2014-07-09 Thread Leon Rosenberg
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 4:47 AM, Hernán Marsili wrote:


Hello Hernán,

 For the past 4 years we has been working with a 'stable' configuration in
 which we put APACHE in front of TOMCAT7 (previously Tomcat6) with mod_jk
 connector. We usually serve high traffic sites with about 7000 to 10.000
 concurrent users per box (8gb RAM / 4 vcpu) (50.000 active users total).

 We are OK with the performance, but sometimes we notice Tomcat stops
 responding normally while there are at least 2 full CPU left to be consumed
 (JAVA memory is fine).

Hard to tell from here, but dropping performance while still having
resources is often an indicator for synchronization issues. You should
analyze your thread usage. You could do it with jstack (save multiple
stacks in short slots, like every 10 seconds for 2-3 minutes). Check what
threads are in what states:
 - do you have any threads in BLOCKED state? If yes, what they are waiting
 - what are you RUNNABLE threads doing? Are they waiting for something,
even not blocked - for example reading the database or reading the incoming
 - is your amount of TIMED_WAITING threads sufficient? If you have non,
your thread pool is probably out of threads.

 This is the configuration we use for the connector:

  Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address=
 emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=1024
 minSpareThreads=32 enableLookups=false request.registerRequests=false

Generally removing apache httpd can increase performance. I assume you have
a hardware loadbalancer in front of things, so httpd doesn't do you any

 I have a couple of questions:
 1) should we set a particular connector or let Tomcat7 decide? I understand
 using protocol=AJP/1.3 the auto-switch kicks in. But, for non-SSL high
 concurrency sites maybe is best to fixed on APR?

Warning, flame war is about to begin, but personally I always found that
the plain old java connector is the best option for speed. And the simplest
to use too. If you insist of having apache httpd in front, you may want to
try mod_proxy (or was it mod_proxy_ajp?) instead.

 2) how many THREADS can we have? can we go beyond the 1024?

Depends on your OS. On modern linuxes sky is the limit. However context
switches can kill you too. If you have very fast connections, got for a
smaller amount. If you have keepalive and slow connections, remember that
every connection can hold 1-2 threads without doing anything at all. But
you can go up to 4096 without second thought, if you are really out of
threads. However, if your problem are blocked threads or a slow DB, you
will make things much much much worse.

 3) is there any advantage on using processorCache?

 4) We are not defining a CONNECTION TIMEOUT not a KEEP ALIVE. Any advice on
 this one? The average user session is 7 minutes.

If playing with CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, than better on OS level. But again that
depends on what is really happening within your application and with the
connections. You could monitor it with netstat and see if you have too many
CLOSE_WAITs or something. That it's easier to decide what to do.

 Thanks for the help!


P.S. needless to say, but having a monitoring tool like will help either ;-)

Re: Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing API

2014-07-09 Thread Martin Grigorov

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:18 AM, Marko Asplund


 I'm just starting out with using the Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing
 I use the API for generating response content, that can potentially be a
 slow process, in another thread.
 The code appears to be working, but since the specification contains many

caveats, I'd like to try and verify correctness.

 There's a couple of parts in particular that I'm wondering about:
 - what's the correct way to deliver error response to client? Can I just
 cast the response acquired from AsyncContext to HttpServletResponse and use
 the normal Servlet API mechanisms?
 - does the code contain thread-safety issues in particular related to the
 response object and OutputStream?

 Here's a simplified version of my code:

   protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
 throws ServletException, IOException {
 final AsyncContext asyncContext = req.startAsync();
 asyncContext.start(new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
 HttpServletResponse response = null;
 try {
   response = (HttpServletResponse)asyncContext;

Maybe it is implementation detail that this cast works but usually you have
to use
to get the response

   if(hasOperationFailed()) {

   } else {

 } catch (IOException e) {
   try {

   } catch (IOException e1) {

 Any feedback and pointers would be welcome.


Tomcat (v 6.0.32) write response to wrong client socket

2014-07-09 Thread Yanchun.Yang

We got a serious problem on our online banking applications: a user U1 of bank 
A got to see the data of another user U2 of another bank B.
It happened only once, bevor and after that went everything well.

The two same online banking applications are running on one instance of tomcat 
(V.6.0.32) and have different backend path.

