Re: Questions about using MD5 encryption with SimpleAuthenticator

2011-05-19 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Wed, 18 May 2011 17:16:28 -0700 Sameer Farooqui 

SF But even SSL/TLS is subject to attacks from tools like SSLSNIFF:

For perfect security, unplug the server and remove the hard drive.


Re: Questions about using MD5 encryption with SimpleAuthenticator

2011-05-18 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Tue, 17 May 2011 15:52:22 -0700 Sameer Farooqui 

SF Would still be nice though to use the bcrypt hash over MD5 for stronger
SF security.

I used MD5 when I proposed SimpleAuthenticator for two reasons:

1) SimpleAuthenticator is supposed to be a demo of the authentication
interface.  It can be used for testing and trivial setups, but I
wouldn't use it in production.  So it's meant to get you going easily,
not to serve you long-term.

2) MD5 is built into Java.  At the time, bcrypt and SHA-* were not.  I
used MD5 only so the passwords are not stored in the clear, not to
provide production-level security.

You should consider carefully the implications of storing passwords in a
file on a database server, no matter how they are encrypted.  It would
be better to write a trivial AD/LDAP/etc. authenticator that fits your
specific needs and doesn't rely on a local file.


CQL transport (was: CQL DELETE statement)

2011-04-19 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 00:21:44 +0100 Courtney Robinson wrote: 

CR Cool... Okay, the plan is to eventually not use thrift underneath,
CR for the CQL stuff right?  Once this is done and the new transport is
CR in place, or evening while designing the new transport, is this not
CR something that's worth looking into again? I think it'd be a nice
CR feature.

I'm assuming your question was tangential and not in the sense that
fixing the transport will fix the reported issue.

There's for a
custom non-Thrift protocol.  Most of the Cassandra developers feel
HTTP+JSON or XML is inadequate for this purpose; while this may be true
for some cases, it's also true that for many of the end users HTTP+JSON
or XML is easier to support and use from a client.  So I hope eventually
HTTP as the transport and JSON or XML as the serialization format are at
least an option.


Re: JVM Options for Production

2010-06-15 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:01:57 -0700 Anthony Molinaro wrote: 

AM Now I would assume that for 'production' you want to remove
AM and

AM as well as adjust -Xms and Xmx accordingly, but are there any others
AM which should be tweaked?  Is there actually a recommended production
AM set of values or does it very greatly from installation to installation?

I brought this up as well here:


Re: Perl/Thrift/Cassandra strangeness

2010-06-08 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Mon, 7 Jun 2010 17:20:56 -0500 Jonathan Shook wrote: 

JS The point is to get the last super-column.
JS Is the Perl Thrift client problematic, or is there something else that
JS I am missing?

Try Net::Cassandra::Easy; if it does what you want, look at the debug
output or trace the code to see how the predicate is specified so you
can duplicate that in your own code.

In general yes, the Perl Thrift interface is problematic.  It's slow and
semantically inconsistent.


Re: Apache Cassandra and Net::Cassandra::Easy

2010-05-11 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Tue, 11 May 2010 09:40:02 -0700 Scott Doty wrote: 

SD I'm trying to wrap my head around Net::Cassandra::Easy, and it's making
SD me cross-eyed.

SD My prototype app can be seen here:


SD The idea is to index logfiles by various keys, using Cassandra's extreme
SD write speed to keep up with the millions of lines of logfile we deal
SD with every day.  Pretty standard stuff, but I seem to be having trouble
SD getting the software to do its thing.

SD It says:

SD _[/home/cass/Hatchet.development/Speed_trial]_(c...@bito)_
SD $ ./
SD $VAR1 = 'Can\'t use string (0) as a SCALAR ref while strict refs in
SD use at
SD /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/Net/GenThrift/Thrift/
SD line 376.
SD ';

The latest N::C::Easy will not work with Cassandra 0.6.x, the only
target is SVN trunk.  I can't discover the API version on the server so
there's no way to anticipate such breakage as you see (I suspect it's
due to API mismatch).  The Cassandra developers haven't addressed which can be used to
provide all that information over Thrift as well as in the log files.

Can you give an example of a failing script, with any details on the
server version and keyspace/CF setup?  Without source code I'm only guessing.

Finally, if you're looking for speed, N::C::Easy is not a good fit.  The
Perl implementation of Thrift is significantly slower (5-20x in my
benchmarks) than the equivalent code in Java.  This is outside of
N::C::Easy so there's not much I can do about it (see which I opened
recently, and which can perhaps help the performance).


