Re: make the app as ROOT.war

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Billy Ng writes: 

If my app needs to overwrite the ROOT.war, will it only kill the tomcat's examples?  if not, what are the problems will I get?  I notice the tomcat 4 exe installer installs the admin stuff, will it be a problem if I overwrite the ROOT? 


Billy Ng

Hello Billy, u don't want to do this. the ROOT application context is 
actually a docBase defined in server.xml. and, this is the /examples 
webapp that lets u see the tc documentation and other usefull stuff online 
w/o directory references. in the long run u r much better off creating u own 
webapp .war and exanding it in ur own webapps directory. see the /examples 
build: ant and build.xml. i u r not already familiar w/ the java and tc way 
of building projects u really need to look in to using ant. hope this helps, 

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Re: File structure in webapps for tomcat.

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Simon Kelly writes: 


I am trying to get my servlet to write to and read from files within my
webapp structure.  However, when the servlet runs it seems that the working
directory during its lifecycle is c:\xxx\tomcat 4.1.  Is there any way, in
web.xml, to force the servlet to run in it's own app directory structure? 



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Hello Simon, servlets do run in their own webapp directory structure if 
defined in their own web.xml and deploy w/ and expanded .war file. u have 
not given enough info on what u have done in terms of deployment and what u 
r planning to do as a project goal. thanx, david. 

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Re: Can't read POST parameters in a Servlet

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Ivan Venuti writes: 


I have this problem: from an HTML page I call a Servlet via a form like this: 

form name=richiesta method=post action=servletName 

input type=hidden name=in_file value=9177.doc 


input type=hidden name=port value=8787 


In the Servlet I retrieve the parameters with request.getParameter(paramName); 

With Tomcat3.x everithing goes well, but with Tomcat 4.0.3 I can't retrieve the parameters in the Servlet: every getParameter returns null, and printing all with 

for (Enumeration namesList = request.getParameterNames(); namesList.hasMoreElements();) 


String curName =(String)namesList.nextElement(); 

System.out.println(Param +curName+ value: '+request.getParameter(curName)+'); 


prints nothing! 

I really can't figure out where to look for a solution. Any help is welcome! 

-- Ivan Venuti -- 

Hello Ivan, in the examples i think their is a servlet called the this servlet simply prints the complete requests headers 
and parms for both get and post and other info (meta data etc.). u could try 
this a diagnostic tool. once the servlet is running all u have to do is 
temporarily put: http://localhost: in ur form action to see the results. 
hope this helps, david. 

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Re: What HTTP Status Code is returned when transport-guarantee is CONFIDENTIAL?

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Matt Raible writes: 

I've noticed that if you set a
transport-guaranteeCONFIDENTIAL/transport-guarantee in web.xml that
the user is automatically redirected to an https://server:443. 

I'm wondering how I can reproduce this behavior in a my welcome JSP and
was thinking I could possibly return the same http status code.  Is this



Hello Matt, u haven't specified ur version of tc but have u tried 
uncommenting the 8443 ssl connector in server.xml. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: OT: how can an intranet Internet share the same appserver, but remain secure?

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Becky Phaneuf writes: 

Has anyone tried to do this before? 

The dilemma:
How would one architect a system that requires an intranet and an
Internet site be able to share the same appserver (EJBs, logic), but
still remain as secure as possible?  It doesn't have to be a
Tomcat/JBoss-specific solution (actually, they've decided on Oracle
9iAS), just some methodologies, suggestions, thoughts, comments... 


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Hello Becky, i thought that was the purpose of the oracle 9i portals. 
someone correct me if i'm wrong. the only disadvantage over 9i is oracle is 
going to want u to use jdeveloper (a huge resource pig, minimum 1+ ghz dual 
and 1gb mem) and the 9i designer stuff severely limiting flexibilty in 
design options compare to using jboss/jetty or jboss/tc. the implications of 
this statement are in terms of overall design flexibility if u r used to 
design using an erd/uml base design methodology or system (toad/qdesigner, 
rational, visio etc.) u won't be able to do that using the oracle 9iAS. the 
9iAS is a package of the leading techologies: apache and tc servlet server 
and the orion j2ee (oc4j.jar) is embedded in the jdeveloper. if u don't 
believe me compile and deploy a jdeveloper project w/ a zero length 
server.xml (the only xml file the remains in the entire 9i package) and 
watch the tomcat exception error message that comes up. ultimately, u will 
be using the same technologies but different packaging. if ur company can 
afford the 9iAS cpu license and the hardware to run it then make sure u get 
the oracle meta-link for online expert help. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: trying to use jar file in jsp page.

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Brian O. Bozarth writes: 

Still stuck on this.I also re-jar-ed the file so that com was the first directory in the jar file.The java files are in the tools folder.   Any insights? 

I put the jar file in the /tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib folder, which is where I am doing my app. 

I am trying to use this in my jsp file (but I get an error): 

%@ page*% 

getting an error of: 

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP 

An error occurred at line: -1 in the jsp file: null 

Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file 

/web1/labwerks/tomcat/work/Standalone/localhost/_/dev/ package does not exist
1 error 

I am using Apache Tomcat/4.1.12

Hello Brian, using the docBase=ROOT as ur webapp is unadvisable. learn to 
create/deploy ur on webapps through an expanded .war. u have a packaging and 
deployment problem easily rectified using the ant build system. see the tc 
/examples webapp ant build.xml to see how the tc gurus get all the doco and 
demos to work out-of-the-box. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: RE: I don´t understand the objective of this open list !

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Jim Henderson writes: 

I think it an opportunity to sell updated books!  ;) 

-Original Message-
From: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 3:48 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: I don´t understand the objective of this open list ! 


I disagree.  There's lots of documentation out there. 

It's just not blasted into peoples' faces, nor is it bound into a nice
little book and shrinkwrapped.  You have to go find it, and you have to read
it.  Most people are too lazy to do either, they want everything handed to


-Original Message-
From: Mike DiChiappari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 4:37 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: I don´t understand the objective of this open list ! 

I know the reason for this list - at least as it applies to Jakarta.
It is meant to address the complete lack of adequate documentation
for tomcat.  Of course, nobody can answer your questions.  The
purpose of Jakarta is not to build useful software for the rest of
us.   It is to keep geeks happy, programming something (that may or
may not be of use).  Documentation is only supplied for software when
the builders of it are serious about wanting it to be used. 


Well, you have lots of answers now.

At 08:40 AM 12/9/2002 -0500, you wrote:
In 3 opportunities i wrote to this stuped (sorry) list, and NEVER i
found help.
I hope that the people that participates of this list, don´t have
damages about
other people that don´t belong´s at your countries.
Thank´s for NOTHING.


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Hello Mike, John is right. i subscribe to 6 technical mailing lists. that's 
a lot of traffic but i can handle suscribing to this many lists because i 
learned how to build my own email server running on a fast linux box and i 
learned how to do most of this on a mailing list. if u think tc-user is bad 
u should venture into installing a j2ee server like jboss or the oracle 9i 
application server and get on those lists and try to get some help. and, not 
to mention the beast mother of all mailing lists: QMAIL. try installing 
qmail w/o help. then when u give up trying to install qmail by urself 
subscribe to the qmail users list and ask a flimsy question and hope someone 
like charles cazabon reponds. good luck, david.

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Re: Layout/setup for a

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Patrick Martz writes: 

Hi all, 
please bear with me as I'm new to the whole web application thing. I
downloaded and installed Tomcat 4.1. After reading all the documentation
I could find, I tried to set it up so that I could run a small web-app, but
I simply
cannot seem to get the web page to access the java servlet. 

The details:
I have created a project directory under the root tomcat/webapps directory.
Within that directory is an index.html (which I'm able to successfully
access by http://localhost:8080/myproject/index.html). In the myproject
I have created a WEB-INF subdirectory, and a classes subdirectory
under that where my servlet.class file resides. I have a web.xml file
in the WEB-INF directory which is essentially empty (doesn't list
any servlet classes). 

No matter what link I've tried to put in my index.html to access the 
servlet.class, it always fails to find it. So my question is, what do I need
to do to make this work??? Do I need the servlet class defined in the
web.xml file? If so, how? And if I defined it, what is the relative path
the index.html that I need to include? Do I need to make some modifications
to the server.xml file as well? I have been working on this thing
for well over a day and I just can't seem to make it work (no matter how
many examples I mimic or documents I read). Help! :) 


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Hello Patrick, u r dealing w/ a deployment problem. creating the servlet 
server directory structure by hand is done much more easily using the .war 
file that the tc server will gladly expand for u correctly everytime u 
update ur project and rebuild the .war file. speaking of build u might want 
to look at what the tc gurus have given us in the tc package: look at how 
the /examples webapp was build and deploye using the ant build system which 
is avaiable at the same place at tc: jakarta-tomcat project site. hope this 
helps, david. 

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Re: Problems with starting Tomcat 4.1.12 - PLEASE HELP

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Siobhan Quigley writes: 

I have installed the Java SDK and Tomcat 4.1.12 (release version).  I have set the JAVA_HOME  and the
CATALINA_HOME  variables and did the ECHO test.  When I try to start up Tomcat, I type
C:\Tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12\bin\startup.bat but I get an error message saying it can not
find the path specified. 

What do I need to type to (a) start the application and (b) shut down the
application.? (I am a complete beginner) 

Thanks for your help 


Hello rocket, since u did not specify more info like: type and version of: 
os, jdk under ur %JAVA_HOME%, dev environment (command-line?) etc. i assume 
u mean a windoz system. so, does %CATALINA_HOME%\bin resolve to: 
C:\Tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12\bin? if not, that is ur problem. hope, this 
helps, david. 

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Re: Apache Tomcat with Apache 1.3.27 or 2.0.43

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Rafael Fernandez writes: 

Is it possible to open a JSP file through Apache HTTP 1.3.27 or 2.0.43
and Apache Tomcat run it? 

Hello Rafael, have u looked at the mod_jk connector for apache/tomcat? and 
server.xml non-ssl port 8080 connector? thanx, david.

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Re: localization recommendation for tomcat

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
HAVENS,PETER (HP-Cupertino,ex3) writes: 

I am looking for a recommendation for serving localized HTML content via
tomcat.   I am looking to have Tomcat provide the most accurate HTML file
based on the locale of the browser.  The Apache web server handles this
nicely and I would like to implement the same functionality in tomcat 4.1.x.
For example, when a request comes in for index.html and the browser locale
is french [fr], if the server has an file and an index.html.en
file, I would like it to serve the French version.  
I am not looking for a complete solution but rather a pointer for a
developer.  I have read a little about turbine services and servlets
filters.  Can someone make a recommendation for the most applicable
technology for this feature?

Hello Peter, java.util.Locale has methods for getting the local language and 
cultural stuff especially if used with ResourceBundle. hope this helps, 

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Re: RE: RE: I don?t understand the objective of this open list !

2002-12-09 Thread David Brown
Noel J. Bergman writes: 

I want proper user level documentation.

If you are unsatisfied with the documentation: 

  1) contribute some time to help
  2) contribute some $ to help
  3) wait for someone else to do 1 or 2
  4) spend even MORE money and buy IBM WebSphere.
 Basically the same code, more docs, LOTS more money. 

Insulting people probably is the least effective thing you can do. 

	--- Noel 

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Or even more money than Noel's #4: oracle 9i Application Server + the really 
hefty hardware u will need to run it + the oracle meta-link email and phone 
support to get it installed. Or, to avoid installation, you can call Dell 
about the oracle 9iAS in a box solution they 
sell($). And underlying the whole shebang is 
Apache/jserv,tomcat,orion j2ee container (but, wait a minut... this is all 
open source techonology). david.

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Re: javabean problems

2002-12-08 Thread David Brown
Mikael Göransson writes: 


it seems like i can't run my javabeans.
i'm using tomcat 4.1.12 binary distrubtion. 

i get the error cannot resolve symbol. 

and i have no idea what it could be, it's just
a simple bean: 

public class JellyBean implements {
	private String color;
	public JellyBean() {
	public String getColor() {
		return color;
	public void setColor(String newColor) {
		color = newColor;

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Hello Mikael, what is ur overall environment/system?: running apache?, iis? 
r u running any jsp or servlet? do u have a webapp that gets expanded from a 
.war. if so, what? i have many javabean class files in directories that 
branch off at the same point as my servlets under WEB-INF after expansion of 
my .war and using the full package import i can access all constructors 
and methods. someone on this ml can help u but pls reply w/ what u r trying 
to do and what errors/exceptions u r logging. thanx, david. 

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Re: javabean problems

2002-12-08 Thread David Brown
Mikael Göransson writes: 

On Sun, 08 Dec 2002 09:23:56 -0500
David Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Mikael Göransson writes:  

 it seems like i can't run my javabeans.
 i'm using tomcat 4.1.12 binary distrubtion. 
 i get the error cannot resolve symbol. 
 and i have no idea what it could be, it's just
 a simple bean: 
 public class JellyBean implements {
 	private String color;
 	public JellyBean() {
 	public String getColor() {
 		return color;
 	public void setColor(String newColor) {
 		color = newColor;
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Hello Mikael, what is ur overall environment/system?: running apache?, iis? 
r u running any jsp or servlet? do u have a webapp that gets expanded from a 
.war. if so, what? i have many javabean class files in directories that 
branch off at the same point as my servlets under WEB-INF after expansion of 
my .war and using the full package import i can access all constructors 
and methods. someone on this ml can help u but pls reply w/ what u r trying 
to do and what errors/exceptions u r logging. thanx, david.  

