Re: [whatwg] Suggest making dt and dd valid in ol

2012-07-19 Thread Sean Hogan

On 20/07/12 10:52 AM, Ian Yang wrote:

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 2:02 AM, Alex  wrote:

On 19/07/2012 08:04, Ian Yang wrote:

Since the *optional *use ofli  indl  could solve many problems, may we

haveli  being valid indl?

Probably not, as it has similar drawbacks as the proposeddi  element:

Thanks. However, the drawbacks mentioned in that document is about the
nonexistentdi, not the existentli.

Yes, that whole section is misleading, as has been discussed before:

- The benefit of di or li is not just styling
- There's no indication that a CSS solution will be developed anyway
- As you say, none of those reasons apply to li

li  indl  is rendered without problems in IE6+, FF3.6+, Chrome, and
Safari. Only in Opera that definition term and the bullet aren't at the
same line.

Furthermore, browsers need to be compliant with the standards, not the
standers need to be compliant with browsers. If the latter were true, we
wouldn't have had so many new HTML5 elements to use.

Well, the browser vendors need to agree somewhat before the standard 
becomes a standard.
And at the moment there's lots of cool new stuff to implement, as well 
as many browser discrepancies and *real* bugs to fix, so I think it will 
be some time before anyone looks at this issue properly.


Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen changes to support dialog

2012-04-05 Thread Sean Hogan

On 5/04/12 2:53 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Thu, 5 Apr 2012, Sean Hogan wrote:

So the ::backdrop could be styled to not cover the whole page?
Could it default to a top layer, but optionally be given a z-index?

The ::backdrop specifically would just be immediately below its element in
the top layer stack, at least as proposed. Could you elaborate on what
your use case is for moving it to other layers? (Ideally with examples of
dialogs that do this in the wild -- see the wiki page on which we designed
thedialog  feature -- -- for the
examples that have primarily driven the design so far.)

On Thu, 5 Apr 2012, Sean Hogan wrote:

So this top layer prevents all user-interaction with the rest of the

No, that would be inherent in thedialog  showModal() behaviour.

If that's the case, it seems a bit inflexible. I would imagine that some
UI designers would like parts of the page to still be clickable - a
couple of examples:

- a toggle button to show / hide the dialog (probably part of a menu-bar).
- a menu bar with buttons that, when activated, first dismiss the dialog

Those sound like non-modal dialogs. Do you have any examples of modal
dialogs on the Web that have these behaviours? As above, screenshots and
URLs to such examples would be really helpful.

Look at my blog:

At the bottom is a simple site menu. If you click on the contact link 
it pops up a dialog with a backdrop that covers the whole page... except 
for the site menu. The dialog can be hidden by a close link in the 
dialog OR by clicking the contact link again.

The page itself is non-interactive. It's just the bottom menu that 
doesn't lose interactivity, because it has a higher z-index than the 

I suppose another way of achieving this with dialogs would be to make 
the site menu a dialog that has no backdrop but is always on top. I 
don't know if that's something worth considering for the spec.


Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen changes to support dialog

2012-04-04 Thread Sean Hogan

On 5/04/12 3:31 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 1:05 AM, Anne van  wrote:

On Wed, 04 Apr 2012 01:14:43 +0200, Ian  wrote:

If this works, then I'll use this fordialog.

How does this work for nested browsing contexts? Currently usingiframe
allowfullscreen  (not in HTML yet) you can fullscreen elements embedded via
aniframe. Would we then have to push theiframe  element on the stack
and make its height and width cover the viewport, and then push the element
in question inside theiframe  on the stack, or do we want to deal with
this in another way?

The thinking so far is that we don't do anything special for dialogs.
They don't escape theiriframe, and theiframe  doesn't have any
special response to a dialog spawning within it, unlike for

Which pseudo-classes are we keeping? :fullscreen still seems useful,
:fullscreen-ancestor probably not. What are the new default styles going to

In the www-style thread I gave a proposal for the new styling. I'll
reproduce it here:

:fullscreen {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;

:fullscreen::backdrop {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
  background: black;

dialog[modal] {
  position: center;

dialog[modal]::backdrop {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;

So the ::backdrop could be styled to not cover the whole page?
Could it default to a top layer, but optionally be given a z-index?


Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen changes to support dialog

2012-04-04 Thread Sean Hogan

On 4/04/12 9:14 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

So based on our discussions on IRC and in person earlier today, I think
the following additions to the Fullscreen specification would provide the
necessary infrastructure to supportdialog:

- Add a new stacking layer to the CSS 2.1 Appendix E layering model,
   after the current layer 10. Let's call this new layer the top layer.

   This layer consists of a stack of elements, which each CSS viewport
   maintains. These stacks are initially empty. When the layer is painted,
   the elements in the stack are rendered in the order that they were added
   to the stack, with the most recently added being rendered closest to the
   user. The 'z-index' property is ignored for this stacking layer.

   An element in this layer is rendered in the CSS model as an atomic unit
   that is a sibling to the root element; overflow, opacity, masks, clips,
   etc, of ancestor elements do not affect it. Outlines must be rendered in
   their non-layer-10 position if they are specified on an element with an
   ancestor-or-self that is in such a stack.

   An element in this layer that has an ancestor-or-self that is
   display:none does not get rendered.

   The 'position' property for elements in one of these stacks computes to
   'absolute', 'fixed', or 'center' if that is its specifed value, and to
   'absolute' if the specified value is anything else.

   The containing block for such an element is the initial containing
   block, same as for the root element. The static position for left,
   right, and top are zero, unless overridden by another specification.
   (Thedialog  spec will override the static position for top.)

- Define an algorithm to push an element onto the top layer, which adds
   a given element to this element's browsing context's viewport's stack,
   if the element is in a document.

- Define an algorithm to yank an element from the top layer, which
   removes the given element from the stack it is in.

   When an element is removed from a document, it must be yanked from the
   top layer.

- Define a new pseudo-element ::backdrop which applies to any element in
   such a stack; it addresses a box that exactly covers the viewport
   immediately below the element in the stack, in the same stacking layer,
   whose only applicable properties are the 'background' properties.
   (Alternatively, make it a generic box with properties initially set to
   have position:fixed and positioned to exactly cover the viewport, but
   I don't see much point in letting people fiddle with this box's
   positioning, display type, etc.)

Fullscreen then defines that when you make an element fullscreen, it's
pushed onto the top layer, and when an element is unfullscreened, it's
yanked from the top layer. The user emergency escape UI yanks all
fullscreened elements from the top layer (but leaves any other elements in
it; we wouldn't want dialogs to disappear when exiting full screen mode).

If this works, then I'll use this fordialog.


So this top layer prevents all user-interaction with the rest of the 

If that's the case, it seems a bit inflexible. I would imagine that some 
UI designers would like parts of the page to still be clickable - a 
couple of examples:

- a toggle button to show / hide the dialog (probably part of a menu-bar).
- a menu bar with buttons that, when activated, first dismiss the dialog


Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen changes to support dialog

2012-04-04 Thread Sean Hogan

On 5/04/12 2:15 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Sean  wrote:

So the ::backdrop could be styled to not cover the whole page?

Yes.  It's there for convenience only, since people often want an
element that does exactly this.  If we didn't provide it explicitly,
they'd just awkwardly wrap theirdialogs in a background element

Could it default to a top layer, but optionally be given a z-index?

Can you describe a use-case for putting the ::backdrop somewhere other
than directly underneath the dialog/fullscreen element?

So that a menu-bar in the page can still be interacted with.
An optional z-index would be easier than calculating backdrop dimensions 
to not overlap.

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:58 PM, Sean  wrote:

So this top layer prevents all user-interaction with the rest of the page?

If that's the case, it seems a bit inflexible. I would imagine that some UI
designers would like parts of the page to still be clickable - a couple of

- a toggle button to show / hide the dialog (probably part of a menu-bar).
- a menu bar with buttons that, when activated, first dismiss the dialog

Both of your examples would be done by using elements that are
children of thedialog, and perhaps just positioned explicitly

That doesn't sound like a good solution, but maybe I'm misunderstanding.