Re: how to get apache cassandra version with thrift client ?

2010-05-05 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Tue, 27 Apr 2010 19:06:11 -0500 Jonathan Ellis wrote: 

JE On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Shuge Lee wrote:
 I know I can get thrift API version.
 However, I writing a CLI for Cassandra in Python with readline support,
 and it will supports one-key deploy/upgrade cassandra+thrift remote,
 I need to get ApacheCassandra version to make sure it has deploy

JE You'll want to create a ticket at
JE to add that, then.

I think this is related to (meaning that the
Cassandra version, Thrift interface version, and SVN rev would be useful
both in the logs and through Thrift).


Re: [RELEASE] 0.6.0

2010-04-19 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 13:09:13 -0500 Ted Zlatanov wrote: 

TZ On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:23:19 -0500 Eric Evans wrote: 
EE On Wed, 2010-04-14 at 10:16 -0500, Ted Zlatanov wrote:
 Can it support a non-root user through /etc/default/cassandra?  I've
 been patching the init script myself but was hoping this would be

EE It's the first item on debian/TODO, but, you know, patches welcome and
EE all that.

TZ The appended patch has been sufficient for me.

Eric, do you need me to open a ticket for this, too, or is what I posted


Re: Time-series data model

2010-04-14 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 15:02:29 +0200 Jean-Pierre Bergamin 

JB The metrics are stored together with a timestamp. The queries we want to
JB perform are:
JB  * The last value of a specific metric of a device
JB  * The values of a specific metric of a device between two timestamps t1 and
JB t2

Make your key devicename-metricname-MMDD-HHMM (with whatever time
sharding makes sense to you; I use UTC by-hours and by-day in my
environment).  Then your supercolumn is the collection time as a
LongType and your columns inside the supercolumn can express the metric
in detail (collector agent, detailed breakdown, etc.).

If you want your clients to discover the available metrics, you may need
to keep an external index.  But from your spec that doesn't seem necessary.


Re: [RELEASE] 0.6.0

2010-04-14 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 15:54:39 -0500 Eric Evans wrote: 

EE I leaned into it. An updated package has been uploaded to the Cassandra
EE repo (see:

Thank you for providing the release to the repository.

Can it support a non-root user through /etc/default/cassandra?  I've
been patching the init script myself but was hoping this would be


Re: writes to Cassandra failing occasionally

2010-04-09 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Thu, 8 Apr 2010 10:56:55 -0500 Jonathan Ellis wrote: 

JE is N:C:E possibly ignoring thrift exceptions?

I always pass them down to the user.  The user is responsible for
wrapping with eval().


Re: writes to Cassandra failing occasionally

2010-04-09 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 12:16:34 -0700 Mike Gallamore wrote: 

MG Hopefully my fix helps others. I imagine it is something you'll run
MG into regardless of the language/interface you use, for example I'm
MG pretty sure that the C/C++ time function truncates values too. I'd
MG recommend anyone using time to generate your timestamp: be careful
MG that your timestamp is always the same length (or at least that the
MG sub components that you are concatenating are the length you expect
MG them to be).

This was a Perl-related bug so I doubt other will see it.  It's really
caused by the fact that 32-bit Perl doesn't have a native 64-bit
pack/unpack function so I'm using the Bit::Vector wrappers and
consequently passing around Longs as strings.

MG I've written a patch that zero pads the numbers. I've attached it to
MG this post but encase attachments don't come through on this
MG mailinglist here is the body:

Thanks so much for catching this.  I didn't notice it at all (it works
90% of the time!).  I uploaded N::C::Easy 0.10 to CPAN with the fix you
proposed, so now timestamps are produced correctly.


Re: writes to Cassandra failing occasionally

2010-04-09 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 11:50:38 -0700 Mike Gallamore wrote: 

MG Yes I agree single threaded is probably not the best. I wonder how
MG much of a performance hit it is on a single CPU machine though? I
MG guess I still would be blocking on ram writes but isn't like there is
MG multiple CPUs I need to keep busy or anything.

Cassandra may have to load data from disk for a particular query but
another may already be in memory.  A third may cause a hit on another
cluster node.  So if you issue queries serially you'll see performance
drop off with the total number of queries because they are dependent on
each other's performance, while the distribution of the performance of
independent parallel queries will have skew and kurtosis much closer to
a normal distribution.  In other words, your slowest (or unluckiest)
queries are less damaging when you issue them in parallel.

On the client side you still have slow serialization/deserialization and
not much can be done about that.


