I've been practicing a suite by Roncalli but I only have a zerox of the
   one suite and no info about it. There seem to be a few altered chords
   (do you call them taglia?) and I wonder what they are supposed to be,
   as they sound fine when played as the regular type.

   On p. 28 in the Corrente, fourth line, last full measure, there is a
   "C" with a curved line that is clearly different than the C five
   measures earlier. A regular D major chord seems to work fine. If the
   alteration means leaving off the 5th course, that may indicate that the
   fifth course had a bourdon, otherwise what would be the point? I would
   have to rethink things then. With the French tuning it would still
   sound in root position. A sus chord sounds wrong to me.
   The "D" in the pickup measure to this piece also looks different from
   other Ds. I don't know if this is a special chord or the copyist just
   did it differently there.
   Ed Durbrow
   Saitama, Japan



   1. http://www.musicianspage.com/musicians/9688/
   2. http://www9.plala.or.jp/edurbrow/

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