Pushing changes through soap web service

2017-08-30 Thread Sergio Muriel
Hi everyone!

I'm trying to push changes to the users on Sakai LMS by using a given SOAP web 


The operation I want to use is: changeUserName

Parameters  are:

  *   sessionid: The ID of the http session.
  *   eid: Entity ID, i.e. Student ID.
  *   firstname
  *   lastname

How can I configure the connector's Service Endpoint, Service name and 
SOAPAction URI Prefix?

And most important thing: How can I make  a matching rule for sessionid?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Regards,
Sergio Muriel

Re: Any tutorials?

2017-08-30 Thread Sergio Muriel
> Looks like you need a PostgreSQL database instance to connect to

Yep. I followed instructions and configured it with MySQL. I thought it was 
able to run with H2 in persistent mode, but apparently not.

> I'd say that the DEB packages would have been much more easy for you to set 
> up, at this point.
It might have been but I'm not on Deb distributions.

Anyways most important thing is that got a clean exception-free startup. :-)

Big thanks  for you!

Best Regards,
Sergio Muriel

From: Francesco Chicchiriccò 
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 11:50 PM
To: user@syncope.apache.org
Subject: Re: Any tutorials?

On 29/08/2017 22:26, Sergio Muriel wrote:

Aha! I was having this exception:
Could not load JDBC driver class [org.postgresql.Driver]

Then I solved it with:

Of course...

I restarted Tomcat but ran into this new exception:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check 
that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting 
TCP/IP connections.

Looks like I need to configure something else somewhere.

Looks like you need a PostgreSQL database instance to connect to:

1. install PostgreSQL (if you haven't done that so far)
2. create a database named 'syncope', owned by a user 'syncope' with password 
'syncope', as explained in


I'd say that the DEB packages would have been much more easy for you to set up, 
at this point.

Hope this finally solves.

From: ilgrosso 
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 2:52 AM
To: user@syncope.apache.org
Subject: Re: Any tutorials?

>From my project root I ran:

mvn clean verify -Dconf.directory=/opt/syncope/conf
-Dbundles.directory=/opt/syncope/bundles -Dlog.directory=/opt/syncope/log

Then I copied the respective *.properties into /opt/syncope/conf
and the respective *.war into Tomcat (CATALINA_HOME/webapps)

Tried with both 8080 and 9080 on these files:

CATALINA_HOME\conf\server.xml (

Ok, please move step by step.

First, since you have 9080 configured on $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml (but
why?), then it's ok to have that port also on



1. shut down Tomcat
2. tail -f (or xtail, better) on $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out and
3. startup Tomcat
4. watch the logs and see if any exception occurs

If any exception is raised, please report; if not, try to access


and see if any error is reported there.

If no error, then there is no reason why the Admin Console should not be
working; anyway, keep watching the logs and access


and see if any error is reported.


View this message in context: 

Sent from the syncope-user mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

User username modification during/after a logic action

2017-08-30 Thread Mikael Ekblom

We have the following scenario: we have some users that are not as per see 
associated with our organization. They are called UFO-members. Now, we create 
these through an manual process that I will now try to implement in Syncope 
too. It has been outside everything so far.

When we create these users through the syncope console, I have noticed that we 
get the key for the recently created user through the logic actions. The thing 
now is, that the users using syncope and the console will be pretty lazy and 
would like to have the username created automatically according to the same 
automated standard as the rest via the firstname + lastname combination

You can set the username via the console and Syncope will report if the 
username is already in use. I’d like to automate this and check for myself in 
the background if the current username is in use and within the repository. If 
found, we will try another iterated combination.  We do the same when we pull 
users from external resources.

Now, within the logic action I have the possibility to search via the key for 
the UserTO object though UserDAO. But, if I call for UserDAO.findByUsername() , 
I get that “EntityManager not found for the Master domain”. I guess it is not 
available within the scope and thus when a combination of a username is 
created, I do not get to check the validity for the new combination for the 
username itself.

This is the first time I encountered this problem and I wonder if you there 
have a quick answer regarding how to search for a specific username and not the 
key during a logic action?

