Re: [whatwg] Modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA's take into account whether iframes are visible on the screen

2015-04-01 Thread Seth Fowler

 On Apr 1, 2015, at 10:35 PM, David Young wrote:
 I cannot take for granted
 the good will of the web developer, and even developers with good
 intentions may make a mistake or cut corners.

Trust me, you’re preaching to the choir on that!

 It seems to me that the UA should divvy up resources among iframes based
 on the availability of an *audience* to each one.  Invisible pages,
 occluded iframes, iframes that have scrolled out of the viewport, and
 so on, definitely shouldn't get a prime share unless the user has made
 an explicit grant.  Give the bulk of the resources to what you could
 conceivably be looking at.
 Do you see what I'm getting at?

Absolutely. I think all of the UAs have implemented features like that, and are 
working on more. But making iframes aware that they should throttle themselves 
is still helpful, because well-behaved iframes can take drastic action to 
reduce their performance and energy impact - even totally stopping all their 
processing. UAs always have to worry about breaking existing web content, and 
it’s often hard to take such drastic action automatically for that reason.

I think we’ll get the best results if we take both approaches simultaneously.

- Seth

Re: [whatwg] Modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA's take into account whether iframes are visible on the screen

2015-03-31 Thread Seth Fowler

 On Mar 31, 2015, at 9:42 AM, Roger Hågensen wrote:
 Would not a ad delivery network prefer not to have to push ads out that the 
 user is not seeing at all?
 If not then they are only wasting bandwidth/CPU/memory on the server, and 
 causing impressions that are wasted on nothing (important for the advertisers 
 since they pay for them).
 It's not throttling, it's proper use of resources. And while a ad network can 
 not be guaranteed there are eyeballs on the ad, they can at least be assured 
 that the ad is visible.

There’s a strong motivation to reduce usage of the ad network’s resources. I’m 
less confident that ad networks will rush to opt in to this feature just to 
reduce usage of CPU and battery on end users’ machines, and that’s really what 
the feature is about.

That said, “autopause” is an interesting idea! If changing the Page Visibility 
spec turns out to not be web compatible, a feature like “autopause” seems like 
a good alternative.

 And I already mentioned video and audio (if autopause is taken beyond just 

I think this would be great, and would definitely solve a common issue on pages 
that embed lots of media.

- Seth

[whatwg] Modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA's take into account whether iframes are visible on the screen

2015-03-30 Thread Seth Fowler
I think we should modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA’s take actual 
visibility of iframes into account when deciding if an iframe is hidden.

Right now, the visibility of an iframe is the same as that of the top level 
browsing context it’s embedded in. Here are the details:

This design doesn’t do much for iframes which may be doing significant work, 
though. The most obvious example is HTML5 ads. These ads may be performing 
significant work - computation, network IO, rendering, etc. Some or all of that 
work is often unnecessary when the ad is outside the viewport. Having an API 
that would allow those ads to throttle back their work when they’re not visible 
could have significant positive effects on performance and battery life.

We could get these benefits through a very simple modification of the Page 
Visibility spec. We should make the visibility of iframes independent of the 
top-level browsing context, and instead let UA’s take the actual visibility of 
the iframes into account. If an iframe has been scrolled out of the viewport, 
has become occluded, or has otherwise been rendered non-visible, we should 
regard the iframe as hidden and dispatch a visibilitychange event to let the 
iframe throttle itself.

I think it’s worth noting that requestAnimationFrame could cover some of the 
rendering-related part of this issue, but it’s frequently the case that iframes 
are performing a good deal of computation and IO that isn’t tied to 
requestAnimationFrame. Even for the rendering case, the requestAnimationFrame 
API doesn’t give iframes any way to detect this kind of transition between a 
state where fast rendering is important and a state where it’s not useful, so 
in practice extending the Page Visibility spec in this way will often be useful 
even for iframes which rely mostly on requestAnimationFrame. I think we should 
view this change as complementary to the benefits that requestAnimationFrame 
can give us.

