[CATALINA] M4 source build fails?

2000-11-12 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there Craig et al,

I just downloaded the m4 source archives as per the message sent recently
and ant and regexp from cvs and followed the intructions, but I can't get it
to build. Looks to me like theres a problem with the javadoc steps. When I

D:\apps\jakarta\40-m4\jakarta-tomcat-4.0build dist

I get:



D:\apps\jakarta\40-m4\jakarta-tomcat-4.0\build.xml:89: srcdir
D:\apps\jakarta\40-m4\jakarta-servletapi\docs\api does not exist!

It seems to be looking in the servlet api source dir for the docs, which
according to the servlet api build.xml are deposited in the build dir rather
than the source dir.

Is this just another case of me not reading carefully enough or is there a
problem in here somewhere?



PS, I noticed during the JMX download that there are two competing download
files, the
"JMX Instrumentation Reference Implementation 1.0 ( .56 MB )" and "JMX
Instrumentation and Agent Reference Implementation 1.0 ( 1.24 MB )". I
guessed the first one and got it wrong, perhaps a note in the readme to say
which download file is required would be a good idea.

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Tomcat 4.0 m4 filter impl.

2000-12-14 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

I've got some questions about Servlet API 2.3 Filters and the Tomcat 4.0 m4
implementation of them.

I've been thinking about implementing one of those new-fangled Filter
things. I've been reading the spec, and I've found a few things which are
unclear. I've also read the source for Tomcat 4.0 m4 where appropriate to
try and figure out what is currently implemented, and I'd like to know how
the implementation relates to the unclear areas that I've found in the spec.

The areas I'm confused about follow:

1) Filters and UnavailableException

Filters can throw UnavailableException, but the 2.3 PFD doesn't seem to
specify what to do with them if it does. It looks like Tomcat 4.0 m4
disables the Servlet that the request referenced. This doesn't seem like a
very good idea to me, primarily because there is not necessarily a 1:1
mapping between a Filter and the Servlet it is filtering.

For example, imagine if you had an authentication filter which was
protecting a few static files in a subdir of your context. If the filter
died and thew UnavailableException, that would mean that the DefaultServlet
which is serving all the static content for your webapp would be disabled.

Perhaps in this case the Filter itself ought to be disabled? It would be
more work, but it would seem more consistent.

2) Filters and RequestDispatcher

Filters are apparently allowed to call the include() and forward() methods
of RequestDispatcher. However, the 2.3 PFD doesn't seem to mention if those
calls should invoke the filter chain again or if they are supposed to
reference the target servlet directly. It looks like Tomcat 4.0 m4
references them directly. I'm not sure which is the best way, but I can see
some potential problems with the way Tomcat is doing it.

For example, imagine if you had a nice site you'd written in XML and which
used an XSLT filter transform the content into HTML. Then, you wrote an
authentication filter which is inserted in the filter chain before the XSLT
filter. It forward()s to "login-error.xml" when the user enters the wrong
password. What happens? the login-error.xml is sent to the client directly,
without the XSLT transformation. Not nice.

Would anyone care to comment on what they think is the right behaviour in
these cases, or to clarify my confusion?



Re: [tomcat 4.0] Turning off random number seeding

2000-12-17 Thread Geoff Soutter


I thought the RNG only took around 5 seconds on that kind of machine.

Are you sure it's not classloading taking the time? I found removing the
manifest from my .jar files can make up to an order of magnitude difference
on some servlet engines...



- Original Message -
From: "Jon Stevens" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "tomcat-dev" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 1:03 PM
Subject: [tomcat 4.0] Turning off random number seeding

 Sorry for the cross posting.

 See log file below.

 Ok, between "doGet() Start 1" and "doGet() Start 2" is essentially a call

 Obviously, Tomcat must be initializing the RNG at that point because the
 next round doesn't produce that in the log and also it is quite fast.

