RE: [Vo]:Measurement of low deuterium levels

2017-11-03 Thread Mark Jurich
Hi Nigel:

  I believe Evans Analytical Group (EAG) Labs (or other analytical lab) can do 
a Gas Chromatography Measurement and determine the deuterium depletion:

  This paper used the technique to measure a slight deuterium in water 

Mark Jurich

-Original Message-
From: Nigel Dyer [] 
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 3:01 PM
Subject: [Vo]:Measurement of low deuterium levels

I wish to measure the deuterium levels in some deutero depleted water, where I 
expect the levels to be in the range 1 to 10 ppm. Does anyone have any 
suggestions?  I was hoping that someone might offer this as a service, but 
Google didn't find anything Nigel

[Vo]:Measurement of low deuterium levels

2017-11-03 Thread Nigel Dyer
I wish to measure the deuterium levels in some deutero depleted water, 
where I expect the levels to be in the range 1 to 10 ppm. Does anyone 
have any suggestions?  I was hoping that someone might offer this as a 
service, but Google didn't find anything


RE: [Vo]:Re: Emergent dynamic chirality in a magnetic spin ratchet

2017-11-03 Thread
The key here is understanding the coupling mechanisms in a coherent system 
(especially those coupled via magnetic/electric fields) which systems allow 
conservation of total energy and angular momentum while restricting loss of 
angular momentum to one quanta of angular  momentum,  per reaction,  escaping 
the coherent system with free Fermions or photons.

Resonances characterizing the coherent system are difficult to predict 
considering the many-particle nature of large coherent systems.  Therefore, to 
create a critical resonant condition in a coherent system , rapidly changing 
the electric and/or magnetic  field(s) improve the odds of a reaction happening 
to create a lower total energy in the  reacted coherent system.

Forget about the beef; give me good odds, but not so good that the loss of 
potential energy leads to thermal destruction before the coherent system can 
cool down between subsequent critical resonances with the respective loss of 
potential energy to kinetic.

Bob Cook

From: JonesBeene 
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 10:35:29 AM
To: Vortex List
Subject: [Vo]:Re: Emergent dynamic chirality in a magnetic spin ratchet

The tip of the iceberg which is threatening to sink the Titanic, so to speak

A study published in the journal Nature-Materials from a team at the University 
of Exeter, UK describes a magnetic system capable of extracting energy from low 
grade heat using a so-called thermal ratchet.

Also, this longer article is similar - and indicates that the mainstream could 
have been fooled all these years wrt the real LoT (see the very detailed 
arguments in the comment section). The Einstein-de Haas effect has always 
hinted at “overunity”.

The thermal ratchet is made from a material known as "artificial spin ice" 
which comprises of a number of nanomagnets - made of the nickel-iron alloy 
Permalloy in the Exeter study.

The technique is able to turn magnetic energy into a single directed rotation 
of the magnetization and could explain the Manelas effect and the video in the 
recent thread about the self-spinning superconductor. The Manelas effect does 
something similar with self-motion of field lines in a Perovskite ferrite.  
Magnetization which could rotate in two possible directions is favored in one 
direction without an obvious reason why it should be preferred over the other. 
Thus the chirality parameter is important as it relates to inherent asymmetry 
in structure leading to dynamic asymmetry. Chiral perovskites exhibits 
oppositely-signed circular dichroism which apparently harnesses photons in the 
far IR.

Sebastian Gliga, the lead author sez: "The system we have studied is an 
artificial spin ice, a class of geometrically frustrated magnetic materials. We 
were surprised to see that the geometry of the interactions can be tailored to 
achieve an active material that acts as a ratchet" …however IMO this should be 
called a “thermal diode” to cover the more general case not involving 
mechanical torque which seems to be ignored in this paper.

This and a half dozen other studies involving magnetocalorics seems to have a 
2nd LoT violation written all over them - since magnetization which results in 
rotating either mass of field lines in a preferred direction could create 
current - and the heat could be derived from ambient as evidenced by the 
cooling of the Manelas effect.

We seem to be on the cusp of a breakthrough in thermodynamics. Indeed, because 
angular momentum is conserved, the change in the magnetic moment of the system 
can in principle induce either a physical rotation (through the Einstein-de 
Haas effect) or an inductive effect (Maxwell) or both.

Of course the bigger problem which also shows up in LENR and most QM energy 
anomalies appears to be a “reverse economy of scale” meaning that instead of 
being able to supersize the effect, it can be optimized only by many smaller 
units in an array.

[Vo]:More on strange matter.

2017-11-03 Thread Axil Axil
The evidence is now strong that one road to transmutation is through Kaon
production via the Ultra dense hydrogen LENR path. Kaons are strange matter
and strange matter sets up a transmutation chain reaction as currently seen
in the experiments by me356. These transmutation experiments are replicated
by the results seen in the MFMP evaluation of LENR reactor fuel from India
where the same sort of fractal transmutation tracks are being produced.