The logs show that the problem muss be not on the side of web application 
(frondend), backend and firewall. The senario looks as following:
1.  U1 log on the online banking of bank A and U2 log on the online banking 
bank B, and the two sessions have been running well a while till
2.  later at the exactly same time U1 wanted to see the start page and U2
3.  U1 got to see the false data of the booking detail of U2.
4. after that the two sessions went further well without any problem

In the access log of the tomcat seems everything went well:

Access log Bank A (U1): - - F862B9AD5DA9AC4A0D38B46D4E5B0D6C [15/Jun/2014:16:03:41 +0200]
HTTP/1.1 GET /finprdcbo/defAccountStartPage.account
/ebanking/defAccountStatementDetail.account Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac 
OS X 10.9; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0

Access log Bank B (U2): - - 12A6E21F0D6321A95C553B160DBCC9A0 [15/Jun/2014:16:03:40 +0200]
HTTP/1.1 POST /finprdzrb/defAccountStatementOfAccount.account  200 45765 
/ebanking/defAccountAssetOverview.account Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686;
rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0

But the reponse of the request for booking detail from U 2 was mistakenly sent 
to U1.  We cann confirm this by looking into the logs of firewall as

Firewall log of Session U2:
Jun 15 16:04:16  Web-Requests Access m:WR-SG-SUMMARY (https) POST 
/ebanking/defAccountStatementOfAccount.account = , 
status:n/a , redirection URL:n/a , 
referer:/ebanking/defAccountAssetOverview.account , mapping:blappl-zrb , 
request size: 1089 , backend response size: n/a , audit
token:308792478954626740 rid:U52nvH8AAAEAAAoy1CIAAAno
sid:384490af19eb229b7f0874b6ef0323c8 ip:  12

Fact :  backend response size: n/a means there is no reponse from tomcat 
for the request of  POST /ebanking/defAccountStatementOfAccount.account and a 
timeout is trigged

Firewall log of Session U1:
Jun 15 16:03:40  Web-Requests Access SG_child[14145]: m:WR-SG-SUMMARY (https) GET 
/ebanking/defAccountStartPage.account?DIRTY=YDEFAULT=1node=STARTSEITE = , status:200 , 
redirection URL:n/a , referer:/ebanking/defAccountStatementDetail.account , 
mapping:blappl-cbo , request size: 614 , backend response size: 45765 , audit
token:147310158715306970 request total 287469 , allow/deny filters 3780 , 
backend responsiveness 208455 , response processing 74282 , ICAP reqmod n/a , 
ICAP respmod n/a rid:U52nvH8AAAEAAATYu6cAAATi 
sid:1dad4372b4a2f67d980e6e195aa954fe ip:  12

Fact: backend response size: 45765 means the reponse of Request of U2 is 
mistakenly passed to U1. See the same size of the response in the access log 
Bank B

My questions:

1.  Is such a problem (bug) already known?
2.  When will the tomcat access log be written? after sent of response or
3.  how could the problem happen on the side of tomcat?
4.  wo could the problem be hidden otherwise?

Thanks for your help !
Yanchun Yang

Re: HttpServletRequest - getHeaders() vs getCookies()

2014-07-09 Thread Simon Kulessa


I had a look at the documentation and the tomcat source to get a better 
of what the '|org.apache.catalina.connector.RECYCLE_FACADE' parameter 
actually does.|

I have seen that Tomcat objects like Cookies, Request etc. are designed 
to be reusable.
What I currently do not understand is: In which scenario and what 
context are they going to be reused?
I see there are Endpoints classes (like NIOEndpoint) which are used to 
process the different requests.

This seems to be the most likely entry point into the scenario.

Maybe somebody can provide some general outline of how requests and the 
reusing of the object
actually works together? Is there some kind of relation to the IP of an 
incoming request?

In our code we hold a reference to the httpSession outside of the 
request (in a application scoped map).
We use this session object to read the SessionId, to invalidate or to 
adjust the session timeout from

outside a client request.

I finally received the logs where the session itself was created:
Basically there is some communication ongoing between client and server,
then the server receives an unexpected command and decides to invalidate 
the session because of this.
Later another command of the client with the old cookie arrives and is 
rejected by our server.

After this any other request coming from the same IP fails.
As mentioned in the logs we see the httpHeader that does contain a 
cookie with a different value,
but the getCookies() method always provides the cookie value of the 
'original session'.

Around the same time when the original session was still alive I found 
an error message in the Catalina log:

... org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$AbstractConnectionHandler process
SEVERE: null
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Calling [asyncPostProcess()] is not 
valid for a request with Async state [STARTED]

at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)

I am not sure whether this is somewhat related to the problem scenario, 
but at least this looks like

something that should not happen.

