Session crossovers ?

2001-10-21 Thread Shahed Ali


I have searched the tomcat bug list, and have found a few
references where people are having doubts over the integrity
of their HttpSessions.

We have a system where we use the session object to store
RMI references which identify the user to a backend system.

We have reason to believe that under load, sometimes a jsp 
page retrives the wrong session object, i.e another users
session object.

We are using tomcat 3.2.3 Final Release with jdk 1.3.01-beta24
on Solaris 8 (Sparc) with Apache 1.3.20 (mod_jk and ajp13).

Has anyone else exprienced a similar problem ? 


tools.jar location ??

2001-08-05 Thread Shahed Ali


I am having problems with tools.jar on Solaris Sparc 8
with JDK 1.3.1

I have tools.jar set in my CLASSPATH
in my /etc/profile, and I start tomcat in  rc2.d.

This does not allow me to recompile jsp pages.
I get a sun/tools/Main class not found exception when jsp pages
need to be recompiled.

When I tired a symlink under WEB-INF/lib to point to my jdk1.3.1 tools.jar,
it seems to work only if I restart tomcat manually and not on reboot from

So my questions are :-

1. Where should I place tools.jar ??

2. Is thre some problem with JDK 1.3.1 tools.jar and Tomcat 3.2.1 ? I used
tools.jar from JDK 1.3.0 and I think that works fine. I suspect some
with the jdk1.3.1 tools.jar under Solaris 8 Sparc JDK 1.3.1 from Sun.


mod_jk --- tomcat communication errors

2001-03-22 Thread Shahed Ali


I have a Live Website running tomcat 3.2.1 on Solaris 8 / JDK 1.3 / mod_jk
and ajp13 and Apache 1.3.14

I have come across the following problems

1. Occasionaly, I get a 500 server error from apache and mod_jk.log has
socket timeout errors.

2. Today, the site just hung. When I made requests, mod_jk logged them,
but the requests were not reaching tomcat.

i.e tail -f mod_jk.log showed a request being sent, but tail -f
jasper.log did not have the
corrosponding jsp page show up.

Any idea what can be causing this problem ?

Every time this happens, I need to restart apache/tomcat.


Re: Tomcat Threads

2001-03-15 Thread Shahed Ali

Each webapp / context runs with its own classloader (afaik)
Thats why multiple copies of your class are being loaded.

May be if you used JNDI lookups to get a handle to a 
connection pool with that jdbc 2.0 ext stuff ?

Or maybe rmi ? But jdbc conenctions cannot go over rmi :-(


Re: Stopping the correct tomcat for a virtual host

2001-03-07 Thread Shahed Ali

I am doing the same thing, except I have multiple files
for each context and corrosponding multiple server.xml files 
Eg - servera.xml - serverb.xml

When I want to stop context a, I give -f servera.xml  stop
(or whaterver the correct syntax is) wil read the port from server.xml and stop the corrrect context.


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Re: Can tomcat do ASP in VBScript

2001-02-28 Thread Shahed Ali

There a a number of products that "simulate/translate" asp code.
Look at iasp from halcyonsoft and chiliasp from ??
AFAIK, both run as servlets that act upon *.asp and parse their content,
and interpret asp code into java methods calls.

IASP even supported ADO calls.

Best of Luck

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log() ?

2001-02-27 Thread Shahed Ali

Sorry for this stupid question,
but how do I use the log() method in servlets ?

In JSP application.log() seems to work,
but in servlets, I tried getServletContext().log("adad") etc and 
I keep getting NullPointerExceptions


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Re: Broken pipe error

2001-02-23 Thread Shahed Ali

This error drove my nuts.
I was using Informix.

Finally we used a connection pool called DbBroker from

This pool constantly runs a thread that checks connection status and
resets or recreates them if the connection is bad.

After using this pool, all of our broken pipe erros are gone.
And since there is a repair thread running, we never get a bad connection in
our jsp pages
unless the db server is stopped.

The pool checks connection status before dispensing them.


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Dual Processor Woes !!

2001-02-23 Thread Shahed Ali

Hi All,

I have 2 Intel Solaris 8 Systems with JDK 1.3 (with java -server option set)

One is a single processor unit and one is dual processor.

On the single processor system, every thing works fine.

