Re: catalina.out

2006-04-30 Thread Tim Diggins

kalin mintchev wrote:

  hi all...

  how come if i raname catalina.out to catalina.out.OLD and the create a
new catalina.out tomcat still writes to catalina.out.old?!

I believe that's really to do with the magic of the underlying 
filesystem and not tomcat-related (think of filesystem names under a 
unix-like operating system as pointers to actually memory (inodes) and i 
think that's an analogy that works. Under windows it doesn't work like 
that at all (hence no ln function) and instead you are prevented from 
renaming a file with open handles).

more practically (and back in the world of tomcat) there is a useful faq 
entry  discussion list entry here:

- Tim

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servlet-mapping and DefaultServlet unexpected behaviour

2006-03-29 Thread Tim Diggins

Hi -

I've set up servlet-mappings of:

... others...

the intention was:

* when I request anything ending .gif, the default servlet deals with it.
* when I request anything beginning /data/ the default servlet deals 
with it.

* otherwise mydispatcher deals with it.

however the weird thing is, that any requests to CONTEXT/data/whatever 
is handled by the default servlet as if it was a request for 
CONTEXT/whatever (ie. it strips out the /data/) so to get something in 
a folder called /data I need to request CONTEXT/data/data/whatever)

 * Is this expected behaviour for the DefaultServlet (having skimmed 
the functional specs for it[1], it does appear that the DefaultServlet 
expects to be served as url-pattern /)? In this case I need to make 
my own version of the defaultServlet
 * Acutally a config error (can't work out how) - like maybe I need to 
specify some extra piece of Context (at the moment these are just 
Context free wars dropped into the webapps folder).

 * some kind of corner case bug.

Any help useful




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Re: forward to webapps/learning application

2006-03-13 Thread Tim Diggins
The solution I found to this kind of issue* was to setup virtual hosting 
in tomcat. Provided that your tomcat  your apache install are on the 
same machine, this is actually straightforward, just add an extra Host 
element to your server.xml representing with its own 
webapps dir... see

Then your learning webapp would be setup as the ROOT webapp for the virtual host. And your jk config should then bre 

Incidentally, if you're serving everything through tomcat and have no 
need for any apache-specific features, then you may want to investigate 
whether it would be more performant (and much simpler!) to have tomcat 
be serving directly (without apache + jk) - of course to do this with 
virtual hosts and all requires an extra ip address on that machine (for 
tomcat to bind to, which apache won't bind to) - and does require tomcat 
to serve port 80 - which may (depending on OS) be a bit of fuss to setup.



*I think (but am not 100% sure) that you can't do what you're trying to 
do - to reroute requests on one URL to a subpath (specific webapp) of 
another URL via mod_jk on its own. I imagine you would need to use 
mod_rewrite together with mod_jk - and that sounds more complex than the 
tomcat virtual hosts route.

Gerd Meyer wrote:

Hey …
I´m searching the whole day for a solution for the following thing:
Im using with apache.

One application is in tomcat installation directory:
I want to reach this application over the URL
What i have to do?
In the httpd.conf i´ve written:

  JkMount /* worker1

What i´ve to do in 


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Re: Looking for upgrade info

2006-03-13 Thread Tim Diggins

first link looks useful


e-Denton Subscriber wrote:



I am still using Tomcat 5.028 and am considering moving to the latest
version. Can someone steer me to some good info and why I should and should
not bother and what changes are necessary for the upgrade?




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Re: Mapping different different folders in a webapp to different urls

2006-03-13 Thread Tim Diggins
If you are planning to use apache anyway, then you could use mod_rewrite 
for this (see apache docs on mod_rewrite - but basically rewrite 
(internally) the to and connect via 
mod_jk to tomcat /a and then tomcat doesn't need to know about the 

don't __think__ there is a tomcat way to distribute a webapp across 
urls, but you __might__ get the same effect by having virtual hosts in 
tomcat, each with a ROOT webapp, and enabling single-sign-on (to enable 
the same session across the webapps).

I've never used single-sign-on, but that's the first thing I'd check, if 
you want a tomcat-only solution.

hth Tim

Kumar Limbu wrote:

Hi Guys,


Hi everyone. I am new to this mailing list and I have a configuration


I searched through the web and googled around but I couldn't get a
satisfactory reply. I also went through the mailing list, but I couldn't
come across anything specific to my need.


We are about to deploy an application. What we are looking to do is to map
each individual folder within the web application to a different urls.

What I mean by this is, 

For example we have a web application called webapp and within webapp we
have folders like a, b and c. What I would like to know is , how can I map
these folder to urls like , and Is there any
way to do this? I haven't really been able to find a reasonable solution to
this problem. So if anyone knows how to do it please drop a word.