Simon Kulessa

Am 08.07.2014 11:35, schrieb Simon Kulessa:

Hi Konstantin,

thanks for you answer.

Am 08.07.2014 10:22, schrieb Konstantin Kolinko:

2014-07-08 11:48 GMT+04:00 Simon Kulessa


we are running a server on Apache Tomcat 7.0.29 with usage of the
servlet-api 3.0.1.

1. The current version is 7.0.54
We updated to this version now, but since our server is already 
running at the customer

exchanging the tomcat might not be a option for now.

Before we can do this, we should at least have an idea about where the 
problem is coming from.

2. What is 3.0.1. You may use any servlet-api jar when compiling,
but at run time you must use the one that comes with Tomcat.
Ok. So correct would be we compile against the servlet-api 3.0.1 
(maven dependecy groupId=javax.servlet, artifactId=javax.servlet-api)
and use the one from tomcat in production. The tomcat version seems to 
provide a different version 3.0.FR (taken from the manifest).

Could this be an issue?

 From one of our customers we received a bug report that in certain 
times an

IOException (Stream is closed)
is thrown while reading the data from a HttpServletRequest.

After some investigation we added some logging and now we see the 

First we logged the headers of the http request (by using
HttpServletRequest#getHeaders()) and
we see a JSESSIONID cookie with a value of 'A'.
After this we use HttpServletRequest#getCookies() to log the cookies as
Here we only see a JSESSIONID cookie with a value of 'B'.

The requested sessionId from the servletRequest has value 'A' as well.

My question is: How can this be?
How is it possible that getCookies returns a cookie that is not 
defined in

the header of the http request?
Where does this cookie come from? And were did the cookie go that was
defined in the header?

3. Usually that is caused by bad programming in a web application,
when newbie programmers share request object between requests. The
unexpected Stream is closed issues are also symptoms of that.

An example:

Currently I see nothing in our code that indicates this, but I will 
have another look at that,

since this seems to be the most likely explanation.

4. I think getHeaders() may return some garbage for Cookie header (as
the value may be corrupted when parsing the value into a cookie),  but


2014-07-09 Thread André Warnier


This kind of question is very difficult to answer reasonably, for anyone that is not you 
and does not have direct access to your system, to see what happens, when it happens.
The general and reasonable answer would be that you need to use some monitoring tools, to 
find out where exactly the bottleneck is, and then, very carefully, start tuning your 
system one parameter at a time, to try to improve the situation.
The worst thing to do is to start changing multiple things without really knowing what 
they are doing, because then you will get very confused very quickly.

Ah, one more thing : the default parameters of both Apache httpd and Tomcat, are chosen by 
people who know what they are doing, to cover a majority of reasonable cases.
So, changing these parameters without knowing exactly what each parameters does, and how 
different parameters interact with one another, is always risky.

(This being said, the mere fact that you are asking on this list before doing that, is a 
bonus point for you).

All this being said, a couple of notes below :

Hernán Marsili wrote:


For the past 4 years we has been working with a 'stable' configuration in
which we put APACHE in front of TOMCAT7 (previously Tomcat6) with mod_jk
connector. We usually serve high traffic sites with about 7000 to 10.000
concurrent users per box (8gb RAM / 4 vcpu) (50.000 active users total).

So, basically, your configuration is fine and has been running reliably and in a stable 
way for 4 years, including a Tomcat version change.

Good.  One more reason for only changing things carefully.

We are OK with the performance, but sometimes we notice Tomcat stops
responding normally while there are at least 2 full CPU left to be consumed
(JAVA memory is fine).

You may want to indicate a bit more precisely what you mean by sometimes and by stops 
responding normally.

This is the configuration we use for the connector:

 Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address=
emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=1024
minSpareThreads=32 enableLookups=false request.registerRequests=false

Note # 1 : you say that you have up to 10,000 concurrent users.
Yet, there are only 1024 Threads in Tomcat.

Users is not necessarily equal to requests, but let's assume for a moment 
that they are.

Basically, Tomcat will use one Thread to process one HTTP request, from the time the 
request is received, to the time when the response to that request has been sent back to 
the user.
So, maybe, there are times when your Tomcat is running out of available Threads to process 
all the requests that come in at some moments ?

