[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-10 Thread Mike Sarahan

Anyone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you could also run
easy-install . in any directory you want to compile from the source
that's there.  (plugins/kid, etc.)

Elvelind, thanks for all the great tips and tricks lately on using TG
more effectively.


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[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-09 Thread Mike Sarahan


I think there may be a problem with upgrading from 0.8 - things are
working fine for me now that I removed everything and started over only
installing SVN.

That might help explain the odd line numbers.  Perhaps it was using the
ealier version of either TurboGears or TurboKid.  Still, it seems like
the debug output indicated that it was going to the correct version...

Dreamhost's fastcgi support leaves much to be desired - my site is down
until it randomly decides to work again (generally a day or two), but
I'll let you all know if I still encounter the nonetype error once it
comes up again.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-09 Thread Mike Sarahan

Drew, after this error comes up for you, does the rest of your site
remain functional, or do you have to restart TG?

Sometimes for me some of the pages will continue to work, while others
stay broken after that comes up, and other times it just breaks
everything kid-related.

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-09 Thread isaac
Also check your site-packages directory. I've noticed old versions of
many packages sometimes don't get deleted automatically. I'm not sure
if they interfere, but after an update I always go in there and clear
out the cruft just to eliminate the possibility.

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-09 Thread Elvelind Grandin

You can also run tg-admin info to show which versions Turbogears uses
of everything.

On 2/9/06, isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also check your site-packages directory. I've noticed old versions of
 many packages sometimes don't get deleted automatically. I'm not sure
 if they interfere, but after an update I always go in there and clear
 out the cruft just to eliminate the possibility.

elvelind grandin

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-09 Thread Drew Whitehouse

The rest of the site works ok. The error  starts up after I come back
to the problem page from another.


I've just now done a 'python -c import setuptools;
execfile('setup.py') develop
' in the svn versions plugins/kid dircectory and it looks to have fixed
the problem. Up until now I hadn't realized that a python setup.py
develop in the svn root wasn't sufficient to get all the latest
turbogears plugins installed. I had done this for a whole bunch of the
thirdparty packages like cherrypy, kid and sqlobject.

Fingers crossed.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-08 Thread Kevin Dangoor

Hi Mike,

Sorry to leave you hanging there...

I've never encountered the problem you're reporting. One thing I can
say, though: the line numbers in your traceback don't correspond to
the kidsupport.py file that's in svn right now. I'd install TurboKid
from plugins/kid, if I were you.


On 2/7/06, Mike Sarahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kevin (or anyone else),

 Any idea on a fix?  How do I go about turning on kid's import hook?

 I tried running kidc on each of the kid files in that folder, and it
 generated the pyc files, but it still dies with the same error.


Kevin Dangoor
Author of the Zesty News RSS newsreader

company: http://www.BlazingThings.com
blog: http://www.BlueSkyOnMars.com

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-08 Thread Mike Sarahan


Here's a traceback after I ran both easy_install . and python setup.py
develop/install in plugins/kid and in thirdparty/kid:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 99, in _run
line 247, in main
body = page_handler(*virtual_path, **self.params)
  File string, line 3, in index
line 188, in expose
func, tg_format, html, fragment, *args, **kw)
line 193, in run_with_transaction
retval = func(*args, **kw)
line 205, in _execute_func
return _process_output(tg_format, output, html, fragment)
line 68, in _process_output
line 60, in render
return engine.render(info, format, fragment, template)
line 88, in render
tclass = self.load_template(template)
line 42, in load_template
self.load_template(self.stname, True)
line 56, in load_template
mod = kid.load_template(classname)
line 112, in load_template
raise Exception, Template not found: %s (in %s) % (
Exception: Template not found:
turbogears.fastdata.templates.sitetemplate (in
/home/.castor/mikez0r/elementarycatastrophe.com, /)

Same TurboKid line numbers...

I'll try a re-install later today.  Is the best path still to install
0.8, and then upgrade?  That's what I've been doing, but if it might
introduce problems, I'll just go through the dep's and get to SVN


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-08 Thread Drew Whitehouse

For what it's worth I'm seeing this error at the moment with the latest
svn versions. I can trigger it reliably by selecting some links in a
particular order. Here is the error ...