Holmlid has shown that Ultra dense hydrogen produces kaons. Standard model
theory expects a transmutation chain reaction will occur when strange
matter interacts with matter.

me356 states that his reaction can produce transmutation chain reactions
that occurs continuously for 2 months.

see post

IMHO, me356 has produced metastable UDH that acts as continual source of
kaon production. These kaons begin a strange matter chain reaction that
produces increasingly heavy elements over time through a matter absorption
process (see below).

The strange matter eventually decays and the heavy elements remain as a
stable transmutation product. It does not look like this chain reaction is
dangerous since the earth has not yet been converted into a black hole.

[image: strange2.jpg]

"A strangelet is a hypothetical particle
 consisting of a bound
state  of roughly equal numbers
of up , down
, and strange
. An equivalent description is that a
strangelet is a small fragment of strange matter
, small enough to be
considered a particle. The size of an object composed of strange matter
could, theoretically, range from a few femtometers
 across (with the mass of a
light nucleus) to arbitrarily large. Once the size becomes macroscopic (on
the order of metres across), such an object is usually called a strange star
. The term "strangelet"
originates with Edward Farhi and R. L. Jaffe

have been suggested as a dark matter

[Vo]:Re: Emergent dynamic chirality in a magnetic spin ratchet

2017-11-03 Thread JonesBeene

The tip of the iceberg which is threatening to sink the Titanic, so to speak

A study published in the journal Nature-Materials from a team at the University 
of Exeter, UK describes a magnetic system capable of extracting energy from low 
grade heat using a so-called thermal ratchet.

Also, this longer article is similar - and indicates that the mainstream could 
have been fooled all these years wrt the real LoT (see the very detailed 
arguments in the comment section). The Einstein-de Haas effect has always 
hinted at “overunity”.

The thermal ratchet is made from a material known as "artificial spin ice" 
which comprises of a number of nanomagnets - made of the nickel-iron alloy 
Permalloy in the Exeter study.

The technique is able to turn magnetic energy into a single directed rotation 
of the magnetization and could explain the Manelas effect and the video in the 
recent thread about the self-spinning superconductor. The Manelas effect does 
something similar with self-motion of field lines in a Perovskite ferrite.  
Magnetization which could rotate in two possible directions is favored in one 
direction without an obvious reason why it should be preferred over the other. 
Thus the chirality parameter is important as it relates to inherent asymmetry 
in structure leading to dynamic asymmetry. Chiral perovskites exhibits 
oppositely-signed circular dichroism which apparently harnesses photons in the 
far IR.

Sebastian Gliga, the lead author sez: "The system we have studied is an 
artificial spin ice, a class of geometrically frustrated magnetic materials. We 
were surprised to see that the geometry of the interactions can be tailored to 
achieve an active material that acts as a ratchet" …however IMO this should be 
called a “thermal diode” to cover the more general case not involving 
mechanical torque which seems to be ignored in this paper.

This and a half dozen other studies involving magnetocalorics seems to have a 
2nd LoT violation written all over them - since magnetization which results in 
rotating either mass of field lines in a preferred direction could create 
current - and the heat could be derived from ambient as evidenced by the 
cooling of the Manelas effect. 

We seem to be on the cusp of a breakthrough in thermodynamics. Indeed, because 
angular momentum is conserved, the change in the magnetic moment of the system 
can in principle induce either a physical rotation (through the Einstein-de 
Haas effect) or an inductive effect (Maxwell) or both. 

Of course the bigger problem which also shows up in LENR and most QM energy 
anomalies appears to be a “reverse economy of scale” meaning that instead of 
being able to supersize the effect, it can be optimized only by many smaller 
units in an array.

RE: [Vo]:Article on approaches to energy storage

2017-11-03 Thread

You missed the point of using a submarine hull!

It can be anchored 500 to 1000 feet below sea level with a large differential 
pressure when there is a valved vent pipe connected to the surface.

I agree the hull volume would not be a ”Banks Lake” volume feeding Grand Coulee 
Dam. But may be as large as 10,000  cubic meters and able to supply energy for 
a small community near the sea for a night or so to supplement solar or wind 


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Jed Rothwell 
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 4:51:00 PM
To: Vortex
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article on approaches to energy storage 
> wrote:

An old submarine hull (ridged structure) would work nicely as a reservoir.

That's an underwater reservoir:

That is MUCH too small. It has to have hundreds or even thousands of times more 
capacity than that to hold a significant amount of energy. The water pressure 
is low. The reservoir is not far below sea level. It is not like a dam with 
water falling hundreds of feet.

Typical pumped storage lakes are 30 to 50 million cubic meters.

- Jed