If that is the case, what will happen is :
- The TCP/IP stack on Tomcat will accept the client connection
- but this connection will be put in a queue, waiting for a thread to become available 
(iow : when it finishes the current request that it is processing).
If all 1024 threads are currently busy processing requests (or waiting for additional 
requests from the same client, because of the keep-alive timeout, see below), then it will 
appear for the client as if Tomcat is not responding normally.

I have a couple of questions:
1) should we set a particular connector or let Tomcat7 decide? I understand
using protocol=AJP/1.3 the auto-switch kicks in. But, for non-SSL high
concurrency sites maybe is best to fixed on APR?

I cannot answer that and will wait for someone else more qualified to do that.

2) how many THREADS can we have? can we go beyond the 1024?

Yes, there is no limit other than the available memory and the general performance of the 
machine.  That is also a very easy parameter to change, and one that does not have a lot 
of obscure side-effects.

Apart from everything else, I would suggest raising it to e.g. 4096, and see 
what happens.
(As someone else commented however : if the problem is not really in Tomcat, but in some 
back-end database server, then this will make things worse).

3) is there any advantage on using processorCache?

don't know.

4) We are not defining a CONNECTION TIMEOUT not a KEEP ALIVE. Any advice on
this one? The average user session is 7 minutes.

I do not rememember what the default value is for keep-alive.  But this may also be 
something easy to adjust, and with potentially big effects.

If it is currently anywhere larger than some 5 seconds, change it to 5 seconds 

The keep-alive logic was introduced at a time when networks were slower, and when setting 
up a new TCP/IP connection between a client and a server for each new request, was quite 
expensive.  So the idea was : after a first request by a client, let's leave the 
connection open, to see if this client has more requests to send, over that same 
connection, within just a few seconds.
This way, we avoid closing the connection each time, and have to re-create a connection 
for each request. (Example : a HTML page, with a lot of img tags in it.).

Unfortunately, what happens in a 

Re: Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing API

2014-07-09 Thread Mark Thomas
On 08/07/2014 23:18, Marko Asplund wrote:
 I'm just starting out with using the Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing
 I use the API for generating response content, that can potentially be a
 slow process, in another thread.
 The code appears to be working, but since the specification contains many
 caveats, I'd like to try and verify correctness.
 There's a couple of parts in particular that I'm wondering about:
 - what's the correct way to deliver error response to client? Can I just
 cast the response acquired from AsyncContext to HttpServletResponse and use
 the normal Servlet API mechanisms?

Personally, I'd do a dispatch since that completes the AsyncContext as
well. Your approach should work. Which is better is probably a matter of

 - does the code contain thread-safety issues in particular related to the
 response object and OutputStream?

Ensuring thread-safe access of those objects is entirely an application


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Re: Tomcat (v 6.0.32) write response to wrong client socket

2014-07-09 Thread Mark Thomas
On 09/07/2014 08:43, wrote:
 We got a serious problem on our online banking applications: a user U1 of 
 bank A got to see the data of another user U2 of another bank B.
 It happened only once, before and after that went everything well.
 The two same online banking applications are running on one instance of 
 tomcat (V.6.0.32) and have different backend path.

That is quite an old version with a number of public security
vulnerabilities to be using for a banking application.

 The logs show that the problem must be not on the side of web application 
 (frontend), backend and firewall. The scenario looks as following:
 1.  U1 log on the online banking of bank A and U2 log on the online 
 banking of
 bank B, and the two sessions have been running well a while till
 2.  later at the exactly same time U1 wanted to see the start page and U2
 3.  U1 got to see the false data of the booking detail of U2.
 4. after that the two sessions went further well without any problem
 In the access log of the tomcat seems everything went well:
 Access log Bank A (U1): - - F862B9AD5DA9AC4A0D38B46D4E5B0D6C [15/Jun/2014:16:03:41 +0200]
 HTTP/1.1 GET /finprdcbo/defAccountStartPage.account
 /ebanking/defAccountStatementDetail.account Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac 
 OS X 10.9; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0
 Access log Bank B (U2): - - 12A6E21F0D6321A95C553B160DBCC9A0 [15/Jun/2014:16:03:40 +0200]
 HTTP/1.1 POST /finprdzrb/defAccountStatementOfAccount.account  200 45765 
 /ebanking/defAccountAssetOverview.account Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686;
 rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0

These logs show the requests coming from the same IP address. Since the
requests are from different users then there must be something acting as
a reverse proxy. Is it the firewall? Is it some other component?