500 Internal error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from
fulfilling the request.

Page handler: bound method Root.index of vrq.controllers.Root object
at 0xb796eb8c
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 99, in _run
line 247, in main
body = page_handler(*virtual_path, **self.params)
  File string, line 3, in index
line 189, in expose
func, tg_format, html, fragment, *args, **kw)
line 193, in run_with_transaction
retval = func(*args, **kw)
line 206, in _execute_func
return _process_output(tg_format, output, html, fragment)
line 69, in _process_output
line 60, in render
return engine.render(info, format, fragment, template)
line 136, in render
return t.serialize(encoding=self.defaultencoding, output=format,
line 236, in serialize
return serializer.serialize(self, encoding, fragment)
line 51, in serialize
text = list(self.generate(stream, encoding, fragment))
line 324, in generate
stream = iter(stream)
line 261, in __iter__
return iter(self.transform())
line 316, in transform
stream = self.pull()
line 275, in pull
  File /store/projects/z03/drw900/vrq/vrq/templates/renders.py, line
20, in initialize
  File /store/projects/z03/drw900/vrq/vrq/templates/master.py, line
20, in initialize
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-07 Thread Mike Sarahan


You're amazingly good at blind guesses.  That bin/python/bin dir is a
shortcut dir linked to the python binary.  I have to set it up this way
because it's running on dreamhost - not on one of my boxes.  I have an
installation of python that's hopefully being used over their install
(2.3).  I think that's working ok, because running python gives me my
version 2.4.2, and the interpreter line of the script I run TG from is
pointed to the proper python binary (~/bin/python/bin/python).

I moved $HOME/lib/lib/python2.4/... to the beginning, but still no
luck.  Just to check, I made sure that the
turbogears/fastdata...sitetemplate exists in the egg folder, and it
does, so I don't know where it's getting caught up.

I was poking around with google, and thought it might help to set a
PYTHONPATH variable.  I set that to:
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/lib/lib/python2.4/:$PATH

Still won't import the sitetemplate, but check out what I get when I
import sys
print sys.path

['', '/home/mikez0r/lib/lib/python2.4',
'/home/mikez0r/bin/python/bin', '/home/mikez0r/lib/bin',
'/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/bin', '/usr/bin/X11', '/usr/games',

Sure looks like it is looking in the proper dir.  Why on earth can't it
find that sitetemplate?

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-07 Thread Lee McFadden


Can you import other stuff from turbogears in the python shell?  e.g.
import turbogears.widgets  or from turbogears import controllers?

If so, can you paste the output of ls in the
turbogears/fastdata/templates directory?

If not then something is seriously amiss and I would try starting from
scratch with respect to your python and turbogears installs if that's


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-07 Thread Mike Sarahan

importing other turbogears stuff worked just fine, still nothing on the
sitetemplate.  Here's the ls in

total 28
-rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg4915910 2006-02-06 18:33 __init__.py
-rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  210 2006-02-06 18:33 __init__.pyc
-rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591 1171 2006-02-06 18:33 datagrid.kid
-rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  435 2006-02-06 18:33 form.kid
-rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  599 2006-02-06 18:33 item.kid
-rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  432 2006-02-06 18:33 list.kid
-rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  774 2006-02-06 18:33 master.kid
-rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  732 2006-02-06 18:33 sitetemplate.kid

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-07 Thread Lee McFadden

On 2/7/06, Mike Sarahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 importing other turbogears stuff worked just fine, still nothing on the
 sitetemplate.  Here's the ls in

 total 28
 -rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg4915910 2006-02-06 18:33 __init__.py
 -rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  210 2006-02-06 18:33 __init__.pyc
 -rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591 1171 2006-02-06 18:33 datagrid.kid
 -rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  435 2006-02-06 18:33 form.kid
 -rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  599 2006-02-06 18:33 item.kid
 -rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  432 2006-02-06 18:33 list.kid
 -rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  774 2006-02-06 18:33 master.kid
 -rw-rw-r--  1 mikez0r pg491591  732 2006-02-06 18:33 sitetemplate.kid

Odd...  that is as it should be.  Ok, before I go completely crazy and
suggest a complete removal and reinstall of turbogears, does import
turbogears.fastdata.templates.datagrid work?