Look at my blog:

At the bottom is a simple site menu. If you click on the contact link 
it pops up a dialog with a backdrop that covers the whole page... except 
for the site menu. The dialog can be hidden by a close link in the 
dialog, OR by clicking the contact link again.

Re: [whatwg] Fullscreen changes to support dialog

2012-04-04 Thread Sean Hogan

On 5/04/12 2:39 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Sean  wrote:

On 5/04/12 2:15 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Both of your examples would be done by using elements that are
children of thedialog, and perhaps just positioned explicitly

That doesn't sound like a good solution, but maybe I'm misunderstanding.

Look at my blog:

At the bottom is a simple site menu. If you click on the contact link it
pops up a dialog with a backdrop that covers the whole page... except for
the site menu. The dialog can be hidden by a close link in the dialog, OR
by clicking the contact link again.

I'm not 100% certain, but I suspect this isn't doable withdialog
modal, because that's not a modal dialog. It's a normal dialog; you
just happen to be using a similar visual effect (darkening the rest of
the page) as what modal dialogs typically do, presumably so as to
focus attention on the dialog.

No, it uses a backdrop to cover the content of the page so that it 
becomes non-interactive.
It's just the bottom menu that doesn't lose interactivity, because it 
has a higher z-index.

Will non-modal `dialog` have a backdrop?


Re: [whatwg] di? Please?

2012-03-04 Thread Sean Hogan

On 5/03/12 10:06 AM, Hugh Guiney wrote:

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Ian  wrote:

Then why issection  in the spec?

To make it easier to move subsections around without having to change all
theh5s toh4s and so forth.

That's it? So the fact that it provides explicit grouping and styling
are unintentional side-effects? I don't think I've come across a
single person or article discussingsection, in the time since its
introduction, ever even mention rearranging subsections as a benefit
at all, let alone the *primary* benefit. That's not even mentioned in
the spec itself…

Furthermore, for h*, the spec provides examples of semantically
equivalent document structures, one withsections and one without,

Authors might prefer the former style for its terseness, or the latter style 
for its convenience in the face of heavy editing; which is besty [sic] is 
purely an issue of preferred authoring style.

If the decision to usesection  or not is purely an issue of
preferred authoring style, what makesdi  any different? Why is in
inappropriate to have a stopgap grouping element fordl  while CSSWG
works on a syntax for pseudo-grouping (if they even decide to do so),
yet perfectly fine for sectioning content?

Is there any downside if the people who want this feature just do it 
anyway? The only thing I can think of is that those pages can't be 
claimed to validate. That shouldn't be an issue for personal sites, and 
if enough people start using this it will eventually be added to the spec.


Re: [whatwg] Document's base URI should use the document's *current* address

2012-02-20 Thread Sean Hogan

On 20/02/12 2:35 PM, Sean Hogan wrote:

On 16/02/12 5:03 PM, Justin Lebar wrote:

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Ian  wrote:

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Justin Lebar wrote:

  - It sets the document's current address to .../page.html#foo.

Well, this is pretty bad.  document.location is the document's current
address [1].  So clicking #foo changed document.location from 
to page.html#foo, which I certainly wouldn't expect (and does not 


Seems to me we should change the implementations then. There isn't any
fundamental difference between linking to #foo and linking to
page.html#foo if the base URL is page.html, as far as I can tell.

If the implementations can't change, then I'll change the spec, but it
really seems bad to me that relative URLs will break depending on when
they are resolved relative to pushState() changes.

When I implemented pushState, I explicitly didn't want authors to have
to rewrite all their anchor links after they changed the document's
current URI.

 From an author's point of view, there's no such thing as the
document's original URI and, unless you're a nerd, you've never heard
of the base URI.  There's just the document's URI, modified by

 From this point of view, I'd say it's less surprising that relative
URIs would break when you change directories (hey, you *asked* for it)
than that anchor refs would update the browser's address bar and
document.location relative to the old URI.

I share your perspective, Justin (if I'm interpreting it correctly).

