Re: tomcat service version can't access intranet(not internet) files

2012-01-30 Thread Konstantin Kolinko
2012/1/30 chenqiang
 I found a problem which confused me so much,(I use tomcat7.0.20-7.0.25)  my
 web application need access to the files on another machine which is on the
 intranet, when I use the zip format distribution version of tomcat,
 everything is ok, but the problem arises when I deployed the apps on the
 tomcat services version, it can't list the files and just return null,It's
 so strange. Could anyone give me some hints? Thank you in advance.

1. OS = ?
2. Probably the account it runs as does not have access rights to the files.

If your OS is Windows and you are trying to access the files using UNC
paths then this is already mentioned in the Windows page of the FAQ.

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Re: Restarting tomcat 7.0.23 on MAC OS X 10.6

2012-01-30 Thread Oliver Due Billing

Found some more details.

INFO: Server startup in *151496* ms -- This is my problem

My startup command is:
sudo /Library/Tomcat/bin/

I Get alot of this stuff, but I do get DB access:

The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The
driver has not received any packets from the server.
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.init(
at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(
... 37 more
Caused by: Operation timed out
at Method)
at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.init(
... 38 more
30-01-2012 10:34:08 org.apache.catalina.core.NamingContextListener
WARNING: Failed to register in JMX: javax.naming.NamingException: Cannot
create PoolableConnectionFactory (Communications link failure)

2012/1/24 Christopher Schultz

 Hash: SHA1


 On 1/24/12 4:19 AM, Francis GALIEGUE wrote:
  On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 17:52, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
  From: Oliver Due Billing [] Subject:
  Restarting tomcat 7.0.23 on MAC OS X 10.6
  I have a test-server on my macbook pro and it takes forever to
  restart the server do anyone have a clue to whats happening.
  It may be collecting entropy.  Take a thread dump, and see what
  the JVM is doing during the pause.
  You can try setting
  as a system property.  Note that the apparently extra /. is
  required to trick the JVM into using the alternate random byte
  I was about to suggest this but wasn't sure that the problem also
  existed for Mac OS X...

 OSX definitely has both /dev/random and /dev/urandom, so I suspect
 their semantics are similar to what I've experienced on Linux systems

 I'm running (on my Mac):

 $ java -version
 Java version 1.6.0_29
 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_29-b11-402-11M3527)
 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.4-b02-402, mixed mode)

 ... and this is in my file:

 # The entropy gathering device is described as a URL and can also
 # be specified with the system property For example,
 # Specifying this system property will override the securerandom.source
 # setting.

 There is no explicit setting for

 I've never had a problem restarting my webapps, but I'm not using SSL
 on my own machine, which is the most likely thing to require a bunch
 of entropy on startup.

 - -chris
 Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
 Comment: GPGTools -
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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*Oliver Billing*

watAgame ApS
Kigkurren 8D, 1st
2300 Copenhagen S

office   +45 3536 4110
direct   +45 8833 6288
mobile +45 2087 7341

Re: How to configure certificate file (*.cer) in Tomcat 6

2012-01-30 Thread Ognjen Blagojevic


Bottom-posting style is standard on this list 

On 30.1.2012 5:42, Geet Chandra wrote:

- The customer has got very secure environment...they don't want to use the
*.keystore being shipped
with particular product.

Uhm... lots of questions here:

1. By *.keystore, do you mean keystore or truststore? Do you 
understand the difference between them?

2. Is your customer aware that there is no essential difference in term 
of security between JSSE and OpenSSL security implementations?

3. Do you plan to use client authentication via HTTPS or not? You are 
mentioning truststoreFile later.

4. Is your server certificate self signed or signed by trusted CA? If 
you don't use client authentication using HTTPS, and your server is 
signed by trusted CA, perhaps there is no need to ship certificate with 
your application.

Is it possible to configure like this

Connector port=8446 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
protocol=org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol SSLEnabled=true
maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
enableLookups=false disableUploadTimeout=true
acceptCount=100 scheme=https secure=true
clientAuth=want sslProtocol=TLS
truststoreFile =C:/user.cer


Parameters keystoreFile and truststoreFile are to be used with Java 
keystores. For .cer files (OpenSSL) you must use APR connector and SSL* 
attributes. See:


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Re: How to configure certificate file (*.cer) in Tomcat 6

2012-01-30 Thread Geet Chandra
Thanks  Ognjen!
Please find my inline comments.

1. By *.keystore, do you mean keystore or truststore? Do you understand
the difference between them?
- Could you please explain the difference.

2. Is your customer aware that there is no essential difference in term of
security between JSSE and OpenSSL security implementations?

- They may not be, but I shall get confirmation from them.

3. Do you plan to use client authentication via HTTPS or not? You are
mentioning truststoreFile later.
- Yes customer wants to use client authentication.

4. Is your server certificate self signed or signed by trusted CA? If you
don't use client authentication using HTTPS, and your server is signed by
trusted CA, perhaps there is no need to ship certificate with your
- It is self signed.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Ognjen Blagojevic wrote:


 Bottom-posting style is standard on this list (**Posting_style#Bottom-posting

 On 30.1.2012 5:42, Geet Chandra wrote:

 - The customer has got very secure environment...they don't want to use
 *.keystore being shipped
 with particular product.

 Uhm... lots of questions here:

 1. By *.keystore, do you mean keystore or truststore? Do you understand
 the difference between them?

 2. Is your customer aware that there is no essential difference in term of
 security between JSSE and OpenSSL security implementations?

 3. Do you plan to use client authentication via HTTPS or not? You are
 mentioning truststoreFile later.

 4. Is your server certificate self signed or signed by trusted CA? If you
 don't use client authentication using HTTPS, and your server is signed by
 trusted CA, perhaps there is no need to ship certificate with your

  Is it possible to configure like this

 Connector port=8446 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
 protocol=org.apache.coyote.**http11.Http11Protocol SSLEnabled=true
maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
enableLookups=false disableUploadTimeout=true
acceptCount=100 scheme=https secure=true
clientAuth=want sslProtocol=TLS
truststoreFile =C:/user.cer


 Parameters keystoreFile and truststoreFile are to be used with Java
 keystores. For .cer files (OpenSSL) you must use APR connector and SSL*
 attributes. See:**tomcat-6.0-doc/apr.html#HTTPS


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Thanks  Regards

Re: Reinstall with 302 error

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
Maybe this will help you.

2012/1/28, Pid
 On 28/01/2012 15:08, Bilal S wrote:
 It would not be unusual for a page to redirect to itself.
 Have you tried an alternate connection mechanisms. Http proxy or BonCode (

 Really, is that relevant here?

 Please don't top-post.  Please reply below each relevant point in the
 previous message.

 Does it behave the same?

 If this app works unmodified in Mac OSX, it should work in Windows.

 On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Benjamin Madore wrote:

 Hi all,

I have inherited a two web applications written several
 years ago. Since the server, which had been installed just before I
 was rebuilt last month we have not been able to log in to the
 We had continued to update Tomcat and Java before the rebuild so it was
 running the latest versions at the time on Windows 2008.

 Previously we had been using IIS to redirect the site, however we
 the Tomcat Connector.

 Which versions of Tomcat and the connector are you using?

 We use an SSL cert that has been installed in IIS.