 But the response of the request for booking detail from U2 was mistakenly 
 sent to U1.  We can confirm this by looking into the logs of firewall as
 Firewall log of Session U2:
 Jun 15 16:04:16  Web-Requests Access m:WR-SG-SUMMARY (https) POST 
 /ebanking/defAccountStatementOfAccount.account = , 
 status:n/a , redirection URL:n/a , 
 referer:/ebanking/defAccountAssetOverview.account , mapping:blappl-zrb , 
 request size: 1089 , backend response size: n/a , audit
 token:308792478954626740 rid:U52nvH8AAAEAAAoy1CIAAAno
 sid:384490af19eb229b7f0874b6ef0323c8 ip:  12
 Fact :  backend response size: n/a means there is no reponse from tomcat 
 for the request of  POST /ebanking/defAccountStatementOfAccount.account and a 
 timeout is trigged
 Firewall log of Session U1:
 Jun 15 16:03:40  Web-Requests Access SG_child[14145]: m:WR-SG-SUMMARY (https) GET 
 /ebanking/defAccountStartPage.account?DIRTY=YDEFAULT=1node=STARTSEITE = , status:200 , 
 redirection URL:n/a , referer:/ebanking/defAccountStatementDetail.account , 
 mapping:blappl-cbo , request size: 614 , backend response size: 45765 , audit
 token:147310158715306970 request total 287469 , allow/deny filters 3780 , 
 backend responsiveness 208455 , response processing 74282 , ICAP reqmod n/a 
 , ICAP respmod n/a rid:U52nvH8AAAEAAATYu6cAAATi 
 sid:1dad4372b4a2f67d980e6e195aa954fe ip:  12
 Fact: backend response size: 45765 means the reponse of Request of U2 is 
 mistakenly passed to U1. See the same size of the response in the access log 
 Bank B

The firewall appears to be transforming the URL. That suggests it is the
firewall that is acting as the reverse proxy. (Aside: Transforming the
URL like this is doable but does require very careful configuration to
ensure everything still works properly)

 My questions:
 1.  Is such a problem (bug) already known?

Have you looked in the changelog?
Mixing up responses would be a security issue so have you looked in

 2.  When will the tomcat access log be written? after sent of response or

It isn't quite that simple. In Tomcat 6 (it changes in 7.0.x) the access
log is written after the application has finished writing the response
to the buffer but before the content of that buffer is written to the

 3.  how could the problem happen on the side of tomcat?

Depending on exactly how the application works, CVE-2011-3375 might be
able to trigger this but given that requires an error to occur it looks

 4.  how could the problem be hidden otherwise?

Most errors of this type are eventually traced to application errors.
The most frequent error is the application retaining a reference to the
response and/or request objects beyond a single request.


Re: Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing API

2014-07-09 Thread Marko Asplund
On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 07:23 Martin Grigorov wrote:

  try {
response = (HttpServletResponse)asyncContext;

 Maybe it is implementation detail that this cast works but usually you
 to use
 to get the response

This was one of the things I was wondering about: calling
AsyncContext#getResponse() returns a ServletResponse instance that doesn't
implement the HTTP protocol specific sendError etc. methods.

What would be the correct way to return an error response (including HTTP
status code) to the client in this case?


Re: Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing API

2014-07-09 Thread Martin Grigorov
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Marko Asplund

 On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 07:23 Martin Grigorov wrote:

   try {
 response = (HttpServletResponse)asyncContext;
  Maybe it is implementation detail that this cast works but usually you
  to use
  to get the response

 This was one of the things I was wondering about: calling
 AsyncContext#getResponse() returns a ServletResponse instance that doesn't
 implement the HTTP protocol specific sendError etc. methods.

Casting ServletResponse to HttpServletResponse is OK most of the time. You
can check with instanceof before doing the cast.
But casting AsyncContext to HttpServletResponse is way too brave.

 What would be the correct way to return an error response (including HTTP
 status code) to the client in this case?


Handshake Failure error !

2014-07-09 Thread Utkarsh Dave

We are running Tomcat 6.0.37 and Java JDK 1.6.0_60
We recently upgraded to JDK 1.6.0_75 and recieved below error at several
places Fatal Alert received: Handshake Failure

We debugged and after analysis found that if we remove below 3 ciphers
suits from server.xml




The error is no more seen. I need your opinion in order to proceed with the
1.What will be the effect of removing these cipher?
2. Found this link on ciphers

The cipher codes I mentioned above have been marked as 'X'.
Most of the cipher codes mentioned in my server.xml are marked as 'X'. So I
am confused as to am I on correct path of removing these problematic cipher
from server.xml or not.