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-07 Thread Mike Sarahan


here's the output:

 import pkg_resources

I know you're busy - thanks for taking some time for this.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-07 Thread Mike Sarahan

As for TG appearing twice, it's because it comes up once when I have it
manually set in the PATH variable, and again when I set the PYTHONPATH.
 I'll fix that.

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-07 Thread Kevin Dangoor

On 2/7/06, Mike Sarahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 here's the output:

  import pkg_resources

I believe this is exactly the code used by kidsupport to find the
template. That would seem to imply that something is different between
running in the shell and when you're running in TurboGears. I just
noticed something fishy... from your original recent message:

ine 108, in load_template
   raise Exception, Template not found: %s (in %s) % (
Exception: Template not found:
turbogears.fastdata.templates.sitetemplate (in
/home/.castor/mikez0r/elementarycatastrophe.com, /)

The name turbogears.fastdata.templates.sitetemplate clearly isn't
going to work as a filename in the system. It would seem that this
filename wasn't getting resolved as a name along the pythonpath.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-07 Thread Mike Sarahan

Kevin (or anyone else),

Any idea on a fix?  How do I go about turning on kid's import hook?

I tried running kidc on each of the kid files in that folder, and it
generated the pyc files, but it still dies with the same error.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-06 Thread Lee McFadden

Are you certain you've installed the latest version of turbokid?

Switch to plugins\kid and run

easy_install .

Remeber to use your easy_install arguments (--script-dir, sudo, etc)
as you did with python setup.py develop in the root TG dir.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-06 Thread Mike Sarahan

Good idea, Lee, but unfortunately, it didn't work.  Same sitetemplate
error showing up.

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-06 Thread Lee McFadden

On 2/6/06, Mike Sarahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good idea, Lee, but unfortunately, it didn't work.  Same sitetemplate
 error showing up.

Actually, looking closer at your traceback this looks more like some
kind of path error.  If you open up a python shell at any arbitary
path you should always be able to do:

import turbogears.fastdata.templates.sitetemplate

If this fails then you will need to check your installation is
correct, i.e. your easy-install.pth file is correct and your system's
$PATH variable is grabbing your SVN version over any other version you
have installed.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-05 Thread Mike Sarahan

This error is still a showstopper for my site, even with SVN 646.
David, if you'd like, I will give you the login for my dreamhost site,
if it will help you track down the bug.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-02-05 Thread Mike Sarahan

Also, running a python setup.py develop in plugins/kid brings up the
sitetemplate not found error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 99, in _run
line 247, in main
body = page_handler(*virtual_path, **self.params)
  File string, line 3, in index
/home/.castor/mikez0r/download/trunk/turbogears/controllers.py, line
218, in expose
func, tg_format, html, fragment, *args, **kw)
  File /home/.castor/mikez0r/download/trunk/turbogears/database.py,
line 193, in run_with_transaction
retval = func(*args, **kw)
/home/.castor/mikez0r/download/trunk/turbogears/controllers.py, line
253, in _execute_func
return _process_output(tg_format, output, html, fragment)
/home/.castor/mikez0r/download/trunk/turbogears/controllers.py, line
66, in _process_output
  File /home/.castor/mikez0r/download/trunk/turbogears/view.py, line
60, in render
return engine.render(info, format, fragment, template)
line 88, in render
tclass = self.load_template(template)
line 42, in load_template
self.load_template(self.stname, True)
line 56, in load_template
mod = kid.load_template(classname)
line 108, in load_template
raise Exception, Template not found: %s (in %s) % (
Exception: Template not found:
turbogears.fastdata.templates.sitetemplate (in
/home/.castor/mikez0r/elementarycatastrophe.com, /)

I noticed that the kid version there is 0.8, so I ran python setup.py
develop in thirdparty/kid

That gives the same error, with the kid version changing to 0.9.