By the way, this doesn't quite match what is currently implemented in 
Firefox and Webkit. According to my testing, although the baseURI 
after pushState() is the same as the documentURI (so far I've tested 
img, link and a elts) the actual images and stylesheets used for 
rendering aren't updated by the pushState() - they should be updated 
if @src, @href is a rel path. If they were updated then the ones 
relying on rel paths would often break, which I consider a good 
behavior - an obvious visual cue to the page author, etc that 
something was implemented wrongly.


I've just realized that Firefox's behavior matches the spec for dynamic 
changes to base URLs,

Personally I think that facilitates broken behavior, but it's not 
significant as the issue of this thread.


Re: [whatwg] Document's base URI should use the document's *current* address

2012-02-19 Thread Sean Hogan

On 16/02/12 5:03 PM, Justin Lebar wrote:

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Ian  wrote:

On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, Justin Lebar wrote:

  - It sets the document's current address to .../page.html#foo.

Well, this is pretty bad.  document.location is the document's current
address [1].  So clicking #foo changed document.location from page2.html
to page.html#foo, which I certainly wouldn't expect (and does not match

Seems to me we should change the implementations then. There isn't any
fundamental difference between linking to #foo and linking to
page.html#foo if the base URL is page.html, as far as I can tell.

If the implementations can't change, then I'll change the spec, but it
really seems bad to me that relative URLs will break depending on when
they are resolved relative to pushState() changes.

When I implemented pushState, I explicitly didn't want authors to have
to rewrite all their anchor links after they changed the document's
current URI.

 From an author's point of view, there's no such thing as the
document's original URI and, unless you're a nerd, you've never heard
of the base URI.  There's just the document's URI, modified by

 From this point of view, I'd say it's less surprising that relative
URIs would break when you change directories (hey, you *asked* for it)
than that anchor refs would update the browser's address bar and
document.location relative to the old URI.

I share your perspective, Justin (if I'm interpreting it correctly).

An obvious use-case for pushState() is facilitating an enhanced 
user-experience for page navigation within a site. In this case the 
process of document updates + pushState({},null, foo/bar.html) should 
result in the same DOM as if foo/bar.html was browsed to directly.

For example, imagine a site that has some pages amenable to this usage:


These contain some page specific content wrapped in some generic page 
(I'm assuming that pages amenable to document updates + pushState() have 
a lot in common, otherwise why use pushState().)

link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css /
pI hope you are not distracted by my enormous banner. You may want to 
a href=#contentskip/a directly to the main content of this page. /p

div id=banner
img src=logo.png / My Site
nav id=nav
a href=page1.htmlPage 1/a
a href=page2.htmlPage 2/a
a href=subdir/page3.htmlPage 3/a
div id=content
!-- Page specific content here --

The following stylesheets and images are used:

If page creation was all performed on the server using this template then...
- /page1.html  /page2.html would be okay
- /subdir/page3.html would be broken:
  1. img src=logo.png / has a relative path and refs the 
non-existant /subdir/logo.png

  2. Similarly, a href= with #nav all have rel paths to nowhere
  3. Note that the top skip link is OK in all pages

If a pushState() facilitated mechanism was used for navigation
(a naive implementation which just inserts page-specific content inside 
div id=content/div)
and navigation started at /page1.html, thence to /page2.html and 

the images and hyperlinks in /subdir/page3.html would be fine...
except for the top skip link which references the #content anchor.

Obviously this page template needs fixing and for this example, simply 
changing rel paths to absolute will be sufficient for both the server 
generated and browser updated documents. Except that pushState() 
assisted navigation would break the top skip link (assuming the current 
SPECIFIED behavior).

For all the issues in this example I think Justin's proposal is 
preferable to what is currently specified.

By the way, this doesn't quite match what is currently implemented in 
Firefox and Webkit. According to my testing, although the baseURI after 
pushState() is the same as the documentURI (so far I've tested img, 
link and a elts) the actual images and stylesheets used for 
rendering aren't updated by the pushState() - they should be updated if 
@src, @href is a rel path. If they were updated then the ones relying on 
rel paths would often break, which I consider a good behavior - an 
obvious visual cue to the page author, etc that something was 
implemented wrongly.


