All looks fine for now, except for one thing:

 You are providing a POST parameter *value* but no field name. You should do something like

 http-post-parameters = elements[]=%z

On May 29, 2006, at 10:43, kartikay malhotra wrote:

Thanks again.

I'm using 2 conf. files. The first is for mmsc  (mmsc1.conf)-

group = mms-vasp
vasp-id = newscorp
type = eaif
short-code = 111
vasp-username = newscorp
vasp-password = news123
vasp-url = "" href="">
mmsc-username = user
mmsc-password = secret

The second is for VASP (mmsc2.conf)-

group = mmsc
id = testone
mmsc-url = "" href="">
incoming-username = newscorp
incoming-password = news123
incoming-port = 10002
type = eaif

group = mms-service
name = fullmessage
post-url = """>"
http-post-parameters = %z
catch-all = true
accept-x-mbuni-headers = true
keyword = www

I now run mmsrelay, mmsproxy with the 1st conf file and mmsbox with the second

Finally I fire -
mmssend -f 100/TYPE=PLMN -t 111/TYPE=PLMN -m abc.mms mmsc2.conf

which yields:
Queued: y-qf1148907236.1.x806.509, mmbox=
2006-05-29 12:53:56 [6806] [0] DEBUG: Immutable octet strings: 701.

I get in mmsrelay:
2006-05-29 12:56:42 [6638] [7] INFO: Sent to VASP[newscorp], code=[200]
2006-05-29 12:56:42 [6638] [7] INFO: Sent Global Queue MMS Send: From 100/TYPE=PLMN, to 111/TYPE=PLMN, msgsize=18465: err=(null)

I want to send this mms (abc.mms) to a PHP script running on a HTTP server provided the keyword in text part of MMS is "www". I think I'm doing something wrong with http-post-parameters. Please advise.


P.S. I sent you two (Paul) JPEG files (showing Mbuni architecture) based on my understanding. Could you please validate those.

On 5/17/06, Paul Bagyenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok I may not be able to offer a config for now (bit busy), but will provide some guidelines, and you can start with the sample config and modify to suit your needs.

First you want a sort of 'fake mmsc'. For this, just use the sample config. It defines a VASP called "newscorp", who is on short code 111.
This is the one you will connect to. Run the mmsc thus:

 mmsrelay conf_file
 mmsproxy conf_file

 This will start the Mbuni MMSC. 

 Now make a slightly different config file, this time to run Mbuni as VAS GW, connecting to the MMSC just started. Things to do:

- Define  the core config (should be largely as before)
- Define an MMC group and put in the mmsc group with the mmsc url as http://localhost:1982/mm7?username=newscorp&password=news123 -- i.e. you are telling your VASP setup to connect to the local MMSC on port 1982, to use user/pass newscorp/news123.
- Define an mms-service (the one that will call the url when it receives a messages from mmsbox). You should probably set the catch-all flag to true

Now start mmsbox as 

mmsbox conf_file

Finally, call the mmssend command of the MMSC to send an mms into the MMSC. Do this:

mmssend -f 100/TYPE=PLMN -t 111/TYPE=PLMN -m file.mms conf_file

This will:

 - Send the mms file to the local MMSC
 - When the MMSC receives the file it will send it to mmsbox since mmsbox is listed as handling all incoming messages to short code 111
 - mmsbox on receiving the message will call the mms-service you will have defined.

That should do the trick.

Let me know if you need more help.

On May 17, 2006, at 08:39, kartikay malhotra wrote:

Forgot to add:

I am not bothered about sending mms. I only with to receive it.

Also, while faking mms, do I submit a .mms file to Mbuni, or a SMIL file?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kartikay malhotra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 17, 2006 5:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Users] mbuni.conf + fake mms ? MMS file
To: Paul Bagyenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Paul,

Thanks. Things are more clear now. However, there is still some confusion. So I'll explain my immediate needs.

I wish to send a sample (fake) mms to Mbuni. I want Mbuni gateway to forward it to a HTTP (apache) server. On the server I run a PHP script to receive the MMS and dump it in a MySQL database. This is exactly what I did for SMS (using Kannel).

Since this is proof of concept,
I do not bother about any

local-prefixes, allowed or denied IP addresses, etc.

For kannel my conf file was:

group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
admin-password = bar


group = smsc
smsc = fake
smsc-id = FAKE
port = 10000


group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13013
global-sender = 13013
access-log = "/tmp/access.log"


group = sendsms-user
username = tester
password = foobar


get-url=""" target="_blank" >"

And after running bearerbox and smsbox in separate shells, I issued the following in a third shell:

./fakesmsc -i -0.01 -v 1 -m 1 "100 300 text www Good Morning"

where Good Morning is my short message.

