I am happy to announce the release of VIFF version 0.6:

  Tar/GZ:  http://viff.dk/release/viff-0.6.tar.gz
  Tar/BZ2: http://viff.dk/release/viff-0.6.tar.bz2
  Zip:     http://viff.dk/release/viff-0.6.zip
  Exe:     http://viff.dk/release/viff-0.6.win32.exe

Executive summary of the changes since VIFF 0.5:

  The average time for a secure comparison was reduced by 60-70%.
  Comparisons now work with an actively secure multiplication protocol.
  A memory leak was fixed. Converted documentation to new Sphinx format,
  please see: http://viff.dk/doc/index.html

More details:

* A new prss_lsb function in viff.prss efficiently produces a share of
  a random field element together with a GF256 share of its least
  significant bit. This made comparisons 3-4 times faster.

* New default flavors has been added to viff.comparison which uses the
  actively secure multiplication protocol. Actively secure comparisons
  take about twice as long as passive secure comparisons.

* When data was sent and received empty deque objects were left behind
  in the ShareExchanger.incoming_data dictionaries. That caused a
  memory leak which is now fixed. An example application, gc-test.py,
  was added to test this and similar problems.

* The documentation is now generated using Sphinx and aims to be more
  like a manual than purely an API documentation. The extended section
  on program counters is an example of this.

* Fixed a bug that made 'GF256(1) != GF256(1)' return 'True'.

* Calling '~GF256(255)' would throw a KeyError, fixed.

* Issue 19: Make Runtime.convert_bit_share actively secure.

Martin Geisler

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