Re: [Vo]:review of theoretical ideas

2015-03-15 Thread torulf.greek

I'm to "incompetent" but it is no hinder for speculations. 

And be
patient with my bad English. 

If there are a hydroton or other
MEGA-ATOM it may form a mega nuclear structure before it brake downs to
stabile nucleus. 

Nuclear structures like that have been proposed
stabile and possible to use for building femtotech and controlled
nuclear matter. 

There was some news about it on Next Big Future. 

example a possible proton- neutron linear whisker is proposed. 

Maybe a
PEPEPE.. chain first forms a PNPNPN.. chain and then brake apart. 

are a citation from one of the news. 

_"All of Bolonkin's proposed
femtostructures seem unstable to me. His femto rods or whiskers are like
streams of water which are _ 

_subject to instabilities that cause them
to break into a _ 

_sequence of droplets. Imagine one of his rods
periodically squeezing inward and outward keeping the volume fixed. If
the surface area is _ 

_decreased the perturbation will be increased
and eventually break the rod into droplets."_ 



On Sun, 15 Mar 2015 16:36:21 +0100, Alain Sepeda  wrote: 

Hi all, 

following different theory discussion, edmund storms theory,
and my modest understanding I am proposing a speculation about LENR.

first of all I am working in the framework of ed storms theory, not as
hydroton, but about the reason that led him to propose hydroton. 
don't care what is the animal. 

His key observation is about Iwamura
transmutations, and I match it with many other strange observations :

LENr produce few radioactive products, few energetic gamma, few

Iwamura observed that in his experiments the fusion of
target elements like Cs was involving an even number of deuterium. 
number of hydrogen is important for symmetry, but the big surpsied is
that between 2-4-6 deuterium , it seems the non radioactive outcome are

this make me think that this is not an accident but the
natural target of the phenomenon called LENR. 
Ed storms key idea is
that all happen in an insulated quantum object, of huge size, which
dissipate the energy of fusion or transmutation, BEFORE the
transmutation happen... 

I'm basically incompetent but I propose my
(mis)understanding for review, in the standard model framework (please
no hydrino, supergravitation... this is a game to stay in SM, like
playing chess) 

my story is the following. 

for some reason (self
building from gibbs energy) a big quantum object appears in hydrure
all particles inside are intricated, and insulated from
outside for some time. 

I propose that you consider that as a
MEGA-ATOM... it is not a planetary system like an atom, but a similarly
insulated quantum object, build from thousands of nucleus and electrons,
a galaxy. 
it have energy level, states, and thus can radiate and absorb
energy like an atom. 
(this is my understanding of ed storms theory, I
invent nothing, at worst I deform) 

my idea is that (this is
questionable) that MEGA-ATOM when created is not at it's bottom level
because it is created from hot atoms, or from random geometry. 
it start
radiating energy, by the smallest transition possible... I propose it is
by quanta much below 100keV level, as it is observed. 
It may also eject
some energetic particles like by evaporation cooling 

goes to energy level like -24MeV for deuterium, -6MeV for hydrogen, or
other values for system containing impurity as iwamura observe... 

one moment as a MEGA ATOM, because of the geometry change induced by
"cooling" the state a quantum superposition including some fusion. when
the quantum superposition disintricate it is possible that a fusion
became reality, and this correct the loss of energy of the mega-atom.

in fact I suspect that this kind of transition, because the mega-atom
is in debt, is required. when losing intrication, the megaatom have to
propose a new unintricated state that is of lower energy, this mean
fused, or fissioned. 
 It can also be among the allowed low energy
transition. for the megaatom transition from a state where the geometry
is "compact low energy" to a geometry more "as usual" with one fusion,
may be a small transition. 

of course, this fusion will produce the
least possible energy results. 
if it is helium, it won't be excited as
with hot fusion, because the megaatom will have transitioned to a
desexcitated helium before energy of excitation is added to an
excittated helium ready to became tritium and neutron. 

I see man

[Vo]:HUGE- World List of Dissident Scientist circa 1000 Pages

2015-03-15 Thread Ron Kita
Greetings Vortex-l

Many friends are listed here:

Ad Astra,
Ron Kita, Chiralex

Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?