If there’s willingness to change the spec, this is a change we’d be interested 
in making in Gecko in the near term.

Sound good?

- Seth

Re: [whatwg] Modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA's take into account whether iframes are visible on the screen

2015-03-30 Thread Seth Fowler
A coworker pointed me to this thread on public-web-perf where exactly this 
proposal has been made before:

Reading through the posts there has given me an idea of the challenges here, 
which is what I was hoping for when I sent the original email. It looks like we 
will need to gather some data about web compatibility before going forward, 
especially since other specs like the Vibration API reference the Page 
Visibility spec.

I do want to clarify one other thing: we’re definitely not yet at the point of 
implementing this in Gecko, especially not in a release version. We think this 
functionality is important, and modifying the Page Visibility spec is one way 
to make it accessible to the web. It’s probably even the nicest way to make it 
accessible to the web, if it’s feasible. But it’s not certain that it’s web 
compatible or that everyone agrees this is the best way to go; we’re at the 
starting point of the process here.

I’d be interested to hear any comments that others may have!

- Seth

 On Mar 30, 2015, at 3:47 PM, Seth Fowler wrote:
 I think we should modify the Page Visibility spec to let UA’s take actual 
 visibility of iframes into account when deciding if an iframe is hidden.
 Right now, the visibility of an iframe is the same as that of the top level 
 browsing context it’s embedded in. Here are the details:
 This design doesn’t do much for iframes which may be doing significant work, 
 though. The most obvious example is HTML5 ads. These ads may be performing 
 significant work - computation, network IO, rendering, etc. Some or all of 
 that work is often unnecessary when the ad is outside the viewport. Having an 
 API that would allow those ads to throttle back their work when they’re not 
 visible could have significant positive effects on performance and battery 
 We could get these benefits through a very simple modification of the Page 
 Visibility spec. We should make the visibility of iframes independent of the 
 top-level browsing context, and instead let UA’s take the actual visibility 
 of the iframes into account. If an iframe has been scrolled out of the 
 viewport, has become occluded, or has otherwise been rendered non-visible, we 
 should regard the iframe as hidden and dispatch a visibilitychange event to 
 let the iframe throttle itself.
 I think it’s worth noting that requestAnimationFrame could cover some of the 
 rendering-related part of this issue, but it’s frequently the case that 
 iframes are performing a good deal of computation and IO that isn’t tied to 
 requestAnimationFrame. Even for the rendering case, the requestAnimationFrame 
 API doesn’t give iframes any way to detect this kind of transition between a 
 state where fast rendering is important and a state where it’s not useful, so 
 in practice extending the Page Visibility spec in this way will often be 
 useful even for iframes which rely mostly on requestAnimationFrame. I think 
 we should view this change as complementary to the benefits that 
 requestAnimationFrame can give us.
 If there’s willingness to change the spec, this is a change we’d be 
 interested in making in Gecko in the near term.
 Sound good?
 - Seth

Re: [whatwg] Effect of image-orientation on naturalWidth/Height

2015-03-13 Thread Seth Fowler

 On Mar 13, 2015, at 11:56 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 If it happens at the markup level, it should *definitely* affect the
 naturalWidth/Height properties.  I don't think that's in question at
 all.  But nobody's moved on the markup issue, so I haven't removed the
 CSS property yet. ^_^

Not to rehash comments that I and others have already made in bug 25508, but I 
think specifying whether we honor EXIF orientation on a per-image basis is not 
really very interesting.

By far the most desirable outcome, if it’s sufficiently web-compatible, is to 
just respect EXIF orientation by default.

If we can’t do that, then I think content authors will mostly just opt in via a 
single “img { image-orientation: from-image }” in their CSS. That’s the 
simplest opt in solution that’s feasible. It’s also trivial to encapsulate in a 
standard CSS library.

