Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Bob Cook

You noted the following:

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

If the alphas are formed two at a time at an excited state of high angular 
momentum spin energy, each with its J vector pointing in the opposite direction 
in the ambient magnetic field and within the same NAE or super QM system, it 
would seem to be possible to collapse to a ground state of 0 spin and angular 
momentum.  The reaction would  conserveangular momentum on the way to 0 with 
small quanta transfers to other particles in the super QM system--electrons and 
protons--with subsequent decay of each via phonon coupling to the lattice. T

he excited spin state of each alpha would be such as to match the mass 
decrement associated with the D,D “fusion” reaction.  The thermal spectrum 
would be such as to provide resonance for the spin phonon coupling.  
Transitions would occur at an energy quanta associated with one spin quanta.  
The number of particles taking part in the NAE would be large--2x the J quantum 
number of an excited a[pha particle.  

If the temperature was to high the phonon coupling would not be possible.  Too 
cold would not work either.  This could be called the Goldilocks spin dance 


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎July‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎31‎ ‎AM

When I take a step back I realize that it appears like a miracle for the energy 
to always come out in small fractions of the total available.  I have to ask 
whether or not this unusual situation may be related to the conditions upon 
which the reaction occurs.  Is anyone aware of an experiment that actually 
involves fusion of D x D at low temperatures while the radiation is monitored?  
 We do have data describing what is released at very high kinetic energies, but 
is there a threshold below which our preferred path may be exclusive?

I suppose the closest analogy would be muon fusion.  If I recall, that pretty 
much matches what is emitted under hot fusion conditions.  Perhaps your point 
is valid and there is zero chance that D x D fusion is taking place directly.  
If true, some sneak path is being followed and it is common for alpha radiation 
to be generated in nuclear reactions.

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

I hope that Rossi and the future report from the long term experiment will help 
to answer many of our questions.


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 2:19 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

From: David Roberson 


I think Bob is hoping that energy can be taken away in smaller chunks and that 
is what I would want to see as well….Has anyone identified exactly where the 
large MeV energy from a D x D fusion is stored?  It remains in place for a 
short duration until released.  Perhaps it can be taken in many portions 
instead of one dangerous gamma.  




Once again, the relevant question is not whether energy can be released 
piecemeal, in many small undetectable portions. We can assume that it can.


The relevant question is this: can a new and previously unknown mechanism 
accomplish this incredible feat 100% of the time, to the complete exclusion of 
the known mechanism?


Clearly – that is most unlikely.


The 23 MeV would need to come out in packets of no more than about 6 keV each. 
Anything above this level would show up on the kind of meters which have been 
used for many years, and which have already proved that strong radiation above 
background level is seldom seen.


Think about it. That lack of any radiation signature in most experiments of 
this kind means the large amount of energy (from the formative alpha particle) 
comes out in at least 4,000 individual packets, none of which can ever be 
larger than what is detectable. And furthermore, never ever do we see the 
“known release mechanism” of standard physics. If true, this proposition is 
moving towards an “intelligent” release of radiation, in which packets must be 
monitored and rejected if they are too energetic. 


That kind of control is absurd, of course, but it highlights the larger 
absurdity of suggesting that this reaction must involve the fusion of deuterons 
to helium with no gamma signature. There are better alternatives.



Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Bob Cook

I would assume in the hot fusion regime that significant linear momentum must 
be conserved in addition to the conservation of energy associated with kinetic 
energy of colliding particles.  In cold fusion LENR there is know momentum 
other than angular momentum to conserve.  Gammas   and other linear momentum 
carrying particles are not needed and in fact not possible because of their of 
their necessary of carrying linear momentum.   it is for this basic reason that 
I do not anticipate the existence of ganmas or  any energetic particle to be 
associated with LENR. 

If any has a good physical explanation of the mechanism for the distribution of 
the linear momentum between decay products I would love to see it.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎July‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎31‎ ‎AM

When I take a step back I realize that it appears like a miracle for the energy 
to always come out in small fractions of the total available.  I have to ask 
whether or not this unusual situation may be related to the conditions upon 
which the reaction occurs.  Is anyone aware of an experiment that actually 
involves fusion of D x D at low temperatures while the radiation is monitored?  
 We do have data describing what is released at very high kinetic energies, but 
is there a threshold below which our preferred path may be exclusive?

I suppose the closest analogy would be muon fusion.  If I recall, that pretty 
much matches what is emitted under hot fusion conditions.  Perhaps your point 
is valid and there is zero chance that D x D fusion is taking place directly.  
If true, some sneak path is being followed and it is common for alpha radiation 
to be generated in nuclear reactions.

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

I hope that Rossi and the future report from the long term experiment will help 
to answer many of our questions.


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 2:19 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

From: David Roberson 


I think Bob is hoping that energy can be taken away in smaller chunks and that 
is what I would want to see as well….Has anyone identified exactly where the 
large MeV energy from a D x D fusion is stored?  It remains in place for a 
short duration until released.  Perhaps it can be taken in many portions 
instead of one dangerous gamma.  




Once again, the relevant question is not whether energy can be released 
piecemeal, in many small undetectable portions. We can assume that it can.


The relevant question is this: can a new and previously unknown mechanism 
accomplish this incredible feat 100% of the time, to the complete exclusion of 
the known mechanism?


Clearly – that is most unlikely.


The 23 MeV would need to come out in packets of no more than about 6 keV each. 
Anything above this level would show up on the kind of meters which have been 
used for many years, and which have already proved that strong radiation above 
background level is seldom seen.


Think about it. That lack of any radiation signature in most experiments of 
this kind means the large amount of energy (from the formative alpha particle) 
comes out in at least 4,000 individual packets, none of which can ever be 
larger than what is detectable. And furthermore, never ever do we see the 
“known release mechanism” of standard physics. If true, this proposition is 
moving towards an “intelligent” release of radiation, in which packets must be 
monitored and rejected if they are too energetic. 


That kind of control is absurd, of course, but it highlights the larger 
absurdity of suggesting that this reaction must involve the fusion of deuterons 
to helium with no gamma signature. There are better alternatives.



Re: [Vo]:RE: Hydrofill and LaNi5

2014-07-12 Thread Jack Cole
Further perusing of for research papers on light water
electrolysis with Nickel, I don't find much to convince me that the
electrolytic method involving nickel has been successful.  I see a few
studies claiming excess heat, but I did not find these convincing because
of low levels of excess heat and the probability of alternative

McKubre in 2008 also stated this about efforts at SRI to replicate previous
results with nickel.

At SRI we have been unsuccessful in a number of attempts at experiment
replication. We were
not able at any time to reproduce the claims of heat from nickel – light
water electrolysis
experiments. We were able uncover one source of systematic error in the
procedures involving large area nickel – carbonate electrolyte experiments
that blunted our
interest. This inability should not be taken to mean that the claims are
wrong or an effect not real,
particularly in light of previous failures to replicate before personal,
hands-on guidance was
sought. We were not able to replicate the Patterson-CETI experiments [13].
Despite the very able3
hands on support of Dr. Dennis Cravens we were never able to observe an
excess heat effect for
this experiment in our mass flow calorimeters, although it is now
understood that an important
experimental element may have been lacking. A similar situation exists in
respect of the
Stringham [14] ultrasonically induced Pd-D2O excess heat effect using SRI
calorimeters, although this condition of uncertainty was exacerbated by the
complexities of input
energy measurement and coupling between the ultrasonic power source and the
transducer and

Does anyone know of any very convincing studies involving nickel and
electrolysis?  I exclude from this Brillouin energy, which we will need to
see some confirmation from SRI.

Best regards,

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Jack Cole wrote:

 Hi Jones,

 I'm still around.  :)  I put my electrolysis experimentation on pause
 after doing something like 200 experiments with nothing to convince me I
 had found anything.  I had some hope for Brillouin Energy, but after all
 this time at SRI with no results reported, it gives me doubts about whether
 Godes had what he thought.  I decided not to pursue replicating his method
 until something more is released from him.

 Anyway, I'm not very hopeful for nickel-based electrolysis being able to
 produce LENR--at least nothing I have tried has convinced me.  There is a
 lot to convince me that false positives are easy to obtain when you are
 looking for lower levels of excess heating.  It needs to be the last
 conclusion you come to after considering alternatives and designing
 experiments to test the alternatives.  Time after time, the results of my
 follow up experiments supported the alternative explanation. I'm hoping the
 Rossi report comes out positive as the probability of a false positive at
 his previously-reported power levels would be nearly impossible to obtain.

 Just to summarize, I tried various materials (Nicrome, constantan,
 nitinol, thoriated tungsten, cuprothal, all of the above plated with
 nickel) and various types of triggering (AC, pulsed DC, alternating DC with
 pulsed AC, high frequency/high current AC alternating with DC, external
 heating, laser, permanent magnet, different electrolytes).  I tried slow
 loading over several days to a week at low current followed by active runs
 and attempts to trigger.  I tried prepping material in light acid followed
 by cleaning with acetone.

 Best regards,

 On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 10:02 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

 Special thanks should be accorded to Dennis Cravens for his openness and
 great detail of information which he has provided on a most important
 experiment. He deserves a big award for this work, even if it turns out
 to be nuclear fusion, per se - and especially if it does turn out to be
 LENR. Why hasn't a National Lab replicate this important work? (Rhetorical
 question and the answer is obvious).

 For the record - here is more background on LaNi5, which is looking
 more-and-more like the magic bullet for Ni-H thermal effects when combined
 with a magnetic field (this combination could be in order to reach a
 superparamagnetic state of self-resonance).

 I should caution that all of the analysis in this thread wrt to LaNi5 is a
 personal and minority appraisal, and that Dennis Cravens along with almost
 everyone else who was involved or saw the experiment, considers it to be a
 version of the Les Case work, involving the fusion of deuterium. Why not?
 is fully derivative of that line of experimental work and so on ... but
 that may not be sufficient.

 IMHO there are good reasons to suspect that there is no nuclear reaction
 the thermal anomaly is related to 

RE: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Jones Beene
From: Eric Walker  

David Roberson  wrote:

Jones makes a good argument that it is unlikely to eliminate all of the gammas 
and I suspect he is correct.