Can you help in answering the 2 questions above?

Thanks for your help in advance.


erro undeploy tomcat + jsf

2014-07-09 Thread Deivid n . N

como corrigir isso?

jul 09, 2014 9:22:01 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.
WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads
GRAVE: The web application [/jsf] appears to have started a thread named
 [Mojarra-WebResourceMonitor-1-thread-1] but has failed to stop it.
 This is very likely to create a memory leak.   

Re: Tomcat (v 6.0.32) write response to wrong client socket

2014-07-09 Thread Igal @

if Tomcat is fronted by a web server then I would also check the connector.

I've seen similar issues in the past with IIS and a faulty AJP connector.

switching to nginx with an APR connector resolved it in my case.


On 7/9/2014 2:49 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 09/07/2014 08:43, wrote:


We got a serious problem on our online banking applications: a user U1 of bank 
A got to see the data of another user U2 of another bank B.
It happened only once, before and after that went everything well.

The two same online banking applications are running on one instance of tomcat 
(V.6.0.32) and have different backend path.

That is quite an old version with a number of public security
vulnerabilities to be using for a banking application.

The logs show that the problem must be not on the side of web application 
(frontend), backend and firewall. The scenario looks as following:
1.  U1 log on the online banking of bank A and U2 log on the online banking 
bank B, and the two sessions have been running well a while till
2.  later at the exactly same time U1 wanted to see the start page and U2
3.  U1 got to see the false data of the booking detail of U2.
4. after that the two sessions went further well without any problem

In the access log of the tomcat seems everything went well:

Access log Bank A (U1): - - F862B9AD5DA9AC4A0D38B46D4E5B0D6C [15/Jun/2014:16:03:41 +0200]
HTTP/1.1 GET /finprdcbo/defAccountStartPage.account
/ebanking/defAccountStatementDetail.account Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 
10.9; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0

Access log Bank B (U2): - - 12A6E21F0D6321A95C553B160DBCC9A0 [15/Jun/2014:16:03:40 +0200]
HTTP/1.1 POST /finprdzrb/defAccountStatementOfAccount.account  200 45765 
/ebanking/defAccountAssetOverview.account Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686;
rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0

These logs show the requests coming from the same IP address. Since the
requests are from different users then there must be something acting as
a reverse proxy. Is it the firewall? Is it some other component?

But the response of the request for booking detail from U2 was mistakenly sent 
to U1.  We can confirm this by looking into the logs of firewall as

Firewall log of Session U2:
Jun 15 16:04:16  Web-Requests Access m:WR-SG-SUMMARY (https) POST /ebanking/defAccountStatementOfAccount.account = , status:n/a , 
redirection URL:n/a , referer:/ebanking/defAccountAssetOverview.account , mapping:blappl-zrb 
, request size: 1089 , backend response size: n/a , audit
token:308792478954626740 rid:U52nvH8AAAEAAAoy1CIAAAno
sid:384490af19eb229b7f0874b6ef0323c8 ip:  12

Fact :  backend response size: n/a means there is no reponse from tomcat 
for the request of  POST /ebanking/defAccountStatementOfAccount.account and a timeout is trigged

Firewall log of Session U1:
Jun 15 16:03:40  Web-Requests Access SG_child[14145]: m:WR-SG-SUMMARY (https) GET 
/ebanking/defAccountStartPage.account?DIRTY=YDEFAULT=1node=STARTSEITE = , status:200 , redirection 
URL:n/a , referer:/ebanking/defAccountStatementDetail.account , mapping:blappl-cbo , 
request size: 614 , backend response size: 45765 , audit
token:147310158715306970 request total 287469 , allow/deny filters 3780 , backend 
responsiveness 208455 , response processing 74282 , ICAP reqmod n/a , ICAP respmod 
n/a rid:U52nvH8AAAEAAATYu6cAAATi sid:1dad4372b4a2f67d980e6e195aa954fe 
ip:  12

Fact: backend response size: 45765 means the reponse of Request of U2 is 
mistakenly passed to U1. See the same size of the response in the access log Bank B

The firewall appears to be transforming the URL. That suggests it is the
firewall that is acting as the reverse proxy. (Aside: Transforming the
URL like this is doable but does require very careful configuration to
ensure everything still works properly)

My questions:

1.  Is such a problem (bug) already known?

Have you looked in the changelog?
Mixing up responses would be a security issue so have you looked in

2.  When will the tomcat access log be written? after sent of response or

It isn't quite that simple. In Tomcat 6 (it changes in 7.0.x) the access
log is written after the application has finished writing the response
to the buffer but before the content of that buffer is written to the

3.  how could the problem happen on the side of tomcat?