I’m opposed to the removal of the CSS property for a markup-based solution, as 
that will force content authors to specify “autorotate” on every single img 
element on the page. That’s a waste of effort and bandwidth (though admittedly 
compression will make the impact there minimal), and it makes it more likely 
that content authors will simply forget to do so on some elements. 
Encapsulating this solution is also significantly more heavyweight.

Having a DOM-based way to request that EXIF orientation be respected is 
desirable, though, so that it can be used with non-HTML uses of images like 

- Seth

Re: [whatwg] Effect of image-orientation on naturalWidth/Height

2015-03-12 Thread Seth Fowler
The more I think about this, the more I agree with David. It really does make 
more sense to act like the rotation is part of the image format, because after 
all it *is*, at least when from-image is used.

This approach also gives us a smoother path to eventually respecting EXIF 
orientation by default. If we did that, we’d want naturalWidth and 
naturalHeight to take EXIF orientation into account, so planning for that with 
the behavior of image-orientation makes sense.

And FWIW, Safari (which respects EXIF orientation in image documents and by 
default on mobile) does appear to take EXIF orientation into account for 
naturalWidth and naturalHeight, so this approach is web compatible.

Consider this a second vote for “naturalWidth and naturalHeight should respect 

- Seth

 On Mar 10, 2015, at 10:09 AM, L. David Baron wrote:
 On Monday 2015-03-09 16:52 -0700, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 That's a good question.  I suspect that .naturalWidth/Height should
 return the image's dimensions before applying CSS rotations.  This is
 likely to be surprising, but also probably the correct answer for
 separation-of-concerns reasons.
 I wonder whether I need to tweak Images, or Hixie needs tweak img. Hmm.
 I really think that the mechanism for opting in to honoring EXIF
 should make the browser act as though the rotation were in the image
 It's a compatibility hack (because implementations were initially
 shipping without EXIF support, and there may be a dependency on
 that), but once the developer has opted in, everything should really
 act like the rotation is part of the image format.
 턞   L. David Baron   턂
 턢   Mozilla   턂
 Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
 What I was walling in or walling out,
 And to whom I was like to give offense.
   - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

Re: [whatwg] Effect of image-orientation on naturalWidth/Height

2015-03-09 Thread Seth Fowler

 On Mar 9, 2015, at 5:06 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:
 On 3/9/15, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
 That's a good question.  I suspect that .naturalWidth/Height should
 return the image's dimensions before applying CSS rotations.
 I think that that is not what Seth was asking about. IIUC, he asked
 about EXIF rotation info. When you take a pic in your iPhone, if there
 is rotation data on it, and if that data is not removed, the image
 will look rotated in browsers that recognize this header, like Safari.

No, Tab is right. The question is about the CSS image-orientation property, 
which allows (among other things) an image to be rotated according to the 
orientation specified in its EXIF info.

- Seth

[whatwg] Effect of image-orientation on naturalWidth/Height

2015-03-09 Thread Seth Fowler
Hi all!

I wanted to get the opinion of this list on how image-orientation and the img 
element’s naturalWidth and naturalHeight properties should interact. The 
css-images level 3 spec says:

The intrinsic height and width are derived from the rotated rather than the 
original image dimensions.”

The HTML spec says:

The IDL attributes naturalWidth and naturalHeight must return the intrinsic 
width and height of the image, in CSS pixels, if the image is available, or 
else 0.”

On the surface, it seems clear that image-orientation must affect 
naturalWidth/Height. However, I’m not sure whether this was intended, and I 
don’t have a strong intuition for whether this is more or less surprising to 
content authors than having these two features be totally independent.

There is certainly a potential performance cost if the two features do 
interact, since that means that naturalWidth/Height will depend on style 
information. On the other hand, naturalWidth and naturalHeight would definitely 
take EXIF orientation into account if we respected it by default, so perhaps 
they also should when content authors opt in to EXIF orientation support using 

Let me know what you think.

- Seth