The argument, which says that even if you obtain 99.9 percent efficiency, 
you would still see a large number of gammas for the levels of power observed, 
is a good one, for it narrows down the possibilities significantly.… must we 
then discount years of research stating unequivocally that there has been 4He 
evolution.  If the PdD guys did years of shoddy work, who is there to trust?  




This is not a fair characterization from a technical standpoint. We can trust 
the calorimetry – which is the more important detail by far. 


In the early days (early nineties) it was not easy to distinguish D2 from 4He 
except in a handful of Labs with sophisticated equipment and procedure. Both 
gases are essentially the same mass, 4.002602 vs 4.028204 and the small 
difference in helium is masked by the massive disproportion in the expected 
volume of the two following the typical cold fusion experiment, so that helium 
looks to be at the noise level in every deuterium experiment, regardless of 
excess heat, even when none is being made. Note: helium is ubiquitous, and is 
especially problematic in the processing and enrichment of deuterium tanked gas 
by the supplier. Four nines purity from a gas supplier is not good enough. Was 
this tested for every experiment?


It is a sophisticated undertaking in 2014 to do this measurement accurately 
from start to finish. Helium is rare but ubiquitous — 5.2 ppm by volume in the 
atmosphere on average, as it is continuously created within the earth from 
alpha decay; but in Labs where liquid or tanked helium is used in an enclosed 
space, which is most Labs, Helium can be found naturally at 50 ppm and up - way 
up! … and variable from day to day and even hour to hour. No one can afford to 
do hourly recalibration. In the experiment being analyzed, the expected ratio 
of helium to “pure” D, assuming it really is pure from the supplier, can 
actually be less than the Lab ratio ! How do you calibrate away this intrinsic 
error and be comfortable with the results? 


A quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) is the standard apparatus for gas 
analysis, however, conventional 4He analysis is not accurate with the normal 
apparatus, since deuterium would normally be included in an overwhelming 
disproportion in the sample gas - and enrichment is not possible at a low gas 
inventory from sampling the electrodes; and again, this is especially true when 
liquid helium or tanked helium is used in the Lab in question. Is there any 
large Lab on earth that does not have a high natural helium concentration?


In short, a large peak of D2 masks a tiny peak of 4He unless the two are in 
fairly similar proportions - and there are few ways to change this when the 
experiment only produces a few million helium atoms (from fusion) which is 
mixed with a million times more deuterium as the starting gas, which gas itself 
already has helium contaminants at a rate that is not very different from the 
production concentration. 


Personally I have no problem with this issue of  a “persistent false positive” 
for helium, ongoing for twenty years, so long as the calorimetry is accurate, 
which I am convinced - is accurate. 


QM tells us there will be some percentage of helium produced, no matter what, 
and it is the relative proportion which is difficult to assess.

[Vo]:Future Flight: This is not something made up- like Cold Fusion.....

2014-07-12 Thread Ron Kita
Greetings Vortex-L,

From Yahoo Financial on Future Flight: This is not something
made up like Cold Fusion or Antigravity:

Ad Astra,
Ron Kita, Chiralex Antigravity...grins

Re: [Vo]:RE: Hydrofill and LaNi5

2014-07-12 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jack Cole wrote:

 Does anyone know of any very convincing studies involving nickel and
 electrolysis?  I exclude from this Brillouin energy, which we will need to
 see some confirmation from SRI.

There is not much. Patterson's work was poorly documented. Mills has made
many claims but there has been little follow through, and not much
convincing proof other than Thermocore:

In my opinion, the best Ni-CF proof is the ELFORSK study of Rossi's device.
That isn't much to go on. I hope their next study is more convincing. I
expect it will be.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:RE: Hydrofill and LaNi5

2014-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
I doubt that nickel will work in electrolysis because the water will keep
the temperature of the nickel below both the Curie and the Debye
temperatures, Palladium is paramagnetic an does not have a curie
temperature and therefore able to handle a low temperature reaction range
as occurs in electrolysis.

In a hot hydrogen gas envelope, the temperature of nickel can be pushed
over these two critical temperatures. This higher temperature range will
allow both magnetic and phonon processes to operate at optimum
capabilities. Both these capabilities are essential in LENR.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Jed Rothwell

 Jack Cole wrote:

 Does anyone know of any very convincing studies involving nickel and
 electrolysis?  I exclude from this Brillouin energy, which we will need to
 see some confirmation from SRI.

 There is not much. Patterson's work was poorly documented. Mills has made
 many claims but there has been little follow through, and not much
 convincing proof other than Thermocore:

 In my opinion, the best Ni-CF proof is the ELFORSK study of Rossi's
 device. That isn't much to go on. I hope their next study is more
 convincing. I expect it will be.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread David Roberson
Interesting concept Bob.

Are you taking into account that the angular momentum can balance out to zero 
by a pair of alphas but that the angular energy still remains?   At least that 
is true with classic systems.




-Original Message-
From: Bob Cook
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 2:32 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


You noted the following:

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

If the alphas are formed two at a time at an excited state of high angular 
momentum spin energy, each with its J vector pointing in the opposite direction 
in the ambient magnetic field and within the same NAE or super QM system, it 
would seem to be possible to collapse to a ground state of 0 spin and angular 
momentum.  The reaction would  conserveangular momentum on the way to 0 with 
small quanta transfers to other particles in the super QM system--electrons and 
protons--with subsequent decay of each via phonon coupling to the lattice. T

he excited spin state of each alpha would be such as to match the mass 
decrement associated with the D,D “fusion” reaction.  The thermal spectrum 
would be such as to provide resonance for the spin phonon coupling.  
Transitions would occur at an energy quanta associated with one spin quanta.  
The number of particles taking part in the NAE would be large--2x the J quantum 
number of an excited a[pha particle.  

If the temperature was to high the phonon coupling would not be possible.  Too 
cold would not work either.  This could be called the Goldilocks spin dance 


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎July‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎31‎ ‎AM

When I take a step back I realize that it appears like a miracle for the energy 
to always come out in small fractions of the total available.  I have to ask 
whether or not this unusual situation may be related to the conditions upon 
which the reaction occurs.  Is anyone aware of an experiment that actually 
involves fusion of D x D at low temperatures while the radiation is monitored?  
 We do have data describing what is released at very high kinetic energies, but 
is there a threshold below which our preferred path may be exclusive?

I suppose the closest analogy would be muon fusion.  If I recall, that pretty 
much matches what is emitted under hot fusion conditions.  Perhaps your point 
is valid and there is zero chance that D x D fusion is taking place directly.  
If true, some sneak path is being followed and it is common for alpha radiation 
to be generated in nuclear reactions.

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

I hope that Rossi and the future report from the long term experiment will help 
to answer many of our questions.





-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 2:19 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

From:David Roberson 

I think Bob is hoping that energy can be taken away in smallerchunks and that 
is what I would want to see as well….Hasanyone identified exactly where the 
large MeV energy from a D x D fusion isstored?  It remains in place for a short 
duration until released. Perhaps it can be taken in many portions instead of 
one dangerous gamma.  
Once again, the relevantquestion is not whether energy can be released 
piecemeal, in many smallundetectable portions. We can assume that it can.
The relevant question is this:can a new and previously unknown mechanism 
accomplish this incredible feat 100%of the time, to the complete exclusion of 
the known mechanism?
Clearly – that is most unlikely.
The 23 MeV would need tocome out in packets of no more than about 6 keV each. 
Anything above this levelwould show up on the kind of meters which have been 
used for many years, andwhich have already proved that strong radiation above 
background level is seldomseen.
Think about it. That lackof any radiation signature in most experiments of this 
kind means the large amountof energy (from the formative alpha particle) comes 
out in at least 4,000 individualpackets, none of which can ever be larger than 
what is detectable. And furthermore,never ever do we see the “known release 
mechanism” of standard physics. If true,this proposition is moving towards an 
“intelligent” release of radiation, inwhich packets must be monitored and 
rejected if they are too energetic. 
That kind of control isabsurd, of course, but it highlights the larger 
absurdity of suggesting thatthis reaction must involve the fusion of deuterons 

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
One every nice things that DGT has done is to invent a real time reaction
analyzer that observes the reaction products as they are being produced by
the LENR reaction in real  time.

It has cost them a $million more or less to develop this piece of test

Analyzing the ash after the fact has many pitfalls. For example, if
the Rossi reactor operates continuously for 6 months in a sealed mode, the
nanostructures(nickel nanowires) that support the reaction will have
suffered little change in terms of transmutation. Where does all the ash
go? Most of the ash might be deposited on the walls of the reaction chamber
through some sort of vapor disposition. Where you look for the ash I fear
will distort the overall picture of the reaction.

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread David Roberson

A careful choice of your reference frame can help resolve many of the linear 
momentum issues.  I like to choose one that is located at a point where the net 
linear momentum of the particles is zero before the reaction.  Under that 
condition it is relatively easy to follow the reactions since the final 
momentum must also remain zero and avoids nasty math errors.





-Original Message-
From: Bob Cook
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 3:50 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


I would assume in the hot fusion regime that significant linear momentum must 
be conserved in addition to the conservation of energy associated with kinetic 
energy of colliding particles.  In cold fusion LENR there is know momentum 
other than angular momentum to conserve.  Gammas   and other linear momentum 
carrying particles are not needed and in fact not possible because of their of 
their necessary of carrying linear momentum.   it  is for this basic reason 
that I do not anticipate the existence of ganmas or  any energetic particle to 
be associated with LENR. 

If any has a good physical explanation of the mechanism for the distribution of 
the linear momentum between decay products I would love to see it.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎July‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎31‎ ‎AM

When I take a step back I realize that it appears like a miracle for the energy 
to always come out in small fractions of the total available.  I have to ask 
whether or not this unusual situation may be related to the conditions upon 
which the reaction occurs.  Is anyone aware of an experiment that actually 
involves fusion of D x D at low temperatures while the radiation is monitored?  
 We do have data describing what is released at very high kinetic energies, but 
is there a threshold below which our preferred path may be exclusive?