Depending on exactly how the application works, CVE-2011-3375 might be
able to trigger this but given that requires an error to occur it looks

4.  how could the problem be hidden otherwise?

Most errors of this 


2014-07-09 Thread doomito
Thank you for the answer. I will begging experimenting on 1 box with this

Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 address=
emptySessionPath=true redirectPort=8443 maxThreads=2048
minSpareThreads=32 connectionTimeout=2 keepAliveTimeout=1
enableLookups=false request.registerRequests=false /

I a couple of questions raises from your reply:
1) a couple of years ago we did a BENCHMARK mod_proxy vs mod_jk and the
difference was noticeable in favor of mod_jk. There was any improvement on
mod_proxy connector in particular?

2) this is definitely an ignorant question, but I see a lot of connections
made to 8080 port instead of 8009.  That said, I don't fully understand WHY
and also, do I need to also tuned this? I have nothing going directly to
tomcat, everything goes trough Apache mod_jk.

Connector executor=tomcatThreadPool
   port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1
   redirectPort=8443 /

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Re: Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing API

2014-07-09 Thread Marko Asplund
On 09/07/2014 09:16, Mark Thomas wrote:

  There's a couple of parts in particular that I'm wondering about:
  - what's the correct way to deliver error response to client? Can I just
  cast the response acquired from AsyncContext to HttpServletResponse and
  the normal Servlet API mechanisms?

 Personally, I'd do a dispatch since that completes the AsyncContext as
 well. Your approach should work. Which is better is probably a matter of

Thanks Mark!

Dispatching to a separate error handler might be the cleaner approach. I
guess that would involve passing error status and other info as needed to
the dispatch target in the request object.

So, with the response.sendError approach I would still need to finally
invoke asyncContext.complete() in order to complete request processing,

  - does the code contain thread-safety issues in particular related to
  response object and OutputStream?

 Ensuring thread-safe access of those objects is entirely an application

Are there any potential thread-safety issues in the sample code related to
how the application and container threads share the response object?
For example if the application touches HttpServletResponse headers, status
code or OutputStream, then invokes AsyncContext#complete(), can this result
in thread-safety issues with the container thread when the container
serializes the response to the client?

As an aside, from an application developer point of view, the JAX-RS 2 way
of completing asynchronous request processing in both happy path and
erroneous scenarios with AsyncResponse#resume() seems quite handy. I
realize that these are different abstraction levels and that Servlet API
doesn't e.g. include exception mapper concept.


Re: Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing API

2014-07-09 Thread Marko Asplund
On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 09:59 Martin Grigorov wrote:

 Casting ServletResponse to HttpServletResponse is OK most of the time. You
 can check with instanceof before doing the cast.
 But casting AsyncContext to HttpServletResponse is way too brave.

Quite true, I'm not usually that courageous on purpose :-)

Meant to write asyncContext.getResponse().
And as you suggested, adding the type check using instanceof would
obviously make a lot of sense.


Re: Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing API

2014-07-09 Thread Mark Thomas
On 09/07/2014 16:53, Marko Asplund wrote:
 On 09/07/2014 09:16, Mark Thomas wrote:
 There's a couple of parts in particular that I'm wondering about:
 - what's the correct way to deliver error response to client? Can I just
 cast the response acquired from AsyncContext to HttpServletResponse and
 the normal Servlet API mechanisms?

 Personally, I'd do a dispatch since that completes the AsyncContext as
 well. Your approach should work. Which is better is probably a matter of
 Thanks Mark!
 Dispatching to a separate error handler might be the cleaner approach. I
 guess that would involve passing error status and other info as needed to
 the dispatch target in the request object.
 So, with the response.sendError approach I would still need to finally
 invoke asyncContext.complete() in order to complete request processing,


 - does the code contain thread-safety issues in particular related to
 response object and OutputStream?

 Ensuring thread-safe access of those objects is entirely an application
 Are there any potential thread-safety issues in the sample code related to
 how the application and container threads share the response object?
 For example if the application touches HttpServletResponse headers, status
 code or OutputStream, then invokes AsyncContext#complete(), can this result
 in thread-safety issues with the container thread when the container
 serializes the response to the client?