On the dual processor system, I have had the strangest of problems
like :-
mod_jk does not return to apache after receiving a service request.
and various other strange problems.

Is this a threading issue with the Solaris JDK from sun on dual processor
systems ?


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mod_jk not returning !!!

2001-02-22 Thread Shahed Ali


I have a major problem with mod_jk.

Apache sends request to mod_jk, but mod_jk just does not return.
I am using ajp12 protocol and Tomcat 3.2.1 JDK 1.3 solaris 8 intel and
apache 1.3.14

This behaviour came up only after a few hours.

If I look at mod_jk.log, I get the log as below.

However, I have another app running on another apache virtual host
using the same config, and that works fine 

The only difference between the 2 apps is that the one that does not work,
uses a worker thread that is shared between 2 tomcat contexts.
The other app that works fine uses a dedicated worker thread ajp12b.
virtual host A
JkMount /*.jsp ajp12a
/virtual host

virtual host B
JkMount /*.jsp ajp12a
/virtual host

I also have a small patch appiled to mod_jk that makes it use the SetHandler
directive rather than sending all request to mod_jk and letting it figure
what it needs.


[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (406)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a
ch ajp12a
[jk_worker.c (123)]: Into wc_get_worker_for_name ajp12a
[jk_worker.c (127)]: wc_get_worker_for_name, done  found a worker
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (223)]: Into jk_worker_t::get_endpoint
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (121)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::service
[jk_connect.c (108)]: Into jk_open_socket
[jk_connect.c (115)]: jk_open_socket, try to connect socket = 9
[jk_connect.c (124)]: jk_open_socket, after connect ret = 0
[jk_connect.c (132)]: jk_open_socket, set TCP_NODELAY to on
[jk_connect.c (140)]: jk_open_socket, return, sd = 9
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (134)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, sd = 9
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (357)]: Into ajpv12_handle_request
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (361)]: ajpv12_handle_request, sending the ajp12 start
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (413)]: ajpv12_handle_request, sending the headers
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (432)]: ajpv12_handle_request, sending the terminating
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (472)]: ajpv12_handle_request done
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (148)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, sent request
[jk_ajp12_worker.c (488)]: Into ajpv12_handle_response

FN:Shahed Moolji
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Re: Removing vales from Request Object

2001-02-22 Thread Shahed Ali

 See the removeAttribute method in the ServletRequest class.

I mean removing request parameter values
(posted form data) and not attributes set by
the setAttribute() api calls.

I looked at the *Facade*.java and code in the tomcat
but it was quite confusing and got me no where.


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Performance ISSUES : mod_jk ajp13 Vs ajp12

2001-02-21 Thread Shahed Ali


We are using Tomcat 3.2.1 with Apache 1.3.14 and mod_jk
on Solaris 8 Intel  JDK 1.3

We have had the strangest of experiences with
multiple configs including
various mix  match combos of
TC 3.1 , TC 3.2 , JDK 1.2.2, JDK 1.3 , mod_jk / mod_jserv

We finally decided to stick with mod_jk and ajp13
Every things seems ok, but today we had a problem
whereby it seemd that the communication between
mod_jk and apache broke.

Requests were being sent to mod_jk, but then it would
close the socket instead of replying back to apache, leading to a large
number of sockets remaing in CLOSE_WAIT / FIN_WAIT_2 state.

My boss seems to think that AJP13 is not ready for
production yet.

Can anyone tell me what seems to be the best combo
from the following :-

mod_jk and ajp12

mod_jk and ajp13

mod_jserv and ajp12 with smart content redirection (static = apache ||
*.jsp  /servlet/ = tomcat )

mod_jserv and ajp13 ??? (dont think its allowed)

Also, my mod_jk has a patch so that it acts as
a Content Handler instead of the default behavior of
acting like a filter. So only *.jsp and /servlet/ are handled by it.

Any recomendations ?


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Re: R: Problem with a new version of JSP pages

2001-02-21 Thread Shahed Ali

I have had exactly the same problem with 
tomcat 3.2.1 on Solaris / Apache / mod_jk and 
jdk 1.3

I tried deleting the work dir, clearing cache etc etc etc
No luck. 

When I restarted tomcat + apache, the problem

I know that someone else also faced this problem.