I suppose the closest analogy would be muon fusion.  If I recall, that pretty 
much matches what is emitted under hot fusion conditions.  Perhaps your point 
is valid and there is zero chance that D x D fusion is taking place directly.  
If true, some sneak path is being followed and it is common for alpha radiation 
to be generated in nuclear reactions.

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

I hope that Rossi and the future report from the long term experiment will help 
to answer many of our questions.





-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 2:19 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

From:David Roberson 

I think Bob is hoping that energy can be taken away in smallerchunks and that 
is what I would want to see as well….Hasanyone identified exactly where the 
large MeV energy from a D x D fusion isstored?  It remains in place for a short 
duration until released. Perhaps it can be taken in many portions instead of 
one dangerous gamma.  
Once again, the relevantquestion is not whether energy can be released 
piecemeal, in many smallundetectable portions. We can assume that it can.
The relevant question is this:can a new and previously unknown mechanism 
accomplish this incredible feat 100%of the time, to the complete exclusion of 
the known mechanism?
Clearly – that is most unlikely.
The 23 MeV would need tocome out in packets of no more than about 6 keV each. 
Anything above this levelwould show up on the kind of meters which have been 
used for many years, andwhich have already proved that strong radiation above 
background level is seldomseen.
Think about it. That lackof any radiation signature in most experiments of this 
kind means the large amountof energy (from the formative alpha particle) comes 
out in at least 4,000 individualpackets, none of which can ever be larger than 
what is detectable. And furthermore,never ever do we see the “known release 
mechanism” of standard physics. If true,this proposition is moving towards an 
“intelligent” release of radiation, inwhich packets must be monitored and 
rejected if they are too energetic. 
That kind of control isabsurd, of course, but it highlights the larger 
absurdity of suggesting thatthis reaction must involve the fusion of deuterons 
to helium with no gammasignature. There are better alternatives.

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
One characteristic of photo-fusion is that no change in angular momentum
occurs. The EMF carries no angular momentum into the reaction. If the
nucleus goes into the reaction with zero spin, it will come out of the
reaction with zero spin.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 1:22 PM, David Roberson wrote:


 A careful choice of your reference frame can help resolve many of the
 linear momentum issues.  I like to choose one that is located at a point
 where the net linear momentum of the particles is zero before the
 reaction.  Under that condition it is relatively easy to follow the
 reactions since the final momentum must also remain zero and avoids nasty
 math errors.


  -Original Message-
 From: Bob Cook
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 3:50 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


  I would assume in the hot fusion regime that significant linear momentum
 must be conserved in addition to the conservation of energy associated with
 kinetic energy of colliding particles.  In cold fusion LENR there is know
 momentum other than angular momentum to conserve.  Gammas   and other
 linear momentum carrying particles are not needed and in fact not possible
 because of their of their necessary of carrying linear momentum.   it  is
 for this basic reason that I do not anticipate the existence of ganmas or
 any energetic particle to be associated with LENR.

  If any has a good physical explanation of the mechanism for the
 distribution of the linear momentum between decay products I would love to
 see it.


  Sent from Windows Mail

   *From:* David Roberson
 *Sent:* ‎Friday‎, ‎July‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎31‎ ‎AM

  When I take a step back I realize that it appears like a miracle for the
 energy to always come out in small fractions of the total available.  I
 have to ask whether or not this unusual situation may be related to the
 conditions upon which the reaction occurs.  Is anyone aware of an
 experiment that actually involves fusion of D x D at low temperatures while
 the radiation is monitored?   We do have data describing what is released
 at very high kinetic energies, but is there a threshold below which our
 preferred path may be exclusive?

 I suppose the closest analogy would be muon fusion.  If I recall, that
 pretty much matches what is emitted under hot fusion conditions.  Perhaps
 your point is valid and there is zero chance that D x D fusion is taking
 place directly.  If true, some sneak path is being followed and it is
 common for alpha radiation to be generated in nuclear reactions.

 Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.
 Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.
 And, what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

 I hope that Rossi and the future report from the long term experiment will
 help to answer many of our questions.


  -Original Message-
 From: Jones Beene
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 2:19 pm
 Subject: RE: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

   *From:* David Roberson

  I think Bob is hoping that energy can be taken away in smaller chunks
 and that is what I would want to see as well….Has anyone identified
 exactly where the large MeV energy from a D x D fusion is stored?  It
 remains in place for a short duration until released.  Perhaps it can be
 taken in many portions instead of one dangerous gamma.


 Once again, the relevant question is not whether energy can be released
 piecemeal, in many small undetectable portions. We can assume that it can.

 The relevant question is this: can a new and previously unknown mechanism
 accomplish this incredible feat 100% of the time, to the complete exclusion
 of the known mechanism?

 Clearly – that is most unlikely.

 The 23 MeV would need to come out in packets of no more than about 6 keV
 each. Anything above this level would show up on the kind of meters which
 have been used for many years, and which have already proved that strong
 radiation above background level is seldom seen.

 Think about it. That lack of any radiation signature in most experiments
 of this kind means the large amount of energy (from the formative alpha
 particle) comes out in at least 4,000 individual packets, none of which can
 ever be larger than what is detectable. And furthermore, never ever do we
 see the “known release mechanism” of standard physics. If true, this
 proposition is moving towards an “intelligent” release of radiation, in
 which packets must be monitored and rejected if they are too energetic.

 That kind of control is absurd, of course, but it highlights the larger
 absurdity of suggesting that this reaction must involve the fusion of
 deuterons to helium with no gamma signature. There are better alternatives.


Re: [Vo]:RE: Hydrofill and LaNi5

2014-07-12 Thread Jack Cole
Axil and Jed,

I agree with you both.  Maybe it would work with plasma electrolysis with
very high power levels to get the temperature of the nickel up high enough.
 Otherwise, nickel maybe somewhat of a dead end with electrolysis.  But
maybe electrolysis is not much worth studying in general at this point as a
much more convincing demonstration can come from gas loaded cells.

Best regards,

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Axil Axil wrote:

 I doubt that nickel will work in electrolysis because the water will keep
 the temperature of the nickel below both the Curie and the Debye
 temperatures, Palladium is paramagnetic an does not have a curie
 temperature and therefore able to handle a low temperature reaction range
 as occurs in electrolysis.

 In a hot hydrogen gas envelope, the temperature of nickel can be pushed
 over these two critical temperatures. This higher temperature range will
 allow both magnetic and phonon processes to operate at optimum
 capabilities. Both these capabilities are essential in LENR.

 On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Jed Rothwell

 Jack Cole wrote:

 Does anyone know of any very convincing studies involving nickel and
 electrolysis?  I exclude from this Brillouin energy, which we will need to
 see some confirmation from SRI.

 There is not much. Patterson's work was poorly documented. Mills has made
 many claims but there has been little follow through, and not much
 convincing proof other than Thermocore:

 In my opinion, the best Ni-CF proof is the ELFORSK study of Rossi's
 device. That isn't much to go on. I hope their next study is more
 convincing. I expect it will be.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Bob Cook

Your  analysis of my comment is close.  I would add that the alphas are 
short-lived virtual particles that have a lifetime to short to measure, and 
that their high spin energy is dealt out in small quanta during their virtual 
lifetime  to real particles and nuclei that are also aligned and anti-aligned 
with the local magnetic field and accept one or more quanta of spin energy 
(spin) as the virtual alphas become real alphas.  This all happens in a supra 
QM system like that suggested by Axil.

As discussed several months ago, I believe the coupled QM system is larger than 
normal in the hot fusion context and different, unknown or unappreciated 
,quantum effects and coupling is occurring, made possible by the nano system 
engineering and magnetic controls on the Pd-H(D) lattice.  I consider the 
grains of Pd-H(D) form large QM coupled systems.  The spectrum of phonic 
(vibrations) energy levels in the crystal structure make the spin transfers 
possible.  Too hot the coupling does not occur, too cold is also a negative 



Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎July‎ ‎12‎, ‎2014 ‎9‎:‎16‎ ‎AM

Interestingconcept Bob.

Are you taking into account that the angular momentum can balance out to zero 
by a pair of alphas but that the angular energy still remains?   At least that 
is true with classic systems.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Cook
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 2:32 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


You noted the following:

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

If the alphas are formed two at a time at an excited state of high angular 
momentum spin energy, each with its J vector pointing in the opposite direction 
in the ambient magnetic field and within the same NAE or super QM system, it 
would seem to be possible to collapse to a ground state of 0 spin and angular 
momentum.  The reaction would  conserveangular momentum on the way to 0 with 
small quanta transfers to other particles in the super QM system--electrons and 
protons--with subsequent decay of each via phonon coupling to the lattice. T

he excited spin state of each alpha would be such as to match the mass 
decrement associated with the D,D “fusion” reaction.  The thermal spectrum 
would be such as to provide resonance for the spin phonon coupling.  
Transitions would occur at an energy quanta associated with one spin quanta.  
The number of particles taking part in the NAE would be large--2x the J quantum 
number of an excited a[pha particle.  

If the temperature was to high the phonon coupling would not be possible.  Too 
cold would not work either.  This could be called the Goldilocks spin dance 


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎July‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎31‎ ‎AM

When I take a step back I realize that it appears like a miracle for the energy 
to always come out in small fractions of the total available.  I have to ask 
whether or not this unusual situation may be related to the conditions upon 
which the reaction occurs.  Is anyone aware of an experiment that actually 
involves fusion of D x D at low temperatures while the radiation is monitored?  
 We do have data describing what is released at very high kinetic energies, but 
is there a threshold below which our preferred path may be exclusive?

I suppose the closest analogy would be muon fusion.  If I recall, that pretty 
much matches what is emitted under hot fusion conditions.  Perhaps your point 
is valid and there is zero chance that D x D fusion is taking place directly.  
If true, some sneak path is being followed and it is common for alpha radiation 
to be generated in nuclear reactions.

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

I hope that Rossi and the future report from the long term experiment will help 
to answer many of our questions.


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 2:19 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

From: David Roberson 


I think Bob is hoping that energy can be taken away in smaller chunks and that 
is what I would want to see as well….Has anyone identified exactly where the 
large MeV energy from a D x D fusion is stored?  It remains in place for a 
short duration until released.  Perhaps it can be taken in many portions 
instead of one dangerous gamma.  