Re: writes to Cassandra failing occasionally

2010-04-08 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Thu, 08 Apr 2010 12:53:48 +0100 Philip Jackson 

PJ At Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:19:26 -0700,
PJ Mike Gallamore wrote:
 I have writes to cassandra that are failing, or at least a read shortly 
 after a write is still getting an old value. I realize Cassandra is 
 eventually consistent but this system is a single CPU single node with 
 consistency level set to 1, so this seems odd to me.

PJ I'm having this problem too (see my post the other day). I use N::C
PJ but generate timestamps in the same way as N::C::E, I've tested that
PJ each is smaller than the next so I'm wondering if I'm barking up the
PJ wrong tree.

PJ If you figure out what's going on please do post back here, I'll do
PJ the same.

Please put together a test that runs against the default keyspace
(Keyspace1) or give me your configuration plus a test.  At the very
least, set $Net::Cassandra::Easy::DEBUG to 1 and look at the timestamps
it's generating in the Thrift requests.

By default N::C::Easy uses Moose to provide timestamps through a
double-wrapped (so it's called every time) sub:

has timestamp = ( is = 'ro', isa = 'CodeRef', default = sub { sub { 
join('', gettimeofday()) } } );

This has worked for me but it certainly could be the problem.


Re: writes to Cassandra failing occasionally

2010-04-08 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:19:26 -0700 Mike Gallamore wrote: 

MG As an aside I motified some other code to use Net::Cassandra instead
MG of Net::Cassandra::Easy and noticed that it seems to run 3-4X
MG slower. Both aren't stunningly fast. The test clients are running on
MG the same machine as Cassandra, and I'm only getting somewhere between
MG 100-400 (huge variance) with N::C::Easy and 30-90 with N::C. This test
MG is writing key value pairs, with the keys being an incrementing
MG numbber, and the values being a log line from one of our systems (~200
MG character string). I'm surprised there is such a huge difference in
MG speed between the two modules and that the transactions per second are
MG so low even on my 3.2Ghz P4 2GB RAM box. I tried dropping the
MG consistency level down to zero but it had a negligible affect.

First of all, Thrift and the way it's implemented in pure Perl
(Inline::C or XS would have been much better, plus the data structures
are horrible) are IMO the most annoying thing about working with
Cassandra.  I proposed a pluggable API mechanism so users don't have to
depend on Thrift but the proposal was rejected, so for now Thrift (with
the crash-on-demand feature) is the only actively developed Cassandra
API.  Avro is supposed to be happening soon and I look forward to that.

You should benchmark your code; make sure you're comparing apples to
apples.  N::C::Easy wraps the operations for you, always using multigets
and mutations on the backend.  I don't know how your Net::Cassandra test
is implemented.  It may be you're making multiple requests when you only
need one.  But more importantly, unless you fork multiple processes you
won't be winning any speed races.  Use Tie::ShareLite, for example, to
synchronize your data structures through shared memory.

If you can put together benchmarks that run against the default
(Keyspace1) configuration, I can try to optimize things.  I won't be
rewriting the Thrift side, so it will still be slow on
serialize/deserialize operations, but everything else will be fixed if
it's suboptimal.


Re: Net::Cassandra::Easy deletion failed

2010-04-07 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 14:14:55 -0700 Mike Gallamore wrote: 

MG Great it works. Or at least the Cassandra/thrift part seems to
MG work. My tests don't pass but I think it is actual logic errors in the
MG test now, the column does appear to be getting cleared okay with the
MG new version of the module. Thanks.

If you can make a self-contained script that runs against Cassandra, or
even better, a patch for so it will be available for everyone,
I'll gladly look at it.  Also don't forget to set
$Net::Cassandra::Easy::DEBUG to 1 so you can see the Thrift structures
it builds.

You may need a slightly older or 0.6 checkout because of trunk breakage
I saw reported on the devel list just now.


Re: Net::Cassandra::Easy deletion failed

2010-04-06 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 11:07:03 -0700 Mike Gallamore wrote: 

MG Seems to be internal to java/cassandra itself.
MG I have some tests and I want to make sure that I have a clean slate
MG each time I run the test. Clean as far as my code cares is that
MG value is not defined. I'm running  bin/cassandra -f with the
MG default install/options. So at the beginning of my test I run:

Mike, you can submit bugs and questions directly to me, here, or through (the CPAN bug tracker).  It's a good idea to test an
operation from the CLI that comes with Cassandra to make sure the
problem is not with the Net::Cassandra::Easy module.

