Pascal Lalonde wrote:
I'm working with a generated client from the xFire 1.2.5 libraries.

I have two dates fields, one of type date and another with a datetime type.

My problem is that once generated, both are XmlGregorianCalendar, the output of the dates are the same:

timeStamp="2007-04-23T20:15:25.209-04:00" (datetime)
<ns3:expirationDate>2008-09-23T20:15:12.306-04:00</ns3:expirationDate> (date)

But the server is expecting a yyyy-MM-dd format only on the expirationDate, how can I change this ?

- Pascal

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We're having the same problem (using 1.2.6 with jaxb2). This causes our responses to be invalid for Date. Is there some way to fix this?

Thanks in advance,
Ivo van Dongen

Ivo van Dongen
Func. Internet Integration
Prins Hendrikkade 20-21, 1012 TL Amsterdam
T +31 20 4230000
F +31 20 4223500

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