 The index.jsp page loads fine, but other jsp pages in the site give an
 error. Other sites have no problem, and I am able to view jsp pages with
 without https.

 What is the error - be precise please.

 One web app (the eli2117 and 2121 folders) won't load at all after the
 page, and the other (dataSearch) appears normal, it will reload the login
 page (related to a bug in the application, login was always flaky on it
 unless you were logged into an instance of the former application).

 What does won't load mean, in detail, please?  An error?

 Other pages (the test directory) load fine.

 The eli app uses response.sendRedirect(home.jsp); in the login
 but it appears to me that even login.jsp is not being recognized from the
 form submit.

 Where is login.jsp?  How are you accessing it?  What kind of
 authentication is configured?

 We have a test server running Tomcat 6 and MacOS 10.4 where the
 works fine. I understand there is a big difference between the two, but
 budget for upgrades is thin around here. As I said before, it ran in the
 current environment prior to the rebuild.

 I would appreciate any hints on where to go from here on fixing the

 Attached are log snippets.

 Attachments get eaten by the list.  Please paste log contents inline.



 Ben Madore

 Research Programmer, Linguistics Dpt.

 University of Pittsburgh, Cathedral of Learning - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:12 -0500] GET /eli2121/ HTTP/1.1
 200 6501 - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] POST /eli2121/login.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [25/Jan/2012:00:37:31 -0500] GET
 /eli2117/course.jsp?action=submitfile_type_id=1 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [25/Jan/2012:00:37:32 -0500] GET /eli2117/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [25/Jan/2012:00:37:32 -0500] GET /eli2117/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [25/Jan/2012:00:37:32 -0500] GET /eli2117/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - 

Re: Reinstall with 302 error

2012-01-30 Thread Pid
On 30/01/2012 11:47, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 Maybe this will help you.

Luciano, please put replies *below* the previous comment you're replying
to.  As I asked the other poster to do in the message you replied to.


 2012/1/28, Pid
 On 28/01/2012 15:08, Bilal S wrote:
 It would not be unusual for a page to redirect to itself.
 Have you tried an alternate connection mechanisms. Http proxy or BonCode (

 Really, is that relevant here?

 Please don't top-post.  Please reply below each relevant point in the
 previous message.

 Does it behave the same?

 If this app works unmodified in Mac OSX, it should work in Windows.

 On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Benjamin Madore wrote:

 Hi all,

I have inherited a two web applications written several
 years ago. Since the server, which had been installed just before I
 was rebuilt last month we have not been able to log in to the
 We had continued to update Tomcat and Java before the rebuild so it was
 running the latest versions at the time on Windows 2008.

 Previously we had been using IIS to redirect the site, however we
 the Tomcat Connector.

 Which versions of Tomcat and the connector are you using?

 We use an SSL cert that has been installed in IIS.

 The index.jsp page loads fine, but other jsp pages in the site give an
 error. Other sites have no problem, and I am able to view jsp pages with
 without https.

 What is the error - be precise please.

 One web app (the eli2117 and 2121 folders) won't load at all after the
 page, and the other (dataSearch) appears normal, it will reload the login
 page (related to a bug in the application, login was always flaky on it
 unless you were logged into an instance of the former application).

 What does won't load mean, in detail, please?  An error?

 Other pages (the test directory) load fine.

 The eli app uses response.sendRedirect(home.jsp); in the login
 but it appears to me that even login.jsp is not being recognized from the
 form submit.

 Where is login.jsp?  How are you accessing it?  What kind of
 authentication is configured?

 We have a test server running Tomcat 6 and MacOS 10.4 where the
 works fine. I understand there is a big difference between the two, but
 budget for upgrades is thin around here. As I said before, it ran in the
 current environment prior to the rebuild.

 I would appreciate any hints on where to go from here on fixing the

 Attached are log snippets.

 Attachments get eaten by the list.  Please paste log contents inline.



 Ben Madore

 Research Programmer, Linguistics Dpt.

 University of Pittsburgh, Cathedral of Learning - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:12 -0500] GET /eli2121/ HTTP/1.1
 200 6501 - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] POST /eli2121/login.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [24/Jan/2012:14:02:20 -0500] GET /eli2121/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [25/Jan/2012:00:37:31 -0500] GET
 /eli2117/course.jsp?action=submitfile_type_id=1 HTTP/1.1 302 - - - [25/Jan/2012:00:37:32 -0500] GET /eli2117/home.jsp
 HTTP/1.1 302 

Re: How to configure certificate file (*.cer) in Tomcat 6

2012-01-30 Thread Ognjen Blagojevic

On 30.1.2012 12:44, Geet Chandra wrote:

1. By *.keystore, do you mean keystore or truststore? Do you understand
the difference between them?
- Could you please explain the difference.

Google is your friend:

2. Is your customer aware that there is no essential difference in term of
security between JSSE and OpenSSL security implementations?

- They may not be, but I shall get confirmation from them.

Ok, do that. Then, inform us are they still insisting on not using JSSE.

3. Do you plan to use client authentication via HTTPS or not? You are
mentioning truststoreFile later.
- Yes customer wants to use client authentication.

How did your customer generate client certificates? Do you have those 
certificates? You will need them in order to add them to 

4. Is your server certificate self signed or signed by trusted CA? If you
don't use client authentication using HTTPS, and your server is signed by
trusted CA, perhaps there is no need to ship certificate with your
- It is self signed.

If you need non-interactive server authentication, you will most 
probably need to export server certificate, and distribute it with your 
application, or make it available for download to the clients.

Server certificate may be inside truststore or .crt file. Client 
technology should dictate that.


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Re: [OT] Reinstall with 302 error (and about top-posting)

2012-01-30 Thread André Warnier

Luciano (and others),

The following example is occasionally used in mailing lists to *mock* and *discourage* 

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.

Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

A: Top-posting.

Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

On the other hand, inline-posting preserves the logical order of the replies and is 
consistent with the Western reading direction from top to bottom.

Like this :

Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

A: Top-posting.

Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.

Inline posting is more work for the poster : you need to scroll down the message, 
possibly remove the parts that are irrelevant, leave the parts to which you are answering, 
and write your answer *below* the relevant part.

But it allows someone else to follow the conversation, which top-posting does 

Use top-posting for your personal mail if you want, but /not/ in this forum.  
It is annoying.

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
Thank you Pid, and André.

You remember me to ZZ Top, but solved my problem.

2012/1/27, Pid
 On 27/01/2012 20:51, André Warnier wrote:
 (this is responding to Pid)

 Pid wrote:
 On 27/01/2012 17:54, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 -Xmx512m -Xmx1024 ?

 Please post your replies below the questions I asked.

 Someone reading this thread would see the first bit of this message and
 wonder what it referred to.


 2012/1/27, Luciano Andress Martini
 its 64 bits? How can i increase the object heap?

 2012/1/27, Pid
 On 27/01/2012 16:29, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 I need to know if the error is from my part (server administrator),
 from the developer or from the hardware/vms. Some times that occurs
 when processing two milion of registry (i am talking from
 a company of credit cards).

 Its a rarely error because this processing occurs rarely.

 in fact, mysql in the another server with 12 processors, still
 running, and tomcat in a virtual machine called adm (in another
 physical machine, with 4 processors) still running.