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread Lee McFadden
This is really getting to be a bane for me.  After a while I'll get
the following traceback:

Page handler: bound method Root.search of archive.controllers.Root
object at 0x00FAE2F0
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 98, in _run
line 246, in main
body = page_handler(*virtual_path, **self.params)
  File c:\svn\turbogears\turbogears\controllers.py, line 240, in newfunc
html, fragment, *args, **kw)
  File c:\svn\turbogears\turbogears\database.py, line 189, in
retval = func(*args, **kw)
  File c:\svn\turbogears\turbogears\controllers.py, line 262, in _execute_func
return _process_output(tg_format, output, html, fragment)
  File c:\svn\turbogears\turbogears\controllers.py, line 62, in
output = view.render(output, tg_format, template=template,fragment=fragment)
  File c:\svn\turbogears\turbogears\view.py, line 57, in render
return engine.render(info, format, fragment, template)
line 136, in render
return t.serialize(encoding=self.defaultencoding, output=format,
  File c:\python24\lib\site-packages\kid-0.9a0-py2.4.egg\kid\__init__.py,
line 236, in serialize
return serializer.serialize(self, encoding, fragment)
  File c:\python24\lib\site-packages\kid-0.9a0-py2.4.egg\kid\serialization.py,
line 51, in serialize
text = list(self.generate(stream, encoding, fragment))
  File c:\python24\lib\site-packages\kid-0.9a0-py2.4.egg\kid\serialization.py,
line 324, in generate
stream = iter(stream)
  File c:\python24\lib\site-packages\kid-0.9a0-py2.4.egg\kid\__init__.py,
line 261, in __iter__
return iter(self.transform())
  File c:\python24\lib\site-packages\kid-0.9a0-py2.4.egg\kid\__init__.py,
line 316, in transform
stream = self.pull()
  File c:\python24\lib\site-packages\kid-0.9a0-py2.4.egg\kid\__init__.py,
line 275, in pull
  File C:\svn\mailarc\frontend\trunk\archive\templates\search.py,
line 20, in initialize
  File C:\svn\mailarc\frontend\trunk\archive\templates\master.py,
line 20, in initialize
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

The strange thing is, this happens only on *one* of my templates.  The
other 2 which are currently accessible work without a problem.  I have
attached my controller, and the templates of the app in question
because I've been trying to track this issue down for a few days.  If
anyone needs further info, please just ask.

I will continue to hunt, but I am having to put it on the backburner
to get the rest of the app finished in time.

Thanks in advance,

import turbogears
from turbogears import controllers, widgets, validators
from model import Message, Recipient, Person, Attachment, Body, Unknown
from datetime import datetime
from sqlobject import NOT, AND, OR, SQLObjectNotFound
import cherrypy
from turbogears import jsonify
import myforms

def size_suffix(value):
suffix = [B, KB, MB, GB]
i = 0
while value  1024:
value = value/1024
i += 1
return suffix[i]

class AttachmentController(controllers.Controller):

def default(self, *vpath, **params):
if not vpath:
return self.index(**params)
# Make a copy of vpath in a list
vpath = list(vpath)
atom = vpath.pop(0)

# See if the first virtual path member is a container action
method = getattr(self, atom, None)
if method and getattr(method, exposed):
return method(*vpath, **params)

# Not a container action; the URI atom must be an existing ID
# Coerce the ID to the correct db type
id = int(atom)
att = Attachment.get(id)
except SQLObjectNotFound, ValueError:
raise cherrypy.NotFound

# There may be further virtual path components.
# Try to map them to methods in this class.
if vpath:
method = getattr(self, vpath[0], None)
if method and getattr(method, exposed):
return method(message=message, id=id, *vpath[1:], **params)
raise cherrypy.NotFound

# No further known vpath components. Call a default handler.
return self.download(att=att, id=id, *vpath, **params)

def download(self, att=None, id=None, *args, **kw):
Downloads the attachment for the given NewsPost id
from StringIO import StringIO #This is for streaming from the DB
import urllib

referer = cherrypy.request.headerMap.get('Referer', '/')

if att or id:
if not att:
att = Attachment.get(id)

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread Jorge Godoy

Lee McFadden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Dunno if the tracebak is the same, but after I switched a project from
prod.cfg/dev.cfg to procfg.py/devcfg.py + config.py I started getting those as
well.  I haven't, yet, tried restoring the old config files.