This is quite a  "freaky" thing, because I have not been able
to reproduce it.


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Re: R: Problem with a new version of JSP pages

2001-02-21 Thread Shahed Ali

I also did use %@ include %,

but I touched the main (including) jsp page and it recompiled.

But the recompiled java file in the work dir 
(after deleting all stuff in work) was still the 
old java source 

Its a wierd problem !! 


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Repost : sendRedirect and KeepAlive problem

2001-02-20 Thread Shahed Ali

Sorry for this repost.

I searched the mail archives and did not find anyone who has
a problem similar to mine.

I have an application which has a logout page that

1. invalidates the session
2. redirect the user back to the index.jsp page.

When I click on the logout link, I get back to the index.jsp page, but
the browser progress bar goes on and on. There is an image that
is present on the page that does not load until the timeout is reached.

I have tomcat 3.2.1 with mod_jk and ajp13 tied to apache 1.3.14 and
jdk 1.3 on Solaris Intel. In my httpd.conf I have set KeepAlive to "on"

I modified all my pages that use sendRedirect to have a
immediatly after the call to sendRedirect().

However, I face this problem only on my logout page.
Has this got something to do with the fact that I am invalidating the
session ?

I even removed the session.invalidate(), but I still face the problem on
However, my other pages where I use redirection work fine.

Any ideas ?


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Performance Tip (maybe)

2001-02-20 Thread Shahed Ali


Hope this info is helpfull :-

We were using tomcat 3.2.1 with Apache and mod_jk.

Performance was not that good.

I found a (patch/enhancment)  to mod_jk on the developers list mail archive.

I recompiled mod_jk and reconfigured httpd.conf, and there
seemd to be a noticable performance increase.


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Re: JDBC Connection Pooling

2001-02-19 Thread Shahed Ali

Not that I know of, but if you need a good db connection pool,
look at the one from

I think its called DBconnectionBroker.
Seems to be better than poolman.


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Performance : mod_jk called multiple times ?

2001-02-19 Thread Shahed Ali


I am using Tomcat 3.2.1 with mod_jk / ajp13 under Solaris 8 on Intel with
JDK 1.3 and Apache 1.3.14.

I have 4 worker threads defined (2 ajp12   2 ajp13).
These 2 pairs of workers service 2 virtual hosts.

When I request a jsp page, I see a number of entries written to mod_jk.log
(as below)
The first entry seems to suggest that the request was serviced.

However, after that there are multiple entries that suggest that control
in mod_jk for a log time.

Also, the cpu stats show a high % of  i/o wait state during each jsp

Is there some misconfiguration ? I have followed the mod_jk howtos and am
running 2 JVM's
for each virtual host.

Any clues ?


[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (406)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a
ch ajp13a
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (406)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a
ch ajp13a
[jk_worker.c (123)]: Into wc_get_worker_for_name ajp13a
[jk_worker.c (127)]: wc_get_worker_for_name, done  found a worker
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (651)]: Into jk_worker_t::get_endpoint
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (536)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::service
[jk_ajp13.c (346)]: Into ajp13_marshal_into_msgb
[jk_ajp13.c (480)]: ajp13_marshal_into_msgb - Done
[jk_connect.c (108)]: Into jk_open_socket
[jk_connect.c (115)]: jk_open_socket, try to connect socket = 9
[jk_connect.c (124)]: jk_open_socket, after connect ret = 0
[jk_connect.c (132)]: jk_open_socket, set TCP_NODELAY to on
[jk_connect.c (140)]: jk_open_socket, return, sd = 9
[jk_ajp13.c (527)]: ajp13_unmarshal_response: status = 200
[jk_ajp13.c (534)]: ajp13_unmarshal_response: Number of headers is = 1
[jk_ajp13.c (576)]: ajp13_unmarshal_response: Header[0] [Content-Type] =
[jk_ajp13_worker.c (489)]: Into jk_endpoint_t::done
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (434)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
t a match
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (434)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
t a match
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (434)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
t a match
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (434)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
t a match
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (434)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
t a match
[jk_uri_worker_map.c (434)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, done
t a match

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sendRedirect and KeepAlive Problem

2001-02-14 Thread Shahed Ali


I am using Tomcat 3.2.1 mod_jk ajp13 with Apache 1.3.14 on Solaris 8 Intel.