 So, this errors occurs like that:

 1- Tomcat started
 2- This processing is realized ok in the first time
 3- Tomcat stable in the users acess.
 4- The processing is realized again, some days later, inn 98% of
 processing servers crashes, but mysql is still running.
 5- Restar of tomcat service tomcat6 restart
 6- the processing started again, and server can done the processing.

 In the moment of the crash:
 jstat -class
 Loaded  Bytes  Unloaded  Bytes Time

  15007 32265.0  300   505.9  12.11
 So permgen is using 32Mb

 Java using: 914mb
 Free memory on the virtual machine server: 2152

 Java says:
 java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:
 Java heap space at
 java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerGet( at
 java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get( at
 wfr.rules.WFRRule.execute( at
 wfr.rules.WFRRule.execute( at
 at wfr.web.Action.doAction( at
 wfr.web.Controller.process( at
 wfr.web.Controller.doPost( at
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at


 at wfr.web.ContextFilter.doFilter( at












 at Caused by:
 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

 Java options (that i configurate)
 Cripes!  3.5Gb of PermGen space?!  I really doubt you want that.

 So your JVM is using 900Mb, your object heap is 512Mb.

 If you have more memory available, why not assign more to the heap?
 How much memory is available?

 Are you using 32bit or 64bit?



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RE: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Jeffrey Janner
See below

 -Original Message-
 From: Pid []
 Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 2:41 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly
 On 27/01/2012 18:39, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
  i dont know how to increase the heap space is using the parameter -
  2012/1/27, Pid
  On 27/01/2012 17:54, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
  -Xmx512m -Xmx1024 ?
  Please post your replies below the questions I asked.
  Someone reading this thread would see the first bit of this message
  and wonder what it referred to.
  2012/1/27, Luciano Andress Martini
  its 64 bits? How can i increase the object heap?
  2012/1/27, Pid
  On 27/01/2012 16:29, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
  I need to know if the error is from my part (server
  administrator), from the developer or from the hardware/vms.
  times that occurs when processing two milion of registry (i am
  talking from expressocard a company of credit cards).
  Its a rarely error because this processing occurs rarely.
  in fact, mysql in the another server with 12 processors, still
  running, and tomcat in a virtual machine called adm (in another
  physical machine, with 4 processors) still running.
  So, this errors occurs like that:
  1- Tomcat started
  2- This processing is realized ok in the first time
  3- Tomcat stable in the users acess.
  4- The processing is realized again, some days later, inn 98% of
  processing servers crashes, but mysql is still running.
  5- Restar of tomcat service tomcat6 restart
  6- the processing started again, and server can done the
  In the moment of the crash:
  jstat -class
  Loaded  Bytes  Unloaded  Bytes Time
   15007 32265.0  300   505.9  12.11
  So permgen is using 32Mb
  Java using: 914mb
  Free memory on the virtual machine server: 2152
  Java says:
  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  Java options (that i configurate) -Djava.awt.headless=true
  -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=3512M
  Cripes!  3.5Gb of PermGen space?!  I really doubt you want that.
  So your JVM is using 900Mb, your object heap is 512Mb.
  If you have more memory available, why not assign more to the
  How much memory is available?
  Are you using 32bit or 64bit?
 (What part of 'below' wasn't clear to you?)
 You are setting -XX:MaxPermSize=3512M - it's too high.
 'jmap -heap' will tell you how much PermGen you're actually using, try
 setting -XX:MaxPermSize=64M or whatever is appropriate.
 You still haven't said how much RAM you actually have available, so I
 will assume you have 1 Tomcat running on a server with 4Gb of RAM.
 You can set -Xmx=1024M to set the heap size to 1Gb.

However, if I read Luciano's initial problem report correctly, it's quite 
likely he'll still see the same problem but a few days later. I will try to 
paraphrase his description:

1) He processes a large batch of transactions -- all OK
2) Other work gets done by Tomcat
3) A few days later, he processes another large batch of transactions, but gets 
4) He restarts Tomcat and it processes the second batch just fine, but fails on 
next load.

That sounds to me like your standard memory leak, most likely in his 
Doubling the memory will certainly help, but most likely will only delay the 
issue. I expect that his Tomcat will probably see another OOM sometime between 
the 3rd and 5th processing cycles.

Luciano, I would not call this resolved unless you do not see the OOM again 
within another 12 or so batch runs.  It could be that your original heap size 
was just too small to accommodate your load, and was only noticeable with other 
work being done when the big job came along.  Or it could be you have a memory 
leak in this, or another, process.


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Apache Tomcat Native library

2012-01-30 Thread Paul Singleton

My standalone Tomcat 6 informs me, at startup, that

The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal 
performance in production environments was not found on the 

Does this library offer any benefit to standalone systems, or is it 
purely for use with Apache httpd + Tomcat?

Paul Singleton

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RE: Apache Tomcat Native library

2012-01-30 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Paul Singleton [] 
 Subject: Apache Tomcat Native library

 Does this library offer any benefit to standalone systems, or is it 
 purely for use with Apache httpd + Tomcat?

It's most beneficial when you don't have httpd in front of Tomcat and are 
processing a lot of HTTPS traffic.

If you're satisfied with your current performance, don't worry about it.

 - Chuck

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Re: Apache Tomcat Native library

2012-01-30 Thread Thomas Rohde

Am 30.01.2012 16:26, schrieb Paul Singleton:

My standalone Tomcat 6 informs me, at startup, that

The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal 
performance in production environments was not found on the 

Does this library offer any benefit to standalone systems, or is it 
purely for use with Apache httpd + Tomcat?

Paul Singleton

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Hi Paul,

APR is a native HTTP implementation (heart of the Apache HTTP Server). 
It provides a better performance for handling the http overhead in 
Tomcat's request processing.

See for more details.

If you use Apache Webserver with Tomcat you wouldn't use APR but AJP.


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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
Do you know how to solve this memory leak, its a hardware problem?

2012/1/30, Jeffrey Janner
 See below

 -Original Message-
 From: Pid []
 Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 2:41 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 On 27/01/2012 18:39, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
  i dont know how to increase the heap space is using the parameter -
  2012/1/27, Pid
  On 27/01/2012 17:54, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
  -Xmx512m -Xmx1024 ?
  Please post your replies below the questions I asked.
  Someone reading this thread would see the first bit of this message
  and wonder what it referred to.
  2012/1/27, Luciano Andress Martini
  its 64 bits? How can i increase the object heap?
  2012/1/27, Pid
  On 27/01/2012 16:29, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
  I need to know if the error is from my part (server
  administrator), from the developer or from the hardware/vms.
  times that occurs when processing two milion of registry (i am
  talking from expressocard a company of credit cards).
  Its a rarely error because this processing occurs rarely.
  in fact, mysql in the another server with 12 processors, still
  running, and tomcat in a virtual machine called adm (in another
  physical machine, with 4 processors) still running.
  So, this errors occurs like that:
  1- Tomcat started
  2- This processing is realized ok in the first time
  3- Tomcat stable in the users acess.
  4- The processing is realized again, some days later, inn 98% of
  processing servers crashes, but mysql is still running.
  5- Restar of tomcat service tomcat6 restart
  6- the processing started again, and server can done the
  In the moment of the crash:
  jstat -class
  Loaded  Bytes  Unloaded  Bytes Time
   15007 32265.0  300   505.9  12.11
  So permgen is using 32Mb
  Java using: 914mb
  Free memory on the virtual machine server: 2152
  Java says:
  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
  Java options (that i configurate) -Djava.awt.headless=true
  -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=3512M
  Cripes!  3.5Gb of PermGen space?!  I really doubt you want that.
  So your JVM is using 900Mb, your object heap is 512Mb.
  If you have more memory available, why not assign more to the
  How much memory is available?
  Are you using 32bit or 64bit?