I also started having problems with Identity (it requires me to fill my
username and password for each and every page I access, no matter if it is
just a link on the same page I acessed right now!)


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread Jorge Godoy

Jorge Godoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Lee McFadden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

 Dunno if the tracebak is the same, but after I switched a project from
 prod.cfg/dev.cfg to procfg.py/devcfg.py + config.py I started getting those as
 well.  I haven't, yet, tried restoring the old config files.

 I also started having problems with Identity (it requires me to fill my
 username and password for each and every page I access, no matter if it is
 just a link on the same page I acessed right now!)

Just as a feedback: definitely the change has broken something here.  I've
restored my old configuration and the problems I related were solved.

What I did was (from the top of my head, I haven't written down what I did and
haven't repeated it here):

 - create a new empty project

 - copy its devcfg.py/procfg.py/config.py and change all references to the
   dummy project name to my real project name

 - modify procfg.py / decvfg.py so that my database URIs were correct

 - modify config.py adding the Visit (I still get errors if it is
   disabled...) and Identity configurations I need

 - copied the dummy project start-project.py script 

 - removed old dev.cfg / prod.cfg / project-start.py files

 - started the project

It worked, but:

   * I have to fill the password on every new page and also when I come back
 to an already visited page.

   * I started getting the NoneType error that didn't exist before

I hope this helps digging what is the cause of the problem. 

Be seeing you,

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread Lee McFadden

On 1/25/06, Jorge Godoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just as a feedback: definitely the change has broken something here.  I've
 restored my old configuration and the problems I related were solved.

 What I did was (from the top of my head, I haven't written down what I did and
 haven't repeated it here):

  - create a new empty project

  - copy its devcfg.py/procfg.py/config.py and change all references to the
dummy project name to my real project name

  - modify procfg.py / decvfg.py so that my database URIs were correct

  - modify config.py adding the Visit (I still get errors if it is
disabled...) and Identity configurations I need

  - copied the dummy project start-project.py script

  - removed old dev.cfg / prod.cfg / project-start.py files

  - started the project

 It worked, but:

* I have to fill the password on every new page and also when I come back
  to an already visited page.

* I started getting the NoneType error that didn't exist before

This is almost exactly what I did to get my project working after the
move from the .cfg config files to the .py config files.  The only
difference is that I have both visit and identity turned off as I have
no need of those at the moment.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread Jorge Godoy

Lee McFadden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is almost exactly what I did to get my project working after the
 move from the .cfg config files to the .py config files.  The only
 difference is that I have both visit and identity turned off as I have
 no need of those at the moment.

I haven't tried quickstarting a new project and moving my data files to it...
I think it might be worth testing that to see if we forgot testing something. 


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread Sean De La Torre


I saw the same issue.  All of my kid templates would work except for
one, and the problem template was a very simple one.  I found that the
only way to solve the problem was to hack TurboKid with the code I
posted at the start of this thread.  The problem has completely gone
away with the hack in place, however, hopefully a real patch will be
created to solve the issue.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread Lee McFadden

On 1/25/06, Sean De La Torre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem has completely gone
 away with the hack in place, however, hopefully a real patch will be
 created to solve the issue.

Unless I'm missing something _freshen_template() is no longer used at
all in kidsupport.py.  I'll look for it more later today when I get
back onto this problem.  I'm giving my brain a rest from that
particular track at the moment. :)


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread Sean De La Torre

I didn't notice that kidsupport.py changed :).  Unfortunately, the
error looks very similar to the last one.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread David Stanek
On 1/25/06, Sean De La Torre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I didn't notice that kidsupport.py changed :).Unfortunately, theerror looks very similar to the last one.
Are you using the newest version on TurboKid? Even after the svn update you have to run the setup.py file for it.

-- David

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-25 Thread Sean De La Torre

I wasn't using the newest version, but have since upgraded and the
problem is gone.



[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-24 Thread Lee McFadden

I'm still getting horrible issues with the NoneType is not callable
error.  I'm using kid as my template engine and, admittedly, this is
from an older quickstarted project.