2015-03-15 Thread Axil Axil
For your convenience, I repeat the post I submitted to Peter's Blog as

I have always thought that R. Mills has succumbed to a simplified
imaginative misinterpretation of his experimental data. When it comes to
understanding what is going on with electrons, imagination at these small
dimensions is oftentimes used to construct a model of reality that is not
correct. Because of the limitations of our senses we have no other
alternative: our minds eye must suffice.

At nano dimensions, things that look like atoms are not really atoms, Free
electrons confined in a small volume look and behave like electrons in
orbit around atoms, but these electrons are really only artificial atoms
with no nucleus what so ever.

The quantum dot is an example. A number of electrons confined in a quantum
well look and behave like they were orbiting a nucleus, but inside that
well there is only electrons. The compounds that produce quantum dots exert
force on the collection of electrons to keep them confined that mimic the
fores that the nucleus uses to confine electrons in their orbits.

Certain chemical compounds can readily form nano particles. The structure
of these quantum particle aggregates and there reflective surfaces of their
internal structures can both constrain electrons and light as well as form
an irregular reflecting plane where light and electrons are bent
alternatively by interference and amplification to form a circular path
where interference exactly counteracts non linear amplification to force
the electrons and light to follow a circular path inside a small volume of
space. These electrons form vortexes and their orbits around the vortex are
quantized. A energy is pumped into these electrons their orbits around the
vortex shrink in size. The electrons that orbit around the vortex tend to
take on the same energy and annular momentum and a soliton is thus formed.

This strange form of EMF is a boson and is not constrained by the Pauli
exclusion principle. The annular momentum of this light and electron hybrid
or SPP is an exact fraction of the wavelength of the SPP. As energy is
pumped into this nano volume, the annular momentum of the SPP goes up in
quantum steps. 2, 3, 4... When this vortex of pure EMF finally fails, it
gives off its accumulated power as photons of black light in the extreme

The intense ultraviolet light of sonoluminescence is formed in this way
when nanoparticles of water form a vortex.

I believe that the experimental evidence of this quantum well type of
mechanism is what R. Mills is misinterpreting as a hydrino. But the
artificial atom so formed has no nucleus to produce the EMF annular
momentum that Mills sees in his experiments.

The big difference between the hydrino and the SPP is that the SPP is
accepted and studied by science. I also believe that this water based nano
particle behavior is what Joe Papp used in his first 1966 version of the
Papp engine.

>From this misinterpretation of these goings on in subatomic reality, R,
Mills has created his own world that exists only in his imagination.

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 2:13 PM, 

>  Hence the likelihood that the excess energy results from f/H.
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Fartphone
> - Reply message -
> From: "Axil Axil" 
> To: "vortex-l" 
> Subject: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?
> Date: Sun, Mar 15, 2015 1:36 PM
> I expect that sodium or potassium will produce the LENR reaction at lower
> temperatures.

Re: [Vo]:Randy MIlls now, LENR later

2015-03-15 Thread Axil Axil
I have always thought that R. Mills has succumbed to a simplified
imaginative misinterpretation of his experimental data. When it comes to
understanding what is going on with electrons, imagination at these small
dimensions is oftentimes used to construct a model of reality that is not
correct. Because of the limitations of our senses we have no other
alternative: our minds eye must suffice.

At nano dimensions, things that look like atoms are not really atoms, Free
electrons confined in a small volume look and behave like electrons in
orbit around atoms, but these electrons are really only artificial atoms
with no nucleus what so ever.

The quantum dot is an example. A number of electrons confined in a quantum
well look and behave like they were orbiting a nucleus, but inside that
well there is only electrons. The compounds that produce quantum dots exert
force on the collection of electrons to keep them confined that mimic the
fores that the nucleus uses to confine electrons in their orbits.

Certain chemical compounds can readily form nano particles. The structure
of these quantum particle aggregates and there reflective surfaces of their
internal structures can both constrain electrons and light as well as form
an irregular reflecting plane where light and electrons are bent
alternatively by interference and amplification to form a circular path
where interference exactly counteracts non linear amplification to force
the electrons and light to follow a circular path inside a small volume of
space. These electrons form vortexes and their orbits around the vortex are
quantized. A energy is pumped into these electrons their orbits around the
vortex shrink in size. The electrons that orbit around the vortex tend to
take on the same energy and annular momentum and a soliton is thus formed.