 So: How the heck do I turn that off or at least speed it up? It is taking
 bloody forever (over a minute on a PIII 500mhz!)! I thought that this
 problem was related to Turbine's loading of Services or at least Tomcat's
 classloader, but now I see that the problem is definitely in the RNG! :-(



 2000-12-17 17:56:28 StandardHost[localhost]: Deploying web application at
 context path /scarab from URL
 2000-12-17 17:56:29 ContextConfig[/scarab]: Configured an authenticator
 method BASIC
 2000-12-17 17:56:29 StandardWrapper[/scarab:default]: Loading container
 servlet default
 2000-12-17 17:56:29 default: init
 2000-12-17 17:56:29 StandardWrapper[/scarab:invoker]: Loading container
 servlet invoker
 2000-12-17 17:56:29 invoker: init
 2000-12-17 17:56:29 jsp: init
 2000-12-17 17:56:31 scarab: init
 2000-12-17 17:56:31 scarab: Turbine: init() Start Initializing Services!
 2000-12-17 17:56:32 scarab: Turbine: init() Finish Initializing Services!
 2000-12-17 17:56:32 scarab: Turbine: ready to rumble!
 2000-12-17 17:56:32 scarab: Turbine: doGet() Start 1!
 2000-12-17 17:56:32 Manager[/scarab]: Seeding random number generator
 2000-12-17 17:56:32 Manager[/scarab]: Seeding of random number generator
 been completed
 2000-12-17 17:57:23 scarab: Turbine: doGet() Start 2!
 2000-12-17 17:57:23 scarab: Turbine: doGet() Start Initializing Services!
 2000-12-17 17:57:26 scarab: Turbine: doGet() Finish Initializing Services!
 2000-12-17 17:57:26 scarab: Turbine: doGet() Start 3!
 2000-12-17 17:57:27 scarab: Turbine: doGet() Start 1!
 2000-12-17 17:57:27 scarab: Turbine: doGet() Start 2!
 2000-12-17 17:57:27 scarab: Turbine: doGet() Start 3!

 Honk if you love peace and quiet.

Tomcat 4.0 current dir problems

2001-01-07 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there Craig,

I've been attempting to set up Tomcat 4.0 b1 for my own use, and I've found
I have a bit of an issue with the way that it handles the "current

Usually I like to install a servlet container once and have multiple
configurations for it set up in different directories (e.g. a server.xml and
some webapps - I need this to work with our version control system). To do
this I like to rely on the current directory to find the various config
files. However, catalina sets the effective current directory for
the -config option (and some other things, by the look) to CATALINA_HOME,
which kind of breaks this way of doing things. This presumably means I would
have to hard code full path names to the conf file, and from there to all
the webapp dirs, etc. Unfortunatelty this is incompatible with our VC system
which creates working dirs with a different name each time...

Is there a good reason that catalina can't use the user's current directory
as the base for relative paths? Perhaps even check for a file in the users
current dir and _then_ check for the file in CATALINA_HOME? If you think
it's not likely to cause problems I could probably do a patch...



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TC4: small suggestion for classloader docs

2001-01-09 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi Craig,

I've just been looking through Bootstrap.java and the classloader docs in
Catalina because I need to do some classloading hacks of my own. Congrats,
the code is really clear and it's (finally) helped me understand how the
whole classloader delegation thing works.

Anyway, just a nitpick, but there's a slightly confusing thing: the System
classloader in the Bootstrap.java doesn't correspond to the "System"
classloader in the docs - instead it corresponds to the "Common" classloader
... I think it'd be a bit clearer if they were synchronised... :-)

Also, maybe it'd be better to get the "build dist" process to extract the
docs into a directory separate from the src dir? I didn't think of looking
for them there originally...



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Re: small suggestion for classloader docs

2001-01-09 Thread Geoff Soutter

  Anyway, just a nitpick, but there's a slightly confusing thing: the
  classloader in the Bootstrap.java doesn't correspond to the "System"
  classloader in the docs - instead it corresponds to the "Common"
  ... I think it'd be a bit clearer if they were synchronised... :-)

 Don't blame Craig, it's my fault actually (I added the new system

Ah, yes, I forgot Craig is infallible :-). His code is so clean I almost
weep when I read it...


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Re: An alternative to JSP

2001-01-11 Thread Geoff Soutter

"Jon Stevens" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 1/11/01 6:32 PM, "Geoff Soutter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Certainly I've never seen what I consider to be a clean way of letting
  people do HTML and Java people do Java. Yes, I've seen some that are
  than others (XMLC is probably the cleanest I've seen)

 XMLC has the disadvantage of being entirely push based. It requires
 to your Java code in order to change your HTML. That is bad.

