data distribution along column family partitions

2015-02-04 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I am designing a model to store alerts users receive over time. I will want
to store probably the last two years of alerts for each user.

The first thought I had was having a column family partitioned by user +
timebucket, where time bucket could be something like year + month. For

*partition key:*
user-id = f47ac10b-58cc-*4*372-*a*567-0e02b2c3d479
time-bucket = 201502
*rest of primary key:*
timestamp = column of tipy timestamp
alert id = f47ac10b-58cc-*4*372-*a*567-0e02b2c3d480

Question, would this make it easier to delete old data? Supposing I am not
using TTL and I want to remove alerts older than 2 years, what would be
better, just deleting the entire time-bucket for each user-id (through a
map/reduce process) or having just user-id as partition key and deleting,
for each user, where X  timestamp  Y?

Is it the same for Cassandra, internally?

Another question is: would data be distributed enough if I just choose to
partition by user-id? I will have some users with a large number of alerts,
but in average I could consider alerts would have a good distribution along
user ids. The problem is I don't fell confident having few partitions with
A LOT of alerts would not be a problem at read time.

What happens at read time when I try to read data from a big partition?
Like, I want to read alerts for a user where X  timestamp  Y, but it
would return 1 million alerts. As it's all in a single partition, this read
will occur in the same node, thus allocating a lot of memory for this
single operation, right?

What if the memory needed for this operation is bigger than it fits in java
heap? Would this be a problem to Cassandra?

Best regards,
Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

index partition key

2014-09-18 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

This question is just for curiosity purposes, I don't need this in my
solution, but it's something I was asking myself...

Is there a way of indexing the partition key values in Cassandra? Does
anyone needed this and found a solution of any kind?

For example, I know the sample bellow doesn't work, but would it be
possible somehow?
I know select * from testcf where token(key1)  token('Lucas'); works, but
the question is ordering by the values, even using another CF or index of
any kind...

  WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy',
  'replication_factor': '1' };

  key1 varchar,
  value varchar,
  PRIMARY KEY ((key1)));

CREATE INDEX testidx on testks.testcf (key1);

insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Lucas', 'value1');
insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Luiz', 'value2');
insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Edu', 'value3');
insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Marcelo', 'value4');

select * from testcf order by key1;
select * from testcf where key1  'Lucas';

Best regards,

Re: index partition key

2014-09-18 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Yes, indeed using the evil ordered partitioner it would work, but it should
be avoided at all costs.
What I am trying to figure is: Can I tell Cassandra is not good for cases
where you need range queries over all the cluster?
It's just a kind of architectural rule I am trying to use to decide
whether when to use a kind of technology or another.
Solr, for instance, allows you to query the way you want over all the
cluster, so data stax enterprise could solve this problem, but I wonder
if it's the only way.


2014-09-18 13:35 GMT-03:00 DuyHai Doan

 Your query select * from testcf where key1  'Lucas'; does work if you
 choose the old OrderPartioner but since it's considered absolute evil (for
 good reason, load distribution is horrendous), pratically it is not
 possible to do your query.

 And it's the same thing with secondary index. Query with inequality on
 secondary index translates into full cluster scan...


  Duy Hai DOAN

 On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 This question is just for curiosity purposes, I don't need this in my
 solution, but it's something I was asking myself...

 Is there a way of indexing the partition key values in Cassandra? Does
 anyone needed this and found a solution of any kind?

 For example, I know the sample bellow doesn't work, but would it be
 possible somehow?
 I know select * from testcf where token(key1)  token('Lucas'); works,
 but the question is ordering by the values, even using another CF or index
 of any kind...

   WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy',
   'replication_factor': '1' };

   key1 varchar,
   value varchar,
   PRIMARY KEY ((key1)));

 CREATE INDEX testidx on testks.testcf (key1);

 insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Lucas', 'value1');
 insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Luiz', 'value2');
 insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Edu', 'value3');
 insert into testcf (key1, value) values ('Marcelo', 'value4');

 select * from testcf order by key1;
 select * from testcf where key1  'Lucas';

 Best regards,

Re: too many open files

2014-08-09 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
IMHO, I think the drivers are fine. It was a dumb mistake of mine to use
sessions as connections and not as connection pools.
What was harder to figure, in my opinion, was that too many connections
from the client would increase the amount of file descriptors used by the
server. I didn't know Linux open a FD for each connection received and
honestly I still don't know much about the details of this. When I got a
too many open files error it took a good while to think about checking
the connections.
I think the documentation could point this fact, it would help other people
with the same problem.
There could be something talking about it here:


2014-08-09 12:55 GMT-03:00 Jack Krupansky

   Maybe the drivers should have two modes: few sessions, and lots of
 sessions. The former would give you a developer-friendly driver error if
 you leave more than say a dozen or two dozen sessions open (or whatever is
 considered a best practice for parallel threads in a client), on the theory
 that you probably used the anti-pattern of failing to reuse sessions. The
 latter would be more for expert apps that have some good reason for having
 hundreds or thousands of simultaneous sessions open. Whether the latter
 also has some (configurable) limit that is simply a lot higher than the
 former or is unlimited, is probably not so important. Or, maybe, simply
 have a single limit, without the modes and default it to 10 or 25 or some
 other relatively low number for “normal” apps.

 This would be more developer-friendly, for both new and “normal”
 developers... I think.

 -- Jack Krupansky

  *From:* Marcelo Elias Del Valle
 *Sent:* Saturday, August 9, 2014 12:41 AM
 *Subject:* Re: too many open files

  Indeed, that was my mistake, that was exactly what we were doing in the

 2014-08-09 0:56 GMT-03:00 Brian Zhang

 For cassandra driver,session is just like database connection pool,it
 maybe contains many tcp connections,if you create a new session every
 time,more and more tcp connections will be created,till surpass the max
 file description limit  of os.

 You should create one session,use it repeatedly ,session can manage
 connections automatically,create new connection or close old connection for
 your requests.

 在 2014年8月9日,6:52,Redmumba 写道:

  Just to chime in, I also ran into this issue when I was migrating to
 the Datastax client. Instead of reusing the session, I was opening a new
 session each time. For some reason, even though I was still closing the
 session on the client side, I was getting the same error.

 Plus, the only way I could recover was by restarting Cassandra. I did not
 really see the connections timeout over a period of a few minutes.

 On Aug 8, 2014 3:19 PM, Andrey Ilinykh wrote:

 You may have this problem if your client doesn't reuse the connection
 but opens new every type. So, run netstat and check the number of
 established connections. This number should not be big.

 Thank you,

 On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 I am using Cassandra 2.0.9 running on Debian Wheezy, and I am having
 too many open files exceptions when I try to perform a large number of
 operations in my 10 node cluster.

 I saw the documentation
 and I have set everything to the recommended settings, but I keep getting
 the errors.

 In the documentation it says: Another, much less likely possibility,
 is a file descriptor leak in Cassandra. Run lsof -n | grep java to
 check that the number of file descriptors opened by Java is reasonable and
 reports the error if the number is greater than a few thousand.

 I guess it's not the case, or else a lot of people would be complaining
 about it, but I am not sure what I could do to solve the problem.

 Any hint about how to solve it?

 My client is written in python and uses Cassandra Python Driver. Here
 are the exceptions I am having in the client:
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,631 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,632 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,633 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,634 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0

too many open files

2014-08-08 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I am using Cassandra 2.0.9 running on Debian Wheezy, and I am having too
many open files exceptions when I try to perform a large number of
operations in my 10 node cluster.

I saw the documentation
and I have set everything to the recommended settings, but I keep getting
the errors.

In the documentation it says: Another, much less likely possibility, is a
file descriptor leak in Cassandra. Run lsof -n | grep java to check that
the number of file descriptors opened by Java is reasonable and reports the
error if the number is greater than a few thousand.

I guess it's not the case, or else a lot of people would be complaining
about it, but I am not sure what I could do to solve the problem.

Any hint about how to solve it?

My client is written in python and uses Cassandra Python Driver. Here are
the exceptions I am having in the client:
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,631 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,632 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,633 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,634 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,634 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,635 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,635 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,732 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,733 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,734 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,734 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,735 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,736 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,942 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 512.0
seconds: Timed out connecting to
[s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,998 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 512.0
seconds: Timed out connecting to

And here is the exception I am having in the server:

 WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:163] 2014-08-08 14:27:30,499 (line 223) Batch of prepared statements for
[identification.entity_lookup, identification.entity] is of size 25216,
exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 20096.
ERROR [Native-Transport-Requests:150] 2014-08-08 14:27:31,611 (line 222) Unexpected exception during request Connection reset by peer
at Method)

Re: too many open files

2014-08-08 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
I am using datastax community, the packaged version for Debian. I am also
using last version of opscenter and datastax-agent

However, I just listed open files here:

sudo lsof -n | grep java | wc -l

It seems it has exceed. Should I just increase? Or is it possible to be a
memory leak?

Best regards,

2014-08-08 17:06 GMT-03:00 Shane Hansen

 Are you using apache or Datastax cassandra?

 The datastax distribution ups the file handle limit to 10. That
 number's hard to exceed.

 On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 I am using Cassandra 2.0.9 running on Debian Wheezy, and I am having too
 many open files exceptions when I try to perform a large number of
 operations in my 10 node cluster.

 I saw the documentation
 and I have set everything to the recommended settings, but I keep getting
 the errors.

 In the documentation it says: Another, much less likely possibility, is
 a file descriptor leak in Cassandra. Run lsof -n | grep java to check
 that the number of file descriptors opened by Java is reasonable and
 reports the error if the number is greater than a few thousand.

 I guess it's not the case, or else a lot of people would be complaining
 about it, but I am not sure what I could do to solve the problem.

 Any hint about how to solve it?

 My client is written in python and uses Cassandra Python Driver. Here are
 the exceptions I am having in the client:
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,631 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,632 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,633 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,634 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,634 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,635 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,635 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,732 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,733 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,734 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,734 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,735 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,736 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,942 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 512.0
 seconds: Timed out connecting to
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,998 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 512.0
 seconds: Timed out connecting to

 And here is the exception I am having in the server:

  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:163] 2014-08-08 14:27:30,499 (line 223) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification.entity_lookup, identification.entity] is of size 25216,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 20096.
 ERROR [Native-Transport-Requests:150] 2014-08-08 14:27:31,611 (line 222) Unexpected exception during request Connection reset by peer
 at Method)

Re: too many open files

2014-08-08 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
I just solved the issue, it was Cassandra process which was opening too
many fds, indeed, but the problem was the amount of client connections
being opened. It was opening more connection than needed in the client'
Thanks for the help.

2014-08-08 17:17 GMT-03:00 Kevin Burton

 You may want to look at the the actual filenames.  You might have an app
 leaving them open.  Also, remember, sockets use FDs so they are in the list

 On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 1:13 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 I am using datastax community, the packaged version for Debian. I am also
 using last version of opscenter and datastax-agent

 However, I just listed open files here:

 sudo lsof -n | grep java | wc -l

 It seems it has exceed. Should I just increase? Or is it possible to be a
 memory leak?

 Best regards,

 2014-08-08 17:06 GMT-03:00 Shane Hansen

 Are you using apache or Datastax cassandra?

 The datastax distribution ups the file handle limit to 10. That
 number's hard to exceed.

 On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 1:35 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 I am using Cassandra 2.0.9 running on Debian Wheezy, and I am having
 too many open files exceptions when I try to perform a large number of
 operations in my 10 node cluster.

 I saw the documentation
 and I have set everything to the recommended settings, but I keep getting
 the errors.

 In the documentation it says: Another, much less likely possibility,
 is a file descriptor leak in Cassandra. Run lsof -n | grep java to
 check that the number of file descriptors opened by Java is reasonable and
 reports the error if the number is greater than a few thousand.

 I guess it's not the case, or else a lot of people would be complaining
 about it, but I am not sure what I could do to solve the problem.

 Any hint about how to solve it?

 My client is written in python and uses Cassandra Python Driver. Here
 are the exceptions I am having in the client:
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,631 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,632 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,633 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,634 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,634 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,635 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,635 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,732 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,733 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,734 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,734 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,735 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,736 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,942 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 512.0
 seconds: Timed out connecting to
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,998 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 512.0
 seconds: Timed out connecting to

 And here is the exception I am having in the server:

  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:163] 2014-08-08 14:27

Re: too many open files

2014-08-08 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Indeed, that was my mistake, that was exactly what we were doing in the

2014-08-09 0:56 GMT-03:00 Brian Zhang

 For cassandra driver,session is just like database connection pool,it
 maybe contains many tcp connections,if you create a new session every
 time,more and more tcp connections will be created,till surpass the max
 file description limit  of os.

 You should create one session,use it repeatedly ,session can manage
 connections automatically,create new connection or close old connection for
 your requests.

 在 2014年8月9日,6:52,Redmumba 写道:

 Just to chime in, I also ran into this issue when I was migrating to the
 Datastax client. Instead of reusing the session, I was opening a new
 session each time. For some reason, even though I was still closing the
 session on the client side, I was getting the same error.

 Plus, the only way I could recover was by restarting Cassandra. I did not
 really see the connections timeout over a period of a few minutes.

 On Aug 8, 2014 3:19 PM, Andrey Ilinykh wrote:

 You may have this problem if your client doesn't reuse the connection but
 opens new every type. So, run netstat and check the number of established
 connections. This number should not be big.

 Thank you,

 On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 I am using Cassandra 2.0.9 running on Debian Wheezy, and I am having
 too many open files exceptions when I try to perform a large number of
 operations in my 10 node cluster.

 I saw the documentation
 and I have set everything to the recommended settings, but I keep getting
 the errors.

 In the documentation it says: Another, much less likely possibility,
 is a file descriptor leak in Cassandra. Run lsof -n | grep java to
 check that the number of file descriptors opened by Java is reasonable and
 reports the error if the number is greater than a few thousand.

 I guess it's not the case, or else a lot of people would be complaining
 about it, but I am not sure what I could do to solve the problem.

 Any hint about how to solve it?

 My client is written in python and uses Cassandra Python Driver. Here
 are the exceptions I am having in the client:
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,631 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,632 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,633 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,634 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,634 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,635 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,635 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,732 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,733 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,734 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,734 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,735 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,736 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 600.0
 seconds: [Errno 24] Too many open files
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,942 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error
 attempting to reconnect to, scheduling retry in 512.0
 seconds: Timed out connecting to
 [s1log] 2014-08-08 12:16:09,998 - cassandra.pool - WARNING - Error

map reduce for Cassandra

2014-07-21 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I have the need to executing a map/reduce job to identity data stored in
Cassandra before indexing this data to Elastic Search.

I have already used ColumnFamilyInputFormat (before start using CQL) to
write hadoop jobs to do that, but I use to have a lot of troubles to
perform tunning, as hadoop depends on how map tasks are split in order to
successfull execute things in parallel, for IO/bound processes.

First question is: Am I the only one having problems with that? Is anyone
else using hadoop jobs that reads from Cassandra in production?

Second question is about the alternatives. I saw new version spark will
have Cassandra support, but using CqlPagingInputFormat, from hadoop. I
tried to use HIVE with Cassandra community, but it seems it only works with
Cassandra Enterprise and doesn't do more than FB presto (,
which we have been using reading from Cassandra and so far it has been
great for SQL-like queries. For custom map reduce jobs, however, it is not

Does anyone know some other tool that performs MR on Cassandra? My
impression is most tools were created to work on top of HDFS and reading
from a nosql db is some kind of workaround.

Third question is about how these tools work. Most of them writtes mapped
data on a intermediate storage, then data is shuffled and sorted, then it
is reduced. Even when using CqlPagingInputFormat, if you are using hadoop
it will write files to HDFS after the mapping phase, shuffle and sort this
data, and then reduce it.

I wonder if a tool supporting Cassandra out of the box wouldn't be smarter.
Is it faster to write all your data to a file and then sorting it, or batch
inserting data and already indexing it, as it happens when you store data
in a Cassandra CF? I didn't do the calculations to check the complexity of
each one, what should consider no index in Cassandra would be really large,
as the maximum index size will always depend on the maximum capacity of a
single host, but my guess is that a map / reduce tool written specifically
to Cassandra, from the beggining, could perform much better than a tool
written to HDFS and adapted. I hear people saying Map/Reduce on
Cassandra/HBase is usually 30% slower than M/R in HDFS. Does it really make
sense? Should we expect a result like this?

Final question: Do you think writting a new M/R tool like described would
be reinventing the wheel? Or it makes sense?

Thanks in advance. Any opinions about this subject will be very appreciated.

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

Re: map reduce for Cassandra

2014-07-21 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Hi Jonathan,

Do you know if this RDD can be used with Python? AFAIK, python + Cassandra
will be supported just in the next version, but I would like to be wrong...

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

2014-07-21 13:06 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad

 Hey Marcelo,

 You should check out spark.  It intelligently deals with a lot of the
 issues you're mentioning.  Al Tobey did a walkthrough of how to set up
 the OSS side of things here:

 It'll be less work than writing a M/R framework from scratch :)

 On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
  I have the need to executing a map/reduce job to identity data stored in
  Cassandra before indexing this data to Elastic Search.
  I have already used ColumnFamilyInputFormat (before start using CQL) to
  write hadoop jobs to do that, but I use to have a lot of troubles to
  tunning, as hadoop depends on how map tasks are split in order to
  successfull execute things in parallel, for IO/bound processes.
  First question is: Am I the only one having problems with that? Is anyone
  else using hadoop jobs that reads from Cassandra in production?
  Second question is about the alternatives. I saw new version spark will
  Cassandra support, but using CqlPagingInputFormat, from hadoop. I tried
  use HIVE with Cassandra community, but it seems it only works with
  Enterprise and doesn't do more than FB presto (,
  we have been using reading from Cassandra and so far it has been great
  SQL-like queries. For custom map reduce jobs, however, it is not enough.
  Does anyone know some other tool that performs MR on Cassandra? My
  impression is most tools were created to work on top of HDFS and reading
  from a nosql db is some kind of workaround.
  Third question is about how these tools work. Most of them writtes mapped
  data on a intermediate storage, then data is shuffled and sorted, then
 it is
  reduced. Even when using CqlPagingInputFormat, if you are using hadoop it
  will write files to HDFS after the mapping phase, shuffle and sort this
  data, and then reduce it.
  I wonder if a tool supporting Cassandra out of the box wouldn't be
  Is it faster to write all your data to a file and then sorting it, or
  inserting data and already indexing it, as it happens when you store
 data in
  a Cassandra CF? I didn't do the calculations to check the complexity of
  one, what should consider no index in Cassandra would be really large, as
  the maximum index size will always depend on the maximum capacity of a
  single host, but my guess is that a map / reduce tool written
  to Cassandra, from the beggining, could perform much better than a tool
  written to HDFS and adapted. I hear people saying Map/Reduce on
  Cassandra/HBase is usually 30% slower than M/R in HDFS. Does it really
  sense? Should we expect a result like this?
  Final question: Do you think writting a new M/R tool like described
 would be
  reinventing the wheel? Or it makes sense?
  Thanks in advance. Any opinions about this subject will be very
  Best regards,
  Marcelo Valle.

