[USMA:14920] British Weatherchannel site

2001-08-16 Thread han.maenen

Weather Channel has a British site with largely metric forecasts. Only wind 
speeds are in mph.


[USMA:14922] Re: Newsweek's Train Article-Containers

2001-08-16 Thread James R. Frysinger

In the shipping trade, the 20 foot containers are called TEUs and the 40
foot containers count as two TEUs. TEU is treated like a trade size.


Louis JOURDAN wrote:

 In metric countries, these containers are sometimes called 6 meter
 and 12 meter containers. I am sorry to say that in most European
 countries they are commonly named as 20 feet and 40 feet.

Metric Methods(SM)   Don't be late to metricate!
James R. Frysinger, CAMS http://www.metricmethods.com/
10 Captiva Row   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charleston, SC 29407 phone/FAX:  843.225.6789

[USMA:14923] Re: No recession please

2001-08-16 Thread James R. Frysinger

According to a TV show we watched last week, those are now passed by two
towers in Saudi Arabia. The narrator kept using feet, degrees
Fahrenheigt, and so forth, but the engineers kept saying things in
meters and degrees Celsius. I think the show was on Discovery Channel or
The Learning Channel.


Joseph B. Reid wrote:
 M.R. wrote in USMA 14909
 What is told to the American people is the human
 rights abuses elsewhere,  but not the great
  For ex
  1. Chinese economy grew 35 % in the last
   3 years and at the same time, they
   reduced the pollution by 17 %.
  2. World's tallest building is Petronas
   Towers in Malaysia.
 The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur are 452 m high
 The CN Tower in Toronto is 553 m high, but it is not a building.
 The Empire State Building, New York, is 373 m high.
 Joseph B. Reid
 17 Glebe Road West
 TorontoM5P 1C8   Tel. 416 486-6071

Metric Methods(SM)   Don't be late to metricate!
James R. Frysinger, CAMS http://www.metricmethods.com/
10 Captiva Row   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charleston, SC 29407 phone/FAX:  843.225.6789

[USMA:14924] Re: No recession please

2001-08-16 Thread Carter, Baron

The Discovery and Learning channels are very bad at this.  The narrators
persistently use ifp even when the real subject is using SI.  I have written
to them about this several times but they are persistently dogged about
keeping America in the Dark Ages.

Baron Carter.

-Original Message-
From: James R. Frysinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 16 August, 2001 11:02
To: U.S. Metric Association
Subject: [USMA:14923] Re: No recession please

According to a TV show we watched last week, those are now passed by two
towers in Saudi Arabia. The narrator kept using feet, degrees
Fahrenheigt, and so forth, but the engineers kept saying things in
meters and degrees Celsius. I think the show was on Discovery Channel or
The Learning Channel.


Joseph B. Reid wrote:
 M.R. wrote in USMA 14909
 What is told to the American people is the human
 rights abuses elsewhere,  but not the great
  For ex
  1. Chinese economy grew 35 % in the last
   3 years and at the same time, they
   reduced the pollution by 17 %.
  2. World's tallest building is Petronas
   Towers in Malaysia.
 The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur are 452 m high
 The CN Tower in Toronto is 553 m high, but it is not a building.
 The Empire State Building, New York, is 373 m high.
 Joseph B. Reid
 17 Glebe Road West
 TorontoM5P 1C8   Tel. 416 486-6071

Metric Methods(SM)   Don't be late to metricate!
James R. Frysinger, CAMS http://www.metricmethods.com/
10 Captiva Row   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charleston, SC 29407 phone/FAX:  843.225.6789

[USMA:14925] Kinko's

2001-08-16 Thread James R. Frysinger

I'm having some small posters made from computer files at Kinko's and I
called about pricing. They do that kind of work and when the person I
spoke to asked what size I was interested in I said about 40 cm by 50
cm. The lady, Aiesha (who seems to have what sounds like a strong
Japanese accent), asked how many inches that was. (I refrained from
telling her but got their rates to figure it myself.) Kinko's prices by
the square inch or the square foot. Yikes!


Metric Methods(SM)   Don't be late to metricate!
James R. Frysinger, CAMS http://www.metricmethods.com/
10 Captiva Row   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charleston, SC 29407 phone/FAX:  843.225.6789

[USMA:14927] Giant Squid

2001-08-16 Thread Carter, Baron

A story uncontaminated by the staff of Gofish
_id=16798209isnews=1 isnews=1

[USMA:14929] Re: Newsweek's Train Article-Containers

2001-08-16 Thread Louis JOURDAN

At 11:59 -0400 16/08/2001, James R. Frysinger wrote:
In the shipping trade, the 20 foot containers are called TEUs and the 40
foot containers count as two TEUs. TEU is treated like a trade size.