Thank You,




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Re: some functions are called twice

2006-03-13 Thread Tim Diggins
If you read around, you'll find that IE  automatically (and 
non-standardly) asks for (GETs) favicon.ico in various standard places - 
even if you have no links to it from your served html.

Sounds like your servlet mapping is including some of these favicon.ico 
requests. So I'd tighten up your servlet mapping - and to spare your 
logs, create and serve a favicon.ico in the default location.

Pusukuri, Kishore_Kumar wrote:

actually in our web application we have a search feature , if we are
using that in logs we found that some functions such as user
authentication and getting path informations etc  are called twice
..second time if I LOG the above details in path info I am getting
favicon.ico ... 
could u tell me, how to avoid the extra call of the details?


-Original Message-
From: Pusukuri, Kishore_Kumar 
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 4:11 PM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: what is favicon.ico? what its significance?

what is favicon.ico? what its significance?



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Re: Tomcat (5.0.25 5.5.15) manager webapp and UserDatabaseRealm and browser caching

2006-03-11 Thread Tim Diggins
firefox can cache passwords as well - and particularly seems to cache 
them in a unexpected way, when moving from different arees on the same 
host. Try (in firefox 1.5 anyway) in Options: Privacy : Passwords : View 
Saved passwords

Tarang Patel wrote:

I suddenly encountered Http 403 problem when trying to
access my manager app

0) I am using Firefox (1.0.7) browser, the app worked
fine until the one ocassion I typed in the wrong

[Q] So what could it be that gives the illusion of a
cached user to the browser ?

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Re: Help in server.xml

2006-03-06 Thread Tim Diggins

Hi Nagendra -

This won't work - two hosts means two hosts, so they have to have 
different names (this is virtual hosting).

If what you want to do is set up two different Contexts (Context is a 
webapp) under the same host, but you don't want to put the two contexts 
as subfolders of the same directory, then you need to specify the 
Context - either as a Context element under the Host (but this is an 
old deprecated style) or as a Context fragment (a bit of xml with just 
the Context you want.  You need to name the Context fragment after what 
you want the Context served at (e.g. for /thisapp call it 
thisapp.xml, for /this/that/theotherapp call it 
this#that#theotherapp.xml) and put it in the conf/Catalina/localhost/ 
directory (assuming you AREN'T running virtual hosting)

E.g. for your first app, something like:
Context docBase=/opt/myweb/www/webapps/app1/

This is all described at (though may 
take a few reads through - I misunderstood this totally when I read it, 
but got put right on this list recently (thanks btw!)).


Devireddy, Nagendra Reddy (STSD) wrote:

Hi I am using tomcat for running two applications at different locations

First application app1 is under /opt/myweb/www/webapps and second
application is under /opt/nagendra/www/webapps

I am wondering whether the following conf will work ..
I am very new to this so please help me here if some thing is wrong

 Host name=localhost debug=0 appBase=/opt/myweb/www/webapps
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

 Host name=localhost debug=0 appBase=/opt/nagendra/www/webapps
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

I have not tried this .. Before trying I just want to confirm .. 

Please reply ..
Thanks and Regards,
Nagendra Reddy. D

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help with context fragments (+virtual hosts) under windows

2006-03-04 Thread Tim Diggins

Hi -

I've never used context fragments to deploy before (have either put 
context fragments into the server.xml, old tomcat4 style, or have used 
web/ant interface for deployment, or just dropped wars into webapps).

so I'm now trying to use the context fragment method and have been 
tearing my hair out. (nothing deploys). I've reverted to bunging the 
contexts into the server.xml, cause I can't make it work, but would like to.

This occurs on my development machine. here are the critical factors:
* tomcat 5.5.15
* window xp (my development machine)
* java 1.5 p6
* tomcat virtual hosts (set up in server.xml) with autoDeploy=True

I'm wondering if this is a bug with some combination of (windows + 
virtualhosting + context fragments), but haven't seen any discussion of 
this via google, or via tomcat bugzilla.

Or maybe I'm just doing something stupid that's staring me in the face.

In case it helps here are my host descriptor and attempted context 
fragments (I've tried lots of variants), basically manager and live work 
and so do the war files in D:\workspaces\blah\webapps, but not the 
context fragment D:\workspaces\blah\webapps\live2.xml)

(and I have tried dropping the live2.xml fragment into the localhost 
webapps directory, and that doesn't seem to work either).

server.xml (fragment)

Host name=whatever.local appBase=D:\workspaces\blah\webapps
   unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
   xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false
docBase=C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 





PS - this isn't just an auto-deploy problem - it won't deploy the 
live2.xml even on tomcat restart.

Many thanks


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