
I am evaluating the upgrade from 3.11.x to 4.0.x and as per CASSANDRA-14197
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-14197> we don't need to
run upgradesstables any more. We have tested this in a test environment and
see that setting "-Dcassandra.automatic_sstable_upgrade=true" takes care of
the upgrading sstables to the new format. Since my actual cluster has a
very high data size and more datacenters, I would like to know the general
guidance on the upgradesstables option. Is this option guaranteed to take
care of upgradesstables or it's a best case scenario and expects the users
to run the upgradesstables (as I see some posts still run upgradesstables
for 4.x upgrade). If it's taken care of automatically, is there a way I can
see the progress/ time it takes or does the user need not worry about how
long it takes but can just proceed with the upgrade on all the data
centers sequentially one after another?

Thanks in advance.

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