 Jon Haddad
 skype: rustyrazorblade

Re: map reduce for Cassandra

2014-07-21 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

By what I have read in the docs, Python API has some limitations yet, not
being possible to use any hadoop binary input format.

The python example for Cassandra is only in the master branch:

I may be lacking knowledge of Spark, but if I understood it correctly, the
access to Cassandra data is still made by the CqlPagingInputFormat, from
hadoop integration.

Here is where I ask: even if Spark supports Cassandra, will it be fast

My understanding (please some correct me if I am wrong) is that when you
insert N items in a Cassandra CF, you are executing N binary searches to
insert the item already indexed by a key. When you read the data, it's
already sorted. So you take O(N * log(N)) (binary search complexity to
insert all data already sorted.

However, by using a fast sort algorithm, you also take O(N * log(N)) to
sort the data after ir was inserted, but then using more IO.

If I write a job in Spark / Java with Cassandra, how will the mapped data
be stored and sorted? Will it be stored in Cassandra too? Will spark run
sort after the mapping?

Best regards,

2014-07-21 14:06 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad

 I haven't tried pyspark yet, but it's part of the distribution.  My
 main language is Python too, so I intend on getting deep into it.

 On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
  Hi Jonathan,
  Do you know if this RDD can be used with Python? AFAIK, python +
  will be supported just in the next version, but I would like to be
  Best regards,
  Marcelo Valle.
  2014-07-21 13:06 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad
  Hey Marcelo,
  You should check out spark.  It intelligently deals with a lot of the
  issues you're mentioning.  Al Tobey did a walkthrough of how to set up
  the OSS side of things here:
  It'll be less work than writing a M/R framework from scratch :)
  On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 8:24 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
   I have the need to executing a map/reduce job to identity data stored
   Cassandra before indexing this data to Elastic Search.
   I have already used ColumnFamilyInputFormat (before start using CQL)
   write hadoop jobs to do that, but I use to have a lot of troubles to
   tunning, as hadoop depends on how map tasks are split in order to
   successfull execute things in parallel, for IO/bound processes.
   First question is: Am I the only one having problems with that? Is
   else using hadoop jobs that reads from Cassandra in production?
   Second question is about the alternatives. I saw new version spark
   Cassandra support, but using CqlPagingInputFormat, from hadoop. I
   use HIVE with Cassandra community, but it seems it only works with
   Enterprise and doesn't do more than FB presto (,
   we have been using reading from Cassandra and so far it has been great
   SQL-like queries. For custom map reduce jobs, however, it is not
   Does anyone know some other tool that performs MR on Cassandra? My
   impression is most tools were created to work on top of HDFS and
   from a nosql db is some kind of workaround.
   Third question is about how these tools work. Most of them writtes
   data on a intermediate storage, then data is shuffled and sorted, then
   it is
   reduced. Even when using CqlPagingInputFormat, if you are using hadoop
   will write files to HDFS after the mapping phase, shuffle and sort
   data, and then reduce it.
   I wonder if a tool supporting Cassandra out of the box wouldn't be
   Is it faster to write all your data to a file and then sorting it, or
   inserting data and already indexing it, as it happens when you store
   data in
   a Cassandra CF? I didn't do the calculations to check the complexity
   one, what should consider no index in Cassandra would be really large,
   the maximum index size will always depend on the maximum capacity of a
   single host, but my guess is that a map / reduce tool written
   to Cassandra, from the beggining, could perform much better than a
   written to HDFS and adapted. I hear people saying Map/Reduce on
   Cassandra/HBase is usually 30% slower than M/R in HDFS. Does it really
   sense? Should we expect a result like this?
   Final question: Do you think writting a new M/R tool like described
   would be
   reinventing the wheel? Or it makes sense?
   Thanks in advance. Any opinions about this subject will be very
   Best regards,
   Marcelo Valle.
  Jon Haddad

Re: map reduce for Cassandra

2014-07-21 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Hi Robert,

First of all, thanks for answering.

2014-07-21 20:18 GMT-03:00 Robert Coli

 You're wrong, unless you're talking about insertion into a memtable, which
 you probably aren't and which probably doesn't actually work that way
 enough to be meaningful.

 On disk, Cassandra has immutable datafiles, from which row fragments are
 merged into a row at read time. I'm pretty sure the rest of the stuff you
 said doesn't make any sense in light of this?

Although several sstables (disk fragments) may have the same row key,
inside a single sstable row keys and column keys are indexed, right?
Otherwise, doing a GET in Cassandra would take some time.
From the M/R perspective, I was reffering to the mem table, as I am trying
to compare the time to insert in Cassandra against the time of sorting in

To make it more clear: hadoop has it's own partitioner, which is used after
the map phase. The map output is written locally on each hadoop node, then
it's shuffled from one node to the other (see slide 17 in this
presentation: In
other words, you may read Cassandra data on hadoop, but the intermediate
results are still stored in HDFS.

Instead of using hadoop partitioner, I would like to store the intermediate
results in a Cassandra CF, so the map output would go directly to an
intermediate column family via batch inserts, instead of being written to a
local disk first, then shuffled to the right node.

Therefore, the mapper would write it's output the same way all data enters
in Cassandra: first on a memtable, then being flush to a sstable, then read
during the reduce phase.

Shouldn't it be faster than storing intermediate results in HDFS?

Best regards,

Re: map reduce for Cassandra

2014-07-21 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

 But if you are only relying on memtables to sort writes, that seems like a
 pretty heavyweight reason to use Cassandra?

Actually, it's not a reason to use Cassandra. I already use Cassandra and I
need to map reduce data from it. I am trying to see a reason to use the
conventional M/R tools or to build a tool specific to Cassandra.

but Cassandra, as a datastore with immutable data files, is not typically a
 good choice for short lived intermediate result sets...

Indeed, but so far I am seeing it as the best option. I storing this
intermediate files in HDFS is better, then I agree there is no reason to
consider Cassandra to do it.

are you planning to use DSE?

Our company will probably hire DSE support when it reaches some size, but
DSE as a product doesn't seem interesting to our case so far. The only tool
that would help be at this moment would be HIVE, but honestly I didn't like
the way DSE supports hive and I don't want to use a solution not available
to DSC (see
for details).


2014-07-21 22:09 GMT-03:00 Robert Coli

 On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 5:45 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 Although several sstables (disk fragments) may have the same row key,
 inside a single sstable row keys and column keys are indexed, right?
 Otherwise, doing a GET in Cassandra would take some time.
 From the M/R perspective, I was reffering to the mem table, as I am
 trying to compare the time to insert in Cassandra against the time of
 sorting in hadoop.

 I was confused, because unless you are using new in-memory
 columnfamilies, which I believe are only available in DSE, there is no way
 to ensure that any given row stays in a memtable. Very rarely is there a
 view of the function of a memtable that only cares about its properties and
 not the closely related properties of SSTables. However yours is one of
 them, I see now why your question makes sense, you only care about the
 memtable for how quickly it sorts.

 But if you are only relying on memtables to sort writes, that seems like a
 pretty heavyweight reason to use Cassandra?

 I'm certainly not an expert in this area of Cassandra... but Cassandra, as
 a datastore with immutable data files, is not typically a good choice for
 short lived intermediate result sets... are you planning to use DSE?


Re: Batch of prepared statements exceeding specified threshold

2014-06-30 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I think it's a bit late for this reply, but anyway...
We hired support from to solve our problem and
thanks to them we were able to solve our issue as well.
What was causing this behavior was a large query being executed by mistake
in our code.
It was needed to open the java heap with Cassandra source and find the
query taking the large amount of memory.
Lesson learned to me: Cassandra support is something really needed and
useful, it's not like Oracle's, IBM, etc...

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

2014-06-20 18:15 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 Ok, in my case it was straightforward. It is just warning, which however
 says that batches with large data size (above 5Kb) can sometimes lead to
 node instability (why?). This limit seems to be hard-coded, I didn't find
 anyway to configure it externally. Anyway, removing batch and giving up
 atomicity, resolved the issue for me.

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Pavel Kogan

 Logged batch.

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:13 PM, DuyHai Doan

 I think some figures from nodetool tpstats and nodetool
 compactionstats may help seeing clearer

 And Pavel, when you said batch, did you mean LOGGED batch or UNLOGGED
 batch ?

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 8:02 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 If you have 32 Gb RAM, the heap is probably 8Gb.
 200 writes of 100 kb / s would be 20MB / s in the worst case, supposing
 all writes of a replica goes to a single node.
 I really don't see any reason why it should be filling up the heap.
 Anyone else?

 But did you check the logs for the GCInspector?
 In my case, nodes are falling because of the heap, in your case, maybe
 it's something else.
 Do you see increased times when looking for GCInspector in the logs?


 2014-06-20 14:51 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 Hi Marcelo,

 No pending write tasks, I am writing a lot, about 100-200 writes each
 up to 100Kb every 15[s].
 It is running on decent cluster of 5 identical nodes, quad cores i7
 with 32Gb RAM and 480Gb SSD.


 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 In my case, the heap was filling up faster than it was draining. I am
 still looking for the cause of it, as I could drain really fast with SSD.

 However, in your case you could check (AFAIK) nodetool tpstats and
 see if there are too many pending write tasks, for instance. Maybe you
 really are writting more than the nodes are able to flush to disk.

 How many writes per second are you achieving?

 Also, I would look for GCInspector in the log:

 cat system.log* | grep GCInspector | wc -l
 tail -1000 system.log | grep GCInspector

 Do you see it running a lot? Is it taking much more time to run each
 time it runs?

 I am no Cassandra expert, but I would try these things first and post
 the results here. Maybe other people in the list have more ideas.

 Best regards,

 2014-06-20 8:50 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 The cluster is new, so no updates were done. Version 2.0.8.
 It happened when I did many writes (no reads). Writes are done in
 small batches of 2 inserts (writing to 2 column families). The values 
 big blobs (up to 100Kb).

 Any clues?


 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 Out of curiosity, did it start to happen before some update? Which
 version of Cassandra are you using?


 2014-06-19 16:10 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 What a coincidence! Today happened in my cluster of 7 nodes as


 On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 I have a 10 node cluster with cassandra 2.0.8.

 I am taking this exceptions in the log when I run my code. What
 my code does is just reading data from a CF and in some cases it 
 writes new

  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:553] 2014-06-18 11:04:51,391 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 1045.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:583] 2014-06-18 11:05:01,152 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 16146.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:581] 2014-06-18 11:05:20,229 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 17858.
  INFO [MemoryMeter:1] 2014-06-18 11:05:32,682 (line

Re: Best way to do a multi_get using CQL

2014-06-20 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Yes, I am using the CQL datastax drivers.
It was a good advice, thanks a lot Janathan.

2014-06-20 0:28 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad

 The only case in which it might be better to use an IN clause is if
 the entire query can be satisfied from that machine.  Otherwise, go

 The native driver reuses connections and intelligently manages the
 pool for you.  It can also multiplex queries over a single connection.

 I am assuming you're using one of the datastax drivers for CQL, btw.


 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 7:37 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
  This is interesting, I didn't know that!
  It might make sense then to use select = + async + token aware, I will
  to change my code.
  But would it be a recomended solution for these cases? Any other
  I still would if this is the right use case for Cassandra, to look for
  random keys in a huge cluster. After all, the amount of connections to
  Cassandra will still be huge, right... Wouldn't it be a problem?
  Or when you use async the driver reuses the connection?
  2014-06-19 22:16 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad
  If you use async and your driver is token aware, it will go to the
  proper node, rather than requiring the coordinator to do so.
  Realistically you're going to have a connection open to every server
  anyways.  It's the difference between you querying for the data
  directly and using a coordinator as a proxy.  It's faster to just ask
  the node with the data.
  On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
   But using async queries wouldn't be even worse than using SELECT IN?
   The justification in the docs is I could query many nodes, but I would
   do it.
   Today, I use both async queries AND SELECT IN:
   name=%s and value in(%s)
   for name, values in identifiers.items():
  query = self.SELECT_ENTITY_LOOKUP % ('%s',
  args = [name] + values
  query_msg = query % tuple(args)
  futures.append((query_msg, self.session.execute_async(query,
   for query_msg, future in futures:
 rows = future.result(timeout=10)
 for row in rows:
 logging.error(Query '%s' returned ERROR  % (query_msg))
   Using async just with select = would mean instead of 1 async query
   in (0, 1, 2)), I would do several, one for each value of values
   In my head, this would mean more connections to Cassandra and the same
   amount of work, right? What would be the advantage?
   2014-06-19 22:01 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad
   Your other option is to fire off async queries.  It's pretty
   straightforward w/ the java or python drivers.
   On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
I was taking a look at Cassandra anti-patterns list:
Among then is
SELECT ... IN or index lookups¶
SELECT ... IN and index lookups (formerly secondary indexes) should
avoided except for specific scenarios. See When not to use IN in
When not to use an index in Indexing in
CQL for Cassandra 2.0
And Looking at the SELECT doc, I saw:
When not to use IN¶
The recommendations about when not to use an index apply to using
WHERE clause. Under most conditions, using IN in the WHERE clause
recommended. Using IN can degrade performance because usually many
must be queried. For example, in a single, local data center
30 nodes, a replication factor of 3, and a consistency level of
LOCAL_QUORUM, a single key query goes out to two nodes, but if the
uses the IN condition, the number of nodes being queried are most
even higher, up to 20 nodes depending on where the keys fall in the
In my system, I have a column family called entity_lookup:
  WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
  'DC1' : 3 };
USE Identification1;
  name varchar,
  value varchar,
  entity_id uuid,
  PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id));
And I use the following select to query it:
SELECT entity_id FROM entity_lookup WHERE name=%s and value in(%s)
Is this an anti-pattern?
If not using SELECT IN, which other way would you recomend for
that? I have

Re: Batch of prepared statements exceeding specified threshold

2014-06-20 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

In my case, the heap was filling up faster than it was draining. I am still
looking for the cause of it, as I could drain really fast with SSD.

However, in your case you could check (AFAIK) nodetool tpstats and see if
there are too many pending write tasks, for instance. Maybe you really are
writting more than the nodes are able to flush to disk.

How many writes per second are you achieving?

Also, I would look for GCInspector in the log:

cat system.log* | grep GCInspector | wc -l
tail -1000 system.log | grep GCInspector

Do you see it running a lot? Is it taking much more time to run each time
it runs?

I am no Cassandra expert, but I would try these things first and post the
results here. Maybe other people in the list have more ideas.

Best regards,

2014-06-20 8:50 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 The cluster is new, so no updates were done. Version 2.0.8.
 It happened when I did many writes (no reads). Writes are done in small
 batches of 2 inserts (writing to 2 column families). The values are big
 blobs (up to 100Kb).

 Any clues?


 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 Out of curiosity, did it start to happen before some update? Which
 version of Cassandra are you using?


 2014-06-19 16:10 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 What a coincidence! Today happened in my cluster of 7 nodes as well.


 On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 I have a 10 node cluster with cassandra 2.0.8.

 I am taking this exceptions in the log when I run my code. What my code
 does is just reading data from a CF and in some cases it writes new data.

  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:553] 2014-06-18 11:04:51,391 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 6165,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 1045.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:583] 2014-06-18 11:05:01,152 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 21266,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 16146.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:581] 2014-06-18 11:05:20,229 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 22978,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 17858.
  INFO [MemoryMeter:1] 2014-06-18 11:05:32,682 (line 481)
 CFS(Keyspace='OpsCenter', ColumnFamily='rollups300') liveRatio is
 14.249755859375 (just-counted was 9.85302734375).  calculation took 3ms for
 1024 cells

 After some time, one node of the cluster goes down. Then it goes back
 after some seconds and another node goes down. It keeps happening and there
 is always a node down in the cluster, when it goes back another one falls.

 The only exceptions I see in the log is connected reset by the peer,
 which seems to be relative to gossip protocol, when a node goes down.

 Any hint of what could I do to investigate this problem further?

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Valle.

Re: Best way to do a multi_get using CQL

2014-06-20 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
A question, not sure if you guys know the answer:
Supose I async query 1000 rows using token aware and suppose I have 10
nodes. Suppose also each node would receive 100 row queries each.
How does async work in this case? Would it send each row query to each node
in a different connection? Different message?
I guess if there was a way to use batch with async, once you commit the
batch for the 1000 queries, it would create 1 connection to each host and
query 100 rows in a single message to each host.
This would decrease resource usage, am I wrong?


2014-06-20 12:12 GMT-03:00 Jeremy Jongsma

 I've found that if you have any amount of latency between your client and
 nodes, and you are executing a large batch of queries, you'll usually want
 to send them together to one node unless execution time is of no concern.
 The tradeoff is resource usage on the connected node vs. time to complete
 all the queries, because you'll need fewer client - node network round

 With large numbers of queries you will still want to make sure you split
 them into manageable batches before sending them, to control memory usage
 on the executing node. I've been limiting queries to batches of 100 keys in
 scenarios like this.

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 5:59 AM, Laing, Michael

 However my extensive benchmarking this week of the python driver from
 master shows a performance *decrease* when using 'token_aware'.

 This is on 12-node, 2-datacenter, RF-3 cluster in AWS.

 Also why do the work the coordinator will do for you: send all the
 queries, wait for everything to come back in whatever order, and sort the

 I would rather keep my app code simple.

 But the real point is that you should benchmark in your own environment.


 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 3:29 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 Yes, I am using the CQL datastax drivers.
 It was a good advice, thanks a lot Janathan.

 2014-06-20 0:28 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad

 The only case in which it might be better to use an IN clause is if
 the entire query can be satisfied from that machine.  Otherwise, go

 The native driver reuses connections and intelligently manages the
 pool for you.  It can also multiplex queries over a single connection.

 I am assuming you're using one of the datastax drivers for CQL, btw.