Re: [whatwg] di? Please?

2012-02-03 Thread Sean Hogan

On 4/02/12 7:22 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jan 2012, Hugh Guiney wrote:

As I understand it, the main reason for rejectingdi  was that it
solves a problem that is allegedly CSS's job, but as an author who uses
dls quite extensively, adding a grouping element would really make my
life a lot easier.

There are a number of places in HTML where it would be nice to be able to
group things together -- just look at how often people stickdivs in
their pages for no purpose whatsoever other than styling.

This shouldn't be necessary. It's a limitation of CSS.

The right solution is for CSS to provide some pseudo-element or other
mechanism that introduces an anonymous container into the rendering tree
that wraps the elements you want to wrap. For example, with the square
brackets representing the anonymous boxes:


   dl::group(dt...dd) { border: solid; }

pa href=/Home/a
  h1The Blog/h1
  p class=bylineOur blog away from home
p class=copyrightBla bla

   header::group(h1...p.byline) { border: solid; }

This isn't a formal proposal, but you get the idea. If we solve this
problem, the need fordi  completely goes away, but more importantly, so
does the need for a huge number ofdivs.

Could you provide examples for how this suggestion solves styling 
specific name-value groups within the dl, e.g.

dl  li.hidden { display: none; }

dl  li.closed  dd { display: none; }

dl  li::even { background-color: #ccc; }

Re: [whatwg] di? Please?

2012-01-10 Thread Sean Hogan

On 10/01/12 6:32 PM, Hugh Guiney wrote:

As I understand it, the main reason for rejectingdi  was that it
solves a problem that is allegedly CSS's job, but as an author who
usesdls quite extensively, adding a grouping element would really
make my life a lot easier.

I would prefer li for this role, and IIRC most browsers will parse 
this as desired. Unfortunately the li elements by default have a list 
marker which requires extra CSS to work-around, e.g.

dl  li { list-style-type: none; }

Yes, my most common problem withdls is styling them, but it's
hardly CSS's fault. What kind of styling am I attempting to do?
Mostly, to arrange them in columns.

Another styling use-case is styling specific name-value groups within 
the dl, e.g.

dl  li.hidden { display: none; }

dl  li.closed  dd { display: none; }

dl  li::even { background-color: #ccc; }

Re: [whatwg] Link.onload; defer on style, depends

2009-04-29 Thread Sean Hogan

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Wed, 25 Mar 2009, Sean Hogan wrote:

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Sun, 15 Mar 2009, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Sean Hogan wrote:

This is a request for the link element to be given an onload 

And presumably a readyState property.
At least in Gecko, you can already detect whether the sheet is done 
loading: if you try to get its cssRules and that throws 
INVALID_ACCESS_ERR, then it's still loading.  (If it throws 
DOM_SECURITY_ERR then you're not allowed to read the style data; 
that's why you have to check for the exact type of exception thrown.  
Though really, if you're loading style sheets cross-site you're in 
for a world of hurt unless you control both sites.)

I haven't added readyState at this time. I am concerned about feature 
creep here.
As for link.onload, link.readyState is implemented in IE since IE6. Same 
values as document.readyState, etc.

Sure, but we only need one way to do this.

How do I check if the resource is already loaded? In a cross-browser, 
cross-site manner?

Re: [whatwg] Link.onload; defer on style, depends

2009-04-29 Thread Sean Hogan

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Thu, 30 Apr 2009, Sean Hogan wrote:
At least in Gecko, you can already detect whether the sheet is done

loading: if you try to get its cssRules and that throws
INVALID_ACCESS_ERR, then it's still loading.  (If it throws
DOM_SECURITY_ERR then you're not allowed to read the style data;
that's why you have to check for the exact type of exception thrown.
Though really, if you're loading style sheets cross-site you're in for
a world of hurt unless you control both sites.)

I haven't added readyState at this time. I am concerned about feature

creep here.
As for link.onload, link.readyState is implemented in IE since IE6. Same

values as document.readyState, etc.