I'm running on the latest SVN (as of 9am GMT this morning) and there
is no longer a kidsupport.py for me to edit.

If anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-24 Thread Elvelind Grandin

Lee. I belive the kidsupport.py now lives in the TurboKid package.

On 1/24/06, Lee McFadden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm still getting horrible issues with the NoneType is not callable
 error.  I'm using kid as my template engine and, admittedly, this is
 from an older quickstarted project.

 I'm running on the latest SVN (as of 9am GMT this morning) and there
 is no longer a kidsupport.py for me to edit.

 If anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated.


elvelind grandin

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-17 Thread nerkles

This didn't work here. (latest svn 520)...

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-17 Thread David Stanek
On 1/17/06, nerkles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This didn't work here. (latest svn 520)...Looks
like the None issue has gone away, but another evil issue has taken
it's place. Try doing a 'python setup.py develop' on turbokid.

The other issue seems to be with FormEncode/widgets/TurboKid.
Things are being accessed be the __classinit__, that don't appear to
exist. I have not had a ton of time to look into this yet. Here is a
link posted in IRC: http://tg.pastebin.com/509759.

-- David

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-17 Thread nerkles

now the app doesn't work at all. I just get an error... same as the one
in the pastebin.

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-14 Thread Jeff Watkins
I'll check the next time it happens.On 14 Jan, 2006, at 12:47 am, Sean De La Torre wrote:Do you also see the "turbokid.kidsupport DEBUG 'turbogears.fastdata.templates.sitetemplate' needs freshening" message in your logs?    -- Jeff Watkinshttp://newburyportion.com/"Daddy, I want a purple iMac. And I want ice cream!"-- Unidentified 7-year-old to his father. 

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-14 Thread Jeff Watkins
Nope.On 14 Jan, 2006, at 12:47 am, Sean De La Torre wrote: Do you also see the "turbokid.kidsupport DEBUG 'turbogears.fastdata.templates.sitetemplate' needs freshening" message in your logs?    --Jeff Watkinshttp://newburyportion.com/"Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy."-- Joseph Campbell 

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-14 Thread JP Farias

Removing the entire if and leaving only mod = _recompile_template(...)
works great for me. No more nonetype is not callable errors.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-13 Thread Jeff Watkins

Except that I get this error also and I don't use widgets. I'm not  
saying you haven't tracked down *ONE* cause of it, but it certainly  
isn't the only cause.

On 13 Jan, 2006, at 10:05 pm, Sean De La Torre wrote:

I've found what causes the TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not
callable error in Kid templates.  I've narrowed it down to the
_freshen_template method in the TurboKid kidsupport.py file.

Jeff Watkins

Advertising directed at children is inherently deceptive and  
exploits children under eight years of age.

-- American Academy of Pediatrics

[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-13 Thread Sean De La Torre

I didn't intend to state that this was the exact solution to all the
problems (hence the statement This could be a more general error in
the refresh logic or in the way kid reloads templates, but I won't know
for certain until I've investigated the issue a little more. ).

Besides, the disappearing widget is not the point of my message, it's
just a symptom.  When running normally, there are two components being
rendered.  When the error occurs, one goes missing, which probably
results in the NoneType error.

A quick question since you are seeing this too.  When you see the
error, take a look at the request immediately before the error happens.
 Do you also see the turbokid.kidsupport DEBUG
needs freshening message in your logs?  



[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-13 Thread Sean De La Torre

One more thing that I just tested:

I removed the widget from my code, and tested the same scenario with
only templates in my project.  I then reverted kidsupport.py to its
original state, and the error reappears after I see the refresh
statement in my logs.  Changing kidusupport.py as I stated above fixes
the issue, which leads me to believe that the problem does have
something to do with the refresh process.

I'm running the latest svn version of TG  on a WinXP SP2 box.


[TurboGears] Re: Found the source of Kid's TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable error

2006-01-13 Thread David Stanek
I am 100% positive that it is the module reloading. With my
setup I cannot recreate the issue so it is impossible for me to debug.
I am working on a patch that really cleans the reloading up. 

It's pretty late here so I will post it to the list tomorrow after I make sure I am not doing anything really dumb.

-- David