Once again, the relevant question is 

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Bob Cook

I understand the frame of reference idea.  However what is the mechanism that 
controls the fractionation of linear momentum among the particles.  In angular 
momentum the intrinsic quantum controlled parameter of spin exists.  The is no 
intrinsic quantity of linear momentum that is balanced in the kinetic energy of 
the particles.  I have assumed that some unexplained couple between mass and 
gravity must control linear momentum on a continuous scale, scale rather than 
in quanta as angular momentum is controlled.  

This is the question I raise relative to the decay of radioactive entities.   
How is the momentum of the emitted particle(s) and the residual sometimes large 
particle determined within the small confines of the original decaying particle?

I have often speculated it  is mediated by the addition of a  entity  with 
significant momentum that results in a hot- like nuclear reaction with transfer 
of some momentum to the various fission fragments.The addition of magnetic 
fields allows the interaction of the incoming entity to interact more often, 
possibly by changing the 3-D structure with its interaction probability to a 
2-D situation with higher probability of interaction.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎July‎ ‎12‎, ‎2014 ‎9‎:‎22‎ ‎AM


A careful choice of your reference frame can help resolve many of the linear 
momentum issues.  I like to choose one that is located at a point where the net 
linear momentum of the particles is zero before the reaction.  Under that 
condition it is relatively easy to follow the reactions since the final 
momentum must also remain zero and avoids nasty math errors.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Cook
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 3:50 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


I would assume in the hot fusion regime that significant linear momentum must 
be conserved in addition to the conservation of energy associated with kinetic 
energy of colliding particles.  In cold fusion LENR there is know momentum 
other than angular momentum to conserve.  Gammas   and other linear momentum 
carrying particles are not needed and in fact not possible because of their of 
their necessary of carrying linear momentum.   it is for this basic reason that 
I do not anticipate the existence of ganmas or  any energetic particle to be 
associated with LENR. 

If any has a good physical explanation of the mechanism for the distribution of 
the linear momentum between decay products I would love to see it.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎July‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎31‎ ‎AM

When I take a step back I realize that it appears like a miracle for the energy 
to always come out in small fractions of the total available.  I have to ask 
whether or not this unusual situation may be related to the conditions upon 
which the reaction occurs.  Is anyone aware of an experiment that actually 
involves fusion of D x D at low temperatures while the radiation is monitored?  
 We do have data describing what is released at very high kinetic energies, but 
is there a threshold below which our preferred path may be exclusive?

I suppose the closest analogy would be muon fusion.  If I recall, that pretty 
much matches what is emitted under hot fusion conditions.  Perhaps your point 
is valid and there is zero chance that D x D fusion is taking place directly.  
If true, some sneak path is being followed and it is common for alpha radiation 
to be generated in nuclear reactions.

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

I hope that Rossi and the future report from the long term experiment will help 
to answer many of our questions.


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 2:19 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

From: David Roberson 


I think Bob is hoping that energy can be taken away in smaller chunks and that 
is what I would want to see as well….Has anyone identified exactly where the 
large MeV energy from a D x D fusion is stored?  It remains in place for a 
short duration until released.  Perhaps it can be taken in many portions 
instead of one dangerous gamma.  




Once again, the relevant question is not whether energy can be released 
piecemeal, in many small undetectable portions. We can assume that it can.


The relevant question is this: can a new and previously unknown mechanism 
accomplish this incredible feat 100% of the time, to the complete exclusion of 
the known mechanism?


Clearly – that is most unlikely.


The 23 

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Bob Cook

That is an interesting observation regarding photo-fusion.  EMF photons would 
carry spin to the reaction I would say.  How is it there is no spin associated 
with the incoming photon? unless there are two oppositely polarized photons 
arriving at the same time.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: Axil Axil
Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎July‎ ‎12‎, ‎2014 ‎9‎:‎26‎ ‎AM

One characteristic of photo-fusion is that no change in angular momentum 
occurs. The EMF carries no angular momentum into the reaction. If the nucleus 
goes into the reaction with zero spin, it will come out of the reaction with 
zero spin.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 1:22 PM, David Roberson wrote:


A careful choice of your reference frame can help resolve many of the linear 
momentum issues.  I like to choose one that is located at a point where the net 
linear momentum of the particles is zero before the reaction.  Under that 
condition it is relatively easy to follow the reactions since the final 
momentum must also remain zero and avoids nasty math errors.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Cook
To: vortex-l

Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 3:50 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


I would assume in the hot fusion regime that significant linear momentum must 
be conserved in addition to the conservation of energy associated with kinetic 
energy of colliding particles.  In cold fusion LENR there is know momentum 
other than angular momentum to conserve.  Gammas   and other linear momentum 
carrying particles are not needed and in fact not possible because of their of 
their necessary of carrying linear momentum.   it is for this basic reason that 
I do not anticipate the existence of ganmas or  any energetic particle to be 
associated with LENR. 

If any has a good physical explanation of the mechanism for the distribution of 
the linear momentum between decay products I would love to see it.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎July‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎31‎ ‎AM

When I take a step back I realize that it appears like a miracle for the energy 
to always come out in small fractions of the total available.  I have to ask 
whether or not this unusual situation may be related to the conditions upon 
which the reaction occurs.  Is anyone aware of an experiment that actually 
involves fusion of D x D at low temperatures while the radiation is monitored?  
 We do have data describing what is released at very high kinetic energies, but 
is there a threshold below which our preferred path may be exclusive?

I suppose the closest analogy would be muon fusion.  If I recall, that pretty 
much matches what is emitted under hot fusion conditions.  Perhaps your point 
is valid and there is zero chance that D x D fusion is taking place directly.  
If true, some sneak path is being followed and it is common for alpha radiation 
to be generated in nuclear reactions.

Plenty of energy can be deposited by alpha radiation into the structure.  
Keeping that under control without generating gammas is quite a trick.  And, 
what other nuclear ash should we be seeing?

I hope that Rossi and the future report from the long term experiment will help 
to answer many of our questions.


-Original Message-
From: Jones Beene
To: vortex-l
Sent: Fri, Jul 11, 2014 2:19 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

From: David Roberson 


I think Bob is hoping that energy can be taken away in smaller chunks and that 
is what I would want to see as well….Has anyone identified exactly where the 
large MeV energy from a D x D fusion is stored?  It remains in place for a 
short duration until released.  Perhaps it can be taken in many portions 
instead of one dangerous gamma.  




Once again, the relevant question is not whether energy can be released 
piecemeal, in many small undetectable portions. We can assume that it can.


The relevant question is this: can a new and previously unknown mechanism 
accomplish this incredible feat 100% of the time, to the complete exclusion of 
the known mechanism?


Clearly – that is most unlikely.


The 23 MeV would need to come out in packets of no more than about 6 keV each. 
Anything above this level would show up on the kind of meters which have been 
used for many years, and which have already proved that strong radiation above 
background level is seldom seen.


Think about it. That lack of any radiation signature in most experiments of 
this kind means the large amount of energy (from the formative alpha particle) 
comes out in at least 4,000 individual packets, none of which can ever be 
larger than what is detectable. And furthermore, never ever do we see the 
“known release mechanism” of standard physics. If 

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Bob Cook

Two mass spectrometers vs one is what you need to calibrate.  One should look 
at the ambient environment and one sniff the reactor.  This simple control of 
the experiment.  If you can afford one mass spec you can afford two, if not for 
control as a backup.  


Sent from Windows Mail

From: Jones Beene
Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎July‎ ‎12‎, ‎2014 ‎7‎:‎22‎ ‎AM

From: Eric Walker  

David Roberson  wrote:

Jones makes a good argument that it is unlikely to eliminate all of the gammas 
and I suspect he is correct.


The argument, which says that even if you obtain 99.9 percent efficiency, 
you would still see a large number of gammas for the levels of power observed, 
is a good one, for it narrows down the possibilities significantly.… mustwe 
then discount years of research stating unequivocally that there has been 4He 
evolution.  If the PdD guys did years of shoddy work, who is there to trust?  




This is not a fair characterization from a technical standpoint. We can trust 
the calorimetry – which is the more important detail by far. 


In the early days (early nineties) it was not easy to distinguish D2 from 4He 
except in a handful of Labs with sophisticated equipment and procedure. Both 
gases are essentially the same mass, 4.002602 vs 4.028204 and the small 
difference in helium is masked by the massive disproportion in the expected 
volume of the two following the typical cold fusion experiment, so that helium 
looks to be at the noise level in every deuterium experiment, regardless of 
excess heat, even when none is being made. Note: helium is ubiquitous, and is 
especially problematic in the processing and enrichment of deuterium tanked gas 
by the supplier. Four nines purity from a gas supplier is not good enough. Was 
this tested for every experiment?


It is a sophisticated undertaking in 2014 to do this measurement accurately 
from start to finish. Helium is rare but ubiquitous — 5.2 ppm by volume in the 
atmosphere on average, as it is continuously created within the earth from 
alpha decay; but in Labs where liquid or tanked helium is used in an enclosed 
space, which is most Labs, Helium can be found naturally at 50 ppm and up - way 
up! … and variable from day to day and even hour to hour. No one can afford to 
do hourly recalibration. In the experiment being analyzed, the expected ratio 
of helium to “pure” D, assuming it really is pure from the supplier, can 
actually be less than the Lab ratio ! How do you calibrate away this intrinsic 
error and be comfortable with the results? 


A quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) is the standard apparatus for gas 
analysis, however, conventional 4He analysis is not accurate with the normal 
apparatus, since deuterium would normally be included in an overwhelming 
disproportion in the sample gas - and enrichment is not possible at a low gas 
inventory from sampling the electrodes; and again, this is especially true when 
liquid helium or tanked helium is used in the Lab in question. Is there any 
large Lab on earth that does not have a high natural helium concentration?


In short, a large peak of D2 masks a tiny peak of 4He unless the two are in 
fairly similar proportions - and there are few ways to change this when the 
experiment only produces a few million helium atoms (from fusion) which is 
mixed with a million times more deuterium as the starting gas, which gas itself 
already has helium contaminants at a rate that is not very different from the 
production concentration. 