I had the webserver configured so that KeepAlive was off. My App worked

Now, when I turned it on, I am having all sorts of problems with pages that
had a sendRedirect
on them.

I corrected the most common problem by adding a return; after
every sendRedirect() call.

Anyway I still have one problem. I have a logout.jsp page as below

some html which is really not required

response.sendRedirect("/path/to/index.jsp page");

if(true) // Needed else i get an error saying statement not reached.

Anyway, now when I click on logout.jsp, I get redirected to index.jsp, but
image on the index page does not load. The browser progress bar just seems
move on and on very slowly until it finally times out.

The index page also has some redirects on it, but they are within an if
The control falls through to the end of the index.jsp page which is just
plain html code.

It seems that after serving up index.jsp, any further http get requests are
(In this case for the href to an image )

Is it because the session is invalidated in this case as opposed to other
pages where
the session is still alive ?

Any idea what is going on ?


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Re: Servlet init method called twice

2001-02-07 Thread Shahed Ali

I had exactly the same problem.
However, it was with my config. I had setup the directory under webapps, and
also as part of a host.
So tomcat was loading the same application under (in my case) 3 different

Check your server.xml and see. Also check your logs (tomcat.log I think and
see if the same
webapp is mounted more than once)


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Unable to read more than 1 init param

2001-02-06 Thread Shahed Ali


I am using Tomcat 3.2.1 w/JDK 1.3 w/Apache 1.3.14

I have added a few init parameters for the SnoopServlet.
However when I run it, I get only  1 parameter displayed.

Is this some sort of bug ?

My web.xml is as follows :



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XML as Servlet Init Params

2001-02-05 Thread Shahed Ali


I would like to pass an xml string as a parameter to a servlet.

I tried


but this does not work.

Any ideas ?


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Re: ClassCastException

2001-02-05 Thread Shahed Ali

Are you using an inner class for declaring MyObject ?

I faced a similar problem when I daclared a class as below in a jsp page,
create an object of type ax,
saved it in a session, and retrived it in another jsp page which had the
same %! class ax ...%
code fragment.

class ax
public int x;

The problem is that you cannot cast inner classes as they are qualified by
their enclosing class (AFAIK)
Try moving class MyObject to a seprate .java file.


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getRequestDispatcher() does not return null

2001-02-01 Thread Shahed Ali


I am using Tomcat 3.2.1 w/JSK 1.3 on Intel Solaris w/Apache 1.3.14

I have he following fragment of code.

 RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(routeto);

if(rd != null)
System.err.println("Error : Cannot get Request Dispatcher");

According to the 2.2 JavaDoc

Returns a RequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource
located at the given path.
A RequestDispatcher object can be used to forward a request to the resource
or to include the resource in a response.
The resource can be dynamic or static.
The pathname specified may be relative, although it cannot extend outside
the current servlet context.
If the path begins with a "/" it is interpreted as relative to the current
context root.
This method returns null if the servlet container cannot return a

Now , my resource in the routeto variable points to a non existant jsp page.
However, I dont get a null.
The JavaDoc is a bit misleading. How can I determine if the resource exists
or not ?


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Re : extracting jsp file name

2001-02-01 Thread Shahed Ali

Sorry for the confusion.

I have a MVC framework in which  all jsp pages post
data to a controller servlet.

In this servlet, I need to findout which jsp page invoked it.

Currently I am passing a hidden variable with value="/callingpage.jsp"

i.e in  calling.jsp I have the code fragment

form action="/servlet/controller"
input type="hidden name=referer" value ="calling.jsp"

I want to replace this with some jsp token in each page so that i dont have
hardcode the jsp page name in every page.

At first I thought of using the HTTP referer header in the servlet, but that
only works
for the first time. The servlet does a servlet forward(), and so the next
time I look at
the HTTP Referer header, I get the name of the servlet and not the jsp page
which called the servlet.

The only way I could think of is getting the generated class name in jsp and
UnMangling it.

I could either do that or write my own Mangler class.

Now I looked at the Mangler code in from jasper.
The interface file has a comment that says that I can *plug in*
my own mangler.

However, would that mean rewriting CommandLineCompiler since it implements
Mangler ?


