Re: Maven vs. Scripted Build Systems

2007-05-09 Thread Siegfried Goeschl

Hi folks,

after setting up and maintaining complex build environments using ANT
and Maven for a couple of years I have some thought about the topic

+) a fool with a tool is still a fool - if a complex build system is
falling apart it has most of the times nothing to do with the underlying
tools being used - if you do your job properly it will work

+) a related problem is that many companies hire juniors for this
setting up and maintaining a build system - it is not real programming
after all ... :-) ... later on the know better

+) the complexity does not go away - the complexity remains no matter
of the build system but it might be less visible - so if you have
problems they are hard to fix no matter what you are using

+) once you have it you have it - that was an important topic with my
current customer for rolling out a M2 build - it would be really
difficult and depressing to kick out M2 and replace it with something
else. And M2 is not really undisputed around here ... :-)


Siegfried Goeschl

Mykel Alvis wrote:

I agree with Graham's assessment that the bigger the project, the more
useful.  However, it does come with a price.  You've got to get used to the
idea of hard-versioning artifacts and moving toward controlled releases.
And a number of the plugins are use.

I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't switch builds unless there's a
compelling reason to do so.  If your scripted/ant build performs the build
tasks that you need, then use it until it becomes unmanageable or until you
need something consistency and reporting.  In every case that
I've installed maven in an enterprise environment, those are not just the
most compelling reasons that someone wanted/liked it. They WERE the
reasons.   Ramp-up time for a new developer capable of building whatever
system and/or component needed dropped  from several hours (even days) into
the 10's of minutes and is ridiculously easy.  Likewise, the reporting
available to a maven build stands on its own.  Anyone looking at the 
generated reporting gets pretty excited, and when you can add other 
sorts of

reports (we like JDepend, pmd, and Findbugs for example), it really shines.

As a side note, it has been my experience that low-to-mid-skill developers
rarely understands or wants to understand the software construction 

and management practically never does.  Builds are a thing that are either
(a) laughably easy or (b) handled by someone else.  If you're 
implementing a

complex build, that someone is probably you.  More than anything else, it
seems that resistance to a new (maven) build is inevitable since it forces
you to do some things that you might not otherwise do or to do them in a
particular way.  Prepare for that.

As for scaling into large builds, I'd note that that a lot of that depends
on patterns in your code.  For instance, we (now) have about 100 active
components being built, 80+ of which are in the hands of the coders (as
opposed to being built exclusively by the build engineer).  Of those, they
can be divided out into about 15 classes of components.  Once the build
process is defined for each class of components, then managing becomes
simpler for any new component of that class. For example, EJBs and their
clients are 2 classes of components in our systems.  We can produce a build
for a new EJB in about 5 minutes and have a skeletal project waiting to be
checked out of SCM ready for the developer to write code.
If we had to manage 100 unique types of artifacts, this system would
definitely be less scalable, and I'd probably be wanting to go looking 
for a

new job.

I haven't tried buildr, but am certainly interested in it.  As for the 

Uncertainty Principle they describe,  I'm going to say that I've definitely
encountered that effect but it seems that we generally had no problem
defeating it with proper planning and project organization.  Projects that
force maven to bend to the will of the project tend to be less successful
with maven integration than those that are structured around the maven
way.  Note that the maven way is much like the DJB way.  It's flexible
within limits, but you definitely get more bang for your buck if you 

to the way.

Maven's definitely got it's warts, just like any product, and your mileage
for responses on the lists may vary, but it's my current tool-of-choice and
I've not regretted the decision to anywhere near the point of replacing it

On 5/8/07, Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, May 7, 2007 6:24 pm, Peter Kahn wrote:

 How does maven's declarative convention over configuration stack up
 against scripted solutions like buildr, groovy/ant or scons when it
 comes to maintenance costs for large projects?

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Re: Maven vs. Scripted Build Systems

2007-05-09 Thread Graham Leggett
On Wed, May 9, 2007 12:30 pm, Siegfried Goeschl wrote:

 +) a related problem is that many companies hire juniors for this
 setting up and maintaining a build system - it is not real programming
 after all ... :-) ... later on the know better

I've seen over an over again how a lack of basic software discipline can
reduce a quickly running project down to an absolute crawl.