This strange form of EMF is a boson and is not constrained by the Pauli
exclusion principle. The annular momentum of this light and electron hybrid
or SPP is an exact fraction of the wavelength of the SPP. As energy is
pumped into this nano volume, the annular momentum of the SPP goes up in
quantum steps. 2, 3, 4... When this vortex of pure EMF finally fails, it
gives off its accumulated power as photons of black light in the extreme

The intense ultraviolet light of sonoluminescence is formed in this way
when nanoparticles of water form a vortex.

I believe that the experimental evidence of this quantum well type of
mechanism is what R. Mills is misinterpreting as a hydrino. But the
artificial atom so formed has no nucleus to produce the EMF annular
momentum that Mills sees in his experiments.

The big difference between the hydrino and the SPP is that the SPP is
accepted and studied by science. I also believe that this water based nano
particle behavior is what Joe Papp used in his first 1966 version of the
Papp engine.

>From this misinterpretation of these goings on in subatomic reality, R,
Mills has created his own world that exists only in his imagination.

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 8:38 AM, Peter Gluck  wrote:

> Too interesting to let it for later:
> LENR sleeps a bit more in the weekend, but...
> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?

2015-03-15 Thread
Hence the likelihood that the excess energy results from f/H.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Fartphone

- Reply message -
From: "Axil Axil" 
To: "vortex-l" 
Subject: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?
Date: Sun, Mar 15, 2015 1:36 PM

I expect that sodium or potassium will produce the LENR reaction at lower 

Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?

2015-03-15 Thread David Roberson
I certainly hope that is true Axil.  We need to operate these devices at an 
intermediate temperature between the boiling point of water and the Hotcat 
temperatures that we are currently seeing.

Just imagine how much easier it would be on the fuel and mechanical structure 
when operation is achieved at a lower temperature.





-Original Message-
From: Axil Axil 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Sun, Mar 15, 2015 1:36 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?

I expect that sodium or potassium will produce the LENR reaction at lower 
temperatures. The B. Ahern test being run today will show that the reaction 
will start at a lower temperature as opposed to lithium.  
On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 1:30 PM, David Roberson wrote:  
Observations associates with the Hotcat will likely not be the same as seen 
in the normal ECAT.  We are spending far too much energy with Hotcat concerns 
when the other system is the one that has the most promise and the one Rossi is 
working on mainly.  He is happy that everyone is diverted leaving him the lower 
temperature devices to his self.
 It is too bad that we do not have a clue as to how to get one of these systems 
to work at the lower temperature where it would be much easier to measure and 
less stressful on materials.




-Original Message-
 From: Axil Axil 
 To: vortex-l 
 Sent: Sat, Mar 14, 2015 5:56 pm
 Subject: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?
The Lagano test may have revealed to Rossi that the function of the nickel 
micro-particles are transitory. These particles may only be required at startup 
just to get the LENR reaction going without producing the BANG.  
But the Lagano testers ran the reactor very hot, and many if not most of the 
nickel particles melted. But after 32 days of operation, the reaction was 
gaining in effectiveness and vigor even as the nickel particles were being 
degraded by the high heat. This revelation may have allowed Rossi to rethink 
his fuel mix strategy. Rossi may have been surprised that the nickel particles 
showed limited transmutation.  
The nickel particles may only be required to setup a quantum mechanical 
preconditions that allows the LENR reaction to begin gradually and smoothly 
without a BANG.  
Once startup is achieved, the LENR reaction precedes as a fire would by 
maintaining the conditions necessary for its continuing progression.  
No LENR reaction has yet to be restarted. Could it be that the nickel particles 
can only be used once at the initial startup. And once used these particles 
become ineffective?  


Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?

2015-03-15 Thread Axil Axil
I expect that sodium or potassium will produce the LENR reaction at lower
temperatures. The B. Ahern test being run today will show that the reaction
will start at a lower temperature as opposed to lithium.