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REPOST : extracting jsp filename from generated class

2001-01-31 Thread Shahed Ali

Hi all,

Sorry for this repost.

From within a jsp page, I need to know the name of the jsp page.

If I do a %=this.getClass()%, I get a string which represents the class
of the generated servlet.

Is there some standard way in which I can extract the jsp page from that
name ?

Another Qs :- How does Tomcat know that a certain jsp page maps to
a certain class ?.
If I can access that data, then I can possibly lookup the pagename.

Any clues ?


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Re: log files in tomcat

2001-01-31 Thread Shahed Ali

I have modified my file
to have
java org.apache.whatever.tomcat start 1/path/to/logs/stdout.log 21

So when you startup tomcat , the stdout and stderr go to a file.

But since you are using windows, I am not very sure about the syntax.

just a  file.log may redirect both System.out.println and
System.err.println to
the same file.

Hope this helps

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SOT : Object Pools

2001-01-29 Thread Shahed Ali

Sorry for this off topic post, but we are planning to use Tomcat 
as an Application server.

Tomcat does not offer facilities that products like WebLogic etc offer
i.e Connection Pooling etc etc etc.

So does anyone know of a good Java Object Pool that can be used 
in conjunction with Tomcat ? (Not only for pooling JDBC connections,
but also Statements/Prepared Statements etc etc and ResultSet caching)

I have looked into PoolMan, but am not happy with it. Even the JBoss 
Minevera stuff does not look impresive.

Any recomendations ?


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Re: BIZZAR Caching Problem !!

2001-01-26 Thread Shahed Ali
Title: RE: BIZZAR Caching Problem !!

I have %@ include file,

and I did go into the proper sub directory and do an rm and 
after reloading, I saw new .java and .class files,
so Iwas obviously in the right work directory.

I cannot do any further testing though, because I cannot 
recreat the problem !!

Has anyone else seen this problem ? I would have loved to 
leave things as they were and experiment,
but that would stop developers. So I had to restart 

Hopefully, I hope to see the problem again, and then 
experiment. Also, I am using worker threads.

i.e I have 1 JVM and tomcat instance for each app using ajp13 
with multiple worker threads.
But a common tomcat install directory.

Thanks for any further input.


  - Original Message - 
  Jord Sonneveld 
  Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 11:50 
  Subject: RE: BIZZAR Caching Problem 
  happens if you rm -rf all directories under tomcat/work? Just to make sure 
  that nothing wacky is going on because of your host 
  Also, do you have a
  %@ include file= ... % 
  jsp: include 
  page= ... /
  directive? Sounds like 
  you have %@, but just want to make sure.
  And the content of 
  and is distinct, correct? :)
-Original Message-From: Shahed Ali 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 12:21 
BIZZAR Caching Problem !!

Your sequence of events is correct.
The .jsp and work directories are local.
And restarting tomcat solved the problem.

There are a few things though.

The server.xml is configured with my app setup under a 
host tag.

the directory refered to by server.xml as docBase is a 
symbolic link to aonther dir on the same server.


Now, you are saying that the newly generated .java 
file refers to 

  Perhaps tomcat is de-compiling the .java from the 
  class in memory :) Are your .jsp files 
  mounted over NFS or any other remote file system? 

RE: java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Broken pipe

2001-01-26 Thread Shahed Ali


I was talking about database connection pooling.

I am now using the pool manager from javaexchange.
Pretty Good !!! (


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Servlet API 2.3 Implementations

2001-01-24 Thread Shahed Ali


I remember someone on this list citing an opensource implementation of JSP /
other than tomcat that implemented the 2.3 spec.

Since TC 4 is still in beta, I would like to look at OpenSource (read as
"free") alternatives to tomcat.


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dynamically getting currently executing jsp page

2001-01-24 Thread Shahed Ali


I need to get the name of the current jsp page in a scriptlet.

The jsp page could be serverd up by a link or by a jsp:forward or a

If I do

%=this.getClass()%, I get the following for a jsp page tmp/ST003.jsp


Is there some standard way of extracting the jsp page name form this ?
Or is this naming convention subject to change ?

Or is there any other way ?


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Tracking Session creation / destruction

2001-01-18 Thread Shahed Ali


Is there any way a java servlet can keep track (be notified via an event),
when ever a new
client session is created / destroyed ?