Yeah... but what TEU stands for ? Never heard that.


[USMA:14931] Fw: Italy-news August 16-01

2001-08-16 Thread kilopascal


 Continua la rincorsa dell'Euro nei confronti del dollaro.La moneta unica
viene scambiata poco sotto la soglia di 0,92 centesimi di dollaro. La moneta
americana vale poco più di 2.100 lire. Negli ultimi giorni,a causa
dell'allarme del Fmi e del pessimismo della Fed sull'economia Usa, l'Euro si
è apprezzato di oltre il 10%,toccando i massimi degli ultimi 5 mesi. Per il
presidente della Commissione europea Prodi, ieri palesemente soddisfatto, la
debolezza dell'Euro era arrivata a livelli irragionevoli.E oggi il
ministro del Tesoro Usa O'Neill prova a rassicurare i mercati:il governo
americano non cederà alla voglia di un dollaro meno forte.


 Continúa el repunte del euro en relación con el dólar. La moneda única
europea se cotizó por debajo de 0,92 centavos de dólar. La moneda
estadounidense vale así algo más de 2100 liras. En los últimos días, a causa
de la alarma del Fmi y del pesimismo de la Fed sobre la economía de EU, el
euro se valorizó más de 10%, alcanzando los máximos de los últimos 5 meses.
Para el presidente de la Comisión Europes, Prodi, quien ayer estaba
visiblemente satisfecho, la debilidad del euro había alcanzado niveles
irrazonables. Hoy el Ministro del Tesoro de EU, O'Neill, tratará de
tranquilizar los mercados pues el gobierno de su país no dejará que el dólar
se debilite.


 The value of the euro continues to rise against the U.S. dollar due to the
pessimism expressed by the International Monetary Fund and the U.S. Federal
Reserve Board about the American economy. In the past few days the value of
the euro has appreciated more than 10% reaching its highest level in five
months. The euro is now being traded at 0.92 to the dollar. The Italian lira
has also improved to a little more than 2,100 lire to the dollar. Romano
Prodi, president of the EU Commission, expressed his satisfaction with the
news, saying that the Euro had been previously appraised at unreasonably low
levels. However, Paul O'Neill, U. S. Secretary of the Treasury, reassured
market investors that the American government would not permit the dollar to
weaken any further.

[USMA:14932] Re: Newsweek's Train Article-Containers

2001-08-16 Thread Bill Potts

Louis Jourdan wrote:
 Yeah... but what TEU stands for ? Never heard that.

Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit.

It's about as non-SI as you can get.

Bill Potts, CMS
Roseville, CA
http://metric1.org [SI Navigator]

[USMA:14933] Re: metric booze

2001-08-16 Thread Paul Trusten

ME,NH, VT: state stores
MA, CT, RI:  private stores

Nat Hager III wrote:
  That is a difference John. In PA both wine and liquor is sold in statestores, and not even beer is sold in grocery stores.  (real pain when youwant to have friends over Sunday night, and can't buy a bottle of wine).But MD has private wine and liquor stores, and I can't honestly rememberseeing FFU there.  Seems to me though, the Ohio model is prevalentthroughout New England, and I'll be getting there soon so I'll check it out.As for demanding they show where FFU appears - no, I don't. I prefer themore subtle approach of playing dumb, and getting the jab in in more deviousmanner.  Keeps 'em guessing better! gNat
Nat and Others,In Ohio, only "hard" liquor is sold in "state stores".  That is stores runby the government of Ohio.  I don't buy hard liquor, so I don't frequentthose stores.  They may in fact price as you say.  However, Wine and beercan and are sold in grocery and convenient stores, etc.  It isthese storesthat advertise in FFU.  I hope this is clear now!BTW, the next time they call the containers by pint andhalf-gallon, demandthat they show where on the container those words appear.  It would beinteresting to see what their response would be.John- Original Message -From: "Nat Hager III" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: "U.S. Metric Association" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, 2001-08-15 23:03Subject: [
USMA:14916] Re: metric booze

  John,In all honesty I never see that, here in Southeast PA, MD, DE, NY state.All PA Liquor store labels are in proper metric sizes, including shelflabels and hand written island displays, and pretty much the
  same for the
large window signs in MD and DE.  The price per unit volume may still be


  floozies, but I never pay attention to that.Now once in a while a clerk will refer to a half-pint or a
  half-gallon, to
which I look confused and say "what-ever".  gNat