 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 7:37 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
  This is interesting, I didn't know that!
  It might make sense then to use select = + async + token aware, I
 will try
  to change my code.
  But would it be a recomended solution for these cases? Any other
  I still would if this is the right use case for Cassandra, to look for
  random keys in a huge cluster. After all, the amount of connections to
  Cassandra will still be huge, right... Wouldn't it be a problem?
  Or when you use async the driver reuses the connection?
  2014-06-19 22:16 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad
  If you use async and your driver is token aware, it will go to the
  proper node, rather than requiring the coordinator to do so.
  Realistically you're going to have a connection open to every server
  anyways.  It's the difference between you querying for the data
  directly and using a coordinator as a proxy.  It's faster to just ask
  the node with the data.
  On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
   But using async queries wouldn't be even worse than using SELECT
   The justification in the docs is I could query many nodes, but I
   do it.
   Today, I use both async queries AND SELECT IN:
   name=%s and value in(%s)
   for name, values in identifiers.items():
  query = self.SELECT_ENTITY_LOOKUP % ('%s',
  args = [name] + values
  query_msg = query % tuple(args)
  futures.append((query_msg, self.session.execute_async(query,
   for query_msg, future in futures:
 rows = future.result(timeout=10)
 for row in rows:
 logging.error(Query '%s' returned ERROR  % (query_msg))
   Using async just with select = would mean instead of 1 async query
   in (0, 1, 2)), I would do several, one for each value of values
   In my head, this would mean more connections to Cassandra and the
   amount of work, right? What would be the advantage?
   2014-06-19 22:01 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad
   Your other option is to fire off async queries.  It's pretty
   straightforward w/ the java or python drivers.
   On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle

Re: Batch of prepared statements exceeding specified threshold

2014-06-20 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
If you have 32 Gb RAM, the heap is probably 8Gb.
200 writes of 100 kb / s would be 20MB / s in the worst case, supposing all
writes of a replica goes to a single node.
I really don't see any reason why it should be filling up the heap.
Anyone else?

But did you check the logs for the GCInspector?
In my case, nodes are falling because of the heap, in your case, maybe it's
something else.
Do you see increased times when looking for GCInspector in the logs?


2014-06-20 14:51 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 Hi Marcelo,

 No pending write tasks, I am writing a lot, about 100-200 writes each up
 to 100Kb every 15[s].
 It is running on decent cluster of 5 identical nodes, quad cores i7 with
 32Gb RAM and 480Gb SSD.


 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 In my case, the heap was filling up faster than it was draining. I am
 still looking for the cause of it, as I could drain really fast with SSD.

 However, in your case you could check (AFAIK) nodetool tpstats and see if
 there are too many pending write tasks, for instance. Maybe you really are
 writting more than the nodes are able to flush to disk.

 How many writes per second are you achieving?

 Also, I would look for GCInspector in the log:

 cat system.log* | grep GCInspector | wc -l
 tail -1000 system.log | grep GCInspector

 Do you see it running a lot? Is it taking much more time to run each time
 it runs?

 I am no Cassandra expert, but I would try these things first and post the
 results here. Maybe other people in the list have more ideas.

 Best regards,

 2014-06-20 8:50 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 The cluster is new, so no updates were done. Version 2.0.8.
 It happened when I did many writes (no reads). Writes are done in small
 batches of 2 inserts (writing to 2 column families). The values are big
 blobs (up to 100Kb).

 Any clues?


 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 8:07 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 Out of curiosity, did it start to happen before some update? Which
 version of Cassandra are you using?


 2014-06-19 16:10 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 What a coincidence! Today happened in my cluster of 7 nodes as well.


 On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 I have a 10 node cluster with cassandra 2.0.8.

 I am taking this exceptions in the log when I run my code. What my
 code does is just reading data from a CF and in some cases it writes new

  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:553] 2014-06-18 11:04:51,391 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 6165,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 1045.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:583] 2014-06-18 11:05:01,152 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 21266,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 16146.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:581] 2014-06-18 11:05:20,229 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 22978,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 17858.
  INFO [MemoryMeter:1] 2014-06-18 11:05:32,682 (line
 481) CFS(Keyspace='OpsCenter', ColumnFamily='rollups300') liveRatio is
 14.249755859375 (just-counted was 9.85302734375).  calculation took 3ms 
 1024 cells

 After some time, one node of the cluster goes down. Then it goes back
 after some seconds and another node goes down. It keeps happening and 
 is always a node down in the cluster, when it goes back another one 

 The only exceptions I see in the log is connected reset by the
 peer, which seems to be relative to gossip protocol, when a node goes 

 Any hint of what could I do to investigate this problem further?

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Valle.

Re: Custom snitch classpath?

2014-06-20 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
This is nice!
I was looking for something like this to implement a multi DC cluster
between OVh and Amazon.
Thanks for sharing!

2014-06-20 15:35 GMT-03:00 Jeremy Jongsma

 Sharing in case anyone else wants to use this:

 Basically it is a proxy that attempts to use GossipingPropertyFileSnitch,
 and it that fails to initialize due to missing rack or datacenter
 values, it falls back to Ec2MultiRegionSnitch. We are using it for hybrid
 cloud deployments between AWS and our private datacenter.

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:

 The lib directory (where all the other jars are).  bin/
 does this:

 for jar in $CASSANDRA_HOME/lib/*.jar; do

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Jeremy Jongsma

 Where do I add my custom snitch JAR to the Cassandra classpath so I can
 use it?

 Tyler Hobbs

Re: Best way to do a multi_get using CQL

2014-06-20 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
I am using python + CQL Driver.
I wonder how they do...
These things seems little important, but they are fundamental to get a good
performance in Cassandra...
I wish there was a simpler way to query in batches. Opening a large amount
of connections and sending 1 message at a time seems bad to me, as
sometimes you want to work with small rows.
It's no surprise Cassandra performs better when we use average row sizes.
But honestly I disagree with this part of Cassandra/Driver's design.

2014-06-20 14:37 GMT-03:00 Jeremy Jongsma

 That depends on the connection pooling implementation in your driver.
 Astyanax will keep N connections open to each node (configurable) and route
 each query in a separate message over an existing connection, waiting until
 one becomes available if all are in use.

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 A question, not sure if you guys know the answer:
 Supose I async query 1000 rows using token aware and suppose I have 10
 nodes. Suppose also each node would receive 100 row queries each.
 How does async work in this case? Would it send each row query to each
 node in a different connection? Different message?
 I guess if there was a way to use batch with async, once you commit the
 batch for the 1000 queries, it would create 1 connection to each host and
 query 100 rows in a single message to each host.
 This would decrease resource usage, am I wrong?


 2014-06-20 12:12 GMT-03:00 Jeremy Jongsma

 I've found that if you have any amount of latency between your client and
 nodes, and you are executing a large batch of queries, you'll usually want
 to send them together to one node unless execution time is of no concern.
 The tradeoff is resource usage on the connected node vs. time to complete
 all the queries, because you'll need fewer client - node network round

 With large numbers of queries you will still want to make sure you split
 them into manageable batches before sending them, to control memory usage
 on the executing node. I've been limiting queries to batches of 100 keys in
 scenarios like this.

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 5:59 AM, Laing, Michael wrote:

 However my extensive benchmarking this week of the python driver from
 master shows a performance *decrease* when using 'token_aware'.

 This is on 12-node, 2-datacenter, RF-3 cluster in AWS.

 Also why do the work the coordinator will do for you: send all the
 queries, wait for everything to come back in whatever order, and sort the

 I would rather keep my app code simple.

 But the real point is that you should benchmark in your own environment.


 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 3:29 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 Yes, I am using the CQL datastax drivers.
 It was a good advice, thanks a lot Janathan.

 2014-06-20 0:28 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad

 The only case in which it might be better to use an IN clause is if
 the entire query can be satisfied from that machine.  Otherwise, go

 The native driver reuses connections and intelligently manages the
 pool for you.  It can also multiplex queries over a single connection.

 I am assuming you're using one of the datastax drivers for CQL, btw.


 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 7:37 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
  This is interesting, I didn't know that!
  It might make sense then to use select = + async + token aware, I
 will try
  to change my code.
  But would it be a recomended solution for these cases? Any other
  I still would if this is the right use case for Cassandra, to look
  random keys in a huge cluster. After all, the amount of connections
  Cassandra will still be huge, right... Wouldn't it be a problem?
  Or when you use async the driver reuses the connection?
  2014-06-19 22:16 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad
  If you use async and your driver is token aware, it will go to the
  proper node, rather than requiring the coordinator to do so.
  Realistically you're going to have a connection open to every
  anyways.  It's the difference between you querying for the data
  directly and using a coordinator as a proxy.  It's faster to just
  the node with the data.
  On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
   But using async queries wouldn't be even worse than using SELECT
   The justification in the docs is I could query many nodes, but I
   do it.
   Today, I use both async queries AND SELECT IN:
   name=%s and value in(%s)
   for name, values in identifiers.items():
  query = self.SELECT_ENTITY_LOOKUP % ('%s',
  args = [name] + values

Re: Batch of prepared statements exceeding specified threshold

2014-06-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
-06-19 19:45:59,412 (line
116) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 36616 ms for 2 collections, 8494231408
used; max is 8506048512
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2014-06-19 19:47:27,072 (line
116) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 87408 ms for 5 collections, 8497634840
used; max is 8506048512
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2014-06-19 19:48:03,811 (line
116) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 36654 ms for 2 collections, 8499869936
used; max is 8506048512
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2014-06-19 19:50:15,419 (line
116) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 131381 ms for 7 collections, 8504981328
used; max is 8506048512
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2014-06-19 19:52:05,398 (line
116) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 109789 ms for 6 collections, 8505124200
used; max is 8506048512
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2014-06-19 19:54:25,825 (line
116) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 140241 ms for 8 collections, 8503231888
used; max is 8506048512
 INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2014-06-19 19:56:13,206 (line
116) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 106587 ms for 7 collections, 784762904
used; max is 8506048512

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

2014-06-19 16:10 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 What a coincidence! Today happened in my cluster of 7 nodes as well.


 On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 I have a 10 node cluster with cassandra 2.0.8.

 I am taking this exceptions in the log when I run my code. What my code
 does is just reading data from a CF and in some cases it writes new data.

  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:553] 2014-06-18 11:04:51,391 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 6165,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 1045.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:583] 2014-06-18 11:05:01,152 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 21266,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 16146.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:581] 2014-06-18 11:05:20,229 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 22978,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 17858.
  INFO [MemoryMeter:1] 2014-06-18 11:05:32,682 (line 481)
 CFS(Keyspace='OpsCenter', ColumnFamily='rollups300') liveRatio is
 14.249755859375 (just-counted was 9.85302734375).  calculation took 3ms for
 1024 cells

 After some time, one node of the cluster goes down. Then it goes back
 after some seconds and another node goes down. It keeps happening and there
 is always a node down in the cluster, when it goes back another one falls.

 The only exceptions I see in the log is connected reset by the peer,
 which seems to be relative to gossip protocol, when a node goes down.

 Any hint of what could I do to investigate this problem further?

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Valle.

Re: Batch of prepared statements exceeding specified threshold

2014-06-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

Out of curiosity, did it start to happen before some update? Which version
of Cassandra are you using?


2014-06-19 16:10 GMT-03:00 Pavel Kogan

 What a coincidence! Today happened in my cluster of 7 nodes as well.


 On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 I have a 10 node cluster with cassandra 2.0.8.

 I am taking this exceptions in the log when I run my code. What my code
 does is just reading data from a CF and in some cases it writes new data.

  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:553] 2014-06-18 11:04:51,391 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 6165,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 1045.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:583] 2014-06-18 11:05:01,152 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 21266,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 16146.
  WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:581] 2014-06-18 11:05:20,229 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
 [identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 22978,
 exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 17858.
  INFO [MemoryMeter:1] 2014-06-18 11:05:32,682 (line 481)
 CFS(Keyspace='OpsCenter', ColumnFamily='rollups300') liveRatio is
 14.249755859375 (just-counted was 9.85302734375).  calculation took 3ms for
 1024 cells

 After some time, one node of the cluster goes down. Then it goes back
 after some seconds and another node goes down. It keeps happening and there
 is always a node down in the cluster, when it goes back another one falls.

 The only exceptions I see in the log is connected reset by the peer,
 which seems to be relative to gossip protocol, when a node goes down.

 Any hint of what could I do to investigate this problem further?

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Valle.

Best way to do a multi_get using CQL

2014-06-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
I was taking a look at Cassandra anti-patterns list:

Among then is

SELECT ... IN or index lookups¶

SELECT ... IN and index lookups (formerly secondary indexes) should be
avoided except for specific scenarios. See *When not to use IN* in SELECT
 and *When not to use an index* in Indexing
*CQL for Cassandra 2.0*

And Looking at the SELECT doc, I saw:
When *not* to use IN¶
The recommendations about when not to use an index
 apply to using IN in the WHERE clause. Under most conditions, using IN in
the WHERE clause is not recommended. Using IN can degrade performance
because usually many nodes must be queried. For example, in a single, local
data center cluster having 30 nodes, a replication factor of 3, and a
consistency level of LOCAL_QUORUM, a single key query goes out to two
nodes, but if the query uses the IN condition, the number of nodes being
queried are most likely even higher, up to 20 nodes depending on where the
keys fall in the token range.

In my system, I have a column family called entity_lookup:

  WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
  'DC1' : 3 };
USE Identification1;

  name varchar,
  value varchar,
  entity_id uuid,
  PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id));

And I use the following select to query it:

SELECT entity_id FROM entity_lookup WHERE name=%s and value in(%s)

Is this an anti-pattern?

If not using SELECT IN, which other way would you recomend for lookups like
that? I have several values I would like to search in cassandra and they
might not be in the same particion, as above.

Is Cassandra the wrong tool for lookups like that?

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

Re: Best way to do a multi_get using CQL

2014-06-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
But using async queries wouldn't be even worse than using SELECT IN?
The justification in the docs is I could query many nodes, but I would
still do it.

Today, I use both async queries AND SELECT IN:

name=%s and value in(%s)

for name, values in identifiers.items():
   query = self.SELECT_ENTITY_LOOKUP % ('%s', ','.join(['%s']*len(values)))
   args = [name] + values
   query_msg = query % tuple(args)
   futures.append((query_msg, self.session.execute_async(query, args)))

for query_msg, future in futures:
  rows = future.result(timeout=10)
  for row in rows:
  logging.error(Query '%s' returned ERROR  % (query_msg))

Using async just with select = would mean instead of 1 async query
(example: in (0, 1, 2)), I would do several, one for each value of values
array above.
In my head, this would mean more connections to Cassandra and the same
amount of work, right? What would be the advantage?


2014-06-19 22:01 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad

 Your other option is to fire off async queries.  It's pretty
 straightforward w/ the java or python drivers.

 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
  I was taking a look at Cassandra anti-patterns list:
  Among then is
  SELECT ... IN or index lookups¶
  SELECT ... IN and index lookups (formerly secondary indexes) should be
  avoided except for specific scenarios. See When not to use IN in SELECT
  When not to use an index in Indexing in
  CQL for Cassandra 2.0
  And Looking at the SELECT doc, I saw:
  When not to use IN¶
  The recommendations about when not to use an index apply to using IN in
  WHERE clause. Under most conditions, using IN in the WHERE clause is not
  recommended. Using IN can degrade performance because usually many nodes
  must be queried. For example, in a single, local data center cluster
  30 nodes, a replication factor of 3, and a consistency level of
  LOCAL_QUORUM, a single key query goes out to two nodes, but if the query
  uses the IN condition, the number of nodes being queried are most likely
  even higher, up to 20 nodes depending on where the keys fall in the token
  In my system, I have a column family called entity_lookup:
WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
'DC1' : 3 };
  USE Identification1;
  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entity_lookup (
name varchar,
value varchar,
entity_id uuid,
PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id));
  And I use the following select to query it:
  SELECT entity_id FROM entity_lookup WHERE name=%s and value in(%s)
  Is this an anti-pattern?
  If not using SELECT IN, which other way would you recomend for lookups
  that? I have several values I would like to search in cassandra and they
  might not be in the same particion, as above.
  Is Cassandra the wrong tool for lookups like that?
  Best regards,
  Marcelo Valle.

 Jon Haddad
 skype: rustyrazorblade

Re: Best way to do a multi_get using CQL

2014-06-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
This is interesting, I didn't know that!
It might make sense then to use select = + async + token aware, I will try
to change my code.

But would it be a recomended solution for these cases? Any other options?

I still would if this is the right use case for Cassandra, to look for
random keys in a huge cluster. After all, the amount of connections to
Cassandra will still be huge, right... Wouldn't it be a problem?
Or when you use async the driver reuses the connection?


2014-06-19 22:16 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad

 If you use async and your driver is token aware, it will go to the
 proper node, rather than requiring the coordinator to do so.

 Realistically you're going to have a connection open to every server
 anyways.  It's the difference between you querying for the data
 directly and using a coordinator as a proxy.  It's faster to just ask
 the node with the data.

 On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 6:11 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
  But using async queries wouldn't be even worse than using SELECT IN?
  The justification in the docs is I could query many nodes, but I would
  do it.
  Today, I use both async queries AND SELECT IN:
  name=%s and value in(%s)
  for name, values in identifiers.items():
 query = self.SELECT_ENTITY_LOOKUP % ('%s',
 args = [name] + values
 query_msg = query % tuple(args)
 futures.append((query_msg, self.session.execute_async(query, args)))
  for query_msg, future in futures:
rows = future.result(timeout=10)
for row in rows:
logging.error(Query '%s' returned ERROR  % (query_msg))
  Using async just with select = would mean instead of 1 async query
  in (0, 1, 2)), I would do several, one for each value of values array
  In my head, this would mean more connections to Cassandra and the same
  amount of work, right? What would be the advantage?
  2014-06-19 22:01 GMT-03:00 Jonathan Haddad
  Your other option is to fire off async queries.  It's pretty
  straightforward w/ the java or python drivers.
  On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
   I was taking a look at Cassandra anti-patterns list:

   Among then is
   SELECT ... IN or index lookups¶
   SELECT ... IN and index lookups (formerly secondary indexes) should be
   avoided except for specific scenarios. See When not to use IN in
   When not to use an index in Indexing in
   CQL for Cassandra 2.0
   And Looking at the SELECT doc, I saw:
   When not to use IN¶
   The recommendations about when not to use an index apply to using IN
   WHERE clause. Under most conditions, using IN in the WHERE clause is
   recommended. Using IN can degrade performance because usually many
   must be queried. For example, in a single, local data center cluster
   30 nodes, a replication factor of 3, and a consistency level of
   LOCAL_QUORUM, a single key query goes out to two nodes, but if the
   uses the IN condition, the number of nodes being queried are most
   even higher, up to 20 nodes depending on where the keys fall in the
   In my system, I have a column family called entity_lookup:
 WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
 'DC1' : 3 };
   USE Identification1;
   CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entity_lookup (
 name varchar,
 value varchar,
 entity_id uuid,
 PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id));
   And I use the following select to query it:
   SELECT entity_id FROM entity_lookup WHERE name=%s and value in(%s)
   Is this an anti-pattern?
   If not using SELECT IN, which other way would you recomend for lookups
   that? I have several values I would like to search in cassandra and
   might not be in the same particion, as above.
   Is Cassandra the wrong tool for lookups like that?
   Best regards,
   Marcelo Valle.
  Jon Haddad
  skype: rustyrazorblade

 Jon Haddad
 skype: rustyrazorblade

Re: incremental backups

2014-06-18 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Wouldn't be better to use nodetool clearsnapshot?