One of the most key benefits of a system like maven is that it (within
limitations) enforces discipline within a project.

When you've made a policy decision that the maven release plugin (for
example) will be used to make releases, you are now implicitely saying
that the underlying code needs to build, the version control rules need to
be followed properly, the maven repository to which you're publishing
releases needs to be configured properly.

Instead of trying to educate developers on some weird home grown way of
maintaining software discipline (a task akin to herding cats), you say
let's use the maven way - something you learn once, and apply everywhere.


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Re: Maven vs. Scripted Build Systems

2007-05-09 Thread Stephane Nicoll

On 5/9/07, Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

let's use the maven way - something you learn once, and apply everywhere.

Learn once, apply everywhere, that reminds me something :)

Maybe our next marketing slogan, who knows.



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Re: Maven vs. Scripted Build Systems

2007-05-08 Thread Graham Leggett
On Mon, May 7, 2007 6:24 pm, Peter Kahn wrote:

 How does maven's declarative convention over configuration stack up
 against scripted solutions like buildr, groovy/ant or scons when it
 comes to maintenance costs for large projects?

Scripted systems have an Achilles heel - build systems are not the primary
task at hand in a large project, the code is. As a result scripted build
systems are generally poorly designed and implemented, even though the
tools on which they are built (like ant) are top notch quality. The
scripted systems in every large project I've ever encountered were
complex, incomprehensible, platform specific and incomplete, and
ultimately thrown out.

The standardisation efforts of maven save a fortune - in our case on a big
project, releasing the project takes the form of mvn release:prepare and
mvn release:perform, and that is it. This means that any member of a
project team can make a release, and that release will probably work first
time, or fail for very clear and obvious reasons.

 how sustainable is maven for large scale projects

Implementing maven is not a walk in the park in a complex project.

There are times when the classic maven design philosophy of let maven
figure this out for you doesn't always hold true, meaning you have to
understand enough about the build process to make sure things work

Some of the maven plugins are not as reliable, or as complete than others.

But - having implemented a maven build system, all the maven features,
from release management, to documentation management, come for free. This
investment in standardisation pays big dividends in the future.

In short, the bigger the project, the more useful maven becomes.


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Re: Maven vs. Scripted Build Systems

2007-05-08 Thread Carlos Sanchez

I like to compare it to pure JDBC vs. Object relational tools.

With OR you lose control of the small details but overall you get a
better, simpler solution, worrying on the aspects you really care

On 5/8/07, Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, May 7, 2007 6:24 pm, Peter Kahn wrote:

 How does maven's declarative convention over configuration stack up
 against scripted solutions like buildr, groovy/ant or scons when it
 comes to maintenance costs for large projects?

Scripted systems have an Achilles heel - build systems are not the primary
task at hand in a large project, the code is. As a result scripted build
systems are generally poorly designed and implemented, even though the
tools on which they are built (like ant) are top notch quality. The
scripted systems in every large project I've ever encountered were
complex, incomprehensible, platform specific and incomplete, and
ultimately thrown out.

The standardisation efforts of maven save a fortune - in our case on a big
project, releasing the project takes the form of mvn release:prepare and
mvn release:perform, and that is it. This means that any member of a
project team can make a release, and that release will probably work first
time, or fail for very clear and obvious reasons.

 how sustainable is maven for large scale projects

Implementing maven is not a walk in the park in a complex project.

There are times when the classic maven design philosophy of let maven
figure this out for you doesn't always hold true, meaning you have to
understand enough about the build process to make sure things work

Some of the maven plugins are not as reliable, or as complete than others.

But - having implemented a maven build system, all the maven features,
from release management, to documentation management, come for free. This
investment in standardisation pays big dividends in the future.

In short, the bigger the project, the more useful maven becomes.


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I could give you my word as a Spaniard.
No good. I've known too many Spaniards.
-- The Princess Bride

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Re: Maven vs. Scripted Build Systems

2007-05-08 Thread Mykel Alvis

I agree with Graham's assessment that the bigger the project, the more
useful.  However, it does come with a price.  You've got to get used to the
idea of hard-versioning artifacts and moving toward controlled releases.
And a number of the plugins are use.

