
we want out frontend-webserver to do the authentication & autorisation. The
Tomcat-apps are on a different server connected via JK2/AJP13. Now, when we
map a URI-context to tomcat, there are no physical files on IIS-Side to bind
security permissions to. We also can't use dummy-files coz the java-apps
change to often. And when we create a folder for the context, say "abcd",
and bind the permissions there, direct requests into the folder like ...
...are still not blocked because "index.jsp" doesn't exist here, so no
security information.

What we are looking for is a possibility to bind permissions to a folder AND
it's entire substructure, like you can do in Apache's "httpd.conf" or
".htaccess" in IIS6 to set permissions for an JK2-URI-Mapped context on
Webserverside. The application must not do the authorisation by concept.

Any help appreciated..

Björn Andersen
Webservices, Premiere Fernsehen GmbH

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