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atm i'm running tomcat as standalone on linux/slackware 8.1 and i'm not using
a webapp that expands from a .war file. 

my servlets and jsp code workes fine, it's just when i try to implement my
javabeans in jsp code i get the error (cannot resolve symbol). 

this is the code in the jsp page:
jsp:useBean id=jb scope=session class=JellyBean /
jsp:setProperty name=jb property=color param=newColor /
bThe color has been set to:/b jsp:getProperty name=jb property=color /p 

and the javabean code (again):
public class JellyBean implements {
	private String color;
	public JellyBean() {
	public String getColor() {
		return color;
	public void setColor(String newColor) {
		color = newColor;

and the first error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP 

An error occurred at line: 7 in the jsp file: /setbeancolor.jsp 

Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file 

/usr/program/tomcat4/work/Standalone/localhost/_/ cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class JellyBean  
location: class org.apache.jsp.setbeancolor_jsp
  JellyBean jb = null;

i appreciate any help 

 _  _  . |   _   _  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| )( | | | (_| (-` |

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Hello Mikael, if i read u right u mean no WEB-INF? w/o this very special 
directory some of tc scope has been chopped off. how, do u get the 
jsp/servlet to work? how do u have docbase defined in ur server.xml? tc 
needs docbase to know where to look in the directory hierarcy. also, i 
assume u r not using a web.xml? u have a very unusual environment. can u 
send any inkling of ur directory hierarchy? say, something like: 
$CATALINA_HOME/what?... thanx, david.

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Re: javabean problems

2002-12-08 Thread David Brown
Mikael Göransson writes: 

On Sun, 08 Dec 2002 09:23:56 -0500
David Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Mikael Göransson writes:  

 it seems like i can't run my javabeans.
 i'm using tomcat 4.1.12 binary distrubtion. 
 i get the error cannot resolve symbol. 
 and i have no idea what it could be, it's just
 a simple bean: 
 public class JellyBean implements {
 	private String color;
 	public JellyBean() {
 	public String getColor() {
 		return color;
 	public void setColor(String newColor) {
 		color = newColor;
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Hello Mikael, what is ur overall environment/system?: running apache?, iis? 
r u running any jsp or servlet? do u have a webapp that gets expanded from a 
.war. if so, what? i have many javabean class files in directories that 
branch off at the same point as my servlets under WEB-INF after expansion of 
my .war and using the full package import i can access all constructors 
and methods. someone on this ml can help u but pls reply w/ what u r trying 
to do and what errors/exceptions u r logging. thanx, david.  

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atm i'm running tomcat as standalone on linux/slackware 8.1 and i'm not using
a webapp that expands from a .war file. 

my servlets and jsp code workes fine, it's just when i try to implement my
javabeans in jsp code i get the error (cannot resolve symbol). 

this is the code in the jsp page:
jsp:useBean id=jb scope=session class=JellyBean /
jsp:setProperty name=jb property=color param=newColor /
bThe color has been set to:/b jsp:getProperty name=jb property=color /p 

and the javabean code (again):
public class JellyBean implements {
	private String color;
	public JellyBean() {
	public String getColor() {
		return color;
	public void setColor(String newColor) {
		color = newColor;

and the first error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP 

An error occurred at line: 7 in the jsp file: /setbeancolor.jsp 

Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file 

/usr/program/tomcat4/work/Standalone/localhost/_/ cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class JellyBean  
location: class org.apache.jsp.setbeancolor_jsp
  JellyBean jb = null;

i appreciate any help 

 _  _  . |   _   _  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| )( | | | (_| (-` |

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Hello Mikael, sorry, i hit the reply button b4 thinking. what is in ur 
work directory as part of my last message question? as a minimum u must 
have a JellyBean$ that tc compiles to a servlet under the 
work directory. where is this directory in ur overall directory hierarchy 
under tc docbase? thanx, david.

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Re: javabean problems

2002-12-08 Thread David Brown
Mikael Göransson writes: 

On Sun, 08 Dec 2002 09:49:58 -0500
David Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Mikael Göransson writes:  

 On Sun, 08 Dec 2002 09:23:56 -0500
 David Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Mikael Göransson writes:  
  it seems like i can't run my javabeans.
  i'm using tomcat 4.1.12 binary distrubtion. 
  i get the error cannot resolve symbol. 
  and i have no idea what it could be, it's just
  a simple bean: 
  public class JellyBean implements {
  	private String color;
  	public JellyBean() {
  	public String getColor() {
  		return color;
  	public void setColor(String newColor) {
  		color = newColor;
   _  _  . |   _   _  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | )( | | | (_| (-` |
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 Hello Mikael, what is ur overall environment/system?: running apache?, iis? 
 r u running any jsp or servlet? do u have a webapp that gets expanded from a 
 .war. if so, what? i have many javabean class files in directories that 
 branch off at the same point as my servlets under WEB-INF after expansion of 
 my .war and using the full package import i can access all constructors 
 and methods. someone on this ml can help u but pls reply w/ what u r trying 
 to do and what errors/exceptions u r logging. thanx, david.  
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 atm i'm running tomcat as standalone on linux/slackware 8.1 and i'm not using
 a webapp that expands from a .war file. 
 my servlets and jsp code workes fine, it's just when i try to implement my
 javabeans in jsp code i get the error (cannot resolve symbol). 
 this is the code in the jsp page:
 jsp:useBean id=jb scope=session class=JellyBean /
 jsp:setProperty name=jb property=color param=newColor /
 bThe color has been set to:/b jsp:getProperty name=jb property=color /p 
 and the javabean code (again):
 public class JellyBean implements {
 	private String color;
 	public JellyBean() {
 	public String getColor() {
 		return color;
 	public void setColor(String newColor) {
 		color = newColor;
 and the first error:
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP 
 An error occurred at line: 7 in the jsp file: /setbeancolor.jsp 
 Generated servlet error:
 [javac] Compiling 1 source file 
 /usr/program/tomcat4/work/Standalone/localhost/_/ cannot resolve symbol
 symbol  : class JellyBean  
 location: class org.apache.jsp.setbeancolor_jsp
   JellyBean jb = null;
 i appreciate any help 
  _  _  . |   _   _  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Hello Mikael, if i read u right u mean no WEB-INF? w/o this very special 
directory some of tc scope has been chopped off. how, do u get the 
jsp/servlet to work? how do u have docbase defined in ur server.xml? tc 
needs docbase to know where to look in the directory hierarcy. also, i 
assume u r not using a web.xml? u have a very unusual environment. can u 
send any inkling of ur directory hierarchy? say, something like: 
$CATALINA_HOME/what?... thanx, david. 

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i got a WEB-INF and a web.xml, and the javabean class is located in

and my working servlets classes are located in

and the jsp source files in

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Hello Mikael, u r using the docBase=ROOT i assume uncommented in server.xml. 
though this is ok it is unadvisable. for a much more satisfying development 
environment u should seriously consider doing things the way the tc gurus 
have generated the .war for the /examples webapp. if u r familiar w/ the ant 
build development tool then u r on ur way just study the build.xml file the 
/examples webapp and make a modified version 4 ur own webapps. in case u r 
not familiar w/ ant the go back to and study what they 
have to say about building a rock solid development system. by the way this 
works me and i have used many ide's and contrived development systems that 
try to hide the xml config in the servlet server/j2ee development 
environment. the java/j2ee world has really been very well thought out and 

Re: Tomcat 4.1, DBCP and Oracle

2002-12-07 Thread David Brown
Campano, Troy writes: 

Has anyone been able to get Tomcat 4.1.12 or Tomcat 4.1.16 working with DBCP and Oracle (
I've tried a billion combinations of configurations and nothing works. 

I've see other people on the web have also had this problem.
I've tried for months to figure this out and I've opened bug cases, but nothing seems to work. 

Anyone able to do it? 

thank you! 

~ Troy Campano ~

Hello Troy, i have oracle 9.2 (9i) installed working with JDBC connections 
and the JDBCRealm using classes12.jar (not zip, this is for micro$oft) in 
$CATALINA_HOME/lib. i don't know what DBCP is or what impact it may have on 
ur installation. i know 9i is somewhat more straight forward on tc than 
earlier versions because of oracle dumping of the internal (to the database) 
jdk and going with a more traditional approach. also, u should give more 
detail on ur overall system version and type of: os, jdk, jdbc driver 
connection type, network considerations. also, what are the errors or 
exceptions u have been getting. there r gurus on this ml that can diagnose 
and possibly solve ur problems but even they need info. hope this helps, 

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Re: Two Questions Tomcat 4.1.12 Win2000

2002-12-06 Thread David Brown
Scott Purcell writes: 

Running Tomcat 4.1.12 on Win2000. 

Problem 1) I created a site under webapps in which only servlets will run. I created a web-xml file: (see Below): All works good.
Question: When I hit the URL http://localhost/site I see a directory listing. I do not want this. I thought the welcome-file-list was my solution, but maybe I am wrong. How is the best way to turn off any type of directory listing.? 

Problem 2) I am also running a vendors software on the same box, which uses tomcat running on 8091. I was told not to use any of its servlet engine to run my stuff, so I need to run another tomcat lets say on 8080. A tomcat for use on some servlets and rpc-xml stuff.
Anyway, is it ok to run two tomcats on one box, as long as they have different port numbers? Anything I may need to be aware of in this case? 



?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1? 

!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN; 






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Hello Scott, asuuming u have not packaged ur servlet try:





in any case u have to get rid of the invoker. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: bypassing memory realms

2002-12-06 Thread David Brown
J Doe writes: 

Background: Consider two webapps: foo and bar.  When a
user of foo performs a certain action, foo shares
files with bar by calling actions on each other via

We are being asked to put a memory realm on foo and
bar so that users must login. The problem is that now
the above system-level communication between foo and
bar will break. 

Question: if one knows the username and password for a
webapp, can it be placed on the URL? 


I've tried this but no luck. 

More generally, is there a way to do it with the URL class?   

Any ideas?  I realize that perhaps foo and bar could
communicate in a different way (RMI, JMS) but that is
not really an option for us. 


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Hello Mike, u could use java beans type classes and session attributes get 
and set between the to webapps. store and check the session id's to insure 
valid data by using the corresponding session id. i personally would not use 
the users id and password in the url even if it was private as long as there 
were other as yet unauthenticated users on the local subnet. and, of course, 
don't even mention doing this on the public wire (you would be asking to get 
severely compromised). the memoryRealm would be ok if u MD5 digest the 
passwords in the otherwise human readable flat ASCII text tomcat-users.xml 
file but u would prove to be a PITA under load of many simultaneous users 
(though a low user count would be ok). preferably, use the JDBCRealm which 
works great 4 me running oracle but u can run mySQL or postgresql and allows 
queries where the users table can be a fk to some other business logic 
table. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Configurion tomcat

2002-12-06 Thread David Brown
Fabricio B. Teixeira writes: 

I want to install TomCat in my computer but i don´t
know if it requires a hard configuration time. Could
you please tell me the dificulties in configurin


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Hello Fabrocio, 4 a question like this u will want to get the right folks' 
attention. impart this info: type of environment tc server will run under. 
type/version of: os, tc u plan to install, vendor software that may conflict 
or already uses a modified tc or modified os, jdk, j2ee.jar. there r many 
variables. generally, tc is not difficult to configure but the mistakes many 
users make is not digging deep enough and reading and studying the tomcat 
docs enough b4 they goto the ml's like this one. also, config depends on the 
background of the user. someone w/ a heavy admin and development background 
in the computer industry at large but unrelated field may fair better on 
config than someone who does not have a similar background. u will have to 
ask urself how much learning curve to u need to overcome to get what u want 
from a tc configuration/install. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: MySQL JAR File Location

2002-12-06 Thread David Brown
Johnson, Garrett writes: 

Ladies and Gentlemen: 

Where should I drop a copy of the JDBC Driver .jar file that I need to
connect to MySQL from Tomcat?  I understand there are a variety of
classloaders, invoked on a number of different directories.  Obviously, I
could just dump it into %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext, but what if I wish to
restrict access to the Database? 

So I suppose this is 2 questions: 

1.  If I want all of my web applications to have access to the .jar file,
where's it go? 

2.  If I want only one of my web application to have access, where's it go? 

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Hello Garrett, the tc docs says the $CATALINA_HOME/lib is global to tc 
webapps (after tc restart). this works me running oracle db 9.2 the oracle 
jar that contains the JDBC drivers is in the directory i mentioned and db 
access is available from all the webapps. i control user access from oracle 
and not from tc because oracle has more control over user access. i don't 
know what mySQL offers in terms of user access controls. hope this helps, 

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Re: Security constrant to force SSL works with apache+tomcat?

2002-12-06 Thread David Brown
Alexander Wallace writes: 

I have not tested this, but wanted to make sure before I do all the
necesary changes. 

I have apache in front of tomcat, apache handles the ssl
communication... I need to make sure that some stuff happens only via
ssl, and i had a filter for that. But i was recommended to use a
security constranint in tomcat instead.  Will this work having apache on
top of tomcat?  

