Re: Default to quiet references

2002-11-04 Thread Serge Knystautas
Andy Lee wrote:

I know you're asking about adding a configuration option to the 
language, but have you considered using a macro?  Something like:

$foo  ## never quiet
$!foo ## always quiet
#qu( $foo )   ## quiet iff $forceQuiet is true
#qu( $!foo )  ## doesn't make sense to use

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm really just trying to keep it easy 
for the users.  I think $!foo would be easier than #qu( $foo ), so 
assuming it's not possible now, I'll go hack something myself and submit 
a patch if desired.

Serge Knystautas
Loki Technologies - Unstoppable Websites

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Re: FreeMarker, Velocity, Jonathan, me :)

2003-07-24 Thread Serge Knystautas

I would start by subscribing to the velocity-dev list and reviewing 
what's in bugzilla.  Also check out for 
advice and tips on how to contribute.

If you can confirm validity of old patches and write some patches for 
some of the existing bugs, hopefully you can get nominated as a 
committer before too long.  In this situation, I would think sustained 
interest and availability is all you need.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech  software . strategy . design
p. 1.301.656.5501

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Layered resource caching

2004-10-09 Thread Serge Knystautas
I've defined 2 resource loaders, basically a set of customized templates 
with a set of default templates underneath it.  Most of the time it 
works great... if I ask for foo.vm, it first checks the customized 
template folder, and if not there, it falls through to the default 
template folder.

My one problem is when the template has already been loaded from the 
default template folder, and I add one to the customized template 
folder.  The default template loader does not refresh the resource, 
since that file timestamp has not changed.

What I'd like is the resource manager to check the customized template 
folder first before turning to the default template folder, and ideally 
still use a cached version for that.  Is the only way to do this to 
write my own ResourceManager implementation, or is there another way to 
do this?

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech  software . strategy . design
p. 301.656.5501
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Re: Layered resource caching

2004-10-09 Thread Serge Knystautas
Shinobu Kawai wrote:
What I'd like is the resource manager to check the customized template
folder first before turning to the default template folder, and ideally
still use a cached version for that.  Is the only way to do this to
write my own ResourceManager implementation, or is there another way to
do this?
Which loaders are you using, and how are you configuring them?  I
think one FileResourceLoader with multiple paths should do the trick. 
(Haven't tried, though)
Put a template into bar and have Velocity try to render that template. 
 Then put a template with the same name into the foo directory, and 
you'll continue to get a copy of the bar version.  If you restart 
Velocity, you'll then see the foo version since that appears earlier 
in the resource loader.

I guess you're saying that the file loader has this ability built-in, 
but I'm using a mixture of resource loaders and am using the multiple 
loader feature, so I need the resource manager to handle this.

Again, it seems like I need my own ResourceManager impl, but just 
wondering if anybody hit this before, had a better suggestion, or a 
planned work around.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech  software . strategy . design
p. 301.656.5501
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Immutable pojos as context objects

2005-02-11 Thread Serge Knystautas
I was wondering if there is a convenient way to restrict method calls on 
objects I put into VelocityContext.  I use Velocity templates to do 
dynamic renders high-traffic websites, and I instantiate VelocityEngine 
objects along with various POJOs that Spring assembles.  These POJOs are 
sort of like macros and/or scripting support, have been configured with 
setter-injection, and are exposed to templates using a VelocityContext 

My problem is that I intend to reuse these VelocityEngine and POJOs 
across multiple requests, so I do not want to allow template authors to 
call setter methods and effectively reconfigure the POJOs.

Is there an easy way to either have Velocity prevent certain method 
calls on context objects, or otherwise a way to make these POJOs immutable?

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech  software . strategy . design
p. 301.656.5501
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Re: Immutable pojos as context objects

2005-02-11 Thread Serge Knystautas
Mike Kienenberger wrote:
Well, the easy answer to this part of the question is to implement a custom 
There's examples of this on the wiki:
Thanks, I'll take a look.
or otherwise a way to make these POJOs immutable?
Outside of the scope of velocity, but really the heart of the problem even 
with a custom Uberspect.
At some point you either need to enumerate all objects you want to be 
immutable (or mutable), or you need to only stick immutable objects into the 
context.   Personally, I think the second method is easier and safer.

Why don't you stick your POJOs into the template as a wrapper object 
(delegate), with only the getter methods exposed?
Yes, I was looking for something more like this.  I know this is 
tangential to Velocity, but figured it might be something others had 
faced when trying to restrict what template authors could do.

I was looking to extend VelocityContext to add a putImmutable(key, 
object) method.  This would create an AOP-style proxy object that will 
fail on any set method but otherwise just hand calls to the underlying 
POJO.  Probably something CGLIB could do for me.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech  software . strategy . design
p. 301.656.5501
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