Also, if you set $Net::Cassandra::Easy::DEBUG to 1, you'll see the
actual Thrift objects that get constructed.  In this case (N::C::Easy
0.08) I was constructing a super_column parameter which was wrong.

MG $rc = $c-mutate([$key], family = 'Standard1', deletions = { byname = 
MG Anyone have any ideas what I'm doing wrong? The value field is just a
MG json encoded digit so something like (30) not a real supercolumn but
MG the Net::Cassandra::Easy docs didn't have any examples of removing a
MG non supercolumns data. Really what I'd like to do is delete the whole
MG row, but again I didn't find any examples of how to do this.

It's a bug in N::C::Easy.  I fixed it in 0.09 so it will work properly with:

$rc = $c-mutate([$key], family = 'Standard1', deletions = { standard = 1, 
byname = ['column1', 'column2']});

AFAIK I can't specify delete all columns in a non-super CF using
Deletions so byname is required (I end up filling the column_names
field in the predicate).  OTOH I can just delete a SuperColumn so the
above is possible in a super CF.

The docs and tests were updated as well.  Let me know if you have
problems; it worked for me.  In the next release I'll update
to work with non-super CFs as well.  Sorry for the inconvenience.


Re: Net::Cassandra::Easy deletion failed

2010-04-06 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 13:24:45 -0700 Mike Gallamore wrote: 

MG Thanks for the reply. The newest version of the module I see on CPAN
MG is 0.08b. I actually had 0.07 installed and am using 0.6beta3 for
MG cassandra. Is there somewhere else I should look for the 0.09 version
MG of the module? I'll also upgrade to the release candidate version of
MG Cassandra and see if that helps.

It takes a few hours for CPAN to update all its mirrors.  I'm attaching
0.09 here since it's a tiny tarball.


Description: Binary data

Re: multinode cluster wiki page

2010-04-05 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Sat, 3 Apr 2010 13:52:22 -0700 Benjamin Black wrote: 

BB What happens if the IP I get back is for a seed that happens to be
BB down right then?  And then that IP is cached locally by my resolver?

You have to set the TTL to be the right number of seconds for your
environment.  With tinydns on a dedicated subdomain, even an old machine
could support really short TTLs.

BB There is certainly a tempting conceptual simplicity to using DNS, I
BB just don't think the reality is that simple nor is it for the trade in
BB predictability, for me.  IMO, this is better done either through
BB automation to generate the configs (how I do it; I just update
BB chef-server) or through a service like ZK (how I might do it in the
BB future, in combination with automation).

DNS tends to be everywhere and easily configurable, so it's a pretty
good lowest common denominator.  I think Zeroconf AKA mDNS/DNS-SD is a
good alternative to simple DNS RR for many environments and I will
eventually propose a contrib plugin for Cassandra that provides it if no
one else gets to it first (we discussed this previously).  Modern Linux
systems support Zeroconf AKA mDNS/DNS-SD through Avahi.


Re: multinode cluster wiki page

2010-04-05 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Mon, 5 Apr 2010 13:10:38 -0500 Brandon Williams wrote: 

BW 2010/4/5 Ted Zlatanov
 It would be nice if Cassandra looked at all the available interfaces and
 selected the one whose reverse DNS lookup returned .*cassandra.* (or
 some keyword the user provided).
 In other words, when you have
 eth0 = address X, reverse =
 eth1 = address Y, reverse =
 eth1 should look better.  So maybe ListenAddress could support this in
 the configuration somehow, as a string spec or a
 ListenAddressPreferReverse option.  That would let those of us with
 multiple interfaces use the exact same config everywhere.

BW You can already accomplish this.  Setup /etc/hosts correctly and leave
BW ListenAddress blank.

Thanks, that's a much better solution.


Net::Cassandra::Easy Perl interface (with CLI) 0.08

2010-03-31 Thread Ted Zlatanov
You can find version 0.08 of the Net::Cassandra::Easy Perl module at:

This version comes with, a command-line interface that
supports tab-completion.  It's not finished (no docs yet, that's a TODO)
but in its current form it will:

- autocomplete command name

- autocomplete family name

- autocomplete key name (when possible, this is a TODO)

- autocomplete supercolumn name

- parse and insert LongTypes correctly for autocompletion and elsewhere

- limit gets to 100 or less

- doesn't handle commas or spaces in names (TODO)

- doesn't handle non-Super CFs (TODO)

The Long autocompletion is clever: given 100 it will generate ranges
of 1000 to 1009, 1 to 10099, etc. so you'll get back the
supercolumns that start with 100 in decimal.