Now I want a bare-bones working conf. file for mms.

Ques. Would you kindly supply such a conf. file?
(I think my conf. file would have 3 groups, namely, core, mbuni, and mmsc. )

Once I've such a file, I open a shell and run:
                                                   mmsbox my.conf

Then in the second shell I would send Mbuni a "fakemms", say using lynx.

That's it.

Most sincerely

On 5/16/06, Paul Bagyenda < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ok, this provides better information. 

 So lets begin (stop me if the detail is too much):

 From what you have written, you want to run Mbuni as a "VAS Gateway". In this mode, it connects to an operator MMC and sends/receives MMS. 
 there are two (main) protocols the operator MMC can use to send you MMS (and for you to send it MMS). One is SOAP (which is a 3GPP standard and is used by most MMCs), the other is EAIF, which is mostly used by Nokia. Mbuni supports both. 

 You need therefore to figure out what protocol is being used, and define the MMC group for that connection in the mbuni conf (see You then start mbuni as follows

mmsbox conf_file 

Now, to send a test MMS to the MMC, there is a send-mms interface in Mbuni (no, not mmssend). this is an HTTP interface that you can use to originate messages into mmsbox for outward delivery. To understand how to push messages, first you need to understand the structure/format of an MMS message:

An MMS message is a (sort of) MIME encoded collection of media objects (e.g. a picture, a sound clip, some text). The way this is presented to the user is controlled by a SMIL file, included in the message. (SMIL is a W3C standard -- 

 To send an MMS into Mbuni, the easiest way is to make a SMIL file (you could use an SMIL authoring tool). The SMIL file will of course contain references to the other media elements used by the message. You should make these publically accessible so mbuni can find them (see on how Mbuni handles push content). Once you have the SMIL, you can push it into Mbuni using HTTP GET, for instance

I'm skipping over a few details of course but generally am assuming your send-mms-port is configured as 10001, and the username/passwords are foo/bar. 

Mbuni will on receiving the SMIL parse it, fetch all the referenced content and build the MMS, and send it out to the connected MMC.

The log files are your friend.

More later as we progress.


On May 16, 2006, at 08:27, kartikay malhotra wrote:


I intend to use Mbuni as a gateway connected to an operator MMC. Once I receive MMS at my gateway, I would want to send it to a HTTP Server (preferably intact). There I would want to dump it in a database.

I can handle the server and DB part. Wat I do not know:

1. Format of incoming MMS; I mean protocol. (HTTP over TCP/IP)?
2. How to handle that MMS?
3. How to send fake MMS, and receive it?

On 5/15/06, Paul Bagyenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

The main question is, how do you intend to use mbuni? as a gateway connected to an operator MMC or as the MMC itself? Once that's clear, then we can proceed.

On May 15, 2006, at 17:31, kartikay malhotra wrote:

Dear Paul & others,

1. Could you tell me the commands to fake mms? I think mmssend would work. What changes should I make to mmsc.conf file for generating a fake MMS?

1a. Do I open bearer box, mmsbox etc. & fake MMSC in different shells as in Kannel?

2. I know SMIL. I can make a multimedia presentation and display it on Internet Explorer. But how can I package a SMIL file, text images, videos, audios etc. in a binary mms file? Is there a open source utility for that?

3. How to unpack MMS (binary file) into its original ingredients, ie, text, videos, etc.

4. Are there any sample MMS files available with Mbuni?

Many Thanks

On 5/6/06, Paul Bagyenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Answers below:
On May 06, 2006, at 14:05, kartikay malhotra wrote:

Hi All!

I started out on Kannel, but MMS is more exciting than SMS.

1. In Kannel I modified smskannel.conf to suit my needs. Here the equivalent file is
mbuni.conf (as per documentation). But I can't find any such file in any directory of my system. A file ../ mbuni-1.1.0/doc/examples/mmsc.conf exists. Is there no sample configuration file named mbuni.conf? If present, where can I find it?

There is a sample config in the doc/examples directory called mmsc.conf which is what you want to work with.

I did not build kannel documentation (some problem with jadetex). But the rest of the installation went smoothly. Can that be a reason for some files being abent?

2. Do I have a fakesmsc (Kannel) kind of utility in Mbuni to test it?

Mbuni is an MMSC as well as VAS GW so you can use it as a 'fake' MMSC.

Many thanks

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