2014-06-14 17:38 GMT-03:00 S C

 I am thinking of rm file.db once the backup is complete. Any special
 cases to be careful about?

 Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 13:13:10 -0700
 Subject: Re: incremental backups

 You should delete the backup files once you have copied them off.
 Otherwise they will start to use disk space as the live SSTables diverge
 from the snapshots/incrementals.


 On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 10:17 AM, S C wrote:

 Is it ok to delete files from backups directory (hardlinks) once I have it
 copied over remotely? Any caution to take?


Batch of prepared statements exceeding specified threshold

2014-06-18 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
I have a 10 node cluster with cassandra 2.0.8.

I am taking this exceptions in the log when I run my code. What my code
does is just reading data from a CF and in some cases it writes new data.

 WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:553] 2014-06-18 11:04:51,391 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
[identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 6165,
exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 1045.
 WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:583] 2014-06-18 11:05:01,152 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
[identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 21266,
exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 16146.
 WARN [Native-Transport-Requests:581] 2014-06-18 11:05:20,229 (line 228) Batch of prepared statements for
[identification1.entity, identification1.entity_lookup] is of size 22978,
exceeding specified threshold of 5120 by 17858.
 INFO [MemoryMeter:1] 2014-06-18 11:05:32,682 (line 481)
CFS(Keyspace='OpsCenter', ColumnFamily='rollups300') liveRatio is
14.249755859375 (just-counted was 9.85302734375).  calculation took 3ms for
1024 cells

After some time, one node of the cluster goes down. Then it goes back after
some seconds and another node goes down. It keeps happening and there is
always a node down in the cluster, when it goes back another one falls.

The only exceptions I see in the log is connected reset by the peer,
which seems to be relative to gossip protocol, when a node goes down.

Any hint of what could I do to investigate this problem further?

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

Re: running out of diskspace during maintenance tasks

2014-06-18 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
AFAIK, when you run a repair a snapshot is created.
After the repair, I run nodetool clearsnapshot to save disk space.
Not sure it's you case or not.

2014-06-18 13:10 GMT-03:00 Brian Tarbox

 We do a repair -pr on each node once a week on a rolling basis.
 Should we be running cleanup as well?  My understanding that was only used
 after adding/removing nodes?

 We'd like to avoid adding nodes if possible (which might not be).   Still
 curious if we can get C* to do the maintenance task on a separate volume.


 On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 12:03 PM, Jeremy Jongsma

 One option is to add new nodes, and do a node repair/cleanup on
 everything. That will at least reduce your per-node data size.

 On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Brian Tarbox

 I'm running on AWS m2.2xlarge instances using the ~800 gig
 ephemeral/attached disk for my data directory.  My data size per node is
 nearing 400 gig.

 Sometimes during maintenance operations (repairs mostly I think) I run
 out of disk space as my understanding is that some of these operations
 require double the space of one's data.

 Since I can't change the size of attached storage for my instance type
 my question is can I somehow get these maintenance operations to use other

 Failing that, what are my options?  Thanks.

 Brian Tarbox

Re: error creating keyspace in cqlsh

2014-06-18 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Is replication_factor your DC name?

Here is what I would using:

  WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
  'DC1' : 3 };

But in my case, I am using GossipPropertyFileSnitch and DC1 is
configured there, so Cassandra knows which nodes are in DC1 (data
center 1). Which snitch are you using?

Best regards,

2014-06-18 23:54 GMT-03:00 Tim Dunphy

 hey all,

 I know that something pretty basic must be wrong here. But what is the
 mistake I'm making in creating this keyspace?

 cqlsh create keyspace animals with replication = { 'class':
 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};
 Bad Request: Error constructing replication strategy class


 GPG me!!

 gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F186197B

Re: migration to a new model

2014-06-05 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I will try to test it up to tomorrow and I will let you know all the

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

2014-06-04 22:28 GMT-03:00 Laing, Michael

 BTW you might want to put a LIMIT clause on your SELECT for testing. -ml

 On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 6:04 PM, Laing, Michael


 Here is a link to the preview of the python fast copy program:

 It will copy a table from one cluster to another with some
 transformation- they can be the same cluster.

 It has 3 main throttles to experiment with:

1. fetch_size: size of source pages in rows
2. worker_count: number of worker subprocesses
3. concurrency: number of async callback chains per worker subprocess

 It is easy to overrun Cassandra and the python driver, so I recommend
 starting with the defaults: fetch_size: 1000; worker_count: 2; concurrency:

 Additionally there are switches to set 'policies' by source and
 destination: retry (downgrade consistency), dc_aware, and token_aware.
 retry is useful if you are getting timeouts. For the others YMMV.

 To use it you need to define the SELECT and UPDATE cql statements as well
 as the 'map_fields' method.

 The worker subprocesses divide up the token range among themselves and
 proceed quasi-independently. Each worker opens a connection to each cluster
 and the driver sets up connection pools to the nodes in the cluster. Anyway
 there are a lot of processes, threads, callbacks going at once so it is fun
 to watch.

 On my regional cluster of small nodes in AWS I got about 3000 rows per
 second transferred after things warmed up a bit - each row about 6kb.


 On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Laing, Michael wrote:

 OK Marcelo, I'll work on it today. -ml

 On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 8:24 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 Hi Michael,

 For sure I would be interested in this program!

 I am new both to python and for cql. I started creating this copier,
 but was having problems with timeouts. Alex solved my problem here on the
 list, but I think I will still have a lot of trouble making the copy to
 work fine.

 I open sourced my version here:

 Just in case it's useful for anything.

 However, I saw CQL has support for concurrency itself and having
 something made by someone who knows Python CQL Driver better would be very

 My two servers today are at OVH (, we have servers at AWS but
 but several cases we prefer other hosts. Both servers have SDD and 64 Gb
 RAM, I could use the script as a benchmark for you if you want. Besides, we
 have some bigger clusters, I could run on the just to test the speed if
 this is going to help.


 2014-06-03 11:40 GMT-03:00 Laing, Michael

 Hi Marcelo,

 I could create a fast copy program by repurposing some python apps
 that I am using for benchmarking the python driver - do you still need 

 With high levels of concurrency and multiple subprocess workers, based
 on my current actual benchmarks, I think I can get well over 1,000
 rows/second on my mac and significantly more in AWS. I'm using variable
 size rows averaging 5kb.

 This would be the initial version of a piece of the benchmark suite we
 will release as part of our nyt⨍aбrik project on 21 June for my
 Cassandra Day NYC talk re the python driver.


 On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 Hi Jens,

 Thanks for trying to help.

 Indeed, I know I can't do it using just CQL. But what would you use
 to migrate data manually? I tried to create a python program using auto
 paging, but I am getting timeouts. I also tried Hive, but no success.
 I only have two nodes and less than 200Gb in this cluster, any simple
 way to extract the data quickly would be good enough for me.

 Best regards,

 2014-06-02 15:08 GMT-03:00 Jens Rantil

 Hi Marcelo,

 Looks like you can't do this without migrating your data manually:


 On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 I have some cql CFs in a 2 node Cassandra 2.0.8 cluster.

 I realized I created my column family with the wrong partition.
 Instead of:

   name varchar,
   value varchar,
   entity_id uuid,
   PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id))

 I used:

   name varchar,
   value varchar,
   entity_id uuid,
   PRIMARY KEY (name, value, entity_id))

 Now I need to migrate the data from the second CF to the first one.
 I am using Data Stax

Re: Cassandra 2.0 unbalanced ring with vnodes after adding new node

2014-06-05 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Actually, I have the same doubt. The same happens to me, but I guess it's
because of lack of knowledge in Cassandra vnodes, somehow...

I just added 3 nodes to my old 2 nodes cluster, now I have a 5 nodes

As rows should be in a node calculated by HASH / number of nodes, adding a
new node should move data from all other nodes to the new ones, right?
Considering I have an enough number of different row keys.

I noticed that:

   1. Even reading data with read consistency = ALL, I get the wrong
   results while the repair is not complete. Should this happen?
   2. I have run nodetool repair in each new node and nodetool cleanup in
   the 2 old nodes. There is some streaming happening, but it's really slow,
   considering my bandwith and use of SSDs.

What should I do make the data stream from the old nodes to the new ones

And everytime I add new nodes to the cluster I will have to stop my
processes that reads data from cassandra until the move is complete? Isn't
there any other way?

Best regards,

2014-06-04 13:52 GMT-03:00 Владимир Рудев

 Hello to everyone!

 Please, can someone explain where we made a mistake?

 We have cluster with 4 nodes which uses vnodes(256 per node, default
 settings), snitch is default on every node: SimpleSnitch.
 These four nodes was from beginning of a cluster.
 In this cluster we have keyspace with this options:
 Keyspace: K:
   Replication Strategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy
   Durable Writes: true
 Options: [replication_factor:3]

 All was normal and nodetool status K shows that each node owns 75% of all
 key range. All 4 nodes are located in same datacenter and have same first
 two bytes in IP address(others are different).

 Then we buy new server on different datacenter and add it to the cluster
 with same settings as in previous four nodes(difference only in
 listen_address), assuming that the effective own of each node for this
 keyspace will be 300/5=60% or near. But after 3-5 minutes after start nodetool
 status K show this:
 nodetool status K;
 Datacenter: datacenter1
 |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
 --  AddressLoad   Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID
 UN  N1   6,06 GB256 50.0%
 62f295b3-0da6-4854-a53a-f03d6b424b03  rack1
 UN  N2   5,89 GB256 50.0%
 af4e4a23-2610-44dd-9061-09c7a6512a54  rack1
 UN  N3   6,02 GB256 50.0%
 0f0e4e78-6fb2-479f-ad76-477006f76795  rack1
 UN  N4   5,8 GB 256 50.0%
 670344c0-9856-48cf-9ec9-1a98f9a89460  rack1
 UN  N5   7,51 GB256 100.0%
  82473d14-9e36-4ae7-86d2-a3e526efb53f  rack1

 N5 is newly added node

 nodetool repair -pr on N5 doesn't change anything

 nodetool describering K shows that new node N5 participate in EACH range.
 This is not we want at all.

 It looks like cassandra add new node to each range because it located in
 different datacenter, but all settings and output are exactly prevent this.

 Also interesting point is that while in all config files snitch is defined
 as SimpleSnitch the output of the command nodetool describecluster is:
 Cluster Information:
 Name: Some Cluster Name
 Snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.*DynamicEndpointSnitch*
 Partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
 Schema versions:
 26b8fa37-e666-31ed-aa3b-85be75f2aa1a: [N1, N2, N3, N4, N5]

 We use Cassandra 2.0.6

 Questions we have at this moment:
 1. How to rebalance ring so all nodes will own 60% of range?
1a. Removing node from cluster and adding it again is a solution?
 2. Where we possibly make a mistake when adding new node?
 3. If we add new 6th node to ring it will take 50% from N5 or some portion
 from each node?

 Thanks in advance!

 С уважением,
 Владимир Рудев
 (With regards, Vladimir Rudev)

Re: python cql driver - cassandra.ReadTimeout - “Operation timed out - received only 1 responses.”

2014-06-03 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Indeed Alex, the problem was in the rpc timeouts on the server...
Thanks a lot, it's simple but I was losing time thinking my client config
was wrong!

2014-06-02 18:15 GMT-03:00 Alex Popescu

 If I'm reading this correctly, what you are seeing is the read_timeout on
 Cassandra side and not the client side timeout. Even if you set the client
 side timeouts, the C* read  write timeouts are still respected on that

 On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 I am using Cassandra 2.0 with python CQL.

 I have created a column family as follows:

   WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
   'DC1' : 1 };

 USE Identification;

   name varchar,
   value varchar,
   entity_id uuid,
   PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id))

 I then try to count the number of records in this CF as follows:

 #!/usr/bin/env pythonimport argparseimport sysimport tracebackfrom cassandra 
 import ConsistencyLevelfrom cassandra.cluster import Clusterfrom 
 cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
 def count(host, cf):
 keyspace = identification
 cluster = Cluster([host], port=9042, 
 session = cluster.connect(keyspace)

 st = SimpleStatement(SELECT count(*) FROM %s % cf, 
 for row in session.execute(st, timeout=6):
 print count for cf %s = %s  % (cf, str(row))
 if __name__ == __main__:
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 parser.add_argument(-cf, --column-family, default=entitylookup, 
 help=Column Family to query)
 parser.add_argument(-H, --host, default=localhost, help=Cassandra 
 args = parser.parse_args()

 count(, args.column_family)

 print fim

  The count is not that useful to me, it's just a test with an operation
 that takes long to complete.

 Although I have defined timeout as 6 seconds, after less than 30
 seconds I get the following error:

 ./  -H localhost -cf entitylookup
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./, line 27, in module
 count(, args.column_family)
   File ./, line 16, in count
 for row in session.execute(st, timeout=None):
  line 1026, in execute
 result = future.result(timeout)
  line 2300, in result
 raise self._final_exception
 cassandra.ReadTimeout: code=1200 [Timeout during read request] 
 message=Operation timed out - received only 1 responses. 
 info={'received_responses': 1, 'data_retrieved': True, 'required_responses': 
 2, 'consistency': 5}

  It seems the answer was found in just a replica, but this really doesn't
 make sense to me. Should't cassandra be able to query it anyway?

 These tests are running in a two node cluster, with RF = 2, write and
 read consistency = ALL (but same results using QUORUM).

 Thanks in advance.

 Best regards,



 :- a)

 Alex Popescu
 Sen. Product Manager @ DataStax

migration to a new model

2014-06-02 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I have some cql CFs in a 2 node Cassandra 2.0.8 cluster.

I realized I created my column family with the wrong partition. Instead of:

  name varchar,
  value varchar,
  entity_id uuid,
  PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id))

I used:

  name varchar,
  value varchar,
  entity_id uuid,
  PRIMARY KEY (name, value, entity_id))

Now I need to migrate the data from the second CF to the first one.
I am using Data Stax Community Edition.

What would be the best way to convert data from one CF to the other?

Best regards,

Problems using Hive + Cassandra community

2014-06-02 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

Has anyone used HIVE + Cassandra Community successfully? I am having
problems mapping the keyspace, but I started wondering if only DSE has
support for it.

I am trying to use HIVE 0.13 to access cassandra 2.0.8 column families
created with CQL3.

Here is how I created my column families:

  WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
  'DC1' : 2 };

USE Identification;

  name varchar,
  value varchar,
  entity_id uuid,
  PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id))

I followed the instructions from the README of this project:

I generated hive-cassandra-1.2.6.jar, copied it and
cassandra-all-1.2.6.jar, cassandra-thrift-1.2.6.jar to hive lib folder.

Then I started hive and tried the following:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE identification.entitylookup(name string, value
string, entity_id binary)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.cql.CqlStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES(cql.primarykey = name, value, = localhost, cassandra.port = 9160)
TBLPROPERTIES ( = identification,

Here is the output:

hive mvalle@mvalle:~/hadoop$ hive
14/05/30 12:02:02 INFO Configuration.deprecation: mapred.reduce.tasks
is deprecated. Instead, use mapreduce.job.reduces
14/05/30 12:02:02 INFO Configuration.deprecation:
mapred.min.split.size is deprecated. Instead, use
14/05/30 12:02:02 INFO Configuration.deprecation:
mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution is deprecated. Instead, use
14/05/30 12:02:02 INFO Configuration.deprecation:
mapred.min.split.size.per.node is deprecated. Instead, use
14/05/30 12:02:02 INFO Configuration.deprecation:
mapred.input.dir.recursive is deprecated. Instead, use
14/05/30 12:02:02 INFO Configuration.deprecation:
mapred.min.split.size.per.rack is deprecated. Instead, use
14/05/30 12:02:02 INFO Configuration.deprecation:
mapred.max.split.size is deprecated. Instead, use
14/05/30 12:02:02 INFO Configuration.deprecation:
mapred.committer.job.setup.cleanup.needed is deprecated. Instead, use

Logging initialized using configuration in
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: You have loaded library
/home/mvalle/hadoop/hadoop-2.2.0/lib/native/ which
might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack
guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c
libfile', or link it with '-z noexecstack'.
hive CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE identification.entitylookup(name string,
value string, entity_id binary)
'org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.cql.CqlStorageHandler' WITH
SERDEPROPERTIES(cql.primarykey = name, value, =, cassandra.port = 9160)
 TBLPROPERTIES ( = identification,
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10072]: Database does not exist: identification

Question: how do I do to get more information about what is going wrong? I
tried the same hive command using Identification (capital I), but same
result. Is it possible to access CQL3 column families in cassandra
community? It seems the keyspace has not been mapped, but I don't see how
to map then. In DSE, they are automatically mapped...

Best regards,

Re: migration to a new model

2014-06-02 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Hi Jens,

Thanks for trying to help.

Indeed, I know I can't do it using just CQL. But what would you use to
migrate data manually? I tried to create a python program using auto
paging, but I am getting timeouts. I also tried Hive, but no success.
I only have two nodes and less than 200Gb in this cluster, any simple way
to extract the data quickly would be good enough for me.

Best regards,

2014-06-02 15:08 GMT-03:00 Jens Rantil

 Hi Marcelo,

 Looks like you can't do this without migrating your data manually:


 On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 I have some cql CFs in a 2 node Cassandra 2.0.8 cluster.

 I realized I created my column family with the wrong partition. Instead

   name varchar,
   value varchar,
   entity_id uuid,
   PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id))

 I used:

   name varchar,
   value varchar,
   entity_id uuid,
   PRIMARY KEY (name, value, entity_id))

 Now I need to migrate the data from the second CF to the first one.
 I am using Data Stax Community Edition.

 What would be the best way to convert data from one CF to the other?

 Best regards,

Astyanax TokenAware connection pool

2013-12-17 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Hello everyone,

I was using astyanax connection pool defined as this:

ipSeeds = LOAD_BALANCER_HOST:9160;

However, my cluster have 4 nodes and I have 8 client machines connecting on
it. LOAD_BALANCER_HOST forwards requests to one of my four nodes.