 (What part of 'below' wasn't clear to you?)

 You are setting -XX:MaxPermSize=3512M - it's too high.

 'jmap -heap' will tell you how much PermGen you're actually using, try
 setting -XX:MaxPermSize=64M or whatever is appropriate.

 You still haven't said how much RAM you actually have available, so I
 will assume you have 1 Tomcat running on a server with 4Gb of RAM.

 You can set -Xmx=1024M to set the heap size to 1Gb.


 However, if I read Luciano's initial problem report correctly, it's quite
 likely he'll still see the same problem but a few days later. I will try to
 paraphrase his description:

 1) He processes a large batch of transactions -- all OK
 2) Other work gets done by Tomcat
 3) A few days later, he processes another large batch of transactions, but
 gets OOM.
 4) He restarts Tomcat and it processes the second batch just fine, but fails
 on next load.

 That sounds to me like your standard memory leak, most likely in his
 Doubling the memory will certainly help, but most likely will only delay the
 issue. I expect that his Tomcat will probably see another OOM sometime
 between the 3rd and 5th processing cycles.

 Luciano, I would not call this resolved unless you do not see the OOM again
 within another 12 or so batch runs.  It could be that your original heap
 size was just too small to accommodate your load, and was only noticeable
 with other work being done when the big job came along.  Or it could be you
 have a memory leak in this, or another, process.


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RE: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Jeffrey Janner

 -Original Message-
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:40 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly
 Do you know how to solve this memory leak, its a hardware problem?
Memory Leak is a software problem. It means your software is allocating 
memory (objects) and not releasing it when it is through using it.  Mention the 
term to your development team (Ex: I think our app may have a memory leak.).  
They should know what the term means.


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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
I understand it, but im not the developer!

I will report that to my boss and for developers, thank you very much.

2012/1/30, Jeffrey Janner

 -Original Message-
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:40 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Do you know how to solve this memory leak, its a hardware problem?

 Memory Leak is a software problem. It means your software is allocating
 memory (objects) and not releasing it when it is through using it.  Mention
 the term to your development team (Ex: I think our app may have a memory
 leak.).  They should know what the term means.


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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is impossible
to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
automatically, is that true?

2012/1/30, Luciano Andress Martini
 I understand it, but im not the developer!

 I will report that to my boss and for developers, thank you very much.

 2012/1/30, Jeffrey Janner

 -Original Message-
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:40 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Do you know how to solve this memory leak, its a hardware problem?

 Memory Leak is a software problem. It means your software is allocating
 memory (objects) and not releasing it when it is through using it.
 the term to your development team (Ex: I think our app may have a memory
 leak.).  They should know what the term means.


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RE: Tomcat 6 - How to make an application available at

2012-01-30 Thread Jeffrey Janner
 -Original Message-
 From: André Warnier []
 Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 7:07 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Tomcat 6 - How to make an application available at
 John Renne wrote:
  On Jan 29, 2012, at 1:27 PM, André Warnier wrote:
  Sorry to appear to pounce on you, but putting a Context element in
 server.xml is discouraged, see here :
  No offense taken
  I am not myself an expert, so treat this with caution, but to
 summarise so far :
  Same here, we're all doing the same, trying to be helpful in some way
  1) the easiest and recommended way is to deploy the application as
 ${CATALINA_BASE}/webapps/ROOT.war. That is the normal place for an
 application invoked as /, it will not confuse anyone, and it will
 work with or without a front-end.
  This isn't what the original poster asked, he asked for a way without
 Yes, but maybe this was for some reason of his, which is not
 necessarily a good one (we
 don't know, he did not give a reason).  As Chuck was pointing out, this
 is the recommended
 best practice, and it turns out to be the easiest in all respects.  So
 it is worth
 pointing it out anyway.
  2) instead, in some cases (and only since Tomcat 7.x), you can use
 the trick indicated previously by Pid
  This isn't what the original poster asked, he was talking about
 Tomcat 6
 And as Pid indicated, upgrading was a suggestion. Tomcat 7 is the
 current version, and it
 is better than Tomcat 6.  So again, it is worth suggesting.
 But of course, as the OP is under Ubuntu, he may want to use the Ubuntu
 packages (for ease
 of administration), and Tomcat 7 may not yet have made it it there.
  3) place a Context description in
 $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ROOT.xml, with an attribute
 : docBase=(full path to the application's .war archive)  (whatever
 you decide to name the .war archive). Put the .war archive outside of
 tomcat's webapps directory then, to avoid a double deployment.
  This is a nice option, however putting war's outside of the webapps
 directory might be very confusing.
 It would not be more confusing than where Ubuntu's Tomcat package is
 already putting the
 Tomcat files. ;-)
 And it may be a nice way to insulate his application from future
 Ubuntu Tomcat upgrades
 (which, by the way, also militates against putting a Context in
  4) deploy the application as you wish, and use VirtualHost and/or
 Rewrite and/or Proxy rules at the front-end httpd level to achieve what
 you want.  But this is more complex to do right as it appears
 initially. (You may have to be careful about links embedded inside your
 pages, for example).
  This is a nice solution too, however if an application for some
 reason uses applets or generates it's URL's in a non-standard way, this
 might not work. I do realize the downsides of modifying the server.xml
 and including a context element, but it might be a working approach and
 answers the question the original poster has.
 To emphasise a point made above : it often happens that someone comes
 here with a question
 such as How do I do 'this', using 'that' ?.
 It oftens turns out that 'that' is not the best way of doing 'this',
 but is merely a way
 which the poster heard about from some more or less reputable source.
 Sometimes it is
 even so that 'that' is really unnecessarily complex, insecure,
 unreliable or wrong.
 People here then feel obliged to point this out, and recommend what
 they consider a better
 way of achieving 'this'.
 I think that's also part of the role of a list such as this one.
 To give an egregious example : many people come here asking how they
 can do this or that
 at the Apache httpd front-end level, before proxying a call to Tomcat.
 Then upon further enquiry, it will come up that they are using a
 directive such as
 JkMount /* worker1
 Someone here then is bound to question why they are using a httpd
 front-end at all, and
 recommend that they perhaps get rid of it (and of the original problem
 at the same time).
 No doubt, this also does not match the original OP's question, but may
 not be a bad thing
 to ask, or ?

In fact, André's last bit was going to be my suggestion to the OP, drop Apache 
altogether.  Once you move your app to the root level, Apache just becomes 
overhead (unless you need load-balancing or somesuch other feature).  I would 
take option #3 one step further and not even bother zipping the app into a war 
file, but deploy it somewhere on the filesystem as an already-exploded 
directory (original form).  Then point the ROOT.xml context descriptor at that 
directory, making sure the Tomcat user has the needed rights to the directory.