I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't switch builds unless there's a
compelling reason to do so.  If your scripted/ant build performs the build
tasks that you need, then use it until it becomes unmanageable or until you
need something consistency and reporting.  In every case that
I've installed maven in an enterprise environment, those are not just the
most compelling reasons that someone wanted/liked it. They WERE the
reasons.   Ramp-up time for a new developer capable of building whatever
system and/or component needed dropped  from several hours (even days) into
the 10's of minutes and is ridiculously easy.  Likewise, the reporting
available to a maven build stands on its own.  Anyone looking at the default
generated reporting gets pretty excited, and when you can add other sorts of
reports (we like JDepend, pmd, and Findbugs for example), it really shines.

As a side note, it has been my experience that low-to-mid-skill developers
rarely understands or wants to understand the software construction process,
and management practically never does.  Builds are a thing that are either
(a) laughably easy or (b) handled by someone else.  If you're implementing a
complex build, that someone is probably you.  More than anything else, it
seems that resistance to a new (maven) build is inevitable since it forces
you to do some things that you might not otherwise do or to do them in a
particular way.  Prepare for that.

As for scaling into large builds, I'd note that that a lot of that depends
on patterns in your code.  For instance, we (now) have about 100 active
components being built, 80+ of which are in the hands of the coders (as
opposed to being built exclusively by the build engineer).  Of those, they
can be divided out into about 15 classes of components.  Once the build
process is defined for each class of components, then managing becomes
simpler for any new component of that class. For example, EJBs and their
clients are 2 classes of components in our systems.  We can produce a build
for a new EJB in about 5 minutes and have a skeletal project waiting to be
checked out of SCM ready for the developer to write code.
If we had to manage 100 unique types of artifacts, this system would
definitely be less scalable, and I'd probably be wanting to go looking for a
new job.

I haven't tried buildr, but am certainly interested in it.  As for the Maven
Uncertainty Principle they describe,  I'm going to say that I've definitely
encountered that effect but it seems that we generally had no problem
defeating it with proper planning and project organization.  Projects that
force maven to bend to the will of the project tend to be less successful
with maven integration than those that are structured around the maven
way.  Note that the maven way is much like the DJB way.  It's flexible
within limits, but you definitely get more bang for your buck if you conform
to the way.

Maven's definitely got it's warts, just like any product, and your mileage
for responses on the lists may vary, but it's my current tool-of-choice and
I've not regretted the decision to anywhere near the point of replacing it

On 5/8/07, Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, May 7, 2007 6:24 pm, Peter Kahn wrote:

 How does maven's declarative convention over configuration stack up
 against scripted solutions like buildr, groovy/ant or scons when it
 comes to maintenance costs for large projects?

I'm just an unfrozen caveman software developer.  I don't understand your
strange, modern ways.

Re: Maven vs. Scripted Build Systems

2007-05-07 Thread Arnaud Bailly
I have been using maven for several years now, and switch from custom
grown ant scripts to maven1.0 in 200? (can't recall exactly the
year). The reason we switched is the usual one:
 - growing complexity and fragmentation of scripts 
 - uniformity and industrialisation
 - standard way of building, structuring and documenting projects.
 - reporting

This was true in maven1.X and is all the more so in maven2. 

I have set up maven on a project with +50 sub projects using custom
archetype: maven is great for industrializing development, when you
have a base project and several different modules that are built the

The profile system is extremely flexible and allows you to write in a
single place configurations for different environments
(eg. development, testing, production).  

The greatest feature, in my opinion, is the reporting system. It can
be somewhat tricky to put at work, but when properly configured, it
generates consistent information on your system, centralizes
documentation, project management info and quality reports. 

With continuum and (hopefully) archiva maturing, this makes for a
complete production system. 

There are drawbacks to maven's approach: lack of flexibility, tricky
configuration, centralized process, uniform way of building; and not
all plugins/components work as advertized but the list is responsive. 

My 50 cents

OQube  software engineering \ génie logiciel 
Arnaud Bailly, PhD


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