Examples of queries:

ins Super1 testrow testcolumn key1=value1 # insert supercolumn testcolumn 
with some data

get Super1 testrow testcolumn,-2  # get testcolumn and the last 2 SCs 
(prints in a parseable format)

del Super1 testrow testcolumn # delete testcolumn

keys Super1   # get the keys

desc  # describe the keyspace

The queries can also be passed from the command line, e.g.

./ -server myserver -port 9160 -keyspace Keyspace1 'query1' 'query2'

I'm using it internally but thought perhaps it will be useful to others.
The autocompletion is especially handy.


Re: How reliable is cassandra?

2010-03-30 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 10:31:06 -0700 Matthew Stump wrote: 

MS Am I crazy to want to switch our server's primary data store from
MS postgres to cassandra?  This is a system used by banks and
MS governments to store crypto keys which absolutely can not be lost.

Run a test pilot for N months (depending on internal factors, N can be
3-12).  I think you'll find out more that way than by asking people who
have not seen your environment, your data, or your code.


Re: Storing large blobs

2010-03-18 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 22:42:13 -0400 Carlos Sanchez wrote: 

CS We could have blob as large as 50mb compressed (XML compresses quite
CS well).  Typical documents we would deal with would be between 500K
CS and 3MB

When just starting to use Cassandra I had serious issues with 0.5 and
blobs (compressed JSON) over 500 MB, but it was because of the heap size
and not something inherently broken in Cassandra.


Re: renaming a SuperColumn

2010-03-18 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 19:26:06 +0100 Sylvain Lebresne wrote: 

SL Given how Cassandra works, I don't think that the server can do much
SL better than the read, write, delete your client already do
SL (basically everything is immutable, you only 'add' new versions). As
SL this cannot be done efficiently (I can be wrong on that but if so, I
SL *really* would be interested to know why), a model that require a
SL lot of renames of SuperColumn is probably not a super good fit for
SL Cassandra (I'm not sure why you need a lot of rename though, maybe
SL you really have no choice).  So I lean in the same direction as
SL Jonathan. Adding an API call that 'promote' an operation not very
SL efficient is not a good idea.

Thanks for explaining, Sylvain.

I could go into details about my model but it's not so important (it's
evolving as I find the best fit between the model and Cassandra).  As
long as I know Cassandra is not a good fit for this kind of operation I
can design a better data model.


Net::Cassandra::Easy Perl interface to Cassandra 0.03

2010-03-15 Thread Ted Zlatanov
You can find version 0.03 of the Net::Cassandra::Easy Perl module at:

(it may show 0.021 but that's the same as 0.03, I just uploaded with the
incorrect version number accidentally)

The docs explain how to use it with examples for the common cases.
There are only three N::C::Easy methods: connect(), get(), and mutate()
so it's pretty easy to learn and use, from a one-liner or from a large

Please let me know if you have bugs or suggestions.

N::C::Easy will track cassandra.thrift closely but also will be able to
switch to Avro or another API easily since it avoids Thrift-specific
code on the user side as much as possible.

You can also use the Net::Cassandra module by Leon Brocard, of course.
It works fine and is much more Thrift-oriented.


Re: bundled mutations (Deletion+insertion of the same SuperColumn)

2010-03-15 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 16:45:49 -0400 Jake Luciani wrote: 

JL On Mar 15, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Ted Zlatanov wrote:

 Can there be any assurance that if I specify a Deletion and an
 insertion for a specific SuperColumn in the same batch_mutate() call,
 they will happen atomically?

JL Timestamps.

Sorry to be dense but this is not really explained in or anywhere else on the wiki so I
need to ask for more help.  I looked in the archives and threads like
why does remove need a timestamp? talk about this but only about the
remove or get operations in isolation, not together.  I understand
removal timestamps need to be larger than the old data's timestamps.

The API page section on Deletion says it operates on Columns matching
the specified timestamp but it's not clear what kind of match this is
('' or '=').  If my mutation is:

Deletion(hello, T1) +
... insertion wrapper(SuperColumn(hello, new Column(x, y, T2)))

What should T1 and T2 be, assuming all existing columns in hello have
a timestamp of a minute ago (guaranteed lower than T1 and T2 because
there's only one writer)?  Should I make T1 the current time minus one
and T2 the current time?  My goal is to ensure that hello is never
empty to readers.  I'm trying to avoid even a 1-millisecond gap because
I have hundreds of fast readers and there's a good chance they'll hit