Yeah, but thats an impl detail. You could easily modify it to load the HTML
on the fly, so that the HTML could be modified separately. The main thing I
like here is that you actually start with a "proper" HTML file, without a
proliferation of proprietary "Cold Fusion" style tags. That way HTML codes
can actually code real HTML, rather than some weird proprietary HTML
sublanguage. Allaires "content management" thingo Spectra defines 400 +
tags - how is your average HTML coder gonna deal with that? Course, it has
other problems but hey, that was my original thesis ... unfortunately the
real world is a complex place :-).

 , but there are always
  problems if you consider anything other than completely simplistic
  Witness Jon's Pull Model document... :-)

Weren't you implying that under complex (read real world) scenarios, the
tradtional Webmacro "push" style way of doing things breaks down? Thats all
I was saying. Note your pull model Webmacro starts to sound like JSP to
me... interpreted HTML...


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Re: An alternative to JSP

2001-01-14 Thread Geoff Soutter

"Jon Stevens" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 1/11/01 8:30 PM, "Geoff Soutter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Let me also state that at this point in time, I see Velocity+Turbine as
 being one of the best solutions out there.

I agree it has benefits over JSP, but I do think it's still too hard for
HTML only coders to deal with the Velocity syntax. Does an HTML person
understand what $data.Parameters.getString($key) means? I think not. So,
WM/Velocity is good (or at least better than JSP :-) for developing apps
where the HTML is developed by people with Java experience - but thats
exactly what I believe we should be heading away from.

In contrast XMLC seems to be heading in the right direction because template
authors need only understand (pure) HTML. Not that I'm necessarily
recommending XMLC as a practical solution, I've never used that either...
but I have written YATL, so I feel I have enough experience to comment.

 In conclusion, let me restate that I feel that Turbine+Velocity is the
 way to implement Pull functionality for a simple to complex web

Hey Jon, come on, I know it's your baby, I don't want a flame war - I'm only
interested in the theoretical issues.



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Re: An alternative to JSP

2001-01-14 Thread Geoff Soutter

"Jon Stevens" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 on 1/14/01 3:11 PM, "Geoff Soutter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  "Jon Stevens" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  on 1/11/01 8:30 PM, "Geoff Soutter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Let me also state that at this point in time, I see Velocity+Turbine as
  being one of the best solutions out there.
  I agree it has benefits over JSP, but I do think it's still too hard for
  HTML only coders to deal with the Velocity syntax. Does an HTML person
  understand what $data.Parameters.getString($key) means? I think not. So,
  WM/Velocity is good (or at least better than JSP :-) for developing apps
  where the HTML is developed by people with Java experience - but thats
  exactly what I believe we should be heading away from.

 Actually, you have missed the point entirely. I'm not expecting or even
 asking designers to understand what $data.Parameters.getString($key)
 however, I can expect them to be able to work around those fields in a

 There are several classifications of people who are expected to work on a
 web application:

 #1. Designers. People who know HTML. May know some javascript. Nothing
 #2. Template Engineers. People who know how to work with an API and
 understand the template language (ie: people who understand what
 $data.Parameters.getString($key) *does*, but may not understand the Java
 behind it). Eventually, they may become engineers.
 #3. Java Engineers. People who are responsible for developing the API and
 doing the Actions.


  In contrast XMLC seems to be heading in the right direction because
  authors need only understand (pure) HTML. Not that I'm necessarily
  recommending XMLC as a practical solution, I've never used that
  but I have written YATL, so I feel I have enough experience to comment.

 Right, however XMLC is push based and that is bad for all the reasons
 documented in my Pull document. It also has the problem of tying the HTML
 the Java code. For example, say you want to break elements of a form
 across several pages. If you can't do that without editing Java code on
 back end, that is bad because then you have to pay java engineers to make
 the changes that template engineers should be able to do.

