Re: [whatwg] DOMTokenList: mutation clarification

2009-08-10 Thread Sylvain Pasche
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Ian wrote:
 I've reworded it to imply only one mutation event fires.


 2) (using the class attribute for the discussion) What should happen when you
 do a remove(foo) on an element which has no class attribute?

 My understanding is that it shouldn't add a class attribute with an empty
 string. That's because the remove() algorithm starts with an empty string and
 doesn't change it, so the  when the object mutates this empty string,  case
 shouldn't be true (and thus no attribute modification should happen).

 However Simon's testcase [1] doesn't agree with this, and adds an empty
 string. So maybe it's worth clarifying this situation?

 I think that the spec now implies that you set the attribute to the empty
 string. Do you agree?

I don't think it changes the interpretation of this border case and I
still think the spec implies that no attribute is added.

Maybe the ambiguity is about the definition of mutation in the when
the object mutates this empty string sentence. If we have an element
with no class attribute and call .remove(foo),
we start the remove() algorithm with the empty string and it doesn't
modify that string. So I would say that there wasn't a mutation and
that no attribute should be added.

One way to clarify that no attribute should be added might be (the
change is between the parentheses):

When the attribute is absent, then the string represented by the
object is the empty string; when the object mutates this empty string
(that is, the algorithm changes the underlying string to a non-empty
string), the user agent must add the corresponding content attribute,
with its value set to the value it would have been set to after
mutating the empty string.

I also assume an otherwise, do nothing at the end of that sentence.
Do you think somebody could interpret this as an otherwise add an
attribute set to the empty string?


Re: [whatwg] DOMTokenList is unordered but yet requires sorting

2009-07-28 Thread Sylvain Pasche
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 5:52 AM, Jonas wrote:
 By the way, preserving duplicates shouldn't be much code complexity if
 I'm not mistaken.

 I take it you mean *removing* duplicates here, right?

Oops, yes.

 The only required code change would be to use a hashset when parsing
 the attribute in order to only insert unique tokens in the token
 vector. Then DOMTokenList.length would return the token vector length
 and .item() get the token by index. I don't think anything actually
 depends on keeping duplicate tokens in the token vector. Then there
 would be a small perf hit when parsing attributes with more than one

 It's certainly doable to do this at the time when the token-list is
 parsed. However given how extremely rare duplicated classnames are (I
 can't recall ever seeing it in a real page), I think any code spent on
 dealing with it is a waste.


 The remove() algorithm is about 50 lines with whitespace and comments.
 After all, that's not a big cost and I guess that preserving
 whitespace may be closer to what DOMTokenList API consumers would

 The code would be 7 lines if we didn't need to preserve whitespace:

 nsAttrValue newAttr(aAttr);
 nsCOMPtrnsIAtom atom = do_GetAtom(aToken);
 while (newAttr-GetAtomArrayValue().RemoveElement(atom));
 nsAutoString newValue;

 If you spent a few more lines of code you could even avoid serializing
 the token-list and call SetAttrAndNotify instead of SetAttr.

That's an interesting comparison. Less code and much more readable
than my remove() implementation I have to say.


Re: [whatwg] DOMTokenList is unordered but yet requires sorting

2009-07-27 Thread Sylvain Pasche
On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 2:17 AM, Ian wrote:
 On Sun, 12 Jul 2009, Jonas Sicking wrote:
  Oh, I have forseen that. Is it really necessary to remove duplicates
  ? I imagine DOMTokenList to be similar to what can be achieved with a
  String.split(), but then it would be just more duplicate
  If we don't remove duplicates, then things like the .toggle() method
  could have some quite weird effects.

 Such as?

 Such as .length changing by more than 1 after a call to .toggle().

I guess that couldn't have happened, because .length counted only the
unique tokens.

 I definitely think it'd be worth avoiding the code complexity and perf
 hit of having the implementation remove duplicates if they appear in the
 class attribute given how extremely rare duplicates are.

 Fair enough. I've made DOMTokenList not remove duplicates.

ok, I realize now that this is about the duplicates in .length and item().

By the way, preserving duplicates shouldn't be much code complexity if
I'm not mistaken.

The only required code change would be to use a hashset when parsing
the attribute in order to only insert unique tokens in the token
vector. Then DOMTokenList.length would return the token vector length
and .item() get the token by index. I don't think anything actually
depends on keeping duplicate tokens in the token vector. Then there
would be a small perf hit when parsing attributes with more than one

 To summarize:
 pros: simpler spec algorithms, simpler implementation
 cons: less whitespace preservation, small perf hit during tokenization

 I don't know if I'm missing something. Does this sound reasonable?

 It ends up being not much simpler since you still have to deal with direct
 changes to the underlying string, as far as I can tell.

I don't think changing the underlying string is related to that
algorithm (from an implementation point of view). On setting, the
tokens would be deleted and the attribute parsed again.

 On Mon, 13 Jul 2009, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 I do agree that the spec seems to go extraordinary far to not touch
 whitespace. Normalizing whitespace when parsing is a bad idea, but once
 the user modifies the DOMTokenList, I don't see a lot of value in
 maintaining whitespace exactly as it was.

 Ian: What is the reason for the fairly complicated code to deal with
 removals? At least in Gecko it would be much simpler to just regenerate
 the string completely. That way generating the string-value could just
 be dropped on modifications, and regenerated lazily when requested.

 In general, I try to be as conservative as possible in making changes to
 the DOM. Are the algorithms really as complicated as you're making out?
 They seem pretty trivial to me.

