Re: [whatwg] Issues concerning the base element and xml:base

2007-08-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 30 May 2007, Jonas Sicking wrote:
The latter is the option I'm following for now. Note that browsers 
all do _different_ things for target= than for href=. The spec 
has made them act the same for now. I'm not sure this is workable, 
we'll have to see when the browser vendors try to get this 
interoperable. I can't imagine that it's a huge issue given that 
the browsers are so far from each other in terms of what they do 
here. I'm going to do a study of some subset of the Web to see how 
common this is (at least the static case; I can't really do much 
about the scripted case).
   I don't think this is a good solution actually. In general, I think 
   it's good to always make the DOM reflect the behavior of the 
   document. I.e. it shouldn't matter how you arrived to a specific 
   DOM, be it through parsing of an incoming HTML stream, or by using 
   DOM-Core calls. Whenever we make an exception for that rule I think 
   we need to have a good reason for it.
  I think you misread what I wrote. Right now, there's no magic involved 
 When you said the latter is the option I'm following for now I thought 
 you referred to and Firefox and IE7/Win don't change any links. Is 
 that not the case?
 Looking at the spec it doesn't mention anything special regarding DOM 
 mutations at all, so that would indeed make me think that links are 
 changed if a base element is inserted at the top of the head using 
 the DOM.

I'm not sure what I meant by latter anymore. Indeed, in the dynamic 
case, all relative links get reresolved when the first base href= 

   What I suggest is that we make the first or last base element in 
   the head be the one that sets both the base target and the base 
   href for the document (modulo all special handling needed when 
   bases appear in the body, described below). While this is not what 
   IE or Firefox does today, I doubt that it'll break enough pages to 
   stray from the act-like-the-DOM-looks principal.
  Right now the href= is from the first and the target= is from the 
  last, but other than that that's what the spec says.
 Why is the fact that the last target is the one used only defined in a 
 Note? Or am I missing it somewhere else?

It's defined in the Following hyperlinks section.

 Also, if we're going to be inconsistent in how current browsers and web 
 pages handle multiple bases, why not simply use the first base for 
 both href= and target=?


  HOWEVER, having said that, this is a tiny minority of pages. According 
  to a study I did of over 100,000,000 pages, 0.036% of pages have more 
  than one base href= element (ignoring those that specify the same 
  href= value more than once).
  With base href=, you can get 404s, but in practice IE7 is already 
  doing that, and it doesn't seem to have affected adoption. Anecdotely, 
  most of these pages use absolute URIs, which might explain it.
 It's much easier for IE to get away with breaking pages, mostly because 
 many people use IE as the yard-stick.

Sure. But once IE has broken the pages, it's easier for everyone else to 

  0.06% of pages have more than one base target= element (again 
  ignoring duplicates). With base target=, the worst that can happen 
  from the user's point of view is that links will open in a new page 
  instead of on the same page, and in practice even that's not likely, 
  since (anecdotely) most pages with base target= simply alternate 
  between different names.
  What do you think?
 I would be hesitant to drop support for multiple bases in firefox 
 actually. Implementation wise it was very easy to implement, and it is 
 known that many pages out there break, though the percentage is small, 
 there are a lot of pages on the internet.
 It might be something we could restrict to quirks mode pages though, 
 that's not a bad idea at all.

Right now the spec requires no multiple-base support in all modes.

As a datapoint -- several of the pages I had found as being users of 
multiple base elements back in May are now using only one base.

This is how it stood back in May (using a sample of several hundred 
thousand pages taken mostly from the more popular sites); number of unique 
URIs in base href attributes as a percentage of all pages parsed:

  0: 93.7%
  1:  6.31%
  2:  0.0308%
  3:  0.00105%
  4:  0.00197%

This is how it stands as of today (using the same sampling method):

  0: 94.1%
  1:  5.93%
  2:  0.0215%
  3:  0.000928%
  4:  0.000288%

(All numbers rounded to three significant figures.) So it seems the trend 
is in the right direction. Also, note that most of the pages I examined 
personally back in May (sampled from the pages that contribute to the 
above statistics, biased towards pages that use base href the most and 
that have the most relative URIs in links and images) were either pages 
that seemed unlikely to be widely used (e.g. spam pages, or aggregates 

Re: [whatwg] Issues concerning the base element and xml:base

2007-08-07 Thread Philip Taylor
On 07/08/07, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is how it stood back in May (using a sample of several hundred
 thousand pages taken mostly from the more popular sites); number of unique
 URIs in base href attributes as a percentage of all pages parsed:

   0: 93.7%
   1:  6.31%
   2:  0.0308%
   3:  0.00105%
   4:  0.00197%

 This is how it stands as of today (using the same sampling method):

   0: 94.1%
   1:  5.93%
   2:  0.0215%
   3:  0.000928%
   4:  0.000288%

 (All numbers rounded to three significant figures.)