Seems to me that your argument rests on the assumption that there exists
such a beast as a "template engineer" - someone who is skilled in HTML and
who understands coding without ever having had formal programming training.
Call me traditionalist, but having coding done by non-coders is a recipe for
disaster. For example, I think that a template engineer who was capable of
rewriting templates to split a form across several pages would probably be
worth paying as much as a Java coder anyway. For example, you can easily
hire a qualified HTML coder or a Java coder, but it's pretty difficult to
hire a qualified  "template author", especially when you want them to know
your own flavour of YATL.

Saying all that I'm sure if you set up your organisation with these three
classes of developers it would work. It's simply a question of which way
would be more efficient overall. I favour the 2 role way, you the 3 role

  Hey Jon, come on, I know it's your baby, I don't want a flame war - I'm
  interested in the theoretical issues.

 It wasn't a flame war. It really saddens me to always be guilty before
 proven innocent. Quit thinking that I'm always trying to start a flame
 This is a conversation and if I don't agree with something, that isn't a
 flame...that is me stating an opinion.

Aw, chill out man! You just come across as, er, quite opinionated, thats why
people always get the wrong impression. I've been hanging around this scene
for long enough to appreciate the way you do stuff... without getting _too_
upset :-) Certainly no need for any paranioa ... :-)

 I spent a bunch of time coming up
 with valid reasons why other technologies are sorely lacking. At least you
 could do the same.

I think I am! :-)



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Re: Forming an opinion

2001-01-22 Thread Geoff Soutter

"Scott Stirling" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As Kurt Schrader smartly said:

  "The last thing
  we need is the idea police here to make sure that no one is offended by
  someone's postings not being up to their standards of niceness.  It
seems to
  me that if you can't handle having your ideas being called shit then you
  should keep them to yourself and not participate here."

 Sounds great, maybe that should go right on the main "getinvolved.html"

JDD said essentially the same thing, it's weird, on one hand I hate to see
people getting upset but on the other hand I can't see how we can provide a
kind of "virtual padded room" where we can prevent people getting offended
without seeming very autocratic.

Any ideas how we can effectively deal with opinionated people without
muzzling them?


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Re: Forming an opinion

2001-01-22 Thread Geoff Soutter

"Peter Donald" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 11:08  23/1/01 +1100, Geoff Soutter wrote:
 Any ideas how we can effectively deal with opinionated people without
 muzzling them?

 don't bother responding to them unless they do things the right way. email
 them OFF list stating this in a very diplomatic way. Watch them explode
 then hopefully post-explosion they will be more willing to work with you

Yeah, sounds reasonable. Maybe I ought to be asking how do we protect the
people that get offended? :-)


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Re: Forming an opinion

2001-01-22 Thread Geoff Soutter

"Anil Vijendran" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Geoff Soutter wrote:

  JDD said essentially the same thing, it's weird, on one hand I hate to
  people getting upset but on the other hand I can't see how we can
provide a
  kind of "virtual padded room" where we can prevent people getting
  without seeming very autocratic.

 I share your sentiments on this. I feel weird continuing this crap too but
 at my wits end trying to put an end to this sort of stuff.

Exactly. There's seems to be a _lot_ of complaining about this topic and
very few constructive ideas on how we can improve matters.

  Any ideas how we can effectively deal with opinionated people without
  muzzling them?

 Its not that someone is opiniated that bothers me, its how it is conveyed.

I was using "opinionated" as shorthand for behaviour that borders on
personal abuse.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/native/mod_jk/common jk_uri_worker_map.c

2001-01-22 Thread Geoff Soutter


I'm no expert on this matter (I don't use Apache), but here's my 2c.

The problem is you have two apps "competing" for mapping of URLs. We wish to
centralise it inside tomcat (in web.xml), and have the minimum amount of
config in the apache.conf as possible. Thus, we avoid the solution you are

Check the 2.2 servlet spec to understand how mapping is done in a servlet


- Original Message -
From: "James Courtney" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 5:43 PM
Subject: RE: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/native/mod_jk/common