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 1:30 PM, David Roberson  wrote:

> Observations associates with the Hotcat will likely not be the same as
> seen in the normal ECAT.  We are spending far too much energy with Hotcat
> concerns when the other system is the one that has the most promise and the
> one Rossi is working on mainly.  He is happy that everyone is diverted
> leaving him the lower temperature devices to his self.
> It is too bad that we do not have a clue as to how to get one of these
> systems to work at the lower temperature where it would be much easier to
> measure and less stressful on materials.
> Dave
>  -Original Message-
> From: Axil Axil 
> To: vortex-l 
> Sent: Sat, Mar 14, 2015 5:56 pm
> Subject: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?
>  The Lagano test may have revealed to Rossi that the function of the
> nickel micro-particles are transitory. These particles may only be required
> at startup just to get the LENR reaction going without producing the BANG.
> But the Lagano testers ran the reactor very hot, and many if not most of
> the nickel particles melted. But after 32 days of operation, the reaction
> was gaining in effectiveness and vigor even as the nickel particles were
> being degraded by the high heat. This revelation may have allowed Rossi to
> rethink his fuel mix strategy. Rossi may have been surprised that the
> nickel particles showed limited transmutation.
> The nickel particles may only be required to setup a quantum mechanical
> preconditions that allows the LENR reaction to begin gradually and smoothly
> without a BANG.
> Once startup is achieved, the LENR reaction precedes as a fire would by
> maintaining the conditions necessary for its continuing progression.
> No LENR reaction has yet to be restarted. Could it be that the nickel
> particles can only be used once at the initial startup. And once used these
> particles become ineffective?

Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?

2015-03-15 Thread David Roberson
Observations associates with the Hotcat will likely not be the same as seen in 
the normal ECAT.  We are spending far too much energy with Hotcat concerns when 
the other system is the one that has the most promise and the one Rossi is 
working on mainly.  He is happy that everyone is diverted leaving him the lower 
temperature devices to his self.

It is too bad that we do not have a clue as to how to get one of these systems 
to work at the lower temperature where it would be much easier to measure and 
less stressful on materials.





-Original Message-
From: Axil Axil 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Sat, Mar 14, 2015 5:56 pm
Subject: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?

The Lagano test may have revealed to Rossi that the function of the nickel 
micro-particles are transitory. These particles may only be required at startup 
just to get the LENR reaction going without producing the BANG.
But the Lagano testers ran the reactor very hot, and many if not most of the 
nickel particles melted. But after 32 days of operation, the reaction was 
gaining in effectiveness and vigor even as the nickel particles were being 
degraded by the high heat. This revelation may have allowed Rossi to rethink 
his fuel mix strategy. Rossi may have been surprised that the nickel particles 
showed limited transmutation.
The nickel particles may only be required to setup a quantum mechanical 
preconditions that allows the LENR reaction to begin gradually and smoothly 
without a BANG.
Once startup is achieved, the LENR reaction precedes as a fire would by 
maintaining the conditions necessary for its continuing progression.
No LENR reaction has yet to be restarted. Could it be that the nickel particles 
can only be used once at the initial startup. And once used these particles 
become ineffective?

Re: [Vo]:review of theoretical ideas

2015-03-15 Thread Axil Axil
In a system where many things are doing the same identical thing and those
things can communicate between each other, something called blockade
applies. In a system of a trillion occelators all vibrating at the
identical same fervency and amplitude, any energy applied to that system no
matter how high will be blockaded from causing a hot spot in that
collection of oscillators. The oscillators will spread out that energy
burst throughout all one trillion oscillators evenly.

This happens in the Ni/H reactor. All the dipoles in the reactor will
become coherent; they will all oscillate at the same fervency and the same
amplitude. Any burst of energy that originates inside that coherent system
will be blockaded from causing a hot spot. This system is called a BEC -
Bose Einstein condensate.


In the Ni/H reactor, the job of the nickel particles are to initially get
all the dipoles to vibrates coherently. After doing this, the BEC will be
maintained indefinitely by the dipole blockade.