Also. I only have apache + tomcat becouse when I enabled SSL to tomcat
stand alone, whenever switching to ssl, i would not be able to access
all my session objects created before the switch. Is there a way to
avoid that? If is i would just remove apache from the picture. Al my
static content needs to come from tomcat anyway. 

Also, is there a way to read the ip address of the requesting user if
apache is the front to tomcat? 

I realize some of this are different topics, but have to do with the
same stuff... 

Thanks to all in advance! 



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Hello Alexander, i know tc can enable/disable dns lookups on requests (i'm 
not sure if this is what u r looking 4). a dns resolver can do reverse 
lookups but getting the ip i'm not sure if there is anyway to do this from 
within tc. all i can say is the standard config as laid down by apache and 
tc works 4 me. i have several servlets and jsp's running on 4 virtual hosts 
all ssl capable depending on the webapp deployed and the user/role defined 
in my JDBCRealm. everything runs pretty much out-of-the-box config. all my 
tc ssl requests go through: https://localhost:8443/webapp, all my cgi-bin 
requests go through htts://localhost:443/cgi-bin/someexec and all other 
traffic routes as: port 80 or 8080 as expected. removing apache is not 
advisable. apache has many directives that r very usefull as user access 
controls. also, u need to impart more info on ur environment and what u plan 
to do to give the gurus on this ml a better picture. if u plan to operate on 
the public wire much more consideration will need to be given b4 u expose 
ports: 80, 8080, 443, 8443 etc. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: JK and multiple virtual hosts on Apache (repost)

2002-12-06 Thread David Brown
Madere, Colin writes: 

I might have had some list trouble so I'm reposting this (since I got no
responses so far). 

-Original Message-
From:	Madere, Colin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:	Thursday, December 05, 2002 5:55 PM
Subject:	4 Apache2 VirtualHosts + 1 Tomcat4 = ? JK connectors? 

Before I go off into JK configuration craziness, I thought I'd post my
situation and see what rises to the top. 

What I have: 

1 Apache 2.0.43 with 4 virutal hosts (3 w/ SSL)
1 Tomcat 4.12 (no virtual hosts as of yet)
1 JK 1.2.0 connector working properly with the non-SSL host from Apache 

What I want to do: 

Have any requests for apps running on Tomcat from any of the 4 virtual
to be redirected to the same Tomcat instance.  This is mainly for
since I will be using Tomcat Realms for login to determine what to do for
user in the app based on role.  If I have to do 4 virtual hosts in Tomcat,
then let me know :) 

Is the correct way to make this work with JK to create 4 Connector
instances at, say, ports 8009-8012 in my tomcat server.xml, then set up 4
workers in with each respective virtual host's domain
name and redirection port?  Or is there some way to use a single
(I'm guessing NOT the latter due to the port probably being bound by the
connector process) 

Having said this and if my former idea is the correct way, for the JK
connector entry in my Tomcat server.xml, is the redirectPort arbitrarily
chosen?  I have 8443 in for my single connector/site/host setup, would I
simply use 8443-8446? 

Any input on this setup appreciated. 

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Hello Colin, i'm unsure about advising on this because i'm running the 
non-threading apache 1.3.27. i have a very similar setup as u describe that 
works 4 me: i have 4 virtual hosts running on the public wire plus a dns 
server. the virtual hosts 4 defined in apache only w/ all https JDBCRealm 
protected directories serving jsp and servlets redirected from apache on 
port 8443. all https cgi-bin is redirected through port 443. otherwise all 
http is port 80 and 8080 for jsp/servlets. this config is pretty much 
out-of-the-box w/o any undue config on the tc side except for the 
JDBCRealm and a custom web.xml for each webapp both secure and non-secure. 
only server.xml editing done was basically to uncomment the connectors for 
port 8443 (ssl and non-ssl connectors). no extra stuff like Host tags or 
anything like that to confuse the issue. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: how many linux processes should tomcat create???

2002-12-05 Thread David Brown
Brandon Cruz writes: 

Does anyone know how many processes tomcat should create?  When I start my
server, there are about 525 processes created.  The number constantly grows
as time goes on, but I think it is related to a database connection being
left open. 

525 seems like a lot to start with though. 


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Hello Brandon, i case the gurus have not responded i wil put in $0.02. i 
have been running tc for a few years and have been running on public access 
4 about a year and i monitor (i'm running a linux box) using top all my 
processes, memory, cpu etc. all the time. i have not really kept any vital 
stats type records, mostly just eyeball. for whatever it is worth i ran a 
ps -waux on my system and see that i have 45 processes as a result of 
executing (tc server). i have many servlets and jsp running in 4 
different virtual hosts. i cannot expertly confirm of course but 525 
processes would in my estimation a run-away condition that needs fulltime 
attention until u get this reigned. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: out of Context

2002-12-05 Thread David Brown
Hari Venkatesan writes: 


Is there a way to retrieve windows userid from the client side using
java or javascript? 


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Hello Hari, i u r using realm and form based login this works 4 me:
String user = request.getUserPrincipal().getName();
hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Mutliuser setup

2002-12-05 Thread David Brown
Rolf Borgen Guescini writes: 

Does anybody know what to do when setting up tomcat on a UNIX environment
for more than one user? 

Is the best way to define a directory owned by a group where all the users
belong,and then make contexts in server.xml? 

Or is there another way of doing it? 


-(o o)-
   * Rolf Borgen Guescini  *
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Hello Rolf, d u mean UNIX users or just tc? if u mean just tc u can use the 
RealBase class that defines users and roles. i also assume u mean to use a 
secure login (ssl) and secure webapps page/directories. this is all 
documented in tc out-of-the-box. preferably, u will want to use JDBCRealm 
and a database (the MemoryRealm would require MD5 or SHA digest of the 
passwords in flat ASCII text files) and not as useful as if the users and 
roles tables in a db (the users and roles tables can be used as fk in other 
tables 4 other process logic uses). each user could have his own webapp 
which is what i'm doing now and it works 4 me. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: out of Context

2002-12-05 Thread David Brown
Hari Venkatesan writes: 

Yes, I am using realm. But actually I don't want the user to type in the
userid. I want to use the same id that he types in when he logs on to
windows. I am creating an Intranet application and want to use the same
id that the user logs in signing on to the network. 


-Original Message-
From: David Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: out of Context 

Hari Venkatesan writes:  


Is there a way to retrieve windows userid from the client side using
java or javascript?  


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Hello Hari, i u r using realm and form based login this works 4 me:
String user = request.getUserPrincipal().getName();
hope this helps, david.  

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Hello Hari, it is probably not practical to try and fetch the windoz userid. 
u best bet may be to put everything into a LDAP database centralized to 
everything else: windoz, tc etc. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: out of Context

2002-12-05 Thread David Brown
Hari Venkatesan writes: 


Thanks for the input. We have all the users in LDAP (Active Directory).
But for this specific application, we have roles defined and I need to
retrieve the roles for the user and store them in session bean. For this
I need the userid from windows. Since the user has already been
authenticated against LDAP to signon to windows, I don't want to
authenticate him again by making him enter his id again. 


-Original Message-
From: David Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 2:27 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: out of Context 

Hari Venkatesan writes:  

Yes, I am using realm. But actually I don't want the user to type in


userid. I want to use the same id that he types in when he logs on to
windows. I am creating an Intranet application and want to use the


id that the user logs in signing on to the network.  


-Original Message-
From: David Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: out of Context  

Hari Venkatesan writes:   


Is there a way to retrieve windows userid from the client side using
java or javascript?   


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Hello Hari, i u r using realm and form based login this works 4 me:
String user = request.getUserPrincipal().getName();
hope this helps, david.   

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Hello Hari, it is probably not practical to try and fetch the windoz
u best bet may be to put everything into a LDAP database centralized to 
everything else: windoz, tc etc. hope this helps, david.  

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Hello Hari, well since u r running LDAP just have a central (or director 
type) servlet running that authenticates the users as they login from LDAP 
and uses the tc SingleSignon. this way that don't get prompted again. what r 
the holes in this idea? thanx, david.

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Re: exception loading sessions from persistent storage?

2002-12-04 Thread David Brown
Paul Tomsic writes: 

When I stop/start tomcat 4.1.12, I'm getting the
following error: 

Exception loading sessions from persistent storage Writing aborted by

it doesn't seem to prevent tomcat from starting, but
it's troubling, none-the-less. 

how can I fix this? 


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Hello Paul, in case u don't get an answer from the gurus, as a shot in the 
dark, take a look at your server.xml file. in this file their is an 
application context defined out-of-the-box called /examples. this webapp 
can use a PersistentManager if it has been uncommented. read this carefully 
and u will know what to look for. 4 example i'm using the /manager webapp 
that uses the PersistentManager and the important attribute in this context 
is: saveOnRestart=true. this may be a source of ur problems. also, u have 
not specified tc version, os type/version, platform, hardware, network and 
other myriad of services and conditions deployed that may help shed light on 
ur problem and will help to get the attention of the gurus. hope this helps, 

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Re: Mutliuser setup

2002-12-04 Thread David Brown
Rolf Borgen Guescini writes: 

Does anybody know what to do when setting up tomcat on a UNIX environment
for more than one user? 

Is the best way to define a directory owned by a group where all the users
belong,and then make contexts in server.xml? 

Or is there another way of doing it? 


-(o o)-
   * Rolf Borgen Guescini  *
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Hello Rolf, this is a two edged sword. if u r talking about localhost only 
w/ no public access this is not a problem but just allow each user to have 
their own webapps directory e.g. 
$CATALALINA_HOME/user1_webapps,user2_webapps,.../ all defined in their own 
web.xml files at: $CATALINA_HOME/someuser_webapps/WEB-INF. on other edge 
to this sword can be cutting and care is needed if u r mean to run public. 
i'm working on this now and have a infrastructure that would allow users to 
update servlets and jsp's remotely and install webapps using the /manager 
application. i can do this because i have all such accesses under 
protected webapp directories and encrypted w/ ssl requiring pam cert and 
user id's and password logins. this is an involved step and an order of 
magnitude of labor over the other sword edge. i have done things this way 
because as many will agree the public internet is a place where nobody's 
sandbox is safe from attack and intrusion. tc vulnerabilities r the same as 
for other services that have public access. if u do mean to offer public 
access then u have choosen a good package. tc has no security defaults but 
has all the tools necessary to harden its public server capabilties 
especially if used w/ apache version 1.3.27 or better. reply w/ more info on 
where u r technically: hardware, os, software services installed, network 
(connection), dns etc. and maybe u will get the attention of the gurus. hope 
this helps, david. 

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Re: TC 4.1.12 auto re-deploy problem/confusion

2002-12-03 Thread David Brown
Mark writes: 

I have an expanded-war app where it will initially auto-deploy (ie. expand 
the directories under /webapps), but not able to get it to hot redeploy 
after changes are made. By 'hot', I mean automatically have a new.war file 
re-expanded without restarting Tomcat. 

If I make changes to the app and create a new.war file, the only way I can 
get it to re-deploy is if I remove the existing directory under webapps 
then shutdown/restart Tomcat.  If I delete the directory and move a new 
.war file into /webapps while TC is running, it's not automatically 
expanded.  I've tried removing the app via the TC manager first, but it 
still won't auto-deploy. If I simply rename the .war file while it's in 
the /webapps directory, it's immediately deployed with the new directory 
name w/o restarting TC.  In a nutshell, if I use the same .war name, it 
won't redeploy unless I restart TC.  I'm using the out-of-the-box 
server.xml, where unpackWARs=true and autoDeploy=true for localhost. 

Is there no way to 'hot' deploy an existing app the way I'd like without 
restarting Tomcat? I've looked at the documentation and searched the 
archives/Internet. In almost all cases, the last step is to 'restart 
Tomcat'.  My goal is to have automatic continuous-integration, including 
auto-deployment. Having to manually restart TC each time throws a wrench 
into that process. 


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Hello Mark, i u r using: http://localhost:8080/manager then this works 4 me: 
http://localhost:8080/manager/remove?path=webapp and 
http://localhost:8080/manager/install?path=webapp where webapp means 
ur application context generated from ur .war. u must remove then 
re-install using the /manager webapp and hot deploy works w/o bouncing 
tc. hope this helps, david 

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Re: How to connect to a Data-File above the WEB-INF-Folder from a servlet????

2002-12-03 Thread David Brown
Patrick Kosiol writes: 


How do I connect to a Data-File above the WEB-INF-Folder from a 
For example my class is placed in 
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/myApp/server/servlet.class and 
my data-files are placed in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/data/data.dat or so. Is 
this possible or does anybody know a better way to place my data-files? 
And how do I connect to them? 

thx a lot

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Hello Patrick, it would be easier and more prudent to create ur own 
application context, a so-called webapp, and get away from the ROOT 
application. for example i have an online application that uses a java 
properities file in conjuction w/ a webapp. this properties file is 
located just above: WEB-INF after the .war expands and i access the file w/o 
conflicts. if i have a webapp that is accessed via: 
http://localhost:8080/webapp where the actual servlet class resides here: 
i would access my properites file at: $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ 
hope this helps, david. 

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2002-12-03 Thread David Brown
karthikeyan.balasubramanian writes: 

Hi All, 

  I have sucessfully integarated Apache with Tomcat using WarpConnecter.  But how do i go about from here to implement lots of Virtual Host for our clients.  I  need to setup atleast 5 virtual hosts.  I couldnt actually figure a way to host 5 real domains with JSP and Servlet support.   

