>> "Mark" == Mark Bourne <libreoffice-ml.mbou...@spamgourmet.com> writes:

   > A couple of possibilities...

Thanks for your answer.

   > 1. Your operating system might do something with those shortcut keys,
   > and not pass them on to LibreOffice.

Other shortcut keys I have set work fine (I am on Linux Kubuntu 10.04)

   > If the same shortcut key is defined for both, the one for an
   > individual application takes priority when in that application. In
   > Writer, Ctrl++ is assigned to "Calculate" and Ctrl+- is assigned to
   > "Optional hyphen" (at least for me). If you assign those keys to zoom
   > in and out at the "LibreOffice" level, they will not have that effect
   > when in Writer; you'd need to remove the assignments from the Writer
   > level (and likewise for Calc etc. If you want them to work there too).

I know, and that is why I tried out other bindings such has Alt+F2
and it does not work neither, I googled around and found out that it/was
a long standing bug, that is zoom in and out cannot be bound to a key!

I am using LO 4.2. Did you try it out, successfully? If so which version
do you use, because I then might upgrade.


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