[TruthTalk] Saving Faith -- what is it?

2005-12-12 Thread Andrew C. Bain
Question : Who can declare what are the essential doctrines of 
soteriology?? All the doctrines are 
interconnected. The Scripture cannot be broken. So, anyone denying one doctrine, denies them all.

My response: 

There are TWO issues here. 1st -- as you said, anyone who 
repudiates any of the essential doctrines of the Scripture is actually 
repudiating God. This is my whole point about ASSURANCE of salvation. 
The Scripture says over and over again that ALL believers ARE justified, will 
NOT come into judgment, ARE born of God, etc. Anyone praying to be 
justified/regenerated is admitting that they are NOT a believer. In fact, to say 
that you believe in the Resurrection of Christ, but to question your own 
salvation is to try to SEPARATE what God has joined together. God says, if you 
believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that God raised Him from the 
dead, YOU SHALL BE SAVED. How could anyone possibly believe in the Resurrection 
and not be perfectly assured of their own salvation by Christ's finished work? 
Can someone believe God when He speaks about the Resurrection, but call Him a 
liar when He speaks about salvation for all who believe? The 2nd issue 
-- Clearly, there are some doctrines which believers can be confused about. For 
instance, the Corinthian believers for a while had a complete misunderstanding 
about the Lord's Supper. The rich were feasting and neglecting the poorer 
believers. Yet Paul calls these Corinthians brothers in Christ. Why? 
The Corinthians behaviour was sinful, but it did not prove that they were 
believing a false gospel. Contrast this, however, with those denying the 
Resurrection of the Dead. To deny this, is to deny Christ's Resurrection. 

12 Now if Christ 
is being heralded that He has been roused from among the dead, how are some 
among you saying that there is no resurrection of the 
dead?13 Now if there is no resurrection of 
the dead, neither has Christ been roused.14 
Now if Christ has not been roused, for naught, consequently, is our heralding, 
and for naught is your faith.

But someone will be protesting, How are the dead being roused? Now with what 
body are they coming?36 Imprudent one! 
What you are sowing is not being vivified if it should not be 
This is not a major point of controversy with most 
Calvinists.The REAL debate surrounds the nature of saving faith. Most 
Calvinists are COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY IGNORANT about the simplicity of faith. 
They make faith emotional, mystical and into a work. It's impossible for them to 
have assurance of salvation. After all, how can they ever know they possess 
saving faith, if it is such an obscure, un-definable act of the soul??? If 
faith is intellectually un-definable and un-knowable, we cannot identify it in 
ourselves, and subsequently NEVER know whether or not we are justified. 
Then there are those who have not fallen into this snare of the devil. 
The know thatfaith is simply belief. And belief is to credit/assent/ be 
convicted / know a proposition. Therefore, saving faith is simply to 
believe the bare truth of the gospel, i.e. Christ has fulfilled the Law and been 
sacrificed for the Sheep. Faith
is simple and definable. The gospel is simply and definable. This means
that both can be IDENTIFIED in the mind easily. This is why Paul could
say that ANYONE who cannot identify the doctrine of Christ in
themselves, is lost. Know not Jesus Christ is in you, unless you are
disapproved? Likewise, Christ said that believers will NEVER thirst,
but they have a well of living water springing up to everlasting
life. He says that not only does He know the Sheep, but He is KNOWN
OF MINE. For, even the faith of a mustard seed moves mountains, i.e.,
is without doubt. He that doubts is damned. For let not him that
wavers/doubts expect anything from God !!! (James 1). Doubters are
unbelievers.And this is why when Paul wrote to the Ephesians he 
addressed his epistle to the saints and faithful at Ephesus. The believers at 
Ephesus MUST have had a full assurance that they were saints. Otherwise, how 
would they have known the epistle was addressed to them?? Full assurance 
is the privilege of every believer.Andrew Bain
Sydney, Australia

Re: [TruthTalk] Saving Faith -- what is it?

2005-12-12 Thread Judy Taylor

Is this fellow talking to himself or 
what? Maybe he and Gary are in cahoots.
He asks the question and then he answers 
himself ... only Gary doesn't stop at one answer

On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 02:59:14 +1100 "Andrew C. Bain" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Question : "Who can declare what are the essential 
  doctrines of soteriology?? All the doctrines are interconnected. 
  The Scripture cannot be broken. So, anyone denying one doctrine, denies them 
  My response: 
  There are TWO 
  issues here.