But, by far, the easiest way to accomplish what the OP wants as an end result 
is to zip the app into ROOT.war and deploy normally.

RE: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Luciano Andress Martini [] 
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is impossible
 to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
 automatically, is that true?

A) Stop your top posting - it's incredibly annoying and makes people much less 
likely to help.

B) Your boss is wrong.  Google for many examples of memory leaks in Java.

 - Chuck

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is impossible
 to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
 automatically, is that true?

 A) Stop your top posting - it's incredibly annoying and makes people much
 less likely to help.

 B) Your boss is wrong.  Google for many examples of memory leaks in Java.

  - Chuck

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Thank you and sorry Chuck.
Jeffrey what is your opinion about this?
The development team is using a software that Draw java code called
developer, and do not programming in. Im a assembler/C programmer and
don't have so much knowing about java.

But all the fault is falling back to me in the company.

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Pid
On 30/01/2012 16:05, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is impossible
 to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
 automatically, is that true?

 A) Stop your top posting - it's incredibly annoying and makes people much
 less likely to help.

 B) Your boss is wrong.  Google for many examples of memory leaks in Java.

  - Chuck

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 Thank you and sorry Chuck.
 Jeffrey what is your opinion about this?
 The development team is using a software that Draw java code called
 developer, and do not programming in. Im a assembler/C programmer and
 don't have so much knowing about java.
 But all the fault is falling back to me in the company.

1.  We do not know that there is a memory leak.
2.  Your memory configuration was screwy.

Your actions are:

1.  Give us more information.  E.g.

 How much physical memory is available?
 Are you using 32bit or 64bit Java?

2.  Use a sensible memory configuration.
3.  Test your application with some real data in an environment that
replicates production or worse, use the production environment.
4.  Report back.




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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread André Warnier

Luciano Andress Martini wrote:

Thank you and sorry Chuck.
Jeffrey what is your opinion about this?
The development team is using a software that Draw java code called
developer, and do not programming in. Im a assembler/C programmer and
don't have so much knowing about java.

But all the fault is falling back to me in the company.

Time to look for another job, maybe ?
Or start your own company; then you can tell someone else that it is his fault.

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread David kerber

On 1/30/2012 11:05 AM, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:

2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles

From: Luciano Andress Martini []
Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is impossible
to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
automatically, is that true?

A) Stop your top posting - it's incredibly annoying and makes people much
less likely to help.

B) Your boss is wrong.  Google for many examples of memory leaks in Java.

  - Chuck

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Thank you and sorry Chuck.
Jeffrey what is your opinion about this?
The development team is using a software that Draw java code called
developer, and do not programming in. Im a assembler/C programmer and
don't have so much knowing about java.

Java can have memory leaks just as easily as C can, but if the app is 
standalone, it will release them when the app closes and the JRE shuts 

I have killed tomcat more than once with memory leaks, so it's easy to 
do.  I'm not the expert that Chuck and Mark T are, but here is my 
understanding of what happens:  if the app is running under tomcat, the 
JRE never shuts down since tomcat is using it.  That means the JRE can 
not free up memory that your app has left allocated, as it would be able 
to in a standalone app.  So your Tomcat app has to clean up after itself 
because there is nothing else that can do so.

But all the fault is falling back to me in the company.

I know the feeling  :-/

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
Pid i changed the configuration, like this:

JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
-XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

The system is 64 bits + Java 64 bits, running in debian
paravirtualized with Xen.

2012/1/30, David kerber
 On 1/30/2012 11:05 AM, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is impossible
 to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
 automatically, is that true?

 A) Stop your top posting - it's incredibly annoying and makes people much
 less likely to help.

 B) Your boss is wrong.  Google for many examples of memory leaks in Java.

   - Chuck

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 Thank you and sorry Chuck.
 Jeffrey what is your opinion about this?
 The development team is using a software that Draw java code called
 developer, and do not programming in. Im a assembler/C programmer and
 don't have so much knowing about java.

 Java can have memory leaks just as easily as C can, but if the app is
 standalone, it will release them when the app closes and the JRE shuts

 I have killed tomcat more than once with memory leaks, so it's easy to
 do.  I'm not the expert that Chuck and Mark T are, but here is my
 understanding of what happens:  if the app is running under tomcat, the
 JRE never shuts down since tomcat is using it.  That means the JRE can
 not free up memory that your app has left allocated, as it would be able
 to in a standalone app.  So your Tomcat app has to clean up after itself
 because there is nothing else that can do so.

 But all the fault is falling back to me in the company.

 I know the feeling  :-/

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
2012/1/30, Luciano Andress Martini
 Pid i changed the configuration, like this:

 JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

 The system is 64 bits + Java 64 bits, running in debian
 paravirtualized with Xen.

 2012/1/30, David kerber
 On 1/30/2012 11:05 AM, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is impossible
 to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
 automatically, is that true?

 A) Stop your top posting - it's incredibly annoying and makes people
 less likely to help.

 B) Your boss is wrong.  Google for many examples of memory leaks in

   - Chuck

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 this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its
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 Thank you and sorry Chuck.
 Jeffrey what is your opinion about this?
 The development team is using a software that Draw java code called
 developer, and do not programming in. Im a assembler/C programmer and
 don't have so much knowing about java.

 Java can have memory leaks just as easily as C can, but if the app is
 standalone, it will release them when the app closes and the JRE shuts

 I have killed tomcat more than once with memory leaks, so it's easy to
 do.  I'm not the expert that Chuck and Mark T are, but here is my
 understanding of what happens:  if the app is running under tomcat, the
 JRE never shuts down since tomcat is using it.  That means the JRE can
 not free up memory that your app has left allocated, as it would be able
 to in a standalone app.  So your Tomcat app has to clean up after itself
 because there is nothing else that can do so.

 But all the fault is falling back to me in the company.

 I know the feeling  :-/

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Sorry the gmail is doing wrong with my messages =/

I changed the configuration like this:
JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
-XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

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Re: Reinstall with 302 error

2012-01-30 Thread Bilal S
On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Pid wrote:

 On 28/01/2012 15:08, Bilal S wrote:
  It would not be unusual for a page to redirect to itself.
  Have you tried an alternate connection mechanisms. Http proxy or BonCode

 Really, is that relevant here?

 Please don't top-post.  Please reply below each relevant point in the
 previous message.

Highly relevant as per post:

Extract from post:

Extract start ===

Previously we had been using IIS to redirect the site, however we installed
the Tomcat Connector.

=== Extract End

Thus, we need to understand whether things were working with the old
connection mechanism.
Also substantiated by working on MacOSx no Apache webserver was mentioned,
thus high likely hood that the connection was direct to tomcat.

what happens when you connect to Tomcat webport directly, i.e. port 8080?

RE: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: David kerber [] 
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Java can have memory leaks just as easily as C can

Not really; leaks in C are much easier to create.

 if the app is standalone, it will release them when the app 
 closes and the JRE shuts down.

That's true for C and any other language as well.

 if the app is running under tomcat, the JRE never shuts down 
 since tomcat is using it.  That means the JRE can not free up 
 memory that your app has left allocated, as it would be able 
 to in a standalone app.
Although that's true, it's not really relevant.  Memory leaks in Java occur 
when some program logic hangs onto references it no longer needs (e.g., in a 
static HashMap).  These objects won't be discarded by the garbage collector 
since they are reachable - the program logic failed to remove them from the 
structure when it was done with them.  Restarting the webapp will release these 

The more subtle leaks that occur when reloading a webapp are typically due to 
references to the webapp's classes or classloader being held by some component 
outside of the webapp, such as a shared logger.  Those are the ones that 
require restart of Tomcat.