I don;t see any. The basic rule is make sure that the application thread
doesn't modify any container provided object (request, response,
outputstream etc.) after you have called complete(). That is the point
where control returns to the container.


 As an aside, from an application developer point of view, the JAX-RS 2 way
 of completing asynchronous request processing in both happy path and
 erroneous scenarios with AsyncResponse#resume() seems quite handy. I
 realize that these are different abstraction levels and that Servlet API
 doesn't e.g. include exception mapper concept.

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Re: Problem with Transfer-Encoding

2014-07-09 Thread Terence M. Bandoian

On 7/8/2014 2:52 AM, Konstantin Kolinko wrote:

2014-07-07 21:07 GMT+04:00 Terence M. Bandoian

On 7/5/2014 6:36 PM, André Warnier wrote:

I agree with André about the difficulties of debugging character encodings.
A couple of things you might check are the character encodings of the page
and the form.  The character encoding of the page may be set with the
Content-type meta tag:

meta http-equiv=ontent-type content=text/html;charset=UTF-8/

Setting explicit value for content attribute like that is risky. The
value must match the Content-Type HTTP header produced by web server.
If they do not match, some browsers ignore both and start guessing the

I usually write it as

%@ page contentType=ext/html; charset=UTF-8 %
META http-equiv=ontent-type content=%=response.getContentType() %

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

Hi, Konstantin-

With JSP pages, I use contentType attribute of the page directive as 
well but didn't think to include it in my reply.  Thanks for pointing it 

-Terence Bandoian

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Re: Servlet 3.1 asynchronous processing API

2014-07-09 Thread Marko Asplund

I did some more experimenting with both error handling approaches.
Tomcat 7.0.54 and 8.0.9 seemed to work a bit differently: on 8.0.9 some
requests timed out with Exception while processing an asynchronous
request error message. I was unable to reproduce this on TC 7.0.54 or
Resin 4.0.40.

What could be causing this? A bug in my servlet code?

The code and results can be found here:


Re: Embedded Tomcat question

2014-07-09 Thread John D. Ament
Well, thanks for the helpful advice thus far..

So, now that I've added a listener properly, I get this:

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Section 4.4 of the Servlet
3.0 specification does not permit this method to be called from a
ServletContextListener that was not defined in web.xml, a
web-fragment.xml file nor annotated with @WebListener


When I try adding my listener...

public class CdiServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent servletContextEvent)

I even tried rigging my class to have WebListener on it.. until I
noticed the method just threw an exception... no questions asked. :-)

On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 12:37 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
 On 01/07/2014 17:16, John D. Ament wrote:
 I looked for the source code, at least on github, there's no tag for
 7.0.55 defined (see [1])

 Given you are using 7.0.54, why would you look for a tag for 7.0.55?

 How do I get access to a StandardContext?  CAn I cast the Context object?

 Yes. It would have taken less time to try that than it did to type the



 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 4:51 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
 On 30/06/2014 01:27, John D. Ament wrote:
 I spoke a little too quickly, ServletContext is avilable from ctx
 (just didn't search hard enough).  Adding the request listener here
 though results in:





 A quick look in the source code will tell you why you are getting an NPE

 You can't add a ServletRequestListener directly. There are a couple of
 ways to do this. Probably the simplest is to create a
 ServletContextListener, add that directly to Tomcat's StandardContext
 with addApplicationLifecycleListener() and then from that
 ServletContextListener add and request and/or session listeners from the
 contextInitialized() event.

 You could also do this with a ServletContainerInitializer.


 On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 8:21 PM, John D. Ament 

 I'm on Tomcat 7.0.54, though I would hope your APIs aren't volatile
 enough that your internals should matter..

 I tried this:

 Wrapper wrapper =

 This results in a NPE.  This makes me think I don't have access to the
 context yet.  I would actually think it's somewhere in this chain:

 tomcat = new Tomcat();
 File base = new File(target/webapp-runner);
 if(!base.exists()) {
 Context ctx = tomcat.addContext(/,base.getAbsolutePath());

 however, it doesn't look like Context here is a ServletContext.

 On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 6:30 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
 From: John D. Ament []
 Subject: Embedded Tomcat question

 Playing around a bit with embedded tomcat.  It looks like there are
 APIs to add all of the tomcat specific listeners, however how would I
 add a ServletRequestListener?

 Look in the servlet spec for the version of Tomcat you're using (which 
 you didn't mention), and the JavaDoc for ServletContext (e.g., 

  - Chuck

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