  What are all the changes I need to do in the Httpd.conf and Server.xml.  I dont want to keep users folder under 
TOMCATHOME/Webapps/UserContext it will be under /usr/home/users-home-directory. 

  Can anybody help me out on this.  If somebody out here who have hosted some real domains rather then localhost thing 
please advice. 

  Looking forward for yours response. 


Hello, i'm hosting 4 public virtual domains. i am using mod_jk w/ apache and 
JkMount in httpd.conf and the ajp13 connector. i have many servlets, java 
beans and jsp running in different protected application context 
directories, jdbc connection to oracle, etc. this works 4 me. i know about 
the WarpConnector but have not used it. i have seen a lot of controversy on 
this ml about WarpConnector. maybe u could try the mail-archive to find out 
more or just keep trying here. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Newbie: Infos about Windows NT Authentication

2002-12-03 Thread David Brown
Jasper Dammann writes: 

where can I get basic-information about Windows NT Authentication and
Tomcat. I read the Tomcat Documentation JNDI-Resource HOW-TO and REALM
HOW-TO, but I didn’t understand for example how to configure the Windows NT
Server to run Tomcat with Windows NT Authentication … 

thanks for help,


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Hello Jasper, the actual os should not matter. what matters is ur http 
server. i'm running a linux box w/ apache http server that talks to tomcat. 
though possible, apache can run on nt but it seems many people elect to run 
ms iis. iis presents its own set of problems: 1) more difficult to config w/ 
tomcat. 2) to run a publicly accessible server u will have to run a firewall 
router appliance like a cisco router because nt/win2k/xp have no built-in 
firewall protection that is reliable. also, iis is one of the most security 
compromised servers on the planet. check out ur local isp running linux or 
solaris servers and take a look at their syslog logs to see the amount of 
compromised iis servers running that r looking for more platforms to 
compromise. also, the cisco tcp stack has flaws that r easily compromised if 
the router is not configured correctly. finally, look at: hope this helps, david.

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Re: SUCCESS w. Tomcat execution!

2002-12-03 Thread David Brown
micael writes: 

Congratulations, even from me.  ///;-).  Would you like a small list of 
books that will give you the inside scoop on this sort of technology?  I 
think that it would serve the list well if you asked for the same under a 
Subject of Tomcat Book List, and people could make their recommendations 
for your perusal.  Congratulations again.  (The Ant suggestion was a good 
one for you to pay attention to, Steve.)  Micael 

At 10:36 PM 12/2/2002 -0800, you wrote:
Yes, SUCCESS is what I have finally met with in trying/attempting to get 
activated!!!  I make a thunderous declaration that I have finally done 
it, and
of course I thank all those who helped me out, and that even includes 
Now, I need some help with trying to see a JSP/Servlet in my browser, a 
long time
problem with me!! I have just now installed Ant. Does that aid me in 
trying to get
a JSP going or not? 

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Hello, ant is never a step backwards. ant is always a step forward. david. 

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Re: TC 4.1.12 auto re-deploy...revisited

2002-12-03 Thread David Brown
Mark writes: 

At 12/3/2002 09:09 AM, you wrote:

Mark writes:

I have an expanded-war app where it will initially auto-deploy (ie. 
expand the directories under /webapps), but not able to get it to hot 
redeploy after changes are made. By 'hot', I mean automatically have a 
new.war file re-expanded without restarting Tomcat.
If I make changes to the app and create a new.war file, the only way I 
can get it to re-deploy is if I remove the existing directory under 
webapps then shutdown/restart Tomcat.  If I delete the directory and 
move a new .war file into /webapps while TC is running, it's not 
automatically expanded.  I've tried removing the app via the TC manager 
first, but it still won't auto-deploy. If I simply rename the .war file 
while it's in the /webapps directory, it's immediately deployed with the 
new directory name w/o restarting TC.  In a nutshell, if I use the same 
.war name, it won't redeploy unless I restart TC.  I'm using the 
out-of-the-box server.xml, where unpackWARs=true and autoDeploy=true 
for localhost.
Is there no way to 'hot' deploy an existing app the way I'd like without 
restarting Tomcat? I've looked at the documentation and searched the 
archives/Internet. In almost all cases, the last step is to 'restart 
Tomcat'.  My goal is to have automatic continuous-integration, including 
auto-deployment. Having to manually restart TC each time throws a wrench 
into that process.
Hello Mark, i u r using: http://localhost:8080/manager then this works 4 
me: http://localhost:8080/manager/remove?path=webapp and 
http://localhost:8080/manager/install?path=webapp where webapp 
means ur application context generated from ur .war. u must remove then 
re-install using the /manager webapp and hot deploy works w/o 
bouncing tc. hope this helps, david

Actually, this isn't working the way I thought it was/would.  By doing a 
remove/install of the app, TC is running from the .war file vs. unpacking 
the .war and running the app from the subdirectories.  This works, but (as 
we discovered) if/when TC is restarted, the result is the 'old' version of 
the app running from the subdirectory because we didn't remove it. 

Maybe we're trying to mix-match or doing something real unconventional 
(dumb), but the question/problem seems pretty straightforward: given a 
previously-deployed unpacked app called 'myapp', can Tomcat refresh the 
contents of the /webapps/myapp subdirectories automatically from a new 
.war file? The only way we've been able to do that is to shutdown TC, 
delete the /myapp directory and restart TC, allowing it to unpack the .war 
and re-create the /myapp directory structure. 

Based on what I've found, it looks like we should use one of these 2 
methods for hot-deployment: 

1) Run the app from the .war vs. unpacking it, and use remove/install.
2) Replace changed files in the /myapp directory structure, and use 

Both work but I'm curious what method is typically used/recommended, or 
whether it's just personal preference.   Thanks. 


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Hello Mark, acutally u need to do both 1 and 2 as i do but i guess i left 
out part of my automation process which is: ant. this little (no pun 
intended) but very powerful development tool is indespensible as part of my 
development structure. the ant tool basically automates the phsysicall 
removal of the old webapp directory as it completes the compile, 
generation and deployment of all my .ear, .war and .jar files. i run ant 
with 2 or more (depending on the depth of the webapp directories) build.xml 
files and 2 scripts namely: and (w/ controlling 
parms). these tools completely build or rebuild webapp/site, tear down the 
old and replace w/ the new and all is immediately accessible and tc never 
knows the difference. i can make edit changes or create whole new 
application contexts and webapp directory sites w/ these tools running all 
in the public no less (not so much brag i just can't afford a separate dev 
server). hope this helps, david. 

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Re: javax.servlet.ServletException when starting

2002-12-03 Thread David Brown
David Mehringer writes: 

I have a (valid) jar file in the WEB-INF/lib directory of one of my web 
apps.  Threre are other jar files in the same directory which seem to load 
fine on startup, but when loading this one, there is some error which I 
don't understand (snippets from trace below from the log).  I'm running 
tomcat 4.1.12 under linux. I can elaborate more if this description isnt 
adequate. Thanks for any assistance.

2002-12-03 11:56:42 ContextConfig[/archive] Exception processing JAR at 
resource path /WEB-INF/lib/huh.jar
javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception processing JAR at resource path 

at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
- Root Cause -
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid TLD resource path 

2002-12-03 11:56:42 ContextConfig[/archive]: Marking this application 
unavailable due to previous error(s)

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Hello Dave, i have special interest when people named Dave running linux 
boxes and tc ask questions so here goes: how do ur jars get to the locatin 
under: WEB-INF? how u r generating ur jars? what do the jars do? r the jars 
from another source or have u generated them? what version and flavor of 
linux r u running? what dev tools r u running? what version of jdk? anything 
that may help shed light on the problem. thanx, david. 

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Re: modifications to web.xml

2002-12-02 Thread David Brown

When I want to create an application and call a servlet from html page,
what essential modification I have to made to web.xml file? 

warm regards,
Ch. Sasi Bhushan. 

Ph: 044-2300053 #2602 


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Hello, u must define the servlet using the servlet and servlet-mapping 
tags as minimum. look at the tomcat docs if u have tc running at: 
http://localhost:8080. hope this helps, david. 

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JDBCRealm/Form login get current user ?(hope Craig is listening).

2002-12-02 Thread David Brown

Hello tc-users and Craig McClanahan, i have been very successfull and lucky 
developing protected webapps using form-based login and JDBCRealm for the 
oracle database. WooHoo! i have searched the source JDBCRealm and RealmBase 
and cannot come up any ideas on how to determine who is currently logged in 
and using the protected webapp locations. the users, roles, and user_roles 
tables are working perfectly. Anyone w/ ideas on how to do a so-called: 
getUser or getCurrentLogin programmatically? maybe there is some server.xml 
config i could do. any and all ideas, suggestion, rants and raves welcomed. 
thanx, david.

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Re: clearing sessions

2002-11-30 Thread David Brown
Felipe Schnack writes: 

  There is a way I can access all currently active sessions from a servlet? 

Felipe Schnack
Analista de Sistemas
Cel.: (51)91287530
Linux Counter #281893 

Faculdade Ritter dos Reis
Fone/Fax.: (51)32303328 

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Hello Felipe, yes u can run: 

where a web app is defined as: /examples 

here is the doc: http://localhost:8080/tomcat-docs/manager-howto.html
hope this helps, david.

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Re: startup classes in tomcat 4.1.12

2002-11-29 Thread David Brown
P Sasidhar writes: 

Can any one tell me how to configure start up classes in
tomcat 4.1.12 server
Hello sasi, what r u trying to do? need more info: is tc running? if tc is 
running, what happened? what url did u invoke? have u checked ur logs? what 
more can u find out to report? david. 

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Re: How to configure data transport constraint for a URL in Tomcat?

2002-11-29 Thread David Brown
Peter Lee writes: 

I have this online form page that needs to be secure, so I do not want to send it in plain 
text. How do I apply data transport constraint to the URLused to generate the form in 


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Hello, u have to use the tc ssl and security realm as provided in server.xml 
and ur whatever is to be protected application directory web.xml file. to 
get rolling u will want the memory realm in server.xml uncommented first. u 
will have to have a security key for the tomcat user home. after u get going 
if this secure page is in the public exposure u will want to go to one of 
the database security realms or at least PGP encrypt the tomcac-users.xml 
file and chmod 600 so non-root intruders don't get any passwords. hope this 
helps, david. 

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Re: How do I get the absolute path of a file in a directory above WEB-INF directory of my web application?

2002-11-29 Thread David Brown
Peter Lee writes: 

I am using Tomcat for servlets. 
How  do I get the absolute path of a file in a directory above WEB-INF
directory of my 
web application? 


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Hello, probably deprecated but probably still works: 

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Re: Mozilla crashes Tomcat.

2002-11-29 Thread David Brown
Christopher Mark Balz writes: 

Mozilla 1.x/N6+ causes a devastating memory leak on Tomcat 3.2.4.  In 
side-by-side tests, IE 5.5 causes no such leak, but Moz1.x/N6+ cause 
Tomcat to simply start allocating memory until the heap size limit is 
exceeded by about 20MB, resulting in an eventual shutdown of the JVM. 

I'm pretty sure it's not my code since the leak starts immediately on 
secure (ssl) session log-in to a static page (no servlet action 
whatsoever).  If a Moz/N6+ browser is already logged in however, after 
restarting the Tomcat server it takes a request from Moz1.x/N6 to start 
the big leak that leads to an eventual JVM shutdown. 

I thought that Netscape existed only to torture client-side developers; it 
seems they've got something going on the server-side now!  Of course, it 
would be Tomcat's bug, but it's funny how many bugs always surround 

Since this bug crashes my server, I would very much appreciate help with 
it.  I've seen other postings on the web indicating that this is a problem 
but have not seen anyone address it in a response. 

 - CB 

. . . / This Cabinet is formd of Gold / And Pearl  Crystal shining 
And within it opens into a World / . . .
Another England there I saw / Another London with its Tower
Another Thames  other Hills / And another pleasant Surrey Bower
. . .
- from The Crystal Cabinet, a poem by William Blake. 

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Hello Christopher, can u upgrade tc? david. 

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Re: Host Context - Unpacking of WARs

2002-11-29 Thread David Brown
Kwok Peng Tuck writes: 

For the context of the webapp in the server.xml . 

RXZ JLo wrote: 

For the applications deployed through WAR files, where
do I specify attributes like reloadable? 


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Hello rf, try server.xml. david. 

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Re: Servlet and Applet working in Tomcat 4.0.4 standalone

2002-11-29 Thread David Brown
Patrick Kosiol writes: 


I am using the Tomcat 4.0.4 as a standalone-server. Esspecially because 
JBuilder7 supports Servlet debugging.
I have an webApplication that includes a client- and a server-directory 
(package). The server-dir contains the Servlet-Class and the client-dir 
contains the client, of course. This client is a java.applet and does work 
fine (it is startet through out a html-page). But my problem is to connect 
to the servlet.
I have also tried to put the .war file into the %CATALINA_HOME%/webapps - 
folder and added the Lines
!-- TOMCAT Bfpl-Context -- Context path=/myApp docBase=myApp 
debug=0 reloadable=true / into the server.xml.
So the .war - File should be extracted at the next start of Tomcat. But 
that doesn't work What am I doing wrong?
An other question is: How do I connect from an Applet or a java.frame 
(opened by the applet) to this servlet. What the adress of the servlet? 