 Many thanks,
 I was wondering why both the mod_jk module and IIS isapi act as filters
 instead of an Apache handler or an IIS application respectively.  In their
 current implementation they scan all request URIs for ones that they are
 responsible for and then, in the case of Apache anyway, register a call
 to a handler to handle the actual request.  I have had this cause problems
 for me with Apache in the case where I have a servlet named foo and
 file named foo.xxx.  mod_jk correctly maps /foo to the servlet and
 the callback but Apache never calls the callback and instead some other
 module or the Apache core make a best guess that the request really meant
 foo.xxx since no /foo exists as far as Apache is concerned.  By adding
 handler entries to Apache's httpd.conf file like the following (pardon my
 syntax if it is somewhat off)

 location path="/login"
 handler name="jakarta-servlet"

 Apache then automatically sends that URI to mod_jk without any filtering
 needed.  All mod_jk need now do is determine which Tomcat handler to use
 (ajp12, ajp13, lb, etc...).  Filtering is also more expensive because all
 modules get a chance to act on the URI before the callback handler.  By
 registering mod_jk as a handler directly, Apache maps the URI directly to
 mod_jk with basically no overhead or searching.  I've made some code
 (about four changed lines) to mod_jk that make it behave as a pure handler
 with no filtering and it seems to run great but I'd like to know before
 proposing a change if there were specific reasons for the filter
 implementation.  Many thanks to anyone who can help:)

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 7:23 PM
 Subject: cvs commit: jakarta-tomcat/src/native/mod_jk/common

 danmil  01/01/22 19:23:03

   Modified:src/native/mod_jk/common jk_uri_worker_map.c
   Adding more thorough DEBUG-level to describe what mapping the module is
   using for a given request.

   Submitted by: James Courtney

   Revision  ChangesPath
   1.3   +18 -6

   Index: jk_uri_worker_map.c
   RCS file:
   retrieving revision 1.2
   retrieving revision 1.3
   diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
   --- jk_uri_worker_map.c 2000/11/10 18:48:50 1.2
   +++ jk_uri_worker_map.c 2001/01/23 03:23:03 1.3
   @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 * servlet container.
 * Author:  Gal Shachor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   - * Version: $Revision: 1.2 $
   + * Version: $Revision: 1.3 $


#include "jk_pool.h"
   @@ -358,6 +358,7 @@
uri = clean_uri;

   + jk_log(l, JK_LOG_DEBUG, "Attempting to map URI %s\n", uri);
for(i = 0 ; i  uw_map-size ; i++) {

if(uw_map-maps[i].ctxt_len  longest_match) {
   @@ -369,10 +370,20 @@
uw_map-maps[i].ctxt_len)) {
if(MATCH_TYPE_EXACT == uw_map-maps[i].match_type) {
if(strlen(uri) == uw_map-maps[i].ctxt_len) {
   + jk_log(l,
   +"jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found an exact match
 %s -%s\n",
   +uw_map-maps[i].context );
return uw_map-maps[i].worker_name;
 uw_map-maps[i].match_type) {
if(uw_map-maps[i].ctxt_len  longest_match) {
   + jk_log(l,
   +"jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a context match
 %s - %s\n",
   +uw_map-maps[i].context );
longest_match = uw_map-maps[i].ctxt_len;
best_match = i;
   @@ -393,6 +404,11 @@
if(0 == strcmp(suffix, uw_map-maps[i].suffix))
if(uw_map-maps[i].ctxt_len =

Re: Tomcat 3.2 Wins Java Editor's Choice Award!

2001-06-06 Thread Geoff Soutter

Yep. Well done and thanks to all those who put in the hard yards to get
where we are today!

- Original Message -
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat 3.2 Wins Java Editor's Choice Award!

 I echo Marc's thanks to all Tomcat developers -- this award is a result of
 all the hard work that everyone involved has participated in.

 I will be sure to feature the award in my session on Tomcat tomorrow at
 JavaOne :-=)

 Craig McClanahan

 On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Marc Saegesser wrote:

  Congratulations to all Tomcat developers!  I just got back from the
  JavaWorld Editor's Choice Award presentation and I'm glad to announce
  Jakarta Tomcat 3.2 won the award for Most Innovative Java Product.
  I'll update the Jakarta and Tomcat web sites once I see that the
  web site has the information posted.
  Again, thanks to everyone who made this possible.  The entire Tomcat
  community won something tonight.
  Marc Saegesser

[T4] servlet including jsp causes jsp to flush buffer?

