Re: DynAtomic 1.0.0 for Realsoft3D Released

2011-05-13 Thread Amir Ansari
Fantastic!  Thank you, Carlo.


Re: updated website

2011-05-01 Thread Amir Ansari
Very nice...  Reminds me of Myst.  Are you going to include a simple 'quest', 
and some puzzles? ;-)

BTW, I signed the guest book.  Are guests' email addresses safe from spam?  I 
noticed an email icon which linked to my email address...  Vulnerable to 


Re: updated website

2011-05-01 Thread Amir Ansari
BTW, the painting in the cellar is truly excellent!  (Go have a look, everyone!)

My brother lives in south Italy.  He'd be very impressed by the 'star ceilings' 
you modelled.  (For a long time he was trying to figure out how they were 
created - I was able to explain it to him by showing him a 3D rendering in 

Pixar Disney libraries, plus Ptex

2011-04-27 Thread Amir Ansari
I found these links on Hacker News 

Many fascinating papers!

Also, information about Disney's open-source Ptex texture mapping system, which 
has some advantages over UV mapping:


Re: Location of project files

2011-01-07 Thread Amir Ansari
There appears to be a configuration file: 

It probably saves the changes each time you close the application, so you may 
be able to edit the paths here...

On Fri, 07 Jan 2011 16:04:57 +0200
Ville Tirronen wrote:

 This one's for linux version. How can i define where RS3D searches 
 project files when I
 open file from Open dialog?
 It allways points to my home directory but I would like it point into my 
 samba share.

Re: Location of project files

2011-01-07 Thread Amir Ansari
Actually, after looking at it in more detail, I don't think this file is meant 
to be edited.

What LeeE says is my experience too: when you open a file, RS3D uses that as 
the default directory next time around.

On Sat, 08 Jan 2011 09:01:42 +0200
Ville Tirronen wrote:

 I have tried to edit the Realsoft3d file but it doesn't work. What line 
 should I change?

Re: Ashikhmin-Shirley Highlights for RS3D

2011-01-07 Thread Amir Ansari
I had a much more detailed look at the shaders you mention - you're doing an 
awesome job!

I'm just curious: the algorithms are quite complex - how do you test whether 
you've implemented them properly in VSL?  Is there a standard rendering test 
that you can compare your results with, or is it a case of just checking your 
VSL formulas carefully?


On Fri, 07 Jan 2011 06:45:23 +0100 wrote:

 The Ashikhmin-Shirley BRDF is something like a mixture of a 
 Ward-anisotropic-like specular reflection component and a limb-darkening 
 diffuse reflection component.
 Meaning that it enables isotropic (simple point-shaped) and anisotropic 
 (streched along a direction of the surface) highlights.
 Pictures and explanation will follow when I got it working right, though I´m 
 a bit tired of working this out.
 I´ve worked on some shaders for RS3D for the last two months, to an extent 
 where I hardly did anything else in my free time.
 So, several other shaders will follow.
 I´ve already made two Oren-Nayar Diffuse shaders, one simple and one 
 complete, am working on a Oren-Nayar-Wolff Diffuse shader (like the previous 
 plus some refinements), two Hapke-Lommel-Seeliger shaders, one simple and one 
 complex, two Minnaert Shaders, an Asperity Scattering shader, plus several 
 other components.
 The Oren-Nayar Shader is a diffuse shader suitable for rough diffuse surface 
 (like clay/pottery), the Hapke-Lommel-Seeliger Shader is a shader for powdery 
 surfaces like the surface of the moon, the Minnaert Shader was an early try 
 on the same matter, the Asperity Scattering Shader is for simulating fuzzy 
 surfaces (like peach).
 The latter two are very similar to the simple fur and custom fur 
 materials already in RS3D.

Re: Ashikhmin-Shirley Highlights for RS3D

2011-01-05 Thread Amir Ansari
Uh - interesting?! ;-)

What is this shader used for?  I had a quick look on Google, but nothing 
grabbed my attention...

On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 17:59:24 +0100 wrote:

 Come on people, has anybody even received my email?
 Why is it so quiet whenever I post something about new shaders?
 Shouldn´t at least SOMEone say at least something like Interesting.?

