Re: Remote Address Valve Lets Everything Through

2005-09-20 Thread midnightjava
Tim Funk
Tue, 20 Sep 2005 04:59:13 -0700

Not: valve
Try: Valve


I've been making pretty good advances in java development skills, but I'm still 
working on the alphabet thing. Now I see, some letters are bigger than others, 
and the computers often attach great significance to the difference.

Thanks, Tim. I probably would have stared at it for many more hours and still 
not seen it.


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Case-insensitive URLs for serving HTML

2005-09-13 Thread midnightjava
I have a webb app in Tomcat that serves only HTML, and I'd like to make the 
path component of the URL case-insensitive. So if the client navigates to or or they'll get the same resource. I guess I'd like to 
match the URL pattern to a regular expression. Is there a way to do that?


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Are SOAP Attachments enabled in Tomcat by default?

2005-07-01 Thread midnightjava
I'm using Axis in Tomcat, and when I deploy and call the simple EchoAttachments 
service I get an exception with text No support for attachments

Looking at the axis code, this excpetion ocurs because when the following code 
is exceuted, attachments is found to be null

org.apache.axis.attachments.Attacments attachments = reqMsg.getAtacmentsImpl();

reqMsg is set to msgContext.getRequestMessage(), which I believe is provided by 
the servlet ocntainer. So does this mean that Tomcat needs to be configured to 
support SOAP attachments, or should I be looking at my axis configuration?


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Tomcat on Mac Stops Unexpectedly

2005-04-28 Thread midnightjava
I've been running Tomcat on Windows XP for quite a while, without the following 
issue. I just installed it on a Mac and it stops for no discernible reason 
after an hour or so, with no activity on the system. I don't see any entry in 
teh logs frm the time I walked away from a running Tomcat server to the time I 
find it not running. No other error indications as well- just that Tomcat needs 
to be restarted.

I'm at a loss for what to do since i have no leads to follow. Can anyone 
suggest a theory or somehting to check?

Is Tomcat supposed to run on Mac Unix? I'm using OSX 10.3.8, Tomcat 5.5.9.

I'm using 

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2005-04-26 Thread midnightjava
Just a shot in teh dark, but could the client be caching the cert?
 Date: 2005/04/26 Tue PM 04:18:21 EDT
 Subject: SSL
 Tomcat Users,
 I have followed the How-To for Jakarta Tomcat SSL and continue to have 
 some wierdness going on...
 Our current SSL cert expired and we get a warning dialog box each time 
 we try to connect to this server about the expiration.. naturally.
 I generated a new cert request utilizing keytool, sent that to verisign, 
 they returned the cert. Then I created a new keystore file, first 
 importing a chaincert, then importing the new cert.  When I stop the 
 server, move the keystore file in place, start the server up, I continue 
 to get an expiration notice upon https request to the host.  In a 
 troubleshooting effort, I moved the keystore file, stop/started the 
 server and *still* get the expired notice upon https request... The 
 server.xml file' SSL config points to the directory for which I have 
 located the keystore file too.
 Any ideas what may be happening here?
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Re: Re: unauthenticated 304s - final try

2005-03-28 Thread midnightjava
I see. You're relying on the server's proper implementation of session timeout 
behavior to force IE to reload a page that hasn't changed, since IE doesn't 
save all the components of the page. when it caches it.

I think your excerpt from the servlet spec is pretty clear, and probably the 
best recourse for requesting a fix to Tomcat. I think that it's not really a 
matter of clarity wrt the http spec. It just specifies how a server requests 
authorization credentials when it wants them, but it's up to the server to 
decide under what circumstances it wants them.

In other words, if 304 is the wrong status in the circumstance you describe, 
then the only other possible right answer is 401. But the semantics for status 
401 just say, in effect, the server sends 401 when it decides it wants 
authorization credentials. So it's really the server (i.e. servlet) spec 
that's being violated here, IMO, not HTTP.

 From: alexander dosher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2005/03/28 Mon PM 01:47:34 EST
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: unauthenticated 304s - final try
 Mark Leone sez:
  It's still worth investigating IMO. One could argue that returning to
   an unauthorized client even the info that a resource has not changed
   since an authenticated request was returned successfully violates 
  the authentication protection.
 that's pretty much what *i* thought, anyway...
  This may have more to do with the server's authentication 
  requirements than the HTTP spec. Does anyone know if the Servlet spec
   addresses this?
 from the 2.4 Servlet spec:
  If the user is authenticated using form login and has created an HTTP
   session, the timeout or invalidation of that session leads to the 
  user being logged out in the sense that subsequent requests must
  cause the user to be re-authenticated.
 seems fairly straightforward to me.
 i agree that the HTTP spec is less than optimally clear, and that this 
 isn't a huge issue - it's just that it excercises a MSIE6 misfeature 
 that html pages are cached, but included .js  .css files are not, 
 resulting in the display of ugly  broken pages when this happens.
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