On a client node, I have:

$netstat -an | grep 9160 | awk '{print $5}' | sort |uniq -c
235 node1:9160
680 node2:9160
  4 node3:9160
  4 node4:9160

So although the ConnectionPoolType is TOKEN_AWARE, my client seems to be
connecting mainly to node2, sometimes to node1, but almost never to nodes 3
and 4.
Question is:
Why is this happening? Shouldn't a token aware connection pool query the
ring for the node list and connect to all the active nodes using round
robin algorithm?

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.


2013-12-09 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Hello everyone,

I have a cassandra cluster running at amazon. I am trying to add a new
datacenter for this cluster now, outside AWS. I know I could use
multiregion, but I would like to be vendor free in terms of cloud.
Reading the article,
it seems I will need to start using PropertiesFileSnitch instead of
Ec2Snitch to do what I want. So here it comes my question:
If I set all the seeds on my property file, what will happen if I need
to add mores machines and/or seeds to the cluster? Will I need to change
the property files on all the nodes of my cluster, or just on the new node?

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

cassandra backup

2013-12-06 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Hello everyone,

I am trying to create backups of my data on AWS. My goal is to store
the backups on S3 or glacier, as it's cheap to store this kind of data. So,
if I have a cluster with N nodes, I would like to copy data from all N
nodes to S3 and be able to restore later. I know Priam does that (we were
using it), but I am using the latest cassandra version and we plan to use
DSE some time, I am not sure Priam fits this case.
I took a look at the docs:

And I am trying to understand if it's really needed to take a snapshot
to create my backup. Suppose I do a flush and copy the sstables from each
node, 1 by one, to s3. Not all at the same time, but one by one.
When I try to restore my backup, data from node 1 will be older than
data from node 2. Will this cause problems? AFAIK, if I am using a
replication factor of 2, for instance, and Cassandra sees data from node X
only, it will automatically copy it to other nodes, right? Is there any
chance of cassandra nodes become corrupt somehow if I do my backups this

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

io bound model

2013-11-26 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Hi everyone,

I currently have a column family InputCf in production which has 1 data
input per row. Everytime I receive new data from web, I insert a row in
this CF. Besides that, I have another CF InputCfIndex in which the
year/month/day is my row id (MMdd) and I insert the id of InputCf on
each column, with no value.
At the end of the day, I check all the row inserted that day on InputCf
and process it. Reading the id from InputCfIndex is fast, but reading from
InputCf uses a lot of IO, because I cannot know in which machine on the
cluster the data will be. When I query Cassandra for all the rows inserted
today in InputCf, it takes me 100% of Network IO utilization and almost no
cpu or memory consumption.
I was wondering if there is a way of quering a lot of messages at a
time, but multi_get orchestration happens in the client and as data is
distributed along the cluster, I am not sure it would help.
So here is my question: any ideas of how to change my model to be able
to query several inputs at a time, consuming less network IO? I am guessing
there must be a way of optimizing it...

Best regards,
Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

node dead after restart

2013-08-22 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I am having a problem with a node in a test environment I have at
amazon. I am using cassandra 1.2.3 in Amazon EC2. Here is my nodetool ring

$ nodetool ring
Note: Ownership information does not include topology; for complete
information, specify a keyspace

Datacenter: us-east
Address RackStatus State   LoadOwns

   113427455640312821154458202479064646084   1b  Up Normal  31.34 MB33.33%
 1808575600  Up Normal  34.24 MB33.33%
 56713727820156410577229101240436610842   1b  Down   Normal  21.19 MB33.33%

 I logged in machine and restarted cassandra, while looking
at the log. Gossip protocol is still up, but the node starts and goes down
just after it. Here is what I see in the logs:

sudo tail /var/log/cassandra/output.log
 INFO 12:16:23,084 Node / has restarted, now UP
 INFO 12:16:23,095 InetAddress / is now UP
 INFO 12:16:23,097 Node / state jump to normal
 INFO 12:16:23,105 Not starting native transport as requested. Use JMX
(StorageService-startNativeTransport()) to start it
 INFO 12:16:23,108 Binding thrift service to ip-10-0-0-146.ec2.internal/
 INFO 12:16:23,137 Using TFramedTransport with a max frame size of 15728640
 INFO 12:16:23,143 Using synchronous/threadpool thrift server on
ip-10-0-0-146.ec2.internal : 9160
 INFO 12:16:23,143 Listening for thrift clients...
 INFO 12:16:30,063 Saved local counter id:
 INFO 12:16:32,860 InetAddress / is now dead.

 I am having no clue of what is wrong. Any hint of what could I do to
look for the problem?

Best regards,
Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: node dead after restart

2013-08-22 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
I almost won the Charles Darwin prize now.

2013/8/22 Hiller, Dean

 Isn't this the log file from And this sees that is up, then sees it dead and in the log we can see it bind with
 this line

 INFO 12:16:23,108 Binding thrift service to ip-10-0-0-146.ec2.internal/

 What is the log file look like on


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Thursday, August 22, 2013 9:19 AM
 Subject: node dead after restart


 I am having a problem with a node in a test environment I have at
 amazon. I am using cassandra 1.2.3 in Amazon EC2. Here is my nodetool ring

 $ nodetool ring
 Note: Ownership information does not include topology; for complete
 information, specify a keyspace

 Datacenter: us-east
 Address RackStatus State   LoadOwns

  113427455640312821154458202479064646084   1b  Up Normal  31.34 MB33.33%
  1808575600  Up Normal  34.24 MB33.33%
56713727820156410577229101240436610842   1b  Down   Normal  21.19 MB33.33%

  I logged in machine and restarted cassandra, while looking
 at the log. Gossip protocol is still up, but the node starts and goes down
 just after it. Here is what I see in the logs:

 sudo tail /var/log/cassandra/output.log
  INFO 12:16:23,084 Node / has restarted, now
  INFO 12:16:23,095 InetAddress / is now UP
  INFO 12:16:23,097 Node / state jump to
  INFO 12:16:23,105 Not starting native transport as requested. Use JMX
 (StorageService-startNativeTransport()) to start it
  INFO 12:16:23,108 Binding thrift service to ip-10-0-0-146.ec2.internal/
  INFO 12:16:23,137 Using TFramedTransport with a max frame size of
 15728640 bytes.
  INFO 12:16:23,143 Using synchronous/threadpool thrift server on
 ip-10-0-0-146.ec2.internal : 9160
  INFO 12:16:23,143 Listening for thrift clients...
  INFO 12:16:30,063 Saved local counter id:
  INFO 12:16:32,860 InetAddress / is now dead.

  I am having no clue of what is wrong. Any hint of what could I do to
 look for the problem?

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: cassandra 1.2.6 - Start key's token sorts after end token

2013-07-25 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
We managed to make it work with RandomPartitioner... Guess we will rely on
it for now...

2013/7/23 Hiller, Dean

 Oh, and in the past 0.20.x has been pretty stable by the wayŠ..they
 finally switched their numbering scheme thank god.


 On 7/23/13 2:13 PM, Hiller, Dean wrote:

 Perhaps try 0.20.2 as
  1.  The maven pom files have cassandra depending on 0.20.2
  2.  The 0.20.2 default was murmur and we had to change it to random
 partitioner or it wouldn't work for us
 Ie. I suspect they will change the pom file to a more recent version of
 hadoop at some point but I wonder if test suites suck in 0.20.2 because
 the pom file points to that versionŠ.depends on if they actually have
 tests for map/reduce which is probably a bit hard.
 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle
 Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 1:54 PM
 Subject: Re: cassandra 1.2.6 - Start key's token sorts after end token
 I am using hadoop 1.0.3.
 Indeed, using Cassandra 1.2.3 with Random partitioner, it worked.
 However, it's the only reason for me to use randompartitioner, I really
 would like to move forward. Besides, I tried to use Cassandra 1.2.6 with
 RandomPartitioner and I got problems when inserting data, even stopping
 Cassandra, cleaning my entire data folder and then starting it again.
 I am also really curious to know if there is anyone else having these
 problems or if it is just me...
 Best regards,
 2013/7/23 Hiller, Dean
 Out of curiosity, what version of hadoop are you using with cassandra?  I
 think we are trying 0.20.2 if I remember(I have to ask my guy working on
 it to be sure).  I do remember him saying the cassandra maven dependency
 was odd in that it is in the older version and not a newer hadoop version.
 We are using RandomPartitioner though right now which I have personally
 used in the past with success.  We are in the process of map/reducing to
 a cassandra with MurmurPartitioner  (our real reason to map/reduce is
 some refactorings in our model though and we just thought we would switch
 to murmur).
 Has anyone else used map/reduce with murmur partitioner?
 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle
 Date: Monday, July 22, 2013 4:04 PM
 Subject: cassandra 1.2.6 - Start key's token sorts after end token
 I am trying to figure what might be cause this error. I am using
 Cassandra 1.2.6 (tried with 1.2.3 as well) and I am trying to read data
 from cassandra on hadoop using column family input format. I also got the
 same error using pure astyanax on a test.
 I am using Murmur3Partitioner and I created the keyspace using
 Cassandra 1.2.6, there is nothing from prior versions. I created the
 keyspace with SimpleStrategy and replication factor 1.
 Here is the exception I am getting:
 2013-07-22 21:53:05,824 WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child (main): Error
 running child
 java.lang.RuntimeException: InvalidRequestException(why:Start key's token
 sorts after end token)
 at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.MapContext.nextKeyValue(

Re: cassandra 1.2.6 - Start key's token sorts after end token

2013-07-23 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I am using hadoop 1.0.3.
Indeed, using Cassandra 1.2.3 with Random partitioner, it worked.
However, it's the only reason for me to use randompartitioner, I really
would like to move forward. Besides, I tried to use Cassandra 1.2.6 with
RandomPartitioner and I got problems when inserting data, even stopping
Cassandra, cleaning my entire data folder and then starting it again.
I am also really curious to know if there is anyone else having these
problems or if it is just me...

Best regards,

2013/7/23 Hiller, Dean

 Out of curiosity, what version of hadoop are you using with cassandra?  I
 think we are trying 0.20.2 if I remember(I have to ask my guy working on it
 to be sure).  I do remember him saying the cassandra maven dependency was
 odd in that it is in the older version and not a newer hadoop version.

 We are using RandomPartitioner though right now which I have personally
 used in the past with success.  We are in the process of map/reducing to a
 cassandra with MurmurPartitioner  (our real reason to map/reduce is some
 refactorings in our model though and we just thought we would switch to

 Has anyone else used map/reduce with murmur partitioner?


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Monday, July 22, 2013 4:04 PM
 Subject: cassandra 1.2.6 - Start key's token sorts after end token


 I am trying to figure what might be cause this error. I am using
 Cassandra 1.2.6 (tried with 1.2.3 as well) and I am trying to read data
 from cassandra on hadoop using column family input format. I also got the
 same error using pure astyanax on a test.
 I am using Murmur3Partitioner and I created the keyspace using
 Cassandra 1.2.6, there is nothing from prior versions. I created the
 keyspace with SimpleStrategy and replication factor 1.
 Here is the exception I am getting:
 2013-07-22 21:53:05,824 WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child (main): Error
 running child
 java.lang.RuntimeException: InvalidRequestException(why:Start key's token
 sorts after end token)
 at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.MapContext.nextKeyValue(
 at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper(
 at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child$
 at Method)
 at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(
 Caused by: InvalidRequestException(why:Start key's token sorts after end
 at org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient.receiveBase(
 ... 16 more
 2013-07-22 21:53:05,828 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task (main):
 Runnning cleanup for the task

  Any hint?

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

cassandra 1.2.6 - Start key's token sorts after end token

2013-07-22 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I am trying to figure what might be cause this error. I am using
Cassandra 1.2.6 (tried with 1.2.3 as well) and I am trying to read data
from cassandra on hadoop using column family input format. I also got the
same error using pure astyanax on a test.
I am using Murmur3Partitioner and I created the keyspace using
Cassandra 1.2.6, there is nothing from prior versions. I created the
keyspace with SimpleStrategy and replication factor 1.
Here is the exception I am getting:
2013-07-22 21:53:05,824 WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child (main): Error
running child
java.lang.RuntimeException: InvalidRequestException(why:Start key's token
sorts after end token)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.MapContext.nextKeyValue(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child$
at Method)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(
Caused by: InvalidRequestException(why:Start key's token sorts after end
at org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient.receiveBase(
... 16 more
2013-07-22 21:53:05,828 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task (main): Runnning
cleanup for the task

 Any hint?

Best regards,
Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

net flix priam - use outside of amazon aws

2013-06-20 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I Currently use Netflix Priam to create backups of sstables to Amazon
S3. I like how it works, as it can create continuous backups as well as
snapshots, but I personally don`t like to be tied to a vendor, in this
case, Amazon.
Does anybody know if there is some similar tool to do backups for
Cassandra and could run in any data center?

Best regards,
Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: no other nodes seen on priam cluster

2013-03-01 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Thanks a lot Ben, actually I managed to make it work erasing the SimpleDB
Priam uses to keeps instances... I would pulled the last commit from the
repo, not sure if it helped or not.

But you message made me curious about something...  How do you do to add
more Cassandra nodes on the fly? Just update the autoscale properties? I
saw changes the instance type as the number of nodes
increase (not sure why the price also becomes higher per instance in this
case), I am guessing priam use the data backed up to S3 to restore a node
data in another instance, right?


2013/2/28 Ben Bromhead

 Off the top of my head I would check to make sure the Autoscaling Group
 you created is restricted to a single Availability Zone, also Priam sets
 the number of EC2 instances it expects based on the maximum instance count
 you set on your scaling group (it did this last time i checked a few months
 ago, it's behaviour may have changed).

 So I would make your desired, min and max instances for your scaling group
 are all the same, make sure your ASG is restricted to a
 single availability zone (e.g. us-east-1b) and then (if you are able to
 and there is no data in your cluster) delete all the SimpleDB entries Priam
 has created and then also possibly clear out the cassandra data directory.

 Other than that I see you've raised it as an issue on the Priam project
 page , so see what they say ;)



 On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 3:40 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 One additional important info, I checked here and the seeds seems really
 different on each node. The command
 echo `curl`
 returns ip2 on first node and ip1,ip1 on second node.
 Any idea why? It's probably what is causing cassandra to die, right?

 2013/2/27 Marcelo Elias Del Valle

 Hello Ben, Thanks for the willingness to help,

 2013/2/27 Ben Bromhead

 Have your added the priam java agent to cassandras JVM argurments (e.g.
 -javaagent:$CASS_HOME/lib/priam-cass-extensions-1.1.15.jar)  and does
 the web container running priam have permissions to write to the cassandra
 config directory? Also what do the priam logs say?

 I put the priam log of the first node bellow. Yes, I have added
 priam-cass-extensions to java args and Priam IS actually writting to
 cassandra dir.

 If you want to get up and running quickly with cassandra, AWS and priam
 quickly check out 
 We deploy Cassandra under your AWS account and you have full root
 access to the nodes if you want to explore and play around + there is a
 free tier which is great for experimenting and trying Cassandra out.

 That sounded really great. I am not sure if it would apply to our case
 (will consider it though), but some partners would have a great benefit
 from it, for sure! I will send your link to them.

 What priam says:

 2013-02-27 14:14:58.0614 INFO pool-2-thread-1 Calling URL API: returns:
 2013-02-27 14:14:58.0615 INFO pool-2-thread-1 Calling URL API: returns:
 2013-02-27 14:14:58.0618 INFO pool-2-thread-1 Calling URL API: returns: i-88b32bfb
 2013-02-27 14:14:58.0618 INFO pool-2-thread-1 Calling URL API: returns: c1.medium
 2013-02-27 14:14:59.0614 INFO pool-2-thread-1 REGION set to us-east-1,
 ASG Name set to dmp_cluster-useast1b
 2013-02-27 14:14:59.0746 INFO pool-2-thread-1 appid used to fetch
 properties is: dmp_cluster
 2013-02-27 14:14:59.0843 INFO pool-2-thread-1
 org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool Job execution threads will use class
 loader of thread: pool-2-thread-1
 2013-02-27 14:14:59.0861 INFO pool-2-thread-1
 org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl Initialized Scheduler Signaller of
 type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl
 2013-02-27 14:14:59.0862 INFO pool-2-thread-1
 org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler Quartz Scheduler v.1.7.3 created.
 2013-02-27 14:14:59.0864 INFO pool-2-thread-1
 org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore RAMJobStore initialized.
 2013-02-27 14:14:59.0864 INFO pool-2-thread-1
 org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory Quartz scheduler
 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' initialized from default resource file in Quartz
 package: 'quartz.propertie
 2013-02-27 14:14:59.0864 INFO pool-2-thread-1
 org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory Quartz scheduler version: 1.7.3
 2013-02-27 14

If we Open Source our platform, would it be interesting to you?

2013-02-20 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Hello All,

I’m sending this email because I think it may be interesting for Cassandra
users, as this project have a strong usage of Cassandra platform.

We are strongly considering opening the source of our DMP (Data Management
Platform), if it proves to be technically interesting to other developers /

More details:

All comments, questions and critics happening at HN:

Please, feel free to send questions, comments and critics... We will try to
reply them all.


Re: Cassandra at Amazon AWS

2013-01-17 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Everyone, thanks a lot for the answer, they helped me a lot.

2013/1/17 Andrey Ilinykh

 I'd recommend Priam.


 On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 5:44 AM, Adam Venturella aventure...@gmail.comwrote:

 Jared, how do you guys handle data backups for your ephemeral based

 I'm trying to move to ephemeral drives myself, and that was my last
 sticking point; asking how others in the community deal with backup in case
 the VM explodes.

 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Jared Biel wrote:

 We're currently using Cassandra on EC2 at very low scale (a 2 node
 cluster on m1.large instances in two regions.) I don't believe that
 EBS is recommended for performance reasons. Also, it's proven to be
 very unreliable in the past (most of the big/notable AWS outages were
 due to EBS issues.) We've moved 99% of our instances off of EBS.

 As other have said, if you require more space in the future it's easy
 to add more nodes to the cluster. I've found this page
 ( very useful in determining the amount
 of space each instance type has. Note that by default only one
 ephemeral drive is attached and you must specify all ephemeral drives
 that you want to use at launch time. Also, you can create a RAID 0 of
 all local disks to provide maximum speed and space.