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Mod JK directives for Stronghold SSL

2001-01-16 Thread Shahed Ali

Sorry for being so persuasive about this but here goes :-

I need to pass SSL info from Stronghold 3.0 to Tomcat.

It seems the JK directives differ for various server implementations.

Does anyone know the correct values for the following directives so that 
they are compatible with Stronghold 3.0 ?



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SOLVED : Apache / SSL / Tomcat

2001-01-16 Thread Shahed Ali

I finally got mod_jk to pass SSL info back to

I had forgot to uncoment the apache SSLOption
directive :-(


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Servlet reloading

2001-01-15 Thread Shahed Ali


When tomcat reloads a servlet, does it call its
init method ?


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Howto : Extension file mapping ?

2001-01-14 Thread Shahed Ali


Can someone please give me a quick overview on how 
extension file mapping works ?

What I really want to know what info does the servlet get when
it is invoked by a file mapping ?


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jsp:usebean documentation

2001-01-12 Thread Shahed Ali


Where can I find documentation that acctually explains how the jsp:useBean
tag works ?

The Servlet API / JSP api are very complex. The JSP tag refrence does not
the scope of the bean.

For example I know that if I have a bean residing in the session and I use
the usebean tag with
the scope set to session, jsp will check first if the bean lives in the
session and only then will it
try to create it.

What about page/ request and application scope ?

I know that some books explain how all this works, or I can look the
generated servlet code and
understand, but what my point is where can I find the docs on the Web ? does not seem to have the docs explaning what I am looking for.


PS : I found the answer to my questions by look at the book "Professional
JSP", but I hoped to
find them online !!

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Passing SSL info from Apache to tomcat

2001-01-12 Thread Shahed Ali


I am using Tomcat 3.2.1 w/Apache 1.3.14. (Stronghold 3.0)

I have set up client certificates on my client (web browser) and set the
Apache directives for
a browser to require client certificates to access the site.

However, when I run the Snoop Servlet, I dont get a request attribute named

I have added the Jk directives wich are present in the mod_jk.conf-auto file
relating to SSL in my httpd.conf

Can anyone tell me what I am missing ?


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Re: Multiple Tomcat instances on one machine

2001-01-11 Thread Shahed Ali

can I just have one common set of binaries with multiple
and other configuration files?


Yes. I have the same config and it works fine. 

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Re: Tomcat 3.2.1 Source Tar Corrupt?

2001-01-09 Thread Shahed Ali

I got the same error, but I just ignored the error, built mod_jk
from the source and its has been running fine for me for the last


tar: directory checksum error

Any help appreciated.  Thanks,

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Servlet API error: sendError with commited buffer

2001-01-08 Thread Shahed Ali


Can anyone tell me why do I get the above error in tomcat.log 

It happens whenafter I runa jsp page, I change the 
protocol to https: and reload the page.


TC 3.1 Sessions / http https

2001-01-04 Thread Shahed Ali


I am using Tomcat 3.1 w/JDK 1.3 on Intel Solaris 8 with 
StrongHold web server (Apache 1.3.14)

I have a webcontext and 2 AjpServMount directives, both 
pointing to the same webapp.
One mount is in the Virtual Host of Apache, and the 
other in the default server.

When I create a session variable under thecontext and 
access it via http:// , it is not visible 
under https://

How can I share the session under both http and https 

I dont think I had that problem when I used TC 3.2.1 and used 
NamedVirtualHost in Apache.
However, is there anyway to get it to work with TC 3.1 


Session Object Serailization

2001-01-02 Thread Shahed Ali


Does tomcat seralize session objects ?

1. If it does, and I have non serializable objects like SQL 
Connections sitting in my session, then 
 what should I do ?

2. If it does not, and I have a lot of sessions lying around, 
then will tomcat crash due tomemory limitations ?


Re: Session Object Serailization

2001-01-02 Thread Shahed Ali


Thanks for the insight, but what I meant was will Tomcat 
automatically serialise a session if it grows too large ?
Or will it do so only if the server is ready to 

Ido NOTwant my session data to be serailzed 
without my knowing .