Regardless, we still have no real evidence of what's going on at Luciano's site.

 - Chuck

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles R
 From: David kerber []
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Java can have memory leaks just as easily as C can

 Not really; leaks in C are much easier to create.

 if the app is standalone, it will release them when the app
 closes and the JRE shuts down.

 That's true for C and any other language as well.

 if the app is running under tomcat, the JRE never shuts down
 since tomcat is using it.  That means the JRE can not free up
 memory that your app has left allocated, as it would be able
 to in a standalone app.

 Although that's true, it's not really relevant.  Memory leaks in Java occur
 when some program logic hangs onto references it no longer needs (e.g., in a
 static HashMap).  These objects won't be discarded by the garbage collector
 since they are reachable - the program logic failed to remove them from the
 structure when it was done with them.  Restarting the webapp will release
 these objects.

 The more subtle leaks that occur when reloading a webapp are typically due
 to references to the webapp's classes or classloader being held by some
 component outside of the webapp, such as a shared logger.  Those are the
 ones that require restart of Tomcat.

 Regardless, we still have no real evidence of what's going on at Luciano's

  - Chuck

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I am the maintainer of the Server nothing more.
But you are helping me cause, now i have a response, and a prove that
i am not the only that think this system can have a memory leak.

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
2012/1/30, Luciano Andress Martini
 2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles R
 From: David kerber []
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Java can have memory leaks just as easily as C can

 Not really; leaks in C are much easier to create.

 if the app is standalone, it will release them when the app
 closes and the JRE shuts down.

 That's true for C and any other language as well.

 if the app is running under tomcat, the JRE never shuts down
 since tomcat is using it.  That means the JRE can not free up
 memory that your app has left allocated, as it would be able
 to in a standalone app.

 Although that's true, it's not really relevant.  Memory leaks in Java
 when some program logic hangs onto references it no longer needs (e.g., in
 static HashMap).  These objects won't be discarded by the garbage
 since they are reachable - the program logic failed to remove them from
 structure when it was done with them.  Restarting the webapp will release
 these objects.

 The more subtle leaks that occur when reloading a webapp are typically
 to references to the webapp's classes or classloader being held by some
 component outside of the webapp, such as a shared logger.  Those are the
 ones that require restart of Tomcat.

 Regardless, we still have no real evidence of what's going on at

  - Chuck

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 this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its
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 I am the maintainer of the Server nothing more.
 But you are helping me cause, now i have a response, and a prove that
 i am not the only that think this system can have a memory leak.

I am the maintainer of the Server nothing more.
But you are helping me cause, now i have a response, and a prove that
i am not the only that think this system can have a memory leak.

About the memory leak, I am saying that, not from a hour, but from the
Genesis time here. ehhehehe.

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Hassan Schroeder
On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:

 About the memory leak, I am saying that, not from a hour, but from the
 Genesis time here. ehhehehe.

Or as we used to say at Sun -- hardware breaks while you're using
it, software arrives already broken...   :-)

Hassan Schroeder
twitter: @hassan

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Tomcat7 and Apache2 connection configuration (mod_proxy_ajp)

2012-01-30 Thread baba smith
i'm trying to connect apache 2 with tomcat 7 with a mod_proxy_ajp connector.
my question is: what is the relation of the tomcat server.xml connector
configuration and the apache httpd.conf?
for example, for the connector in the server.xml i can configure all kind of
timeouts and threads and connections. should these configurations be
correlated with those of the apace (like worker.c and prefork.c)?
how can i avoid from accepting in the apache more clients than the tomcat is
configured to?

thanks in advance,

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Pid
On 30/01/2012 16:33, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 2012/1/30, Luciano Andress Martini
 Pid i changed the configuration, like this:

 JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

 The system is 64 bits + Java 64 bits, running in debian
 paravirtualized with Xen.

 2012/1/30, David kerber
 On 1/30/2012 11:05 AM, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is impossible
 to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
 automatically, is that true?

 A) Stop your top posting - it's incredibly annoying and makes people
 less likely to help.

 B) Your boss is wrong.  Google for many examples of memory leaks in

   - Chuck

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 this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its
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 Thank you and sorry Chuck.
 Jeffrey what is your opinion about this?
 The development team is using a software that Draw java code called
 developer, and do not programming in. Im a assembler/C programmer and
 don't have so much knowing about java.

 Java can have memory leaks just as easily as C can, but if the app is
 standalone, it will release them when the app closes and the JRE shuts

 I have killed tomcat more than once with memory leaks, so it's easy to
 do.  I'm not the expert that Chuck and Mark T are, but here is my
 understanding of what happens:  if the app is running under tomcat, the
 JRE never shuts down since tomcat is using it.  That means the JRE can
 not free up memory that your app has left allocated, as it would be able
 to in a standalone app.  So your Tomcat app has to clean up after itself
 because there is nothing else that can do so.

 But all the fault is falling back to me in the company.

 I know the feeling  :-/

 Sorry the gmail is doing wrong with my messages =/
 I changed the configuration like this:
 JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

-XX:MaxPermSize=1024M  still seems large.  PermGen is the memory where
the classes are held, not the class instances.

Unless you are loading LOTS of classes you should be able to get away
with much a smaller number here.  The JVM probably isn't even using it
as you have not specified -XX:PermSize, so it's probably on the default
and is using 32Mb.

The -Xmx is set at a reasonable (if odd) number.  I usually use
multiples of 32.

You still didn't say how much physical memory you have available.  This
is important.




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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Luciano Andress Martini
By default 4GB per virtual machine with tomcat.

Now my boss talked with the developers and added a command to call the
garbage colector, it is very better now, and we find the bad guy, its
a button, when we click then, the memory increases.

2012/1/30, Pid
 On 30/01/2012 16:33, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 2012/1/30, Luciano Andress Martini
 Pid i changed the configuration, like this:

 JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

 The system is 64 bits + Java 64 bits, running in debian
 paravirtualized with Xen.

 2012/1/30, David kerber
 On 1/30/2012 11:05 AM, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
 2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

 Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is impossible
 to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
 automatically, is that true?

 A) Stop your top posting - it's incredibly annoying and makes people
 less likely to help.

 B) Your boss is wrong.  Google for many examples of memory leaks in

   - Chuck

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 this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its
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 Thank you and sorry Chuck.
 Jeffrey what is your opinion about this?
 The development team is using a software that Draw java code called
 developer, and do not programming in. Im a assembler/C programmer and
 don't have so much knowing about java.

 Java can have memory leaks just as easily as C can, but if the app is
 standalone, it will release them when the app closes and the JRE shuts

 I have killed tomcat more than once with memory leaks, so it's easy to
 do.  I'm not the expert that Chuck and Mark T are, but here is my
 understanding of what happens:  if the app is running under tomcat, the
 JRE never shuts down since tomcat is using it.  That means the JRE can
 not free up memory that your app has left allocated, as it would be able
 to in a standalone app.  So your Tomcat app has to clean up after itself
 because there is nothing else that can do so.