That rounding seems quite misleading - if I haven't forgotten how to
do statistics, and if the details I am forgetting are not critical
ones, and if I'm not misinterpreting how you collected the data, then
the samples are independent and from a binomial distribution that can
be approximated as a normal distribution with standard deviation
sqrt(n*p*(1-p)), and if assuming n=100,000 and guessing p from the
data then the 95%-confidence (+/- 2 s.d.) ranges are something like:

0:  (93.7 +/- 0.15)%
1:  (6.3 +/- 0.15)%
2:  (0.03 +/- 0.01)%
3:  (0.001 +/- 0.002)%
4:  (0.002 +/- 0.003)%


0:  (94.1 +/- 0.15)%
1:  (5.9 +/- 0.15)%
2:  (0.02 +/- 0.01)%
3:  (0.001 +/- 0.002)%
4:  (0.0003 +/- 0.001)%

(though the normal approximation breaks down in the = 0.002% bits),
so you can't determine anything about changes in frequency beyond the
zero/one cases.

Philip Taylor

Re: [whatwg] Looking at menus in HTML5...

2007-08-07 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk

- Original Message - 
From: Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Andrew Fedoniouk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Looking at menus in HTML5...

On Mon, 6 Aug 2007, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

  Pay attention on Third option - submenu. It contains additional
  markup and/or styling.

 Assuming you mean for the boldened letters to represent the
 accelerator key, the idea is that you don't have to give them at all,
 the user agent will determine the optimal accelerators.

That was just an example.

I mean that either you allow all menu items to have arbitrary markup or
all of them should have plain text only model (so be an option).

All the menu item labels are pure text. See the definitions in the section
on how commands are defined (3.18.5. Commands). Any included markup gets
flatted out and is really only allowed for fallback purposes.

Pure text? Why?

As an example see first image ont the right at:

There are many cases when menus are not just flat lists of items.
Examples: Start menu in Windows contains as menu items as buttons,
And gnome:
and KDE:

Simplistic flat menus is an outdated concept in UI - limitations of initial 
when there were simply no way to define more or less rich content in 
resource files.

All modern OSes use more flexible layouts of menus.

In principle menu is a short living window running so called
mouse-modal-loop. There is no technical limitations to limit
its content by just flat lists. Especially in context of Web Application
that supposed to mean thing that have modern and rich UI.

In real UI there are cases when menu even contains input elements: - so may have
arbitrary markup.

The current spec supports checkbox and radio button menu items; further
types are quite rare and I don't think we should support them in this
version of the specification. (We can always extend the specification at
some later time.) (The only GUI I am aware of that condones text fields in
a menu would be the graphical RiscOS shell, and the other UI concepts
shown in that screenshot are extremely rare and we could probably get away
with never supporting them.)

As you may see above, Windows XP/Vista, Gnome and KDE4 all use
rich menus. So it is not RiscOS only.

And in modern web applications typical implementation of menu compnents
provide rich menu constructions.

So I would not restrict menus in the way it is done in HTML5 now.
It is enough that we have so limited select.

Personally I think that menu functionality is a part of CSS
specification, something like:
  menu { position: popup }
should allow to define menus as popup elements if needed.

Menu items even can be organized as a table (td role=menu-item) :

IMHO that's a separate widget, not a context menu. I would expect such a
UI to be built using XBL or a new widget in a future version of HTML.

  How you would achieve this with the @label?

 You don't need to bolden the letters, so it all Just Works.

Sorry but I am not so optimistic. You cannot build optimal shortcut
system deducing only captions. Think about cut/copy/paste/select-all
menu items written in different languages.

I'm just talking about the menu item mnemonics, not the shortcut keys. The
shortcut keys are part of the bigger accesskey problem for which we don't
even have the start of a solution yet. Whatever solution we find for
accesskey will just be folded into the command and menu features.