Sure, but we only need one way to do this.
How do I check if the resource is already loaded? In a cross-browser, 
cross-site manner?

Put an onload handler on the element before it loads and make it set a 
flag you can check later.

And what if the link-element is in the HTML text? The only way to 
guarantee that is to write it as link onload=... /
Surely if it is worth adding the onload event it is worth adding 
readyState or complete property.

Re: [whatwg] Link.onload; defer on style, depends

2009-03-25 Thread Sean Hogan

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Sun, 15 Mar 2009, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Sean Hogan wrote:

This is a request for the link element to be given an onload 

And presumably a readyState property.
At least in Gecko, you can already detect whether the sheet is done 
loading: if you try to get its cssRules and that throws 
INVALID_ACCESS_ERR, then it's still loading.  (If it throws 
DOM_SECURITY_ERR then you're not allowed to read the style data; that's 
why you have to check for the exact type of exception thrown.  Though 
really, if you're loading style sheets cross-site you're in for a world 
of hurt unless you control both sites.)

I haven't added readyState at this time. I am concerned about feature 
creep here.


As for link.onload, link.readyState is implemented in IE since IE6. Same 
values as document.readyState, etc.

Re: [whatwg] Link.onload

2009-03-15 Thread Sean Hogan

Greg Houston wrote:

This is a request for the link element to be given an onload attribute.


And presumably a readyState property.

Re: [whatwg] WebForms2 validity

2008-10-28 Thread Sean Hogan

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Sean Hogan wrote:

I might be missing something obvious, but...

When are ValidityState properties updated? And when are CSS pseudo-classes
(:valid, :invalid, :in-range, :out-of-range) updated? 

Continually (in particular whenever the constraints or the values change 
-- the validity states are defined in terms of those values).


Ok. But what's the use of checkValidity() on form-control-elements?
Isn't it just:
 function() {
   if (!this.validity.valid) this.dispatchEvent(invalid);
   return this.validity.valid;

Many textual input form-controls would begin in one or another invalid 
state (valueMissing, patternMismatch) however authors would typically 
want CSS validity styles to apply only after checkValidity() - either a 
manual one or the automatic one performed by form-submission.


I would probably now agree that the default should be immediate 
application of :valid / :invalid styling which can worked-around with 
script. The opposing view (what I would have said a year ago) is...

I think that's the way it usually is now. More specifically:
1. It could be confusing to have :invalid styling on form-controls when 
the page first loads.
2. It could be distracting for the styling of a form-control to switch 
between :valid and :invalid while the user is typing into it.
3. It could be distracting for the :valid and :invalid styles to apply 
before the user tries to submit or explicitly requests the data to be 

#2 can be worked around using :focus. I can't see how #1 and #3 can be 
worked around without script.
A :validated pseudo-class that applied after checkValidity() is called 
or form-submission has been attempted would give some extra flexibility 
in the noscript scenario.

Re: [whatwg] Proposal for a link attribute to replace a href

2008-08-05 Thread Sean Hogan

Simon Pieters wrote:
On Mon, 04 Aug 2008 20:21:01 +0200, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

However if we want to add support for the long list of JS attributes 
that exist on a elements today on each and every HTML element I 
suspect that is going to get messier. Especially considering the 
collisions for base and link. What would myBaseElement.accessKey 
do? And is myDivElement.protocol really intuitive what it does?

Also it would quite likely clash with existing content that expects 
that those attributes don't exist on e.g. divs. (Opera has had 
problems with some new DOM attributes in WF2 due to legacy.)

One idea is to enable all elements to cross-reference to hyperlink (a 
or link) elements.
This could be achieved with a link attribute that contains the ID of 
the hyperlink element.

The behavior of elements with @link would be UA defined, but could be:
 onclick: follow the hyperlink on the referenced a or link elemenr
 oncontextmenu: offer menu options to a) scrollTo the hyperlink element 
or b) follow the hyperlink.

If the link attribute is present but empty then it could be assumed to 
reference getElementsByTagName(a)[0].