Personally I have no problem with this issue of  a “persistent false positive” 
for helium, ongoing for twenty years, so long as the calorimetry is accurate, 
which I am convinced - is accurate. 


QM tells us there will be some percentage of helium produced, no matter what, 
and it is the relative proportion which is difficult to assess.

[Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread H Veeder
CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’ light

July 9, 2014 •

Something is amiss in the universe. There appears to be an enormous deficit
of ultraviolet light in the cosmic budget.

Observations made by the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a $70 million
instrument designed by the University of Colorado Boulder and installed on
the Hubble Space Telescope, have revealed that the universe is “missing” a
large amount of light.

“It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and see
only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,” said the Carnegie Institution for Science’s
Juna Kollmeier, lead author of a new study on the missing light published
in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. “Where is all that light coming from?
It’s missing from our census.”

The research team—which includes Benjamin Oppenheimer and Charles Danforth
of CU-Boulder’s Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy—analyzed the
tendrils of hydrogen that bridge the vast reaches of empty space between
galaxies. When hydrogen atoms are struck by highly energetic ultraviolet
light, they are transformed from electrically neutral atoms to charged ions.

The astronomers were surprised when they found far more hydrogen ions than
could be explained with the known ultraviolet light in the universe, which
comes primarily from quasars. The difference is a stunning 400 percent.

Strangely, this mismatch only appears in the nearby, relatively
well-studied cosmos. When telescopes focus on galaxies billions of light
years away—which shows astronomers what was happening when the universe was
young—everything seems to add up. The fact that the accounting of light
needed to ionize hydrogen works in the early universe but falls apart
locally has scientists puzzled.

The mismatch emerged from comparing supercomputer simulations of
intergalactic gas to the most recent analysis of observations from the
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.

“The simulations fit the data beautifully in the early universe, and they
fit the local data beautifully if we’re allowed to assume that this extra
light is really there,” said CU-Boulder’s Oppenheimer. “It’s possible the
simulations do not reflect reality, which by itself would be a surprise,
because intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the universe that we
think we understand the best.”

The type of light that is energetic enough to turn neutral hydrogen into
hydrogen ions is called “ionizing photons” and is known to come from only
two sources in the universe: quasars, which are powered by hot gas falling
onto supermassive black holes over a million times the mass of the sun, and
the hottest young stars. Observations indicate that the ionizing photons
from young stars are almost always absorbed by gas in their host galaxy, so
they never escape to affect intergalactic hydrogen. But the number of known
quasars is far lower than needed to produce the amount of light necessary
to create the quantity of hydrogen ions measured by the research team.

“If we count up the known sources of ultraviolet ionizing photons, we come
up five times too short,” Oppenheimer said. “We are missing 80 percent of
the ionizing photons, and the question is where are they coming from? The
most fascinating possibility is that an exotic new source, not quasars or
galaxies, is responsible for the missing photons.”

For example, the mysterious dark matter, which holds galaxies together but
has never been seen directly, could itself decay and ultimately be
responsible for this extra light.

“The great thing about a 400 percent discrepancy is that you know something
is really wrong,” said co-author David Weinberg of Ohio State University.
“We still don't know for sure what it is, but at least one thing we thought
we knew about the present day universe isn’t true.”

Other co-authors on the study are Francesco Haardt of the Università
dell’Insubria, Romeel Davé of the University of the Western Cape, Mark
Fardal of University of Massachusetts Amherst, Piero Madau of the
University of California, Santa Cruz, Amanda Ford of the University of
Arizona, Molly Peeples of the Space Telescope Science Institute, and Joseph
McEwen of Ohio State University.

The study was funded in part by NASA, the National Science Foundation and
the Ahmanson Foundation.

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread David Roberson

You ask an excellent question and I would also like to understand the answer.  
We assume that linear momentum does not have quantum values so that it can 
exist in smooth continuous states.  Has this been proven?  Perhaps someone can 
analyze the HUP and show how it is so.

Also, your question leaves me wondering why the angular spin must be quantized 
instead of continuous.  If I recall, some of the quantized states are a result 
of explaining the incremental energy levels that electrons find themselves 
exhibiting while orbiting nuclei.  Perhaps this determination is based upon 
measurements instead of forced by firm laws of physics.  This may be an example 
of empirical leading theoretical.

After all, in classical macro systems the total angular momentum can be 
constructed by breaking the mass into tiny increments and summing their linear 
momentums.  The differential elements on opposite sides of the material balance 
out in magnitude but are not operating along the same geometric lines.  Each 
tiny component appears to have continuous values of linear momentum instead of 
quantized states.

I suppose that spin might not translate into the same phenomena as true macro 
angular momentum.  Perhaps someone can help with this issue.





-Original Message-
From: Bob Cook
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 3:25 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


I understand the frame of reference idea.  However what is the mechanism that 
controls the fractionation of linear momentum among the particles.  In angular 
momentum the intrinsic quantum controlled parameter of spin exists.  The is no 
intrinsic quantity of linear momentum that is balanced in the kinetic energy of 
the particles.  I have assumed that some unexplained couple between mass and 
gravity must control linear momentum on a continuous scale, scale rather than 
in quanta as angular momentum is controlled.  

This is the question I raise relative to the decay of radioactive entities.   
How is the momentum of the emitted particle(s) and the residual sometimes large 
particle determined within the small confines of the original decaying particle?

I have often speculated it  is mediated by the addition of a  entity  with 
significant momentum that results in a hot- like nuclear reaction with transfer 
of some momentum to the various fission fragments.The addition of magnetic 
fields allows the interaction of the incoming entity to interact more often, 
possibly by changing the 3-D structure with its interaction probability to a 
2-D situation with higher probability of interaction.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Saturday‎, ‎July‎ ‎12‎, ‎2014 ‎9‎:‎22‎ ‎AM


A careful choice of your reference frame can help resolve many of the linear 
momentum issues.  I like to choose one that is located at a point where the net 
linear momentum of the particles is zero before the reaction.  Under that 
condition it is relatively easy to follow the reactions since the final 
momentum must also remain zero and avoids nasty math errors.





-Original Message-
From: Bob Cook
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 3:50 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


I would assume in the hot fusion regime that significant linear momentum must 
be conserved in addition to the conservation of energy associated with kinetic 
energy of colliding particles.  In cold fusion LENR there is know momentum 
other than angular momentum to conserve.  Gammas   and other linear momentum 
carrying particles are not needed and in fact not possible because of their of 
their necessary of carrying linear momentum.   it  is for this basic reason 
that I do not anticipate the existence of ganmas or  any energetic particle to 
be associated with LENR. 

If any has a good physical explanation of the mechanism for the distribution of 
the linear momentum between decay products I would love to see it.


Sent from Windows Mail

From: David Roberson
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎July‎ ‎11‎, ‎2014 ‎11‎:‎31‎ ‎AM

When I take a step back I realize that it appears like a miracle for the energy 
to always come out in small fractions of the total available.  I have to ask 
whether or not this unusual situation may be related to the conditions upon 
which the reaction occurs.  Is anyone aware of an experiment that actually 
involves fusion of D x D at low temperatures while the radiation is monitored?  
 We do have data describing what is released at very high kinetic energies, but 
is there a threshold below which our preferred path may be exclusive?

I suppose the closest analogy would be muon fusion.  If I recall, that pretty 
much matches what is emitted under hot fusion conditions.  Perhaps your point 
is valid and there is zero chance 

Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread David Roberson
This is the type of discovery that tends to lead to new knowledge.  Every model 
is subject to being proven wrong in the future and this one may be heading in 
that direction.

New and more powerful instruments generally reveal fascinating marvels that no 
one expects.





-Original Message-
From: H Veeder
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 7:03 pm
Subject: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’ light

[Vo]:MIT Paper by

2014-07-12 Thread Ian Walker
Hi all I came across this:

Kind Regards walker

Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
Regarding the title:  400 percent less light in universe than predicted

This article and the title are not well written.

The title should read that there are missing light *sources* not XUV light.
That is, the is more light produced than there are light sources.


“It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and see
only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,”


There are less 40-watt light bulbs than would be expected for the amount of
XUV light produced. These bulbs are light sources. There is too much light
than the light sources can produce.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:03 PM, H Veeder wrote:

 CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’

 July 9, 2014 •

 Something is amiss in the universe. There appears to be an enormous
 deficit of ultraviolet light in the cosmic budget.

 Observations made by the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a $70 million
 instrument designed by the University of Colorado Boulder and installed on
 the Hubble Space Telescope, have revealed that the universe is “missing” a
 large amount of light.

 “It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and
 see only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,” said the Carnegie Institution for
 Science’s Juna Kollmeier, lead author of a new study on the missing light
 published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. “Where is all that light
 coming from? It’s missing from our census.”

 The research team—which includes Benjamin Oppenheimer and Charles Danforth
 of CU-Boulder’s Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy—analyzed the
 tendrils of hydrogen that bridge the vast reaches of empty space between
 galaxies. When hydrogen atoms are struck by highly energetic ultraviolet
 light, they are transformed from electrically neutral atoms to charged ions.

 The astronomers were surprised when they found far more hydrogen ions than
 could be explained with the known ultraviolet light in the universe, which
 comes primarily from quasars. The difference is a stunning 400 percent.

 Strangely, this mismatch only appears in the nearby, relatively
 well-studied cosmos. When telescopes focus on galaxies billions of light
 years away—which shows astronomers what was happening when the universe was
 young—everything seems to add up. The fact that the accounting of light
 needed to ionize hydrogen works in the early universe but falls apart
 locally has scientists puzzled.

 The mismatch emerged from comparing supercomputer simulations of
 intergalactic gas to the most recent analysis of observations from the
 Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.

 “The simulations fit the data beautifully in the early universe, and they
 fit the local data beautifully if we’re allowed to assume that this extra
 light is really there,” said CU-Boulder’s Oppenheimer. “It’s possible the
 simulations do not reflect reality, which by itself would be a surprise,
 because intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the universe that we
 think we understand the best.”

