> > Vesa hates it because he cannot put a hook and a worm
> > on OPENGL .

> Big sorry from my side to Vesa, for the
> wrong interpretation. Thanks to Garry, who's
> putting me on the right way.
> Matthias

Listen , Matt , your hard work was very appreciated , but I
am compelled to put the community before you , before Vesa,
before Juha , before me , before Bill Gates ...

That sometimes will cause a lot of friction when trying to
do my small part to improve the S/W . It is a tiny little
role I play here  , but I will play it to the best of my
ability , which will include calling out "Bullshit" , when
and where I see it .

If I see it in the S/W , I will call "Bullshit" , If I see
it in people's responses , I will call "Bullshit" (and quite
often , much , much worse) . I apologise , and you of all
people should not take my mails too seriously , anyway .

I post here , normally in a "for the record" type of manner.
It is nothing more than an observational "for what it's worth" .
If you or Realsoft read it and deem it to be worthless , then
so be it , I could care less , but I will post my thoughts
and ideas and observations (and try to make my point) until I
get kicked off , or die, or move to the LW pit .

You are selfless , and giving of your time , and only the tiny
language barrier holds you back a little bit (as well as your
day job of course) .

You are a Realsoft3D Master . You can find workarounds always,
and I admire you for that , and quite frankly , this is how I
like to work too , normally .

However , myself , lately , have been asking (myself) , why are
we always having to find workarounds for bugs , or missing tools?
Or having to search & ask for info on specific tools that are
not mentioned in the manual . It is a never ending , non-stop ,
forever kind of a thing .

 I feel like a kid who keeps asking "when is Daddy coming home?"
and being told "soon , son , soon ..." , when in fact ,Daddy has
been dead and eaten by wolves 5 years ago .

I was not trying to make you realise that you are always wrong
and don't know what you're taking about , but was trying to make
a simple , simple point , once and for all so that perhaps this
area of the S/W could be looked at by the Testers and RS .

And if one of the Testers or Vesa was to come here and say ...
"there is nothing wrong with it , you only need to do this then
this then this" ... I will simply say "Bullshit" , and then try
to carry on .

  I hope this makes you feel a bit better , and if I haven't
said it enough , thanks for all your great explorations and
tutorials and non-stop help . You are a true leader in this
small community , not like me who is just a loud mouth "know
it all" . (who really knows very little about 3D these days)


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