Re: Landscape experiments - a render

2008-04-13 Thread studio

Here's :

Stylized render of a USGS .DEM (Alaskan ,USA) .

  Foreground is Cook Inlet , then Anchorage , mountains in
background . MT. Gordon Lyon is the peak near center-right . 90KB



Re: Landscape experiments - a render

2008-04-13 Thread Mark Heuymans

Here's :

Stylized render of a USGS .DEM (Alaskan ,USA) .

  Foreground is Cook Inlet , then Anchorage , mountains in
background . MT. Gordon Lyon is the peak near center-right . 90KB



Nice one, including texturing!


Re: Landscape experiments

2008-04-12 Thread Gunnar Radeloff

Hi Garry,

Weekend list slowdown :

Rudimentary attemp at getting _useable_ Digital Elevation Data
and the corresponding bitmaps into RS using _Freeware S/W_ .

UV Mapping is not working . UV Sets will work (4 sets) ,
but are unuseable mostly . I need a single UV Set and
RSV6 will not provide it , for some reason .

since i´m into uvmapping currently too.. a single uvset can be created by 
selecting all faces and hit the uvset button.. (or by merging all uvsets ;°) 
..uv distortions on polygonal sds are far less when you turn on phong 
shade(spec props)


Re: Landscape experiments

2008-04-12 Thread studio

since i´m into uvmapping currently too.. a single uvset can be created by
selecting all faces and hit the uvset button..

Hi Gunnar :

 Yes , I tried that , assuming it would work nicely . It did of
course create the single UV Set , but then it will not show up
in the UV Editor .

 I tried your advice of closing the UV Editor Window , then opening
it again  and then dragging the UV Set into the Editor . This would
not work with my tiny? 30-80K Polygon .DEM mesh , but works fine
with smaller meshes .

 Same as imported .Obj's not showing up in the UV Editor ,these
.DEM's will not show up , unless i hit the 'Init-UV' button ,
and then the .Dem will show up , but looks very distorted .

 Same with a single UV-Set . I can create one that will show up
in the Editor , but I have to do a 'Init-UV' first to the .DEM .
Then any created single UV Sets shows up , but are distorted .

Also , RS goes unresponsive when working with these 30-80K objects
but Task Manager tells me a single core is working at 100% so I
wait 5 minutes and then the UV Set(s) appear . Oddly enough , 3
cores sit idle but XP-Pro becomes very sluggish when RS goes unresposive .

 I think this tute will focus on 30-80K size .DEM's , a tiny portion
of an average .DEM . Larger .DEM's will work too , but smaller ones
will be the starting point .

(or by merging all uvsets ;°)

Tried that too , but several attempts showed the same gibberish
in the UV Editor Window (see atached .Gif) .

..uv distortions on polygonal sds are far less

when you turn on phong shade(spec props)

OK , thanks . The .Dem importer turns Phong on by default too .
The .Dem comes in stretched in the vertical direction , but can
be easily 're-squared' using the handles .

 Anyway , I'm completely backing away from UV-Mapping these .DEM's.
I have found that I can use freeware S/W to create a parallel map
that works very well for long camera shots .

The .Dem imports fast and easy and then the map is created and
applied very quickly . Renders are very fast too . This is the
best way I think . Unresponsive RS is far beyond my level of
patience , anymore .


thanks for the reply


Hi Garry,

Weekend list slowdown :

Rudimentary attemp at getting _useable_ Digital Elevation Data
and the corresponding bitmaps into RS using _Freeware S/W_ .

UV Mapping is not working . UV Sets will work (4 sets) ,
but are unuseable mostly . I need a single UV Set and
RSV6 will not provide it , for some reason .
attachment: merged_set.gif