 The type of light that is energetic enough to turn neutral hydrogen into
 hydrogen ions is called “ionizing photons” and is known to come from only
 two sources in the universe: quasars, which are powered by hot gas falling
 onto supermassive black holes over a million times the mass of the sun, and
 the hottest young stars. Observations indicate that the ionizing photons
 from young stars are almost always absorbed by gas in their host galaxy, so
 they never escape to affect intergalactic hydrogen. But the number of known
 quasars is far lower than needed to produce the amount of light necessary
 to create the quantity of hydrogen ions measured by the research team.

 “If we count up the known sources of ultraviolet ionizing photons, we come
 up five times too short,” Oppenheimer said. “We are missing 80 percent of
 the ionizing photons, and the question is where are they coming from? The
 most fascinating possibility is that an exotic new source, not quasars or
 galaxies, is responsible for the missing photons.”

 For example, the mysterious dark matter, which holds galaxies together but
 has never been seen directly, could itself decay and ultimately be
 responsible for this extra light.

 “The great thing about a 400 percent discrepancy is that you know
 something is really wrong,” said co-author David Weinberg of Ohio State
 University. “We still don't know for sure what it is, but at least one
 thing we thought we knew about the present day universe isn’t true.”

 Other co-authors on the study are Francesco Haardt of the Università
 dell’Insubria, Romeel Davé of the University of the Western Cape, Mark
 Fardal of University of Massachusetts Amherst, Piero Madau of the
 University of California, Santa Cruz, Amanda Ford of the University of
 Arizona, Molly Peeples of the Space Telescope Science Institute, and Joseph
 McEwen of Ohio State University.

 The study was funded in part by NASA, the National 

Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
Another clue in the ubiquitous intergalactic soliton based LENR process
that occurs through intergalactic space as dark matter has now appeared.
There is 400% more extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light in intergalactic space
than can be accounted for from other energetic XUV light sources like black
holes and young hot stars.

Space is filled with hydrogen covered dust that produce XUV as well as to
serve as a source of dark matter which provides gravity that keeps galaxies
from flying apart.

Intergalactic dust clouds support the LENR active soliton based XUV
factories that upshift heat photons into the XUV spectrum range.

Some quotes from the investigator:

Either our accounting of the light from galaxies and quasars is very far
off, or there's some other major source of ionizing photons that we've
never recognized, Kollmeier said. We are calling this missing light the
photon underproduction crisis.

The most exciting possibility is that the missing photons are coming from
some exotic new source, not galaxies or quasars at all,

isn’t ironic that this new exotic source of XUV photons is one of their
most hated and ridiculed pseudoscience concepts: the LENR process.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:16 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 This is the type of discovery that tends to lead to new knowledge.  Every
 model is subject to being proven wrong in the future and this one may be
 heading in that direction.

 New and more powerful instruments generally reveal fascinating marvels
 that no one expects.


  -Original Message-
 From: H Veeder
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 7:03 pm
 Subject: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

  CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’

Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread David Roberson
Good point Axil.  it might take some time for these guys to accept that 
possibility.  We will have plenty of mud to sling one day soon!





-Original Message-
From: Axil Axil
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 7:23 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

Another clue in the ubiquitous intergalactic soliton based LENR process that 
occurs through intergalactic space as dark matter has now appeared. There is 
400% more extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light in intergalactic space than can be 
accounted for from other energetic XUV light sources like black holes and young 
hot stars.
Space is filled with hydrogen covered dust that produce XUV as well as to serve 
as a source of dark matter which provides gravity that keeps galaxies from 
flying apart.  
Intergalactic dust clouds support the LENR active soliton based XUV factories 
that upshift heat photons into the XUV spectrum range.
Some quotes from the investigator:
Either our accounting of the light from galaxies and quasars is very far off, 
or there's some other major source of ionizing photons that we've never 
recognized, Kollmeier said. We are calling this missing light the photon 
underproduction crisis.
The most exciting possibility is that the missing photons are coming from some 
exotic new source, not galaxies or quasars at all, 
isn’t ironic that this new exotic source of XUV photons is one of their most 
hated and ridiculed pseudoscience concepts: the LENR process.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:16 PM, David Roberson wrote:

This is the type of discovery that tends to lead to new knowledge.  Every model 
is subject to being proven wrong in the future and this one may be heading in 
that direction.

New and more powerful instruments generally reveal fascinating marvels that no 
one expects.





-Original Message-
From: H Veeder
To: vortex-l
Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 7:03 pm
Subject: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’ light

[Vo]:The SPADEX experiment, preamble

2014-07-12 Thread Jones Beene
This proposed experiment is based on a minority viewpoint, in the
interpretation of Dennis Craven's NI-Week demonstration, which after due
consideration of the past 24 years of LENR, stands out to me as the most
important experiment since 1989. Your assessment may vary, but the pluses of
it are: that it is simple, understated, essentially unpowered, solid state,
robust, long-running, well-constructed, and the error possibilities are
greatly reduced. 

IOW it is elegant to the extreme. The highest compliment that can be
leveled at any breakthrough experiment in LENR is elegance.

However, I cannot really label the underlying M.O for this thermal gain as
the Cravens effect since he is on record as favoring a nuclear
explanation, so for now my version is being called the SPADEX effect for
superparamagnetic deuterium exchange... to be explained in following

To backup a bit, the H/D exchange reaction is similar to a form of
phase-change, and is a preferential reordering of a loaded metal matrix,
where the two hydrogen isotopes play musical chairs at a rather phenomenal
rate. The H/D exchange reaction can be described in the usual one-way form
as chemical and conservative; or in this interpretation as a sequential
thermal anomaly which is continuously being reset via nanomagnetism and
the zero point field. 

The H/D exchange reaction is surprisingly energetic but is chemical -
non-nuclear. So the first question is how can magnetism change the
preferential ordering of a metal matrix where D has already replaced H for
net chemical gain? This would be necessary if the energetic effect is to be
made sequential and cumulative over time- and not a one-way affair. The
second question is where does the reset energy come from.

When we look at the spin, magnetic moment and NMR properties of the two
isotopes, H  D - there is an enormous difference. Magnetic moment alone is
triple for protons over deuterons and NMR frequency variation is even more
lopsided. In short, the magnetic variation is so extreme between the two
isotopes that the small preference for deuterium in the chemical exchange
reaction is easily modulated (to the extent the near-field oscillates),
which dynamic effect is felt more by protons than by deuterons. It can be
noted that the B-field of samarium-cobalt can be .4 T at one micron, but at
10 nm spacing - the effect on protons could be significantly higher (if
inverse square holds as expected).

A magnetic Casimir force will provide that free oscillation in the context
of a balance between superparamagnetism and superferromagnetism. In short,
this may be the key to understanding the H/D exchange reaction as a
sequential route to thermal gain in the Cravens NI-Week experiment.

An actual self-powered experiment will be presented in the next post on this
subject - which is open-source to the extent that anyone can order the parts
and try it, thanks more to Dennis than to me. Only a self-powered experiment
means anything these days, yet few design for it from the start, and AFAIK,
it has not yet been achieved. Estimate of the out-of-picket cost is about
one-large, as they say in Vegas or Joisey... and it is a crap-shot, but
isn't all of life?


attachment: winmail.dat

Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization

2014-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
particles are waves. In order to place a particle in a confining volume,
its wave form must fit into that volume in an integral number of complete
wave cycles. In order for a wave to be viable, it must always complete its
cycle. This wave nature of particles is the basis of quantum mechanics.

With hydrinos, other electrons change the waveform of the orbiting electron
through many body interactions and the orbit of that hydrino electron
changes to be compatible with the change of that electron's waveform.

A magnetic field can change the waveform of a particle and the associated
change in its orbit and associated photon emissions is defined as the
Zeeman effect.

Many thing can effect the waveform of the electron and there are loads of
effects including the fractional quantum Hall effect when the electron is
confined in two dimensions.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:05 PM, David Roberson wrote:


 You ask an excellent question and I would also like to understand the
 answer.  We assume that linear momentum does not have quantum values so
 that it can exist in smooth continuous states.  Has this been proven?
 Perhaps someone can analyze the HUP and show how it is so.

 Also, your question leaves me wondering why the angular spin must be
 quantized instead of continuous.  If I recall, some of the quantized states
 are a result of explaining the incremental energy levels that electrons
 find themselves exhibiting while orbiting nuclei.  Perhaps this
 determination is based upon measurements instead of forced by firm laws of
 physics.  This may be an example of empirical leading theoretical.

 After all, in classical macro systems the total angular momentum can be
 constructed by breaking the mass into tiny increments and summing their
 linear momentums.  The differential elements on opposite sides of the
 material balance out in magnitude but are not operating along the same
 geometric lines.  Each tiny component appears to have continuous values of
 linear momentum instead of quantized states.

 I suppose that spin might not translate into the same phenomena as true
 macro angular momentum.  Perhaps someone can help with this issue.


  -Original Message-
 From: Bob Cook
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 3:25 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


  I understand the frame of reference idea.  However what is the mechanism
 that controls the fractionation of linear momentum among the particles.  In
 angular momentum the intrinsic quantum controlled parameter of spin
 exists.  The is no intrinsic quantity of linear momentum that is balanced
 in the kinetic energy of the particles.  I have assumed that some
 unexplained couple between mass and gravity must control linear momentum on
 a continuous scale, scale rather than in quanta as angular momentum is

  This is the question I raise relative to the decay of radioactive
 entities.   How is the momentum of the emitted particle(s) and the residual
 sometimes large particle determined within the small confines of the
 original decaying particle?

  I have often speculated it  is mediated by the addition of a  entity
  with significant momentum that results in a hot- like nuclear reaction
 with transfer of some momentum to the various fission fragments.The
 addition of magnetic fields allows the interaction of the incoming entity
 to interact more often, possibly by changing the 3-D structure with its
 interaction probability to a 2-D situation with higher probability of


  Sent from Windows Mail

   *From:* David Roberson
 *Sent:* ‎Saturday‎, ‎July‎ ‎12‎, ‎2014 ‎9‎:‎22‎ ‎AM


 A careful choice of your reference frame can help resolve many of the
 linear momentum issues.  I like to choose one that is located at a point
 where the net linear momentum of the particles is zero before the
 reaction.  Under that condition it is relatively easy to follow the
 reactions since the final momentum must also remain zero and avoids nasty
 math errors.