So my Applet is working fine but I do not get a connection to the servlet, 
so I cannot get my data from the webserver. :-( 

I hope anyone can help me. thx 



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Hello Patrick, based on ur info i have to make some assumptions. from ur 
statment: I have also tried to put the .war file into the 
%CATALINA_HOME%/webapps - folder... and on: So the .war - File should be 
extracted at the next start of Tomcat. But that doesn't work... i am 
compelled to ask: does the .war expanded into something expected like: 
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myApp? if not, this is the source of ur problem. if u 
do get expansion does this exist?: 
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myApp/WEB-INF/web.xml? if not, this is the source of 
ur problem. if u do have a web.xml then look 4 the following (depending on 
package naming): $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myApp/WEB-INF/classes/package 
name/myApp/myApp.class (assuming ur servlet is named if this 
does not exits then definitely a source of problems. one small observation: 
ur statement: I have also tried to put the .war file... is disturbing 
because any good development system should work such that correct deployment 
is automatic. i'm not criticisizing jbuilder and borland. i like borland 
products. and, i'm not criticisizing u 4 ur choices. it just seems many 
people have problems w/ tc dev based more on deployment issues. if u have 
not progressed try the following: try to use the command line and deploy a 
test servlet (not myApp). and, invoke the servlet from the browser. ur 
applet should be outside ur webapps environment. if u can invoke ur test 
servlet then try to invoke it from ur applet. if u r comfortable working 
from the command line u might want to try the ant build system that is used 
to build the tc /examples applications. ant is a very powerfull tool and 
can really help w/ deployment issues. ide's r ok 4 debugging code issues 
but i have found most java developers have issues based more on: 
packaging, directories, files systems and deployment in general than code 
issues. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: URGENT: Tomcat4 - Setting my Application as Default

2002-11-28 Thread David Brown
Bob McCormick writes: 

I'm having a devil of a time configuring my Application so that when I 
enter 'http://someIP_or_name_or_localhost/' I get my application rather 
than than the Tomcat Startup Screen. 

At this point, I'm brain-dead I think. Here's what I've done so far:
1. Changed the CoyoteConnector to listen on port 80, instead of 8080.
2. Created the following connector: 

Context path= docBase=var/tomcat4/webapps/myapp debug=0/ 

I still keep getting the Tomcat Congrads screen. Could somebody chime in 
here and lay this out for a complete idiot? Still feeling very new to this 
Tomcat stuff and need to get this nailed down SOON. (deadline looms) 

Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated. 


Bob McCormick 


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Hello Bob, next time start out w/ info that can get the attention of people 
that can help u by supplying the following: tomcat version, platform, os, 
hardware, network config, name or type of tc application u r trying to run 
(jsp, servlet, other java object), protocal used: http, rmi, smtp. this is 
just the short list. back to ur question i don't understand ur statement: I 
get my application rather than than the Tomcat Startup Screen. i assume u 
mean u r not getting ur application but the tomcat congrats screen 
instead. based on this assumption i will continue w/ a possible stab at this 
problem. typically, when an application is built for tc the invocation of 
the newly built application (defined here as app_context) would be 
something like: http://localhost:8080/app_context where app_context 
lives under $CATALINA_HOME/webapps and the definition/config for 
app_context may be found: 
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/app_context/WEB-INF/web.xml. the entire 
app_context business is created by tc from ur .war/.jar file combo that u 
hopefully created using ant and the build.xml that u used for ur 
app_context (whatever that may be). the ant build places the .war file 
below /webapps and when u bounce (preferably not) ur tc server the .war file 
is expanded 4 u into what i described above: 
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/app_context. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: [ Tomcat as Webserver ]

2002-11-28 Thread David Brown
Osvâneo A. Ferreira writes: 


I´m using tomcat-4.1.2 and I would like know, it´s can used as WebServer.
I configured a non-SSL legacy HTTP/1.1 connector on port 80. 

It´s possible ? 

[ Osvâneo ]

Hello Osvaneo (sorry, no circumflex), within networks, protocols and tcp all 
things r possible but maybe not recommended. the 2 tiered approach of apache 
http web server and tomcat servlet server is by far much more configurable 
(but more learning curve) and more security than either server alone. i 
assume since u specify port 80 u intend to use this as a publicly accessible 
server? tread carefully. u have not specified platform or os. if u r using 
linux then u should look into linux security. if u r using windoz then u 
need to get a firewall hardware appliance such as a cisco router (ther r 
many other hardware appliances to choose from). hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Apache Mod_jk.conf file.

2002-11-28 Thread David Brown
Andoni writes: 

I have my .conf files working fine, I just have a question that is bugging

I am told everywhere to put my mod_jk.conf file under the /tomcat/conf/
directory and then include it in the bottom of my httpd.conf file.  Is there
any real reason for this separation?  Can I just take all that is in this
file and paste it into the bottom of my httpd.conf file where the include
statement is? 



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Hello Andoni, what version of tc do u have installed? thanx, david. 

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Re: Apache/Tomcat sendRedirect :0 problem

2002-11-28 Thread David Brown
John Cho writes: 


I'm having an issue with Tomcat 4.1.12 and Apache 1.3.x where if I make a 
call to response.sendRedirect(http://hostname/servlet/foo;) Apache for 
some reason sends a redirect URL to the browser in the form of: 


Does anyone know what is causing this? And how to fix it? 

I can get around the problem only by using a RequestDispatcher.forward 
instead of the redirect but that's not optimal for me as I want the 
browser's URL changed. And although the :0 has no effect on IE, Mozilla 
doesn't like it at all. 

I apologize in advance if this is a common problem although I've search 
the archives and can find only one email that also mentions this problem 
and the thread doesn't discuss a resolution. 


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Hello John, this works for me: 
response.sendRedirect(http://hostname:8080/servlet/foo;). All servers: 
smtpd, httpd, ftpd, others and tc listen on predefined ports. look closer at 
the docs. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: How to add a servlet to a new Webapp

2002-11-28 Thread David Brown
Curley, Thomas writes: 

Hi All, 

Using Tomcat 4.1.12 on Win 2K 

I am getting a 404 error when I try to create a new webapp and add a very basic servlet.  The servlet works if I create the package structure within the examples WEB-INF/classes.  Here are the steps: 

1.	created webapps/study
2.	created .../study/WEB-INF/classes/com/wrox/projsp/ch03/ and compiled [ok]
3.	added the following line to server.xml after the examples /Context  

		Context path=/study docBase=study debug=0 
4.	just copied the examples web.xml to study/WEB-INF and added the following lines 



5.	restart tomcat  

RESULT - The requested resource (/study/servlet/TestServlet) is not available. 

Can anyone see what I am missing ? 





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Hello Thomas, i see this all the time on this ml. i don't know what folks' 
fascination is w/ server.xml and a basic application. yes, this is working 4 
u because web.xml is already defined for the webapp /examples. look closer 
at how the tc folks do it, namely, using the ant build and allowing tc to do 
its job by creating a .war/.jar combo and letting the tc server (when 
bounced, autoreload or using the webapp /manager) expand the .war into its 
very own: $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ur_application_context/WEB-INF/web.xml 
meServletUbuild.class. pls allow me recommend u look into ant and build.xml. 
it's worth the trouble if u r serious about tc learning and dev. trying to 
build anything structured by hand is not recommended. even seasoned vets 
don't do this because they r the ones that invented this stuff. using ide's 
r ok (especially when employers require ide use) but i use 3 or 4 tc tools 
to develop anything i want w/ ease because the chore of structured 
compilation and deployment is pretty much automatic. hope this help, david. 

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Re: tomcat 4 and javax.sevlet.*

2002-11-28 Thread David Brown
Tushar Kulkarni writes: 

I have installed Tomcat4.1. I want to change the directory
webapps\examples\JSP to say C:\myExamples. So that I can store my jsp files
in to the myexamples directory and access it through the browser with the
address ,
http://localhost:8080/myexamples instead http://localhost:8080/examples.
Please tell me how to I accomplish this task.


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Hello Tushar, no need to change directories and should not be necessary if u 
create ur application context: /myexamples the same way /examples was 
created. ur installed tc came w the application context: /examples ready 
to go right? but, b4 it got tarballed the tc magicians created a .war/.jar 
file combo that gets expanded to: $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/examples and under 
the: /examples context u will find: 
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/web.xml a very important file that is 
created to define and describe to the tc server how to unpack the .war/.jar 
that was created for the /examples application. And, under: 
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes u should find a myriad of 
example applications including: 
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes/examples (and many others). in 
fact all the examples and demos displayed at: http://localhost:8080  r 
expanded and stored her. allow me to recommend: discover how this is done by 
studying ant and the build.xml that escorts the tc server to great heights. 
if u accomplish this u should have when comleted the following:
$TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/myexamples when the tc server expands ur .war file. 
And, u should be able to access the contents w/ the following url: 
http://localhost:8080/myexamples. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Coyote:: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Reynir Hübner writes: 


When using version tc. 4.1.14 this exception sometimes occures :  

at org.apache.coyote.http11.InternalOutputBuffer.write(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.InternalOutputBuffer.sendStatus(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.prepareResponse(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.action(
at org.apache.coyote.Response.action(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.InternalOutputBuffer.endRequest(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$

What should I bee looking at ?

Hello Reynir, difficult to get people to answer questions like these. it 
would be prudent to add: app type running (jsp, servlet, applet, cgi, html 
etc.) what were u trying to do w/ the application? what defines: platform, 
os, environment, config (apache, tomcat, other servlet container, j2ee 
container), network (firewall, proxies, public, private, etc.)? anything 
that may tip off an experienced developer as to what ur probem is and how to 
solve it. david. 

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Re: Load on Tomcat 4.1.12

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
P Sasidhar writes: 

Hi All, 

I need urgent help!
I have installed my small webapp on Tomcat 4.1.12 on Windows NT machine
but after few requests it is getting hung. Is there any load factor to
be configured? What is the maximum no of users it can take? 

I had downloaded this Tomcat form site. Where I may
be going wrong? 

Please help, 


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Hello Sasi, what small app? (jsp, servlet)? did u try the out-of-the-box 
/examples or demos first? e.g. http://localhost:8080 ? did u change any 
config? if so, what did u change? (build.xml, web.xml, server.xml)? since 
this is a windoz box what other services r u running that may conflict? how 
is ur environment setup? (CLASSPATH, PATH)? david. 

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Re: Tomcat 4.1.12 not responding after few requests

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
P Sasidhar writes: 

After few requests my Tomcat server 4.1.12 is not responding and gives
lots of null pointer exception and following message in the end: 

Nov 26, 2002 11:50:28 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.log.CommonLogHandler
INFO: All threads are busy, waiting. Please increase maxThreads or check
the ser
vlet status75 75 

What do I do now? 


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Hello Sasi, again what r u trying to do? what requests? i must assume 
browser requests. what is ur url? have u tried to re-install tc and run only 
a simple test or tomcat supplied example or demo? david. 

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Re: Why does Tomcat 4 suspend itself?

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Luca Ventura writes: 


I have Tomcat 4.0.4-b3 as Servlet Container (I use it as a plug-in of IIS 5,
using the ISAPI
filter isapi_redirector.dll )and I have seen that
sometimes the following strange thing happens 

When Tomcat doesn't receive user's requests (forwarded from IIS) for a
period of time
(that can take minutes or hours) it suspends itself and I must restart the
service manually because Tomcat doesn't  answer to the users' requests any

In fact when this happens and the user tries to connect to Tomcat he waits
for an answer forever without success until the connection is closed by the
Web Browser because
it is timed out. 

Is there some setting in Tomcat to avoid this? Has someone
already had such problem? If yes, how did he solve it? 

Is this a bug of the version of Tomcat (or of the ISAPI filter) I am using? 

I hope someone can help me 

Thanks in advance. 


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Hello Luca, try running tc as standalone and not as a service to test. 
thanx, david. 

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Re: OFF-TOPIC: creating classes

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Kristján Bjarni Guðmundsson writes: 

You could check out BCEL. 

Felipe Schnack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 27.11.2002 13:40:59: 

  Hi all,
  I know this is off-topic, but I just had a crazy idea and couldn't
find about it anywhere...
  There is a way to modify/create java classes at runtime? I mean,
create plain new classes, or add attributes/methods to an existing, etc? 

  Maybe I'm asking for Java++? :-) 


Felipe Schnack
Analista de Sistemas
Cel.: (51)91287530
Linux Counter #281893 

Faculdade Ritter dos Reis
Fone/Fax.: (51)32303328 

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Hello Felipe, when java classes r executed w/ java... ur classes become part 
of one big program called the JVM. study closer and u will see why this is 
not possible or desirable. one of the reasons java is so popular (reference 
c language) is when classes r designed and implemented properly the 
application never crashes or disrupts the os. dig deeper. hope this helps, 

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Re: Search engine for the tomcat-user mailing list

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Luca Ventura writes: 

Hello everybody! 

Is there a search engine for the tomcat-user and tomcat-dev mailing list?
I would like to find and read  old posts using key-words. 

Thanks to everybody in advance! 


Hello Luca, try this: thanx, david. 

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Re: Host Context - Unpacking of WARs

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Andoni writes: 

unpackwars=false should only mean that the app runs from the packed .war
file, or so the Tomcat documentation seems to say. 