  2001-08-14The stores I go to always convert and display the metric fills in

  such as 25.4 fl oz and 50.7 fl oz.  The person doing the adsseems to thingthe public will relate more to these numbers than 750 mL or 1.5 L.Nobody I've ever spoken to knows the metric sizes of any of thewine/liquorbottles despite 22 years of metric sizing.  I still hear fifths,half-gallons (for 1.5 L and 1.75 L) and gallons (for 3 to 5 L).If I informthem they are metric and have been so for 22 years, the responseis usually:"what-ever!!!" or something else that is cynical in nature.The metrication of the alcohol industry has done nothing to
  further the

  cause.John- Original Message -From: "Paul Trusten" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: "U.S. Metric Association" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, 2001-08-14 00:22Subject: [USMA:14905] metric booze
I know that this subject was once talked to death on this



  but US metric liquor sizes leapt out at me from a liquor
  store window

sign last week. A sale item was quoted per 750 ml bottle, no WOMBATstated. Gee, those distillers have gotten into the spirit of the



  Of course, the 750 ml thing is the son of the fifth, which was,technically, 757 ml, precisely one-fifth of a US gallon (3785 ml).Maybe metrication will succeed if the nation is thoroughly lit while

is going on BIG GRIN.--Paul Trusten, R.Ph.3609 Caldera Boulevard, Apt. 122Midland TX 79707-2872 USA(915)-694-6208[EMAIL PROTECTED]


[USMA:14935] Euro is to dollar as yard is to metre ... 0.9144 to 1

2001-08-16 Thread kilopascal



  Der Höhenflug des Euro hat vorläufig seinen 
  Zenit überschritten und stieg gegenüber dem gestrigen Referenzkurs nur 
  noch leicht an.
  Stagnation: Nachdem die Gemeinschaftswährung gegen 9.00 Uhr 
  zeitweise um 0,92 US-Dollar kostete, sank sie im Nachmittagshandel (16.15 
  Uhr) auf 0,9115 Dollar. Damit nährte sich der Euro wieder dem Referenzkurs 
  der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) von 0,9114 US-Dollar vom Mittwoch an. 
  Der Referenzkurs am Donnerstag - von der EZB während des Höhenfluges der 
  Devise festgelegt - beträgt 0,9144 US-Dollar. Einen Hauptgrund für 
  den Abwärtstrend des Euro sahen Marktbeobachter in dem gegen Mittag in 
  Frankfurt vorgelegten August-Bericht der Deutschen Bundesbank. Der Bericht 
  hatte bestätigt, dass sich die deutsche Wirtschaft in einer Phase der 
  Stagnation befindet. „Der Bericht veranschaulicht die Schwäche der 
  Wirtschaft in der Eurozone“, begründete ein Analyst das Ende des 
  Euro-Höhenfluges. Nach Veröffentlichung der Juli-Verbraucherpreise 
  in den USA gab der Euro weiter nach. Die Verbraucherpreise sanken im Juli 
  erstmals seit April 2000 und zwar um 0,3 Prozent. Das überraschte die 
  Volkswirte, deren Mehrzahl stagnierende Verbraucherpreise erwartet hatten. 
  Nach Ansicht von Analysten macht ein rückläufiges Preisniveau die Senkung 
  der Leitzinsen durch die US-Notenbank Fed bei der nächsten Sitzung des 
  Offenmarkt-Ausschusses am 21. August wahrscheinlicher. 

[USMA:14936] Re: Newsweek's Train Article-Containers

2001-08-16 Thread James R. Frysinger

Sorry, Louis. I meant to include that. TEU stands for twenty-foot
equivalent units.


Louis JOURDAN wrote:
 At 11:59 -0400 16/08/2001, James R. Frysinger wrote:
 In the shipping trade, the 20 foot containers are called TEUs and the 40
 foot containers count as two TEUs. TEU is treated like a trade size.
 Yeah... but what TEU stands for ? Never heard that.

Metric Methods(SM)   Don't be late to metricate!
James R. Frysinger, CAMS http://www.metricmethods.com/
10 Captiva Row   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charleston, SC 29407 phone/FAX:  843.225.6789

[USMA:14937] teradollars

2001-08-16 Thread Pat Naughtin

Dear Madan and All,

Re: [USMA:14909] No recession please
on 2001/08/14 23.20, M R at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If a trillion dollar (Tera $) market

If you are going to use the SI prefixes with money - and I, for one, think
this is a great idea - then please take care to use unit names and unit
symbols correctly.

The series should begin like this:


kilodollars k$
megadollars   M$
gigadollars G$
teradollars T$




Pat Naughtin
CAMS - Certified Advanced Metrication Specialist
- United States Metric Association
ASM - Accredited Speaking Member
- National Speakers Association of Australia
Member, International Federation for Professional Speakers