Newbie question

2002-04-10 Thread Javier A. Leyba


I'm trying to do my first servlet. I've compiled a simple HelloWorld class.

Now, where is the root Tomcat directory where may I put it ?

How could I define a new one for my tests ?

Thanks in advance


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Re: Newbie question

2002-04-10 Thread Javier A. Leyba

On 11/04/2002 at 0:18 yilmaz wrote:

Hi Javier!
Servlets should be under webapps/yourcontext/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.
yourcontext can be anyone like, ROOT, examples,etc.
One more thing do not  forget to append /servlet/ to your url.
Just to be more helpful for a new comer :
say you put your HelloWorld servlet under
your url should be like this:

Hope this helps :)

Thanks a lot.


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Re: Newbie question

2002-04-10 Thread Javier A. Leyba

On 11/04/2002 at 0:18 yilmaz wrote:

Hi Javier!
Servlets should be under webapps/yourcontext/WEB-INF/classes/ directory.
yourcontext can be anyone like, ROOT, examples,etc.
One more thing do not  forget to append /servlet/ to your url.
Just to be more helpful for a new comer :
say you put your HelloWorld servlet under
your url should be like this:

Hope this helps :)

I've tried but it didn't work.

I've made a new directory called classes under  /Program Files/Apache Tomcat 
4.0/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF and I copied my HelloWorldExample.class to this directory.

From my browser I tried http://localhost:8080/servlet/HelloWorldExample and I 
received a The requested resource (/servlet/HelloWorldExample) is not available.  

Need I to define a new context ?


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2002-04-08 Thread Javier A. Leyba

On 08/04/2002 at 11:48 Martin Mauri wrote:

Do what you want. I feel sorry about you. You're losing the best and
Tomcat a crap tells you're a loser.
I've installed Tomcat in 5 minutes.

Hi Martin

I could say yes and no.

I think Tomcat is great, but installatin is not so easy as Apache with PHP and 
documentation about installing sucks.

I guess people need more clear examples to do simple configuration tasks till get the 
idea. I've installed Tomcat in my XP in 10 minutes but I'm trying to get virtual hosts 
working from 3 days ago. I'm frustrated and feel myself like a newbie, but I´m not a 
newbie (damn !)



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2002-04-08 Thread Javier A. Leyba

On 08/04/2002 at 12:01 Martin Mauri wrote:

Javier, supongo que hablas en castellano. Te cuento que por 1 anio hemos
intentado encontrar voluntarios para el libro Tomcat Book el cual iba a ser
un completo libro de instalacion, configuracion y uso de Tomcat. Pero todo
el que venia duraba 2 semanas y se iba. Entonces no es posible hacer tal
cosa. Este software es gratuito y abierto, no se le puede pagar a alguien
para que desarrolle. Lamentablemente la documentacion tiene que ser
voluntaria y no hay voluntarios que quieran colaborar.

Uhhh, que suerte encontrar a un compatriota !

Soy de BA y estoy desde hace un año viviendo en Manresa a 60 Km de Barcelona.

Yo no puedo colaborar now, estoy intentando certificarme como CCNA para si consigo un 
empleo serio, pero me guardo tu address para contactarte en un tiempo y ver en que 
puedo ayudar.



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2002-04-08 Thread Javier A. Leyba

On 08/04/2002 at 13:22 Árni Arent wrote:

Your software, Tomcat, is a nightmare to install. I've spent 2 WHOLE days
trying to make it work without success.

Endless configuration files, paths, etc. making this a impossible software
to use. I doubt I'm the only one who has complaint.

I won't use this crap, I'm switching to PHP, took me 5 minutes to figure
that out.


I know begining with Java could be a big fight, and many times you'll want to kill 
someone, but don't give up.  :)

Java it's a great tech with great future. I love PHP, but if you look around on 
internet for job offers you´ll found five times more offers to Java than PHP. Think 
about it, take a day and tomorrow come back to fight


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2002-04-08 Thread Javier A. Leyba

On 08/04/2002 at 10:37 Timlin, Bob wrote:

Well I took a PHP class and asked my instructor about this scenario.

I installed SuSE Linux 7.2 with Apache and PHP pre-installed, then I
installed MySQL after the fact.  I couldn't get PHP to see MySQL, I asked
instructor and he told me that I needed to install PHP after Both Apache
MySQL were installed.  I found this strange to accept, but since I had no
desire to use PHP after the class I left it at that.


If logical. If you installed source code to compile and tried to install PHP before 
install MySQL, PHP will not found MySQL libraries and will not work with it.

If download PHP source code you will notice there is a file called INSTALL with 3 
simple steps that ALLWAYS work.



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2002-04-08 Thread Javier A. Leyba

On 08/04/2002 at 10:55 Timlin, Bob wrote:

But with Tomcat all I have to do after I install a new database is put the
jdbc driver in the TOMCAT/lib directory.  No re-compiling or re-installing
of the software.  Why is PHP so difficult to add components after the fact?

Well, it depends what you call difficult :)

I don't found difficult to make a ./config and make | make install

I suppose it's a design concept problem. PHP needs to be compiled with all you want to 
be supported, but rarelly you will need to do it more than one time. But, to config a 
virtual host in Apache with PHP support is by far more easy than to config a virtual 
host in Tomcat.

Personally I prefer to have complicated configurations. They give me jobs, money and 
food for my family. If configurations are easy and anyone could do it...why somebody 
will want to have my professional services ?=:-)


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