- don't need to add properties of hyperlink elements to other elements
- Javascript implementations for older browsers would be trivial
- the link attribute can be used as a styling hook
- multiple elements can use the one hyperlink

- won't inherit :visited styles

Re: [whatwg] The iframe element and sandboxing ideas

2008-05-22 Thread Sean Hogan

Ian Hickson wrote:
I'm thinking of introducing a 
new attribute. I haven't worked out what to call it yet, but definitely 
not src, source, src2, content, value, or data -- maybe 
html or doc, though neither of those are great. This attribute would 
take a string which would then be interpreted as the source document 
markup of an HTML document, much like the above; it would override src= 
if it was present, allowing src= to be used for legacy UAs:

   iframe seamless sandbox=allow-scripts allow-forms doc=
 Welcome to my blog!
 a href='#' onclick='alert(document.cookie)'Click here/a

(There are things we can do to make this better, e.g. make the !DOCTYPE 
HMTL and title/title bits implicit, maybe introducing type= to say 
whether it's HTML or XML instead of only supporting HTML, maybe saying 
that if src= and doc= are both specified they must have identical 
data, etc.)

Comments and suggestions on this are welcome. I haven't added it to the 
spec yet. I do agree that without this or something equivalent that we 
don't have a solution for sandboxing embedded blog comments yet.

I was wondering if you could use the content of the iframe as the source 
for the iframe document.

By my testing (FF2, FF3b, Saf2, Saf3, Opera9.2, IE6) it seems that 
current browsers ignore content inside an iframe. So this degrades 
safely for HTML.

The content is available with innerHTML on IE6 and textContent on the 
others except Safari-2. So you could possibly emulate the HTML5 behavior 
using JS.

This idea doesn't adapt so readily to XHTML.
In XHTML the iframe content is also parsed as XHTML, but is not 
displayed. Unfortunately Safari and Opera execute any scripts. You could 
put the content in a cdata-section, but it feels wrong.

Sorry if this has been discussed before - I couldn't find anything when 
I searched the list.

[whatwg] Styling of datagrid content

2007-03-12 Thread Sean Hogan

How do you define style for datagrids?
- row color
- alternating row color
- selected row color
- initial column widths
- fixed column widths

[whatwg] WebForms2 validity

2007-02-08 Thread Sean Hogan

I might be missing something obvious, but...

When are ValidityState properties updated? 
And when are CSS pseudo-classes (:valid, :invalid, :in-range, 
:out-of-range) updated? 

The spec doesn't say, so I tentatively assume they are meant to always 
be up-to-date. 

Many textual input form-controls would begin in one or another invalid 
state (valueMissing, patternMismatch) however authors would typically 
want CSS validity styles to apply only after checkValidity() - either a 
manual one or the automatic one performed by form-submission. 

Of course, one could always dynamically tag form-controls with some 
appropriate class (e.g. validated) and hang your styles off that. 

input[type=text]:invalid.validated { background-color: red; }

Which wouldn't work when scripting is disabled, but should be sufficient. 

Anyway, could you clarify this? 


[whatwg] Seeding a form with initial values

2006-12-14 Thread Sean Hogan

Query 1:
The way in which a FORM element with @data is seeded seems internally 

CLEAR  REPEAT directives apply to RepetitionBlocks in the whole document.

but FIELD directives only apply to elements within the form. 

I would prefer FIELD directives to apply to the whole document - that 
seems consistent with current forms which retrieve a whole new page.
Although it does allow conflict between @data on different forms. 

Query 2:
The first step in the initialization algorithm (resetting the form) 
sounds wrong in the context of form submission. 
I assume the intention is that the reset() method is called, but the 
documentation says reset to its initial values as specified in the 
These two are the same when the document is initially loaded, but the 
form could easily be changed by the time of form submission. 

I apologize if these issues have already been discussed. 

Re: [whatwg] Web Forms 2.0 proposal

2006-02-10 Thread Sean Hogan

I would request a input filter as a regex range eg a-zA-Z0-9
i.e.  if the keyCode is NOT within the range then preventDefault(). 

I imagine that number, date, datetime, etc will be special 
implementations that filter keyboard input. 
Why not extend the facility to text, etc?
