From: Francis X Roarty    In reply to a blog  comment:


"Thomas, to quote you, '"Since then, I have made the argument that the
Casimir effect is caused by the thermal blackbody radiation emitted in the
FIR by atoms in the surface of Casmir's plates. Electrostatic charging is
not invoked. By this theory, wavelengths L > 2G are excluded from the gap G
as Casimir assumed. But unlike Casimir and his followers, I do not throw
away the excluded EM energy from the gap. Instead, I conserve the excluded
EM energy by creating UV and higher energy photons having wavelength L = 2G
in the gap. In effect, the gap acts as a FIR frequency up-conversion device
as required by the conservation of energy."'


Earlier today I posted a longish rant that has yet show up, probably because
a few key words triggered someone's snoop detector. Anyway, I decided to
split that post up and use the first part of it to reply to this, first to
see if it gets delivered, and second because it is relevant. Stoking the
fire, so to speak, or should I say "anti-stoking"?


I was intending to do a series of 2-3 posts on the emerging field of
"Casimir Heating", when a colleague suggested that this field may have been
known and studied by a few of our National Labs for decades; but catch-22,
under a high level of secrecy. 


An actual conspiracy is doubtful, more likely a holdover from the cold war
mentality of spying on the USSR, but in the event that there is any truth to
it, I decided to start this off with a bit of a rant about taxpayer funded
R&D being intentionally withheld from view in 2010. This would be highly
objectionable in the case where civilian needs (energy) far outweigh
whatever small military advantage still remains. 


Also I think in an historical perspective, the fact that cold fusion came
along before the collapse of the Warsaw Pact in 1991 is no coincidence to
our present funding problems, and that (as a general problem) bureaucracy
has its own deleterious  "momentum" (inertia), and that this is most obvious
within the National Labs, even DoE.


Where is Obama's pledge of a new age of openness at this level?


Since Casimir heating can serve as an alternative explanation for LENR heat,
then some cynics will immediately see a cloudy conspiracy theory at work in
the background and at high levels. Especially if the initial R&D came out of
the former USSR and/or if the energy infrastructure is being threatened. 


BTW, as an "alternative" to LENR, Casimir heating can actually 'imply' but
not explain how real nuclear reactions (which admittedly do show up
eventually) happen in these materials. But - get this: nuclear reactions are
a secondary EFFECT and by-product of prior energy depletion by Casimir
heating, in a time-reversed situation, instead of being the prime CAUSE of
the excess heat. This is why there is no radiation: the nuclear reaction is
a highly depleted QM book-balancing effect.


My interest here is that this exact line of reasoning (time-reversed QM
reactions) has been proposed by myself and others for years as being the
underlying reason why radiation and neutrons are seldom seen in LENR. This
hypothesis first came up with regard to Mills/BLP (which is also arguably a
Casimir heating situation). i.e. one in which a relic of the reaction is
ultraviolet radiation due to the fine structure constant and the epo field
(which is based on 6.8 eV I.P. of positronium, and NOT the vaunted Millsean
27.2 eV level).


Not surprisingly, the earliest reference to Casimir heating which I can find
is "Phase transitions induced by the Aharonov-Bohm field" by Krive and
Naftulin of Kharkov State University in the former USSR, which came out
about the same time as the P&F announcement, but was delayed for 5 years
getting to the States.


In that study, the influence of the Aharonov-Bohm  (A-B) flux causes
oscillations; and these ZPE-like oscillations are accompanied by sequential
energetic phase transitions (i.e. repeated transitions between the ordered
and the disordered phases at the nano-level). Actually, I added "nano-level"
to a revised understanding of this paper, since it was not yet a popular
field of study in 1989 even though it was clear that the Casimir effect
operated between 2-10 nm.


I hope that if Fran or Thomas have earlier papers than this one, they will
post the references. Casimir heating is a subject whose time have finally








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