I could sympathize a tiny bit with Mr. May's perceptions ("convenience",
nationalism, etc.), but when he got to the point of using WOMBAT idiom
with metric conversions (the 568 ml thing, similar to "give him 2.54 cm
and he'll take 1.6 km"), then I'd prefer to walk away. Such a style of
criticism of falls on deaf and impatient ears. 

Mr. May, wherever you are in the UK: what we are trying to do is
MEASURE, not ROMANTICIZE. I understand your concern with the loss of
days of yore, but, speaking for myself, I can't run after the ice cream
man's bell any more (would look fine for an 8-year-old, but pretty funny
for a 48-year-old, to do it). The duodecimal units of measurement were
for a former time, while the International System of Units is for our
time, for the age of the internet, of space travel, and of a scientific
culture. Still, halves and quarters will not be prohibited by SI, so
please feel free to step up to the bar and order a half litre of your
favorite brew. 

I don't believe that a national identity can be threatened in any way by
the adoption of a global system of measurement. Metres and grams will
not dim the colors of either the Union Jack or Old Glory, will not
diminish the grandeur Trafalgar Square or Times Square, and will not
alter our legacies to the world except, perhaps, to better them, by
showing that we want to enable our citizens to share in the benefits of
a simple standard of measurement.

What I would cherish from Mr. May is his answer to this question: do you
want to change your decimal Pound Sterling back to the
pounds/shillings/pence system?

> I thought I'd forward a message I've just received. Your comments are
> welcome!
> >As a 19 year old student, I am baffled by the ridiculous way in which the country is
> >being forced into metrication. Why are we changing when it is quite obvious that the
> >vast majority of people in this country (72%) are opposed to it.
> >
> >Why is there such an urge to 'come into line' with other countries, when to many 
> >our national identity is defined by our difference to others. When will it stop? 
> >who 'have made several complaints to my local TSD about store signs displaying milk
> >prices...in pints', will be in the front line once again when it comes to forcing 
> >British public to drive on the wrong side of the road. Why should we change. In an 
> >view, why can't other countries change to our system. It is about time that Britain 
> >left to make some of its own decisions. If a referendum were held, then the public 
> >not choose any of the changes that you have proposed in your pages.
> >
> >You say 96% of the world's population already use the metric system? Really? Surely 
> >and Britain make up over 4% of the world's population, and both use Inches, Pounds 
> >
> >One of the members of my family is a midwife, and finds herself forced by 
>legislation to tell
> >the mothers their baby's weight in metric, invariably meeting with a request for lb 
>and oz.
> >
> >Imperial numeracy is more convenient, when using inches etc. 12 can be divided into 
>by 1,2,3,4 & 6,
> >whereas 10 has a meagre 1,2 and 5.
> >
> >You say that it is ridiculous that we use miles, when we buy petrol in litres, but 
>you appear
> > not to have considered changing the volume rather than the road system. The 
>government pushes
> >the public into these situations by changing one thing, and then attempting to 
>justify other
> >changes in relation to that first one. Rather Domino-esque.
> >
> >I am not trying to advocate the abolition of Metrication for business purposes. I 
>think that
> >the public should be able to make a decision without being pressured into changing.
> >
> >Also, from a student's point of view, how are we supposed to order beer in your 
>future. 'Can I
> >have a 568ml glass of your finest brew please Landlord' A pint is the perfect size. 
>Not too much,
> >and not too small.
> >
> >Yours Perplexedly,
> >
> >Tim May
> --
> Chris KEENAN
> UK Metrication Association: http://www.metric.org.uk
> Pro-metric mailing list now available.

Paul Trusten, R.Ph.
3609 Caldera Boulevard, Apt. 122
Midland TX 79707-2872 USA

"No one from the Audubon Society has yet documented the
finding of a modified barium swallow."   
                         --Byrd Ona Wyng, Forensic Ornithologist

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