it :-P

Hehehehe you know i'm not THAT skilled yet, but okay, i'll give it a try.

 Which again begs the question of why you are frustrated with problems.

:-) the answer is higher in this mail :-)

 Looking at the code base should help with that.

Okay, let's try to find out...

 Although Patrick, me not being around does not mean anybody could not 
 update CVS with changes and bug fixes.

I know.

 Not exactly sure if the project lacks leadership per se but more 
 hands digging in the code and updating CVS with bug fixes.

I did not said the project lacked leadership, let that be clear.

 Not a lot of java skills needed to fix the problems you reported so 
 now all that is left to do is dig in. 
 The keymapping problem could probably be fixed in 30 minutes. 
 Let me know and I can tell you where to look.

Okay, if you tell me where to look i'll give it a try

Best Regards,


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