-Original Message-From: 
Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Tuesday, January 02, 2001 4:45 PMSubject: Re: Session Object 
  Arendsen wrote: 

can't you make any object that you cannot 
make serializable just TRANSIENT so it won't cause any 
problems??? alef
  You can do this, *if* you have control over the source of the classes 
  in question, and *if* the class will still operate correctly after the object 
  is reloaded, and the transient instance variable has a null value instead of 
  pointing at something real. I suspect neither of these is likely to be 
  the case for a JDBC driver that you are using. 
  For example, most JDBC drivers have a buried reference to a 
  inside their Connection implementations, which is required to perform TCP/IP 
  reads and writes to the database server. If you mark this variable 
  transient, it will be initialized to null when the object is deserialized and 
  reloaded, so you'll start getting NullPointerException errors -- since the 
  rest of the driver assumes that the socket was initialized at open() time and 
  will not be erased until close().  
  Craig McClanahan  

encodeRedirectURL in TC 3.1

2000-12-29 Thread Shahed Ali


I am using Tomcat 3.1 standalone on Intel Solaris 8 and 
JDK 1.3.

When I send a response.encodeRredirectURL("page.jsp?Msg=This 
is a Message"),
it does not convert the spaces in Msg=.

I tested with Netscape 6 on Linux.

I searched BugRat, but could not find a match.

Is this a known Bug ?


Init() being called 3 times

2000-12-28 Thread Shahed Ali


I am loading a servlet on startup. In the init(), I have a 
setting some system properties, and 
doing some logging.

When I inspect the logs, its seems that the init method is 
called exactly 3 times.

Any idea whats going on ?

I am using Tomcat 3.2.1 w/Apache 3.1.14 on Solaris 8 Intel 
w/JDK 1.3


Host Multiple Contexts

2000-12-28 Thread Shahed Ali


I have a host entry in my server.xml pointing to a 

This webapp is in the webapps directory.

When I start tomcat, it loads 2 contexts each refering to the 
same application.
one is webapps/myapp and the other is 

I have now moved my app to a separate directory, and only one 
context is created.

But is there any way to tell the context mamager not to load a 
directory under webapps
as acontext by default ?


Howto compile mod_jserv ?

2000-12-26 Thread Shahed Ali


I tried searching the FAQ, but cant seem to find how to 
I have downloaded the tomcat 3.1.1 source.

Where can I find the command to compile the so and with 
expanations of
any compile flags that are used ?


HANDLER THREAD PROBLEM: java.lang.NullPointerException

2000-12-22 Thread Shahed Ali

I get these errors sometimes, can cant figure out what the 
problem is.
Can someone tell me where should I start looking 


java.lang.NullPointerExceptionERROR: can't find default error handler or 
error in default error page

Object Passivation in TC 3.2.x ?

2000-12-22 Thread Shahed Ali


I am creating a connection pool in my jsp pages. 

This connection pool is a context wide static class that is 
referenced by 
each jsp page through a static class method.

If the website is inactive for about 2-3 hours, I get an error 
trying to get connections from the pool.

I suspect that this is due to that class being serialized. 

This does not seem to happen in tomcat 3.1 though. The same 
site / connection pool class works fine !!!

Is this my problem ? Is there any way to turn this 


Re: Disable session cookies

2000-12-21 Thread Shahed Ali

I tried doing this, but my app which uses a session variable to
check if a user has logged into the site still does not work.

Where can I find a full description of this tag ?
Also, will it work seamlessly for
response.sendRedirect("") and a
href="page.jsp"/a ?


-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thursday, December 21, 2000 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: Disable session cookies

Which version of Tomcat are you using?  Tomcat 3.1 doesn't support this
feature.  In Tomcat 3.2, search the "conf/server.xml" file for the
attribute and set it to true.


Craig McClanahan

Load Balancing / multiple mount points

2000-12-18 Thread Shahed Ali


I am trying to load balance a virtual host running on apache 1.3.14 with
tomcat 3.2.

I have setup multiple worker threads and have Multiple JkMount points for
the same virtual
host pointing to the same mount point.

I have the following directives under the same apache virtual host (mapped
to tomcat context) directive.
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13a
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13b
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13c

I am running multiple instances of Tomcat from the same TOMCAT_HOME, but
with different server.xml files and
each server.xml file has its own log and work directories and the workers
listen on different ports.

