
Monday, August 23, 2010
COMMENT: Mosque in Manhattan -Dr Syed Mansoor Hussain

 One of the fears expressed by the opponents of this project that such a centre 
will eventually become a hotbed of Islamic extremism is entirely misplaced. If 
and when the centre is up and running, it will probably become one of the most 
closely watched places of worship in any part of the country

The planned Islamic centre in Manhattan near 'Ground Zero' has become quite 
controversial. The facts are straightforward. The planned centre will, among 
other things, include a mosque. The project has passed all local zoning laws 
and has been approved by all relevant authorities. As such there are no legal 
impediments to building such a centre. More importantly, the proposed building 
will not even be visible from the site where once the twin towers stood.

The opposition to the project is thus based on the perception that it will 
somehow offend the sensibilities of the families of those who died on 9/11 
after the twin towers came down. Interestingly, most of the opposition to this 
project is coming from the 'conservative' members of the Republican Party and 
their allies among the Christian right as well as Jewish opponents of President 
Obama's perceived stand against Israeli policies.

This is an election year in the US and the Republicans have a chance to regain 
control of the US Congress. President Obama has become increasingly unpopular 
with his poll numbers falling almost every day. Even though he is not up for 
re-election himself, the Republican Party has and will make the upcoming 
election a referendum on his presidency. The Islamic centre issue thus ties in 
neatly into the Republican strategy of attacking President Obama personally.

President Obama came out strongly in support of this project. By attacking the 
project his opponents have not only attacked President Obama politically but 
have also indirectly raised the question about his religious affiliations. 
Recent polling in the US suggests that an increasing number of Americans have 
started believing that President Obama is a Muslim. This helps the anti-Obama 
lobby by conflating Islam, terrorism and Obama.

Whether American Muslims like it or not, sadly the building of this centre has 
become a political issue. As such, everything about it is going to be examined 
in great detail by a relatively hostile pro-Republican media and opposed by all 
candidates up for election who wish to oppose President Obama or from his own 
party who wish to show their independence. 

Within the US, most American Muslims instinctively support the right of Muslims 
to build a mosque at any place as long as it does not violate the law. If there 
is any discussion among them, it is about whether this particular 
mosque/Islamic centre should be built so close to the place where the twin 
towers once stood. Difference of opinion though runs along social and political 
lines. Frankly, I do not have a handle on what American Muslims in general feel 
about this project but I do have some knowledge about how the 
Pakistani-American Muslims think of such things.

The Pakistani-American Muslim community is not a monolith. Roughly it can be 
divided into two broad categories. First are the relatively well-to-do 
professionals who are established within the general American communities. 
These include physicians, educators, people involved in finance and other 
business activities. Most of them are obviously well-educated and aware of 
their constitutional rights. Then there are the less educated and often 
self-made people who are usually involved in small businesses and depend on the 
goodwill of their neighbours to make a living.

The first group is generally supportive of this project because they understand 
that it is their right under the US Constitution to build such an Islamic 
centre. Since most of them are well established in their professional lives and 
have lived through the aftermath of 9/11 without any adverse effects, therefore 
they feel quite comfortable at present with their American identity. As such 
they expect that they, as Muslims, will also be afforded the same rights as any 
other religious denomination in the US.

The second group is made up of less educated and less well established people. 
This group tends to worry about how they will be treated and what financial 
disadvantages will result if they are ostracised as a group and possibly 
victimised for being Muslims. Many of them, especially in the New York area, 
suffered considerably after 9/11. For them, the basic idea is that it is best 
not to make waves and not have their communities thrust into the limelight 

The question then is whether this mosque/Islamic centre will ever be built at 
this particular site. The US midterm elections will be over in a few months. 
The US public has a very short attention span. It is also definitely going to 
happen that some new issue will in time take up the attention of the general 
public. Once that happens, the mosque/Islamic centre will become yesterday's 
news and the spotlight focused on it at present will move on elsewhere. 
Ultimately it will be mundane matters like financing and local realities that 
will determine the future of this project.

One of the fears expressed by the opponents of this project that such a centre 
will eventually become a hotbed of Islamic extremism is in my opinion entirely 
misplaced. If and when the centre is up and running, it will probably become 
one of the most closely watched places of worship in any part of the country. 
And I am almost inclined to believe that it will probably be avoided by most 
ordinary Muslims as a place to visit regularly. For all I know most of the 
worshipers who will frequent it will probably be either members of the FBI or 
FBI informers.

However, it might also not be all bad if Muslims make a grand gesture of 
reconciliation and offer to move the mosque to another place. This will 
considerably diminish the political pressure on President Obama and other 
liberal supporters of this project and more importantly take this issue off the 
table as far as the upcoming midterm elections are concerned. 

Personally though I would rather see most of the money destined for the mosque 
being donated to the flood relief effort in Pakistan.

Syed Mansoor Hussain has practised and taught medicine in the US. He can be 
reached at

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