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 11:36 AM, Alain Sepeda 

> Hi all,
> following different theory discussion, edmund storms theory, and my modest
> understanding I am proposing a speculation about LENR.
> first of all I am working in the framework of ed storms theory, not as
> hydroton, but about the reason that led him to propose hydroton.
> I don't care what is the animal.
> His key observation is about Iwamura transmutations, and I match it with
> many other strange observations :
> LENr produce few radioactive products, few energetic gamma, few neutrons...
> Iwamura observed that in his experiments the fusion of target elements
> like Cs was involving an even number of deuterium.
> Even number of hydrogen is important for symmetry, but the big surpsied is
> that between 2-4-6 deuterium , it seems the non radioactive outcome are
> prefered
> this make me think that this is not an accident but the natural target of
> the phenomenon called LENR.
> Ed storms key idea is that all happen in an insulated quantum object, of
> huge size, which dissipate the energy of fusion or transmutation, BEFORE
> the transmutation happen...
> I'm basically incompetent but I propose my (mis)understanding for review,
> in the standard model framework (please no hydrino, supergravitation...
> this is a game to stay in SM, like playing chess)
> my story is the following.
> for some reason (self building from gibbs energy) a big quantum object
> appears in hydrure material.
> all particles inside are intricated, and insulated from outside for some
> time.
> I propose that you consider that as a MEGA-ATOM... it is not a planetary
> system like an atom, but a similarly insulated quantum object, build from
> thousands of nucleus and electrons, a galaxy.
> it have energy level, states, and thus can radiate and absorb energy like
> an atom.
> (this is my understanding of ed storms theory, I invent nothing, at worst
> I deform)
> my idea is that (this is questionable) that MEGA-ATOM when created is not
> at it's bottom level because it is created from hot atoms, or from random
> geometry.
> it start radiating energy, by the smallest transition possible... I
> propose it is by quanta much below 100keV level, as it is observed.
> It may also eject some energetic particles like by evaporation cooling
> the MEGA-ATOM goes to energy level like -24MeV for deuterium, -6MeV for
> hydrogen, or other values for system containing impurity as iwamura
> observe...
> at one moment  as a MEGA ATOM, because of the geometry change induced by
> "cooling" the state a quantum superposition including some fusion. when the
> quantum superposition disintricate it is possible that a fusion became
> reality, and this correct the loss of energy of the mega-atom.
> in fact I suspect that this kind of transition, because the mega-atom is
> in debt, is required.  when losing intrication, the megaatom have to
> propose a new unintricated state that is of lower energy, this mean fused,
> or fissioned.
>  It can also be among the allowed low energy transition. for the megaatom
> transition from a state where the geometry is "compact low energy" to a
> geometry more "as usual" with one fusion, may be a small transition.
> of course, this fusion will produce the least possible energy results.
> if it is helium, it won't be excited as with hot fusion, because the
> megaatom will have transitioned to a desexcitated helium before energy of
> excitation is added to an excittated helium ready to became tritium and
> neutron.
> I see many question in my scenario, that is where I ask for review
> one is if it is possible for an intricated insulated object to fall
> spontaneously to a lower energy level compared to it's non intricated
> components ?
> one is how can an intricated object evolve, when getting disintricated,
> after being at an energy state which is impossible as it's for

[Vo]:review of theoretical ideas

2015-03-15 Thread Alain Sepeda
Hi all,

following different theory discussion, edmund storms theory, and my modest
understanding I am proposing a speculation about LENR.

first of all I am working in the framework of ed storms theory, not as
hydroton, but about the reason that led him to propose hydroton.
I don't care what is the animal.

His key observation is about Iwamura transmutations, and I match it with
many other strange observations :
LENr produce few radioactive products, few energetic gamma, few neutrons...

Iwamura observed that in his experiments the fusion of target elements like
Cs was involving an even number of deuterium.
Even number of hydrogen is important for symmetry, but the big surpsied is
that between 2-4-6 deuterium , it seems the non radioactive outcome are

this make me think that this is not an accident but the natural target of
the phenomenon called LENR.
Ed storms key idea is that all happen in an insulated quantum object, of
huge size, which dissipate the energy of fusion or transmutation, BEFORE
the transmutation happen...