I do also have a web.xml but I don't see where this comes in to the
configuration of the Host elements? 

- Original Message -
From: David Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Host  Context - Unpacking of WARs 

Andoni writes: 


 I have two configurations: 1st one works 2nd doesn't. I want to get the

 to work though as it stops .war files unpacking.  Can anyone tell me how


 make the 2nd one work?  The error I get is:

 You don't have permission to access / on this server.

 But I think that's coming from the Apache server so it isn't even

getting to



  Host name=animo.andoni.[mydomain].ie debug=0
  Context path=

  Host name=animo.andoni.[mydomain].ie debug=0
  Context path=

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Hello Andoni, so did u look at ur httpd.conf directives: directory...,
alias... etc? but tc is a web server too when requests r handed off from
apache. tc looks at / as docbase or appbase root so what u have in ur

file becomes /application_context where application_context is the web
app u have defined 4 tc to unpack. i don't see how the web app can execute
if unpackWARS=false. r u defining a web.xml at all or r u only


in configuring server.xml? thanx, david. 

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Hello Andoni, for sake of experimentation or argument try a minimally 
uncommented server.xml and go w/ ur web.xml (below WEB-INF not 
$CATALINE_HOME/conf/web.xml). in fact this begs the question: WEB-INF is 
created when the .war file is unpacked. this is the whole beauty of .ear, 
.war, .jar techonoly namely one word: deployment. i have 4 domains running 
and a lot of servlets and jsp running over the range of tc services running 
both http and https. i can make any number of reasonable changes, update and 
redeploy w/o a user so much as noticing a hiccup. all of dev is more or less 
directly from tc docs reflected in books, online how-to's and ml's such as 
this one. follow the instructions of these resource and u should succeed. 
that's my $0.02, david.

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Re: Apache and Tomcat port mapping

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Brian Dixon writes: 

I have recently installed Tomcat 3.3.1 along with Apache.  The two are
working well together, and I have no complaints except that my Apache
pages all have the structure while my Tomcat pages are
isolated and appear under the structure.  Is
there a way to get Tomcat to respond to port 80 requests or some other
mechanism for removing the port number from appearing to users??? 


Brian Dixon
Regenstrief Institute, Inc.
Indiana University Medical Center
1050 Wishard Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 630-8822
Human creativity multiplied by the computing power of super-recursive
devices and algorithms will cause the real revolution in information
technology and in our lives. - Mark Burgin 


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Hello Brian, the port 80 that apache uses is a tcp socket that apache 
listens to. the same w/ tomcat. apache has directives to define the ports 
it listens to for different schemes: (http, https). typically, apache does 
not display port 80 in the url because apache is a web or http static 
content server so the default port 80 is not required to be displayed. and, 
port 80 is a so-called priviledged port on 'nix systems ( 1023). when 
apache fires up it does so as root or the super-user allowing use of port 
80 but forks a new child process for the actual http request/resonse 
processing. also, when apache executes cgi-bin it can hide some of the url 
to execute cgi-programs by using apache alias or scriptalias directives. 
tomcat is not a static http web server but is a dynamic content servlet/jsp 
server (and other objects) and therefore needs to listen to the non-standard 
port of: 8080. this port can be redefined to be any non-priviledged port 
( 1023). displaying port numbers in the url r not a problem if u restrict 
who sees the urls. as a suggestion u can authenticate ur users through 
encryption, user/password logins using ssl or read this about url 
obfuscation: . thanx, david.

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Re: How do I integrate my CLASSPATH on Tomcat?

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Emma Johansson writes: 


I'm wondering how I should do to make tomcat use the paths that are in

/ Emma 

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Hello Emma, it should not be necessary to make tomcat use anything in the 
CLASSPATH. is there some question about whether tomcat is using ur CLASSPATH 
or not? if tomcat is not using ur CLASSPATH how do u know? more info is 
required: tomcat version, what r u trying to do? what application have u 
defined using what implementation?: servlets, jsp, what? david. 

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Re: Howto specify servlets directory

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Rafael Angarita writes: 


   I want to configure tomcat to  handle servlets in the URL  /servlet and 
in  /some_dir/servlet, is it necesary to indicate something in the config 
files? or change anything?
   I'm using tomcat 3.2.4 

   Thanks in advance, 


Rafael Angarita 


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Hello Rafael, yes must define an application context and define the servlets 
url path and mapping in web.xml that is created under WEB-INF when the .war 
file u create gets expand below webapps (NOT in 
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml). hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Is it possible to have a serlvet as a first page?

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown

I'm using ajp13 with apache1.3 and tc4.0.x.
Im using virtual hosts, and the config I use for this one looks like this:
DocumentRoot /home/httpd/html/blaskan
ErrorLog /var/log/apache/blaskan-error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache/blaskan.log common_with_mod_gzip_info2 

Directory /home/httpd/html/blaskan
DirectoryIndex index.cgi

JkMount /blaskan/*  ajp13
JkMount /*.cgi  ajp13

I have a servlet mapped to index.cgi (don't ask me why .cgi, its mostly a pun). 
The problem is that I can not get apache to serve tomcat the request for It just gives me a listing of the contents in the 
folder. Right now I'm using a index.html that redirects (after adding 
index.html in the DirectoryIndex tag), but its not really how I want it to be. 
Is there a way to map this? It seems like its possible to do with .jsp-files, 
but I do not use any, and my index.cgi does most of the logic, so it would not 
make sense to change that into a .jsp-file. Any sugestions? 

Another question, is there something in server.xml for host that enables 
funktionality equal to ServerAlias in apaches VirtualHost? It seems odd that 
I have to define two hosts, one with www. and one without. 

Last thing, I can not get my server.xml to build my mod_jk.conf properly, it 
just does the Hosts, but never specify where to find the logs, the workerfiles 
and such. I have it specified like this in server.xml (but do not use that 
config-file it produces).
Listener className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig

/Best regards Björn Bergenheim 

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Hello Bjorn, (sorry no Swedish or Norweian vowels), i agree there is no 
reason (and mostly incompatible) to define host both in apache and tomcat. 
people i read about on this ml keep futzing aroung w/ the server.xml. if u r 
running apache and tomcat u have the best combo going. use each server for 
its best strength in technology. allow apache to serve and admin the static 
content and allow tomcat to serve and admin the dynamic. web.xml should be 
enough to fire off an index.whatever and if there is more tc will take up 
the slack. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Which connector for Apache 2 + Tomcat 4.1 on HP-UX 11?

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Wendy Smoak writes: 

I asked once before and was assured I could replace the HP-provided Tomcat
3.3.1 with a newer version.  I have Tomcat 4.1.12-LE (with Java 1.4.0)
working fine standalone and although I thought I wasn't going to have to do
this part, it looks like I've been elected to try to convince Tomcat to play
nicely with Apache. 

Since I have only on the web server side, it looks like I will use
Ajp13 on the Tomcat side.  (Unless anyone has mod_jk2 for HP-UX?  I won't
hold my breath waiting for HP to provide it.) 

I am reading and re-reading these two pages for now: 

Please let me know if I'm on the right track.  If anyone is feeling
extra-generous and would like to share their configuration files, I would
really appreciate some examples to work from! 

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

Hello Wendy, u have all the config u need if u download: 
jakarta-tomcat-4.x.x-src. the /examples r great and w/ the docs u should be 
able to do a lot out-of-the-box. get an apache reference book for examples 
on the web server side. i have installed the apache/tomcat duo on many 
machines and it is like hand in glove. if u r just beginning don't do too 
much. allow me to suggest try to get apache to server up 
http://localhost:8080 and if successfull u will have the seed start u need. 
hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Errors when compiling Tomcat Connectors

2002-11-27 Thread David Brown
Kevin Andryc writes: 

I downloaded the Tomcat connectors (jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.12-src)
and Ant version 1.5.1. I unzipped that to an appropriate directory and then
edited the file located in
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.12/jk. Such that it looks like this: 


I then ran Ant in the same directory and it came up with a lot of compiler
errors saying that it could not import org.apache.tomcat.util.* and that
the package does not exist. Those classes are found in tomcat-util.jar and
is located in %TOMCAT_HOME%/server/lib. I tried to put that in my CLASSPATH
environment variable and then ran Ant again, but still it had the same
errors. I am new to Ant and would appreciate any help. 


Kevin Andryc
Web Systems Engineer
Phone: (413)-545-3460


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Hello Kevin, ant was designed w/ CLASSPATH in mind. namely, ant does not use 
the environment classpath at all. ant defines classpath as part of a 
pathelement attribute. look closely in ur build.xml file and u will see 
something like this:  path id=build.path. the encompassing end tag 
complete the path id definition which will consist of 1 to many classes, 
jars and their paths. also, tomcat needs special jars like: servlet.jar 
found in a special directory: $CATALINA_HOME/lib. look closer and dig 
deeper. hope this helps, david.

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Re: Re-deploying webapps from war files

2002-11-26 Thread David Brown
Mark D.Porter writes: 

Hello All, 

I'm working with the latest builds of tomcat (4.1.15) in hopes of moving 
from tomcat 3.3. One thing that seems to be missing in the 4.x line is a 
'redeploy' feature for war files. In tomcat 3.3 I can setup my 'webapp' 
directory to 'look' for changes in a .war file and on a change event 
redeploy the application. This is a valuable feature for our development 
workflow and is sorely missed. If i am overlooking something obvious in 
the documentation of if this is an as yet 'undocumented feature' can 
someone please let me know. 



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Hello Mark, is this not done in server.xml as an attribute for a context 
e.g. /examples? if not then use of 
http://localhost:8080/manager/remove?path=context and 
httpd://localhost:8080/manager/install?path=context should work. the 
latter, though manual, has the added advantage of remote invocation. hope 
this helps, david. 

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Re: serverside include

2002-11-26 Thread David Brown
David Howard writes: 

I don't know if this would help, but what about setting environment
variable through the tomcat administration interface. 

David Howard 

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 12:25 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: serverside include 

Is there anyhting like a server side inlcude that is loaded into 

memory when the server starts, making variables specified in the include 

file accessible? 
Or is what I am trying to acheive (in previous posts) - session or 
application to be loaded when the server is started -  the nearest 
solution to this? I have seen documentation to have a jsp:include, but
can't see how variables within the servlet would be accessible from any 
other page? Any thoughts? 



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Hello Paul, if u use a parallel directory and bean class files w/ 
setter/getter methods u can persist variable information in the bean file 
and then retrieve the information in a jsp once the the server has changed 
pages. example directory tree follows. hope this helps, david. 

  /  \
   /web  /beans 

where ur servelets r under web and ur bean class files r under beans. 

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Re: WAR files not expanding.

2002-11-26 Thread David Brown
Andoni writes: 

When I put a .war file over to my tomcat server it doesn't work.
- It only creates an empty directory in webapps. 

If I put over the war and unzip the file, it works fine. 

If I put over the .war file and set unpackWARs=false it does not work.
- The unpack command is understood though as it does not create the
directory in webapps 

I am using Tomcat 4.0.4.  Has anyone come across anything similar? 

Thanks in advance, 


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Hello Andoni, have u tried to build and deploy using ant? david. 

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Re: Virtual host problem

2002-11-26 Thread David Brown
xyber writes: 

I have a HP-UX server with Tomcat 4.0.4, and I want to host 30+ virtual 
I fill up the server.xml, start catalina, and the Tomcat's java process 
allocate gigabytes(1+) of memory!!!
When i remove virtual hosts from server.xml, the memory usage go lower.
Is the 1g+ allocation normal, or a bug?
What can I do? 


ps: sorry for my english 

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Hello, try to use virt host in apache and configure apache for tomcat. hope 
this helps, david.

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Re: help for newbie?

2002-11-26 Thread David Brown

Greetings to all. 

I am new to JSP and Tomcat - but trying diligently to learn quickly.   

I have what are most probably basic questions.  I am using the latest, so I assume, 
Tomcat 4.1.12.  I am attempting to create a Webapp and Servlet.   

I get the Tomcat 404 error, The Requested resource is not available. 

I suspect I have two problems(more details follow basic descriptions):   

1. My servlet isn't recognized once compiled from .java to .class using latest java 
1.4.1_01 javac command.   

2. I think my webapp is not recognized. 


What I tried:  after inital failure, I attempted copying my .class file to the example 
directory and executing with localhost:8080/examples/servlet/MyServlet just as the 
HellowWorld servlet is called in an attempt to eliminate possible causes.  No luck 
with this.  (I had restarted Tomcat after pasting .class file.) 

I also tried copying and pasting the HelloWorldExample .class file to my webapp 
directory and it would not execute. 

My webapp Directory (courtesy of WROX Professional JSP [which has not a few 


and the URL that should activate it:

I changed the laboriously long .myfirstwebapp. to .app1. both in the package 
declaration of my .class as well as the call the attempted activation URL. 


If this is the wrong place to ask for help with basics such as this, plese forgive me - I 
am hoping this is the place and am all too happy to go where directed for answers. 

If this is the right place, all help is appreciated. 