 But all the fault is falling back to me in the company.

 I know the feeling  :-/

 Sorry the gmail is doing wrong with my messages =/

 I changed the configuration like this:
 JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

 -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M  still seems large.  PermGen is the memory where
 the classes are held, not the class instances.

 Unless you are loading LOTS of classes you should be able to get away
 with much a smaller number here.  The JVM probably isn't even using it
 as you have not specified -XX:PermSize, so it's probably on the default
 and is using 32Mb.

 The -Xmx is set at a reasonable (if odd) number.  I usually use
 multiples of 32.

 You still didn't say how much physical memory you have available.  This
 is important.




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configuring org.apache.catalina.startup.Tomcat using server.xml

2012-01-30 Thread Pradeep Fernando
Hi all,

I wanted to do the $subject. For that I extended the existing Tomcat
class and added a configure step. Within the configure method i
created a digester to configure my embedded tomcat instance.

looks like things are getting configured. But when i call start method
on Tomcat, it gives some errors related to connectors. These are the
connectors http  https that i configured using the server.xml.

what is happening here. Looks like an illegal state. What should i do
to rectify this. Suggestions, code-pointers welcome.

30 Jan, 2012 11:33:59 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal
SEVERE: Failed to start connector [Connector[HTTP_11_NIO-9467]]
org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: An invalid Lifecycle
transition was attempted ([before_start]) for component
[Connector[HTTP_11_NIO-9467]] in state [INITIALIZING]
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
30 Jan, 2012 11:33:59 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService startInternal
SEVERE: Failed to start connector [Connector[HTTPS_11_NIO-9443]]
org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: An invalid Lifecycle
transition was attempted ([before_start]) for component
[Connector[HTTPS_11_NIO-9443]] in state [INITIALIZING]
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(


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RE: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Jeffrey Janner
 -Original Message-
 From: Luciano Andress Martini []
 Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 10:34 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly
 2012/1/30, Luciano Andress Martini
  Pid i changed the configuration, like this:
  JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
  -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
  -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
  The system is 64 bits + Java 64 bits, running in debian
  paravirtualized with Xen.
  2012/1/30, David kerber
  On 1/30/2012 11:05 AM, Luciano Andress Martini wrote:
  2012/1/30, Caldarale, Charles
  From: Luciano Andress Martini []
  Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly
  Jeffrey im sorry, but i need to ask, my boss says that is
  to be a problem in the software cause java unalocate objects
  automatically, is that true?
  A) Stop your top posting - it's incredibly annoying and makes
  less likely to help.
  B) Your boss is wrong.  Google for many examples of memory leaks
- Chuck
  MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If
  this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and
  attachments from all computers.
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  Thank you and sorry Chuck.
  Jeffrey what is your opinion about this?
  The development team is using a software that Draw java code
  developer, and do not programming in. Im a assembler/C programmer
  don't have so much knowing about java.
  Java can have memory leaks just as easily as C can, but if the app
  standalone, it will release them when the app closes and the JRE
  I have killed tomcat more than once with memory leaks, so it's easy
  do.  I'm not the expert that Chuck and Mark T are, but here is my
  understanding of what happens:  if the app is running under tomcat,
  JRE never shuts down since tomcat is using it.  That means the JRE
  not free up memory that your app has left allocated, as it would be
  to in a standalone app.  So your Tomcat app has to clean up after
  because there is nothing else that can do so.
  But all the fault is falling back to me in the company.
  I know the feeling  :-/
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:
 Sorry the gmail is doing wrong with my messages =/
 I changed the configuration like this:
 JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1512m -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4
 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

Luciano -

Sorry for opening a can of worms and disappearing, but I had to sit through a 
long meeting (aka useless).
I didn't say you definitely had a leak, but that it sounded typical of one.  It 
could just be that your memory allocation was undersized for the app(s) you are 
running.  Let it run a few days -- through a few more iterations of the big 
job -- and see if the OOM raises its ugly head again.  IF it doesn't you are 
probably fine.  Since you are running a 64-bit system, you have plenty of room 
to grow that -Xmx parameter if you need to.  I'd like to suggest you go back 
and re-read the Sun docs on Java memory parameters and maybe look into enabling 
JMX in Tomcat and using JConsole to actually watch the memory allocation cycles 
for a bit.  It is a useful tool, among many, for seeing if you've allocated 
memory correctly (you may find that 1Gig is way too big for your permgen).

As a fellow SA, I can sympathize with your predicament.  I run into the same 
attitudes regularly. I once got almost the exact same response from my lead 
developer (at the time) when I asked about memory leaks.  Since you know 
assembler  C, when Java creates a new Object or variable it does the 
equivalent of a malloc() for the memory to hold the data.  There is no 
equivalent of a free() call, though setting the object to null is as close as 
it gets (other real java developers can correct this if they have to).  If 
the object wasn't created as a static object or assigned to a static object, 
when the function it was created in exits, the object is marked for garbage 
collection (de-referenced) by the run machine. That is the automatic bit that 
your boss mentioned. So you can see, there are some points at which it could be 
quite easy for 

RE: Apache Tomcat Native library

2012-01-30 Thread Jeffrey Janner
 -Original Message-
 From: Caldarale, Charles R []
 Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 9:32 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Apache Tomcat Native library
  From: Paul Singleton []
  Subject: Apache Tomcat Native library
  Does this library offer any benefit to standalone systems, or is it
  purely for use with Apache httpd + Tomcat?
 It's most beneficial when you don't have httpd in front of Tomcat and
 are processing a lot of HTTPS traffic.
 If you're satisfied with your current performance, don't worry about
  - Chuck
And if you are tired of seeing the error message in your logs, you can comment 
out the AprLifecycleListener in your server.xml file.


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Re: Tomcat7 and Apache2 connection configuration (mod_proxy_ajp)

2012-01-30 Thread André Warnier

baba smith wrote:

i'm trying to connect apache 2 with tomcat 7 with a mod_proxy_ajp connector.
my question is: what is the relation of the tomcat server.xml connector
configuration and the apache httpd.conf?
for example, for the connector in the server.xml i can configure all kind of
timeouts and threads and connections. should these configurations be
correlated with those of the apace (like worker.c and prefork.c)?
how can i avoid from accepting in the apache more clients than the tomcat is
configured to?

That is a very complex matter.
The simple response is : don't touch them.
Meaning : do not specify any of those things, and leave them to their default values, 
which are usually sensible and chosen by people who know what they are doing, to cover the 
most usual needs.
And if you start modifying the defaults (to correct a real problem, which you will have 
surely measured first), then modify one setting at a time, making sure that you have read 
the on-line documentation about that setting first of all.

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RE: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Luciano Andress Martini [] 
 Subject: Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly

You're top posting again - stop that.

 By default 4GB per virtual machine with tomcat.

But that's all funny money - how much _real_ memory is usable by each VM?  If 
the underlying hypervisor is swapping a VM's memory out (oversubscription), 
then you've got a serious problem.

 Now my boss talked with the developers and added a command to 
 call the garbage colector

That's pointless in a properly configured system.  GC will run automatically 
whenever the heap gets full.  More evidence that you don't actually have enough 
real memory to handle the load.

 we find the bad guy, its a button, when we click then, 
 the memory increases.