2001-06-12 Thread Geoff Soutter


I've got a servlet which includes a JSP page, and it appears that the JSP
engine in Tomcat 4.0 calls response.flushBuffer() when the include finishes.

IMHO this behaviour is incorrect, as it should be up to the topmost
servlet to control what is happening with the buffering as much as possible.
Currently this behaviour is preventing my servlet from controlling the
buffering as it would like to.

I looked though the list and noticed that v3.x has many flushing problems
but I was kinda hoping they'd be fixed in Tomcat 4.x ;-).

Anyway, here's the offending code (I think).

In PageContextImpl.java

public void release() {
  try {
if (isIncluded) {
  ((JspWriterImpl)out).flushBuffer(); // push it into the including
} else {
  } catch (IOException ex) {
loghelper.log(Internal error flushing the buffer in release());

and in JspWriterImpl.java

public void flush()  throws IOException {
  synchronized (lock) {
if (out != null) {
  // Also flush the response buffer.


Keep cool till after school!

[repost] [T4] servlet including jsp causes jsp to flush buffer?

2001-06-13 Thread Geoff Soutter

come on guys, I know you're listening ... :-)

is this really a bug or am I missing something obvious? (I'm not really up
to speed on Jasper...)

If it is I can enter it into bugzilla...


- Original Message -
From: Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 4:14 PM
Subject: [T4] servlet including jsp causes jsp to flush buffer?


 I've got a servlet which includes a JSP page, and it appears that the JSP
 engine in Tomcat 4.0 calls response.flushBuffer() when the include

 IMHO this behaviour is incorrect, as it should be up to the topmost
 servlet to control what is happening with the buffering as much as
 Currently this behaviour is preventing my servlet from controlling the
 buffering as it would like to.

 I looked though the list and noticed that v3.x has many flushing problems
 but I was kinda hoping they'd be fixed in Tomcat 4.x ;-).

 Anyway, here's the offending code (I think).

 In PageContextImpl.java

 public void release() {
   try {
 if (isIncluded) {
   ((JspWriterImpl)out).flushBuffer(); // push it into the including
 } else {
   } catch (IOException ex) {
 loghelper.log(Internal error flushing the buffer in release());

 and in JspWriterImpl.java

 public void flush()  throws IOException {
   synchronized (lock) {
 if (out != null) {
   // Also flush the response buffer.


 Keep cool till after school!

[t4] FYI: usual problems building according to README...

2001-06-14 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi tc4 people,

I'm putting myself through the regular build TC4 from source hell that I
do whenever I want to test the latest version. (this is on WinNT4)

I came across the following issues, you may be aware of them already but I
thought I'd report 'em just in case...

1) It no longer builds on JDK1.2. The README indicates 1.2 or later is

I get the following errors on build dist for tomcat:

[javac] Compiling 2 source files to
talina\servlets\CGIServlet.java:1567: Wrong number of arguments in metho
[javac] proc = rt.exec(cmdAndArgs.toString(),
hashToStringArray(env), wd);
[javac]   ^
talina\util\ProcessHelper.java:381: Wrong number of arguments in method.

[javac] proc = rt.exec(cmdAndArgs.toString(),
hashToStringArray(env), wd);
[javac]   ^
[javac] 2 errors


Seems it's relying on a Runtime.exec() method overload which was added in
JDK1.3 (interesting, the @since tag is missing? weird. Hope I'm not
suffering brain-fade on this one...)

2) it seems to be depending on old versions of the projects it depends on:

For example, the bootstrap.bat file for building jakarta-ant from source
doesn't co-operate well with the other stuff.

It sets

- stuffs up the classpath (adds extra 's in there)
- puts ant.jar in /bootstrap/lib rather than /lib where the other build
scripts expect it.

Also, jakarta-regexp currently builds jakarta-regexp-1.3-dev.jar rather than
the jakarta-regexp-1.2.jar that the catalina build.xml expects. Seems you
can just rename the jar file or I guess you could use

cvs checkout -r RELEASE_1_2 jakarta-regexp

3) seems theres co-ordination problem between the jakarta-servletapi-4 and

When I build I get the following error:


D:\apps\jakarta\src\40b5\jakarta-servletapi-4\docs\api not found.

build dist for the servlet API does create javadoc, but they are in the
dist\docs\api dir...