Kind regards, 


p.s.  java follows 


package com.wrox.projsp.ch03.app1; 


import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpResponse; 

import javax.servlet.ServletException; 

public class MyFirstServlet extends Httpservlet {
public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
IOException {

PrinWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println(Frustration: bane of inspiration);


-=| Just say NO to post-modernism. |=- 

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Hello Jered, this is the right place. code is not ur problem. on the surface 
(because servlet code is all u sent) i suspect u have not defined ur servlet 
in web.xml. this aside, if u r really interested in learning use the tools 
provided by tc: ant build. also, don't do too much: this means don't develop 
a Hello World servlet and jsp. allow me to suggest to develop only a 
servlet at first, then progress to jsp's and other objects later. look 
closely at the http://localhost:8080/examples and the other demos supplied 
w/ tc. learne to build and deploy a Hello World using ant and preferably 
if u can congifure apache w/ tc. tc by itself is not very usefull unless u r 
inside a protected environment (no internet connection or very heavy 
firewall and CA encrpted ssl stuff). hope this helps, david.

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Re: Can't start tomcat

2002-11-26 Thread David Brown


I have downloaded tomcat 4.1.12. When I try to startup the server a DOS Window appears and disappears immediately and I have no comment about what's going on. 

Can anybody help me? 

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Hello, ur server is crashing. u need to look in $TOMCAT_HOME/logs. david. 

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Re: serverside include

2002-11-26 Thread David Brown

Ugh, thanks. I really dont know where to start however. How are the variables made persistent? Can you possibly provide a little syntax? 
Finally, what is 'app_context'? A directory? 




Hello Paul, if u use a parallel directory and bean class files w/ 
setter/getter methods u can persist variable information in the bean file 
and then retrieve the information in a jsp once the the server has changed  

pages. example directory tree follows. hope this helps, david.  

   /  \
/web  /beans  

where ur servelets r under web and ur bean class files r under beans.  

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Hello, app_context is application context. this is namely the object of ur 
questions. there r many, many examples of bean usage all over the net. u 
will have to dig deeper to find the syntax. there r a myriad of ways to 
accomplish the simple outline i have given here. here is a starting point: . hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Re-deploying webapps from war files

2002-11-26 Thread David Brown
Mark D.Porter writes: 

Hi David! 

Thanks for your response - I've found that your second suggestion is 
automatable (is that a word?) via ant and as such is a good replacement 
for the functionality in Tomcat 3.3. However, it appears that these tasks 
rewrite server.xml and overwrite any ResourceParams elements that your 
re-deployed context may have contained. Is this a bug or am I mis-using 
these ant tasks/manager app functions. 

Thanks again, 


On Tuesday, November 26, 2002, at 09:44 AM, David Brown wrote: 

Mark D.Porter writes:

Hello All, I'm working with the latest builds of tomcat (4.1.15) in 
hopes of moving from tomcat 3.3. One thing that seems to be missing in 
the 4.x line is a 'redeploy' feature for war files. In tomcat 3.3 I can 
setup my 'webapp' directory to 'look' for changes in a .war file and on 
a change event redeploy the application. This is a valuable feature for 
our development workflow and is sorely missed. If i am overlooking 
something obvious in the documentation of if this is an as yet 
'undocumented feature' can someone please let me know. Thanks! Mark --
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Hello Mark, is this not done in server.xml as an attribute for a context 
e.g. /examples? if not then use of 
http://localhost:8080/manager/remove?path=context and 
httpd://localhost:8080/manager/install?path=context should work. the 
latter, though manual, has the added advantage of remote invocation. hope 
this helps, david. 

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Hello Mark, i don't understand how u r overwriting server.xml? if used 
correctly, the ant build should only be generating a jar/war combination 
that when the server is restarted (or if u r using reloadable attribute) ur 
application context u have defined should overwrite ur application context 
directory under $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps and nothing else. u will need to 
examine much more closely what ur build.xml file is actually doing. sprinkle 
echo statements throughout ur build.xml to see what paths and files r being 
defined 4 for what actions (mkdir, copy, delete, javac, pathelements, etc.). 
tread carefully. ant is a great tool but will do only those instructions it 
receives from the user. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: tomcat setup

2002-11-26 Thread David Brown
Joseph Boccuzzi writes: 

to start I am new to Tomcat. I have installed 4.1.12 on my Mac and can get 
to the initial page. From here the links for the jsp examples and the 
servlet examples return a http status 404   not available. The link for 
the Tomcat Administrator and Tomcat Manager return a 403 access denied. 

I can however use the Tomcat documention link. In here I found something 
about the tomcat-users.xml file. I edited this file to add the manager 
role the document was talking about and create a user name line with a 
pasword and assigned the manager role to it. I restarted tomcat but still 
no go. 

So my question is How do I start the jsp and servlet services so I can 
test the examples and how to I create a user to get into the 
administrator? The documentation that comes with this is not much help in 
trying to configure or administer Tomcat. 


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Hello Joseph, u could do w/ supplying more info. i will make a stab at this: 
u r curious or dead serious about the tomcat servlet server and what to see 
some tc basics working. if basic works is ur interest then u do not need to 
edit tomcat-users.xml unless u r very serious about security, ssl logins and 
r much more familiar w/ tomcat innerworkings. to see the basic tc install 
functionality assuming u have installed tc correctly the only thing u need 
to do is if the tc standalone server is running correctly then u only need 
to invoke the following: http://localhost:8080 and u should see the standard 
tomcat demos screen w/ the tomcat logo. once u have acquired some 
development skills then using http://localhost:8080/manager is a good idea 
especially if u need to control the tc server remotely. hope this helps, 

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Re: tomcat as bundle

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown


Can any one tell me whether tomcat is avalable for download as a
single tar.gz file?! and where is it available... 

I would like to install tomcat on Irix 6.5.16, anyone suggest if 
experimented already on this. 



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Re: Protectind directory

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown
Osvâneo A. Ferreira writes: 


I want protect a directory in my structure ( http://localhost/directory )
I use Apache+Tomcat and all test, it´s failed.
Try .htaccess of apache, but nothing.
Try permission  org.apache.naming.JndiPermission  jndi://localhost/examples/* , but nothing. 

How I do ? 

Osvâneo A. Ferreira

Hello, u need to supply more info (how u build is important):
BUILD: ant (build.xml), scripts (.sh , .bat, manual, etc.) 

if u want tomcat directory protection don't fiddle around with apache (i 
assume u mean httpd.conf). the tomcat instructions r very clear if u 
downloaded: jakarta-tomcat-x.y.z-src. u have to build a directory w/ 
WEB-INF and its own web.xml file (preferably using a war/jar file) where u 
define the protected directory something like this: 


u must be able to generate a war file and put it in your webapps 
directory and then bounce ur tomcat server (i prefer to use: 
http://localhost/manager/install?path=protected_dir). get the src as 
described above and read thoroughly and carefully. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: jasper.error.emptybodycontent.nonempty, MySQL

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown
Eric Earnst writes: 

Hi all,
I've read a lot of docs but over a long enough period of time that I
forget most of what I read, the recent over-age newbie really applies

I am putting together my first site and am getting the following error
message from Tomcat (4.1.12-LE-jdk14):
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /pnDatabaseConnect.jsp(3,0)

Here is the top of the file in question: 

%@ taglib prefix=c uri=; %
%@ taglib prefix=sql uri=; % 

	var=PartNumDB scope=application

sql:query var=PartNum scope=request datasource=${PartNumDB}
	SELECT * FROM PartNumberMaster

I don't have a web.xml file, every one I've come up with causes Tomcat
to not find my pages...  I've loaded the JSTL into:
and the TLD files into the WEB-INF directory. 


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Hello Eric, i will have to admit that i'm using a tc version  4.1.12 but i 
cannot fathom tc w/o a web.xml file. if u r a newbie then u r taking leaps 
that r too big. u have crammed a lot of functinality into a jsp using the 
tags. this is ok 4 someone w/ a lot of background but i personally don't 
recommend this approach. 4 the time being if u r interested in the 
functionality and not the implementation then allow me to suggest that u 
take a more tiered approach to make ur jdbc connection and sql query:
1) lay off the tags untill u r more experienced.
2) what i mean by tier is put ur jdbc connection and sql query in a 
separate class or bean away from ur web content directory. i use oracle 
and mysql all the time this way. get the class bean to execute standalone 
first b4 u put it into ur directory structure. an ascii directory tree 
3) inspect ur build process. using ant and bulid.xml is highly recommended.
4) if u get step two above to work (separating ur web content from ur 
process) then allow me to suggest introducing a third leg (in technogeek 
this is MVC: model-view-controller). this third piece is a servlet or better 
yet a director servlet that handles all requests from all of ur jsp's (1 
to serveral jsp's). case in point: ur jsp requests ur servlet for db info. 
the servlet requests info from ur class bean. the servlet sends the db 
info and sql query results back to the jsp. in the long run much simpler and 
cleaner not to mention the ability to scale this design pattern (more 
technogeek). an example of my directory structure follows: 


   /  \
/web  /beans 

this is just one director. i have the directory separated to show the 
different file contents: web.xml is always under /WEB-INF. under /web 
contains: jsp's, html's, css's, etc. and under /beans contains: ordinary 
class files w/ constructors and getter/setter methods 4 ur web objects. 
also, the /beans directory or yet another aply named directory could 
contained serialized classes 4 even more advance data movement. 

this is the classic design pattern most developers have at least some 
familiarity: or better yet just 
type: model-view-controler at the google prompt and start reading. 

hope this helps, david.

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Re: Applet from servlet

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown
Andreas Probst writes: 

Hi David, 

don't put the class files and jars, which you need for an 
applet, below WEB-INF. Tomcat won't serve these files to the 
user's browser. Just put these files in your webapp's directory.
If you need the same classes also on the server, than you need 
to have two copies of them. 

Hope this solves your problem. 


On 24 Nov 2002 at 10:07, David Brown wrote: 

Hello tc-user, has anyone successfully invoked an applet from a
servlet using: response.sendRedirect(url) where
url=http://localhost/somehtml.html w/ the APPLET/APPLET tag
embedded? my efforts so far result in: Exception:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.x.y.MyApplet.class. i have
repackaged the applet in different ways to no avail. i am using
jakarta-tomcat installed out-of-box and using the same ant
build infrastructure as the examples and demos:  





i can place any number of servlets in /web and any number of java
bean or ordinary class files in /beans and reference their
constructors, variables and methods from servlets in /web.
however, no amount of packaging or lack of packaging of an applet
stored anywhere in this directory tree referenced w/
APPLET/APPLET in the index.html (see above) will work
(ClassNotFoundException). TOMCAT VERSION: 4.0.6 JDK: 1.3.1_02
OS: RH7.2 NETWORK: linux box as router ENVIRONMENT: TOMCAT_HOME,
JDK_HOME BUILD: ant build.xml  

i welcome any and all ideas, suggestions, rants etc.. thanx,

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Hello Andreas, thanx 4 the accurate and speedy reply. i (on a hunch) put my 
applet class under /webapps and can now load which ur message confirms 
(thanx). the history of this applet started out as a java standalone which 
works perfectly from any remote client. however to avoid downloads and 
client compiles i decided to convert the standalone to an applet. the applet 
depends on classes12.jar (or if on windoz). again, class not 
found exception because of classes found in classes12.jar. again, on a 
hunch, i unpacked the jar under /webapss along w/ the applet class (i know 
this is a poor solution but it helped throw light). when the applet loads i 
can see that i completes some of the init() but eventually hangs w/ the 
Exception: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for 
basename Connection.locale en_US 

i know the best solution is for the applet to find the packed jar and then 
all should be ok but how? i have put the jar everywhere: classpath, 
build.xml property, $TOMCAT_HOME/lib, $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib, etc.. any and 
all ideas, references, rants and raves welcomed. david.

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Re: Problems with Tomcat 4.1.12 and FORM based authentication

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown
Quenten Van Egeren writes: 

I'm having the following problem when using FORM based
authentication with Tomcat 4.1.12 : 

When I bring up a new browser window, and go to a
protected page (under /do/) I am redirected to the
login.jsp as I should be.  If I enter the correct
username / password, I am logged in correctly and
forwarded back to the page I was trying to access. 
This all works correctly. 

However, if I enter garbage for a username and
password, I am redirected to the error.jsp page, which
is also correct.  I then click the link on the
error.jsp page that takes me back to the login.jsp
page and try to login again with a valid
username/password combo, and it instantly redirects me
back to the error.jsp page.  This isn't correct (as
far as I can tell) since it should have successfully
authed me the second time into the page. 

I was wondering if anyone else had run into this
issue, or if there was something I was missing in one
of the config files or my web.xml file. 

I am also using struts, but I don't think that has
anything to do with this error, since it appears to be
a j_security_check setup issue somehow. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 



Here is my code : 

+ my application web.xml +
display-nameSecurity Constraint/display-name
web-resource-nameProtected Area/web-resource-name

realm-nameMy JDBCRealm/realm-name

descriptionadmin role./description
descriptionmember role./description

+ tomcat server.xml + 

 userTable=members userNameCol=login
roleNameCol=user_role / 

+ my login.jsp +
titleLogin Page for Examples/title
body bgcolor=white
form method=POST action='%=
response.encodeURL(j_security_check) %' 
  table border=0 cellspacing=5
  th align=rightUsername:/th
  td align=leftinput type=text
  th align=rightPassword:/th
  td align=leftinput type=password
  td align=rightinput type=submit
value=Log In/td
  td align=leftinput type=reset/td

+ my error.jsp +
titleError Page For Examples/title
body bgcolor=white
Invalid username and/or password, please try
a href='%= response.encodeURL(login.jsp)


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Hello Quenten, if ur web.xml is:

then change ur web.xml tag:

to only: 


hope this helps, david.

