The other machine built here in my city seems to be not aligned North/South.

    Mark Jordan

On 09-Feb-14 20:55, Brad Lowe wrote:
The Gilman machine appears aligned North and South.
The building it is housed in is parallel to "600 East Rd.",+Gilman,+IL+60938&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x880daff58a57d933:0xe98a8990679a2e17,1795+N+600+East+Rd,+Gilman,+IL+60938&gl=us&ei=RaxIUvHcGYqo2wWnoYBA&ved=0CCsQ8gEwAA

This is from looking at "Foto Oficial 07".
The "back" of the machine is on the East wall, lengthwise (and longitudinally) running N-S.

- Brad

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