Apart from that it went well though :-) I'm cookin' with gas now...

Keep cool till after school!

Re: [t4] FYI: usual problems building according to README...

2001-06-14 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi remy,

Thanks for the reply.

 It's a lot easier now, actually :)

It wasn't that hard b4, just the README was always a little out of date...

  2) it seems to be depending on old versions of the projects it depends

 It looks like you're still using the build scripts. You shouldn't.
 Instead, you should run Ant directly, and use a build.properties file.
 really a lot easier.

Don't give me that much credit :-). I'm just following the instructions...
if I ought to be running Ant directly, then the instructions should say that
... :-)

I don't suppose now I've got your attention you'd like to comment on the
Jasper calling response.flushBuffer() when included from servlet problem I
reported the other day??? :-) Its really bugging me not knowing if it's a
bug or I'm missing something...


Re: [t4] FYI: usual problems building according to README...

2001-06-15 Thread Geoff Soutter

 We're planning to do that, actually, and we're waiting a bit before
 the outdated scripts.

fair enough. I always seem to run in to things like that when I build from
source. To be expected I suppose...

  I don't suppose now I've got your attention you'd like to comment on the
  Jasper calling response.flushBuffer() when included from servlet
  reported the other day??? :-) Its really bugging me not knowing if it's
  bug or I'm missing something...

 I didn't comment, because I have no idea what to answer. I know very
 about Jasper.

fair enough! spose I should look through CVS to see whos got their paw
prints on the 4.0 Jasper mods ... ;-)



[t4] tiny bug in catalina.bat

2001-06-17 Thread Geoff Soutter

Possibly the world's least important bug:

echo Usage:  catalina ( env | run | start | stop )

Windows thinks | in echo is a pipe command ...


I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to
but they've always worked for me. - Hunter S. Thompson

[t4] classloader bug on session timeout

2001-06-17 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

I'm using the t4 I built checked out and built on Friday, and I noticed the

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: myExistantButNotPreviouslyLoadedClass
at myServlet.valueUnbound(ServletSession.java:333)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)

Seems that it can't successfully load classes when processing a valueUnBound
event? The class that it can't find is available in the same WEB-INF/classes
dir as the main servlet class...

The same code works fine on t3...


I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to
anyone... but they've always worked for me. - Hunter S. Thompson

Re: [repost] [T4] servlet including jsp causes jsp to flush buffer?

2001-06-18 Thread Geoff Soutter

Sorry, my fault.

This was actually our code calling stream.flush() which ends up calling
response.flushBuffer() (fairly reasonable, really :-).

So, looks like the T4 code is beyond reproach, again.


- Original Message -
From: Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 1:12 PM
Subject: [repost] [T4] servlet including jsp causes jsp to flush buffer?

 come on guys, I know you're listening ... :-)

 is this really a bug or am I missing something obvious? (I'm not really up
 to speed on Jasper...)

 If it is I can enter it into bugzilla...


 - Original Message -
 From: Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 4:14 PM
 Subject: [T4] servlet including jsp causes jsp to flush buffer?

  I've got a servlet which includes a JSP page, and it appears that the
  engine in Tomcat 4.0 calls response.flushBuffer() when the include
  IMHO this behaviour is incorrect, as it should be up to the topmost
  servlet to control what is happening with the buffering as much as
  Currently this behaviour is preventing my servlet from controlling the
  buffering as it would like to.
  I looked though the list and noticed that v3.x has many flushing
  but I was kinda hoping they'd be fixed in Tomcat 4.x ;-).
  Anyway, here's the offending code (I think).
  In PageContextImpl.java
  public void release() {
try {
  if (isIncluded) {
((JspWriterImpl)out).flushBuffer(); // push it into the including
  } else {
} catch (IOException ex) {
  loghelper.log(Internal error flushing the buffer in release());
  and in JspWriterImpl.java
  public void flush()  throws IOException {
synchronized (lock) {
  if (out != null) {
// Also flush the response buffer.
  Keep cool till after school!

