Re: [Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-06 Thread Alan Fletcher
I posted this on my home social media site (members only) ... 

A so-called scientist makes some bizarre claims about work done
between a hick university and some minor military lab ... to some
insignificant furrin gummint body. 

Leaked to an Italian site, but the relevant stuff is in English --
Google translate for the rest :

Invite :
Huber (SKINR)


What's that? COP=30 for 960 hours -- 40 days?  

Re: [Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-05 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2013-06-04 21:12, Akira Shirakawa wrote:

Hello group,

Here are the remaining links, just in case:

New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
3) Graham K. Hubler

New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
4) Konrad Czerski

New advancements on the Fleischmann-Pons Effect
5) Robert V. Duncan


Re: [Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-04 Thread Alan Fletcher
 From: Akira Shirakawa
 Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 12:12:14 PM

 Daniele Passerini of 22passi blog is posting photos and slides from
 yesterday's meeting at the EU parliament on LENR, from an anonymous
 source, along with other misc. information. As of writing only photos
 from McKubre's and Violante's presentation are available, but
 more is going to be posted in the coming hours, so check out the
 following URL often:

And all talking about Pd-D, Not Ni-H !!??  (Based on the presenters and titles).

I would have expected a summary of Rossi's CLAIMED results, pointing out that 
they have not been fully verified.

Re: [Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alan Fletcher wrote:

 I would have expected a summary of Rossi's CLAIMED results, pointing out
 that they have not been fully verified.

That would only happen if one of Levi's group showed up. Researchers never
talk about results from other groups. It would be irresponsible for them to
do so. They do not know the details.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

 Researchers never talk about results from other groups. It would be
 irresponsible for them to do so.

I mean at a formal, official presentation of this nature. It would fine for
McKubre to talk about Rossi at an ICCF conference or some other less formal

At the 2004 DOE review, McKubre discussed his own work only. That is what
he told me. This was entirely appropriate. If the panel wanted to hear
about other people's results they should have called those other people.
They should've spent a week doing this, and then a month reviewing results
and consulting on line. A half-day dog and pony show was ridiculous. It was
worse than nothing.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:Photos and slides from June 3rd meeting on LENR @ Brussels

2013-06-04 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint

Thanks for the heads-up; at least someone is keeping an eye on goings-on in
the LENR world when we're busy chasing trolls out of the saloon...


Did anyone happen to look carefully at the slides from SKINR (U of

Hubler/Rob Duncan


Look at the COPs and Duration of Excess heat in slide #6.

COPs: .75, .80, 5.25, 6.00, 6.50, 15, 25,  30.

Dur (H):   90, 300,  445,  280,   55,  80, 17, 960.


I assume 'H' is 'hours'.


Here is a perfect example of a good scientist (Dr. Rob Duncan), and how they
should respond to something they don't understand, even if it contradicts
all they have been taught and have experienced.  Prior to the 60-Minutes
piece, he thought CF/LENR was thoroughly discredited (because he took the
word of the mainstream) and when he looked into it HIMSELF, and didn't let
others do his thinking for him, he agreed that something unusual was going
on, and that it was worth looking into. that's what scientists do.  I'm glad
to see that those efforts are, apparently, proving to him and others, since
he was not interested in LENR at all and pretty much ignorant until 2009,
that his initial observations were accurate and there really is something
new here. he is doing good science.


-Mark Iverson

PS: please do NOT confuse Dr. Rob Duncan (Vice Chancellor of Research, Univ
of Missouri) with another Duncan (first-name, PhD EE) who was recently, and
briefly, a visitor to the Collective.