Soft selection!

2007-03-13 Thread ss-cm-gm
I'm always checking Robert's website for news of progress on v6 etc, and my 
dreams have been answered.

Soft selection is coming! check out the v6 page, and also news about sp4.

Thanks Robert for keeping us informed.
Thanks Vesa and co. for listening.

chris mungenast

Another Bug Fix - SP4 - was Soft selection!

2007-03-13 Thread studio

V6 looks good :

 The FBX support looks like a great idea , as well as Realflow
support . The ability to load a series of .obj's would be nice
too . That way we could import any external simulation program's
created objects and render them in Realsoft .

I have the fully functional demo of Realflow but no way to get the
water objects into RS . Blender has a javascript object series im-
port module but I think RS has a much better interface and renderer .

 Here's one that slipped through . Remember that old bug where
setting Texture Quality to 'None' resulted in a 512MB setting
instead ? Fixed , but still there when your object's texture
is an Image Object . (Property Window/Wire)