[t4] [patch] for inconvenient -config current dir

2001-06-18 Thread Geoff Soutter

Hi there,

As I've been twiddling with T4 again recently this problem has resurfaced.
In T3, I was able to specify the -config option relative to my current
directory. T4 has changed this so that a relative path used with -config is
resolved relative to CATALINA_HOME.

I find this annoying because I like to store my server.xml files into our
version control system, and it means that relative paths from my VCS work
dir to the server.xml don't work any more. I have to use something like
/vcs work dir/tomcat4/server.xml. Now, if you use an IDE to debug your
servlet in Tomcat, you need to enter this path into the config. And that
means that every time you create a new work dir, you need to update your IDE
project file.

So, can we please change back to -config relative to the CWD the way
Tomcat 3 worked? Or perhaps at least get it to check for it relative to CWD
before checking relative to CATALINA_HOME?

All thats required is to remove/change the absolute path stuff in the
configFile() method of Catalina.java like so:

protected File configFile() {
  File file = new File(configFile);
  NOTE: alternatively use !file.exists() here for fallback
  if (!file.isAbsolute())
file = new File(System.getProperty(catalina.home) +
  File.separator + configFile);
  return (file);


[tomcat 4] Jasper Status

2001-06-19 Thread Geoff Soutter


I've been considering embedding Jasper in another app. I've been looking at
the code and, while is it is *mucky*, it seems this is probably possible
(although I can see it's going to severely try my patience ;-).

The thing is, I found this document Proposal for Development of Jasper in
Tomcat 4.0 in the jasper/doc/dev directory which seems to indicate that the
whole thing is up for a major refactoring. This means that if I spend the
time to embed it now, based on the current interfaces, all that work could
go up in smoke when it gets refactored.

Thus, I'm wondering, how far along is Jasper towards a 4.0 release? Is it
going to be refactored before release or are we intending to release it
largely as is?


I hate to advocate weird chemicals, alcohol, violence or insanity to
anyone... but they've always worked for me. - Hunter S. Thompson

Re: TC4 base dir

2001-08-27 Thread Geoff Soutter

Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No, Tomcat 4 doesn't currently have a thing like home -- patches are
 welcome!  But, my point is you don't *need* home to accomplish the
 goals you have articulated:

while we are on a related topic, how about (re) considering this patch?


- Original Message -
From: Geoff Soutter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 1:36 PM
Subject: [t4] [patch] for inconvenient -config current dir

 Hi there,

 As I've been twiddling with T4 again recently this problem has resurfaced.
 In T3, I was able to specify the -config option relative to my current
 directory. T4 has changed this so that a relative path used with -config
 resolved relative to CATALINA_HOME.

 I find this annoying because I like to store my server.xml files into our
 version control system, and it means that relative paths from my VCS work
 dir to the server.xml don't work any more. I have to use something like
 /vcs work dir/tomcat4/server.xml. Now, if you use an IDE to debug your
 servlet in Tomcat, you need to enter this path into the config. And that
 means that every time you create a new work dir, you need to update your
 project file.

 So, can we please change back to -config relative to the CWD the way
 Tomcat 3 worked? Or perhaps at least get it to check for it relative to
 before checking relative to CATALINA_HOME?

 All thats required is to remove/change the absolute path stuff in the
 configFile() method of Catalina.java like so:

 protected File configFile() {
   File file = new File(configFile);
   NOTE: alternatively use !file.exists() here for fallback
   if (!file.isAbsolute())
 file = new File(System.getProperty(catalina.home) +
   File.separator + configFile);
   return (file);


Re: TC4 base dir

2001-08-27 Thread Geoff Soutter

Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The patch below deals with only one of 33 places that the catalina.home
 system property is referenced in the Catalina source code -- I think we'd
 want to consider them all :-).

Yeah, I know, I was just scratching the itch that I had at the time. ;-)

 In order to support the idea of one install of Tomcat 4 being used for
 more than one configuration, we have to decide which subdirectories of
 $CATALINA_HOME should be made relative to some new location (specified by
 a command line option or a different environment variable).  Here's my
 proposed breakdown:

Sounds good to me!