 On 16 January 2013 20:42, Marcelo Elias Del Valle
 I am currently using hadoop + cassandra at amazon AWS. Cassandra
 runs on
  EC2 and my hadoop process runs at EMR. For cassandra storage, I am
  local EC2 EBS disks.
 My system is running fine for my tests, but to me it's not a good
  for production. I need my system to perform well for specially for
 writes on
  cassandra, but the amount of data could grow really big, taking
 several Tb
  of total storage.
  My first guess was using S3 as a storage and I saw this can be
 done by
  using Cloudian package, but I wouldn't like to become dependent on a
  pre-package solution and I found it's kind of expensive for more than
  I saw some discussion at internet about using EBS or ephemeral
 disks for
  storage at Amazon too.
  My question is: does someone on this list have the same problem as
  What are you using as solution to Cassandra's storage when running it
  Amazon AWS?
  Any thoughts would be highly appreciatted.
  Best regards,
  Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: AWS EMR - Cassandra

2013-01-16 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
 the Pig integration of Cassandra.

 Versions: Hadoop 1.0.3, Pig 0.10, Cassandra 1.1.7.

 I'm 99% sure I have classpaths working (because I didn't at first, and
 now EMR can find and instantiate CassandraStorage on master and slaves).
  What isn't working are the system variables.  In my DIY cluster, all I
 needed to do was:
 export PIG_RPC_PORT=9160
 export PIG_PARTITIONER=org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner
 And the task trackers somehow magically picked up the values (I never
 questioned how/why).  But, in EMR, they do not.  Instead, I get an error
 from CassandraStorage that the initial address isn't set (on the slave, the
 master is ok).

 My DIY cluster used CDH3, which was hadoop 0.20.something.  So, maybe
 the problem is a different version of hadoop?

 Looking at the CassandraStorage class, I realize I have no idea how it
 used to work, since it only seems to look at System variables.  Those
 variables are set on the Job.getConfiguration object.  I don't know how
 that part of hadoop works though... do variables that get set on Job on the
 master get propagated to the task threads?  I do know that on my DIY
 cluster, I do NOT set those system variables on the slaves...



Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Cassandra at Amazon AWS

2013-01-16 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

   I am currently using hadoop + cassandra at amazon AWS. Cassandra runs on
EC2 and my hadoop process runs at EMR. For cassandra storage, I am using
local EC2 EBS disks.
   My system is running fine for my tests, but to me it's not a good setup
for production. I need my system to perform well for specially for writes
on cassandra, but the amount of data could grow really big, taking several
Tb of total storage.
My first guess was using S3 as a storage and I saw this can be done by
using Cloudian package, but I wouldn't like to become dependent on a
pre-package solution and I found it's kind of expensive for more than
I saw some discussion at internet about using EBS or ephemeral disks
for storage at Amazon too.

My question is: does someone on this list have the same problem as me?
What are you using as solution to Cassandra's storage when running it at
Amazon AWS?

Any thoughts would be highly appreciatted.

Best regards,
Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: AWS EMR - Cassandra

2013-01-16 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
That's good info! Thanks!

2013/1/16 William Oberman

 DataStax recommended (forget the reference) to use the ephemeral disks in
 RAID0, which is what I've been running for well over a year now in

 In terms of how I'm doing Cassandra/AWS/Hadoop, I started by doing the
 split data center thing (one DC for low latency queries, one DC for
 hadoop).  But, that's a lot of system management.  And compute is the most
 expensive part of AWS, and you need a LOT of compute to run this setup.  I
 tried doing Cassandra EC2 cluster - snapshot - clone cluster with hadoop
 overlay - ETL to S3 using hadoop - EMR for real work.  But that's kind of
 a pain too (and the ETL to S3 wasn't very fast).

 Now I'm going after the SStables directly(*), which sounds like how
 Netflix does it.  You can do incremental updates, if you're careful.

 (*) Cassandra EC2 - backup to local EBS - remap EBS to another box -
 sstable2json over new sstables - S3 (splitting into ~100MB parts), then
 use EMR to consume the JSON part files.


 On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 I just saw your message today. I am using Cassandra + Amazon EMR
 (hadoop 1.0.3) but I am not using PIG as you are. I set my configuration
 vars in Java, as I have a custom jar file and I am using
 However, if I understood well your problem, the only thing you have
 to do is to set environment vars when running cluster tasks, right? Take a
 look a this link:
 As it shows, you can run EMR setting some command line arguments that
 specify a script to be executed before the job starts, in each machine in
 the cluster. This way, you would be able to correctly set the vars you need.
  Out of curiosity, could you share what are you using for cassandra
 storage? I am currently using EC2 local disks, but I am looking for an

 Best regards,

 2013/1/4 William Oberman

 So I've made it work, but I don't get it yet.

 I have no idea why my DIY server works when I set the environment
 variables on the machine that kicks off pig (master), and in EMR it
 doesn't.  I recompiled ConfigHelper and CassandraStorage with tons of
 debugging, and in EMR I can see the hadoop Configuration object get the
 proper values on the master node, and I can see it does NOT propagate to
 the task threads.

 The other part that was driving me nuts could be made more user
 friendly.  The issue is this: I started to try to set
 cassandra.thrift.address, cassandra.thrift.port,
 cassandra.partitioner.class in mapred-site.xml, and it didn't work.  After
 even more painful debugging, I noticed that the only time Cassandra sets
 the input/output versions of those settings (and these input/output
 specific versions are the only versions really used!) is when Cassandra
 maps the system environment variables.  So, having cassandra.thrift.address
 in mapred-site.xml does NOTHING, as I needed to
 have cassandra.output.thrift.address set.  It would be much nicer if the
 get{Input/Output}XYZ checked for the existence of getXYZ
 if get{Input/Output}XYZ is empty/null.  E.g. in getOutputThriftAddress(),
 if that setting is null, it would have been nice if that method returned
 getThriftAddress().  My problem went away when I put the full cross product
 in the XML. E.g. cassandra.input.thrift.address
 and cassandra.output.thrift.address (and port, and partitioner).

 I still want to know why the old easy way (of setting the 3 system
 variables on the pig starter box, and having the config flow into the task
 trackers) doesn't work!


 On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 9:04 AM, William Oberman wrote:

 environment variable not set
 at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task.initialize(
 at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child$

Re: Service killed by signal 9

2012-11-07 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Yes, indeed:
Nov  7 20:02:44 ip-10-243-15-139 kernel: [ 4992.839419] Out of memory: Kill
process 14183 (jsvc) score 914 or sacrifice child
Nov  7 20:02:44 ip-10-243-15-139 kernel: [ 4992.839439] Killed process
14183 (jsvc) total-vm:1181220kB, anon-rss:539164kB, file-rss:12180kB

Thanks a lot, at least I can evolute now! :D

2012/11/7 Tristan Seligmann

 On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:
  Service killed by signal 9

 Signal 9 is SIGKILL. Assuming that you're not killing the process
 yourself, I guess the most likely cause of this is the OOM killer. If
 you check /var/log/kern.log or dmesg you should see a message
 confirming this.
 mithrandi, i Ainil en-Balandor, a faer Ambar

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: ColumnFamilyInputFormat - error when column name is UUID

2012-10-29 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Answering myself: it seems we can't have any non type 1 UUIDs in column
names. I used the UTF8 comparator and saved my UUIDs as strings, it worked.

2012/10/29 Marcelo Elias Del Valle


 I am using ColumnFamilyInputFormat the same way it's described in this

 I have been able to successfully process data in cassandra by using
 hadoop. However, as this solution doesn't allow me to filter which data in
 cassandra I want to filter, I decided to create a query column family to
 list data I want to process in hadoop. This column family is as follows:

 row key: MM
 column name: UUID - user ID
 column value: timestamp - last processed date

  The problem is, when I run hadoop, I get the exception bellow. Is
 there any limitation in having UUIDs as column names? I am generating my
 user IDs with java.util.UUID.randomUUID() for now. I could change the
 method later, but only type 1 UUIDs are 16 bits longer, isn't it?

 java.lang.RuntimeException: InvalidRequestException(why:UUIDs must be
 exactly 16 bytes)
  at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper(
 Caused by: InvalidRequestException(why:UUIDs must be exactly 16 bytes)
 at org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient.receiveBase(
 ... 11 more

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: ColumnFamilyInputFormat - error when column name is UUID

2012-10-29 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

 Are type 1 UUIDs the best ones to use if I want to avoid conflict? I
saw this page:
 The only problem with type 1 UUIDs is they are not opaque? I know
there is one kind of UUID that can generate two equal values if you
generate them at the same milisecond, but I guess I was confusing them...

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

2012/10/29 Hiller, Dean

 Hmm, this brings the question of what uuid libraries are others using?  I
 know this one generates type 1 UUIDs with two longs so it is 16 bytes.


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Monday, October 29, 2012 1:17 PM
 Subject: Re: ColumnFamilyInputFormat - error when column name is UUID

 Answering myself: it seems we can't have any non type 1 UUIDs in column
 names. I used the UTF8 comparator and saved my UUIDs as strings, it worked.

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: ColumnFamilyInputFormat - error when column name is UUID

2012-10-29 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Err... Guess you replied in portuguese to the list :D

2012/10/29 Andre Tavares


 das vezes q tive este problema geralmente era porque o valor UUID sendo
 tratado para o cassandra não correspondia a um valor exato  em UUID, para
 isso utilizava bastante o UUID.randomUUID() (para gerar um UUID valido)
 e UUID.fromString(081f4500-047e-401c-8c0b-a41fefd099d7) - este para
 transformar uma String em UUID valido.

 Como temos 2 keyspaces no cassandra (dmp_input-Astyanax) e (dmp-PlayOrm)
 pode acontecer destes frameworks tratarem as chaves UUID de maneira
 diferentes (em nossa implementação feita )

 portanto acho válido a solução que você encontrou (sorry por não ter
 enxergado o probs antes caso, seja este o seu caso ...)



 2012/10/29 Marcelo Elias Del Valle

 Answering myself: it seems we can't have any non type 1 UUIDs in column
 names. I used the UTF8 comparator and saved my UUIDs as strings, it worked.

 2012/10/29 Marcelo Elias Del Valle


 I am using ColumnFamilyInputFormat the same way it's described in
 this example:

 I have been able to successfully process data in cassandra by using
 hadoop. However, as this solution doesn't allow me to filter which data in
 cassandra I want to filter, I decided to create a query column family to
 list data I want to process in hadoop. This column family is as follows:

 row key: MM
 column name: UUID - user ID
 column value: timestamp - last processed date

  The problem is, when I run hadoop, I get the exception bellow. Is
 there any limitation in having UUIDs as column names? I am generating my
 user IDs with java.util.UUID.randomUUID() for now. I could change the
 method later, but only type 1 UUIDs are 16 bits longer, isn't it?

 java.lang.RuntimeException: InvalidRequestException(why:UUIDs must be
 exactly 16 bytes)
  at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper(
 Caused by: InvalidRequestException(why:UUIDs must be exactly 16 bytes)
 at org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient.receiveBase(
 ... 11 more

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: 1000's of column families

2012-09-27 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Out of curiosity, is it really necessary to have that amount of CFs?
I am probably still used to relational databases, where you would use a new
table just in case you need to store different kinds of data. As Cassandra
stores anything in each CF, it might probably make sense to have a lot of
CFs to store your data...
But why wouldn't you use a single CF with partitions in these case?
Wouldn't it be the same thing? I am asking because I might learn a new
modeling technique with the answer.


2012/9/26 Hiller, Dean

 We are streaming data with 1 stream per 1 CF and we have 1000's of CF.
  When using the tools they are all geared to analyzing ONE column family at
 a time :(.  If I remember correctly, Cassandra supports as many CF's as you
 want, correct?  Even though I am going to have tons of funs with
 limitations on the tools, correct?

 (I may end up wrapping the node tool with my own aggregate calls if needed
 to sum up multiple column families and such).


Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: 1000's of column families

2012-09-27 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

 I was used, in the relational world, to use hibernate and O/R mapping.
There were times when I used 3 classes (2 inheriting from 1 another) and
mapped all of the to 1 table. The common part was in the super class and
each sub class had it's own columns. The table, however, use to have all
the columns and this design was hard because of that, as creating more
subclasses would need changes in the table.
 However, if you use playOrm and if playOrm has/had a feature to allow
inheritance mapping to a CF, it would solve your problem, wouldn't it? Of
course it is probably much harder than it might problably appear... :D

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

2012/9/27 Hiller, Dean

 We have 1000's of different building devices and we stream data from these
 devices.  The format and data from each one varies so one device has
 temperature at timeX with some other variables, another device has CO2
 percentage and other variables.  Every device is unique and streams it's
 own data.  We dynamically discover devices and register them.  Basically,
 one CF or table per thing really makes sense in this environment.  While we
 could try to find out which devices are similar, this would really be a
 pain and some devices add some new variable into the equation.  NOT only
 that but researchers can register new datasets and upload them as well and
 each dataset they have they do NOT want to share with other researches
 necessarily so we have security groups and each CF belongs to security
 groups.  We dynamically create CF's on the fly as people register new

 On top of that, when the data sets get too large, we probably want to
 partition a single CF into time partitions.  We could create one CF and put
 all the data and have a partition per device, but then a time partition
 will contain multiple devices of data meaning we need to shrink our time
 partition size where if we have CF per device, the time partition can be
 larger as it is only for that one device.

 THEN, on top of that, we have a meta CF for these devices so some people
 want to query for streams that match criteria AND which returns a CF name
 and they query that CF name so we almost need a query with variables like
 select cfName from Meta where x = y and then select * from cfName where
 x. Which we can do today.


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Thursday, September 27, 2012 8:01 AM
 Subject: Re: 1000's of column families

 Out of curiosity, is it really necessary to have that amount of CFs?
 I am probably still used to relational databases, where you would use a
 new table just in case you need to store different kinds of data. As
 Cassandra stores anything in each CF, it might probably make sense to have
 a lot of CFs to store your data...
 But why wouldn't you use a single CF with partitions in these case?
 Wouldn't it be the same thing? I am asking because I might learn a new
 modeling technique with the answer.


 2012/9/26 Hiller, Dean
 We are streaming data with 1 stream per 1 CF and we have 1000's of CF.
  When using the tools they are all geared to analyzing ONE column family at
 a time :(.  If I remember correctly, Cassandra supports as many CF's as you
 want, correct?  Even though I am going to have tons of funs with
 limitations on the tools, correct?

 (I may end up wrapping the node tool with my own aggregate calls if needed
 to sum up multiple column families and such).


 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Correct model

2012-09-25 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

In the playOrm data modeling, if I understood it correctly, every CF
has its own id, right? For instance, User would have its own ID, Activities
would have its own id, etc. What if I have a trillion activities? Wouldn't
be a problem to have 1 row id for each activity?
 Cassandra always indexes by row id, right? If I have too many row ids
without using composite keys, will it scale the same way? Wouldn't the time
to insert an activity be each time longer because I have too many

Best regards,
Marcelo Valle.

2012/9/25 Hiller, Dean

 If you need anything added/fixed, just let PlayOrm know.  PlayOrm has been
 able to quickly add so far…that may change as more and more requests come
 but so far PlayOrm seems to have managed to keep up.

 We are using it live by the way already.  It works out very well so far
 for us (We have 5000 column families, obviously dynamically created instead
 of by hand…a very interesting use case of cassandra).  In our live
 environment we configured astyanax with LocalQUOROM on reads AND writes so
 CP style so we can afford one node out of 3 to go down but if two go down
 it stops working THOUGH there is a patch in astyanax to auto switch from
 LocalQUOROM to ONE NODE read/write when two nodes go down that we would
 like to suck in eventually so it is always live(I don't think Hector has
 that and it is a really NICE feature….ie fail localquorm read/write and
 then try again with consistency level of one).


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Monday, September 24, 2012 1:54 PM
 Subject: Re: Correct model

 Dean, this sounds like magic :D
 I don't know details about the performance on the index implementations
 you chose, but it would pay the way to use it in my case, as I don't need
 the best performance in the world when reading, but I need to assure
 scalability and have a simple model to maintain. I liked the playOrm
 concept regarding this.
 I have more doubts, but I will ask them at stack over flow from now on.

 2012/9/24 Hiller, Dean
 PlayOrm will automatically create a CF to index my CF?

 It creates 3 CF's for all indices, IntegerIndice, DecimalIndice, and
 StringIndice such that the ad-hoc tool that is in development can display
 the indices as it knows the prefix of the composite column name is of
 Integer, Decimal or String and it knows the postfix type as well so it can
 translate back from bytes to the types and properly display in a GUI (i.e.
 On top of SELECT, the ad-hoc tool is adding a way to view the induce rows
 so you can check if they got corrupt or not).

 Will it auto-manage it, like Cassandra's secondary indexes?


 Further detail…

 You annotated fields with @NoSqlIndexed and PlayOrm adds/removes from the
 index as you add/modify/remove the entity…..a modify does a remove old val
 from index and insert new value into index.

 An example would be PlayOrm stores all long, int, short, byte in a type
 that uses the least amount of space so IF you have a long OR BigInteger
 between –128 to 128 it only ends up storing 1 byte in cassandra(SAVING tons
 of space!!!).  Then if you are indexing a type that is one of those,
 PlayOrm creates a IntegerIndice table.

 Right now, another guy is working on playorm-server which is a webgui to
 allow ad-hoc access to all your data as well so you can ad-hoc queries to
 see data and instead of showing Hex, it shows the real values by
 translating the bytes to String for the schema portions that it is aware of
 that is.


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:09 PM
 To: user@cassandra.apache.orgmailto:user@cassandra.apache.orgmailto: 
 Subject: Re: Correct model


 There is one last thing I would like to ask about playOrm by this
 list, the next questiosn will come by stackOverflow. Just because of the
 context, I prefer asking this here:
  When you say playOrm indexes a table (which would be a CF behind the
 scenes), what do you mean? PlayOrm will automatically create a CF to index
 my CF? Will it auto-manage it, like Cassandra's

Re: Correct model

2012-09-24 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
2012/9/23 Hiller, Dean

 You need to split data among partitions or your query won't scale as more
 and more data is added to table.  Having the partition means you are
 querying a lot less rows.

This will happen in case I can query just one partition. But if I need to
query things in multiple partitions, wouldn't it be slower?

 He means determine the ONE partition key and query that partition.  Ie. If
 you want just latest user requests, figure out the partition key based on
 which month you are in and query it.  If you want the latest independent of
 user, query the correct single partition for GlobalRequests CF.

But in this case, I didn't understand Aaron's model then. My first query is
to get  all requests for a user. If I did partitions by time, I will need
to query all partitions to get the results, right? In his answer it was
said I would query ONE partition...

 If I want all the requests for the user, couldn't I just select all
 UserRequest records which start with userId?
 He designed it so the user requests table was completely scalable so he
 has partitions there.  If you don't have partitions, you could run into a
 row that is t long.  You don't need to design it this way if you know
 none of your users are going to go into the millions as far as number of
 requests.  In his design then, you need to pick the correct partition and
 query into that partition.