Which is true for any Java action - heap will be consumed until GC runs.  The 
behavior you observed is not necessarily indicative of a leak, but rather just 
an action that creates a lot of objects.

 - Chuck

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Re: Java.lang.out.of.memory not clearly....

2012-01-30 Thread André Warnier

Luciano Andress Martini wrote:

Now my boss talked with the developers and added a command to call the
garbage colector, it is very better now, and we find the bad guy, its
a button, when we click then, the memory increases.


your original post about this issue mentioned this error :
 at Caused by:
 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

 Java options (that i configurate)
and later you told us (not necessarily in that order) :

The system is 64 bits + Java 64 bits, running in debian
 paravirtualized with Xen.

 (available system memory) : By default 4GB per virtual machine with tomcat.
Java using: 914mb
 Free memory on the virtual machine server: 2152

-- end of data --

Maybe a good idea right now would be to calm down, not panic, get a cup of coffee, sit 
down, read what you have already been told, and think about it for a while before you 
change any more parameters left and right.

And the same for your boss and the programmers.

Because right until now, you and your boss and the programmers are giving the impression 
of a bunch of headless chicken running around in the control room of a nuclear power 
plant, pressing (*) on any button that is available, to try an stop the alarm bell.

That is usually not the best way to avoid a melt-down.

First, if I may ask, from where did you get the java parameters that you are 
showing above ?

The only parameter which has a direct relationship with the issue that caused 
the error
(repeat: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space)
is this one :


which limits the Java Heap to 512 MB of memory, maximum.
And that does not seem to be enough, because you got an error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: 
Java heap space.

All the other -XX parameters on your Java command-line are probably unnecessary, and 
they probably do more harm than good.
Java has default values for all of those, which work fine in 95% of cases, for thousands 
on Tomcat servers all over the world.
And since neither you, nor the programmers, nor you boss seem to know much about java, you 
should probably not play with these parameters, unless you understand exactly what they do.
And as Chuck mentioned, your boss should stop playing with the Garbage Collector.  Java 
will automatically run the Garbage Collector when it needs to run it, and you should leave 
java to decide when that is necessary.

So why do you not set the java command-line this way :

 java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m

and that's it. No more -XX parameters for now.
Java will set all the other parameters to their default values, which are 
probably fine.

And then try your application.  And then /if there is a problem/ let us know again what 
the Tomcat logfile says, before you change any parameter again.

The -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m switches will set both the minimum and the maximum java Heap 
size to 1024 MB.  In other words, they will fix to 1024 MB the size of the Heap, which 
is where java allocates the space that it needs to store new objects, when it needs them.
And before this Heap fills up, java automatically runs the Garbage Collector, to free some 
space on the Heap.  This is automatic and normal; that is how java works.

/If/ there is a memory leak in the application, then little by little, and despite the 
fact that java runs the Garbage Collector from time to time, the Heap will fill up, and 
the GC will not be able to make space free anymore.  And then java will try to do a GC 
more often, and your server will slow down.

And then, sooner or later, you will have an out of memory again.

But maybe there is no memory leak.
So far, neither you nor us have seen any /evidence/ that there is a memory leak. Maybe the 
size of the Heap - which you had limited before to 512 MB - was just not enough to process 
the millions of transactions of which you were talking.

When you click a button in the application, something happens in the application 
(supposedly, some work gets done).  In java, when an application does something, most of 
the time it means that many new objects get created; and creating new objects uses space 
on the Heap.  Most of the time also, the majority of these objects only have a short 
lifetime, and when they are not needed anymore they disappear, and java will after a while 
free the space that they used on the Heap.  So the usage of memory inside the Heap goes up 
and down all the time, and that is normal.

There are many methods and tools for java that allow to see what java does with the 
memory.  If you still have a problem after the above, we will tell you about them.
But the first step is to simplify your setup, run the application and finding out if there 
is really a problem.

(*) I would have used pecking, but 

Re: tomcat service version can't access intranet(not internet) files

2012-01-30 Thread chenqiang
*   Thank you very much for your timely and helpful tip, Yeah, I found the
problem both on my windows2003 server and windows xp .*
*But I don't know how to change the user account under which the tomcat
service is to run, could you so kind as to give me some help?*

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 6:15 PM, André Warnier wrote:

 chenqiang wrote:

 I found a problem which confused me so much,(I use tomcat7.0.20-7.0.25)
 web application need access to the files on another machine which is on
 intranet, when I use the zip format distribution version of tomcat,
 everything is ok, but the problem arises when I deployed the apps on the
 tomcat services version, it can't list the files and just return null,It's
 so strange. Could anyone give me some hints? Thank you in advance.

  By default, Windows Services run as the LocalSystem user-id.  This is
 a special local account, which has extensive rights on the local machine,
 but no access to Windows network resources (such as remote drives, printers

 You need to change the account under which the Tomcat Service runs, to a
 domain account which has such access rights. For testing, you could use
 your own account, but for the long term, you should obtain for that (from
 your network admins) what is usually known as a service account (a domain
 user-id specially defined for that kind of thing, which has some network
 access, and whose password does not age).

 You do not see this problem when you run Tomcat from a console window,
 because then you are running it under the account under which you logged in
 (which is a domain account).

 I'm sure that this is also all in the FAQ somewhere..

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Re: tomcat service version can't access intranet(not internet) files

2012-01-30 Thread chenqiang
BTW, I change the user account from local system account to Administrator
account using  tomcat configuration console, but I cannot start the service
under administrator account.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 6:15 PM, André Warnier wrote:

 chenqiang wrote:

 I found a problem which confused me so much,(I use tomcat7.0.20-7.0.25)
 web application need access to the files on another machine which is on
 intranet, when I use the zip format distribution version of tomcat,
 everything is ok, but the problem arises when I deployed the apps on the
 tomcat services version, it can't list the files and just return null,It's
 so strange. Could anyone give me some hints? Thank you in advance.

  By default, Windows Services run as the LocalSystem user-id.  This is
 a special local account, which has extensive rights on the local machine,
 but no access to Windows network resources (such as remote drives, printers

 You need to change the account under which the Tomcat Service runs, to a
 domain account which has such access rights. For testing, you could use
 your own account, but for the long term, you should obtain for that (from
 your network admins) what is usually known as a service account (a domain
 user-id specially defined for that kind of thing, which has some network
 access, and whose password does not age).

 You do not see this problem when you run Tomcat from a console window,
 because then you are running it under the account under which you logged in
 (which is a domain account).

 I'm sure that this is also all in the FAQ somewhere..

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Re: Tomcat7 and Apache2 connection configuration (mod_proxy_ajp)

2012-01-30 Thread baba smith
the problem that i'm trying to fix is that after a while that apache and 
tomcat work together, the tomcat stops responding to the apache. 
it looks like the connector itself stops working. 

the errors i see in the apach log  are:
(70007)The timeout specified has expired: ajp_ilink_receive() can't receive
ajp_read_header: ajp_ilink_receive failed
(120006)APR does not understand this error code: proxy: read response
failed from (localhost))

do you know these errors? i'm pretty new to apache and tomcat so i thought 
to start investigating by checking the configurations. i found lots of 
documentation and yet nothing about the correlation/relation between the
config and the tomcat config.


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