Mnemonics in menu items is a very old concept. I doubt that people
are using them for selecting menu items.  They used to be actual for
UI scripting/automation when sending of keystrokes was the only
way to activate some function/command from the code.
Do you know anybody who is using mnemonics for menu item activations
these days? Especially in web apps that are primarily occasionally used
and highly dynamic things - you literally cannot remember all keystroke
sequences for particular functions in all sites you are visiting. In 

rich menus with inline descriptions and proper organization will help
you significantly more to get what you need in application that you use
say at the end of the month to do your online banking or so.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Re: [whatwg] Issues concerning the base element and xml:base

2007-08-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Philip Taylor wrote:
 That rounding seems quite misleading - if I haven't forgotten how to
 do statistics, and if the details I am forgetting are not critical
 ones, and if I'm not misinterpreting how you collected the data, then
 the samples are independent [...]

The samples are not independent. In fact they have a high degree of 

 and from a binomial distribution that can be approximated as a normal 
 distribution with standard deviation sqrt(n*p*(1-p)), and if assuming 
 n=100,000 [...]

Sorry, I meant in the order of 100 million, not 100 thousand. My bad.

 and guessing p from the data then the 95%-confidence (+/- 2 s.d.) ranges 
 are something like:

I don't know if the rest of it is correct or not (what distribution the 
data follows, etc). The fact that I haven't done these analyses is one 
reason why I'm skeptical about publishing this data more officially.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Looking at menus in HTML5...

2007-08-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
 Pure text? Why?

With HTML5 we're following a design principle of not biting off more than 
we can chew at once -- so the initial design is intended to be very 

 As an example see first image ont the right at:

The current HTML5 design supports pie menus -- the menu should be 
presented in whatever fashion is considered native to the OS. If the OS 
uses pie menus, then that's what should be used. Nothing in the HTML5 spec 
requires that the menu be your typical vertical list of items.

 There are many cases when menus are not just flat lists of items.
 Examples: Start menu in Windows contains as menu items as buttons,
 And gnome:
 and KDE:

These aren't context menus, so they're not really in scope for this 

 As you may see above, Windows XP/Vista, Gnome and KDE4 all use rich 
 menus. So it is not RiscOS only.

The three menus you mention above are all examples of a specific OS 
launcher menu, they're not context menus. The feature under discussion is 
currently intentionally limited in scope to just context menus.

 And in modern web applications typical implementation of menu compnents
 provide rich menu constructions.

Indeed, colour selection is something we might well do in a future 
version, as are menu buttons or toolbars with drag-down button sets. 
(Everything else on that page can already be done with the spec as is.)

 So I would not restrict menus in the way it is done in HTML5 now.
 It is enough that we have so limited select.

While your enthusiasm for flexibility is commendable, we are intentionally 
limiting the speed at which we add features to HTML5 to prevent feature 
creep. Feature creep is often the cause of poor quality implementations. 
We have to move slowly so that we can take into account implementation 
experience from multiple vendors (especially those with significant market 
share), and so that we can make sure we are addressing the most desired 
features instead of only the most unusual ones.

 Personally I think that menu functionality is a part of CSS
 specification, something like:
   menu { position: popup }
 should allow to define menus as popup elements if needed.

Indeed, such a feature might well be necessary to support menus and popup 
controls in XBL. I recommend bringing this up to the CSS working group.

  I'm just talking about the menu item mnemonics, not the shortcut keys. 
  The shortcut keys are part of the bigger accesskey problem for which 
  we don't even have the start of a solution yet. Whatever solution we 
  find for accesskey will just be folded into the command and menu 
 Mnemonics in menu items is a very old concept. I doubt that people are 
 using them for selecting menu items.

That's quite possible, but it doesn't affect the specification, since the 
mnemonics are simply left up to the implementation, which can simply 
ignore them if they decide they are not necessary.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Looking at menus in HTML5...

2007-08-07 Thread Andrew Fedoniouk

- Original Message - 
From: Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Andrew Fedoniouk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Looking at menus in HTML5...

On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

Pure text? Why?

With HTML5 we're following a design principle of not biting off more than
we can chew at once -- so the initial design is intended to be very

I think that

menu type=context-menu

is conservative enough as it allows me to define typical menus.