You mean too many rows, not a row too long, right? I am assuming each
request will be a different row, not a new column. Is having billions of
ROWS something non performatic in Cassandra? I know Cassandra allows up to
2 billion columns for a CF, but I am not aware of a limitation for rows...

 I really didn't understand why to use partitions.
 Partitions are a way if you know your rows will go into the trillions of
 breaking them up so each partition has 100k rows or so or even 1 million
 but maxes out in the millions most likely.  Without partitions, you hit a
 limit in the millions.  With partitions, you can keep scaling past that as
 you can have as many partitions as you want.

If I understood it correctly, if I don't specify partitions, Cassandra will
store all my data in a single node? I thought Cassandra would automatically
distribute my data among nodes as I insert rows into a CF. Of course if I
use partitions I understand I could query just one partition (node) to get
the data, if I have the partition field, but to the best of my knowledge,
this is not what happens in my case, right? In the first query I would have
to query all the partitions...
Or you are saying partitions have nothing to do with nodes?? I 99,999% of
my users will have less than 100k requests, would it make sense to
partition by user?

 A multi-get is a query that finds IN PARALLEL all the rows with the
 matching keys you send to cassandra.  If you do 1000 gets(instead of a
 multi-get) with 1ms latency, you will find, it takes 1 second+processing
 time.  If you do ONE multi-get, you only have 1 request and therefore 1ms
 latency.  The other solution is you could send 1000 asycnh gets but I
 have a feeling that would be slower with all the marshalling/unmarshalling
 of the envelope…..really depends on the envelope size like if we were using
 http, you would get killed doing 1000 requests instead of 1 with 1000 keys
 in it.

That's cool! :D So if I need to query data split in 10 partitions, for
instance, I can perform the query in parallel by using a multiget, right?
Out of curiosity, if each get will occur on a different node, I would need
to connect to each of the nodes? Or would I query 1 node and it would
communicate to others?


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Sunday, September 23, 2012 10:23 AM
 Subject: Re: Correct model

 2012/9/20 aaron morton aa...@thelastpickle.commailto:
 I would consider:

 # User CF
 * row_key: user_id
 * columns: user properties, key=value

 # UserRequests CF
 * row_key: user_id : partition_start where partition_start is the start
 of a time partition that makes sense in your domain. e.g. partition
 monthly. Generally want to avoid rows the grow forever, as a rule of thumb
 avoid rows more than a few 10's of MB.
 * columns: two possible approaches:
 1) If the requests are immutable and you generally want all of the data
 store the request in a single column using JSON or similar, with the column
 name a timestamp.
 2) Otherwise use a composite column name of timestamp : request_property
 to store the request in many columns.
 * In either case consider using Reversed comparators so the most recent
 columns are first  see

Re: Correct model

2012-09-24 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
2012/9/24 Hiller, Dean

 I am confused.  In this email you say you want get all requests for a
 user and in a previous one you said Select all the users which has new
 requests, since date D so let me answer both…

I have both needs. These are the two queries I need to perform on the model.

 For latter, you make ONE query into the latest partition(ONE partition) of
 the GlobalRequestsCF which gives you the most recent requests ALONG with
 the user ids of those requests.  If you queried all partitions, you would
 most likely blow out your JVM memory.

 For the former, you make ONE query to the UserRequestsCF with userid =
 your user id to get all the requests for that user

Now I think I got the main idea! This answered a lot!

 Sorry, I was skipping some context.  A lot of the backing indexing
 sometimes is done as a long row so in playOrm, too many rows in a partition
 means == too many columns in the indexing row for that partition.  I
 believe the same is true in cassandra for their indexing.

Oh, ok, you were talking about the wide row pattern, right? But playORM is
compatible with Aaron's model, isn't it? Can I map exactly this using
playORM? The hardest thing for me to use playORM now is I don't know
Cassandra well yet, and I know playORM even less. Can I ask playOrm
questions in this list? I will try to create a POC here!
Only now I am starting to understand what it does ;-) The examples
directory is empty for now, I would like to see how to set up the
connection with it.

 Cassandra spreads all your data out on all nodes with or without
 partitions.  A single partition does have it's data co-located though.

Now I see. The main advantage of using partitions is keeping the indexes
small enough. It has nothing to do with the nodes. Thanks!

 If you are at 100k(and the requests are rather small), you could embed all
 the requests in the user or go with Aaron's below suggestion of a
 UserRequestsCF.  If your requests are rather large, you probably don't want
 to embed them in the User.  Either way, it's one query or one row key

I see it now.

 Multiget ignores partitions…you feed it a LIST of keys and it gets them.
  It just so happens that partitionId had to be part of your row key.

Do you mean I need to load all the keys in memory to do a multiget?

 I have used Hector and now use Astyanax, I don't worry much about that
 layer, but I feed astyanax 3 nodes and I believe it discovers some of the
 other ones.  I believe the latter is true but am not 100% sure as I have
 not looked at that code.

Why did you move? Hector is being considered for being the official
client for Cassandra, isn't it? I looked at the Astyanax api and it seemed
much more high level though

 As an analogy on the above, if you happen to have used PlayOrm, you would
 ONLY need one Requests table and you partition by user AND time(two views
 into the same data partitioned two different ways) and you can do exactly
 the same thing as Aaron's example.  PlayOrm doesn't embed the partition ids
 in the key leaving it free to partition twice like in your case….and in a
 refactor, you have to map/reduce A LOT more rows because of rows having the
 FK of partitionidsubrowkey whereas if you don't have partition id in
 the key, you only map/reduce the partitioned table in a redesign/refactor.
  That said, we will be adding support for CQL partitioning in addition to
 PlayOrm partitioning even though it can be a little less flexible sometimes.

I am not sure I understood this part. If I need to refactor, having the
partition id in the key would be a bad thing? What would be the
alternative? In my case, as I use userId : partitionId as row key, this
might be a problem, right?

 Also, CQL locates all the data on one node for a partition.  We have found
 it can be faster sometimes with the parallelized disks that the
 partitions are NOT all on one node so PlayOrm partitions are virtual only
 and do not relate to where the rows are stored.  An example on our 6 nodes
 was a join query on a partition with 1,000,000 rows took 60ms (of course I
 can't compare to CQL here since it doesn't do joins).  It really depends
 how much data is going to come back in the query though too?  There are
 tradeoff's between disk parallel nodes and having your data all on one node
 of course.

I guess I am still not ready for this level of info. :D
In the playORM readme, we have the following:

@NoSqlQuery(name=findWithJoinQuery, query=PARTITIONS t(:partId)
INNER JOIN t.activityTypeInfo as i WHERE i.type = :type and
t.numShares  :shares),

What would happen behind the scenes when I execute this query? You can only
use joins with partition keys, right?
In this case, is partId the row id of TABLE CF?

Thanks a lot for the answers

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Correct model

2012-09-24 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
, right?

 Nope, joins work on anything.  You only need to specify the partitionId
 when you have a partitioned table in the list of join tables. (That is what
 the PARTITIONS clause is for, to identify partitionId = what?)…it was put
 BEFORE the SQL instead of within it…CQL took the opposite approach but
 PlayOrm can also join different partitions together as well ;) ).

 In this case, is partId the row id of TABLE CF?

 Nope, partId is one of the columns.  There is a test case on this class in
 PlayOrm …(notice the annotation NoSqlPartitionByThisField on the
 column/field in the entity)…

 PlayOrm allows partitioned tables AND non-partioned tables(non-partitioned
 tables won't scale but maybe you will never have that many rows).  You can
 join any two combinations(non-partitioned with partitioned, non-partitioned
 with non-partitioned, partition with another partition).

 I only prefer stackoverflow as I like referencing links/questions with
 their urls.  To reference this email is very hard later on as I have to
 find it so in general, I HATE email lists ;) but it seems cassandra prefers
 them so any questions on PlayOrm you can put there and I am not sure how
 many on this may or may not be interested so it creates less noise on this
 list too.


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Monday, September 24, 2012 11:07 AM
 Subject: Re: Correct model

 2012/9/24 Hiller, Dean
 I am confused.  In this email you say you want get all requests for a
 user and in a previous one you said Select all the users which has new
 requests, since date D so let me answer both…

 I have both needs. These are the two queries I need to perform on the

 For latter, you make ONE query into the latest partition(ONE partition) of
 the GlobalRequestsCF which gives you the most recent requests ALONG with
 the user ids of those requests.  If you queried all partitions, you would
 most likely blow out your JVM memory.

 For the former, you make ONE query to the UserRequestsCF with userid =
 your user id to get all the requests for that user

 Now I think I got the main idea! This answered a lot!

 Sorry, I was skipping some context.  A lot of the backing indexing
 sometimes is done as a long row so in playOrm, too many rows in a partition
 means == too many columns in the indexing row for that partition.  I
 believe the same is true in cassandra for their indexing.

 Oh, ok, you were talking about the wide row pattern, right? But playORM is
 compatible with Aaron's model, isn't it? Can I map exactly this using
 playORM? The hardest thing for me to use playORM now is I don't know
 Cassandra well yet, and I know playORM even less. Can I ask playOrm
 questions in this list? I will try to create a POC here!
 Only now I am starting to understand what it does ;-) The examples
 directory is empty for now, I would like to see how to set up the
 connection with it.

 Cassandra spreads all your data out on all nodes with or without
 partitions.  A single partition does have it's data co-located though.

 Now I see. The main advantage of using partitions is keeping the indexes
 small enough. It has nothing to do with the nodes. Thanks!

 If you are at 100k(and the requests are rather small), you could embed all
 the requests in the user or go with Aaron's below suggestion of a
 UserRequestsCF.  If your requests are rather large, you probably don't want
 to embed them in the User.  Either way, it's one query or one row key

 I see it now.

 Multiget ignores partitions…you feed it a LIST of keys and it gets them.
  It just so happens that partitionId had to be part of your row key.

 Do you mean I need to load all the keys in memory to do a multiget?

 I have used Hector and now use Astyanax, I don't worry much about that
 layer, but I feed astyanax 3 nodes and I believe it discovers some of the
 other ones.  I believe the latter is true but am not 100% sure as I have
 not looked at that code.

 Why did you move? Hector is being considered for being the official
 client for Cassandra, isn't it? I looked at the Astyanax api and it seemed
 much more high level though

 As an analogy on the above, if you happen to have used PlayOrm, you would
 ONLY need one Requests table and you partition by user AND time(two views
 into the same data partitioned two different ways) and you can do exactly
 the same thing as Aaron's example.  PlayOrm doesn't embed the partition ids
 in the key leaving it free to partition twice like in your case….and in a
 refactor, you have to map

Re: Correct model

2012-09-24 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Dean, this sounds like magic :D
I don't know details about the performance on the index implementations you
chose, but it would pay the way to use it in my case, as I don't need the
best performance in the world when reading, but I need to assure
scalability and have a simple model to maintain. I liked the playOrm
concept regarding this.
I have more doubts, but I will ask them at stack over flow from now on.

2012/9/24 Hiller, Dean

 PlayOrm will automatically create a CF to index my CF?

 It creates 3 CF's for all indices, IntegerIndice, DecimalIndice, and
 StringIndice such that the ad-hoc tool that is in development can display
 the indices as it knows the prefix of the composite column name is of
 Integer, Decimal or String and it knows the postfix type as well so it can
 translate back from bytes to the types and properly display in a GUI (i.e.
 On top of SELECT, the ad-hoc tool is adding a way to view the induce rows
 so you can check if they got corrupt or not).

 Will it auto-manage it, like Cassandra's secondary indexes?


 Further detail…

 You annotated fields with @NoSqlIndexed and PlayOrm adds/removes from the
 index as you add/modify/remove the entity…..a modify does a remove old val
 from index and insert new value into index.

 An example would be PlayOrm stores all long, int, short, byte in a type
 that uses the least amount of space so IF you have a long OR BigInteger
 between –128 to 128 it only ends up storing 1 byte in cassandra(SAVING tons
 of space!!!).  Then if you are indexing a type that is one of those,
 PlayOrm creates a IntegerIndice table.

 Right now, another guy is working on playorm-server which is a webgui to
 allow ad-hoc access to all your data as well so you can ad-hoc queries to
 see data and instead of showing Hex, it shows the real values by
 translating the bytes to String for the schema portions that it is aware of
 that is.


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Monday, September 24, 2012 12:09 PM
 Subject: Re: Correct model


 There is one last thing I would like to ask about playOrm by this
 list, the next questiosn will come by stackOverflow. Just because of the
 context, I prefer asking this here:
  When you say playOrm indexes a table (which would be a CF behind the
 scenes), what do you mean? PlayOrm will automatically create a CF to index
 my CF? Will it auto-manage it, like Cassandra's secondary indexes?
  In Cassandra, the application is responsible for maintaining the
 index, right? I might be wrong, but unless I am using secondary indexes I
 need to update index values manually, right?
  I got confused when you said PlayOrm indexes the columns you
 choose. How do I choose and what exactly it means?

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Valle.

 2012/9/24 Hiller, Dean
 Oh, ok, you were talking about the wide row pattern, right?


 But playORM is compatible with Aaron's model, isn't it?

 Not yet, PlayOrm supports partitioning one table multiple ways as it
 indexes the columns(in your case, the userid FK column and the time column)

 Can I map exactly this using playORM?

 Not yet, but the plan is to map these typical Cassandra scenarios as well.

  Can I ask playOrm questions in this list?

 The best place to ask PlayOrm questions is on stack overflow and tag with
 PlayOrm though I monitor this list and stack overflow for questions(there
 are already a few questions on stack overflow).

 The examples directory is empty for now, I would like to see how to set up
 the connection with it.

 Running build or build.bat is always kept working and all 62 tests pass(or
 we don't merge to master) so to see how to make a connection or run an

  1.  Run build.bat or build which generates parsing code
  2.  Import into eclipse (it already has .classpath and .project for you
 already there)
  3.  In you can modify IN_MEMORY to CASSANDRA or not
 and run any of the tests in-memory or against localhost(We run the test
 suite also against a 6 node cluster as well and all passes)
  4.  FactorySingleton probably has the code you are looking for plus you
 need a class called nosql.Persistence or it won't scan your jar file.(class
 file not xml file like JPA)

 Do you mean I need to load all the keys in memory to do a multi get?

 No, you batch.  I am not sure about CQL, but PlayOrm returns a Cursor not
 the results so you can loop through every key and behind the scenes it is
 doing batch requests so you can load up 100 keys and make one multi get
 request for those 100 keys and then can load up the next 100 keys, etc.
 etc. etc.  I need to look

performance for different kinds of row keys

2012-09-24 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Suppose two cases:

   1. I have a Cassandra column family with non-composite row keys =
   incremental id
   2. I have a Cassandra column family with a composite row keys =
   incremental id 1 : group id

 Which one will be faster to insert? And which one will be faster to
read by incremental id?

Best regards,
Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Correct model

2012-09-23 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
2012/9/20 aaron morton

 I would consider:

 # User CF
 * row_key: user_id
 * columns: user properties, key=value

 # UserRequests CF
 * row_key: user_id : partition_start where partition_start is the start
 of a time partition that makes sense in your domain. e.g. partition
 monthly. Generally want to avoid rows the grow forever, as a rule of thumb
 avoid rows more than a few 10's of MB.
 * columns: two possible approaches:
 1) If the requests are immutable and you generally want all of the data
 store the request in a single column using JSON or similar, with the column
 name a timestamp.
 2) Otherwise use a composite column name of timestamp : request_property
 to store the request in many columns.
 * In either case consider using Reversed comparators so the most recent
 columns are first  see

 # GlobalRequests CF
 * row_key: partition_start - time partition as above. It may be easier to
 use the same partition scheme.
 * column name: timestamp : user_id
 * column value: empty

Ok, I think I understood your suggestion... But the only advantage in this
solution is to split data among partitions? I understood how it would work,
but I didn't understand why it's better than the other solution, without
the GlobalRequests CF

 - Select all the requests for an user

 Work out the current partition client side, get the first N columns. Then

What do you mean here by current partition? You mean I would perform a
query for each particition? If I want all the requests for the user,
couldn't I just select all UserRequest records which start with userId? I
might be missing something here, but in my understanding if I use hector to
query a column familly I can do that and Cassandra servers will
automatically communicate to each other to get the data I need, right? Is
it bad? I really didn't understand why to use partitions.

 - Select all the users which has new requests, since date D

 Worm out the current partition client side, get the first N columns from
 GlobalRequests, make a multi get call to UserRequests
 NOTE: Assuming the size of the global requests space is not huge.
 Hope that helps.

 For sure it is helping a lot. However, I don't know what is a multiget...
I saw the hector api reference and found this method, but not sure about
what Cassandra would do internally if I do a multiget... Is this expensive
in terms of performance and latency?

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Is Cassandra right for me?

2012-09-21 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
2012/9/20 aaron morton

 Actually, if I use community edition for now, I wouldn't be able to use
 hadoop against data stored in CFS?

 AFAIK DSC is a packaged deployment of Apache Cassandra. You should be ale
 to use Hadoop against it, in the same way you can use hadoop against Apache

 You can do anything with computers if you have enough time and patience.
 DSE reduces the amount of time and patience needed to run Hadoop over
 Cassandra. Specifically it helps by providing a HDFS and Hive Meta Store
 that run on Cassandra. This reduces the number of moving parts you need to

Can I use BRISK with Apache Cassandra, without changing Brisk or
Cassandra's code? To the best of my knowledge, DSE uses Brisk, so I am
afraid of writting hadoop process now and have to change them when I hire
DSE support.

I am not an expert in the Apache 2.0 license, but in my understanding Data
Stax modified Apache Cassandra and included modifications to it in the
version they sell. At the same time I am interested in hiring their
support, I wanna keep compatibility with the open source version
distributed in the mainstream, just in case I want to stop hiring their
support at any time.

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Is Cassandra right for me?

2012-09-21 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Thanks a lot! Things are much more clear now.

2012/9/21 Michael Kjellman

 Brisk is no longer actively developed by the original author or Datastax.
 It was left up for the community.

 Has a fork that is supposedly compatible with 1.0 API

 Your more than welcome to fork that and make it work with 1.1 :)

 DSE != (Cassandra + Brisk)

 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Friday, September 21, 2012 10:27 AM
 Subject: Re: Is Cassandra right for me?