I'm basically incompetent but I propose my (mis)understanding for review,
in the standard model framework (please no hydrino, supergravitation...
this is a game to stay in SM, like playing chess)

my story is the following.

for some reason (self building from gibbs energy) a big quantum object
appears in hydrure material.
all particles inside are intricated, and insulated from outside for some

I propose that you consider that as a MEGA-ATOM... it is not a planetary
system like an atom, but a similarly insulated quantum object, build from
thousands of nucleus and electrons, a galaxy.
it have energy level, states, and thus can radiate and absorb energy like
an atom.
(this is my understanding of ed storms theory, I invent nothing, at worst I

my idea is that (this is questionable) that MEGA-ATOM when created is not
at it's bottom level because it is created from hot atoms, or from random
it start radiating energy, by the smallest transition possible... I propose
it is by quanta much below 100keV level, as it is observed.
It may also eject some energetic particles like by evaporation cooling

the MEGA-ATOM goes to energy level like -24MeV for deuterium, -6MeV for
hydrogen, or other values for system containing impurity as iwamura

at one moment  as a MEGA ATOM, because of the geometry change induced by
"cooling" the state a quantum superposition including some fusion. when the
quantum superposition disintricate it is possible that a fusion became
reality, and this correct the loss of energy of the mega-atom.

in fact I suspect that this kind of transition, because the mega-atom is in
debt, is required.  when losing intrication, the megaatom have to propose a
new unintricated state that is of lower energy, this mean fused, or
 It can also be among the allowed low energy transition. for the megaatom
transition from a state where the geometry is "compact low energy" to a
geometry more "as usual" with one fusion, may be a small transition.

of course, this fusion will produce the least possible energy results.
if it is helium, it won't be excited as with hot fusion, because the
megaatom will have transitioned to a desexcitated helium before energy of
excitation is added to an excittated helium ready to became tritium and

I see many question in my scenario, that is where I ask for review

one is if it is possible for an intricated insulated object to fall
spontaneously to a lower energy level compared to it's non intricated
components ?

one is how can an intricated object evolve, when getting disintricated,
after being at an energy state which is impossible as it's former
structure, except by nuclear transition ?

note that I don't ask if electroweak , strong or any interaction can do
it... it is just a question on any quantum theory... a question on energy
state, on intrication,...

My idea is if it can explain the strange mystery that LENr seems to produce
among the possibilities, the least radioactive one.
If you are very very luck with dices, it probably mean the dice are loaded.

ready for review, I won't say peer review, because I'm incompetent.

Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?

2015-03-15 Thread Bob Higgins
>From analysis of the remains of the MFMP Bang! experiment, it is clear that
the carbonyl Ni particles sinter into a finely porous 3D web of particles
(probably happening by 400C).  By 1000C, the evidence shows that this web
of hydrogen cleaned Ni particles are completely covered in a molten Li-Al.
By analysis of the Li-Al on the alumina tube ID, it is clear that this
molten Li-Al has dissolved Ni from the web into the molten metal to 3-4%
molar fraction (not counting the Li).  The fine features on the carbonyl Ni
particles are what is dissolving into the molten Li-Al-Ni metal.

This also happened to the HotCat.  Based on the MFMP SEM images, it is easy
to identify particle 1 (TPR2 page 43, Figure 2 left) as having come from
the sintered Ni 3D web in the core of the reactor.  Be sure to pay
attention to the scale in this image - the 2 micron bar in the picture is
small.  The features are as big as the whole Ni particles that comprised
the fuel, now sintered into a web (these are not tiny "tubercles" on top of
a particle - "tubercles" are an alleged part of Rossi's low temperature
fuel).  The sintered Ni particle web is cleanly coated with about 200 nm
thickness of the solidified metal.

All of the nanoscale features of the carbonyl Ni particles have dissolved
into the molten Li-Al metal - there are no tubercles.

At reaction temperatures (>800C) this metal film was liquid and wetted to
the hydrogen cleaned Ni.  Also, at this pressure of H2, it is likely that
much of the Li in the molten metal was melted LiH, an ionic hydride - the
molten metal was probably saturated with hydrogen in the form of H- anions
as part of the ionic hydride of Li.  This appears to be a [liquid metal
ionic hydride - Ni] reaction, not a gas phase reaction.