The remove() algorithm is about 50 lines with whitespace and comments.
After all, that's not a big cost and I guess that preserving
whitespace may be closer to what DOMTokenList API consumers would


Re: [whatwg] Definitions of DOMTokenList algorithms and element.classList

2009-07-22 Thread Sylvain Pasche
On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Anne van wrote:
 On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 05:16:19 +0200, Ian Hickson wrote:
 I've clarified that DOMTokenList is always case-sensitive. We don't want
 to be adding more quirk-mode behaviours. Using quirks mode is not
 conforming (i.e. it's not a supported behaviour).

 Implementation-wise that does not seem nice if you want to use the same 
 optimized object when dealing with style sheets or getElementsByClassName().

Actually for the Mozilla implementation, it's simpler to have it case
sensitive (that's not a big difference though). I don't know if that
could be more of an issue in other implementations.


[whatwg] DOMTokenList and whitespace

2009-07-20 Thread Sylvain Pasche

1) What's the reason for preserving whitespace when a DOMTokenList
method is changing the attribute?

2) If preserving whitespace is not important, what about normalizing
whitespace during mutation?

By normalizing whitespace, I mean splitting tokens (keeping unique
ones), doing the DOMTokenList add/remove/toggle operation, and joining
tokens together separated by a whitespace.

I've already implemented the current spec algorithm in Mozilla [1],
but normalizing whitespace should simplify things a bit. It would be
interesting to have other implementor's opinion on this.

(Note: this was previously raised in [2], but it should have been a new thread.)



[whatwg] DOMTokenList: mutation clarification

2009-07-09 Thread Sylvain Pasche


1) in

When the attribute is absent, then the string represented by the object 
is the empty string; when the object mutates this empty string, the user 
agent must first add the corresponding content attribute, and then 
mutate that attribute instead

Does it mean it should fire two DOMAttrModified events, one with the 
empty string addition, and the other with the attribute mutation?

I think it should simply fire only one mutation event in that case as in 
all other cases (should be simpler and more efficient, although that 
case shouldn't happen very often). I don't see a good reason to fire one 
with the empty string.

2) (using the class attribute for the discussion) What should happen 
when you do a remove(foo) on an element which has no class attribute?

My understanding is that it shouldn't add a class attribute with an 
empty string. That's because the remove() algorithm starts with an empty 
string and doesn't change it, so the  when the object mutates this 
empty string,  case shouldn't be true (and thus no attribute 
modification should happen).

However Simon's testcase [1] doesn't agree with this, and adds an empty 
string. So maybe it's worth clarifying this situation?



Re: [whatwg] DOMTokenList feedback

2009-07-06 Thread Sylvain Pasche

On 7/6/2009 9:08 AM, Kristof Zelechovski wrote:

Regarding DOMTokenList, why not:
contains(): true
add,remove,toggle(): no effect?

That could be an option. There is already a INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR 
exception thrown if the token contains spaces. So I think it would be 
consistent to throw an exception if the token is empty, following the 
rule invalid tokens raise exception (and considering empty tokens as 

Are there situations that would require an exception to be thrown, or else
the page would go out in a blast?

Hard to say, but calling these functions with empty tokens certainly 
means there is a bug somewhere and throwing an exception in that case 
could help authors identify the issue when it happens.


[whatwg] DOMTokenList feedback

2009-07-05 Thread Sylvain Pasche


I'm looking at the Gecko implementation of element.classList. I had a 
few comments about the spec.

1) missed 
something. There is still a mention of alphabetical sort order in the 
beginning of section 2.8.3:

element = tokenlist . item(index)
Returns the token with index index. The tokens are sorted alphabetically.

2) contains/add/remove/toggle should mention what happens if an empty 
string token is passed in the token argument. Looking at the DOM Core 
exceptions, throwing a SYNTAX_ERROR seems to be the best match in this 
case (if we consider an empty string as invalid):

SYNTAX_ERR, introduced in DOM Level 2.
If an invalid or illegal string is specified.

3) case sensitivity. Would be nice to address [1].
Note that the definition of uniqueness for .length and .item() will also 
need to be revisited if we want to handle classes in a case-insensitive 
way in quirks mode.



[whatwg] Cross browser automated tests

2008-05-20 Thread Sylvain Pasche


I'm working on an experimental project to build a set of cross browser
automated tests. The idea would be to have a repository of browser
independent automated tests. Existing test suites could be imported into it.

These tests could be run automatically on today's available browsers 
with the results published. Spec writers or web developers could check 
what feature is implemented on what browser and browser vendor could use 
that for their internal regression tests.

Would WHATWG be interested in such a project?

As a starting point, the testing environment and API would need to be 
defined. I'm thinking of the following requirements:
* Possible for browser vendors to integrate these tests in their testing 
* Minimal modifications necessary for migrating existing non automated 
test cases like the ones on or They should still report PASS/FAIL messages 
when run in a browser like they do now, which is convenient for testing 
test cases individually.

To meet these goals, such an API should be as unobtrusive as possible:
* One .js file to include
* A set of functions that can be called for performing the checks and 
life cycle functions (end of tests, ...)

Once this is defined, existing non automated test cases could be 
modified and imported in the repository. That could be lot of work if 
I'm looking at all the tests linked from, but I think there would be lots 
of benefit.

The other big part of the work is to develop the framework for running 
these tests automatically and reporting the results. I've already done 
some experiments by running automated tests from Mozilla and WebKit. The 
results are visible on

I started a thread on Mozilla [1] and WebKit lists [2]. There were some 
interesting discussions with Jeff Walden on the Mozilla list already.


