I've been looking into using maven to compile and run automated unit
tests for a couple of projects I'm working on.  I see a lot of potential
for making this process more efficient with Maven.


One project is compiling against standard hibernate jars that came with
Jboss (4.2.0) and the Microsoft SQL server jdbc driver (sqljdbc.jar).  I
was able to find hibernate files in the global repository
(hibernate/hibernate/version 3.0), but they seem really out of date and
don't provide the same classes that the jboss files do.  I did not see
any hibernate sub-section underneath the jboss repository directories.


I would like to set this up correctly, but another issue is most of jars
we're using do not have any versioning associated with them.  For
example the cglib.jar in the jboss lib directory doesn't have a version
as part of the filename.  If I extract out the files, there doesn't seem
to be a version for that file specifically, other than a jboss 4.2.0.GA
in the manifest. What would be the correct "maven" way to place these
files in the local repository?  Should I place all of the files under a
'jboss' group, or should they be distributed to the
hibernate/cglib/commons-collections, etc... stamped with a jboss
version?  It also seems that I should define dependencies someplace so
the project pom file doesn't have to manually include each one.  Is
there a standard way of defining that as well?


Sorry if these questions seem overly paranoid.  I just don't want to
make some bad decision at this early stage of using Maven and have to go
back in the future and rework everything.

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