Re: Merry Christmas

2010-12-26 Thread Amir Ansari
Very nice - looks like something the kids would like! ;-)


On Sun, 26 Dec 2010 21:11:00 +0200 (EET)
Ville Tirronen wrote:

 Merry Christmas!
 I made this with RS and Zbrush for my goddaughter. Her family plays just too 
 much World Of Warcraft :)
 I had slight problems while rigging the arms  but decided to leave arms as 
 they are now.

Re: Abandon the manual in favor of video tutorials.

2010-12-17 Thread Amir Ansari
Different people learn in different ways.  Although I know many who prefer 
videos; I actually prefer a printed manual with tutorials! ;-)


On Fri, 17 Dec 2010 09:51:49 -0500
Jean-Sebastien Perron wrote:

 I am watching all video tutorials of Houdini and Blender.
 It's better than watching TV.
 Both of these software cover almost 100% of the software in video tutorials.
 Silo is also doing the same.
 I will do the same with CombadZ : no manual, only videos.
 It makes the learning process much more fun and fast.
 What do you think?
 Someone should use a screen recorder with a microphone and start 
 converting the user manual to videos.
 Jean-Sebastien Perron

Re: Btw. I am just dissapointed from bugs in v4 - v6..

2010-11-12 Thread Amir Ansari
Let's try to keep things calm.

RS actually *is* fully featured, it's just that some of those features are not 
(yet) fully realised. And it's certainly better than anything else at this 

I've always found Realsoft to be very prompt with bug-fixes; they've always 
responded to any problems I had in the past. There's a big difference between 
fixing bugs, and implementing new features.

And, of course, if you're trying out any new version (including trials!) you 
should sensibly back up your working copy.

On Fri, 12 Nov 2010 21:28:33 +0200
Juha Mukari wrote:

 I think that customers' shouldn't be the bug trackers, thats beta testers' 
 job, not customers.
 Hmm.. i think this is Consumer Complaints job... I think realsoft are 
 cheating money from users... but i still want everything good to this 
 software.. am i ok? No i am not, maybe i should make complaint to 
 customers... what that thing was...

Re: SDK/ sites down/ frustration/Realsoft

2010-11-05 Thread Amir Ansari
I recently returned to RS3D after a couple of years, wishing I'd had time to 
use it more frequently.

I was shocked at the deterioration of the community.  It was like entering a 
ghost town; so many resources had vanished or been abandoned.  Even the mailing 
list was silent.

Unfortunately, there's very little the community can do without Realsoft's 
initiative.  I'm not abandoning the software, and keep up with upgrades.  
Interestingly, there aren't any good alternatives for Linux (my preferred 

It would be a real shame for this venerable software to fade away...

Re: SDK/ sites down/ frustration/Realsoft

2010-11-05 Thread Amir Ansari
I always buy new versions to support the software.  3D is a very competitive 
market, but I prefer RS3D for its clean 'mathematical' feel that distinguishes 
it from, say, Blender.

Features and new technologies are critical though.  It's the Red Queen's race 
at work ('s_Hypothesis).

On Fri, 05 Nov 2010 20:27:39 +0100 wrote:

 Cause, no disrespects for the developers, but I also considered to buy v7 but 
 didn´t see the arguments for it.
 It rather seemed to me like a more extensive servicepack than a real new full 
 Of course there are people for who RS3D is the perfect tool (like Neil), but 
 the overall image I´m getting is that more and more users turn away from RS3D 
 and that even already established ressources disappear.

Re: RS 7 pdf usermanual and reference to read on an e-book

2010-04-13 Thread Amir Ansari
Are there that many significant differences between v6 and v7?  The current pdf 
manual (in the Download section) is quite adequate for my needs at the moment!


On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 16:51:00 -0400
Jean-Sebastien Perron wrote:

 I need it for my sony prs600 e-book.
 Better would be in .epub
 It's about time people start thinking about e-books or e-pad
 My printer went dry, so I invested in an ebook.
 Like that no more hesitation to print webpages or books.
 Jean-Sebastien Perron

Re: QT: about Realsoft 3d Forum Discussion

2010-03-29 Thread Amir Ansari
I've been away from Realsoft 3D for more than a year, so I've missed a lot.