Is this an acceptable way of doing Load Balancing for 1 website / context ?

Are there any docs on how to detrmine the load balance factor etc ?


Socket Exception using Tomcat 3.2.1

2000-12-14 Thread Shahed Ali


I upgraded from Tomcat 3.2 to 3.2.1 on Solaris Intel JDK 1.3 
w/Apache 1.3.14 (Stronghold 3.0)

I even recompiled with the 3.2.1 
src/native/apache1.3 .c file. (BTW a diff -b seems to indicate that 
the TC 3.2 and the 3.2.1 .so generated the same 
object code)

I had2 webapp configured that worked just fine 
under Tomcat 3.2.

Using exactly the same configuration (other than changing the 
paths etc) one of the apps works fine under TC 3.2.1, but the
other gives me the following stack trace and I get a 500 
Internal Server Error when I go past the login page in my 

Both the apps use the same framework for jdbc connection 
pooling / logging in etc etc. 

The moment I reverted to Tomcat 3.2, everything works 
fine. Connection reset by peer: Connection 
reset by peer at 
Method) at 

Any idea whats going on ?


Re: One virtualhost per webapp

2000-12-13 Thread Shahed Ali

Tomcat 3.2 has a HOST directive. Use that.
I am doing just what you are trying to do and running only 1 instance of

-Original Message-
From: Angel Aray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 11:15 PM
Subject: One virtualhost per webapp

Hi everyone,

  I've got a couple of applications running on tomcat and I would
like each of them to run on a separate apache VirtualHost so than when
I point the browser to  it is mapped to
context /appA and  it is mapped to context
/appB on the same tomcat instance. It seemed simple at first but I've had
a tough time trying to get it to work.

I've read the mod_jk howto several times but nothing there seems to help.

The mod_jserv info on the apache user guide has something close but it says
that you need to run each context on its own JVM and I would prefer not to
do that.

Any ideas of how to do this?

 Angel Aray.

Qs on Load Balancing and JkMount

2000-12-12 Thread Shahed Ali

Hi ,

All the examples and archive messages that I have seen so far 
talk about load balancing
using either multiple JVM's or Multiple Connector 
Directives with different port numbers 
and corrosponding workers in the 

But they all use different Mount Moints for each worker 

However my need is to Load Balance a *SINGLE MOUNT POINT* 

( A single Virtual Apache Hostcorrosponding to 
aHost (context) in server.xml )

i.e I want*.jsp to be load 
balanced by 4 worker threads.

I am currently using 4 JkMount Directives, and the server is 
up and running.
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

JkMount /*.jsp Xajp13

JkMount /*.jsp Yajp13

JkMount /*.jsp Zajp13

Also if I name the workers ajp13a , ajp13b and ajp13c, apache 
does not start and gives me an error 
saying that it cannot find the workers file !!!

Anyway, my question are :-

1. Is this the right way to have a single mount point load 
balanced ?
2. If so, is it a good idea to run the tomcat instances in the 
same JVM ? Or should I run multiple tomcat/JVM 
 instances on the same / different servers 


Re: Custom error pages!!

2000-12-12 Thread Shahed Ali

I dont know about the specs, but I think all errorpages need the iserrorpage
= true page directive.

So that could mean that they should be .jsp (?)


Apache SOAP 2.0 w/Tomcat 3.2

2000-12-12 Thread Shahed Ali


I know that this must have come up before, but can any one 
tell me if 
I can safely run Tomcat 3.2 with Apache SOAP 2.0 (latest 

I remember postings in the dev list talking about class loader 
when it came to loading the XML parsing classes used by Tomcat 
Vs Apache Soap.

Is there something that I need to look at, or is the 
installation pretty straight forward ?


How to check if Load Balancing is working ?

2000-12-12 Thread Shahed Ali

I am using Tomcat 3.2 with Apache 1.3.14 on Solarin 8 
Intel / JSK 1.3 and am 
using ajp13 with Load Balancing.

I am running a single Tomcat instance with Multiple 
Connector  directives for each worker.

Is there any way that I can monitor the Load balancing using 
either O/s specfic tools (activity on ajp13 ports)
or by setting any Log parameters which would tell me that the 
multiple connection are acctually being used ?