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Re: Tomcat Connector JK2 + Apache + SSL

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown
SAG - Jose Antonio Tarifa writes: 

Hello group.
I'm not able to configure Apache + SSL with Tomcat to make available to servlets the SSL data, such like are returned by request.getRemoteUser() function (always return NULL).
Apache runs correctly with HTTPS, but Tomcat no.
Any idea?
José Antonio Tarifa Lorenzo
Departamento de Desarrollo
Compañía Operadora del Mercado Español de Electricidad, S.A.
c/Alfonso XI, 6 4ª Planta. 28014 Madrid

Hello, have u uncommented the ssl connector in server.xml? what version of 
tc? what version of apache? what platform? os? have u configured mod_ssl and 
JkMount in httpd.conf? many variables that can break ssl between apache and 
tc. hope this helps, david.

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Re: Why can't put weblogic.jar to classpath when using ant

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown
james writes: 


I have a question, when I use ant to compile some files, the following error
popped up, after tried a few times, I found if I delete weblogic.jar in the
classpath, it is OK! Why is that?
Thanks in advance 


java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
ii, method: createMapper signature: ()Lorg/apache/tools/ant/types/Mapper;)
patible type for getting or setting field
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(

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Hello, how r u defining property name=classpath in ur build.xml? david

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Re: Tomcat 4.1.12 Logs??

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown
Prashanth Pushpagiri writes: 


I am running Tomcat 4.1.12 alongside IIS 5.0. I have
no installation problems, but what I'd like to know
is how to set up my logs. In all previous versions of
Tomcat I observed Tomcat logging access details
(complete HTTP requests made) in files like
localhost_accesslog_***.txt, but in 4.1.x I havent
seen these files being created in
Do we need to set it up? If so how? If not where are
these logs? 



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Hello Prashanth, i thought these logs were set up in server.xml within a 
context definition. hope this helps, david.

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Re: I think I broke jsp compiler

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown
Grinvald, Edward writes: 

Hello all,
I'm trying to swap out a jre/jdk (yes, I know the diff) on the fly from
tomcat 3.3a. All seems well with 1.3.1, but I'm getting problems with
1.4. It seems that the jsp simply don't get compiled (I get blank
screen). Since my error page is also a jsp, where would I see jsp
compilation errors (tool too recent or something), or how would I debug

Thank you, 


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Hello Edvard, have u checked ur $TOMCAT_HOME/logs directory? thanx, david.

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Re: Why can't put weblogic.jar to classpath when using ant

2002-11-25 Thread David Brown
james writes: 

I did not put property name=classpath in build.xml,
I just set the environmental variableclasspath. there are a lot of jar
files including msbase.jar, etc. coz I tested some other examples. 


- Original Message -
From: David Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: Why can't put weblogic.jar to classpath when using ant 

james writes: 


 I have a question, when I use ant to compile some files, the following

 popped up, after tried a few times, I found if I delete weblogic.jar in


 classpath, it is OK! Why is that?
 Thanks in advance


 java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
 ii, method: createMapper signature:


 patible type for getting or setting field
 at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.Class.forName(

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Hello, how r u defining property name=classpath in ur build.xml? david 

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Hello James, ant build ignores all reference to the environment CLASSPATH 
content. that's why the classpath property must be defined in the build.xml 
file properly. the environment CLASSPATH is inherently a problem. that is 
why ant was developed to circumvent the problems present in building 
projects in a much more consistent manner. let me suggest u create a small 
project or better yet begin w/ a fresh install of tc away from ur current 
work and re-build the tc /exampls and demos to get some more experience w/ 
ant. hope this helps, david. 

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Re: Over-aged Newbie needs some help

2002-11-24 Thread David Brown
mech writes: 

Have a look for this book (bought it from Amazon, 65€ or $60): 
Professional JSP, 2nd Edition (Simon Brown  others), Wrox Press,
August 2002
ISBN 1-861004-95-8 

Of course it's a little bit huge with 1200 pages, but definitely the
last book you'll buy about JSP and servlets... Until next JSP and
servlet specs, I guess ;-) 


-Original Message-
From: Steve R Burrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sonntag, 24. November 2002 01:05
Subject: Over-aged Newbie needs some help 

 Hi, I need some degree of help/assistance from someone re. 
just how exactly you go about starting to build or create 
JSP's or Servlets in the Tomcat container!!! Do you first 
establish a context or something??! And, then if that's the 
case, where do you go from there anyway? Incidentally, I am 
still basking in the afterglow of just being able to 
install Tomcat!!!  

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Hello, jsp and servlet books 4 fine but if u r a newbie as u say here u need 
1) begin to supply better info. on some ml's you'll get yelled at for this 
transgresssion. example:
  e) PLATFORM (hardware etc.)
  f) NETWORK (routable, non-routable, public, private, firewall's, proxies, 
2) if u downloaded the jakarta-tomacat-x.y.z-src then when u unzip or unjar 
u will find all the docs and example demos u can handle 4 some time to come.
3) run the http://localhost:8080 first b4 u try to do more. use the 
accompanied ant builds w/ the demos. if u don't know ant, go back to and get it... read the docs... learn how to use it. don't expect 
the ml's to answer all the questions. most of the people that know ur 
situation probably won't answer ur question(s). hope this helps, david. 

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Re: apache and tomcat and a webapp

2002-11-24 Thread David Brown
Ron Smits writes: 

Let me try and be more specific :) 

First of all, if I get all to work the current setup with JServ will
disappear and I am testing this in a test environment (Vmware) 

So let me see if I can chop my questions up in different parts
The application is being developed using tomcat 4.1.12 running
standalone. The development is going nice and contacting the application
on localhost:8080/application is perfect. 

Question 1:
I want the application to be the root of the tomcat. Meaning that in my
test environment when I contact localhost:8080 I get the application and
not the standard Tomcat page.
I edited the server.xml and changed the Root context to point to the
 Context path= docBase=application debug=0/ I even removed the
ROOT directory. When starting this up going to localhost:8080 will give
me a No context configured to process this request If I go to
localhost:8080/application my application is there. So how do I change

Because the current server that needs to be replaced is running several
domains in a virtual setup (and very nicely too thanks to apache). My
idea is to remove the current 1.3 install with JServ and replace it with
apache 2.0.43 that will run all the virtual hosts and will talk to
tomcat for the web application (see question 1) that will be in a new
virtual host. So after I have been able to get question 1 answered
(replacing the root context with my application) the next question will
be what the best way is of setting mod_jk up to serve up the application
when apache gets a request for this application. 

I hope this is more clearer  


PS to fullfill the list:
OS linux version 2.4.19
TOMCAT 4.1.12
JDK: jsdk1.4.1_1
Hardware never enough but it is a big enough intel box :)
Network: running fine, thank you :) 


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Hello Ron, server.xml is strictly config and removing the ROOT context is 
not a good idea. just replace the guts of the ROOT context w/ what u want. 
if u already have a http://localhost/application running then either move it 
to the ROOT context or just change the ROOT/index.html to index.jsp and use: 
Path()+/application. better yet build a director servlet at ROOT that 
automatically re-directs http to the desired /application based on its 
context. hope this helps, david. 

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Applet from servlet

2002-11-24 Thread David Brown
Hello tc-user, has anyone successfully invoked an applet from a servlet 
using: response.sendRedirect(url) where url=http://localhost/somehtml.html 
w/ the APPLET/APPLET tag embedded? my efforts so far result in:
Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.x.y.MyApplet.class. i have 
repackaged the applet in different ways to no avail. i am using 
jakarta-tomcat installed out-of-box and using the same ant build 
infrastructure as the examples and demos: 





i can place any number of servlets in /web and any number of java bean or 
ordinary class files in /beans and reference their constructors, variables 
and methods from servlets in /web. however, no amount of packaging or lack 
of packaging of an applet stored anywhere in this directory tree referenced 
w/ APPLET/APPLET in the index.html (see above) will work 
JDK: 1.3.1_02
OS: RH7.2
NETWORK: linux box as router
BUILD: ant build.xml 

i welcome any and all ideas, suggestions, rants etc.. thanx, david. 

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Re: how can i get tomcat to take my servlets?

2002-11-23 Thread David Brown
Rotaru Razvan writes: 


i have tomcat4 and a site with compiled servlets (or jsps). I only have
.class files. I created a context but tomcat does not take the
index.class file, it just lists my files. How can i do it?  

kind regards,

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Hello, index.class file? don't u mean index.html or index.jsp? this could be 
ur problem. david.

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Re: Apache-Tomcat Conf

2002-11-23 Thread David Brown
Nitesh Garg writes: 

I hv downloaded Apache/Tomcat 4.1.12 and have apache 2.0, I want to configure my tomv\cat with apache. As in the given step when I run tomcat(it runs on standalone ) it does not generate mod_jk.conf-auto that i need to put in http.conf. 


Any suggestion to configure tomcat with apache will be help full 


thanx in advance 



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Hello, if u have not downloaded jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12-src then do so and u 
will find all docs at: jakart-tomcat-4.1.12-src/webapps/tomcat-docs. david 

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Re: apache and tomcat and a webapp

2002-11-23 Thread David Brown
Ron Smits writes: 

This might not even be possible but I cannot find a definitive yes or no

I am developing a webapp based on jsp and servlets. Once this is done I
want to deploy it on a server that has several domains on it. Currently
this server is running apache with JServ.  

My idea is to have apache 2.0.X together with tomcat 4.1.12 to take over
this work. I have managed to get apache to talk to tomcat using the
mod_jk connector. But I can only access my application by using the
application path (http://localhost/application/) instead of having
served up as the root of the virtual host (http://localhost/). 

How to go about this? 

Ron Smits


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Hello, u could use an index.html at: http://localhost that redirects to 
http://localhost/application or define an alias in httpd.conf. i assume u 
mean a jakarta-tomcat context application properly defined in web.xml. u 
really don't want jserv defined in httpd.conf along w/ mod_jk. the 
ready-to-go tomcat webapps demos r perfect if u r using the ant builds. u 
really should supply more info w/ such requests (on some ml's u get yelled 
at 4 requests like this): 


thanx, david.

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Re: What the problem about tomcat 4.1 or IE? in my computer?

2002-11-23 Thread David Brown
p niemandt writes: 

Uninstall win2k, install linux, see if your problem persists ... :) 

naah; seriously: check the logs: see if there is anything funny. Which
JDK are you using? Maybe try reinstalling that, see if that helps.  


On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 15:41, james wrote:

I used Tomcat 4.1 for 2 weeks, and I practiced some samples, it was fine,  but today, it didn't work well anymore. 

I uninstalled it and installer it again and again, the Tomcat Server looks OK, for the info on screen was the same as before.
but when I tried : http://localhost:8080/hello/index.jsp
or any tested sites I used before. All will take a long long time!! even after I reboot the computer. It was much fast before.  

The OS is Window 2000, and RAM is enough (327M), I checked and I only run 2 or 3  IEs, nothing else.
What might be the problem?  

Any help will be appreciated. 

p niemandt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Hello, also after u re-install new try just the suggested action: 
http://localhost:8080 to see if u get the initial tomcat demo screen. david.

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Re: JkMount question

2002-11-22 Thread David Brown
Rafael Angarita writes: 


   Does anybody knows if it's important the order of JkMount directives?, 
for example: 

   I have two tomcat instances T1 and T2, - The loadbalancer should 
handle all the requests to the entire site (and do a load balance between  
T1 and T2) except for /app1 context
   - T2 should handle all the requests to /app1 context 

   What's the right order of JkMount directives in my .conf file? does it 

   Thanks in advance, 


Rafael Angarita 


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Hello Rafael, i don't think the order matters. i don't have 2 loadbalanced 
servers but i have few domains and it seems the JkMount order in httpd.conf 
does not matter. httpd.conf is a name/value/properties type of file and not 
an xml file so the order should not matter. hope this helps ,david 

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Re: i am having trouble using Java Beans with Tomcat 4.1

2002-11-22 Thread David Brown
Jeff Tulley writes: 

If you are using JVM 1.4.1, this might be a FAQ - that you need to have a package name on the bean.
At least it appears that your bean is in the default package. 

Jeff Tulley  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Novell, Inc., the leading provider of Net business solutions 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/22/02 9:36:31 AM 

I am a beginner to Java beans.
i am having trouble using Java Beans with Tomcat 4.1
I am attatching the beans file and am copying the
exact errors that I get..
Please help me.. 

Exception report 


description The server encountered an internal error
() that prevented it from fulfilling this request. 


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile
class for JSP 

An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file:

Generated servlet error:
[javac] Compiling 1 source file 

C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat
'.' expected
import SurveyBean;
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class SurveyBean  
location: class org.apache.jsp.student_survey_jsp
  SurveyBean student = null;


An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file:

Generated servlet error:
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class SurveyBean  
location: class org.apache.jsp.student_survey_jsp
student = (SurveyBean)


An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file:

Generated servlet error:
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat
cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : class SurveyBean  
location: class org.apache.jsp.student_survey_jsp
student = (SurveyBean)
4 errors 



2001-09-24 Thread David Brown

Does anyone have any idea how to unsubscribe from this group? I have tried
emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] but am still recieving

Can anyone PLEASE help??