What happened with Boris' forum?


On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:40:51 +0200 (CEST)
Frank Brübach wrote:

  I have a simple question: what about re-animate the realoft 3d forum from 
 boris jahn ( ? Or perhaps do you prefer 
 another new realsoft 3d forum?
 It's perhaps useful to get an active discussion forum for new realsoft 3d 
 user and advanced users. there are many things to talk about, I am sure, 
 special to new realosft 3d V7 issue. I'm missing to debate and new 
 discussions about realsoft 3d  projects and new rendering images and 
 techniques. would be nice to get truly and serious feedback.

Re: QT: about Realsoft 3d Forum Discussion

2010-03-29 Thread Amir Ansari
An alternative would be to host the forum at the RS website, and appoint a 
number of willing, trustworthy(!) community members to moderate/administer...

The RS programmers are probably very busy with - programming!

Just an aside, is there any reason why the Render Daemon and Realsoft Info 
websites aren't integrated?  Much content is duplicated...

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:01:25 +0200
aidan o driscoll wrote:

 Plus realistically a forum should be run and maintained by REALSOFT
 themselves at their own website like every other 3D application /
 Application out there???

Re: QT: about Realsoft 3d Forum Discussion

2010-03-29 Thread Amir Ansari
Well, I agree completely.  But after reading about the history of Real3D and 
Realsoft, I get the impression that the RS team are scientists, not salespeople.

I, too, would love to see MUCH more of the support/purchase experience that 
most other companies have managed to put together.  Realsoft ought to realise 
that new users tend to go for 'oooh! shiny!' and 'warm fuzzy' rather than 
technical brilliance... ;-)

Re: QT: about Realsoft 3d Forum Discussion

2010-03-29 Thread Amir Ansari
The sense of vibrancy is crucially important, of course!

I think the RS manual (which I LOVE) gives a solid grounding in the software, 
but I know many users prefer (for instance) video tutorials.

I've found the Render Daemon tutorials invaluable.

As for VSL - it's easier than Renderman!  And RSL is the 'industry standard'.  
RS3D is in a strange position: high-end features that go unrecognised by the 
'industry', but regarded as too powerful for the low-end market...

I have a fairly large archive of all the posts and attached/linked files from 
the mailing list for several years (until I dropped off the list a year or so 
ago), and there are some real gems in there that should be in the wiki.  At the 
very least, this should all be available directly from the Realsoft website.

So, yes, the forum - and everything else you mentioned - very important!

On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 22:01:19 +0200
aidan o driscoll wrote:

 Hi Amir and all,
 When I mentioned Shiney / Fuzzy - I didnt mean fickle. It is very
 practicle too as it gives the user a vibrant place to exchange views,
 problems etc ... plus the training makes it easier for new users to
 get up to speed FAST. The Archane arts of ADVANCED VSL in RS is one
 example .. OK for the technical minded amongst us and I am sure one
 could do amazing things with it but its a bit too far under the bonnet
 for me and I am sure this is the same for alot of other users too.
 This has been to an extent solved by other apps via NODE based shading
 systems and tons of presets PROVIDED through the Forum / Support
 infrastructure ...
 More two cents

Re: no wiki problem

2006-09-24 Thread Amir Ansari

There's a simple solution to abusive comments: IGNORE THEM!

The destructive atmosphere builds up because we tend to react (quite 

Let's remind ourselves that this list is an exchange of ideas, 
resources and assistance.  Should someone step beyond this, it's better 
(and more effective) to ignore.  Allow the atmosphere to dissipate 
rather than polarize.

With apologies to Garry, he's been a long-time contributer to this 
list, but also has those destructive episodes.  So: there is some good, 
with bad.  As long as we maintain a balance, any excesses can be 

I'm sure Vesa has already contacted Garry about this situation.


Re: no wiki problem - Clifton Hill Extension

2006-09-24 Thread Amir Ansari
Garry, hopefully this is heading toward a round of sincere apologies to 
everyone you insulted...?