  -Original Message-
 From: Bob Cook
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Sat, Jul 12, 2014 3:50 am
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:Dynamic nuclear polarization


  I would assume in the hot fusion regime that significant linear momentum
 must be conserved in addition to the conservation of energy associated with
 kinetic energy of colliding particles.  In cold fusion LENR there is know
 momentum other than angular momentum to conserve.  Gammas   and other
 linear momentum carrying particles are not needed and in fact not possible
 because of their of their necessary of carrying linear momentum.   it  is
 for this basic reason that I do not anticipate the existence of ganmas or
 any energetic particle to be associated with LENR.

  If any has a good physical explanation of the mechanism 

Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread H Veeder
On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 Regarding the title:  400 percent less light in universe than predicted

 This article and the title are not well written.

 The title should read that there are missing light *sources* not XUV
 light. That is, the is more light produced than there are light sources.


 “It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and
 see only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,”


 There are less 40-watt light bulbs than would be expected for the amount
 of XUV light produced. These bulbs are light sources. There is too much
 light than the light sources can produce.

Oh, my mistake, so the subject header should say 400 percent more light in
universe than predicted


 On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:03 PM, H Veeder wrote:

 CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’

 July 9, 2014 •

 Something is amiss in the universe. There appears to be an enormous
 deficit of ultraviolet light in the cosmic budget.

 Observations made by the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a $70 million
 instrument designed by the University of Colorado Boulder and installed on
 the Hubble Space Telescope, have revealed that the universe is “missing” a
 large amount of light.

 “It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and
 see only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,” said the Carnegie Institution for
 Science’s Juna Kollmeier, lead author of a new study on the missing light
 published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. “Where is all that light
 coming from? It’s missing from our census.”

 The research team—which includes Benjamin Oppenheimer and Charles
 Danforth of CU-Boulder’s Center for Astrophysics and Space
 Astronomy—analyzed the tendrils of hydrogen that bridge the vast reaches of
 empty space between galaxies. When hydrogen atoms are struck by highly
 energetic ultraviolet light, they are transformed from electrically neutral
 atoms to charged ions.

 The astronomers were surprised when they found far more hydrogen ions
 than could be explained with the known ultraviolet light in the universe,
 which comes primarily from quasars. The difference is a stunning 400

 Strangely, this mismatch only appears in the nearby, relatively
 well-studied cosmos. When telescopes focus on galaxies billions of light
 years away—which shows astronomers what was happening when the universe was
 young—everything seems to add up. The fact that the accounting of light
 needed to ionize hydrogen works in the early universe but falls apart
 locally has scientists puzzled.

 The mismatch emerged from comparing supercomputer simulations of
 intergalactic gas to the most recent analysis of observations from the
 Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.

 “The simulations fit the data beautifully in the early universe, and they
 fit the local data beautifully if we’re allowed to assume that this extra
 light is really there,” said CU-Boulder’s Oppenheimer. “It’s possible the
 simulations do not reflect reality, which by itself would be a surprise,
 because intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the universe that we
 think we understand the best.”

 The type of light that is energetic enough to turn neutral hydrogen into
 hydrogen ions is called “ionizing photons” and is known to come from only
 two sources in the universe: quasars, which are powered by hot gas falling
 onto supermassive black holes over a million times the mass of the sun, and
 the hottest young stars. Observations indicate that the ionizing photons
 from young stars are almost always absorbed by gas in their host galaxy, so
 they never escape to affect intergalactic hydrogen. But the number of known
 quasars is far lower than needed to produce the amount of light necessary
 to create the quantity of hydrogen ions measured by the research team.

 “If we count up the known sources of ultraviolet ionizing photons, we
 come up five times too short,” Oppenheimer said. “We are missing 80 percent
 of the ionizing photons, and the question is where are they coming from?
 The most fascinating possibility is that an exotic new source, not quasars
 or galaxies, is responsible for the missing photons.”

 For example, the mysterious dark matter, which holds galaxies together
 but has never been seen directly, could itself decay and ultimately be
 responsible for this extra light.

 “The great thing about a 400 percent discrepancy is that you know
 something is really wrong,” said co-author David Weinberg of Ohio State
 University. “We still don't know for sure what it is, but at least one
 thing we thought we knew about the present day universe isn’t true.”

 Other co-authors on the study are Francesco Haardt of the Università
 dell’Insubria, Romeel Davé of the University of the Western Cape, Mark
 Fardal of University of Massachusetts Amherst, Piero Madau of the
 University of California, Santa Cruz, 

Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
Rest easy Harry

The article itself is confused. Whoever wrote the article had its premise

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 10:27 PM, H Veeder wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 Regarding the title:  400 percent less light in universe than predicted

 This article and the title are not well written.

 The title should read that there are missing light *sources* not XUV
 light. That is, the is more light produced than there are light sources.


 “It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and
 see only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,”


 There are less 40-watt light bulbs than would be expected for the amount
 of XUV light produced. These bulbs are light sources. There is too much
 light than the light sources can produce.

 Oh, my mistake, so the subject header should say 400 percent more light
 in universe than predicted


 On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:03 PM, H Veeder wrote:

 CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’

 July 9, 2014 •

 Something is amiss in the universe. There appears to be an enormous
 deficit of ultraviolet light in the cosmic budget.

 Observations made by the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a $70 million
 instrument designed by the University of Colorado Boulder and installed on
 the Hubble Space Telescope, have revealed that the universe is “missing” a
 large amount of light.

 “It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and
 see only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,” said the Carnegie Institution for
 Science’s Juna Kollmeier, lead author of a new study on the missing light
 published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. “Where is all that light
 coming from? It’s missing from our census.”

 The research team—which includes Benjamin Oppenheimer and Charles
 Danforth of CU-Boulder’s Center for Astrophysics and Space
 Astronomy—analyzed the tendrils of hydrogen that bridge the vast reaches of
 empty space between galaxies. When hydrogen atoms are struck by highly
 energetic ultraviolet light, they are transformed from electrically neutral
 atoms to charged ions.

 The astronomers were surprised when they found far more hydrogen ions
 than could be explained with the known ultraviolet light in the universe,
 which comes primarily from quasars. The difference is a stunning 400

 Strangely, this mismatch only appears in the nearby, relatively
 well-studied cosmos. When telescopes focus on galaxies billions of light
 years away—which shows astronomers what was happening when the universe was
 young—everything seems to add up. The fact that the accounting of light
 needed to ionize hydrogen works in the early universe but falls apart
 locally has scientists puzzled.

 The mismatch emerged from comparing supercomputer simulations of
 intergalactic gas to the most recent analysis of observations from the
 Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.

 “The simulations fit the data beautifully in the early universe, and
 they fit the local data beautifully if we’re allowed to assume that this
 extra light is really there,” said CU-Boulder’s Oppenheimer. “It’s possible
 the simulations do not reflect reality, which by itself would be a
 surprise, because intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the universe
 that we think we understand the best.”

 The type of light that is energetic enough to turn neutral hydrogen into
 hydrogen ions is called “ionizing photons” and is known to come from only
 two sources in the universe: quasars, which are powered by hot gas falling
 onto supermassive black holes over a million times the mass of the sun, and
 the hottest young stars. Observations indicate that the ionizing photons
 from young stars are almost always absorbed by gas in their host galaxy, so
 they never escape to affect intergalactic hydrogen. But the number of known
 quasars is far lower than needed to produce the amount of light necessary
 to create the quantity of hydrogen ions measured by the research team.

 “If we count up the known sources of ultraviolet ionizing photons, we
 come up five times too short,” Oppenheimer said. “We are missing 80 percent
 of the ionizing photons, and the question is where are they coming from?
 The most fascinating possibility is that an exotic new source, not quasars
 or galaxies, is responsible for the missing photons.”

 For example, the mysterious dark matter, which holds galaxies together
 but has never been seen directly, could itself decay and ultimately be
 responsible for this extra light.

 “The great thing about a 400 percent discrepancy is that you know
 something is really wrong,” said co-author David Weinberg of Ohio State
 University. “We still don't know for sure what it is, but at least one
 thing we thought we knew about the present day universe isn’t true.”

 Other co-authors on the study are Francesco Haardt of the 

Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread mixent
In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Sat, 12 Jul 2014 19:21:07 -0400:

They're obviously seeing XUV from Hydrino production in free space. ;)
(If the dark matter is Hydrinos's as Mills claims, then disproportionation
reactions should produce XUV.)

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:03 PM, H Veeder wrote:

 CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’

 July 9, 2014 •

 Something is amiss in the universe. There appears to be an enormous
 deficit of ultraviolet light in the cosmic budget.

 Observations made by the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a $70 million
 instrument designed by the University of Colorado Boulder and installed on
 the Hubble Space Telescope, have revealed that the universe is “missing” a
 large amount of light.

 “It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and
 see only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,” said the Carnegie Institution for
 Science’s Juna Kollmeier, lead author of a new study on the missing light
 published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. “Where is all that light
 coming from? It’s missing from our census.”

 The research team—which includes Benjamin Oppenheimer and Charles Danforth
 of CU-Boulder’s Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy—analyzed the
 tendrils of hydrogen that bridge the vast reaches of empty space between
 galaxies. When hydrogen atoms are struck by highly energetic ultraviolet
 light, they are transformed from electrically neutral atoms to charged ions.

 The astronomers were surprised when they found far more hydrogen ions than
 could be explained with the known ultraviolet light in the universe, which
 comes primarily from quasars. The difference is a stunning 400 percent.

 Strangely, this mismatch only appears in the nearby, relatively
 well-studied cosmos. When telescopes focus on galaxies billions of light
 years away—which shows astronomers what was happening when the universe was
 young—everything seems to add up. The fact that the accounting of light
 needed to ionize hydrogen works in the early universe but falls apart
 locally has scientists puzzled.

 The mismatch emerged from comparing supercomputer simulations of
 intergalactic gas to the most recent analysis of observations from the
 Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.

 “The simulations fit the data beautifully in the early universe, and they
 fit the local data beautifully if we’re allowed to assume that this extra
 light is really there,” said CU-Boulder’s Oppenheimer. “It’s possible the
 simulations do not reflect reality, which by itself would be a surprise,
 because intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the universe that we
 think we understand the best.”