Bob Higgins

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 5:03 AM, Roarty, Francis X <> wrote:

>  [snip] But maybe these tubercles serve a function at relatively low
> temperatures, then as the reaction takes hold, the tubercles are mostly
> distorted and destroyed. But the function that these tubercles are meant to
> serve have been put in place and are independent once established and self
> reinforcing. [snip]
> And here we come all the way back to whether a fractional molecule can
> persist once formed outside of the environment that produced it. Such that
> after sufficient heat the environment is gone but fractional molecules
> remain. Heat after death reports would suggest it does persist for a time
> and the questions regarding restart of hot cats in the fall begs the
> question if the sealed reactor is allowing these fractional molecules to
> hibernate in the reflowed lattice without run away reactions.
> *From:* Axil Axil []
> *Sent:* Saturday, March 14, 2015 6:08 PM
> *To:* vortex-l
> *Subject:* EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?
> More...
> We were all amazed that the fine nano surface features on the nickel
> particles could ever be preserved at reactor operating temperatures above
> the temperature that these nano features were expected to deteriorate.
> But maybe these tubercles serve a function at relatively low temperatures,
> then as the reaction takes hold, the tubercles are mostly distorted and
> destroyed. But the function that these tubercles are meant to serve have
> been put in place and are independent once established and self
> reinforcing.
> On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
> The Lagano test may have revealed to Rossi that the function of the nickel
> micro-particles are transitory. These particles may only be required at
> startup just to get the LENR reaction going without producing the BANG.
> But the Lagano testers ran the reactor very hot, and many if not most of
> the nickel particles melted. But after 32 days of operation, the reaction
> was gaining in effectiveness and vigor even as the nickel particles were
> being degraded by the high heat. This revelation may have allowed Rossi to
> rethink his fuel mix strategy. Rossi may have been surprised that the
> nickel particles showed limited transmutation.
> The nickel particles may only be required to setup a quantum mechanical
> preconditions that allows the LENR reaction to begin gradually and smoothly
> without a BANG.
> Once startup is achieved, the LENR reaction precedes as a fire would by
> maintaining the conditions necessary for its continuing progression.
> No LENR reaction has yet to be restarted. Could it be that the nickel
> particles can only be used once at the initial startup. And once used these
> particles become ineffective?

[Vo]:Randy MIlls now, LENR later

2015-03-15 Thread Peter Gluck
Too interesting to let it for later:

LENR sleeps a bit more in the weekend, but...


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?

2015-03-15 Thread Roarty, Francis X
[snip] But maybe these tubercles serve a function at relatively low 
temperatures, then as the reaction takes hold, the tubercles are mostly 
distorted and destroyed. But the function that these tubercles are meant to 
serve have been put in place and are independent once established and self 
reinforcing. [snip]

And here we come all the way back to whether a fractional molecule can persist 
once formed outside of the environment that produced it. Such that after 
sufficient heat the environment is gone but fractional molecules remain. Heat 
after death reports would suggest it does persist for a time and the questions 
regarding restart of hot cats in the fall begs the question if the sealed 
reactor is allowing these fractional molecules to hibernate in the reflowed 
lattice without run away reactions.

From: Axil Axil []
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2015 6:08 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:What did Rossi learn from the Lagano test?


We were all amazed that the fine nano surface features on the nickel particles 
could ever be preserved at reactor operating temperatures above the temperature 
that these nano features were expected to deteriorate.

But maybe these tubercles serve a function at relatively low temperatures, then 
as the reaction takes hold, the tubercles are mostly distorted and destroyed. 
But the function that these tubercles are meant to serve have been put in place 
and are independent once established and self reinforcing.

On Sat, Mar 14, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Axil Axil>> wrote:

The Lagano test may have revealed to Rossi that the function of the nickel 
micro-particles are transitory. These particles may only be required at startup 
just to get the LENR reaction going without producing the BANG.

But the Lagano testers ran the reactor very hot, and many if not most of the 
nickel particles melted. But after 32 days of operation, the reaction was 
gaining in effectiveness and vigor even as the nickel particles were being 
degraded by the high heat. This revelation may have allowed Rossi to rethink 
his fuel mix strategy. Rossi may have been surprised that the nickel particles 
showed limited transmutation.

The nickel particles may only be required to setup a quantum mechanical 
preconditions that allows the LENR reaction to begin gradually and smoothly 
without a BANG.

Once startup is achieved, the LENR reaction precedes as a fire would by 
maintaining the conditions necessary for its continuing progression.

No LENR reaction has yet to be restarted. Could it be that the nickel particles 
can only be used once at the initial startup. And once used these particles 
become ineffective?