All modern UAs have their own implementation of menus
so they already can chew menu items with markup and styling.

Otherwise menu should not use li but option or so.
But this will not be backward compatible.

As an example see first image ont the right at:

The current HTML5 design supports pie menus -- the menu should be
presented in whatever fashion is considered native to the OS. If the OS
uses pie menus, then that's what should be used. Nothing in the HTML5 spec
requires that the menu be your typical vertical list of items.

There are many cases when menus are not just flat lists of items.
Examples: Start menu in Windows contains as menu items as buttons,
And gnome:
and KDE:

These aren't context menus, so they're not really in scope for this

As you may see above, Windows XP/Vista, Gnome and KDE4 all use rich
menus. So it is not RiscOS only.

The three menus you mention above are all examples of a specific OS
launcher menu, they're not context menus. The feature under discussion is
currently intentionally limited in scope to just context menus.

Do you have definitions on what is context menu and what is not?
Do you have any examples of exisiting web applications that will
benefit significantly from having that flat puristic context menus?

Almost all real cases when context actions are needed are perfectly
handled by side bars with list of links. So why bother?

So where this context menu feature request comes from?

And in modern web applications typical implementation of menu compnents
provide rich menu constructions.

Indeed, colour selection is something we might well do in a future
version, as are menu buttons or toolbars with drag-down button sets.
(Everything else on that page can already be done with the spec as is.)

BTW: Everything there works already without any HTML5.

I believe that HTML5 goal is to provide more or less
generic solution that can serve as simple menus *and*
cover the whole class of popup elements and lightweight
dialog needs.

Otherwise we will end up with spending rest of our life
adding that endless menu, rich-menu, popup,
dialogue,monologue, novel, poem,
haiku, whatever

So I would not restrict menus in the way it is done in HTML5 now.
It is enough that we have so limited select.

While your enthusiasm for flexibility is commendable, we are intentionally
limiting the speed at which we add features to HTML5 to prevent feature
creep. Feature creep is often the cause of poor quality implementations.
We have to move slowly so that we can take into account implementation
experience from multiple vendors (especially those with significant market
share), and so that we can make sure we are addressing the most desired
features instead of only the most unusual ones.

It is not an enthusiasm but rather frustration of where this thing is 

As I said, proposed menu is not a solution. Just a cosmetic and
limited feature that will solve some pretty small number of cases. If any.

In any case I would like to know examples of existing web applications
that such non-styleable menus.

Personally I think that menu functionality is a part of CSS
specification, something like:
  menu { position: popup }
should allow to define menus as popup elements if needed.

Indeed, such a feature might well be necessary to support menus and popup
controls in XBL. I recommend bringing this up to the CSS working group.

XBL is using primitives of DOM and CSS.
So yes, if you will be able to define this in HTML/CSS then
you can use XBL(Gecko) or HTC (IE) or some other
technology of this kind.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

Re: [whatwg] Looking at menus in HTML5...

2007-08-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
  On Tue, 7 Aug 2007, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
   Pure text? Why?
  With HTML5 we're following a design principle of not biting off more 
  than we can chew at once -- so the initial design is intended to be 
  very conservative.
 I think that
 menu type=context-menu
 is conservative enough as it allows me to define typical menus.

Indeed, as I mentioned earlier the shortcut key feature is currently 
missing but will be added when we figure out the solution for the more 
general accesskey issue.

 All modern UAs have their own implementation of menus so they already 
 can chew menu items with markup and styling.

The intent is to allow implementations to use native OS menu support.

 Otherwise menu should not use li but option or so. But this will 
 not be backward compatible.

Well, as currently specced we can use select and thus options in 
menus already.

   As you may see above, Windows XP/Vista, Gnome and KDE4 all use rich 
   menus. So it is not RiscOS only.
  The three menus you mention above are all examples of a specific OS 
  launcher menu, they're not context menus. The feature under discussion 
  is currently intentionally limited in scope to just context menus.
 Do you have definitions on what is context menu and what is not?

Sure, it's the type of menu you get (for instance) when control-clicking 
on the Mac or right-clicking on Windows, as opposed to the kind of menu 
you get from a menubar, menu button, or OS application launchers.

 Do you have any examples of exisiting web applications that will benefit 
 significantly from having that flat puristic context menus?