 The type of light that is energetic enough to turn neutral hydrogen into
 hydrogen ions is called “ionizing photons” and is known to come from only
 two sources in the universe: quasars, which are powered by hot gas falling
 onto supermassive black holes over a million times the mass of the sun, and
 the hottest young stars. Observations indicate that the ionizing photons
 from young stars are almost always absorbed by gas in their host galaxy, so
 they never escape to affect intergalactic hydrogen. But the number of known
 quasars is far lower than needed to produce the amount of light necessary
 to create the quantity of hydrogen ions measured by the research team.

 “If we count up the known sources of ultraviolet ionizing photons, we come
 up five times too short,” Oppenheimer said. “We are missing 80 percent of
 the ionizing photons, and the question is where are they coming from? The
 most fascinating possibility is that an exotic new source, not quasars or
 galaxies, is responsible for the missing photons.”

 For example, the mysterious dark matter, which holds galaxies together but
 has never been seen directly, could itself decay and ultimately be
 responsible for this extra light.

 “The great thing about a 400 percent discrepancy is that you know
 something is really wrong,” said co-author David Weinberg of Ohio State
 University. “We still don't know for sure what it is, but at least one
 thing we thought we knew about the present day universe isn’t true.”

 Other co-authors on the study are Francesco Haardt of the Università
 dell’Insubria, Romeel Davé of the University of the Western Cape, Mark
 Fardal of University of Massachusetts Amherst, Piero Madau of the
 University of California, Santa Cruz, Amanda Ford of the University of
 Arizona, Molly Peeples of the Space Telescope Science Institute, and Joseph
 McEwen of Ohio State University.

 The study was funded in part by NASA, the National Science Foundation and
 the Ahmanson Foundation.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread John Berry
And is it more light, or more ionization that can be understood by the
apparent light and light sources?

On Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 Rest easy Harry

 The article itself is confused. Whoever wrote the article had its premise

 On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 10:27 PM, H Veeder wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Axil Axil wrote:

 Regarding the title:  400 percent less light in universe than predicted

 This article and the title are not well written.

 The title should read that there are missing light *sources* not XUV
 light. That is, the is more light produced than there are light sources.


 “It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and
 see only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,”


 There are less 40-watt light bulbs than would be expected for the amount
 of XUV light produced. These bulbs are light sources. There is too much
 light than the light sources can produce.

 Oh, my mistake, so the subject header should say 400 percent more light
 in universe than predicted


 On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:03 PM, H Veeder wrote:

 CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’

 July 9, 2014 •

 Something is amiss in the universe. There appears to be an enormous
 deficit of ultraviolet light in the cosmic budget.

 Observations made by the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a $70 million
 instrument designed by the University of Colorado Boulder and installed on
 the Hubble Space Telescope, have revealed that the universe is “missing” a
 large amount of light.

 “It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and
 see only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,” said the Carnegie Institution for
 Science’s Juna Kollmeier, lead author of a new study on the missing light
 published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. “Where is all that light
 coming from? It’s missing from our census.”

 The research team—which includes Benjamin Oppenheimer and Charles
 Danforth of CU-Boulder’s Center for Astrophysics and Space
 Astronomy—analyzed the tendrils of hydrogen that bridge the vast reaches of
 empty space between galaxies. When hydrogen atoms are struck by highly
 energetic ultraviolet light, they are transformed from electrically neutral
 atoms to charged ions.

 The astronomers were surprised when they found far more hydrogen ions
 than could be explained with the known ultraviolet light in the universe,
 which comes primarily from quasars. The difference is a stunning 400

 Strangely, this mismatch only appears in the nearby, relatively
 well-studied cosmos. When telescopes focus on galaxies billions of light
 years away—which shows astronomers what was happening when the universe was
 young—everything seems to add up. The fact that the accounting of light
 needed to ionize hydrogen works in the early universe but falls apart
 locally has scientists puzzled.

 The mismatch emerged from comparing supercomputer simulations of
 intergalactic gas to the most recent analysis of observations from the
 Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.

 “The simulations fit the data beautifully in the early universe, and
 they fit the local data beautifully if we’re allowed to assume that this
 extra light is really there,” said CU-Boulder’s Oppenheimer. “It’s possible
 the simulations do not reflect reality, which by itself would be a
 surprise, because intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the universe
 that we think we understand the best.”

 The type of light that is energetic enough to turn neutral hydrogen
 into hydrogen ions is called “ionizing photons” and is known to come from
 only two sources in the universe: quasars, which are powered by hot gas
 falling onto supermassive black holes over a million times the mass of the
 sun, and the hottest young stars. Observations indicate that the ionizing
 photons from young stars are almost always absorbed by gas in their host
 galaxy, so they never escape to affect intergalactic hydrogen. But the
 number of known quasars is far lower than needed to produce the amount of
 light necessary to create the quantity of hydrogen ions measured by the
 research team.

 “If we count up the known sources of ultraviolet ionizing photons, we
 come up five times too short,” Oppenheimer said. “We are missing 80 percent
 of the ionizing photons, and the question is where are they coming from?
 The most fascinating possibility is that an exotic new source, not quasars
 or galaxies, is responsible for the missing photons.”

 For example, the mysterious dark matter, which holds galaxies together
 but has never been seen directly, could itself decay and ultimately be
 responsible for this extra light.

 “The great thing about a 400 percent discrepancy is that you know
 something is really wrong,” said co-author David Weinberg of Ohio State
 University. “We still 

Re: [Vo]:hydrinos can't do it.

2014-07-12 Thread mixent
In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Thu, 10 Jul 2014 01:21:52 -0400:
2) Is there any hydride of another metal present (e.g. Lanthanum)?


Do we know how much H2 was stored in the Hydride?


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:400 percent less light in universe than predicted

2014-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
What Mills has not done is show how hydrinos can form a galaxy sized
soliton that is produced by a Bose Einstein condensate (BEC) hundreds or
thousands of light years across. This dark matter behavior has been
observed in the collision of galaxies. This BEC cannot be one of those
wimpy low temperature near zero kelvin BECs since the dark matter mechanism
must be energetic enough to also produce XUV; 400% more than expected.

So dark matter must be polaritons

BEC dark matter can explain collisions of galaxy clusters

we have reinterpreted cold dark matter as a Bose-Einstein condensate. So,
the ultra-light bosons forming the condensate share the same quantum wave
function, so disturbance patterns are formed on astronomic scales in the
form of large-scale waves.

Read more at:
End snip

Why invent a new particle when polaritons can fit all the requirements of
dark matter.

One thing that this idea will imply is that light gains mass when it
becomes entangled with electrons.

Light and electrons could be entangled on a cosmological large scale to
form a polariton BEC soliton much as they do in LENR.

Polaritons are supposed to be almost massless forming bosons, but are they?
The charge of the polaritons could be delocalized to make polariton dark
matter non interacting.

In NiH reactor will be a great test bed to explore the polariton BEC in
understanding dark matter cosmology more deeply.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 11:29 PM, wrote:

 In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Sat, 12 Jul 2014 19:21:07 -0400:

 They're obviously seeing XUV from Hydrino production in free space. ;)
 (If the dark matter is Hydrinos's as Mills claims, then disproportionation
 reactions should produce XUV.)

 On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 7:03 PM, H Veeder wrote:
  CU-Boulder instrument onboard Hubble reveals the universe is ‘missing’
  July 9, 2014 •
  Something is amiss in the universe. There appears to be an enormous
  deficit of ultraviolet light in the cosmic budget.
  Observations made by the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, a $70 million
  instrument designed by the University of Colorado Boulder and installed
  the Hubble Space Telescope, have revealed that the universe is
 “missing” a
  large amount of light.
  “It’s as if you’re in a big, brightly lit room, but you look around and
  see only a few 40-watt lightbulbs,” said the Carnegie Institution for
  Science’s Juna Kollmeier, lead author of a new study on the missing
  published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. “Where is all that light
  coming from? It’s missing from our census.”
  The research team—which includes Benjamin Oppenheimer and Charles
  of CU-Boulder’s Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy—analyzed the
  tendrils of hydrogen that bridge the vast reaches of empty space between
  galaxies. When hydrogen atoms are struck by highly energetic ultraviolet
  light, they are transformed from electrically neutral atoms to charged
  The astronomers were surprised when they found far more hydrogen ions
  could be explained with the known ultraviolet light in the universe,
  comes primarily from quasars. The difference is a stunning 400 percent.
  Strangely, this mismatch only appears in the nearby, relatively
  well-studied cosmos. When telescopes focus on galaxies billions of light
  years away—which shows astronomers what was happening when the universe
  young—everything seems to add up. The fact that the accounting of light
  needed to ionize hydrogen works in the early universe but falls apart
  locally has scientists puzzled.
  The mismatch emerged from comparing supercomputer simulations of
  intergalactic gas to the most recent analysis of observations from the
  Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.
  “The simulations fit the data beautifully in the early universe, and
  fit the local data beautifully if we’re allowed to assume that this
  light is really there,” said CU-Boulder’s Oppenheimer. “It’s possible
  simulations do not reflect reality, which by itself would be a surprise,
  because intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the universe that we
  think we understand the best.”
  The type of light that is energetic enough to turn neutral hydrogen into
  hydrogen ions is called “ionizing photons” and is known to come from
  two sources in the universe: quasars, which are powered by hot gas
  onto supermassive black holes over a million times the mass of the sun,
  the hottest young stars. Observations indicate that the ionizing photons
  from young stars are almost always absorbed by gas in their host
 galaxy, so
  they never escape to affect intergalactic hydrogen. But the number of
  quasars is far lower than needed to produce the amount of light

Re: [Vo]:hydrinos can't do it.

2014-07-12 Thread Axil Axil
We don't know what the hydride is. The amount does not matter or the
hydrogen density. The important characteristic of the hydride is the
desorption/absorption behavior vis-à-*vis* the  required
temperature/pressure profile.

On Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 11:55 PM, wrote:

 In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Thu, 10 Jul 2014 01:21:52 -0400:
 2) Is there any hydride of another metal present (e.g. Lanthanum)?

 Do we know how much H2 was stored in the Hydride?


 Robin van Spaandonk