 2012/9/20 aaron morton aa...@thelastpickle.commailto:
 Actually, if I use community edition for now, I wouldn't be able to use
 hadoop against data stored in CFS?
 AFAIK DSC is a packaged deployment of Apache Cassandra. You should be ale
 to use Hadoop against it, in the same way you can use hadoop against Apache

 You can do anything with computers if you have enough time and patience.
 DSE reduces the amount of time and patience needed to run Hadoop over
 Cassandra. Specifically it helps by providing a HDFS and Hive Meta Store
 that run on Cassandra. This reduces the number of moving parts you need to

 Can I use BRISK with Apache Cassandra, without changing Brisk or
 Cassandra's code? To the best of my knowledge, DSE uses Brisk, so I am
 afraid of writting hadoop process now and have to change them when I hire
 DSE support.

 I am not an expert in the Apache 2.0 license, but in my understanding Data
 Stax modified Apache Cassandra and included modifications to it in the
 version they sell. At the same time I am interested in hiring their
 support, I wanna keep compatibility with the open source version
 distributed in the mainstream, just in case I want to stop hiring their
 support at any time.

 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

 'Like' us on Facebook for exclusive content and other resources on all
 Barracuda Networks solutions.


Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Data stax community

2012-09-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Not sure if this question should be asked in this list, if this is the
wrong place to ask this, please tell me.

Does anyone know if Data Stax community edition alows us to run in
production? I plan to use the enterprise edition later, but for now even
for production I am thinking in using community version.

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Data stax community

2012-09-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

2012/9/19 Tyler Hobbs

 DataStax Community is free for any type of use, including production.

 On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Abhijit Chanda

 You better ask this question there.
 Any ways as far as i am concern it should not be problematic thing.


 On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 12:07 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 Not sure if this question should be asked in this list, if this is the
 wrong place to ask this, please tell me.

 Does anyone know if Data Stax community edition alows us to run in
 production? I plan to use the enterprise edition later, but for now even
 for production I am thinking in using community version.

 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

 Abhijit Chanda
 Software Developer
 VeHere Interactive Pvt. Ltd.

 Tyler Hobbs

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Correct model

2012-09-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
I am new to Cassandra and NoSQL at all.
I built my first model and any comments would be of great help. I am
describing my thoughts bellow.

It's a very simple model. I will need to store several users and, for each
user, I will need to store several requests. It request has it's insertion
time. As the query comes first, here are the only queries I will need to
run against this model:
- Select all the requests for an user
- Select all the users which has new requests, since date D

I created the following model: an UserCF, whose key is a userID generated
by TimeUUID, and a RequestCF, whose key is composite: UserUUID + timestamp.
For each user, I will store basic data and, for each request, I will insert
a lot of columns.

My questions:
- Is the strategy of using a composite key good for this case? I thought in
other solutions, but this one seemed to be the best. Another solution would
be have a non-composite key of type UUID for the requests, and have another
CF to relate user and request.
- To perform the second query, instead of selecting if each user has a
request inserted after date D, I thought in storing the last request
insertion date into the userCF, everytime I have a new insert for the user.
It would be a data replication, but I would have no read-before-write and I
am guessing the second query would perform faster.

Any thoughts?

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Correct model

2012-09-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
2012/9/19 Hiller, Dean

 Thinking out loud and I think a bit towards playOrm's model though you
 don’t' need to use playroom for this.

 1. I would probably have a User with the requests either embedded in or
 the Foreign keys to the requests…either is fine as long as you get the user
 get ALL FK's and make one request to get the requests for that user

This was my first option. However, everytime I have a new request I would
need to read the column request_ids, update its value, and them write the
result. This would be a read-before-write, which is bad in Cassandra,
right? Or you were talking about other kinds of FKs?

 2. I would create rows for index and index each month of data OR maybe
 index each day of data(depends on your system).  Then, I can just query
 into the index for that one month.  With playOrm S-SQL, this is a simple
 PARTITIONS r(:thismonthParititonId) SELECT r FROM Request r where 
 :date OR you just do a column range query doing the same thing into your
 index.  The index is basically the wide row pattern ;) with composite keys
 of date.rowkey of request

I would consider playOrm in a later step in my project, as my understanding
now is it is good to store relational data, structured data. I cannot
predict which columns I am going to store in requestCF. But regardless,
even in Cassandra, you would still use a composite key, but it seems you
would create an indexCf using the wide row pattern, and each request would
have its own id, right? But why? Wouldn't it be faster to have a composite
key in the requestCF itself?

From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle
 Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 1:02 PM
 Subject: Correct model

 I am new to Cassandra and NoSQL at all.
 I built my first model and any comments would be of great help. I am
 describing my thoughts bellow.

 It's a very simple model. I will need to store several users and, for each
 user, I will need to store several requests. It request has it's insertion
 time. As the query comes first, here are the only queries I will need to
 run against this model:
 - Select all the requests for an user
 - Select all the users which has new requests, since date D

 I created the following model: an UserCF, whose key is a userID generated
 by TimeUUID, and a RequestCF, whose key is composite: UserUUID + timestamp.
 For each user, I will store basic data and, for each request, I will insert
 a lot of columns.

 My questions:
 - Is the strategy of using a composite key good for this case? I thought
 in other solutions, but this one seemed to be the best. Another solution
 would be have a non-composite key of type UUID for the requests, and have
 another CF to relate user and request.
 - To perform the second query, instead of selecting if each user has a
 request inserted after date D, I thought in storing the last request
 insertion date into the userCF, everytime I have a new insert for the user.
 It would be a data replication, but I would have no read-before-write and I
 am guessing the second query would perform faster.

 Any thoughts?

 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Correct model

2012-09-19 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

 In your first email, you get a request and seem to shove it and a user in
 generating the ids which means that user never generates a request ever
 again???  If a user sends multiple requests in, how are you looking up his
 TimeUUID row key from your first email(I would do the same in my

Actually, I don't get it from Cassandra. I am using Cassandra for the
writes, but to find the userId I look on a pre-indexed structure, because I
think the reads would be faster this way. I need to find the userId by some
key fields, so I use an index like this:

user ID 5596 - { name - john denver, phone -  , field3 -
field 3 data, field 10 - field 10 data}

The values are just examples. This part is not implemented yet and I am
looking for alternatives. Currently we have some similar indexes in SOLR,
but we are thinking in keeping the index in memory and replicating manually
in the cluster, or using Voldemort, etc.
I might be wrong, but I think Cassandra is great for writes, but a solution
like this would be better for reads.

 If you had an ldap unique username, I would just use that as the primary
 key meaning you NEVER have to do reads.  If you have a username and need
 to lookup a UUID, you would have to do that in both implementationsŠnot a
 real big deal thoughŠa quick quick lookup table does the trick there and
 in most cases is still fast enough(ie. Read before write here is ok in a
 lot of cases).

 That X-ref table would simple be rowkey=username and value=users real
 primary key

 Though again, we use ldap and know no one's username is really going to
 change so username is our primary key.

In my case, a single user can have thousands of requests. In my userCF, I
will have just 1 user with uuid X, but I am not sure about what to have in
my requestCF.

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Is Cassandra right for me?

2012-09-18 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

Thank you very much for the answers! Helped me a lot!
I would like just a bit more clarification about the points bellow, if
you allow me:

   - You can query your data using Hadoop easily enough. You may want take
   a look at DSE from it makes using Hadoop and Solr
   with cassandra easier.

Actually, if I use community edition for now, I wouldn't be able to use
hadoop against data stored in CFS? We are considering the enterprise
edition here, but the best scenario would be using it just when really
needed. Would writes on HDFS be so quick as in Cassandra?

   - It depends on how many moving parts you are comfortable with. Same for
   the questions about HDFS etc. Start with the smallest about of

Sorry, I didn't really understand this part. I am not sure what you wanted
to say, but the question was about using nosql instead a relational
database in this case. If learning nosql is not a problem, would I have
advantages in using Cassandra instead of HBase? If everything in my model
fits into a relational database, if my data is structured, would it still
be a good idea to use Cassandra? Why?


2012/9/18 aaron morton

 Also, I saw a presentation which said that if I don't have rows with more
 than a hundred rows in Cassandra, whether I am doing something wrong or I
 shouldn't be using Cassandra.

 I do not agree with that statement. (I read that as rows with ore than a
 hundred _columns_)

- I need to support a high volume of writes per second. I might have a
billion writes per hour

 Thats about 280K /sec. Netflix did a benchmark that shows 1.1M/sec

- I need to write non-structured data that will be processed later by
hadoop processes to generate structured data from it. Later, I index the
structured data using SOLR or SOLANDRA, so the data can be consulted by my
end user application. Is Cassandra recommended for that, or should I be
thinking in writting directly to HDFS files, for instance? What's the main
advantage I get from storing data in a nosql service like Cassandra, when
compared to storing files into HDFS?

 You can query your data using Hadoop easily enough. You may want take a
 look at DSE from it makes using Hadoop and Solr
 with cassandra easier.

- If I don't need to perform complicated queries in Cassandra, should
I store the json-like data just as a column value? I am afraid of doing
something wrong here, as I would need just to store the json file and some
more 5 or 6 fields to query the files later.

 Store the data in the way that best supports the read queries you want to
 make. If you always read all the fields, or it's a canonical record of
 events storing as JSON may be best. If you often get a few fields, and
 maybe they are updated, storing each field as a column value may be best.

- Does it make sense to you to use hadoop to process data from
Cassandra and store the results in a database, like HBase? Once I have
structured data, is there any reason I should use Cassandra instead of

 It depends on how many moving parts you are comfortable with. Same for the
 questions about HDFS etc. Start with the smallest about of infrastructure.

 Hope that helps.

 Aaron Morton
 Freelance Developer

 On 18/09/2012, at 10:28 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle


  I am new to Cassandra and I am in doubt if Cassandra is the right
 technology to use in the architecture I am defining. Also, I saw a
 presentation which said that if I don't have rows with more than a hundred
 rows in Cassandra, whether I am doing something wrong or I shouldn't be
 using Cassandra. Therefore, it might be the case I am doing something
 wrong. If you could help me to find out the answer for these questions by
 giving any feedback, it would be highly appreciated.
  Here is my need and what I am thinking in using Cassandra for:

- I need to support a high volume of writes per second. I might have a
billion writes per hour
- I need to write non-structured data that will be processed later by
hadoop processes to generate structured data from it. Later, I index the
structured data using SOLR or SOLANDRA, so the data can be consulted by my
end user application. Is Cassandra recommended for that, or should I be
thinking in writting directly to HDFS files, for instance? What's the main
advantage I get from storing data in a nosql service like Cassandra, when
compared to storing files into HDFS?
- Usually I will write json data associated to an ID and my hadoop
processes will process this data to write data to a database. I have two
doubts here:
   - If I don't need to perform

Re: Is Cassandra right for me?

2012-09-18 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
I will have just 6 columns in my CF, but I will have about a billion writes
per hour. In this case, I think Cassandra applies then, by what you are
This answer helped a lot too, thanks!

2012/9/18 Hiller, Dean

 I wanted to clarify the where that statement comes from on wide rows ….

 Realize some people make the claim that if you don’t' have 1000's of
 columns in some rows in cassandra you are doing something wrong.  This is
 not true, BUT it comes from the fact that people are setting up indexes.
  This is what leads to the very wide row affect.  playOrm is one such
 library using wide rows like this BUT it is NOT necessary for all

 You can easily use map/reduce on a cassandra cluster.  You can map/reduce
 your dataset into a new model if you make a mistake as well and don't get
 it right the first time.  This wide row affect is 80% of the time used for
 indexing.  I draw off playOrm examples a lot but one table may be
 partitioned by time so each month of data is in a partition, you can then
 have indexes on each partition allowing you to do quick queries into


 From: Marcelo Elias Del Valle mvall...@gmail.commailto:
 Date: Monday, September 17, 2012 4:28 PM
 Subject: Is Cassandra right for me?


  I am new to Cassandra and I am in doubt if Cassandra is the right
 technology to use in the architecture I am defining. Also, I saw a
 presentation which said that if I don't have rows with more than a hundred
 rows in Cassandra, whether I am doing something wrong or I shouldn't be
 using Cassandra. Therefore, it might be the case I am doing something
 wrong. If you could help me to find out the answer for these questions by
 giving any feedback, it would be highly appreciated.
  Here is my need and what I am thinking in using Cassandra for:

  *   I need to support a high volume of writes per second. I might have a
 billion writes per hour
  *   I need to write non-structured data that will be processed later by
 hadoop processes to generate structured data from it. Later, I index the
 structured data using SOLR or SOLANDRA, so the data can be consulted by my
 end user application. Is Cassandra recommended for that, or should I be
 thinking in writting directly to HDFS files, for instance? What's the main
 advantage I get from storing data in a nosql service like Cassandra, when
 compared to storing files into HDFS?
  *   Usually I will write json data associated to an ID and my hadoop
 processes will process this data to write data to a database. I have two
 doubts here:
 *   If I don't need to perform complicated queries in Cassandra,
 should I store the json-like data just as a column value? I am afraid of
 doing something wrong here, as I would need just to store the json file and
 some more 5 or 6 fields to query the files later.
 *   Does it make sense to you to use hadoop to process data from
 Cassandra and store the results in a database, like HBase? Once I have
 structured data, is there any reason I should use Cassandra instead of

  I am sorry if the questions are too dummy, I have been watching a lot
 of videos and reading a lot of documentation about Cassandra, but honestly,
 more I read more I have questions.

 Thanks in advance.

 Best regards,
 Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr

Re: Is Cassandra right for me?

2012-09-18 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
You're talking about this project, right?
I will take a look. However, I don't think using Cassandra's model itself
(with CFs / key-values) would be a problem, I just need to know where the
advantage relies on. By your answer, my guess is it relies on better
performance and more control.

I also saw that if I plan to use Data Stax enterprise to get real time
analytics, my data would need to be stored in Cassandra's usual format. It
would harder for me use PlayOrm if I am planning to use advanced data stax
features, like Solr indexing data on Cassandra without copying columns,
realtime, wouldn't it? I don't know much of this Solr feature yet, but my
understanding today is it wouldn't be aware of the tables I create with
playOrm, just of the column families this framework uses to store the data,

2012/9/18 Hiller, Dean

 Until Aaron replies, here are my thoughts on the relational piece…

If everything in my model fits into a relational database, if
 my data is structured, would it still be a good idea to use Cassandra? Why?

 The playOrm project explores exactly this issue……A query on 1,000,000 rows
 in a single partition only took 60ms AND you can do joins with it's S-SQL
 language.  The answer is a resounding YES, you can put relational data in
 cassandra.  The writes are way faster than a DBMS and joins and SQL can be
 just as fast and in many cases FASTER on noSQL IF you partition your data
 properly.  A S-SQL statement looks like so on playOrm

 PARTITIONS t(:partitionId) SELECT t FROM Trades as t where t.numShares  10

 You can have as many partitions as you want and a single partition can
 have millions of rows though I would not exceed 10 million probably.


 2012/9/18 aaron morton aa...@thelastpickle.commailto:
 Also, I saw a presentation which said that if I don't have rows with more
 than a hundred rows in Cassandra, whether I am doing something wrong or I
 shouldn't be using Cassandra.
 I do not agree with that statement. (I read that as rows with ore than a
 hundred _columns_)

  *   I need to support a high volume of writes per second. I might have a
 billion writes per hour

 Thats about 280K /sec. Netflix did a benchmark that shows 1.1M/sec

  *   I need to write non-structured data that will be processed later by
 hadoop processes to generate structured data from it. Later, I index the
 structured data using SOLR or SOLANDRA, so the data can be consulted by my
 end user application. Is Cassandra recommended for that, or should I be
 thinking in writting directly to HDFS files, for instance? What's the main
 advantage I get from storing data in a nosql service like Cassandra, when
 compared to storing files into HDFS?

 You can query your data using Hadoop easily enough. You may want take a
 look at DSE from it makes using Hadoop and Solr
 with cassandra easier.

  *   If I don't need to perform complicated queries in Cassandra, should I
 store the json-like data just as a column value? I am afraid of doing
 something wrong here, as I would need just to store the json file and some
 more 5 or 6 fields to query the files later.

 Store the data in the way that best supports the read queries you want to
 make. If you always read all the fields, or it's a canonical record of
 events storing as JSON may be best. If you often get a few fields, and
 maybe they are updated, storing each field as a column value may be best.

  *   Does it make sense to you to use hadoop to process data from
 Cassandra and store the results in a database, like HBase? Once I have
 structured data, is there any reason I should use Cassandra instead of

 It depends on how many moving parts you are comfortable with. Same for the
 questions about HDFS etc. Start with the smallest about of infrastructure.

 Hope that helps.

 Aaron Morton
 Freelance Developer

 On 18/09/2012, at 10:28 AM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


  I am new to Cassandra and I am in doubt if Cassandra is the right
 technology to use in the architecture I am defining. Also, I saw a
 presentation which said that if I don't have rows with more than a hundred
 rows in Cassandra, whether I am doing something wrong or I shouldn't be
 using Cassandra. Therefore, it might be the case I am doing something
 wrong. If you could help me to find out the answer for these questions by
 giving any feedback, it would be highly appreciated.
  Here is my need and what I am thinking in using Cassandra for:

  *   I need to support a high volume of writes per second. I might have a
 billion writes per hour
  *   I need to write non-structured data that will be processed later by
 hadoop processes

Is Cassandra right for me?

2012-09-17 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

 I am new to Cassandra and I am in doubt if Cassandra is the right
technology to use in the architecture I am defining. Also, I saw a
presentation which said that if I don't have rows with more than a hundred
rows in Cassandra, whether I am doing something wrong or I shouldn't be
using Cassandra. Therefore, it might be the case I am doing something
wrong. If you could help me to find out the answer for these questions by
giving any feedback, it would be highly appreciated.
 Here is my need and what I am thinking in using Cassandra for:

   - I need to support a high volume of writes per second. I might have a
   billion writes per hour
   - I need to write non-structured data that will be processed later by
   hadoop processes to generate structured data from it. Later, I index the
   structured data using SOLR or SOLANDRA, so the data can be consulted by my
   end user application. Is Cassandra recommended for that, or should I be
   thinking in writting directly to HDFS files, for instance? What's the main
   advantage I get from storing data in a nosql service like Cassandra, when
   compared to storing files into HDFS?
   - Usually I will write json data associated to an ID and my hadoop
   processes will process this data to write data to a database. I have two
   doubts here:
  - If I don't need to perform complicated queries in Cassandra, should
  I store the json-like data just as a column value? I am afraid of doing
  something wrong here, as I would need just to store the json
file and some
  more 5 or 6 fields to query the files later.
  - Does it make sense to you to use hadoop to process data from
  Cassandra and store the results in a database, like HBase? Once I have
  structured data, is there any reason I should use Cassandra instead of

 I am sorry if the questions are too dummy, I have been watching a lot
of videos and reading a lot of documentation about Cassandra, but honestly,
more I read more I have questions.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Marcelo Elias Del Valle - @mvallebr