Web applications widely have hacks for context menus today. For example, 
Google Maps and Live Search maps have simple context menus. Today they 
have to have non-native implementations that don't really work well and 
that interfere with the browser's features.

 So where this context menu feature request comes from?

It's a frequent request from Web app developers.

 BTW: Everything there works already without any HTML5.


 I believe that HTML5 goal is to provide more or less generic solution 
 that can serve as simple menus *and* cover the whole class of popup 
 elements and lightweight dialog needs.

Nope, that isn't the goal. We're aiming at 80% with the intent to keep the 
basic language simple and approachable.

 Otherwise we will end up with spending rest of our life adding that 
 endless menu, rich-menu, popup, dialogue, monologue, novel, 
 poem, haiku, whatever

For things that HTML can't handle, authors have to fall back on CSS and 
JS, and (in the future) XBL, as I mentioned. I don't think we will ever 
need to specifically have a haiku element, for instance.

  While your enthusiasm for flexibility is commendable, we are 
  intentionally limiting the speed at which we add features to HTML5 to 
  prevent feature creep. Feature creep is often the cause of poor 
  quality implementations. We have to move slowly so that we can take 
  into account implementation experience from multiple vendors 
  (especially those with significant market share), and so that we can 
  make sure we are addressing the most desired features instead of only 
  the most unusual ones.
 It is not an enthusiasm but rather frustration of where this thing is 
 moving. As I said, proposed menu is not a solution. Just a cosmetic 
 and limited feature that will solve some pretty small number of cases. 
 If any.

I would argue that what we have in the spec now solves a good 80% of all 
needs for menus and tool bars. I don't think most people need pie menus, 
application launchers, complex markup in menus, etc.

 In any case I would like to know examples of existing web applications 
 that such non-styleable menus.

I gave two earlier; Google Docs and Spreadsheets is another. Context menus 
that are non-styleable are used in almost all desktop applications, so 
any Web analogue to desktop applications could well want to use one. We 
frequently get requests for how to do this.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Where did the rev attribute go?

2007-08-07 Thread Ian Hickson

This e-mail consists of replies to a few e-mails on the subject of links 
and link relationship types. No changes were made to the spec in response 
to these e-mails; if you reply, please indicate if you think something 
needs to change in the spec. Thanks!

On Sat, 8 Jul 2006, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
 But, if the intent [of removing 'rev'] to really get rid of confusion 
 then  There's actually 2 things I noticed confuse people.
 #1: That the label you pick for the rel (or rev) needs to be a noun.  
 (I do understand why... at least I think I do... so that you can use the 
 same label in the class attribute.  But it makes things difficult for 
 some people.)

As others noted, the label you should pick for rel should be taken from 
a specific set of labels defined in a specification (either HTML4, or 
HTML5, or a Microformat spec, or some other extension specification). So 
the noun aspect isn't a source of confusion as far as I can tell. It may 
be that people don't know you shouldn't just arbitrarily make up now 
names, though.

 #2: That rel (and rev) represent a relation between the two.  Often 
 people seem to want to classify what's at the end of the href.  
 (Instead of specifying a relation.)  Perhaps a new attribute is needed.  
 Perhaps hrefclass.

class on an a element can be used for this, IMHO.

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
 Let's say in a page, I have the following HTML code...
 li class=xoxo shows
 lia rel=show href=;Example IPTV
 lia rel=show href=;Another Example IPTV
 The semantics here are  The class-xoxo (on the li) says that I'm 
 giving a list here.

I assume you meant to use an ol on the outside, not an li. And in that 
case, it's the ol that says that you're giving a list, the xoxo class 
isn't necesarry to give the list semantic.

 And the class-shows says this thing is/has shows. (So basically, I'm 
 listing shows.)

This isn't a strong semantic (a random person who doesn't know you 
wouldn't necessarily know that's what your class meant), but it can be a 
convention you use within a particular community, sure.

 The rel-show inside the list of shows, says what's at the end of the 
 href is a show for the list of shows.

You could easily use class on the a element for this, without risking 
a clash with a future value introduced in (say) HTML6 for slideshow links. 
It would be as solid, semantically.

