How setup virtual hosting

2004-09-03 Thread Starting out
Ive used a virtual hosting provider which allows apache/tomcat/ssh/etc
access to each user. How did they accomplish the fff:

1) allow each users in /home/*username/public_html dir to have their
own apache/tomcat daemon, where each user can start stop its own
2) each user cannot access other users files (e.g /home, or system files)
3) they can allow each users having own domain name redirected to
their specific user dir
4) they can allow each user register ssl certifcate and apply to
apache? (not sure about this, if this will work on a virtual hosting)

Thanks for any help and a howto will be much appreciated.

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How jsp assigns the variable type for c:set /

2004-08-31 Thread Starting out
i fetched an int type from mysql and assign to variable

c:set var=eid value=${rs.rows[0].eid} scope=session /

it seems that its assigning type int since if i

String test = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(eid);

i get a cast error

but if i 

c:set var=eid value=1 scope=session /

the ff
String test = (String) pageContext.getAttribute(eid);

would work

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