If you wanted to go further, you'd have to define a specification for your 
rel or class show value. Your specification could then include the rest 
of your description:

 So,... if you go to the URL in the href, you get a whole HTML page 
 with all sort of stuff in there.  But what is the show?  The whole 
 page?  Just part of it?
 Well, I then search the page for class-show.  (I look for something 
 inside the page with a class with the same token/name use in the rel 
 that linked there.)
 If I find (just) one, then great, that's probably what I want to 
 concentrate on.  (The other parts of the page are probably irrelevent.)  
 If not, I'll probably have to concentrate on the whole page.
 (This is the idea of opaque semantics that I was talking about before.)
 Does that clear it up?
 (This is what I imagined the developers of these things originally 
 thought up.)

 I suggested hrefclass because we already have things like... lang 
 and hreflang.  It just seemed to follow the same style.  (Since this 
 seems to be just like the class attribute, expect we are applying it 
 to what is at the end of the href... so hrefclass.)

I don't really understand why you can't just apply it to the link itself 
(i.e. use class).

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
 Perhaps it's a poor example.  But what I've gotten from the specs is 
 that the rel attribute can be used in this way.

Could you check the HTML5 spec and let me know if it can still be 
interpreted this way?

 For an example that's gained some popularity, look at hCard.
 People wanted to semantically denote contact info.  So they choose a 
 set of class names to use (to do this) and some rules about them.
 Creating the standard is a somewhat arbitrury process.  And requires 
 humans to do it.
 Although with opaque semantics, like the rel name matching the class 
 name, you don't need a human intervention to parse much of it.
 Does what I'm saying make sense?  Or should I explain it more?

I'm not convinced there's really a use case for making this automated to 
the level that you describe. It seems best to stick to having 
specifications for the cases that actually have uses.

 Alot of this is done for the benefit of machines (like browsers, 
 spiders, search engines, etc).

Right now, everything is done for the benefit of humans. The machines are 
just tools.

 But getting back to one things you said... it is NOT always the 

Re: [whatwg] Image maps: should we drop a coords=?

2007-08-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Thu, 1 Sep 2005, fantasai wrote:
 Ian Hickson wrote:
  On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
  Yup, it is indeed nice; if image maps had been designed that way from the
  start it would make sense. But it's not _that_ much nicer than area, which
  we could define as allowing:
object data=foo usemap=#foo
 map id=foo
   liarea coords=... href=...a href=../a
  ...which isn't much worse, and has the very important benefit of actually
  working in IE6.
 And the perhaps less important disadvantage that it's impossible for a 
 machine to warn against the lack of alt text. With both area and a 
 in HTML 4, the spec was able to require 'alt' attributes on area, 
 because, given a coords=... to fill the mixed coords and fallback 
 role, area was not intended to be used in conjunction with other 
 fallback content. In what you're proposing, area also takes the role 
 of a coords=... and therefore takes no 'alt' attribute. The end 
 result is, there's no way to know if the author actually provided alt 
 text or is just throwing area into a mix of random block content.

Indeed. Not a huge problem, IMHO.

 Another thing to think about: afaict, the HTML 4 spec doesn't say 
 whether or how the image map coordinate system scales when an image is 
 stretched or shrunk via CSS.

Fixed in HTML5.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [html5] HTMLMapElement.images

2007-08-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sat, 1 Jul 2006, dolphinling wrote:
 Anne van Kesteren wrote:
  Quoting Shadow2531 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   On 6/13/06, Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Before I forget about this hereby a proposal to give the
HTMLMapElement interface a new (readonly) member called `images` or
equivalent representing an HTMLCollection consisting of
HTMLImageElement and HTMLObjectElement (and perhaps
HTMLCanvasElement?) elements that use that image map definition.
   Do you want the INPUT element in the collection too? (because of
  Probably only when type=image, but yes.
 Can you even have an image map on an input type=image ?

You can in HTML4, Firefox, and Opera (and now HTML5).

You can't in IE and Safari.

Should we drop it? My research indicates there's an insignificant number 
of pages with usemap= attributes on input type=image elements (on the 
order of 0.008%).

Anyway, I've added the attribute Anne suggested to the map element.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] map id=

2007-08-07 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sat, 6 Jan 2007, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 I think that besides supporting map name= it should also support 
 map id= to be referenced from usemap (not with an IDREF, but with an 
 URI, mind you). This is compatible with what Opera does in both HTML and 
 XHTML, Firefox in XHTML and Internet Explorer in HTML.

The spec requires this. (Not sure when I added it, though.)

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'